Management Chapter 2:

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Historical BEHAVIORAL view point: The Human relations movement:

Pioneered by Maslow . Hierachy of needs: Physiological, safety, love, esteem and self actualization. Pioneered by McGregor Theory Manager X vs Y X: Negative view on workers.Ex: A supervisor who considers employees to be irresponsible and wanting to be led rather than wanting to lead. Y: Positive view on workers. - Helps managers understand how their beliefs affect their behavior. aware of employee attidtude

Contemporary QUALITY View point:

Quality- Total ability of a product or service to meet customer needs. - Adds Values to products and services. Distinguishes from competitors. Two strategies: Control and Assurance

Problem with Historical CLASSICAL viewpoint:

Too Mechanistic ( Efficiently= Quantity) - Not taking account of human needs, or view them as machine. - Meant to boost productivity - Led to objectives and goal setting.

Contemporary CONTINGENCY Viewpoint : Evidence- Based Management: Facing Hard, Rejecting Nonsense

- Means translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality to the decision making process. - Facing what works and what doesn't. " True is better" than new. - Bringing rationality to the decision making process is a major aim of evedice-based management

Historical BEHAVIORAL view point: The Behavioral Science Approach

- Relies on scientific research for developing theories about human behavior that can be used to provide practical tools for manager.s EX: psychology, sociology, economics. anthropology.

Historical classical viewpoint: Scientific Management

- Soldiering; deliberately working at less than full capacity. " Underachieving" Taylor believed managers could eliminate with these four principles. - Known as Father of scientific management. - If used correctly, it can enhance productivity of individual workers. -Pioneered by Taylor and Gilbreths 1. Evaluate a task by studying each part of the task " Motion studies" 2. Carefully select workers with right abilities for task. Have different rate $ system for more efficient workers. 3. Give workers the training and incentives to do the task with the proper work methods. 4. Use scientific principles to plan the work methods and ease way for workers to do their jobs.

Historical CLASSICAL Viewpoint Administrative Management:

-Pioneered by Fayol and Weber - Concerned with managing the total organization. - Fayol was first to systematize management behavior. - "General and industrial management" important work. - first to identify major functions: Planning, organizing, leading, controlling. Weber and the rationality of Bureaucracy( Was rational, efficient, ideal) - Important influence in structure of large corporations. Features for positions of authorities. 1. Well defined hierarchy of authority. 2. Formal rules and procedures 3. A clear division of labor handled by specialists 4. Im-perosnality, without connection to particular person. 5. Careers based on merit.

How to build a learning Organization

1. Build a commitment for employees to encourage to make decisions, and instill the intellectual and emotional commitment idea of learning. 2. generate ideas with impact, add value for customers, employees and shareholders. Innovating. Increase employee competence through training. 3. Work to generalize ideas with impact. Reduce barriers so employees can feel safe and comfortable to increase sharing of success, failures and best practices.

Historical VIEWPOINTS:

1. Classical: ways to manage work more efficiently ( Quantity) 2. Behavioral: understanding human behavior, motivating/encouraging employees toward achievement. 3.Quantitative views: Apply quantitative points to management

What is a Learning Organization:

1. Creates and acquires knowledge 2. Transferring Knowledge 3. Modifying Behavior Encourage employees to use new knowledge obtained to change their behavior to help organization goals. :

Historical BEHAVIORAL viewpoint: components.

1. Early Behaviorist: Mayo, Follett, 2. Human relations movement: Proposed better human relations could increase worker productivity.: Maslow, McGregor 3. Behavioral science approach: Relies on scientific research for developing theory to provide practical management tools

What are the two mind sets

1. Fixed mind-set: Believing your basic qualities are carved in stone. Concerned how they will be judged, as on intelligence or personal qualities. 2. The growth mind set: Believing your basic qualities can be changed through your effort. Concerned with improving. Try to overcome failure.

Historical PERSPECTIVE Viewpoint:components.

1. Management science: Focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving, strategic p[planning and decision making EX: operations research. 2. Operations Management: Focuses on managing the production, work scheduling,facilities location, design, production and delivery of an organizations products or services more effectively.

Historical CLASSICAL Viewpoint components.

1. Scientific Management: Emphasized scientific study of work methods to improve productivity of individual workers. - Frank Taylor, and Gilbreth were proponents. 2. Administrative Management: - Concerned with managing the total organization -Fayol, Weber.

Contemporary QUALITY View point: Total Quality Management

1. Stress teamwork, not just give orders. 2. Focus on mission 3. " Fitness for use" product should satisfy customers real needs.

Contemporary VIEWPOINTS-System,Contingency, Quality

1. System Viewpoint- regard the organization as systems of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose. 2. Contingency Viewpoint: Emphasizes that managers approach should vary according to individual and environmental situation.EX:" What method is the best to use under these particular circumstances" 3. Quality: Three approaches: Quality control, quality assurance, and total quality management.

6 reasons for studying theoretical " Theory" perspectives:

1. Theories help Understand the present 2. Guide to action: Help make predictions and enable to develop a set of principles that will guide your actions. 3. Source of New ideas: 4. Clues to Help understand firms focus, where the top managers are " coming from" 5. Clues to understand events outside the organization that could affect it or you. 6. Producing positive results. Understand why certain management practices have been so successful for many firms.

Historical and Contemporary: The two PERSPECTIVES about management.

A.) . HISTORICAL ( 1911-1950's) include 1. classical 2. behavioral 3. quantitative B.) CONTEMPORARY 2. contingency 3.Quality

Contemporary SYSTEM Closed, Open, Concept of Synergy. Mary Follet

Closed: Little interaction with its environment. Receives little feedback from the outside. EX: Classical Management. Ignores feedback. And mangement science Open: Continually interacts with its environment. Potential of producing synergy. Synergy: The idea that two or more forces combined create an effect that is greater than the sum of their individual effects. Example: Band Recognizes that all is, is networks of many interdependent parts that interact with each other to certain simple rules. Important to hear feedback for improvement.

Contemporary QUALITY View point: Total Quality Management( TQM)

Comprehensive approach. Led by top management. Dedicated to continue quality improvement, and customer satisfaction. 1. Make continuous improvement a priority. Company can achieve long term quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. 2. Get every employee involved: Team work 3. Listen to and Learn from customers and employees 4. Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems.

Contemporary QUALITY View point: Quality Control and Assurance

Control: strategy for minimizing errors by managing each state of production. Assurance: Focuses on the performance of Workers, urging employees to strive for " Zero Defects". Less successful.

Peter Drucker and 4 ideas he brought up

Created and inventor of modern management. Gave us the first handbook to manage organizations. 1. Workers should be treated as assets. 2. That the corporation could be considered a human community. 3. There is no business without a customer. 4. The institutionalized management practices are preferable to charismatic cult leaders.

Contemporary CONTINGENCY Viewpoint

Gary Hamel: Management Ideas are Not Fixed, they're a process - make improvements, innovate on how to manage companies, ongoing and systematic. -identify core beliefs that people have about the organization - Practical due to addressing problems on a case to case basis and varies solution accordingly. Is this belief ... 1. Worth challenging? 2. Universally valid? 3. how does it serve the interests of its adherents? are there people who draw reassurance or comfort form this belief? 4. Have our choices and assumptions conspired to make this belief self fulfilling?

Historical BEHAVIORAL view point: Early Behaviorism

Hugo Munster-berg: His ideas led to the field of industrial psychology, study of human behavior in workplace. Known as the father of industrial Psychology. 1. Study jobs and give people specific jobs suited for them. 2. Identify conditions where employees do their best work. 3. Strategies to influence employees to follow managements interest. - used to provide practical tools for managers Mary Follet: -Democratic - Today's concept of " Self- managed teams" or "Interdepartmental teams" -1. Organizations should be operated as communities.managers and employees working comparatively. 2. Conflicts resolved by integration; talking over differences 3. Work process should be under control of workers with relevant knowledge, rather than managers. Elton Mayo " Hawthorne Effect" -Employees worked harder if they received added attention, if managers cared,and supervisors paid attention to them" - Critic: doubtful of ^, rather workers worked hard because of particular instructional method or social innovation. - study faulted - original focus of the hawthrone studies was the effec of lighting on worker productiviy

complexity viewpoint

attempt to understand how organizations with their relatively siple structures adapt to their environmens.

quantitative management

the application to management of quantitative techniques, such as statistics and computer simulations. Two branches of quantitative management are management science and operations management.

Contemporary SYSTEM View point:

view as * Subsystems: Parts making up the whole system OR Part of the larger Environment .Four Parts 1. Inputs: What goes into a system to produce an organizations goods or services. Resources a company needs to make its products Ex: People, money, information, equipment. 2. Transformation process: Main activity is to transform input into output. Ex: Capabilities in management, internal process, and technology. 3. Outputs: Whatever comes out the system. EX: Products, services, profits, losses, employee satisfaction 4. Feedback: Info. about the reaction of the environment to the outputs that affects the inputs. Ex: Are customers buying the product?

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