management final

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Reinforcement Theory

looks at the relationship between behavior and its consequences

Substitute for leadership

makes the leadership style unnecessary or redundant


means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful

job roatation

move employees from one job to another to give more variety


natural talents and abilities that have been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills and provide each individual with his or her best tools for accomplishment and satisfaction


neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation


passive, yet independent, critical thinker

global team

a cross-border team made up of members of different nationalities whose activities span multiple countries

virtual team

a group made up of geographically or organizationally dispersed members who are linked primarily through advanced information and telecommunications technologies

functional team

a manager and his or her subordinates in the formal chain of command

employee engagement

people enjoy their jobs, contribute enthusiastically, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment


people-oriented behavior and is the extent to which the leader is mindful of subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust

productive output

performance and the quality and quantity of task outputs


power sharing, the delegation of power and authority to subordinates in an organization

Goal Setting Theory

proposes that managers can increase motivation and enhance performance by setting specific, challenging goals, and then helping people track their progress toward goal achievement by providing timely feedback

Alderfer's ERG Theory

purposes three levels of needs: existence, relatedness, and growth

First dimension

quality of independent, critical thinking versus dependent, uncritical thinking


refers to an antagonistic interaction in which one party attempts to block the intentions or goals of another

coercive power

refers to authority to punish or recommend punishment

job enrichment

refers to incorporating high-level motivators into the work

Authentic Leadership

refers to individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistent with higher-order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness and authenticity

behvaior modification

refers to the set of techniques by which reinforcement theory is used to modify human behavior

avoidance learning

removal of an unpleasant consequence once a behavior is improved

Second dimension

actives versus passive behavior

Expert power

results from a persons's special knowledge or skill regarding the tasks being performed

An executive prioritizes the organization's mission and the needs and goals of subordinates, rather then ego gratification and personal success, can be described as...

servant leader

Transformational leaders

similar to charismatic leaders -distinguished by their special ability to bring about innovation and change

task specialist role

spend time and energy helping the team reach its goals -initiate ideas -give opinions -seek information -summarize -energize

law of effect

states that behavior that is positively reinforced tends to be repeated, and behavior that is not reinforced tends not to be repeated

reward power

stems from the authority to bestow rewards on other people

socioemotional role

support team members' emotional needs and help strengthen the social entity -encourage -harmonize -reduce tension -follow -compromise

positive reinforcement

the administration of a pleasant consequence following a desired behavior

job design

the application of motivational theories to the structure of work


the distinguished personal characteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, honesty, self-confidence, and even appearance


the effect that a person's actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others


the emphasis is on wrapping up and gearing down


the imposition of unpleasant outcomes


the major emphasis is on problem solving and accomplishing the assigned task


the potential ability to influence the behavior of others

Legitimate power

the power coming from a formal management position in an organization and the authority granted to it

Intrinsic reward

the satisfactions that a person receives in the process of performing a particular action

personal satisfaction

the team's ability to meet the personal needs of its members

social facilitation

the tendency for the presence of others to enhance one's performance


the withholding of a positive reward

Teams should be large enough...

to incorporate the diverse skills needed to complete a task, enable members to express good and bad feelings, and aggressively solve problems

Teams should be small enough...

to permit members to feel an intimate part of the team and to communicate effectively and efficiently

work redesign

altering jobs to increase both the quality of employees' work experience and their productivity

team norm

an informal standard of conduct that is shared by team members and guides their behavior -psychological safety -emotional expression -social sensitivity -equal participation

avoiding style (no way)

appropriate when an issue is trivial, when a delay to gather more information is needed, or when a disruption would be costly

compromising style

appropriate when the goals are equally important, when opponents have equal power, or when under time pressure

distributive negotiation

assumes that the size of the "pie" is fixed, and each party attempts to get as much of it as they can

self-managed teams

typically consist of 5 to 20 multi-skilled workers who rotate jobs to produce an entire product or service or at least one complete aspect or portion of a product or service

dominating style (my way)

useful when quick, decisive action is vital

Fiedler's Contingency Theory

considered a person's leadership style to be relatively fixed and difficult to change; therefore, the basic idea is to match the leader's style with the situation most favorable for his or her effectiveness


counteracts the leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors

job enlargement

creates broader job so that people perform a variety of activities


defined as anything that causes a certain behavior to be repeated or inhibited

frustration-regression principle

failure to meet a high-order need may trigger a regression to an already fulfilled lower-order need


focus on high-level needs and include achievement, recognition, responsibility, and opportunity for growth

Situational model

focuses attention on the characteristics of followers in determining appropriate leadership behavior

Equity Theory

focuses on individuals' perceptions of how fairly they are treated compared with others

extrinsic reward

given by another person, typically a manager, and include promotions, praise, and pay increases

Charismatic Leader

has the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice -stating a lofty vision -displaying an ability to understand and empathize with followers -empowering and trusting subordinates to accomplish results

Consequences of Cohesiveness

-Higher morale -Typically greater productivity

Reaching a Win-Win Solution

-Separate the people from the problem -Focus on interests, not current demands -Generate many alternatives for mutual gain -Insist that results be based on objective standards

Servant Leader

-Transcends self-interest to serve others, the organization, and society -In organizations, servant leaders operate on two levels: -for the fulfillment of their subordinates' goals and needs and -for the realization of the larger purpose or mission of their organization

Interpersonal Influence Tactics

-Use rational persuasion -help people to like you -rely on the rule of reciprocity -develop allies -ask for what you want -appeal to higher authority

collaborating style (our way)

style enables both parties to win

expectancy theory

suggests that motivation depends on individuals' expectations about their ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards

the capacity to adapt and learn

the ability of teams to bring greater knowledge and skills to job tasks and enhance the potential of the organization to respond


the ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals

Initiating structure

the extent to which the leader is task-oriented and directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment

Contemporary Leadership

The concept of leadership evolves as the needs of organizations change and may be affected by the following: -ethical and economic difficulties -corporate governance concerns -globalization -changes in technology -new ways of working -shifting employee expectations -significant social transitions

task conflict

disagreements among people about the goals to be achieved or the content of the tasks to be performed

relationship conflict

interpersonal incompatibility that creates tension and personal animosity among people

integrative negotiation

is based on a win-win assumption, in that all parties want to come up with a creative solution that can benefit both sides.

accommodating style (your way)

is used when issue is more important than self, when building social credit, or when harmony is especially important.

making progress principle

making progress toward meaningful goals and is a key to high motivaiton

Interactive Leadership

means that the leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority -particularly suited to women

Acquired Needs Theory

proposes that certain types of needs are acquired during the individual's lifetime including the following: -need for achievement -need for affiliation -need for power


refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action

employee growth-need strength

relates to the idea that people have different needs for growth and development

core job dimensions

skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback

The Personal Dilemma of Teamwork

We have to give up our independence We have to put up with free riders Teams are sometimes dysfunctional


orientation and getting acquainted -uncertainty is high and members usually accept whatever power or authority is offered by either formal or informal leaders


participates actively but doesn't use critical thinking skills

Contingency approaches

explore how the organizational situation influences leader effectiveness


conflict is resolved and team harmony and unity emerge

Advantages and challenges of virtual teams

-ability to assemble the most talented group of people -diversity -eliminates travel -building rapport and trust

causes of conflict

-competition over resources -communication breakdowns -trust issues

effective teams

-creativity and innovation -improved quality -speed of response -higher productivity and lower costs -enhanced motivation and satisfaction


-diverse teams produce more innovative solutions to problems -diversity is often a source of creativity -diversity may contribute to. a healthy level of disagreement that leads to better decision making

Leader qualities

-honest -competent -forward-looking -inspiring -intelligent

Follower qualities

-honest -competent -dependable -cooperative -loyal

Components of Authentic Leadership

-pursues purpose with passion -practices solid values -leads with the heart as well as the head -demonstrates self-discipline -connects with others -practices solid values

determinants of cohesiveness

-team interaction -shared goals -personal attraction to team -presence of competition -team success

Low directness-high intensity

A person using this approach expresses a conflict ambiguously but uses aggressive tactics like ignoring or bullying.

High directness-high intensity

A person using this approach expresses a conflict unambiguously by using aggressive or antagonistic verbal and nonverbal communication


A unit of two or more people who interact and coordinate their work to accomplish a goal to which they are committed and hold themselves mutually accountable.

Level 5 Leadership

Almost complete lack of ego (humility) coupled with fierce resolve to do what is best for the organization (will)

Job Characteristics Model

Core Job dimensions, Psychological States, and employee growth-need strength

Leader Qualities

Focus on people -visionary -promotes change -defines purpose -nurtures -innovates -personal power

Manager Qualities

Focus on the organization -rational -maintains stability -assigns tasks -organizes -analyzes -position power

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Proposes that people are motivated by the following: - Physiological needs like food, water, and air - Safety needs related to the physical and psychological environment - Belongingness needs like being accepted by peers and having friends - Esteem needs related to positive self-image, recognition, and appreciation - Self-actualization or developing one's full potential

Low directness-low intensity

With this approach, a person expresses conflict in an ambiguous, low-key way. Behaviors might include withholding information an opponent needs or deliberately missing a deadline

High directness-low intensity

With this approach, communication is also unambiguous, but the person uses a low-voltage style, such as asking questions, listening, debating, and deliberating.

pragmatic survivor

behavior depends on which style fits with the prevalent situation


both a critical, independent thinker and active in the organization

Robert E. Kelley

came up with five follower styles, which are categorized according to two dimensions

Transactional leaders

clarify the role and task requirements of subordinates, initiate structure, provide appropriate rewards, and try to be considerate and meet the social needs of subordinates

Referent power

comes from an individual's personal characteristics that command others' identification, respect, and admiration so that they wish to emulate that individual

content theories

emphasize the needs that motivate people

cross-functional team

employees from about the same hierarchical level but different areas of expertise

Critical Psychological States

experienced meaningfulness of the work, experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work, knowledge of the actual results of the work activities

Process theories

explain how people select behavioral actions to meet their needs and determine whether their choices were successful


individual personalities and roles emerge -marked by conflict and disagreement -expression of emotions helps to build camaraderie and a shared understanding of goals and tasks

Hygine factors

involve the presence or absence of job dissatisfiers

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