Management Exam 3

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Which of the following characteristics relates to situational leadership theory?

A leadership model whose premise is that a leader's style should be contingent on subordinate's competence and commitment

What is a path-goal theory?

A model concerned with how a leader affects employee's perceptions of their personal and work goals and the paths to goal attainment

What is meant by expectancy?

A person's expectation that effort will lead to high performance

Which of the following characteristics relates to motivation?

An inner drive that directs behavior toward goals

Which of the following refers to behaviors that disrupt the group, draw attention to individual rather than group functioning, and detract from positive interactions?

Anti-group roles

Which of the following refers to the broad range of body motions and begaviors, from facial expressions to the distance one person stands from another, that send messages to a reciever?

Body Language

What name is given to the medium or method used to transmit the intended information and menaing (such as leaving an email or telling a person face to face)?


Which of the following seeks to regulate overall organizational functioning through reliance on informal, organic structural arrangements?

Clan Control

Which of the following refers to an organizationally based source of power derived from a leader's control over punishment?

Coercive Power

What term describes a permanent formal group that does some specific task; may be either a functional or cross-functional group?


What term describes a group of theories that assume that workers are motivated by the desire to satisfy needs and that seek to identify what their needs are?

Content Theories

What term describes the suggestion that successful leadership requires matching leaders with primarily stable leadership styles to the demands of the situation?

Contingency theory

Which of the following characteristics relates to non financial controls?

Controls that provide a company with a method to measure non financial performance such as ethics and compliance activities as well as those related to sustainability

The process of interpreting and attaching personal meaning to the message


What name is given to most effective managers, who engage in both dimensions of leadership behaviors by getting employees involved in the operation of their departments or divisions in a positive and constructive manner....

Employee-centered leaders

What term describes the process of providing employees with the ability to contribute input and take on responsibilities for organizational decisions?


The process of transforming information into understandable symbols, typically spoken or written words or gestures


What term describes a theory stating that the extent to which people are willing to contribute to an organization depends on their assessment of the fairness of the rewards they will receive in exchange?

Equity Theory

The receiver's response to the sender's communication


What is meant by budgets?

Formal, written plans for future operations in financial terms

Group members meet for the first time, become acquainted, and become familiar with the group tasks


What term describes the tendency of some individuals to perform at less than their optimum in groups, relying instead on others to carry their share of the workload?


What are functional groups?

Groups that perform specific organizational functions, with members from several vertical levels of the hierarchy

Which of the following characteristics relates to management control?

Includes all activities an organization undertakes to ensure that its actions lead to achievement of its objectives

Which of the following characteristics relates to nonverbal communication?

Information conveyed by actinas and behaviors rather than by spoken or written words

What name is given to a description of how leaders develop unique working relationships with each of their employees, based on the nature of their social exchange?

Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory

The stage where conflicts are largely resolved, and harmony ensues


What term describes the natural and essential process of categorizing, interpreting, and attaching value to the selected stimuli?

Perceptual Organization

Members have reached a level of maturity that facilitates total task development


What are targets set by management against which actual results are compared at a future date?

Perfromance Standards

Which of the following refers to a norm that is accepted . by some but that is not important for organizational success?

Peripheral norms

Which of the following refers to a person's capacity to influence the behavior and attitudes of others?


Which of the following refers to a set of theories that try to determine how and why employees are motivatied to perform?

Process Theories

The advantages of management control include all of the following EXCEPT

Provides management advancements opportunities

What term describes the act of weakening or eliminating an undesired behavior by providing negative consequences?


The person to whom The information and meaning are sent


What name is given to a process theory that assumes that behavior may be reinforced by relaring to its consequences?

Reinforcement Theory

What name is given to the behaviors expected of a specific group member?


Which of the following refers to an intact group of employees who are responsible for a whole work process or segment that delivers a good or service to an internal or external customer?

Self-directed work team

What is the theory that states that employees learn not onbly through direct experience but also through observation and personal qualities?

Social Learning Theory

The stage where conflict occurs as a team member assert their roles, jockey for leadership positions, and make known their feeling and thoughts about the tasks


What type of control ensures that the organization effectively understands and responds to the realities of its environment?

Strategic Control

All of the following supervisor qualities support motivation EXCEPT

Task orientation

Which of the following refers to a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable?


Which of the following characteristics relates to leadership?

The process of influencing the activities for an individual or a group toward the achievement of a goal

Which of the following characteristics best relates to decoding?

The process of interpreting and attaching personal meaning to the message

Which of the following characteristics best describes communication?

The process through which information and meaning are transferred from one person to another

What is meant by perception?

The process through which we receive, filter, organize, interpret, and attach meaning to information taken in from the environment

What is gossip chain?

The spreading of information by one person to many others

What are maintenance factors?

Those aspects of a job that relate to the work setting, including adequate wages, comfortable working conditions, policies, and job security

What term describes upper-level managers establishing budgets and handing them to middle- and lower-level managers for review and implementation?

Top-down budgeting

What term describes a style that goes beyond mere exchange relationships by inspiring employees to look beyond their own self-interests and by generating awareness and acceptance of the groups purposes and mission?

Transformational leadership

What focuses on the social environmental, and economic impact of a company's operations equally and simultaneously?

Triple bottom line approach

Which of the following characteristics relates to group?

Two or more individuals who communicate with one another, share a collective identity, and have a common goal

Managers whose chief responsibility is to coordinate and supervise financial and other control activities are called


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