Management Test 3/Final

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The concept of trust is made up of​ integrity, competence,​ consistency, loyalty, and openness. Of the five​ dimensions, which one seems to be most critical when someone assesses​ another's trustworthiness?


​_____________ is an organizational communication network using Internet technology that is accessible only to organizational employees.


A large retail chain wants to assess how well its buyers are performing.​ Ideally, merchandise comes in and is sold within days so the revenue from the sale can be used to pay the invoice for the merchandise. Which financial ratio would be helpful in this​ situation?

Inventory turnover

Wes just received the annual retirement report for his area. It looks like within a​ three-year period, Wes could lose three of his​ long-tenured directors. This has Wes very concerned about what to do. These three directors are responsible for some of the most successful client relationships. They know everything about the clients and seem to meet their every need before the client even speaks. Wes should be looking into which of the​ following?

Knowledge management

​__________ is what leaders do.


Matt enjoys seeing for himself how things are going in his department. Often you can find Matt out in the area visiting his employees and listening to them talk about their work. Matt is using which control​ technique?

Management by walking around

Which of the following early theories of leadership defined leader behavior as concern for people and concern for​ production? The theorists went so far as to label one of their styles of​ leadership, "country​ club."

Managerial grid

Thinking in terms of the job characteristics​ model, which one of the following situations would an individual find most​ motivating?

Matt works independently with adults with developmental​ delays, sometimes working on activities of daily living and other times working on socialization skills.

The fact that Matt can communicate with his colleagues electronically from anywhere on the road is a benefit that IT brings. Communication accessibility becomes easier. This is called which of the​ following?

Networked communication systems

Ben is like the Energizer®® bunnylong dash—​he's always doing something but hops from one task to another without really accomplishing​ anything, leaving a wake of unfinished tasks behind him. Ben could benefit from more​ ____________.


Yohnna had been told no several times and by several people as she was working to accomplish her goal. But no matter how many​ no's she​ heard, she would not give up until the goal was accomplished. Yohnna is displaying what element of​ motivation?


Managers put control systems in place for various reasons. Which of the following reasons would address workplace violence and security​ breaches?

Protecting the workplace

Hersey and​ Blanchard's interest in followers focused on their​ _____________.


Why should managers be concerned with employee​ motivation?

Research indicates the majority of workers are disengaged from their work.

In the sales department Hal is constantly trying to bring in the highest revenue each quarter. Hal fully believes he is able to do​ this, no matter the hurdles. He continues to stay focused on the goal and puts in all his effort. Which of the following​ goal-performance contingencies is Hal​ leveraging?


Which one of the following theories best expresses the relationship of leadership research to national​ culture?

Situational leadership

Jim never could trust his team. He knew that every time he was out of the office they would be loafing off and not getting their work done. He also knew that unless he watched them very​ carefully, the work they did do would be inadequate to reach the​ team's goals. Which of the following motivation theories best represents the way Jim might lead his​ team?

Theory X

Most orders for Christmas merchandise are placed by retailers to arrive in​ mid-October. But several years ago the dock workers were on​ strike, so the orders sat in the transporter ships. Only one​ retailer, JC​ Penney, was spared the shortages because its buyers anticipated the strike and ordered early that year. Why would​ Penney's choose to incur merchandise costs so​ early?

To protect the workplace from supply chain disruptions

Roseanne is excellent at sharing a compelling vision with others. Despite being a young​ entrepreneur, she often has the ability to gather support based just on her vision. Which of the following would best describe​ Roseanne's leadership?


Many of the early theories of leadership examined specific behaviors. Which of the following described leadership behavior in terms of autocratic styles and democratic​ styles?

University of Iowa

When Elaine was trying to motivate her team toward a challenging​ goal, she often​ said, "We MUST get this​ done!" She would emphasize the word​ "must." This is called which of the​ following?

Verbal intonation

The ability to create and articulate a fascinating and credible picture of the future is best left to which of the following descriptions of​ leaders?


In 2007 the U.S. economy went into a deep recession lasting two years. Many households held on to their cars longer rather than trade them in for a new​ model, causing many dealerships to miss their sales quotas. The appropriate response in this situation would be​ to_____________

adjust the sales quotas until the economy recovered

An organization that used gamification in the design of its reward program would probably​ ___________.

allow employees to progress through a series of levels to earn badges and honors

Managers of foreign business units are less likely to experience​ __________ control than are managers of domestic units.


Every 15​ minutes, Bobbi​ Jo, a quality​ auditor, pulls a part from the bin of die castings and measures several important features on the part to verify that it meets the​ customer's specifications. This behavior is a type of​ ___________.

concurrent control

​Mike, a quality​ manager, realizes the work environment in the production facility may cause some people to have thoughts of​ violence, and potentially someone could act on those thoughts. So Mike spends a good deal of his time among the​ workers, observing their​ interactions, listening to their complaints and taking steps to address​ them, and demonstrating best practices to deal with frustration.​ Mike's actions would be considered a type of​ _____________.

concurrent control

When encoding a​ message, it is important to​ _____________

consider the abilities and attitudes of the receiver

What the researchers in the Michigan study called​ employee-centered behavior, the researchers in the Ohio State study called​ _____________.


Penny seeks input from her subordinates and encourages them to express their opinions in situations that involve their work. Penny is a​ _________ leader.


When Glenn delegated tasks to his​ subordinates, he explained the desired​ results, the reporting​ requirements, and any applicable guidelines. Glenn created​ a(n) ______________.

effective control system

When Marla processes time records for​ payroll, she sends them from her computer to the company that prepares paychecks and direct deposits using​ a(n) _______________.

electronic data interchange

Stan borrowed the company laptop for an​ out-of-town conference. While he had it at​ home, he made a mirror image of the hard drive that he copied to his personal home so he could have the latest versions of his​ work-related applications. Stan engaged in​ __________.

employee theft

Because of the technological advances in​ communication, _____________.

employees are reachable in more locations

For a​ pay-for-performance program to be​ effective, ___________.

employees must make a clear connection between what they do and what they receive

According to Robert​ House, the style a leader should use with an individual depends on​ _____________.

environmental and employee contingency factors

An knowledge management system is most similar to​ a(n) _______________.

expert system

Work at Siemens often involves collaborating with customers on designs. Once the design is approved and placed into the production​ schedule, the customers like to be able to track the progress of their orders. For this​ application, a(n) ​ ___________ would work well.


Annual employee performance evaluations are a popular form of​ ______________.


A leader is someone who​ ___________.

has managerial authority and exercises influence over others

Rose knows the names of her​ employees' significant others and children and often asks about them. She makes sure all her employees have what they need to work safely and solicits their ideas about process improvements. According to the Ohio State​ study, we could say Rose is​ _________________.

high in consideration

The definition of a leader is someone who can​ __________ others and who has authority.


For purposes of​ research, a key component of leadership is the ability to​ _________.

influence others

In determining whether to accept a special​ project, Oxana considered whether successful completion of the project would result in a reward. Oxana was considering the​ _________ of expectancy theory.


The most critical element of trust is​ _____________________.


One major criticism of Vroom and​ Jago's research findings is it​ _____________.

is so complicated they developed a computer program so leaders could use their model

Feedback is an important part of the communication process because​ __________.

it is the mechanism to check for understanding

The early research at Michigan and Ohio State​ ______________.

laid the foundation for later contingency theories

When jobs are​ unambiguous, _____________.

leadership becomes less important

Employee empowerment is an example of​ _______________.

leading by not leading

In his​ research, Fiedler used the​ ________________ questionnaire to determine an​ individual's basic leadership style.

least-preferred coworker

Viruses. Hackers. Subpoenas. Cyber bullying. Blogging about work. Each of these represents a special communication concern categorized as​ ____________.

legal and security issues

The early research into leader behaviors led to the conclusion that​ ______________.

looking for a set of traits or behaviors common to all leaders was insufficient

Considering that women now comprise nearly​ 50% of all​ workers, employers would be well advised to​ ____________ to maximize motivation among workers.

make sure men and women in identical positions are paid the same

In the balanced scorecard​ approach, ________________.

managers set goals and measure performance in multiple areas important to organizational success

Michael has been out of school for three years now and is being promoted for the fourth time. He has put in lots of time and energy to meet each of his goals on his career path. His friends refer to him as the​ over-achiever! Which of the following needs would best describe​ Michael?


Jason is excited to be starting his new job next month. He always felt his old company was not forthright with their decision making. It bothered him that he never understood how the CEO was using the​ company's finances to make hard decisions. At​ Jason's new​ company, though, the financial books are open to everyone in the organization. He is excited to see how his effort will make an impact on the books. The new​ company's approach to finance can best be described as which of the​ following?

open book management

Bobby is using the Situational Leadership theory to help him improve his leadership. Often he is looking at his​ follower's motivation and skill set. The theory would say Bobby is assessing which of the​ following?


Nance is an hourly employee who just discovered a similarly situated​ co-worker is earning considerably more per hour. According to equity​ theory, Nance is likely to​ _____________.

reduce his work effort to bring his​ inputs/outputs ratio more in line with his​ co-worker

One trend spawned by the rise in the use of electronic communication​ methods, particularly among younger workers is​ a(n) __________.

reduction in personal interaction

The major contribution of​ Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory is​ ___________.

satisfaction and dissatisfaction are two different scales

Selecting the proper activities to measure is critical because​ ___________.

some activities contribute more to the achievement of organizational goals than others

Personal observation is considered an inferior source of information because​ ____________.

the observer may miss something important

Many tangible​ items, such as the parts in an​ automobile, are designed with measurement​ tolerances, expressed as .025​ ± .003, for example. These tolerances set the limits of​ _____________

the range of variation

Although research has not revealed a set of traits all leaders​ possess, we have discovered that​ ____________.

there is consistency in the traits underlying what leaders do

The one glaring flaw with the hierarchy of needs theory is​ _______________.

there is no empirical evidence to support it

Her supervisor mentioned to Frances that funds were available for professional development. At her next review one year​ later, Frances reported she had not attended any development events. The supervisor could not take any corrective action in this situation because​ ___________.

there was no plan to which to compare the​ results, in this case a lack of development activity

The​ self-efficacy of the​ goal-setting theory relates most closely to​ ___________

the​ effort-performance linkage of the expectancy theory

One potential criticism of the LMX theory is​ _______________.

time and resources tend to be more plentiful to members of the​ in-group so that​ out-group members are less likely to succeed

Trust has become more important in​ today's organizations because​ _____________.

trust in leadership leads to greater organizational success

During the announcement of the merger between Body Metal and​ Shimmer, the two CEOs neglected to mention that to avoid​ duplication, some positions would be eliminated and employees would lose their jobs. The combining of the two product lines into one would also require a reduction in force. Some would consider this omission to be​ ____________.

unethical communication

Companies feel vindicated in monitoring​ employees' use of company computers because​ _____________.

using computers for​ non-work activities slows down the system and can cause other employees to be less productive

Emphasizing words or phrases when speaking is known as​ ____________

verbal intonation

Which one of the following would more likely be the statement of a transactional​ leader?

​"If you stay late today to finish the​ report, you can come in late​ tomorrow."

Which one of the following would satisfy the safety​ need?

​John's supervisor tells​ him, "As long as your performance remains at this​ level, you'll have a job​ here."

Hudson has discovered several people in his department who are also passionately concerned about the opening of a competitor in their region. Each seems to have a different piece of information about this new competitor and when they will open. Hudson really believes this should be something that his colleagues and leaders pay attention to. In order to fully understand what the other passionate colleagues know about the new​ competitor, Hudson should pull together which of the​ following?

A community of practice

Individuals with a high need for​ ___________ tend to become the experts at their work.


As the term is used in​ business, which one of the following is an example of​ control?

Amanda is reviewing the overnight quality report to check for variation in the measurements from the machining department.

Pam loves her job. She starts her day every morning deciding on what the​ day's priorities will be and how she can get them done. There are very few constraints that Pam has to deal with in her job. Which of the following job characteristics is most motivating to​ Pam?


Trust is defined as which of the​ following?

Belief in the​ leader's integrity,​ character, and ability

Marcus is really concerned that his team is falling behind in reaching their goals. Often when he is participating in a managers​ meeting, he will ask his counterparts how their teams are doing. This is one way that Marcus can do which of the​ following?


In which one of the following situations does communication​ occur?

Bernice explains the operating instructions to​ Luann, who then demonstrates she can operate the equipment.

If Mark wanted to follow the accomplishments of his financial​ goals, he could easily compare his actual spending to which of the​ following?


How do followers judge a​ leader's credibility?

By observing and evaluating the​ leader's honesty,​ competence, and ability to inspire.

At​ Que's Heavenly Hamburgers they have just introduced milk shakes as a side item. They make each milk shake by hand and it is very labor intensive. Que likes to see how they are selling and has asked all the counter people to put a sticker on the​ "Milk Shake​ Board" any time they sell a milk shake. With the stickers on the​ "Milk Shake​ Board" Que can see how many shakes they are selling at any time. This is an example of which of the​ following?

Concurrent control

Jim is wondering whether his​ division's goals for the year are being accomplished. To determine to what degree goal completion is​ happening, Jim should use which of the following management​ functions?


Cathy spends a lot of time each day on her work computerlong dash—an expected condition considering she works in accounting.​ However, an audit of her computer revealed she spends an average of five hours each day surfing the​ Web, shopping, and visiting with friends on social media sites. Cathy would be more productive if her motivation included more​ ____________.


In his office Chris had posted his top three sales goals for this quarter. Every​ day, he would come in and be reminded of his goals. Each morning he would compare his current performance with his goals and get to​ work! Chris is displaying what element of​ motivation?


Mike has a huge report to work on at home this evening. On the way out of the​ office, he grabs a pack of copier paper to take home for his personal printer. That evening after completing his report and printing out a couple copies for the​ office, he also prints out a few recipes and an online student assignment for his 9th grade daughter. It is likely that Mike is participating in which of the​ following?

Employee theft

Communication is a​ seven-step process. Which of the following is the first step a manager who wishes to communicate new ideas would​ do?


Bart knew he needed to get started on his project if he was going to meet the deadline. He knew what had to be done. He knew once he​ began, he would likely be able to finish. It was the starting part he struggled with. The element of motivation Bart lacked was​ _____________.


Which of the following countries is more likely to use direct supervision and a centralized decision making​ system, rather than​ technology, to help control employee​ behavior?


Annie is working in an organization where her paycheck reflects how many hours she has worked with each paying client. For​ her, this seems very fair and motivating. This type of​ pay-for-performance plan is associated with which of the following motivation​ theories?

Expectancy theory

Penny would like to be able to communicate her inventory needs with her vendor almost instantly. The best app for this opportunity would be which of the​ following?


Theories in leadership evolved from trait and behavior to include contingency models. What was the first comprehensive contingency​ model?

Fiedler contingency model

The success of employee recognition programs can be linked to which one of these theories of​ motivation?

Herzberg's Motivation and Hygiene Theory

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