Management Chapter 8

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Self Managed Teams

groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains -employees act as their own supervisor Involves: -delegated activities such as: planning, scheduling, monitoring, and staffing

Forming (stage 1)

"Ice breaking" stage -members are likely to be uncertain and anxious about such things as their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals. -mutual trust is low, and there is a good deal of holding back to see who takes charge and how.

Effective Virtual Team Participation and Management


Performing (stage 4)

Activity during this vital stage is focused on solving task problems, as contributors get their work done without hampering others. -are mature task groups that have a common commitment and collaborate to achieve their purpose

To evaluate whether team building exercises have been effective, those who design them should:

CLEAR OBJECTIVES -identify which outcomes are most relevant for a particular team, such as increased sales, customer satisfaction, etc... VALIDATION -confirming that team building efforts actually link to the desired changes in behavior and attitudes PERFORMANCE INFORMATION what data are needed to track the previous two elements and how will they be obtained?

Practical Ways to Build Trust

COMMUNICATION -keeping team members informed by providing information on policies and giving accurate feedback SUPPORT -being available and approachable. Provide help, advice, coaching, and support for team members' ideas. RESPECT -demonstrating respect by delegating responsibilities FAIRNESS -Be quick to give credit and recognition to those who deserve it. PREDICTABILITY -being predictable and consistent, keeping promises COMPETENECE Enhance your credibility by demonstrating good business sense, technical ability, and professionalism.

Three Forms of Trust

CONTRACTUAL TRUST Trust of character. Do people do what they say they are going to do? Do managers and employees make clear what they expect of one another? COMMUNICATION TRUST trust of disclosure. how well do people share information and tell the truth? COMPETENCE TRUST Trust of capability. How effectively do people meet or perform their responsibilities and acknowledge other people's skills and abilities?

Common Team work Competencies

CONTRIBUTES TO THE TEAM'S WORK -completed work in a timely manner -came to meetings prepared -did complete and accurate work CONSTRUCTIVELY INTERACTS WITH TEAM MEMBERS -communicated effectively -listened to teammates -accepted feedback KEEPS TEAM ON TRACK -helped team plan and organize work -stayed aware of team members' progress -provided constructive feedback EXPECTS QUALITY WORK -expected team to succeed -cared that the team produced quality work POSSESSES RELEVANT KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES (KSAs ) FOR TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES -possessed necessary KSAs to contribute meaningfully to the team -applied knowledge and skill to fill in as needed for other members' roles

crowd or organization vs. group

CROWD or ORGANIZATION -the size of a group is limited by the possibilities of mutual interaction and mutual awareness -they do not interact and do not percieve themselves to be a group even if they are aware of each other -not all aware of each other and do not all interact with each other

The 3 Cs of effective teams

Charters and strategies Composition Capacity

3 Cs of team players (the "charge cover" or the bare minimum to be considered a team player)

Committed Collaborative Competent

group influence

Weaves individuals into the group's social fabric by: -communicating and enforcing both role expectations and norms

Formal Group

assigned by organizations or their managers to accomplish specific goals -organizational and individual -ex. work group, team, committee, task force

Team composition

describes the collection of jobs, personalities, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience of team members

Task Roles

enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose -keep the group on track

Informal Group

exists when the members' overriding purpose of getting together is friendship or a common interest

maintenance roles

foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships -keep group together

virtual teams

work together over time and distance via electronic media to combine effort and achieve common goals -it is more difficult to establish team cohesion, work satisfaction, trust, cooperative behavior, and commitment to team goals

Group cohesiveness

the feeling that binds group members together


the reciprocal belief that another person will consider the effects of his intentions and behaviors on you

social loafing

the tendency for individual effort to decline as group size increases reasons for it: -being uninterested in the task -not liking one or more team members

Team adaptive capacity

(ex.adaptability) is important to meet changing demands and to effectively transition members in and out. -is fostered by individuals who are motivated both to achieve an accurate view of the world (vs. enthocentric or self-centered view) and to work effectively with others to achieve outcomes.

How to Build Effective Teams Quickly

-Break the Ice (learn peoples skills and abilities) -Don't reinvent the wheel -Communicate a purpose and a plan -Play to strengths

Research on individual and group goal setting agree that

-commitment to the goals will achieve better outcomes -goals are more effective if they are clearly understood -challenging but achievable goals are motivating and associated with better results

some managers believe that personal friendships on the job:

-foster increased productivity -reduce productivity

Guard against loafing

-limit group size -assure equity of effort to mitigate the possibility that a member can say "everyone else is goofing off, so why shouldn't I?" -hold people accountable -Hybrid rewards - those that include team and individual components (hold members accountable both as individuals and as a team)

The use of self-managed teams in organizations requires changes:

-revolutionary changes in management philosophy, structure, staffing, and training purposes , and reward systems. -systems of authority

Effective Team Size

-teams range from 2 to 25 members -effective teams typically have fewer than 10 members -suggestion is to limit a team to 9 or fewer members -coordinating with more people becomes too difficult- if not counter productive -we are asked not to fixate on any particular team size -team size should be determined by the requirements of the task at hand

Reina Model (for restoring trust when it has been compromised)

1. Acknowledge what caused trust to be compromised 2. allow feelings and emotions to be discussed, constructively. 3. Get and give support to others in the process 4. Reframe the experience and shift from being a victim to taking a look at options and choices 5. Take responsibility. Ask "What did I do or not do that caused this to happen?" 6. Forgive yourself and others 7. Let go and move on

Maintenance roles

ENCOURAGER fosters group solidarity by accepting and praising various points of view HARMONIZER mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor COMPROMISER helps resolve conflict by meeting others "halfway" GATEKEEPER encourages all group members to participate STANDARD SETTER evaluates the quality of group processes COMMENTATOR records and comments on groups processes/dynamics FOLLOWER serves as a passive audience

** read more about this (264-266) Rank Tuckman's five stage model of group development


Norming (stage 3)

Groups that make it through stage 2 generally do so because a respected member, other than the leader, challenges the group to resolve it's power struggles so something can be accomplished -Group cohesiveness: the "we feeling" that binds members of a group together, is the principal by-product

group task role

INITIATOR -suggests new goals or ideas INFORMATION SEEKER/GIVER -clarifies key issues OPINION SEEKER/GIVER -clarifies pertinent values ELABORATOR -promotes greater understanding through examples or exploration of implications COORDINATOR -pulls together ideas and suggestions ORIENTER -keeps group headed toward its stated goal(s) EVALUATOR -tests group's accomplishments with various criteria such as logic and practicality ENERGIZER prods group to move along or to accomplish more PROCEDURAL TECHNICIAN -performs routine duties (ex. handing out materials or rearranging seats) RECORDER -performs a "group memory" function by documenting discussion and outcomes

A group becomes a team when: (characteristics of a team)

LEADERSHIP becomes a shared activity ACCOUNTABILITY shifts from strictly individual to both individual and collective PURPOSE the group develops it's own purpose or mission PROBLEM SOLVING becomes a way of life, not a part-time activity EFFECTIVENESS is measured by the group's collective outcomes and products

Characteristics of High Performing Teams

PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP creating interdependency by empowering, freeing up, and serving others SHARED RESPONSIBILITY establishing an environment in which all team members feel as responsible as the manager for the performance of the work unit ALIGNED ON PURPOSE having a sense of common purpose about why the team exists and the function it serves HIGH COMMUNICATION creating a climate of trust and open, honest communication FUTURE FOCUSED seeing change as an opportunity for growth FOCUSED ON TASK keeping meetings focused on results CREATIVE TALENTS applying individual talents and creativity RAPID RESPONSE identifying and acting on opportunities



Adjourning (stage 5)

The work is done; it is time to move on to other things. The return to independence can be eased by rituals celebrating "the end" and "new beginnings"

Storming (stage 2)

This is a time of testing. Individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure -subgroups take shape, and subtle forms of rebellion, such as procrastination occur


Two or more freely acting individuals who -share norms -share goals -have a common identity

Team building

a catchall term for a host of technique aimed at improving the internal functioning of work groups -teambuilding workshops strive for greater cooperation, better communication, and less dyfunctional conflict


a set of expected behaviors for a particular position

group role

a set of expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole


a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.


an attitude, opinion, feeling, or action- shared by two or more people- that guides behavior


an attitude, opinion, feeling, or action- shared by two or more people-that guides behavior -help create order -allow groups to function more efficiently (prevents groups from having to progress through the development process each and every time they meet) -shared phenomena and they apply to the group, team, or organizational level

Team performance strategies

deliberate plans that outline what exactly the team is to do, such as goal setting and defining particular member soles, tasks, and responsibilities

Team charters

describe how a team will operate, such as processes for sharing information and decision making (teamwork) developing one early in the development process with help the team to succeed in: -the decision making process -how the team will share information -how the team will operate

Research from the last two decades shows that the use of self-managed teams:

improves work-life quality and customer service


occurs when specialists from different areas are put on the same team

Body Esteem

positivity with which one holds their body image

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