Management Functions

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(cultural pluralism), there are a lot of cross-cultural differences between groups.


(one-way-best myth), the way of this community is the best possible way.


(only-one-way myth), the way of this community is the only way we know about

Family and Medical Leave Act (1991)

): asserted that employees with medical or family needs should receive twelve weeks unpaid leave without threat of termination

False or unconsidered assumptions

A manager's unconscious prejudices can lead to poor decisions, especially in hiring; for instance, a manager may assume that a woman or a small man is incapable of performing a job requiring physical strength

wildcat strike

A strike that is against the rules of the union contract

Integration Methods

Coordination by standardization and formalization, Coordination by plan, Coordination by mutual adjustment

Communication difficulties

Manager's waste time repeating themselves and elaborating on simple instructions. Lack of social comfort and trust: employees find it difficult to relate to one another and feel ill at ease in one another's presence

European Union (EU) ), formerly the European Community (EC)

One of the purposes of the union is to allow the easy passage of people and materials

Functional level strategy

Steps for accomplishing business-level strategies. it has to do with the procurement and distribution of resources, whether human or material

the Steps in implementing a strategy

Strategic task definition, organization capabilities evolution, implementation agenda development, and implementation plan development

situational attributes

The behavior of other people may be the result of external circumstances

dispositional attributes

The behavior of some people is caused by internal circumstances

Locus of control

The extent to which an employee will take responsibility for himself or herself. which is his or her perception of personal determination

Behavioral theory of leadership

There are two leadership behaviors at the center of the behavioral theory of leadership; task-accomplishment and sensitivity for the feelings of subordinates. A leader who demonstrates both o these behaviors Will always be effective.

Hawthorne Studies and the Hawthorne Effect

These inquiries into the correlation between working conditions and productivity. The opening set of experiments had to do with lighting: the researchers raised and lowered the lights as they measured the productivity of a group of sample workers. The disappointing result of this first experiment was that the variations in productivity were most likely related to the observation of the scientists than to the lighting. the idea was that social factors contribute more than environmental factors to productivity

Six Sigma Quality approach

This approach is named after the Greek letter that defines the number of deviations in a process; when this number is higher, there are fewer defects in a product or process. this approach aims for 99.99966% instances of a product or process to be error-free. In so doing, they also hope to accelerate production cycles, improve customer satisfaction, and lower production costs

Job enrichment

When employees feel that they do not have enough responsibility, are not growing professionally, and are not being recognized for their performance, they are more likely to perform below capacity or leave a job entirely. it aims to reduce these occurrences by giving employees more autonomy and a broader set ofskills

Douglas McGregor's motivational Theory X

X assumes that workers require direction from management, and that their behavior can be pinned to persuasion, punishment, rewards, and coercion.

Evolutionary planning model

a business makes changes incrementally over a long period

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

a cartel of twelve Middle Eastern, African, and South American countries that produce oil. its intention is to regulate the supplies and prices of oil and to guarantee profits for the members and steady supply to customers

Value chain analysis

a close look at the series of business activities that culminates in the delivery of a product or service.

Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)

a common quality planning cycle. the organization identifies the quality improvement changes that need to be made, the organization test those changes with a small sample run, the employees determine whether the implemented changes had the desired effect, and if the small sample run indicates that the changes were positive, the changes are implemented across the full range of production

Strategic map

a kind of chart on which organization illustrates strategic tactical, and operational goals. should be easy

Systematic decision-making

a manager who weighs the various alternatives before coming to a decision. having access to all relevant information is a necessity.

Process theories of motivation

a person's internal drive is the result of mental decisions and intentional thought processes. The two main branches of are expectancy theory and equity theory.

Revolutionary planning model

a quality planning model where in business process all changes are made are performed at the same time

nominal group technique

a structured method for group brainstorming that encourages contributions from everyone and facilitates quick agreement on the relative importance of issues, problems, or solutions. Team members begin by writing down their ideas initially without talking to each other, then selecting which idea they feel is best

strategic alliance

a way for an organization to organize. it is a formal relationship between two or more businesses, who have agreed to work together on mutual goals. These organizations may share ownership and management. it is a shortcut for businesses that want to quickly enter a market but are missing one key component. In order for a strategic alliance to prosper, both parties need to feel they are benefiting

Competitive benchmarking

a way that a business assess their own performance and develop ideas for future progress. it entails close examination of the performance of another business, typically a top competitor. it then analyzes their performance and compare it to theirs for the future

Delphi technique

a well-established approach to answering a research question through the identification of a consensus view across subject experts. It allows for reflection among participants, who are able to nuance and reconsider their opinion based on the anonymized opinions of others. it emphasizes reason and expertise.

Comparable-worth doctrine

a woman who does work of equal worth to that of a man deserves to be paid as well as the man. There are no statutes requiring comparable-worth compensation, but some laws support this doctrine

Dimensions of customer service quality

access, communication, credibility, reliability, responsiveness, security, tangibles, competence, courtesy and customer knowledge


adjustments to the size of an organization that place it in an optimal position to succeed; could include enlarging or diminishing the size of the organization

Steps 6-7 of the decision making process

after all the information has been weighed, the manager should make the decision that creates the best possible outcome, then the decision should be implemented

Tactical planning

aimed at goals to be accomplished over the next 2-5 years. may contain a number of options to achieve goals

business-level strategy

aims at improving a company's competitive advantage. it aim at improving product differentiation, customer focus, or cost leadership.

Trait theory of leadership

all successful leaders have certain personal characteristics in common: initiative, ambition; energy, desire for improvement, self-assurance, competence, and a firm grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of others.

The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

allows 27 nations to trade and develop their internal markets. the members gather and negotiate trade agreements. They also discuss issues, such as terrorism and political instability that could potentially disrupt trade

Web-Pomerene Export Trade Act (1918)

allows U.S. businesses to violate antitrust laws in the development of certain export markets so long as the businesses do not compete unfairly or reduce competition in the domestic market

Centralized organization

almost all the essential decisions are made by a core team of upper management

Mission statement

an expression of its purpose, values, and goals. should be general, but specific enough to serve as a guide.

Horizontal organization form

an organizational structure with fewer differences in status and authority

leader-member exchange (LMX) theory

analyzes leadership as a set of relationships between leader and individual followers. In these relationships, roles must be negotiated. A leader will have varying degrees of influence and success in modifying the behavior of different employees. If the leader and employee have a low relationship, the employee receives basic rewards for following à clear set of rules. If the relationship between the leader and the employee is high, on the other hand, the leader has the power to give the employee special rewards


any alteration to business processes that has the effect of improving service, price, quality, or efficiency. i.e the purchase of new and better equipment

total quality management (TQM)

approach emphasizes ongoing improvement of all processes. In order for the system to work, there have to be sophisticated systems for gathering information, measuring processes, and coordinating process improvements. The entire company needs to be in agreement in order for this approach to work

Coordination by standardization and formalization

appropriate for stable work environments; employees are given directions and standard operating procedures, and are encouraged to interact through formal channels

Scale economies

are a creation of profit by producing at high volume and low cost

Stabilization relationships

are based on one department's need for permission from another department, for instance, sales departments may need permission from the accounting department to purchase advertising.

Service relationships

are based on one employee's direct assistance of another, for instance, computer technicians provide services to accounts managers

Audit relationships

are based on the evaluation of one employee by another, for example, accountants monitor the financial activities of other departments

Work-flow relationships

are based on the flow of material or information through a company; for instance, the employees responsible for calculating sales figures will have relationships with members of the accounting department.

Advisory relationships

are based on the oversight of one employee by another, for example, a legal department oversees the operations of the sales team

Cooperative strategies

are changes made by multiple organizations together.

Independent strategies

are changes made by one organization or department within an organization.

Sociotechnical systems

are combinations of social and technical efficiencies that are used to improve systems


are companies that are always looking to acquire, sell, or cooperate with other businesses


are companies that maintain one successful product for a long time

Functional organizations

are departments are organized by function and necessary skills.

Process innovations

are new or improved ways of making and distributing products

Joint ventures

are partnerships between companies in two different countries. These can be very useful when one company is unfamiliar with a foreign market and wants to take advantage of the expertise of a company based there

Bridge leaders

are people who inhabit two roles or communities, and work to connect them.

Flexible processes

are reforming core processes so as to meet customization demands.

Line departments

are responsible for the most important tasks completed by the company.

Economies of scope

are savings created by using materials and equipment for multiple processes

Diseconomies of scale

are the costs that are unique to large companies, as for instance administrative confusion, reduced speed of communication, and missed opportunities due to lack of agility.

Core competencies

are the skills and knowledge unique to a particular business, which gives it a competitive advantage

Technology life cycle

are the trend of innovation, in which it begins as a new idea, eventually saturates the market, and ends up being replaced by something new

Staff departments

are trained to provide assistance to line departments

Network organizations

assemblages of single-function businesses brought together to accomplish a specific goal; one business is typically in charge of managing the relationships

directive decision maker

assembles important information but emphasizes the necessity of making a quick decision. not afraid to take risks

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

assert rules for workplace safety, as for instance mandatory onsite inspections and record-keeping related to deaths and injuries

Decision-making skills

assessments and evaluations of available options, followed by the making of well-considered choices

Liaison relationships

based on a shared third party, for instance, many departments have direct contact with customers

Hierarchical culture (inflexible, internal)

based on strict rules and guidelines; leaders reinforce these rules


basic set of prescription for the implementation of the policy. it help support the strategies of the business

Diminished cohesiveness

because employees come from different backgrounds, they have less in common and find it harder to get along; in this situation, it is essential to get the entire group united behind the organizational mission

Organizational capabilities evolution

before the strategy is implemented, a group of knowledgeable employees, known as a task force, should be assembled to discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of the organization with respect to the proposed strategy; the task force should report to upper management

Ways to accelerate group decision-making

brainstorming, nominal group technique, and the Delphi technique

standing plan

can be used again and again for similar functions. can articulate a company's policy

slack resources

can be used in case material or personnel needs are underestimated. An organization often has part-time workers or extra inventory to serve as this. recognized to be those spare capabilities and assets of the organization that are variable reclaimable for re-deployment.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 1938

categorized exempt and non-exempt employees and established minimum wage, child labor, and maximum hour laws

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978)

categorized pregnancy as a disability and entitled pregnant women to the benefits afforded other disabled people

Network organization

centers on changing relationships among manufacturers, consumers, buyers, and sellers. These organizations may be virtual, as when they only exist for a limited time, and modular, as when they consist of a central firm doing business with a number of peripheral organizations

Myers-Briggs personality

classification system divides people into four cognitive styles: sensation-thinking, intuition-thinking, sensation-feeling, and intuition-feeling. The system also classifies people in terms of extroversion-introversion and a tendency towards judgment or perception

Matrix organizations

combine functional and divisional structures. In such an organization, some employees may be responsible to multiple managers, and employees from different departments may be grouped to complete a project.

integrating differentiating parts

combining the different parts, or departments to improve communication and coordination

Pacing technologies

competitive advantage is not yet obvious, but potential is apparent

behavioral decision maker

concentrates on the effect of the decisions of other people. here, you're more than likely going to ask the opinions of others before making a decision

Time-based planning concepts

concept-to-customer cycle, reengineering, the horizontal organization form, and Cycle Time Reduction and its 3 percent rule

William Ouchi

created Theory Z- which combined the American focus on individual responsibility with the Japanese emphasis on group decision-making. emphasis is placed on employees' needs and characterized by positive work-related outcomes such as long-term employment, collective decision making, slow evaluation and promotion, holistic concern for employees, and individual responsibility within a group context

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, otherwise known as the Landrum-Griffin Act (1959)

created a bill of rights for union members, including union reporting requirements and control over union dues

Competitive intelligence

data that can be used to improve market share

Path-goal theory of leadership

defines the leader as the link between the organization and the employee. if the leader is successful, there are positive outcomes for both parties.

Participative behavior

delegation of some authority to employees, appropriate when employees are motivated and competent

run charts

depict the changes and problems that affect an organization over a particular interval; it is a two-axis chart, in which the horizontal axis is time and the vertical axis is quality.

Charismatic leadership

derives its power from the positive, magnetic personality of the leader.

W. Edwards Deming

details the steps that must be taken to transform a company's quality culture. It is a theory that means it is insufficient to simply solve problems that arise. A culture of continuous improvement must be established and maintained with the overall goal of achieving customer satisfaction. asserted that organizations that focused on improving quality would automatically reduce costs while those that focused on reducing cost would automatically reduce quality and actually increase costs as a result. outlined 14 points of quality management, including training, leadership, and continuous organizational improvements.


devote more money to the SBU; a good choice for BUs that are stars or have the potential to become stars.


devote the same amount of money to the SBU; a good choice for maintaining the market share of cash cows.

fundamentals of business organization

differentiation and integration

Scatter diagrams

displays the relationships between two variables, such as the relationship between materials and product quality

Multicultural organizations

diversity is an avowed goal and minorities are present at all levels. Indeed, managers make a point of using the diverse backgrounds of employees to the advantage of the firm

Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)

divided employees into exempt, such as managers and others who could not receive overtime pay, and non-exempt, who could.

Scientific management

divides work tasks into small components, the performance of which can be measured and refined. One of the earliest proponents of this philosophy, Frederick Taylor, emphasized multistep processes and job specialization. He asserted that employees who perform the same simple task repetitively will become more efficient than employees who are responsible for a number of different tasks

Delegation skills

effective distribution of task to those employees capable of performing them and comprehensive oversight of the delegated tasks

Pluralistic organizations

eliminates discrimination and employs people from all races, ethnicities, and genders

Affective commitment

emotional affiliation with the goals, values, and mission of the organization

Coordination by mutual adjustment

emphasis is on constant communication between departments; appropriate for simple tasks that require versatility

Behavioral Science Approach Theory (Mary Parker Follett and Hugo Munsterburg)

emphasis is on improving productivity by minimizing office conflict and maximizing employee motivation. it focuses on attitudes, motivations, and group dynamics to influence employee performance

Systems Theory (Chester Barnard)

emphasis on the examination of inputs, processing, output, and feedback as well as the interrelations between these factors. the idea is that everything is interrelated and interdependent. businesses consists of multiple components that work together

Peter Senge

emphasized the role of education in organizations, including a focus on systems thinking and mental models. believed that people are continually learning and expand their capacity to create results they truly desire. thought it was important to create a learning organization

Human Relations Approach Theory (Elton Mayo)

emphasizes non-financial rewards for employees; focuses on building morale and positive relationships. this theory focuses on people rather than machines or economics. it emphasizes the importance of people, and takes into account the informal organizations in the workplace

Equity theory

emphasizes perceptions of fairness and justice in the workplace. Employees tend to work hard if they feel that others are working hard, and that their own efforts are being justly rewarded. The ratio of individual effort to reward is called the reference ratio

High-involvement organizations

employees are given a stake in the fortunes of the business. Managers will consult lower-level employees before making important decisions and employees will receive continuous feedback and progress reports from management.

Coordination by plan

employees are given more leeway with respect to methods, but are encouraged to communicate with one another; appropriate when employees are very skilled

profit-sharing plan

employees receive an annual bonus if the business reaches a certain target of profit. The system tends to improve team spirit.

merit pay system

employees receive bonuses based on their individual performance. There must be a specific rating system agreed upon by managers

Douglas McGregor's motivational Theory Y

employees want to succeed but will not thrive unless they are given autonomy. This theory suggests that employees should be given opportunities to increase their participation

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 1974

employees who have earned the right to draw retirement benefits must be given them; bankrupt and defaulting companies will have their employee pensions paid by the government

Vocational Rehabilitation Act (1973)

enforced affirmative action for federal employers and contractors with respect to disability


everybody is just like me


excessive emphasis on first impression. a phenomenon whereby exposure to one stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention.

Job description

explicit verbal summary of the necessary skills, tasks, and equipment related to a job

Productivity objectives

expressed as a ration of output to input, either as an entire organization or within a specific department


extract as much immediate cash value as possible; a good idea when liquid assets are needed in other areas of the business; appropriate for all SBU types, with the exception of the star

Divisional organizations

feature several different product line divisions, each of which contains the entire line of production, from purchasing to sales. Some divisional organizations have specific units to serve individual markets

Normative commitment

feeling of loyalty to the other members of the organization.

Type A personality

feels the need to be superior to others, and tends to be aggressive, ambitious, controlling, highly competitive, preoccupied with status, workaholics, hostile, and lack patience

Classical Management Theory (Henri Fayol)

focus on increasing and maximizing productivity. this theory believes that employees are strongly motivated by their physical needs and more specifically, monetary incentives

Contingency Theory (Joan Woodward)

focus on the differences between management situations, as well as the necessity of proper analysis. this theory claims that there is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead, the optimal course of action is dependent on the internal and external situation. In other words, the way you manage should change depending on the circumstances

Peter Drucker

focused on long term business success and customer care. he charted a path for continuing improvements and innovations within an organization. businesses need to put the development and well-being of their people first. believed that a successful manager needs to understand subjects like psychology, science, and religion, and be guided by ethical and moral principles.

Decision Sciences Theory (Herbert Simon and James March)

focuses on improving decision-making and eliciting employee participation. it is a formalized approach to making optimal choices under conditions of uncertainty, and decision-making

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977)

forbids U.S. businesses from offering bribes to foreign officials. Offending companies could be subjected to $1 million in penalties, and offending individuals could be subject to five years in prison and up to $10,000in fines.

Fiedler's contingency model

generates recommendations with a chart taking into account task structure, the position power of the leader, and the health of relations between leaders and employees. The recommended leadership style may be task-motivated or relationship-motivated. here, leadership was assessed by taking a look at the relationship between the leader and his or her least-preferred coworker (LPC). A task-oriented leader will criticize the LPC's work, while a people-oriented leader will simply avoid the LPC.

Directive behavior

goals are established, work flow is organized, and feedback is offered frequently, appropriate when close supervision is necessary.

Achievement behavior

goals are lofty but realistic, appropriate when employees are competent but perhaps unmotivated.

Strategic planning

has to deal with long-term goals. accomplished over 5-7 years. it incorporates the company's mission

Star SBU

high share of a high-growth market; the high growth rate calls for significant financial backing

Cash cow SBU

high share of low-growth market; will reward increased investment.

Clayton Alderfer's ERG theory

humans can begin to satisfy higher needs only after lower needs have been met. However, the failure to satisfy a higher need may result in are turn to preoccupation with lower needs (frustration regression). this theory suggests that there are only three primary needs: Existence: most important needs for survival; for example, food and shelter, Relatedness: need for connection to other people, for instance, the needs for love and friendship, Growth: the needs for improved knowledge and the need for innovation

Steps 1-3 of the decision making process

identify the problem to be solved, the manager then will take notes of all the criteria relating to the problem, then places the criteria in order

Fishbone diagrams

illustrate the causes and consequences of a problem

Pareto charts

illustrate the number of product or service defects over time, and aims to eliminate the most trouble with the least possible effort.

Control charts

illustrates the degree to which a process is managed closely, i.e., the degree to which variations and deviations are avoided

Primary activities

in a value chain analysis that include procurement, production, marketing, sales and customer service

Support activites

in a value chain analysis that includes infrastructure development, research and development, and human resources

organic organizational structure

in this, the responsibilities and scope of authority of an employee change depending on the tasks to be performed. Employees are given a great deal of autonomy, and are encouraged to ask one another for assistance. Information is available to anyone who requests it, and everyone has a good idea of who the experts are on each particular subject. This organizational structure has been found to improve employee commitment, and to inspire sound decision-making at all levels

Cognitive self-management

include the generation of positive mental images related to professional success. Two of these strategies are: Opportunity building: creation of new venues through which an organization can achieve success Positive self-talk: generation of self-esteem-building images and thoughts; the conscious visualization of success has been shown to contribute to actual success


indicate the repetition of certain numbers in a series of measurements and it is used to assess the variability of a product

Concept-to-customer cycle

interval between the creation and sale of a product. in general, a fast concept-to-customer cycle leads to greater market share, customer satisfaction, and production quality

Countertrading approach

is a bartering system that enables cash-poor countries to participate in the global market. Countries that have poor exports require export-heavy countries to purchase their goods before they will allow goods from the other countries to be sold there


is a belief that has been reinforced by experience and longevity

Mechanistic model

is a bureaucracy with central authority, rigid rules, and a great deal of specialization.

Gantt chart

is a chart that lists and schedules necessary tasks, including expected completion times for each task and for the product as a whole


is a combination of multiple companies

Focused differentiation

is a combination of unique products or services and limited geographical distribution

quality circle

is a concept developed in Japan during the 1960s, which became popular in the United States for about fifteen years beginning in 1975: a group of less than ten people with roughly the same job description gather each week to discuss their work, and to come up with solutions to problems that have arisen. These groups often rotate the position of spokesperson, and this person voices their ideas and concerns to management.

Information system

is a digital system of record keeping, which allows management to make informed decisions and helps employees at all levels to access important data

Multidivisional organization

is a large Organization composed of numerous, independent units, all of which share resources and information

Technical innovator

is a person who comes up with a new technology or is capable of using it

Product champion

is a person who encourages other members of an organization to use some new technology.

Survivor's syndrome

is a phenomenon that occurs after layoffs and terminations, in which the remaining employees are paranoid, risk-averse, and depressed

Concurrent control

is a philosophy of constantly monitoring operations to ensure that they are in line with explicit company policy. i.e supervision

Job specification

is a printed outline of the required knowledge and skills for a job

Human resource planning

is a process of predicting and planning for employee needs


is a purchase of one company by another


is a sale of a business by a company


is a set of equipment and procedures for converting raw materials into finished products

Generative learning

is a stage of organizational evolution in which managers learn the true effects of implemented business systems

Affirmative action

is a strategy for increasing the presence of minorities and underrepresented groups in business, by giving special preference to them in hiring

Cost leadership

is a strategy of improving sales by maintaining a lower cost.

Total quality management (TQM)

is a system for improving quality control at the level of production. In order for it to work, employees need to be given specific and comprehensive rules for self-evaluation. It should not be the job of supervisors to enforce quality control measures. Instead, management is charged with creating and implementing the overall organizational mission.

Total quality control (TQC)

is a system for maintaining sufficient quality to keep customers satisfied. Instead of putting the last person on the production me in charge of assessing total quality, this system spreads responsibility out along the entire chain. In this model, every successive participant in the production chain is seen as creating a product for the next person, whether that person is the customer or another employee

Statistical process control (SPC)

is a system of minimizing variability and errors in production systems. it requires observation and representation in pictorial charts and diagrams. This system requires a mixture of descriptive and inferential statistics. it's he use of statistical techniques to control a process or production method.


is an assumption about some other person based on his or her ethnicity, gender, religion, etc.; tends to cause misperceptions

Job enlargement

is an increase in the range of tasks performed by a single employee

Development project

is an intentional effort to develop and implement new processes.


is an organizational structure featuring specialization, rigid hierarchy, explicit rules, and codified methods of selecting personnel

Organic model

is an organizational structure with less emphasis on hierarchy, but more emphasis on versatility, in which employees are encouraged to innovate and are given a lot of autonomy.

Staff position

is any position that leads, assists, or supports the line positions

Line position

is any position within the chain of command that directly contributes to the completion of the organizational goals

Vroom model of leadership

is based on a situational assessment matrix in which five decision-making styles (consult individuals, consult the group, decide, delegate, and facilitate) are placed along the y-axis and problem analysis factors are placed along the x-axis.

Authentic leadership

is based on the perceived honesty and integrity of the leader

Environmental scanning

is collecting information about effects of business on the land, water, and air.

Goal-setting theory

is concerned with the forces that inspire employees to work towards organizational goals. Theorists have discovered that the most effective goals are those that have meaning for the employees, either by aligning with their personal values or with their belief systems

Attribution theory

is concerned with the reasons for individual behavior


is diminishing extreme fluctuations in demand by offering automatic discounts when sales reach a certain point

Halo effect

is excessive emphasis on one trait of a person or situation; the selected trait may be positive or negative. is when one trait of a person or thing is used to make an overall judgment of that person or thing. It supports rapid decisions, even if biased ones.


is excessive emphasis on the most recent impression

Contingency approach

is internal and external environment determines the design of the organization, for instance, advances in technology can spur alterations in organizational structure.


is marked by the presence of one employee on the project from its inception to its completion. In this model, managers are only there to handle resource needs and administrative issues. Employees who are allowed to be craftsmen tend to be happier, though their businesses may be less efficient.

Type B personality

is more mellow and inclined to wait and see, relaxed, less stressed, flexible, emotional and expressive, and have a laid-back attitude.

Adaptive learning

is one of the first stages in organizational development, in which adjustments for the business climate prove successful


is placement of resources in new and various areas


is storage of extra resources for possible times of need.

Transformational leadership

is successful when the members of a group move past their own concerns and act in the best interests of the group

Referent power

is the authority of a manager that derives from his or her charisma, style, and other personal qualities

Coercive power

is the authority of a manager to discipline and punish subordinates

Legitimate power

is the authority of a manager to issue commands to subordinates

Reward power

is the authority of a manager to offer and distribute incentives, such as raises and bonuses.

Expert power

is the authority of managers that derives from his or her exceptional training or knowledge of a certain subject

Competitive advantage

is the capacity of a business to create a product with a lower cost, better features, better quality, or better customer care

Strategic thinking

is the capacity of management to accurately assess competition and craft appropriate strategies that take advantage of core competencies

Synergistic effect

is the combined impacts of the functions of each specialized part of an organization.

Industry environment

is the competition, customer base, product lines, and other characteristics in which a business operates

General environment

is the comprehensive climate in which decision-making takes place

Job design

is the conscious construction of a professional role, with the aim of increasing employee satisfaction and efficiency. During this, the designer is focused on specialization, range, and depth.

Selective perception

is the conscious or unconscious removal of information that conflicts with a person's values or belief system

Job specialization

is the degree to which an employee must perform different tasks; less-means jobs tend to have more range and depth. More means jobs tend to have less range and depth, and vice versa.


is the development of an organizational vision, as well as the day-to-day guidance that encourages the team to work toward that vision. In business, a leader's vision is likely to include financial return for investors, quality products or services for customers, and efficient work within the organization

Strategic intent

is the intentions of both the stakeholders and employees of the business over the long term

Chief information officer (CIO)

is the manager in charge of coordinating information technology

Job rotation

is the movement of employees from position to position within an organization. Often, this strategy is employed to improve the skill base of eachemployee.

Span of Control

is the number of employees who report directly to a particular manager. a narrow one has many hierarchical levels, with which each manager only receiving reports from a few employees

Span of control

is the number of employees who report directly to a specific manager

Technological imperative

is the perceived correlation between complexity in technology and organizational structure

Product differentiation

is the positioning of a good or service as being of better quality or somehow different from competition


is the process of distinguishing a product or service from its competition.


is the process of placing jobs in categories according to their customer base, geographical location, or function.

Functional departmentalization

is the process of placing jobs in categories according to their function, such as marketing, manufacturing, and sales

Customer departmentalization

is the process of sorting jobs according to the customers they serve, for instance, some manufacturers have different departments for dealing with corporate and private customers

Product departmentalization

is the process of sorting jobs according to their product line.

Job refinement

is the refinement of an already-existing job. It may involve the use of flextime, rotation, enlargement, or enrichment.

Production management

is the science of management related to production technology and the path from innovation to production

Competitive scope

is the section in a market targeted by a company, in terms of product development and distribution

Task environment

is the set of environmental factors that directly relate to organizational success

Human resource management

is the set of processes devoted to the hiring, training, and retention of employees, including preparation of compensation packages, performance evaluations, employee discipline, collective bargaining, arbitration, and terminations.

Operations management

is the signs of management related to non-manufacturing tasks, as for instance employee training, purchasing, inventory and financial operations.

Job range

is the span of different tasks to be performed by the same employee

Cost focus

is the strategy of augmenting competitive advantage by diminishing the area of distribution, which in turn cuts costs

Preliminary control measures

is to prevent deviations related to the quality and quantity of resources. There must be adequate material and enough competent employees to accomplish the organization's goals.

Domain selection

is using preexisting knowledge to impact a new market

Lateral leadership

is when a group of employees with the same status cooperate on a project.

Shared leadership

is when authority shifts depending on the task being performed


is when employees are treated in the same way as are customers of the organization.

Culture contingency

is when there are plenty of different ways to achieve goals, and the right choice depends on the culture of the relevant people

Strategic task definition

it is essential that the strategy be outlined clearly and in sufficient detail. The goal of the strategy must be the improvement of competitive advantage. The specific steps that need to be taken to improve competitive advantage must be listed

Job analysis

it precedes job design. The fundamental point is to determine how a particular job meshes with the organization as a whole. here, they will make a list of all the activities associated with a particular job, as well as the skills required to perform it. From this summary will come an outline of job descriptions and job specifications

representative heuristics

judging the likelihood of things in terms of how well they seem to represent, or match, particular prototypes. it is a mental shortcut that we use when estimating probabilities

Group culture (flexible, internal)

leaders are like heads of a family, striving to maximize the potential of each subordinate

Adhocracy (flexible, external):

leaders encourage innovation and set up structures to enable creativity

Rational culture (inflexible, external):

leaders focus on profit and market share, and employees are encouraged to be competitive and goal-oriented

Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership theory

leaders must adjust their behavior depending on the circumstances in which they find themselves. Telling: leader gives detailed instructions and oversees performance closely, appropriate when the follower is unsure or unwilling Selling: leader gives reasons for his or her decisions, and allows the followers to ask questions and receive clarification, appropriate when the follower is willing but inexperienced Participating: leader collaborates on ideas and guides decisions, appropriate when followers are capable but unmotivated Delegating: leader delegates authority and responsibility to subordinates, appropriate when followers are capable, committed, and confident

training vs development

learning how to perform a job for the first time vs learning how to perform an existing job better

National Labor Relations Act otherwise known as the Wagner Act (1935)

legalized labor unions, outlawed several employer practices related to labor, and created the National Labor Relations Board. This act basically unionized the country overnight and enabled collective bargaining to begin winning victories for workers, such as minimum wage and maternity leave

Tom Peters

listed nine components of effective companies, including trust in employees, organizational simplicity, flexibility, control of staff, and customer research. idea of productivity through people encourages the company to focus on rewarding employees and encouraging them to help increase productivity. wanted to motivate business owners and entrepreneurs to have more of a focus on employees to achieve goals, and to learn more about your product through the customers

Question mark SBU

low share of high-growth market; should either be financed adequately or eliminated


low share of low-growth market; either barely self-sufficient or a drainon resources

Common liquidity

measures in business accounting are the current ratio, working capital turnover, accounts receivable, and the debt/equity ratio


melting pot myth, all people are the same


mental shortcuts that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. These rule-of-thumb strategies shorten decision-making time and allow people to function without constantly stopping to think about their next course of action

Administrative decision-model

more descriptive than prescriptive. perfect information is never available and no person is perfect at analysis. this model is most appropriate for complex and uncertain decisions. assumes that decision makers' rationality is bounded and that they're willing to consider only a limited number of criteria and alternatives before making decisions. As a consequence, they settle for the first 'good enough' solution that they find

Standard operating procedure

more informal than a regulation. an explicit set of guidelines for the benefit of confused employees. a sequence of steps carried out by an individual

Decentralization organization

much of the decision-making is delegated to subordinate employees

Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory

no one characteristic of a job is entirely responsible for satisfaction. On the contrary, job satisfaction is based on hygiene factors and motivator factors. Hygiene factors are peripheral to the job itself

Systematic planning

occurs at the corporate, business, and functional levels. involves the laying out of the organizational mission and objectives.

Portfolio matrix model

of a corporation begins by identifying all of the departments and products of the business. it is placed in a category that is known as a strategic business unit (SBU). Then a strategy is recommended

Implementation agenda development

once the task force has reported, upper management will need to decide how the organizational structure should be altered to effect the new strategy; all of these changes should be published as a value statement

customer relationship manager (CRM)

one of the most important long term factors in a company is customer loyalty. is a system for creating good communication with customers so that their needs can be met effectively. also focuses on internal customers: that is, the series of supply chain participants who successively add value to a product

Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

outlawed employment discrimination against the disabled; definition of disability expanded to include cancer patients in remission, those afflicted with AIDS, alcoholics, and drug abusers

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967)

outlawed employment discrimination against those over 40 and limited mandatory retirement

Civil Rights Act (1964)

outlawed employment discrimination based on race, sex, ethnicity, nationality, or religion; Title VIl outlawed discrimination in recruiting, hiring, termination, promotion, compensation, and training

Equal Pay Act (1963)

outlawed pay discrimination based on gender

Equal Pay Act (EPA), 1963

outlawed pay discrimination based on gender, but allowed it in relation to merit, incentive systems, market demand, seniority, etc.

Planning Skills

outline and analysis of goals, charting of specific objectives, creation of schedules, assessment of resources, and identification of individual responsibilities

Expectancy theory, which is also called VIE (valence, instrumentality, expectancy)

outlines motivation as a product of the perceived effort required to accomplish something and the perceived desirability of that accomplishment. In other words, a person is more likely to do a job if they believe their work will be rewarded and that the reward will be worth the work. The link between work and reward is called instrumentality


oversight and evaluation of professional performance; the establishment of rules and procedures for conduct and task performance

Transactional leadership

participation and success are motivated through a system of rewards and punishments

Quality objectives

performance aspects related to the final physical product or service

downsides to group decision-making

politics, empowerment, groupthink, and corporate governance

learning organization

prides itself on obtaining and disseminating information ,and on being adaptable to changes in the marketplace. In such an organization, all decisions must be supported by empirical evidence, rather than the intuition of management. they are typically very creative, but they pay close attention to their competitors. The flow of information through such an organization is very free, and is not limited to managers. Employees are-constantly being pushed to improve themselves through education and professional development program

Flow charts

processes are depicted as inputs, outputs, processing; there is also space for potential changes to the process.

quality of work life (QWL) programs

programs that ensure that employees are receiving fair compensation, a safe workplace, opportunities for personal growth, the chance to be themselves, respect for their personal lives, privacy, and faith in management

Group maintenance behaviors

promote group harmony and satisfaction

Export Trading Companies Act (1982)

promoted the formation of export trading companies by allowing banks to form joint ventures and eliminating antitrust barriers.


promotion of positive thinking and morale in an organization; good managers are able to inspire and encourage their employees

Labor-Management Relations Act otherwise known as the Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

protected management by outlawing some labor union practices, allowing workers to decertify their union, and reinforcing free speech rights

Physical and Financial objectives

quantity of accessible resources, both material and monetary

Operational planning

relates to goals to be accomplished within the next 2 years. often very specific, includes milestones and target numbers


remove financial support; appropriate for dogs. It should be noted that SBUs can change type depending on their performance, changes in technology, and the market growth rate.

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis

resources, experience, ways ti improve a business, and all potential problems.

Meeting management skills

selection of the right participants, development of agendas, efficient time management, and effective meeting guidance

Joan Woodward outlined three essential technologies for improving work processes

small batch technologies, such as those used in job shops, large batch technologies, such as those used in mass production operations and continuous process technologies, which can be maintained at all times

Supportive behavior

special attention to the thoughts and decisions of the employee, appropriate for especially challenging situations

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001

standards are appropriate for the improvement of the management system in any organization, and indeed they create improvements in quality for both producers and consumers. There are eight principles in this set of standards Customer focus, Leadership (communication of goals and vision), Employee involvement, Process approach (identifying important tasks and assigning responsibilities for them), Systems approach to management (combining processes effectively), Continuous improvement, Factual approach to decision-making, and Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

Civil Rights Act (1991)

strengthened anti-discriminatory legislation and redefined punishments for violators

analytical decision maker

takes a rationale, measured, approach. want to obtain as much information as possible

self-contained task

tasks which are performed in their entirety by one department. This reduces the need for inter-departmental communication

conceptual decision maker

tends to create a mental model of the situation, and then to base his or her decision on this model's prediction

David McClelland's learned needs theory

the best motivation is a personal history of accomplishment. identified three dominant needs: achievement, affiliation, and power. The extent to which one of these needs predominates in a single person suggests the appropriate line of work for that person. People with a strong need for affiliation are best suited for work in a team, while people with a great need for power are better suited for positions of authority.

Cycle Time Reduction (CTR) and 3 percent rule

the business practice of streamlining production. it is the strategy of lowering the time it takes to perform a process in order to improve productivity and an average processing period is spent actually doing the required work

Implementation plan development

the construction of an implementation plan ensures that all employees understand their roles in the new strategy. The process should be monitored closely by upper management with advice and constructive criticism from members of the task force Internet and strategic planning


the creations of the departments and structures for the accomplishment of goals, a manager may need to hire specific employees in order to accomplish goals

Rational decision-making

the decision-maker uses all of the available data to select the most logical option. the situation is predictable and the alternatives are clear.

Power distance

the degree to which a culture accepts power inequalities incorporate life


the degree to which a culture places so-called masculine values (money, status) over female qualities (beauty, kindness)

Uncertainty avoidance

the degree to which the members of a culture are made uncomfortable by uncertainty


the degree to which the members of a culture can act autonomously rather than as a group

Cognitive dissonance

the difference between the situation as it is and the manager's perception of the situation. when there is a great degree of this, decision-making tends to be poor


the distribution of responsibility and authority to subordinates. it occurs up and down and vertical hierarchy of an organization.


the establishment of long-term goals and the ethic specific objectives that must be reached on the way to these goals

organizational complexity

the growth of successful companies and mergers between companies have resulted in a preponderance of large and complex organizations.

According to McGregor

the intrinsic rewards of the job are the psychological benefits the worker obtains from accomplishing his or her tasks well The extrinsic rewards, on the other hand, are the payments and benefits given by the employer

Job depth

the latitude or autonomy granted to a particular employee

cycle time reduction

the length of time from the invention to the production of a good or service.

Steps 4-5 of the decision making process

the manager will generate options, and then all the options will be surveyed objectively.

contingent (situational) leadership theory

the most effective strategy for leading a group depends on the circumstances. In other words, there is no one set of leadership skills that works in every case. there are 3 approaches. The first approach emphasizes harmony between manager and situation. The second approach emphasizes the probability that a manager will have to modify his or her approach in a given situation. The third approach centers on the way some situations can mitigate or neutralize the skills and style of the leader

Monolithic organizations

the only minority employees tend to be in very low-status jobs.

Marketing objectives

the outcomes a brand wants to generate from its advertising activities, available outlets, products in development, or sales volume

Political decision-model

the primary determinant is the anticipated reaction from those affected by the decision. it's most appropriate for decisions that need to create a consensus and minimize conflict. sometimes the best decision is impossible, so this model takes into consideration the most popular support

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

the requirements of a human being can be separated into different categories by their importance. this asserted that one way to meet these needs is through work. If a particular need is not being met, it will create an internal tension that may lead to problematic behavior. The needs are listed below in order of ascending importance: Physiological needs, such as food and sleep. Safety needs, such as security and shelter. Social needs, such as love and friendship. Self-esteem needs, such as respect and good reputation. and Self-actualization needs, such as personal growth and development

Organization culture

the set of assumptions, goals, and values shared by all of the members. If the organization is strong and positive, it can have a profound and wonderful impact on employees. If it is strong and negative, on the other hand, it can discourage employees. Also, if it remains stagnant for a long time, it can have a deleterious effect on employees.

Continuance commitment

the tendency to stay with an organization rather than risk failure elsewhere.

when a business is differentiated

there are different departments, staffed by employees with different skills. The larger the business, the narrower the scope of each individual employee is likely to be

Scientific Management Theory (Fredrick Taylor and Lillian Gilbreth)

this uses scientific methods to analyze the most efficient production process in order to increase productivity. it focuses on division of labor, standardization tools, implementation of reward system, and emphasis on specialization

Performance objectives

to establish quality and time goals for the accomplishment of tasks

"Big Five" personality traits

traits related to work behavior are; Extraversion, Emotional stability, Openness to new experience, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness

Profitability objectives

typically expressed as ratios. typically means increasing revenue while limiting expenses

Level 5 Leadership

understand the importance of putting people first and strategy second. This means finding the right people for the organization, getting rid of the wrong ones, and putting employees in the appropriate positions, all before addressing business tactics

Performance evaluations

use graphic rating scales, ranking methods, or descriptive essays. They detail the strengths and weaknesses of an employee's work. they are used to determine employee placement, compensation, and training

Key technologies

used by some in an industry; users obtain some competitive advantage

Michael Porter

used economic reasoning to solve management problems and develop specific strategies for corporations. provided a framework for analyzing a company's competitive environment through strategic management. it was a way for managers to seek success in their business via a series of competitive maneuvers

Base technologies

used industry-wide

Quality planning

useful practice both for internal processes and for the production of goods for the external market. a process that will be able to meet established goals under operating conditions

he Central America Free Trade Agreement in 2005. CAFTA

was originally formed to protect the rights of workers, although critics charged that the organization was largely unsuccessful in this respect.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 1992

when Mexico, Canada, and the United States agreed to eliminate almost all tariffs and non-tariff trade barriers between them. This trilateral agreement was spurred by complementary needs: Mexico had resources and people but no outlet to use them Canada had natural resources but few people to harvest them United States had businesses that needed natural resources and cheap manufacturing venues The agreement has mostly been a success: jobs have been created and inflation has diminished

Intuitive decision-making

when a manager bases his or her decision(s) off of beliefs or emotions

escalation of commitment to heuristics

when managers stick by their decisions even when the evidence suggests they should do otherwise


when there are a number of different ways for various cultures to arrive at the same ends

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