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What are the five steps in the training process?

*1.Assess needs for training* 2. Ensures readiness for training 3. Plan training program Objectives Trainers Methods 4.Implement training program 5.Evaluate result of training

Identify the 9 common decision making biases. can't find her ass hole over sefe's pink sandal ;)

1. conformation bias 2. framing bias 3. hindsight bias 4. anchoring 5. halo effect 6. overconfidence bias 7. status quo bias 8. pro innovation bias 9. sunk cost bias

Name the 5 stages of group and team development. FSNPA

1. forming 2. storming 3. norming 4. performing 5. adjourning

What are the 3 common techniques for team building?

1. set goals 2. Member selection 3. team size

When should you use teams?

1. there is a clear purpose 2. the job can't be done unless people work together 3. tam based rewards are possible 4. ample resources exist 5. teams have authority

When shouldn't you use teams?

1. there's no clear purpose 2. the job can be done independently 3 only individual based rewards exist 4. resources are limited 5. management controls

In the selection method for recruitment make sure the methods have

1. validity 2. fairness 3. reliable 4. cost

What are the 3 types of compensations?

1. wages and salary: 2. incentives: pay increase, bonus 3. benefits: health care, dental, retirement

What are some types of teams?

1. work teams 2. task force teams 3. project teams 4. cross-functional teams 5. self-managed teams 6. virtual teams

Orientation and training can serve many positive purposes. For example, they can:

1.Lower costs 2.Help the employee gain confidence 3.Improve performance

What are the 3 disadvantages of group decision making?

1.Slower process and more expensive 2. Tendency for group members to support proposed group position. 3. Decision may move toward extremes.

What are 6 effective team characteristics?

1.clarity of purpose 2.good communication 3.positive role for conflict 4.accountability and commitment 5.shared leadership 6.positive group dynamic

Large teams __ ___ members Pros (2) Cons (3)

10-16 members pros: more resources, division of labor Cons: less interaction, lower morale, social loafing.

Small teams __ __ members Pros Cons

2-9 members Pros: better interaction, better morale Cons: fewer resources, possibly less innovation, unfair work distribution

System in which employees receive confidential anonymous feedback from the people who work around them it includes the employee's: manager, peers, and direct reports

360 Appraisal

Name the HR Function Ensuring that employees have a safe work environment and that the organization is complying with legal requirements set forth byOSHA) Implementing new safety measures when laws change in a given industry

Safety and Health

Is a decision making strategy that entails searching through the available alternatives until a practical solution with adequate level of acceptability is found, and stopping the search there instead of looking for the best possible solution.


A combination of structured and unstructured questions are used.

Semi-structured interviews

What would you do.....? Future ?'s

Situational questions

What are the 4 type of structured interview questions

Situational questions Behavioral questions job knowledge questions worker requirement questions

_________: members want to be part of the team and want to contribute to its success

Social Cohesion

What are some possible team problems?

Social loafing or slacking group think Poor leaders

Name the HR function Helping to document employee problems in order to justify firing Terminating employees for various reasons and following up with appropriate paperwork and legal actions

Terminating employee contract when necessary

When performance norms are negative and cohesiveness is high, performance is ____.

low (worst situation)

encourager gatekeeper: make sure everyone is heard from harmonizer

maintenance role

When performance norms are negative and cohesiveness is low performance is ____.

moderate to low

conflicts are resolved, there's a sense of unity, consensus on roles develops.


People play what 2 types of roles in teams?

people oriented task oriented

members is focused on solving problems and completing the assigned tasks


What are some type of norms

punctual, professional, thorough, committed, responsible, motivated

Unwelcome contact that a person finds unreasonable sexual contact is known as

sexual harassment

Name some pre employment test.

skill tests: measures existing skills aptitude tests: ability to acquire skills personality tests: behavior patterns intelligence tests:cognitive abilities physical ability: PA required for job drug/alcohol tests: background tests:

Job requires a person to use multiple high-level skills.

skill variety

The number of levels of hierarchy, in turn, determines the managers' __________ how many employees directly report to a manager.

span of control

marked by competition as individual personalities emerge.


an employee should report to no more than one manager

unity of command

No fixed set of questions and no systematic scoring procedure.

unstructured interviews (allow bias to come in)

Is the method predicting performance


What are the 2 types of employee retention?

voluntary separation involuntary termination

What are HR's 4 legal requirements?

-Labor relations -Compensation & Benefits -Health & Safety -Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Name the major EEO laws.

1. Equal Pay Act of 1963 2. Civil Rights Act of 1964 3.Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 4. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 5. Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act 6. Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993 7. Civil Rights Act of 1991 8. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

What do Cisco's Best teams include? name all 3

1. Focus on individual strengths 2. shared values 3. trust

Strategic HRM has what 8 Functions? Just have Ron's tan sandal evenly placed carefully

1. Job analysis and work design 2. HR planning 3. Recruiting 4. Selection 5. Training and Development 6. Performance Management 7. Compensation 8. Employee relations

Employers may not discriminate against employees because of:

1. Race color 2. National origin 3. sex 4. religion

What are the 5 types of rating errors?

1. Recency error 2. Bias error 3. Contrast error 4. Errors of central tendency 5. errors of leniency or strictness

What are the 6 different selection tools/process?

1. Review resume/application 2. Phone interview 3. Face to face interview 4. Testing 5. Background checks 6. Job offer

What are the 2 techniques for team building?

1. Set team goals and priorities 2. Select team members carefully

What should you consider when selecting team members?

1. balance experience and ability 2. include diversity of skills, experience, and culture.

Makes it illegal to discriminate against Employees who are more than 40 years old

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disabilities

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Tell me about a time....

Behavioral questions

Error is a systematic distortion or pattern of error in judgment.

Bias error

How are EEO and Affirmative Action the same?

Both are ways to ensure everyone has access to job opportunities and promotions.

What are some key management tips?

Choose your words carefully. Be consistent in your treatment of employees. Apply standards equally. Never retaliate. Keep fair and accurate records.

Prohibits discrimination on basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin

Civil Rights Act of 1964

strengthened the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1991

What is the STAR response

S-situation (describe the situation) T-task (describe your role) A-action ( describe the action you took) R-results (describe the outcome)

Name the HR function Setting appropriate and competitive wages or salaries for employees Researching and negotiating insurance and retirement plans, as well as other types of benefits, with third-party providers


What is job analysis used for?

Compensation, recruitment

Which four decision making biases does this describe and what tip can counter each? Only search for evidence that confirms your beliefs.

Confirmation bias Tip: Actively search for contradictory evidence.

Seek out information that supports our existing instinct or point of view while avoiding information that contradicts it.

Conformation Bias

Error in which an employees performance appraisal is impacted by the fact that previous candidates where relatively good or bad.

Contrast error

How much time, money, staffing will this method need?


Provide employees with an opportunity to develop skills and abilities for future careers


Putting together people with diverse occupational specialties in formal groups by similar products, customers or geographic regions. is known as a. Matrix structure b. divisional structure c. none of the above d. a and b

Divisional Structure (customer, product geographic)

What is the difference between EEO and Affirmative Action?

EEO means that an employer cannot discriminate in hiring, training and promotion Affirmative Action is the active recruitment of qualified individuals who are members of groups who have been discriminated against in the past.

Name the HR function Mediating disputes between employees and employers, as well as between employees and other employees Ensuring employees understand their rights with regard to unions and unionizing

Employee and Labor relation

What means an employee can be terminated at any time without any reason, explanation, or warning. It also means an employee can quit at any time for any reason.

Employment at will

Makes it illegal to pay men more than women for the same work

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Error in which managers tendency to rate all or most employees as average.

Errors of central tendency

Error, when rater's tendency is to rate all employees at the positive end of the scale or at the low end of the scale.

Errors of leniency or strictness

What are the two factors in organizational design?

External and Internal Environment

Job opening to people outside the company.

External recruitment cons: cost, don't know who you're hiring, they don't know you pros: have new ideas

Offers job protections to individuals for parental and medical leave

Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993

It does not compare people against each other but gives employees ratings such as excellent, good or needs improvement. A set of numbers or percentage of workers must fall into each category.

Forced Ranking

Phenomenon wherein people seek unanimous agreement in spite of contrary facts pointing to another conclusion.

Group Think

When performance norms are positive and cohesiveness is high performance is ____.

High performance

Determining employees the organization will need, when they will be needed, where they will be needed is known as

Human Resource Planning

What are the types of recruitment?

Internal and external

Job opening to people inside the company.

Internal recruitment pro: you know the person, they know you, less costly, increases morale

_______ (also referred to as work design or task design) is a core function of human resource management. Its principles are geared towards how the nature of a person's job affects their attitudes and behavior at work, particularly relating to characteristics such as skill variety and autonomy.

Job Design

In human resource planning the __________ is the procedure used for gathering information regarding the tasks, duties and responsibilities of a job, the job's working conditions and the skills needed to do the job.

Job analysis

Summarizes what the holder of a job does and why they do it. TDR's: task, duties, and responsibilities.

Job description

How do you do?

Job knowledge questions

Describes the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform a job successfully. Knowledge, skills, and abilities

Job specifications

When performance norms are positive and cohesiveness is low performance is ____.

Moderate performance

Can you use race or color as a Bona fide occupational qualification?


What are the set percentage that workers must fall into in Forced Ranking?

Non performers 10% Average performers 70% Top performers 20%

General guidelines that most group or team members follow is known as


Is a method of evaluating the job performance of an employee. It is an ongoing process of obtaining, researching, analyzing and recording information about the worth of an employee.

Objective appraisal

Human resources professionals are usually in charge of ensuring new hires have completed all necessary paperwork, signed up for benefits, reviewed safety and ethics policies, and received a comprehensive tour of the workplace.


The process through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs contribute to the organization's goals.

Performance appraisal

What is a process that provides feedback, accountability, and documentation for performance outcomes. It helps employees to channel their talents toward organizational goals.

Performance management

prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

Error tendency that allows more recent incidents (good/bad) of employee behavior to carry too much weight in the evaluation performance.

Recency error

_____________ is the process of attracting a pool of qualified applicants for a job opening.


Does the method get the same results consistently.


What is a marketing tool for the employee in the selection process?


Applicants are asked the same set of standardized questions.

Structured interviews

Educate employees to help them do their current jobs better


Name the HR function Onboarding training for new employees and ongoing training and development for current employees Trainings and development activities may include internal meetings, conferences, or external educational courses Opportunities for employee evaluation

Training and development

Subjective performance appraisal scale. include things such as appearance, attitude, initiative, work ethic, leadership ability, a sense of ethics, loyalty, adaptability and judgment.

Trait Appraisal

What are the different types of appraisal?

Trait Appraisal Objective Appraisal Forced Ranking 360 Degree Appraisal

Requesting sexual favors in exchange for a job-related benefit Supervisors/subordinates

Type 1: "Quid Pro Quo"

What are the two types of sexual harassment?

Type 1: "Quid Pro Quo" Type 2: Hostile work environment

Culture/climate of work environment is "sexually charged" such that employees of one gender are uncomfortable Examples: Calendars, jokes, etc. Coworkers

Type 2: Hostile work environment

prohibits discrimination against those serving in the Armed Forces

Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act

What are the 3 types of interviews

Unstructured interviews structured interviews semi structured interviews

_____________: 1. An exception in employment law 2. Permits gender, age and religion, and the like to be used when making employment decisions 3. Only if they are "reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the particular business."

What is a Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)? example: hiring a female as a female bathroom attendant or setting age limits for pilots.

Are you willing to spend 25% of your time on the road

Worker requirement questions

Finish the project and disband. you celebrate or acknowledge the departure


What is a legal document for the company in the selection process?


Name the 3 characteristics of authority delegation.

authority accountability responsibility

Does the method avoid discrimination


Process of getting oriented and getting acquainted


What are the two outcomes of job analysis?

job description and job specification

In ___ organizational structures, the span of control is NARROW . In FLAT structure, the span of control is ____, meaning one manager supervises many employees.

tall wide

initiator: keeps things on topic summarizer: looks for areas of agreement

task roles

Describe techniques managers can use to guide and reach consensus in groups BGDC

1. Brainstorming 2. Group techniques 3. Devil's advocacy or Delphi technique 4. Conses-strengths and weaknesses

List Edgar Schein's Four Common Elements of an organization: Can't Commit Stay Home

1. Common purpose 2. Coordinated effort 3. Specialization and division of labor 4. Hierarchy of authority

List Edgar Schein's four common elements of an organization. Can't Commit Stay Home

1. Common purpose 2. Coordinated effort 3. Specialization and division of labor 4. Hierarchy of authority

What are the stages of rational decision making?

1. Define the problem and or opportunity 2. Establish a decision criteria 3. Weigh the decision criteria 4. Generate an alternative 5. Evaluate the alternative 6. Select the best alternative 7. Implement and evaluate

Basic Types of Organizational Structures Find David's money today not Monday.

1. Functional 2. Divisional—customer, product, geographic 3. Matrix 4. Team-Based 5. Network 6. Modular

Types of Organizational Structures find david's money today not monday

1. Functional structure 2. Divisional—customer, product, geographic 3. Matrix structure 4. Team-Based structure 5. Network structure 6. Modular structure

Why do managers make bad decisions? SCSC

1. Self serving bias 2. cognitive fluency 3. Sunk cost fallacy 4. conformation bias

What are the assumptions of the rational model?

1. That you have complete information, there's no uncertainty 2. Logical, Unemotional analysis 3. It's the Best decision for the organization

What are the advantages of group decision making?

1. The sum of knowledge skills and creativity in group setting will always be greater than that of individuals. 2. Increase understanding of the issue and decision amongst team members.

What are the 4 impacts of information on decision making? TDRT

1. Total failure to decide 2. Diminish returns 3. Recency (new) trumps quality 4. The neglected unconscious

When defining the problem/opportunity avoid common mistakes such as: (4)

1. Treating a symptom 2. Jumping to a solution 3. Focusing on only one cause 4. Relying on past experience

When making the final decision you have what three options?

1. command: make a decision fast 2. democratic: winners and losers 3. consensus: everyone

What are the 3 different ways to make decision discussed by Henry Mintzberg?

1. thinking first: diagnose, design, decide, do (fish diagram) 2. Seeing first: insight, action 3. doing first: act, think

What are the 10 ways to be a more effective Delegator? Trust, avoid, give, know, follow, praise, don't, ask, provide, delegate.

1.Trust your staff to do a good job. 2.Avoid seeking perfection. 3.Give effective job instructions. 4.Know your true interests. 5.Follow up on progress. 6.Praise the efforts of your staff. 7.Don't wait to the last minute to delegate. 8.Ask questions, expect answers, assist employees. 9.Provide the resources you would provide if doing the assignment yourself. 10.Delegate to the lowest possible level.

What are other elements that are common to an organizations?

5. Centralization versus decentralization 6. Unity of command 7. Span of control 8. Unity of Common

What are the limits to rational decision? Bounded Rationality (think about our move to ft. campbell and renting a house)

A decision-making process is restricted in the real world by: 1. Decision makers don't have access to all possible information relevant to the decision, and the information they do have is often flawed and imperfect. 2. They have limited analytical and computational abilities. They are not capable of judging their information and alternatives perfectly. They will inevitably make misjudgments in the evaluation process. 3. They do not have unlimited time to make decisions. Real-life situations provide time constraints in which decisions must be made.

_______________ - managers must report and justify work results to the managers above them


is a term used in psychology to describe the common human tendency to rely too heavily, or "______," on one trait or piece of information when making decisions.

Anchoring bias

_____________ - rights inherent in a managerial position to make decisions and utilize resources


people learn whether they are doing their job well.

Autonomy, and feedback:

Is the idea that when individuals make decisions, their rationality is limited by the tractability of the decision problem, the cognitive limitations of their minds, and the time available to make the decision.

Bounded Rationality

What are the three non rational decision making models?

Bounded rationality & satisficing Incremental model Intuition Model

Which four decision making biases does this describe and what tip can counter each? This bias is how easy an idea is to process and understand. The more fluent the idea the more we unconsciously trust it. It is an illusion of truth.

Cognitive fluency Tip. If it sounds good question it

An organization with a clear purpose or mission is one that is easy to understand and manage. A ______________ unifies employees and helps them understand the organization's direction. Any employee working at the NASA Space Center in the 1960s knew that that organization's _____ was to put a man on the moon. Included would be the business and company strategy, mission statement, company values, and the organization's short- and long-term objectives.

Common Purpose

Arguably, a manager's most important responsibility is to ______________ of work in a way that maximizes resources with the common purpose in mind. Managers will need to leverage the employees' skill sets, experience, and personalities in a way that consistently adds value. Managers must also take into account employees' preferences as they relate to job satisfaction and engagement.

Coordinated effort

A hospital has the following divisions: outpatient, urgent care, and emergency care patients. This is a type of a. product structure b. geographic structure c. functional structure d. customer structure

Customer Structure

EVIDENCE BASED Decision Making what are the 3 materials you have to work with?

Data collection, sharing and analytics

______ Analysis: The goal is to understand and describe what has taken place as revealed by data sets. Attempts to explain what data reveals about events that have occurred. Its a daunting task to accomplish

Descriptive analysis

The __________ describes the degree to which a task is divided into separate jobs or departments in order to improve efficiency. Larger firms, such as Fortune 100 companies, tend to have a high degree of division of labor; smaller entrepreneurial ventures tend to have more informal ----. For example, a large financial firm will have accountants in one department that only work on internal audits and another department where they focus on budgets and forecasting.

Division of labor/Specialization

________________: trust employee's ability and give them the authority to make decisions. Flexible work arrangements- reduced workload, compressed work weeks, and remote work. a. employee empowerment b. authority c. skill variety d. functional structure

Employee Empowerment

The following are key elements of the __________________ customers and suppliers competitors cultural factors governmental influences on the organization.

External Environment

Functional structure is grouping activities around defined regional locations. This type of structure is best for organizations that need to be near sources of supply and/or customers. True or False

False answer Geographic Structure

The two types of span control are

Flat: one person is in charge Tall: responsibility are spread out

What structure focuses on horizontal growth, digging deeper, expanding knowledge, and getting better at core competencies?

Flatter Organizational Structures

What are the current Trends in Organization and Job Design

Flatter Organizations Employee empowerment

_________refers to the degree to which positions in an organization are standardized. If a job is highly _____, then the employee has little to no discretion over what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. People sometimes confuse ____ with specialization, but they aren't the same thing. Airline pilots have highly formalized jobs, dictated by FAA regulations that must be followed before, during and after every flight.


Identify the common decision making bias: The tendency to evaluate a characteristic more positively when it is presented in positive terms than in negative terms. e.g. Ground beef that is 75% lean is rated as tasting better and less greasy than ground beef that is 25% fat.

Framing bias

Group employees into areas based on their expertise. It allows for a higher degree of specialization.

Functional Structure

What are the four basic types of departmentalization?

Functional Structure Customer Structure Geographic Structure Product Structure

The mindset that develops when people put too much value on team consensus and harmony. is called_____

Group Think

____________ determines the formal, position-based reporting lines and expresses who reports to whom. The U.S. Army has a tall ____ with about twenty ranks between a private and a general.

Hierarchy of Authority

also known as the knew-it-all-along effect, is the inclination, after an event has occurred, to see the event as having been predictable, despite there having been little or no objective basis for predicting it.

Hindsight bias

Stage 7

Implement and evaluate the decision

Managers take small, short-term steps to alleviate a problem

Incremental Models

________ are influenced by the jobs and the employees. Job characteristic model identifies the following: -skill variety -task identity -task significance -autonomy, and feedback

Internal Environment

Making a choice without the use of conscious thought is called _____.

Intuition Model They can be implicit or explicit

Combine functional and divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures-vertical and horizontal Where two dimensions are critical, companies will use a ______. Employees may be organized according to product and geography, for example, and have two bosses.

Matrix Structure

Centralized/ Tall Hierarchy Individual effort Specialized jobs Communication follows chain of command Narrow span control Follow/obey orders are characteristic of ________ organization

Mechanistic Organizations

A business that has areas or departments that can be easily separated from the company without jeopardizing the company are considered to have a ____________________

Modular structure

_______ ________: It has little bureaucracy and features decentralized decision making. Managers coordinate and control relations both internal and external to the firm. A social structure of interactions is fostered to build and manage formal and informal relationships. The goal of this structure is to achieve rapid organizational evolution and adaptation to constantly changing external and internal environments.

Network Structures

A decision making process of identifying as many different options as possible and choosing the best solution.


Decentralized/flat structure Team effort Tasks are flexible Communication flows in all direction Wide span of control Self-control/employee empowerment to achieve organizational goals Are characteristics of _______ organization

Organic Organizations

Box-and-lines illustration showing the formal lines of authority and the organization's official positions or work specializations

Organizational Chart

bias is the tendency people have to be more confident in their own abilities, such as driving, teaching, or spelling, than is objectively reasonable

Overconfidence bias

__________ Analysis: Projects future trends Subjected to discipline of evidence based principles

Predictive Analysis

What bias is the belief that an innovation should be adopted by whole society without the need of its alteration.

Pro-innovation bias

GE, for example, has structured 6 divisions. (1) Energy, (2) Capital (3) Home & Business Solutions, (4) Healthcare, (5) Aviation, and (6) Transportation. This is a type of a. customer structure b. product structure c. functional structure d. geographic structure

Product Structure

are focused on a few objectives and usually disbanded at --- end. Similar to the Skunk Works® model, this team may locate in a designated room or building with the intention to increase communication and collaboration and minimize distractions. This type of team are less hierarchical, they typically still include a manager.

Project team

What are the team based structure?

Project teams Cross-functional teams

EVIDENCE BASED Decision Making _____: relying on actual experimentation to demonstrate likelihood of success.

Proof of success

Name the HR Function: Finding and hiring qualified employees and/or contractors Using recruitment tools and technology Preparing employee contracts and negotiating salaries and benefits Meeting legal requirements related to hiring and adhering to ethical practice

Recruitment and selection

_________________- obligation you have to perform the tasks assigned to you


Which four decision making biases does this describe and what tip can counter each? You blame failure on external situations.

Self serving bias Tip: be with friends to keep you grounded.

Ford, and many other factories, demonstrated that _________ made work more efficient. Management saw this as the most efficient use of the relative skills of its employees. Employee skills at performing a task improve through repetition. Less time is spent changing tasks, in putting away tools from a prior task and getting the necessary tools for the next task. A second, and equally important, efficiency with ___________ is the ease and low cost of finding and training people to do specific and repetitive tasks.

Specialization Division Labor

Rational Decision Making In this stage, the decision maker needs to determine what is relevant in making the decision. This step will bring the decision maker's, and any other stakeholder's, interests, values and preferences into the process. To continue our example from stage 1, let's assume you are married. Some of the criteria identified might include budget, safety, functionality, and reliability.

Stage 2: Establishing Decision Criteria

Rational decision making: Stage ___ Because the criteria identified will seldom be equally important, you will need to ____ to create the correct priority in the decision. For example, you may have weighted budget, safety, and reliability as the most important criteria to consider, along with several other slightly less critical criteria.

Stage 3: Weigh Decision Criteria

Rational decision making: Stage ___ Once you have identified the issue and gathered relevant information, now it is time to list potential options for how to decide what to do.

Stage 4: Generate Alternatives The alternatives you generated could include the types of cars, as well as using public transportation, car pooling and a ride-hailing service.

Rational decision making: Stage___ After creating a somewhat full list of possible alternatives, each alternative can be evaluated. Which choice is most desirable and why? Are all of the options equally feasible, or are some unrealistic or impossible? Now is the time to identify both the merits and the challenges involved in each of the possible solutions.

Stage 5: Evaluate Alternative

Rational decision making: Stage____ After a careful evaluation of alternatives, you must choose a solution. You should clearly state your decision so as to avoid confusion or uncertainty. The solution might be one of the particular options that was initially listed, an adaptation of one of those options, or a combination of different aspects from multiple suggestions. It is also possible that an entirely new solution will arise during the evaluation process.

Stage 6: Select the best Alternative

Strong bias toward alternatives that perpetuate the ______ (doing something vs doing nothing)

Status-Quo Bias

Making choices in a way that justified past choices, even when the past choices no longer seem valid.

Sunk Cost Fallacy Bias

Which four decision making biases does this describe and what tip can counter each? It motivates us to carry on even if it's a lost cause

Sunk cost fallacy Tip: Focus on future cost and benefits NOT past losses

person is responsible for completing an identifiable task from start to finish

Task identity

person's job affects customers or other people's work

Task significance

A ____________must be less hierarchical, share the leadership, and be more fluid than traditional structures (such as functional or divisional). True ---- do not disband after a project. Rather, they continue to change and adapt to fulfill group and organizational objectives over several years.

Team Based Structure

Illustrate how the fish bone diagram can be used during rational decision-making to help determine the cause of the problem.

The head of the fish is the problem the body parts are the cause of the problem

Refers to the degree to that decision making is concentrated to the top of the organization. Whereas the lower-level managers are tasked with carrying out the directives. The military is a prime example, as generals give the orders and each successive rank passes on these orders for following.

centralized structure

Teams that include members from different functions are known as ______.

cross-functional teams.

If managers are allowed to make significant decisions affecting their areas of the business, it is a ____________ . a. formalization b. centralized structure c. decentralized structure d. none of the above

decentralized structure

the assignment of direct authority and responsibility to a subordinate to complete tasks for which the manager is normally responsible

delegation of authority

EVIDENCE BASED Decision Making Using objective facts alone leaves room for error: you must have _____


Departmentalization: will typically exhibit one of four basic types of departmental structures: Name them

functional, product, customer, and geographic.

Distinguish matrix organization from traditional departments.

matrix structure is a type of organizational structure where employees are grouped concurrently by two functions whereas traditional structure is a structure that divides the organization based on specialized functional areas.

In general, a _____ is made up of people with complementary skills who are working toward a common purpose. Organizations create them by grouping employees in a way that generates a variety of expertise and addresses a specific operational component of the organization.


Stage 1: Rational decision making Defining the problem/opportunity can require some serious thought. For example, you have taken a new job and you may initially decide you need to find a new car for commuting back and forth from work. However, what is the problem/opportunity.

the central problem is that you need a reliable way to commute to and from work. 1. Current situation (problem/opportunity) the gap 2. Desired situation

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