Management Quiz Questions

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In 1985, Congress passed the Food Securities Act, also known as the Farm Bill, which provided habitat for wildlife through the Conservation Reserve Program where highly erodible land is taken out of production for ______ years, primarily for soil erosion control, but also provide valuable habitat for wildlife.


The average clutch size of wild turkey is

10 eggs

Hen wood ducks lay one egg a day for ___________ days. They have an average clutch of ____________ eggs.

10 to 15; 10 to 15

What is one of the most effective long-term barrier for white-tailed deer?

10-foot high woven wire fence

The home range of a rabbit, assuming that all of the habitat components are available, is about ________ acre(s); however, they spend most of their time on _______ acre(s) or less.

10; 1

The average adult female wild turkey weighs about how many pounds (answer is a single number, not a range)?


Clutch size of Northern bobwhite in the Southeastern US is about

12-13 eggs

How many days does it take for a newborn rabbit to become strong enough to leave their mother and forage on their own?

14 days

The adults and brood of Northern bobwhite may cover up to 100 acres, but ____ is more common in good quail habitat.


The average adult male wild turkey weighs about how many pounds (answer is a single number)?


The gestation or pregnancy period for white-tailed deer is slightly less than seven months or between ___________ days

190 & 210

Data from which age class provides the most reliable indicator of a deer herd's condition and health.

1.5 years

Otters become sexually mature at how many years of age?


If a population of 20 black-footed ferrets experienced a constant exponential change of λ = 1.6 or r = 0.47 (which is the same thing), how many ferrets would you expect to have in 5 years, assuming that they all live. Formula - N T = N 0 λ ^T


Northern bobwhite quail sit on their eggs for approximately ______ days.


How many days does it take for muskrat kits to be weaned from their mother.

24 days

The incubation period of wild turkeys is ______ days.


What is the length of rabbit pregnancy

28 days

What is the length of rabbit pregnancy?

28 days

What is the gestation period of the muskrat?

29 days

How many subspecies of wild turkey are there?


Fawn white-tailed deer usually weigh ________ pounds, with males being larger than females. Typically, males slightly outnumber females at birth.

5 to 7

About what percentage of female Northern bobwhite are able to successfully brood a nest on the first attempt?


At about ___ weeks of age, chicks are fully feathers & their diet shifts from insects to fruit.


Research indicates that the mortality of Northern bobwhite is about _____________ percent during the first two weeks of life.


How many days does it usually take for a rabbit infected with tularemia to die?

7-10 days

Research indicates that the mortality is about ____ during the 1st mouth of life.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that each spring about ____________ adult ducks, mostly nesting hens, are lost to predation on the northern prairie nesting grounds, with the most common predator being the red fox.


Young opossums grow rapidly and are weaned at about __ days of age.


________________ is probably the most frequently used and most adaptable willingness-to-pay method. This method uses bidding scenarios in which people are asked to respond to hypothetical price changes of nonpriced goods and amenities, such as wildlife existence or wildlife viewing opportunities.

Contingent valuation

The ________________was signed in response to the urgent need to control commercial trade in rare wildlife trade.

Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of 1973

______________ or species habitat matrices are used to identify habitat requirements of individual wildlife species and is often used with forest-wildlife species. So, increased deer production may be related to large mast crops. Therefore, you would manage for greater mast crops

Correlation model

Why was lead shot banned for waterfowl, but not for upland game birds?

Dabbling ducks are likely to ingest lead because of their feeding habits and the concentration of the lead shot on small hunting grounds, whereas upland games birds are less likely to ingest lead shot when foraging, even on areas with large amounts of hunting pressure.

Virginia opossum

Didelphis virginiania

A gradual change from one plant community to another creates a transition zone that is called a (an)?


Even though λ is intuitive and relatively easy to work with, it can be mathematically awkward to work with, so we typically use a second descriptor which is a calculus-based continuous time analog of λ, defined by r and called the __________________ or the ____________________.

Exponential growth rate; instantaneous per-capita growth rate

The concept of ______________ is integral to developing harvest regulations, but this concept can be radically different among different groups of hunters or in different regions of the country.

Fair Chase

T or F Connected patches are worse than separated patches because they can allow predators to find prey species easier.


T or F Conservation is when wildlife and habitat are not altered, but rather it is left alone, similar to what we do for wilderness areas.


T or F Ecosystem services are those services provided to humans by the environment, such as trees producing oxygen. Because these services are provided for free by the environment, there is no way to develop a monetary economic value for these services. This is known as the Unrealized Indeterministic Value.


T or F Exercised values are the willingness to pay to maintain the option of wildlife being available for future use.


T or F Geometric growth rate or the discrete growth rate is denoted by r.


T or F Gross expenditures methods are used to value wildlife based on the cost of traveling to consumptively or nonconsumpitively use wildlife.


T or F Harvest Information Program or HIP to hit all of the migratory bird hunters. Under HIP, each state is required to collect the name, address, and date of birth for each person hunting migratory game species in that state, and ask each hunter a series of screening questions about their hunting success the previous year. The USFWS conducted different surveys for 3 different groups of birds.


T or F Headquarters, also called coverts or prime habitat corners are areas where two vegetation or habitat types meet.


T or F Nasal bots can be harmful to the deer, causing significant weakness and eventually death if they are not addressed by wildlife managers.


T or F Opening day phenomenon is a well-research and well-supported concept that suggest that most mortality for hunted species typically occurs during the opening day or opening weekend of a hunting season because of the naivety of the animals to hunters and the sheer volume of hunters that are in the field during opening season


T or F Option values are typically broken down into two major subcategories: direct benefits and indirect benefits. Direct benefits come from an individual's personal experience with wildlife, such as with hunters and their consumptive use of wildlife or nonconsumptive uses, such as with bird watchers. Indirect benefits are typically broken down into the bequeathing value or passing down wildlife to future generations and existence value which is the value of knowing that wildlife exists


T or F Preferred foods are those that are less abundant in an animal's diet compared to their relative abundance in the field.


T or F Sampling variance is the real or actual variation in the population. So as we measure the population, we see that the population size fluctuates based on environmental or other conditions.


T or F Small habitat patches are just as valuable to wildlife as large patches, as long as they are numerous and not connected.


T or F The ESA not only requires federal consultation before major federal action impacting threatened or endangered species is undertaken, called a Section 1 Consultation, but it outlaws the taking of such species and provides for acquisition of habitat to protect threatened and endangered species


T or F The ESA not only requires federal consultation before major federal action impacting threatened or endangered species is undertaken, called a Section 1 Consultation, but it outlaws the taking of such species and provides for acquisition of habitat to protect threatened and endangered species.


T or F The boundary where three or more different plant communities or habitats join, such as where forest meets pasture, is called an edge.


T or F The intermixing of habitat components such as pasture, forest, cropland, and other plant communities is called vertical layering. Vertical layering creates vertical habitat diversity or the presence of a variety of habitats across the landscape.


T or F The mixture or transition between two adjacent habitats is called the midstory.


T or F Understanding the soil composition is relatively unimportant in developing a wildlife habitat management plan.


T or F Waste grains can be an important sources of food for deer, pheasants, quail, and other species of wildlife in the spring.


T or F Weather is an example of a deterministic factor.


T or F When we are working with mathematical equations for population growth λ is easier to work with because it is independent of a specific time interval and easily compared among other wildlife populations and species.


T or F When we use predation management to increase the quail population, we are practicing ecosystem management.


T or F Within a forest or plant community, the different layers in which plants grow is also an essential part of the arrangement of habitat called horizontal layering. Horizontal layering increases horizontal habitat diversity and enhances the ability of a forest of plant community to maintain a variety of wildlife species.


T or F In general, herbivores require more space than carnivores.


T or F Tracks and scat alone can be used as definitive proof of depredation.


T or F When we use predation management to increase the quail population, we are practicing maximum sustained yield management.


_____ are wild species that do not migrate, can reside and reproduce on farms, and are a suitable by-product of farming.

Farm species

The Farm Bill has several provisions that prevents farmers from draining wetlands and tilling previously untilled land that is highly erodible. How does the federal government enforce these provisions?

Farmers loose whatever federal benefits they have, such as federal subsidies or payments.

Which type of wildlife management would you use if you would like to manage for black-footed ferrets and prairie dogs in the badlands of South Dakota?

Featured species management

_________________ is the type of wildlife management when wildlife managers concentrate on providing habitat for one or two selected species.

Featured species management

The ____________________ imposed a federal excise tax on fishing equipment, boats, boat fuel, and other related items to provide funds for the management of sport fish and their associated fisheries.

Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act of 1950

The ____________________ imposed a federal excise tax on hunting equipment and firearms and apportioned the funds to the states for state management and restoration of fish and wildlife resources and habitats.

Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937

_____________________ imposed a federal excise tax on hunting equipment and firearms and apportioned the funds to the states for state management and restoration of fish and wildlife resources and habitats (select all that apply).

Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937 or Pittman-Robertson Act

The _____________ was enacted to protect waterways by providing grants for sewage and treatment plants.

Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948

The _____________________ was enacted to promote federal research on wildlife on federal lands, and for state agencies to cooperate to develop a national program for wildlife conservation.

Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934

______ can be sedentary but are compatible with forestry and livestock operations and are suitable by-products of these operations.

Forest & range species

In the early years of the profession of wildlife management, biologists concentrated on what type of animals?

Game species

What is the ideal composition of nesting cover for Northern bobwhite?

Grasslands with vegetation about 2 feet high with scattered hardwood sprouts

The Citizen Model of wildlife management sounds great.... everybody can have input in the management of wildlife. However, until recently, it has been difficult to implement. What advancement has made the potential to implement the Citizen Model of wildlife management feasible?

Greater public accessibility to the internet and more common use of the internet through social media.

________________ also can be used to examine how wildlife use varies among forest stands. These are commonly applied using remote sensing and GIS techniques, can be applied over a wide area, and can be applied for a relatively low price. To use this type of habitat evaluation, wildlife biologists will need to have prior experience and training with various GIS analysis techniques, which is different than the techniques used for map making.

Habitat preference model

___________________ are models that were developed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. These focus on a single species and generate a numeric value that assesses the capacity of a habitat to support a species as a function of vegetation structure and composition and spatial arrangement of differing habitat types.

Habitat suitability index model

____________________ are another common method used to assess the results of management strategies. Essentially, the number of hunters, the number of days, and the number of animals are estimated through surveys conducted over the phone, mail, or internet.

Harvest surveys

When and why was the term "Human Dimensions" coined?

In 1973 at the 38th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference by researchers looking at elk behavior and human activity

The total abundance or total size (N) of a population at time t+1 is a factor of births (B), immigrations (I), deaths (D), and emigration (E). Which formula represents the total abundance of a population?

N t+1 = Nt + B + I - D - E

Fitness, as an animal behaviorist might use the term, is

NOT optimizing lifetime alternate lifestyles

The _______ was the bradest piece of Congressional legislation passed for the protection of the environment.

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

Which one of these laws was the most significant act impacting federal agencies?

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

The ______________________ is the current legislation directing the US Forest Service with the primary mission being multiple use. The US Forest Service manages habitat while the states manage fish and resident wildlife on the various national forests, which is different from the approach used on other federal lands.

National Forest Management Act of 1976

Which Act sought to consolidate all of the different refuge areas into a single refuge "system"?

National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966

We are able to harvest a relatively large number of rabbits. In the southeastern United States, what percentage of a rabbit population can we typically harvest each year and why can we harvest so many? What would happen to the rabbit population if we harvested less rabbits each year?

Rabbit populations are not harmed by heavy hunting pressure. Rabbits, like quail and most other small game, have a high annual mortality (up to 80 percent) which occurs regardless of whether or not they are hunted. In other words, rabbits cannot be stockpiled regardless of the carrying capacity of the land. If hunters do not remove the annual surplus, then weather, disease, parasites, predators, or starvation will. Normally up to 65 percent of the fall rabbit population may be taken without affecting the spring breeding population.

Rachel Carson's book ________________ was published in _________ and it described the consequences of pesticide contamination and environmental contamination. It was a wakeup call for many people throughout the country.

Silent Spring; 1962

What is social capital?

This is when the public becomes involved in management practices, which save government agencies money that can be used to solve other problems.

The first and most important step in developing a management plan is?

To clearly define, in writing, wildlife habitat management objectives and expectations.

What is the purpose of the metal thing below the bird box.

To prevent predators from climbing up the pole

According to Cowardin et al. (1979), what is a wetland?

Transitional areas between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface or the land is covered by shallow water.

According to the IUCN, species with very small, stable populations with populations between 50 and 249 are considered Endangered.


T or F A contagious agent is capable of being passed from one individual to another?


T or F A life table describes the pattern of death by age class. It is essentially a summary of survivorship of a population.


T or F Adaptive management focuses on learning and adapting through partnerships of managers, scientists, and other stakeholders who learn together how to create and maintain sustainable ecosystems.


T or F Adaptive management is a special type of structured decision making where the objectives, strategies, and monitoring priorities are brought together in an adaptive management framework and a monitoring system is devised to inform future decisions.


T or F An economic section with cost benefit analyses should be included in the Wildlife Management Plan to assist with selecting the most efficient wildlife management practices.


T or F An example of limiting factor management would be to eliminate a wildlife disease that significantly affects a population.


T or F An important advantage of Adaptive Management is that it provides documentation about what decisions were made an why they were made.


T or F Because swamp rabbits inhabit bottomland hardwood stands associated with river bottoms and drainages, special management considerations should be given to these areas, such as providing streamside management zones at a width of at least 100 yards on each side of the stream's banks to provide adequate habitat for the rabbits.


T or F Births are typically quantified as litter size or clutch size. As time passes, some of the newborn animals die, while others live long enough to become part of the populations as juveniles. When newborn animals become juveniles, and part of the population, this is called recruitment - or the number of new animals added to the population.


T or F Blackbirds, which consist of grackles, cowbirds, red-winged blackbirds, and European starlings can cause significant damage to crops such as corn and sunflowers.


T or F Brown bears have a feeding and killing pattern similar to that of black bears, but they will usually cover their prey after initial feeding, whereas black bears will rarely cover their prey items.


T or F Collection of salivary DNA from attack wounds of predated animals can be used to identify the responsible predatory species.


T or F Common conflicts with bears include predating on livestock, feeding on crops, destroying beehives, or becoming a nuisance around campgrounds, cabins, landfills, and garbage dumps.


T or F Connected patches are better than separated patches.


T or F Coupled human-natural-systems modeling entails simulating human society, its environment, and interactions between the 2 systems by using physical or mathematical models. We use modeling here because we really cannot manipulate entire natural and human systems to address a research question, but this allows us to understand a component of the interaction.


T or F Domestic dogs are often considered to be sloppy killers. Evidence of dog kills may be slashing and tearing their victims, often resulting in crippling of their prey animals. They often do not consume large amount of the prey item and may also vomit near the prey.


T or F Ecosystem services are those services provided to humans by the environment, such as trees producing oxygen. One way to estimate the value of trees is to place a value on these services provided by the ecosystem.


T or F Exercised values are typically broken down into two major subcategories: direct benefits and indirect benefits. Direct benefits come from an individual's personal experience with wildlife, such as with hunters and their consumptive use of wildlife or nonconsumptive uses, such as with bird watchers. Indirect benefits are typically broken down into the bequeathing value or passing down wildlife to future generations and existence value which is the value of knowing that wildlife exists


T or F Extensive hemorrhaging in dead animals usually is characteristic of predation. Bite marks with no hemorrhaging are likely to be post mortem and cause by scavengers.


T or F Fawns born later in the year, such as in October or November, have a harder time "catching up" to fawns born during the normal fawning period, especially as they approach the winter when food supplies are sometimes scarce and of low quality.


T or F For game species, wildlife managers strive to stabilize wildlife populations at an optimum level, making sure that enough breeding stock remains to replace those animals harvested during regulated hunting or trapping seasons. This approach to management is called sustained yield.


T or F Genetic stochasticity or the effects due to genetic drift is a consequence due to chance and can be a critical part to the survival of populations or can lead to its demise.


T or F Guard dogs are often used to deter coyotes from livestock and have been traditionally used by sheep producers to protect flocks.


T or F Habitat is a species-specific concept because each species has a unique set of physiological, morphological, and behavioral adaptations that are suited to a particular suite of resources and conditions.


T or F Habitat is not static. It will change over time. This changing habitat is called plant succession.


T or F Harvest theory for most big game species in the order ungulates is generally based on carrying capacity.


T or F Headquarters, also called coverts or prime habitat corners are areas where more than three vegetation or habitat types meet.


T or F If the object is to manage wildlife for harvest, then the management strategy typically used is called sustained yield.


T or F In 1937, Congress passed the Pittman-Robertson Act which passed a 10% tax on the sale of sporting arms and ammunition.


T or F In general, carnivores require more space than herbivores.


T or F In wildlife management and ecology, "habitat sinks" are attractive areas that appear to wildlife as quality habitat; however there is often a problem with the habitat that prevents it from being useful to wildlife as habitat.


T or F Interspecific interactions is the competition between individuals over limited resources that can include food, mates, and suitable nesting habitat.


T or F Landowners should consider the type of habitat management practices and land use patters used by their neighbors.


T or F Large habitat patches are better than small habitat patches.


T or F Limiting factor management is a management strategy that centers specifically on reducing or eliminating factors that have been identified as restricting wildlife population growth.


T or F Local traditions and history often play an important role in determining existing and potential big game harvest systems, which can ultimately inhibit the development of alternative or innovative approaches.


T or F Microeconomics is essentially the study of why people make the decisions they do. Many questions can be answered by understanding that people respond to incentives and that many people make their decisions based upon economics. If you understand why people make decisions, you can influence their decision making.


T or F Negative density dependence are those factors that decrease population growth as the population size increases, or as the population size decreases, the population growth rate can increase. Several common factors that result in negative density dependence are interspecific completion, parasites, increased susceptibility to predation, changes in food abundance and other factors.


T or F Northern bobwhite chicks can be raised by either one or both parents.


T or F Optimum yield has replaced Maximum Sustained Yield as a management concept for most game birds, game mammals, furbearing mammals, and fishes.


T or F Option values are the willingness to pay to maintain the option of wildlife being available for future use.


T or F Patches with native plants are better than patches with introduced plants.


T or F Positive density dependent factors are those that can increase a population's growth rate.


T or F Predation by red foxes, skunks, raccoons, and mink can be a major source of mortality to waterfowl.


T or F Preservation is when wildlife and habitat are not altered, but rather it is left alone, similar to what we do for wilderness areas.


T or F Proximate patches are better than widely separate patches.


T or F Pure stands of unmanaged pine generally provide poor deer habitat because of the low abundance and quality of understory forage and the scarcity of mast-producing hardwoods. Dense stands and closed canopies reduce browse and fruit yields. These stands are mainly valuable to deer as cover.


T or F Several patches are better than one patch.


T or F Social psychology is the study of how human values, attitudes, and behavior emerge from a given social context.


T or F Soil is composed of minerals and decaying organic material from trees and other plants and living organisms such as beetles, fungi, and bacteria. The fertility of the soil is determined by the relationship among these components. The more fertile the soil, the more productive it is for producing well as for ultimately producing more wildlife. Dead wood or a fallen tree is future soil, just waiting to be made into soil.


T or F Structurally diverse patches are better than simple patches


T or F Structure decision making is an organized approach to identifying and evaluating creative alternatives and making defensible decisions.


T or F Supply is a schedule or curve showing the quantities of a product that producers are willing and able to make available for sale at each of a series of possible prices during a specific period.


T or F The ESA not only requires federal consultation before major federal action impacting threatened or endangered species s undertaken, called a Section 7 Consultation, but it outlaws the taking of such species and provides for acquisition of habitat to protect threatened and endangered species.


T or F The Food Security Act (Farm Bill) of 1985 contained "swampbuster" provisions to render farmers growing crops on wetlands ineligible for federal farm programs. The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in that Act provides annual rent payments to farmers who remove wetlands and other sensitive lands from production. Other provisions over the years have been added that are geared to control the amount of farmland in production, but these provision also provide significant benefit over a monoculture agriculture field.


T or F The biophilia hypothesis which is the theory that humans have a genetically induced attraction to wildlife and the outdoors. Evidence of this exists in hunters, anglers, hikers, and other who feel a connection with wild things. Some of this research suggests that people actually healthier if they spend time outside and less healthy if they do not.


T or F The cover requirements for quail and the eastern cottontail rabbit are similar.


T or F The federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) replaced previous weaker acts and is another Act that has had significant impact on both governmental and private interests. The ESA has been considered "the most comprehensive legislation for the preservation of endangered species ever enacted by any nation." Essentially, Congress declared that species of fish, wildlife and plants are of esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value.


T or F The idea of compensatory mortality is the basis for successful harvest management. With competitive mortality, the animals removed by hunters does not add additional mortality to the population. So hunting will replace the mortality that occurs from disease, predation, starvation, or other forms of mortality. In other words, hunting will not negatively impact the population because of the competition between the hunter and the prey.


T or F The intermixing of habitat components such as pasture, forest, cropland, and other plant communities is called interspersion. Interspersion creates horizontal habitat diversity or the presence of a variety of habitats across the landscape.


T or F The loss of fence rows and other edge habitat associated with farms in the wake of modern intensive farming practices has lead to a significant decrease in ground nesting birds and some species of songbirds.


T or F The market supply curve comes from horizontally adding the individual supply curves of all the producers in the market.


T or F The mixture or transition between two adjacent habitats is called an ecotone.


T or F The moral imperative to use human dimensions in wildlife management is based on the impact of wildlife management on human beings. Changes in wildlife management affects people's lives, either directly through the animals that we interact with on a daily basis through hunting, bird watching, or through wildlife damage; long-terms effects on habitat; or even causing people to suffer economic loss through endangered species management. Wildlife managers have to understand the social effects of their decisions before they can follow the moral imperative to consider those effects when crafting management plans.


T or F The premise of additive morality is that each animal killed by hunters is an additional death that adds to the total natural mortality, resulting in a total greater mortality that if hunting did not occur.


T or F The professional imperative to consider human dimensions in wildlife management stems from the North American model of Wildlife Management, in which wildlife are a public resource and managed for the benefit of the public by state agencies. Because of this, wildlife managers much consider what the public wants and what benefits they are interested in.


T or F The public trust doctrine states that the state acts as a trustee and manages wildlife for the benefit of the public.


T or F The sampling variance is the variation due to our sampling methods.


T or F Threshold harvesting is the practice of harvesting only the number of animals exceeding a predetermined level necessary for maintaining a specific population size. From a practical standpoint, it is unlikely that threshold harvesting would be implemented on a widespread basis in the US because it would be politically and socially unacceptable, although it may be implemented in specific situations.


T or F Travel costs methods are used to value wildlife based on the cost of traveling to consumptively or nonconsumpitively use wildlife.


T or F Typically we, as wildlife biologists, want to use λ when we are talking with the public or wildlife managers about population growth because it is intuitive and easy to understand.


T or F Understanding the soil composition is relatively important in developing a wildlife habitat management plan.


T or F Waste grains can be an important sources of food for deer, pheasants, quail, and other species of wildlife in the fall.


The ____________________ is where positive network externalities occurs when a consumer wants a product because others do or other want to.

bandwagon effect

T or F When we are working with mathematical equations for population growth r is easier to work with because it is independent of a specific time interval and easily compared among other wildlife populations and species.


T or F When we use predation management to increase the quail population, we are practicing limiting factor management.


T or F When wildlife biologists use multiple species management, they will identify several or many species they want to manage for, usually in an effort to enhance or support diversity.


T or F Within a forest or plant community, the different layers in which plants grow is also an essential part of the arrangement of habitat called vertical layering. Vertical layering increases vertical habitat diversity and enhances the ability of a forest of plant community to maintain a variety of wildlife species.


T or F Within a forest or plant community, the different layers in which plants grow is an essential part of the habitat arrangement called vertical layering.


T or F The Adaptive Management strategy is most useful in wildlife management situations when there is considerable uncertainty about which land management strategy will achieve the stated objective.


T or F Wildlife management is the deliberate act of manipulating habitat to achieve a desired goal, such as for the benefit of a specific species or for the enjoyment of use of people.


The ____________________ declared that two exotic species were a living symbol of the historic pioneer spirit of the West and that these exotic species must be treated as an integral part of the natural system of the public lands.

Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971

The ___________________ set aside specific areas for preservation in their natural state.

Wilderness Act of 1964

__________________ methods are the currently the most commonly used nonmarket valuation technique for wildlife.

Willingness to pay

If wildlife managers from state agencies are assisting the National Park Service to write a deer management plan, does the wildlife manager from the state agency have to fill out the NEPA paperwork?


______________ is the number of individuals in a population, expressed mathematically as N.


________________ is used to protect prey items from predators through the use of fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft.

aeriel hunting

______________ refers to the proportion of individuals of each age in a population.

age structure

This is when the observer recorders all observations of a specific behavior or behaviors within a study population. This is often used to observe or record the frequency of rare behaviors, such as direct social interactions on mating.

all-occurrences or ad libitum sampling

__________________ are chemicals that disrupt the normal clotting process of blood.


This species can cause significant problems by depredating on newborn calves. They often are found in large flocks, especially in the winter.

black vultures

In what conditions are newborn rabbits born?

blind, deaf, and completely helpless

The _________________________ was enacted to control overgrazing and overproduction on unappropriated public lands by establishing grazing districts and a grazing permit system.

Taylor Grazing Act 1943

the common predators of rabbits

bobcat, feral cats, red fox, crows, hawks, snakes, dogs, skunks

For migratory game birds, ___________________ are used to increase the take of lightly harvested game species and are added to the regular daily game limit.

bonus bird regulations

A male rabbit is called a


Guns and ammunition are examples of _________________. These are goods that are consumed together, so their demands are closely intertwined. If the demand for guns increase, then consumers will need bullets for those guns, thereby increasing demand for bullets

complementary goods

___________ are linear strips of permanent or semipermanent vegetation, such as field borders, fencerows, roadside drainage ditches, and riparian areas


Probably the single most useful tool for the wildlife biologists is the __________________.

cost-benefit analysis

_____________ causes the largest amount of sheep and livestock depredation


______________ have also been used to examine the relationship between forest habitat and wildlife. To use these models, biologists must classify a habitat patch into a category of habitat suitability, identify which attributes dictate habitat-suitability categories, and assign a set of probabilities that reflect the association between habitat attributes and each suitable category.

Bayesian and pattern recognition model

________________ is the basis for harvest management and is based upon density dependent population growth.

Biological carrying capacity

The causative agent of brucellosis

Brucella abortus

According to years of research by wildlife biologists, which of the following are important components for wood duck nest boxes?

Built from seasoned wood such as cypress, cedar, or hemlock

The _______________________ model of wildlife management requires significant human dimension skills within wildlife management agencies to develop a strong citizen base that will support the management decisions of agencies and possibly provide a broad funding base for the management of all wildlife species.


The _______________________ was an early attempt to address the poor air quality conditions that were present in many places throughout the US.

Clean Air Act of 1955

Early in the evolution of wildlife management, starting in the 1800s, game agencies existed to produce a sustained annual crop of wildlife for the public to harvest. Because of the method of funding and the desires of the public, these agencies were essentially here to serve the needs of these sportsmen. This is described as the ____________________ model of wildlife management.


______________ is the type of interaction where both species can benefit.


Do not mow till after July 15. Why?

nesting birds but you can mow before April 15

The ______________ model suggests that people attempt to engage in what they perceive as pro-social behavior.


Certain factors will shift demand in products. A decline in the number of hunters will affect demand of hunting licenses. This decline in the number of hunters is an example of which determinant.

number of buyers

What is the principle factor contributing to the development of disease.

primary cause

What is the term for the agent suspected of causing a disease?

putative cause

The extent of quail predation is often dependent upon

quality & quantity of escape cover

_____________________ is a program for the management of white-tailed deer that focuses on the harvest of mature bucks, reduced white-tailed deer populations through the harvest of does, and developing a balanced buck-doe ratio.

quality deer management (QDM)

The ____________ model suggests people weigh positive and negative consequences to generate an attitude, such as a positive or negative evaluation or an object, toward a behavior option.

rational choice

__________________ is probably the most serious predator of waterfowl because it can kill nesting hens and destroy eggs.

red fox

This is another commonly used method where we watch the study population at predetermined intervals and recording all the behaviors and locations of individuals. This is often used to examine space or habitat use, inter-individual distances, and population-wide activity-time budgets

scan sampling

What type of breeding system do quail exhibit?

seasonal monogamy

For migratory game birds, ___________________ are intended to influence behavior or hunter opportunity at finer spatial scales or for individual species.

special regulations

______________________ is a non-anticoagulant acute rodenticide that is used to control pocket gopher and some ground squirrel populations to reduce damage to forest seedlings, agriculture crops, and some home landscaping plants; although now it is restricted to underground populations.


What is the single most important factor that you will need to address when dealing with wildlife damage management issues?

dealing with the desires & opinions of the public

The __________ method of harvest involves 30-49 trees per hectare and after 40 - 80 years of regeneration, residual trees are then removed.

deferment cutting or 2-age method

According to the SDM model, the first step of good decision making is to

define what question or problem is being addressed.

Otters exhibit what type of sperm/egg implantation.


The total gestation period for mink averages 51 days, but ranges from 40 to 75 days because of what reason?

delayed implantation

Assuming all other factors are equal, as prices fall, what happens to the amount of the product demanded by the consumer.

demand increases

_________________ of pups is when the biologist digs out pups from a den or places a smoke cartridge down the den to kill the pups.


Thermal cover for Northern bobwhite would typically consist of

dense ground cover under a woody canopy

______________ is the abundance scaled to a unit area, allowing comparisons to be made on the same scale, such as 30 deer per square mile.


A female rabbit is called a


Deterministic factors are those that affect populations in a random way. For large populations, stochastic factors can contribute to population fluctuations, but for small populations, it can be the final nail in the coffin.


Fawns born later in the year, such as in October or November, have an easier time "catching up" to fawns born during the normal fawning period, especially as they approach the winter when food supplies are sometimes scarce and of low quality.


Gobbling, strutting, drumming, and fighting among male wild turkey is at it's peak at the beginning of the breeding season and then slowly diminishes over time.


Many quail found in the Southeastern US today are descendants of a subspecies of bobwhite commonly called Mexican quail.


Prior to 2000, coyotes were found only west of the Mississippi River, but have now expanded eastward. It is likely that coyote populations expanded in the SE US from local releases as well as eastward migration for several reasons including training dogs for fox hunting.


__________________ between standing timber and harvested areas typically maximize wildlife habitat and provides for some of the vertical diversity.

feathering the edge

_________________ are used to protect prey items and commodities from predators by providing physical separation between the two


This is essentially where you follow individual animals around and record their behaviors over time. This is usually used to create a catalog of behaviors for animals. This can be especially important for wildlife species where we know little about their natural history.

focal animal sampling

For migratory game birds, ___________________ are the main tools used to adjust harvest levels at flyway or continental scale.

framework regulations

These products are poisonous gases that are most often used to kill wildlife pest that live in burrows underground.


A ___________ is based on the geographic distribution of assemblages of wildlife species in that it depicts gaps in the species distribution or identified areas of high species richness.

gap analysis model

male wild turkey are called


A ____________ reservoir is a forested bottomland that is temporarily flooded during the fall and winter to attract ducks, particularly mallards and wood ducks. Hardwood trees are not killed by winter flooding since the trees are dormant during this time.


Indirect methods of evaluating habitat programs are widely used by agencies because they are easy to use and relatively inexpensive. The most widely used method of inferred evaluation is the _____________________.

habitat index

What are probably the two most important reasons for the decline of quail in the Southeastern United States.

habitat loss predators

___________ are areas of natural or restored vegetation in farmlands, such as restored prairies.

habitat patches

________________ is a version of travel costs that estimates willingness-to-pay based on multiple characteristics of a situation, and is often used for goods with characteristics that can only be sold in aggregate

hedonic valuations

A ______________ is a stable, meaning-producing, super-ordinate cognitive structure.

held value

female wild turkey are called


According to the Forest Restoration Guide, the conservation objective in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley is

to provide forested habitat capable of supporting populations of all forest dependent wildlife species

Deer are most commonly aged by which technique for management purposes.

tooth wear & replacement

A significant problem for urban wildlife is the monoculture created by the humans that live in these urban areas.


According to the IUCN, species with very small, stable populations with populations below 50 are considered Critically Endangered.


According to the Natural Heritage Network's and The Nature Conservancy's ranking system, a species is considered Critically Imperiled or Rank 1 if fewer than 1,000 individuals exists across its range.


Although rich in energy, seeds of most cereal grains are nutritionally incomplete. Generally, seeds of naturally occurring plants contain essential nutrients like protein that are deficient or missing entirely in cultivated grains. In addition, seeds of naturally occurring plants often provide as much-or more-energy than do grain crops. Studies have also indicated that waterfowl that feed on seeds of native plants, as opposed to grain crops, were generally in better physical condition for their spring migration and breeding.


Demographic stochasticity is when factors that affect the demographics of the population fluctuate randomly, such as birth and death rates. These factors can have a significant effect on sex ratios, reproductive rates, and survival, having a potentially large effect on small populations.


During the 1600s, wetlands constituted 11% of the landscape encompassing 89.5 million acres.


Environmental stochasticity is when factors that are extrinsic to the population, such weather and climate, can affect population growth through a variety of factors such as food availability, suitable breeding habitat, and even direct factors such as severe winter storms directly affecting survival.


Genetic stochasticity refers to the random loss of alleles or alternative forms of a gene, and the subsequent effects on population dynamics in small populations and arises from genetic drift, which is the process whereby random inheritance of alleles in a small, randomly mating population leads to the drifting of the frequency of alternative alleles.


Greentree Reservoirs are woodland and bottomland forests are managed for waterfowl by temporarily flooding the trees during the fall and winter.


It is common to find beards in hens.


It is uncommon to find beards in hens.


Male wild turkey have a beard that grows from the middle of the breast and varies in length according to the age of the bird.


Peregrine falcon recovery has benefited by reintroducing them to areas where there are large building that provide the proper structure and habitat for these birds even though they do not resemble their habitat visually.


T or F A population is a collection of individuals of a species occupying a defined area, for which it is meaningful to refer to birth and death rates, sex ratios, abundances, and age structures.


T or F A population projection matrix is a convenient accounting system to track all stage-specific vital rates and abundances, and allows us to project populations through time to determine how different vital rates and stages affect dynamics.


T or F An adequate number of denning sites is essential for optimal fox habitat.


T or F An infected animal is one that is already possesses the organism within its body.


T or F Areas where disking, burning, or the available row crops do not provide sufficient food for quail, supplmental planting of various high quality foods may be established


T or F Both sexes of white-tailed deer are capable of breeding at one and a half years of age.


T or F Cottontail management is compatible with both short or long-term rotational timber management.


T or F Cottontail rabbits obtain most of their water from feeding on succulent vegetation and drinking dew.


T or F Disking can be used to provide open strips for quail, to encourage new plant growth for food, or for opening new food plots.


T or F Dispersal typically occurs when individuals that have been recruited into the population move to another area away from closely related individuals. This allows gene flow to occur and population to avoid inbreeding. For effective dispersal to occur, it is usually ideal for some type of connectivity to be present between habitats.


T or F Ecological traps are another concept related to the sink. In this case, a sink habitat with its negative gene flow consequences will be preferred over habitat that would be better for actually producing offspring. This can be due to a mismatched cue where birds may think an area is suitable for nesting because of the presence of trees and food, but is also covered with snakes.


T or F Environmental stochasticity is the random part of the equation that is caused by changes in the environment, which can include both long term environmental changes, such as global warming and the short term changes caused by the weather.


T or F Feeding areas vary according to the time of year and the types of food available. Since raccoons are omnivorous, their feeding habitats are as varied as the type of food they pursue. They frequent aquatic habitats such as streams, rivers, and ponds when feeding on crayfish, fish, and amphibians. The use of overgrown fields, as well as corn and other grain fields, occurs mainly in the fall and summer when berries, grains, and insects are the mainstay of raccoons' diets. Hardwood forests provide important hard and soft mast, such as persimmons, acorns, and wild grapes.


T or F Females will incubate most of the clutches.


T or F For cost benefit analyses to be comparable, such as those from multiple studies, they have to be adjusted so the that the dollar values are in the same year.


T or F For homeowner who are interested, the National Wildlife Federation provides a certification program that is designed to help people apply a backyard wildlife habitat plan. It is, originally enough, called the Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program.


T or F For swamp rabbits, food and cover can be enhanced in bottom land hardwood stands by creating scattered openings using group selection harvesting or small clear cuts that are 1 or more acre large and at least 50 feet wide in the streamside management zones.


T or F Geometric growth rate or the discrete growth rate is denoted by lambda.


T or F In areas where disking, burning, or the available row cops do not provide sufficient food for quail, supplemental plantings of various high quality quail foods may be established.


T or F Maximum sustained yield is the largest average harvest that can be take continuously from a population under existing conditions


T or F N. bobwhite obtain most water from dew, insects, & succulent green vegetation.


T or F Newly born pups remain at the den site for the first month of their life. Red foxes dig underground dens for pup rearing while gray foxes utilize a wide variety of above ground den sites such as windrows, brush piles, cavities, and thickets.


T or F Northern bobwhite that are orphaned will often be raised by other parents.


T or F Otters prefer a wide variety of aquatic and wetland habitats. In general, their habitat consists of any area that has a dependable source of clean water and an ample food supply (primarily fish). Home for an otter may be a beaver lodge, an overhanging bank, a previously excavated burrow, or root mats sticking out from the side of a creek bank.


T or F Process variance is the real or actual variation in the population. So as we measure the population, we see that the population size fluctuates based on environmental or other conditions.


T or F Raccoons are most active from sunset to sunrise and tend to den up during daylight hours. Peak feeding activity is generally over before midnight. They are least active during the winter months and tend to remain in their dens during extremely cold temperatures.


T or F Stochastic factors are those random factors that affect populations.


T or F The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial and member of the Didelphidae family in North America.


T or F The federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) replaced previous weaker acts and is another Act that has had significant impact on both governmental and private interests. The ESA has been considered "the most comprehensive legislation for the preservation of endangered species ever enacted by any nation." Essentially, Congress declared that species of fish, wildlife and plants are of esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value


T or F The flyway councils meet and make recommendations regarding waterfowl management within the United States to the US Fish and Wildlife Service who approves these management activities recommendations.


T or F The home range size of white-tailed deer will vary, depending upon the quality of the habitat. In general, the better the habitat, the smaller the home range. Research with radio-collared deer has shown that in relatively good habitat, bucks will spend most of their life on 640 acres, or 1 square mile


T or F The loss of fencerows and other edge habitat associated with farms in the wake of modern intensive farming practices has lead to a significant decrease in ground nesting birds and some species of songbirds.


T or F The majority of poults often die before they are two weeks old, often from predation.


T or F There is a period between when animals become infected and when they are infectious themselves. This is because the virus, parasite, bacteria, or whatever is infecting them needs time to reproduce, make enough of itself, and then make its way to a point where it can come into contact with another individual. Or it might have to go through another phase of its life within an individual before it can be passed on to another individual. In worm parasites, this is called the prepatent period.


T or F To enhance the value of soybeans and grain sorghum for N. bobwhite, farmers should encourage to leave a few rows standing on field edges instead of harvesting it all right to the tree or fence line.


T or F To enhance the value of soybeans and grain sorghum for Northern bobwhite, farmers should be encouraged to leave a few rows standing on field edges instead of harvesting it all right to the tree or fence line.


T or F Travel costs methods technique is comparatively easy to get actual numbers for because people will know their costs of traveling.


T or F Unified patches are better than fragmented patches.


The North American Waterfowl Management Plan sets a course of action for both the US and Canada to follow for future years to help waterfowl populations to recover.


The fall flight forecast is an estimate of the total number of ducks available after reproduction and before the hunting season.


The long-term nation-wide systematic destruction of wetland habitats have severely affected the ability of present and future ducks to survive.


The primary law that mandate the protection and restoration of declining population is the Endangered Species Act of 1973


The reproductive cycle of wild turkey is March through June.


There are 3 primary types of stochasticity that will affect the persistence of populations: demographic stochasticity, environmental stochasticity, and genetic stochasticity.


Tracks and scat can be used as an indication depredation.


Typical wood duck habitat is found in bottomland hardwood swamps, wooded sloughs and marshes, or forested riparian areas. Their optimal habitat usually has an abundance of flooded timber. Ideal wood duck habitat includes bottomland hardwood forests with shrubs and herbaceous plants in water-impounded areas that have long shorelines. Bottomland forests, either flooded or in close proximity to water, are utilized by wood ducks all year and are critical sites for nesting cover.


Urban species are often dominated by a large number of just a few species of wildlife.


Urban vegetation, except for the diversity found in some parks and cemeteries, often consists of only a few species


Urban vegetation, except for the diversity found in some parks and cemeteries, often consists of only a few species.


When there is very little data available for a quantitative analysis of population sizes and stability, one approach in this situation is to use an expert panel to assess the situation and then give their opinions on the viability of a species. This method is mostly subjective and should only be used when there are no other alternatives.


These species are often edge or savanna species that are well-adapted to the typical suburban, backyard, forest-park matrix. These species utilize many of the resources available around human development, including ornamental plants, crops, garbage, and supplemental food

urban adapters

These are species that are sensitive to human activities and are not able to use the anthropogenic resources of urban environments.

urban avoiders

The __________ method of harvest retain trees, snags, or small patches of trees within harvests, and these systems are increasing popular in North America, especially in areas where wildlife is also managed for.

variable-retention or partial harvest system

Consider two items. A Remington 700 rifle and a Browning X Bolt rifle. Both are high quality rifles that you are considering purchasing. The Remington cost $1100 and the Browning costs $1200. You are initially considering purchasing the Remington because you like the brand and you have used them before. However, Cabela's has the Browning in the same caliber you desire, but now on sale for $800. Even though you initially desired the Remington 700, you purchase the Browning. This is an example of what?

substitution effect

__________________ is (are) used to divert a predator from a vulnerable commodity by providing a less valuable commodity for them to freely consume

supplemental feeding

While the CRP is the best known aspect of the Farm Bill that provides habitat for wildlife, two other provisions also provide habitat for wildlife. The ______________ provision prevents farmers from draining wetlands. The ______________ provision prevents farmers from tilling previously untilled land that is highly erodible.

swampbuster; sodbuster

These species are a homogeneous groups of species that are often not native to the region and highly adapted to urban environments. They are usually omnivorous and their populations are dependent upon the human environment with little reliance on the local vegetative communities. Think raccoons, robins, crows, skunks, moles, pigeons, and starlings.


What does the orange and red triangle on a vehicle mean?

that it is a slow moving vehicle

Fitness, as a geneticists might use the term, is

the average contribution to the gene pool of the average individual with the trait

Pine stands can be managed for quail if

the canopy is managed so that there are open ares

What was the driving force in the development of the field of wildlife diseases?

the role or potential role of wildlife in domestic animal or human diseases

What are some management goals?

1. A landowner would like to increase the deer population on his property. 2. A wildlife manager would like to increase the deer populations on a landowner's property.

What are some management objectives?

1. A landowner would like to retain 50% of the pine trees on the property. 2. A wildlife manager would like to retain 50% of the pine trees on the landowner's property.

What are the components of Leopold's theory between game management and humans?

1. A proper game policy seeks a happy medium between the intensity of management necessary to maintain a game supply and that which would deteriorate its quality and recreational value. 2. The denser the human population, the more intense system of game management is needed to supply the same proportion of people with hunting 3. The recreational value of a head of game is inverse to the artificially of its origin.

Colonial nesting evolves in response to a combination of two environmental conditions. What are they?

1. Abundant or unpredictable food that is distant from safe nest sites 2. a shortage of suitable nesting sited that are safe from predators

The tools for developing a Wildlife Habitat Management Plan?

1. Aerial photographs 2. County soil survey 3. Topographical maps 4. GIS

There are 4 flyway councils that make management recommendations for waterfowl regulations based upon historic movement patterns, populations, band returns, and other scientific data. What are the 4 flyway councils.

1. Atlantic 2. Central 3. Mississippi 4. Pacific

Farmers can use ______ to scare birds away from field.

1. Avitrol 2. reflecting tape 3. propane cannons

Different species of wildlife contribute to the economy in a variety of methods and in different amounts. White-tailed deer are considered to the be one of the most valuable species in the eastern US. White-tailed deer are economically important for what reasons?

1. Because many people hunt them, they purchase licenses 2. Many hunters spend thousands of dollars on equipment, stimulating the local revenue and contributing to PR funds 3. Habitat for WTD is important habitat for a number of species 4. People travel to areas to hunt deer, stimulating the local economy

4 types of hog traps used at Mingo

1. Boar Buster 2. Cheaper, DIY Boar Buster 3. Missouri Rooter Gate 4.

Which of the birds below would use a nest box like this?

1. Bucephala clangula 2. Bucephala albeola 3. Mergus merganser 4. Aix sponsa 5. Lophodytes cucullatus

Cost-benefit analysis....

1. Can compare the costs and benefits of a government activity, project, or regulation over a period of time 2. Can be used to decide if an action is warranted or not 3. Can predict the results of a proposed action 4. Range from simple to complex to compute

Which Acts were responsible for providing a cleaner environment throughout the US?

1. Clean Water Act 1972 2. Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 3. Clean Air Act of 1970 4. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 5. Surface Mining Reclamation and Control Act of 1976 6. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 7. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977

The stakeholder model of wildlife management has several key elements. These include?

1. using methods for weighing stakeholder opinion 2. employing effective communication strategies among managers and stakeholders 3. resisting the efforts of special interests to co-opt the public process 4. identifying stakeholders 5. flexible method for incorporating stakeholder input into decision making

The kind of polygamy in which females frequently control or gain access to multiple mates. Essentially, the opposite of polygyny. Each male may tend a clutch of eggs.


This is the kind of polygamy in which several females and several males form communal breeding unit. The males defend territories and provide parental care to broods in proportion to their confidence of paternity. This mixed mating system, which is common among fishes, is characteristic of the tinamous, the flightless ratites, and some unusual songbirds.


The 2 most important reasons for decline of quail in SE US.

predation & habitat loss

What is the factor that renders the animal more susceptible to a specific disease?

predisposing cause

The causative agent of bovine tuberculosis.

Mycobacterium bovis

What are the factors that go into determining waterfowl harvest limits as recommended by the flyway councils?

1. waterfowl habitat conditions 2. age and sex ratios of waterfowl 3. size of the waterfowl breeding population 4. survival rates of waterfowl

What is the home range of beaver

0.5 miles to 1.5 miles of stream length

Most habitat types in the Southeast US can support about _____ rabbit per acre when there is green food plants and plenty of cover, especially during the winter.


About how much does a newborn rabbit weigh?

1 ounce

What are some precautions that can be used by rabbit hunters to reduce exposure to tularemia?

1. Cook rabbits thoroughly. 2. Rabbits should be hunted after the coming of cool weather when there is a better chance that sick rabbits have died. 3. After removing rubber gloves, wash hands well with soap and hot water. 5. Do not harvest any obviously sick or "tame" wild rabbits. 6. Always wear gloves when dressing rabbits. 7. While in the field, if a rabbit shows no natural wariness or alertness, and no strong inclination to run, don't attempt to harvest that rabbit. 8. Treat all cuts and abrasions with iodine or other antibacterial agent.

What are the characteristics of the "urban monoculture."

1. Downtown areas are often characterized as "concrete canyons." 2. Lack of corridors prevent many species of wildlife from colonizing interior urban areas 3. Low diversity in vegetative species, except in limited areas 4. Cities have high levels of uniformity in the architecture of buildings

Viral diseases of domestic animals where wild animals are a source of infection.

1. Hendra virus infection 2. louping ill 3. newcastle disease 4. avian influenza 5. classical swine fever

What are some important tools for developing a wildlife habitat management plan?

1. History of prior land management 2. Aerial photographs 3. Field notebook 4. Voice Recorder 5. Camera 6. Field Guides 7. Landscape architecture templates or computer program that can perform the same function 8. County soil survey 9. Topographical maps

Components of the Wildlife Management Triad?

1. Human culture, social structures, & institutions 2. Environment & habitat 3. Wildlife populations

Changing agricultural practices have lead to a decrease in available rabbit habitat. What practices have changed over the years that is partially responsible for this decline

1. In tenant-type farming, non-productive field edges were left in native vegetation. 2. Small farms were often separated by fences; however, many of these fence and hedgerows have been cut down to join small farms into larger farms to make them easier to work with the larger, modern farm equipment.

The 1981 Lacey Act Amendment did what?

1. It combined the provisions of the 1900 Lacey Act and the Black Bass Act of 1926 so that fish, wildlife, and plants are now covered under the original federal prohibition on the interstate transport and sale of wildlife killed in violation of state laws or regulations. 2. It made the improper or false labeling, marking or recordkeeping illegal 3. It prohibits commerce in fish and wildlife taken in violation of tribal, foreign, and federal wildlife laws. 4. It punishes trafficking in illegally taken wildlife

The Food Security Act of 1985 did what?

1. It set up the Conservation Reserve Program 2. It provided rent payments to farms who remove wetlands from crop production. 3. It protected wetlands by rendering farmers growing crops on wetlands ineligible for federal farm programs.

Bacterial diseases of domestic animals where wild animals are a source of infection.

1. Leptospirosis 2. anaplasmosis 3. brucellosis 4. bovine tuberculosis

Extra-pair fertilizations are frequent in polygynous species as they are in monogamous species. There are two hypothesis that describe the tradeoffs between the numbers of mates that a male has versus the frequency of extra-pair fertilizations that he can attain. What are these two hypotheses?

1. Male tradeoff hypothesis 2. female choice hypothesis

What are the 4 broad goals of wildlife management?

1. Manage populations for sustained yield 2. Decrease overabundant populations 3. Increase populations 4. Do nothing

Bacterial diseases where wildlife are important for the transmission of the causative agent.

1. Monocytic ehrlichiosis 2. Lyme Disease 3. Human granulocytic ehrilchiosis 4. cardiopthy, endocatditis

What does the Federal Water Pollution Act prevent (or allows with a permit) in regards to the water of the United States?

1. dam building 2. putting structures in the water for fishing 3. filling 4. dredging 5. adding die to the water to celebrate St. Patrick's Day 6. dumping 7. polluting

Different species of wildlife contribute to the economy in a variety of methods and in different amounts. WTD are considered to be the one of the most valuable species in the eastern US. WTD are economically important for what reasons?

1. Most hunters spend thousands of dollars on equipment, simulation that local revenue and contributing to the PR funds. 2. People travel to areas to hunt deer, stimulating the local economy 3. Because many people hunt them, they purchase licenses 4. Habitat for WTD is important for a number of species

Which of the following are basic wildlife-friendly landscaping principles

1. Plant low-growing herbs and shrubs under taller shrubs 2. Cluster similar types of vegetation to allow wildlife easy access to seasonally abundant food 3. Select plants that flower and bear fruit at different times 4. Minimize lawn coverage 5. Include a diversity of native plants in the landscape

In a managed forest, newly harvested areas can be excellent rabbit habitat. Select all of the management tools that you can use to improve the value of a new clear cut for rabbit habitat.

1. Plant supplemental food plots for rabbits 2. push woody debris into windows 3. pile woody debris into large piles, but do not burn 4. use less intense procedures, such as drum chopping to provide better habitat for rabbits

Wildlife management is the application of ecological knowledge to populations of vertebrate animals and their plants and animal associates in a manner that strikes a balance between the needs of people. Ecological knowledge is applied in three basic management approaches that include?

1. Preservation when nature is allowed to take its course 2. Direct manipulation when animal populations are trapped, shot, poisoned, and stocked 3. Indirect manipulations when vegetation, water, and other key components of wildlife habitat are altered

Cost-benefit analysis

1. Range from simple to complex to compute 2. Can compare the costs and benefits of a government activity, project, or regulation over a period of time 3. Can predict the results of a proposed action 4. Can be used to decide if an action is warranted or not

What Acts provided legislation for the use of public lands and/or funds for outdoor recreation.

1. Refuge Recreation Act of 1962 2. National Trails System Act of 1968 3. Wild & Scenic River Act of 1968

What chapters should be included in a wildlife habitat management plan?

1. Resource material section 2. Land-use & management objectives 3. General description of entire property 4. Field notes section 5. Sketch map 6. Compartment record sheets

What information that is necessary before developing a strategy to meet habitat based conservation or management goals?

1. Resources needed to support a species 2. Species of interest for management 3. Existing species composition 4. Environmental conditions

When designing habitat studies, what are some considerations that the biologist must take into account when designing and interpreting the study?

1. Scale of the study 2. How the study design will affect inference 3. Sampling unit

Wildlife need specific conditions to survive that are found within their habitat. When wildlife emigrate to a new area, they have to cue in on these habitat requirements. Select the environmental cues that wildlife may use when moving to a new area.

1. Specific habitat requirements for the species 2. food 3. cover from predators 4. nest sites 5. presence of conspecifics of the opposite sex 6. space not dominated by conspecifics of the same sex

The iterative phase of the Adaptive Management includes establishing the sequential management framework, which consists of

1. decision making 2. assessment 3. monitoring

When managing for rabbits, you want areas of natural vegetation that are managed by disturbance. Select all of the disturbances that you can use to maintain these openings.

1. disking 2. prescribed burning 3. mowing 4. herbicides

North American ducks are separated into three major groups. What are they

1. diving 2. dabbling 3. perching

Essential quail cover

1. escape cover 2. nesting 3. brood-rearing 4. winter roosting

Wildlife space requirements vary by species, but generally, the amount of space required is determined by the quantity and quality of food, cover, and water in a given area. However, there are other factors that affect the amount of space needed. These include?

1. Territorial and social behavior 2. Dietary preference 3. size 4. Mobility 5. Carrying capacity

The proper management of waterfowl is complex and requires the cooperation of many states and countries. Which of the below countries are 1918 signatories on the North American Migratory Treaty Act.

1. US 2. Great Britain (for Canada)

Wildlife in urban areas can be difficult to work with for what reasons

1. You are often limited in your management options because of the presence of large concentrations of people 2. Because of the close relationship of humans and wildlife in urban areas, you have to consider the will of the people 3. Hunting in urban areas can pose logistical problems, making hunting a tough option to use for wildlife management

As a wildlife biologist, it is important you understand how to develop an manage a budget. Why?

1. You often have a limited amount of money to carry out management objectives 2. To obtain money from the Pittman-Robertson Act or Dingle-Johnson Act will require a budget to demonstrate how you will meet the research or management objectives for a particular project where funds are requested 3. Because wildlife biologists are paid so little, you will need to understand budgeting to manage your own finances successfully 4. Reserach projects often require a budget to submit to funding agencies

Examples of escape cover for Northern bobwhite is

1. a brushy fencerow consisting of wild plum 2. a patch of blackberry 3. a dense thicket of greenbriar

Deer cause excessive losses to many crops including

1. alfalfa 2. soybeans 3. corn 4. nursery plants 5. Christmas trees

What are abomasal worm count used for?

1. an index of the relative deer density 2. to assess the general health of deer

What are some effects caused by the improper application of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers?

1. bottomland lakes can be destroyed from runoff of pesticides 2. Organo-chorined pesticides have caused the thinning of egg shells in raptors & other birds 3. nitrogen runoff can cause dead zones in the oceans 4. some chemical can kill wildlife directly through ingestion

Select all of the important Winter foods for Northern bobwhite in the Southeastern US

1. bush lespedeza 2. insects 3. cowpeas 4. soybean 5. corn 6. oats 7. acorns 8. annual lespedeza 9. sorghum

the important Spring foods for Northern bobwhite in the Southeastern US.

1. clover 2. panic grass 3. wood sorrel 4. insects

_________ is an avicide used to kill blackbirds that are depredating on farm fields

1. compound 4-aminopyridine 2. avitrol 3. DRC-1339

Common predators of chicks & eggs

1. foxes 2. cotton rats 3. dogs 4. snakes 5. opossums 6. raccoon 7. skunks 8. bobcats 9. free-ranging house cats

Disease(s) where rodents are an important vector or contribute to the spread of causative agents

1. hantavirus pulmonary syndrome 2. lyme disease

The methods that can be used to value wildlife?

1. hedonic 2. gross expenditures 3. replacement cost 4. market value of catch of harvest

The advantages of social foraging falls into two categories. What are they?

1. information sharing 2. producer-scrounger

Important fall foods for northern bobwhite in SE US

1. insects 2. acorn 3. Florida beggarweed 4. Annual lespedeza 5. Brush lespedeza 6. sorghum 7. milk pea 8. pine seeds 9. soybeans 10. sunflower 11. millet

the important Summer foods for Northern bobwhite in the Southeastern US

1. insects 2. blackberry 3. wild plums 4. clovers 5. wild grapes

The setup phase of the Adaptive Management includes establishing the management framework, which consists of

1. objectives 2. potential management alternatives 3. predictive models 4. monitoring protocols and plans 5. stakeholder involvement

What are 3 basic planting methods for Amquail seedlings?

1. planting with mechanical tree plants 2. dibble bar 3. in a furrow

Farmers can use _________ to scare birds away from field.

1. propane cannons 2. reflecting tape 3. avitrol

Select the three general direct methods used to sample animal behavior.

1. scan sampling 2. all-occurrences or ad libitum sampling 3. focal animal sampling

What are drip torches used for?

1. setting "back fires" 2. setting fires for control burns

Biologists can either increase or decrease the amount of quality habitat for a species by?

1. setting aside key lands in reserve systems 2. altering the way that humans use the land 3. Legislation that will provide funding to agencies that manage public land 4. Providing economic incentives for landowner to increase wildlife habitat 5. manipulating the quantity of important resources 6. Legislation that will set aside land

Select all of the common summer foods of cottontail rabbits.

1. succulent annuals & weeds 2. legumes 3. grasses 4. garden vegetables

For an area to be classified as a wetland it must have one of three attributes. What are these three attributes?

1. the substrate is nonsoil and is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at some time during the growing season each year 2. the substrate is predominantly undrained hydric soils 3. the land supports predominantly hydrophytes

How is human dimensions used to implement the Client Model of wildlife management?

1. tracking hunter numbers & expenditures 2. assess what populations clients want to grow 3. assess how game populations respond to manipulations 4. assess challenges faced by hunters

What is the primary reason that many forest don't support N. bobwhite?

closed canopy shades cut herbaceous plants that provide food & cover

What is Amquail?

A perennial warm-season legume that is an improved variety of Lespedeza thunbergii that produces a large amount of high quality seeds.

Wildlife are managed in a variety of ways, but they can all be typically grouped into what two broad categories?

Active & Inactive management

Usually high numbers of parasitic worms indicate poor health and malnutrition associated with overpopulation. The presence and abundance of parasitic worms in deer is often used as a management tool. The type and number of stomach worms can be directly related to deer density. Which of the four stomachs is used in worm counts by managers as an index of the relative deer density in an area and the general health of a deer herd.


The _____________________ was amended in 1966 and it set forth procedures for federal agencies for formal and informal rulemaking, informal agency action, and adjudicatory proceedings.

Administrative Procedures Act

Define an ecological trap.

An ecological trap is an area with cues that appear to provide the animal with the necessary habitat requirements of that species; however, it does not provide all of the necessary habitat requirements. This essentially tricks that animal into selecting that habitat to settle in. But because all of the necessary habitat requirements are not present, animals that settle there do not survive, or if they do, they do not thrive or reproduce.

Ducks, geese, and swans belong to the family


The ____________________ was enacted to assist with the eradication of wildlife that threatened livestock grazing and agriculture on Western federal and private lands.

Animal Damage Control Act of 1931

The __________________ required the human treatment, care, and transport of all warm-blooded animals, including wildlife used for research, teaching, exhibition, and as pets.

Animal Welfare Act of 1966

Mink appear in every state except ____________.


Crops that mold can kill wildlife. A common disease caused by moldy corn is called _____________ and affect many species of birds, especially waterfowl and can lead to massive die offs.


_______________ relate to the meaning, goodness or worth people place on an object, and these are typically addressed in the economic valuation section.

Assigned values

_____________________ was the first federal statute to prohibit the taking, possession of, or commerce in a particular species of wildlife.

Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940


Canis latrans

North American beaver

Castor canadensis

Why is Adaptive Management so useful in situations where there is considerable uncertainty about which land management strategies will achieve the objectives? How does the Adaptive Management process differ from just using a experimental or research design process?

Dr. Joe's Answer: Managers are able to use the uncertainty about the situation and translate it into competing models. The predictions of these models are then compared against actual monitoring data. At each step, monitoring information is used to update the system, compare the models, and rank the effectiveness of the management strategies. Managers are then free to select among the entire set of strategies. This is different from the approach using research or experimental design where an established study design and treatment schedule must be followed to the completion of the project. Mine: Adaptive Management makes competing models out of uncertainty. By doing this, a manager can compare the model with real data. With monitoring all the information the manager can evaluate the effectiveness of the plans and can pick which plan they think will work best. This differs from experimental or research design because these create a design and treatment that has to complete the project.

For many years, wildlife agencies used the client model of wildlife management to manage deer, wild turkey, game fish, and other game species. Why would they do this? Be sure to include the appropriate laws or policies in your answer that make the client model relevant. However, in recent years, many game species cause problems for the general public through crop damage, vehicle collisions, and other problems. With this fact taken into account, is the client model still appropriate for the management of these species? Why or why not?

Dr. Joe's answer: Because agencies are funded by hunting and fishing permit and by the Pittman Robertson and Dingell Johnson Acts, which is funded solely by hunters and anglers, wildlife agencies appropriately used the client model to serve the needs of these people. Agencies need to take into account the general public now that wildlife cause problems for them, however, more weight has to be given to hunters and anglers because they provide the bulk of the funding to these agencies. If other stakeholders or the general public would like more input the funding base should come more from the general public. Mine: They used the science of wildlife management and applied it to produce "sustained annual crops of wild game for recreational use." This was the first modern management model which came about because in response to agriculture, industrialization, and poorly regulated hunting. Many game species were hunted until they were gone or nearly gone. This management model and personnel were funded by the Pittman-Robertson Act and Dingell-Johnson Act. Managers assessed which populations to increase, studied these populations, and manipulated the environment to increase populations using scientific methods and findings. This model managed wildlife for the needs of the client which in this case are the sportsmen (hunters and anglers). This model is no longer appropriate for today's wildlife management needs. Now that these common game species populations are established and thriving, we no longer need to manage for the sole purpose of providing for the needs of hunters. We need to manage wildlife for the benefit of the public, not a select few.

Define Integrated Wildlife Damage Management, including the 10 different methods than can be integrated together to address human-wildlife conflicts

Dr. Joe's answer: integrated wildlife damage management whereby, several control methods are combined and coordinated with other management practices and used at the same time. Often this includes a combination of both short and long-term approaches to reducing wildlife damage. These methods include 1) exclusion of problem wildlife, 2) habitat modification, 3) frightening, 4) repellents, 5) toxicants, 6) fumigants, 7) trapping, 8) shooting, 9) non-traditional methods such as homemade remedies, and 10) proactive land use/management planning that reduces the potential of certain features to attract pest wildlife species. Mine: Integrated Wildlife Damage Management is when many control methods and management strategies are used at the same time. These can be a mix of short term and long term strategies. These methods can be 1) exclusion of problem wildlife, 2) habitat modification, 3) frightening, 4) repellents, 5) toxicants, 6) fumigants, 7) trapping, 8) shooting, 9) proofing and screening, 10) proactive land management to deter pest wildlife species.

Describe the importance of dead wood for wildlife habitat.

Dr. Joe's answer: Provides food, cover, and/or shelter for many species. After decomposing, the area where decomposition occurred often provides nutrient rich soil for the growth of new trees. My answer: Dead wood is required by many wildlife species. Snags provide cover a for cavity-nesting species such as wood ducks, many woodpeckers, and flying squirrels. It also provides a ready source of insects which are consumed by many wildlife species. Logs provide ideal habitat for many amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals. Insects also use logs as habitat and insect foraging wildlife needs logs to provide this food. Fungi thrives on logs and can be eaten by wildlife. Logs also provide shelter for many species. Slash provides cover as well. After the wood decomposes, the nutrients are recycled into the soil and provide for the growth of new plants.

How would you apply either the snob effect or the bandwagon effect in wildlife management of game species to increase revenue from license sales?

Dr. Joe's: In states with quality or trophy big game, increasing the out-of-state price for a licenses may make it appear to be more desirable to outside individuals, encouraging them to travel to the state for hunts You could show non-hunters videos through television or the internet of people enjoying themselves hunting, having fun, harvesting their own meat, cooking and other aspects of hunting so that they feel they should be doing this as well. Mine: The bandwagon and snob effect play on a person's want or desire to have something, in this case it would be to hunt and harvest a certain game species. The bandwagon effect is when more and more people want that product, or game animal, the price can increase. Hunting media like the Outdoors channel and social media can have this effect. The more the media portrays a certain species as the best species to hunt, the more people will want to hunt it. This will cause and increase in license sale, so therefore, revenue will increase. The snob effect is similar. This plays on a person's desire to have an exclusive good such as a rare or unique game species to show their level of achievement. An example would be a resident of Kentucky going to a western state to hunt big horned sheep. It is a unique species to hunters in Kentucky and not many will have the opportunity to go and hunt for one. States can increase the fees for nonresident hunters to increase revenue. Increasing license cost for big-trophy species will raise revenue as well.

Foods that are eaten to meet short-term nutritional needs are called?

Emergency Foods

The ____________________ was the most comprehensive legislation for the preservation of endangered and threatened species ever enacted by any nation.

Endangered Species Act of 1973

____________________ is a non-zoonotic, viral disease that infects deer in the Southeastern and Midwestern US, killing large numbers of deer?

Epizootic hemorrhagic disease

In the early days of wildlife management, such as the early 1800's, management consisted of what?

Establishing increasingly restrictive clauses to existing regulations

An area where more than 3 vegetation types meet are called

Headquarters coverts prime habitat corner

_______________ are typically deep seated and formed early on in life and are impossible, or nearly impossible, to change in adults.

Held Value

The Tariff Act of 1930 strengthened which act by prohibiting importation of any bird or mammal illegally taken or exported from a foreign nation.

Lacey Act

_____________ is the type of wildlife management when wildlife biologists seek to reduce or eliminate factors that have been identified as restricting wildlife population growth and survival.

Limiting factor management

North American river otter

Lutra canadensis


Lynx rufus

The ___________________________________ is a mechanical device that ejects sodium cyanide into the mouth of an animal after it pulls on the device. The unit consists of a case holder wrapped with cloth, fur, wool; a plastic capsule or case that holds the cyanide, and 7-cm ejector unit.


What is the scientific name of the Florida wild turkey?

Meleagris gallopavo osceola

What is the scientific name of the eastern wild turkey?

Meleagris gallopavo silvestris

striped skunk

Mephitis mephitis

The _____________________ to use human dimensions in wildlife management is based on the impact of wildlife management on human beings

Moral imperative

Which type of wildlife management would you use if you would like to manage for deer, wild turkey, rabbits, and quail?

Multiple Species Management

____________ is the type of wildlife management when wildlife managers provide a variety of habitat types in an attempt to support as many different wildlife species as possible.

Multiple species management


Mustela vison

_______ are situations in which each individual's demand depends upon the purchases of other individuals.

Negative externalities

A disease of double-crested cormorants that is considered a risk to North American poultry.

Newcastle disease

Scientific Name of WTD

Odocoileus virginianus

What is the scientific name of white-tailed deer.

Odocoileus virginianus


Ondatra zibethicus

What is the causative agent of "rabbit fever".

Pasteurella tularensis

What was the name of the 1st wildlife refuge and what year was it established?

Pelican Island NWR 1903

What does QDM stand for?

Quality Deer Management


Power Take Off 550 or 1000

_____ are animals that kill other species or are considered dangerous to livestock.


_____________ occurs after a catastrophic disturbance, which can be either natural, such as the eruption of a volcano or severe forest fire, or anthropogenic, such as bulldozing which removes the dominant vegetation and resets succession starting with bare earth or little vegetation

Primary succession

Ideally, wildlife management should focus on the biology of the species and the needs or desires of the manager. However, this is not often the case. Wildlife management often must take into account the desires of the stakeholders and even the greater public at large, such as a person who may be negatively impacted by the presence of abundant game species. Of all the types of wildlife managers, which type of manager is least affected by the needs and desired of people other than the landowner?

Private lands wildlife manager


Procyon lotor

Which Act granted the US Army Corps of Engineers the authority to regulate certain activities in navigable waters?

Rivers and Harbors Act

Hog traps

Rooter gate with small corral trap - good for removing individuals to small groups from the population, but often misses the entire sounder. Box trap - good for removing individuals, but not populations Boarbuster - able to remove entire sounders at one set

The _________________ was born during the upsurge in federal environmental and public land protection in the west. It argued that the federal government agencies lacked the constitutional authority to support long-term, extensive land ownership and that state ownership was superior to federal ownership because the state governments were closer to the people.

Sagebrush Rebellion

_____________ proceeds from the plant community that remains after a less severe disturbance, such as that created by tornado, a typical forest fire, or timber harvest that leaves some vegetation and debris. This type of succession is characterized by shade-intolerant species which is replaced over time by shade-tolerant species.

Secondary succession

_________________ is determined by human tolerance for the population level, or more typically, the tolerance for damage, nuisance, or threat to human safety.

Social carrying capacity

Gobbling by male wild turkey is greatest when?

Soon after the first nest incubation has peaked

eastern spotted skunk

Spilogale putorius

Foods that are eaten on a regular basis and which meet the nutritional needs, usually an animals second choice are called?

Staple Foods

Foods with low nutritional value that are consumed because there is nothing else to eat are called?

Stuffer Foods

Scientific name for Eastern Cottontail Rabbit (Genus and species).

Sylvilagus floridanus

What is the Genus and species of the marsh rabbit?

Sylvilagus palustris

Genus & species of the New England cottontail?

Sylvilagus transitionalis

The ____________________ was enacted to control overgrazing and overproduction on unappropriated public lands by establishing grazing districts and a grazing permit system. It also directed the Secretary of the Interior to do anything necessary to preserve the land and its resources from destruction or unnecessary injury.

Taylor Grazing Act 1943

The most important law providing restrictions on the taking of wildlife was?

The Lacey At of 1900

What is the primary reason that many forests don't support Northern bobwhite?

The closed canopy shades out the valuable herbaceous plants that provide food and cover.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act established in 1918 was?

The first legislation protection a particular group of wildlife.

What are the seven tenants to the North American Wildlife Management Model? Are they still relevant today? What changes would you make to this model, if any - explain your answer.

The principles of the North American Wildlife Conservation Model are explained more fully through a set of guidelines known as the Seven Sisters for Conservation. Sister #1 - Wildlife is Held in the Public Trust. In North American, natural resources and wildlife on public lands are managed by government agencies to ensure that current and future generations always have wildlife and wild places to enjoy. Sister #2 - Prohibition on Commerce of Dead Wildlife. Commercial hunting and the sale of wildlife is prohibited to ensure the sustainability of wildlife populations. Sister #3 - Democratic Rule of Law. Hunting and fishing laws are created through the public process where everyone has the opportunity and responsibility to develop systems of wildlife conservation and use. Sister #4 - Hunting Opportunity for All. Every citizen has an opportunity, under the law, to hunt and fish in the United States and Canada. Sister #5 - Non-Frivolous Use. In North America, individuals may legally kill certain wild animals under strict guidelines for food and fur, self-defense and property protection. Laws restrict against the casual killing of wildlife merely for antlers, horns or feathers. Sister #6 - International Resources. Wildlife and fish migrate freely across boundaries between states, provinces and countries. Working together, the United States and Canada jointly coordinate wildlife and habitat management strategies. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 demonstrates this cooperation between countries to protect wildlife. The Act made it illegal to capture or kill migratory birds, except as allowed by specific hunting regulations. Sister #7 - Scientific Management. Sound science is essential to managing and sustaining North America's wildlife and habitats. For example, researchers put radio collars on elk to track the animals' movements to determine where elk give birth and how they react to motor vehicles on forest roads.

essay: Access to land for hunting is a serious concern for game management agencies. Provide 2 examples of how this change in farming practices affected land access for hunters.

The size of farms have tripled in size since 1940, but the number of farms have decreased by about 70%. Many of these farms are now owned by corporations or large scale farmers. The number of American's living on farms have decreased from 23% to<2%. This decrease in the number of people on farms can make it more difficult to locate owners and ask for permission for access. Also, farms runs solely as businesses may be hesitant about allow people on the land because of damage or liability issues, which can also can cause smaller landowners to disallow access. Finally, farms run as businesses may allow hunting, but may do so only for a fee through leases. This can cause local hunters to loose access to long-term hunting grounds.

Why does the social aspect of wildlife management have to be or should be considered by private individuals?

The social aspect should be considered to avoid conflict with neighbors.

essay: Furbearer management can be a difficult type of wildlife management. It often involves aspects of wildlife damage management and classical wildlife management techniques. There are several factors that can complicate furbearer management. What are 4 of the 5 factors that can complicate furbearer management.

The varying amounts of land and habitat needs of different species; The diversity of forbearer families; The relationship of each species with other fur bearers and wildlife; Man's relationship to furbearers; and The difficulty in obtaining furbearer population estimates and trends.

There are 6 primary challenges to managing wildlife on modern farmlands. What are they?

There are 6 primary challenges to managing wildlife in farmlands including 1) that the goals of farming and wildlife management have diverged; 2) farm conservation programs that are widely promoted for wildlife benefits are often spatially dispersed and temporarily insecure, making it difficult to show sustained progress toward wildlife management priorities; 3) reliable knowledge about the results of wildlife habitat is lacking; 4) wildlife agencies need to redouble efforts to communicate the importance of wildlife in critical ecosystem functions; 5) wildlife managers must address both the positives and negatives of interactions between hunters and wildlife; and 6) wildlife managers must facilitate access to private lands to meet the public's need for sporting and other recreational wildlife activities.

What is a strategy used by Northern bobwhite to reduce population wide effects of nest failure events caused by predation, harsh weather events, and other seasonal mortality events

There are several hatching peaks spread out throughout the summer.

Dabbling ducks are called dabbling ducks because

They tip up and feed off of the bottom of the pond or lake

Gray Fox

Urocyon cinereoargenteus

red fox

Vulpes vulpes

Habitat is an area with a combination of resources that include?

Water, Food, Cover, Space

Negative density dependent factors will typically cause a population to regulate its population size around a theoretical maximum called the _____________.

carrying capacity

bumps on the skin on the head of wild turkeys


A complete count of wildlife populations is called a?


The __________ method of harvest and regeneration for an even-aged forest stand is where all the trees in a given area are cut. It is the most common form of even-aged regeneration. While this method is often demonized by environmentalists, the value of this method ultimately depends upon the objective of the forest and wildlife managers and the species that are being managed for.


Because of the presence of humans, larger species of wildlife is usually excluded from living in urban areas.


Cemeteries are often sinks in regards to wildlife.


Skunks, along with river otters and minks and other members of the rodent family, have characteristic musk glands that are responsible for their unpleasant odor. The scent is produced by two internal musk glands located at the base of the tail and is usually released in self-defense. Before spraying the oily, sulfur-containing compound, skunks and other rodents usually stamp their feet rapidly and growl or hiss, They generally walk a short distance on their front feet and raise their tail as a warning before releasing any scent. The fluid is released in a fine spray that can be accurately dispersed up to 10 feet or less accurately for 20 feet.


T or F A population is a collection of species occupying a defined area, for which it is meaningful to refer to birth and death rates, sex ratios, abundances, and age structures


T or F Abomasal worms are encountered by hunters who examine the oral cavity of deer


T or F Beaver sexes are easily distinguished based on external characteristics.


T or F Births are typically quantified as litter size or clutch size. As time passes, some of the newborn animals die, while others live long enough to become part of the populations as juveniles. When newborn animals become juveniles, and part of the population, this is called gene flow - or the number of new animals added to the population.


T or F Both males and female raccoons are territorial and their home ranges rarely overlap with other individuals.


T or F Brood parasitism is widespread among birds and has been reported in 234 species in 16 orders. The habit is most prevalent among raptors.


T or F Cottontail rabbits obtain most of their water from streams, lakes, ponds, puddles, and other bodies of free water.


T or F Deterministic factors are those random factors that affect populations.


T or F For landowners with farmland, managing quail is relatively inexpensive and fairly easy to achieve significant results.


T or F Hunters should shoot as many quail as possible during the hunting season to prevent inbreeding.


T or F Muskrat populations tend to reach a specific size and then are regulated by carrying capacity and are not subject to large fluctuation in population sizes.


T or F Quail declines in the SE are due to increase in predators.


T or F River otters are extremely territorial


T or F Skunks, along with river otters and mink and other members of the weasel family, have characteristic musk glands that are responsible for their unpleasant odor. The scent is produced by two internal musk glands located at the base of the tail and is usually released for self-defense. Before spraying the oily, sulfur-containing compound, skunks usually stamp their front feet rapidly and growl or hiss. They generally walk a short distance on their front feet and raise their tail as a warning before releasing any scent. The fluid is released in a fine spray that can be accurately dispersed up to 10 feet and less accurately for 20 feet.


T or F Wild quail can be increased by stocking or releasing pen-raised quail.


The fall flight forecast is an estimate of the total number of ducks available before reproduction and after the hunting season.


The flyway councils meet and make requirements regarding waterfowl management within the United States to the US Fish and Wildlife Service who are required by international treaty to accept and implement these management activities


The flyway councils meet and make requirements regarding waterfowl management within the United States to the US Fish and Wildlife Service who are required by international treaty to accept and implement these management activities.


The most common dabbling duck in North America is the wood duck.


There are 4 flyway councils that make management recommendations for waterfowl regulations based upon historic movement patterns, populations, band returns, and other scientific data. The 4 flyway councils were established by the 1986 North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP).


The last step to SDM is to

implement & monitor

A critical part of a young quail's diet is


In SE, when do coveys break up to form mating pairs?

late April

The fall migration of which dabbling duck usually occurs later than that of other dabbling ducks.


Populations across a landscape have characteristics that are similar to what you would see within a population and those individuals that make up that population. These groups of populations are called ______________________.


Prey species need human help to have healthy populations in the presence of predators, such as controlling predator population numbers.

only if human desire a large population to hunt or trap

Strategy N. bobwhite use to reduce population wide effect of nest failure

several hatching peaks spread out throughout the summer

bat wing rotary mower

sides can fold up and down

an upward protrusion from the base of the beak.


One of the most important factors known to determine the potential quality of quail habitat is?


The core of SDM is a set of

well-defined objectives

Northern bobwhite will renest after a nest failure.

yes, but only after remating.

The general theory of harvesting animals is based on the premise that without harvest, growth and recruitment of the population are balanced by natural mortality; therefore, the average growth rate of a population at carrying capacity is ____________.


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