Many Europes 1e: Chapter 13 "The Religious Re-formation of Europe"

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Which of the following changes did Luther institute in his new church?

- He further reduce the number of sacraments. - He removed images of saints.

In the Augsburg Confession, one of Luther's disciple

wrote a clear statement of the Lutheran faith.

What was Thomas Muntzer's role in the Peasants' War in 1524?

- He led the peasants to see themselves as warriors for God. - He thought that the uprising was a sign of the end of the world.

Luther's Ninety-Seven theses, released in early 1517, were mainly concerned with

curriculum reform

Teresa of Avila's motto, "Lord, either let me suffer of let me die," showed that suffering was

part of being a Christian.

Sir Thomas More was executed in 1535 because he

refused to swear an oath supporting the Act of Supremacy.

True or false: Two thousand Catholics were killed at the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

False (Protestants were killed, not Catholics.)

Which of the following best describes the effects of Calvin's Institutes of Christian Religion?

- It revealed irreconcilable differences between Luther's religion and Calvin's religion. - It established Calvin as a leading religious mind of the time.

Which of the following were part of the terms of the Edict of Worms?

- People could not buy, read, or print any of Luther's writings. - It was illegal for anyone to aid Luther and his followers.

How did Luther's Ninety-Five theses initially affected the Catholic Church?

- The Pope became concerned about the impact of his ideas. - Sales of indulgences slowed down.

Which of the following factors made Henry VIII's desire to divorce complicated?

- Henry VIII was married to the aunt of Charles V, who had armies occupying Rome. - Divorce was not allowed in the Catholic Church at that time.

Which of the following best describe the issues that Martin Luther faced in Europe in 1522?

- His religious revolution had spread further that he expected, causing turmoil in northern Europe. - He needed to ensure the success of the Lutheran Church.

Why did the Peace of Augsburg cause more unrest in the empire?

- It did not include Calvinism as a religious option. - Allowing the ruler of a state to choose the religion caused upheaval.

Which of the following best describes how Martin Luther's beliefs about salvation differed from that of the Catholic Church?

He believed that faith, as a gift from God, was a sign of salvation.

On April 17, 1521, what did Martin Luther do at the Diet of Worms?

He refused to recant his heretical beliefs.

In which of the following did Conrad Grebel's followers believe?

- literal reading of Scripture - simple church services - adult baptism

Which of the following did Calvin discuss as important in his writing, Institutes of the Christian Religion?

- preaching - baptism - the Eucharist

Which of the following best describes how print culture in the 1500's affected the Catholic Church?

Print culture helped Martin Luther and other Protestants share their ideas.

Which of the following best describes the principle of separation as discussed by radical Protestant re-formers?

Separation from nonbelievers was needed to stay true to God's word.

What was Catherine de' Medici's role in the French Wars of Religion?

She assumed power in the French government when her son died.

The Catholic Church's doctrine of salvation in the sixteenth century stated that forgiveness

is achieved through confession, faith, and good works.

Passed in 1534, the Act of Supremacy established the _____ as the supreme religious authority of the English empire.


The Parliamentary Act of Supremacy, put into effect in 1559 by Elizabeth,

made her the "supreme governor" of the English church.

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, released in October 1517, were mainly about

the sale of indulgences and other church abuses.

According to Martin Luther, "by Scripture alone" meant that

the word of God was learned through the Bible, not through the church or priests.

The Anabaptists survived mainly because

their belief in sectarianism allowed them be strong, small groups of religious folk.

Religious dissidents were smashing idols of the Catholic Church in 1521 mainly because

these idols represented the old ways of the Catholic Church.

Most of the radical Protestant sects believed in the idea that

church should be voluntary and a matter of private choice.

In response to the peasants' revolt in 1525, Martin Luther

encouraged leaders to use any means to put down the revolt.

The development of the new Anglican Church had some conflicts because

even though Henry had left the Catholic Church, he still believed in many aspects of Catholicism.

Zwingli protested the Catholic church by

getting married, even though he was a Catholic priest.

In his debate with Martin Luther, Johann Eck led Luther to reveal

his true feelings toward the Catholic Church.

Jan Matthys was a Dutch baker who believed that he was the reincarnation of a person

in the Bible.

Purchased from the Catholic Church to take time off of a sinner's sentence in Purgatory, _____ were a popular good work in Europe in the sixteenth century.


Which of the following best describes Queen Elizabeth I?

intellectual and vain

Baroque art in Catholic churches was mainly characterized by

opulent paintings and dramatic images.

Which of the following best describes the city of Geneva under Calvin?

orderly and demanding

Teresa of Avila's suffering was important to Catholicism at the time because it

represented the connection between pain and spirituality for Christians.

One way that Calvin's church differed from the Catholic Church was that

reverence for the Virgin Mary was seen as idolatry.

Published in 1564, the Tridentine Index

showed church censors which print materials were unorthodox and harmful.

After the war between the Union of Utrecht and the Union of Arras ended, the United Provinces were known as

the Dutch Republic.

King Henry IV of France ended the French Wars of Religion with

the Edict of Nantes.

Then Mennonites, a successful sect of Anabaptism, were started by a former Catholic priest named

Menno Simons.

In his Ninety-Five Theses, Martin Luther criticized

- the pope - the sale of indulgences

Radical re-baptizers who did not believe in infant baptism were known as _____.


Which of the following best describes why the Society of Jesus was so successful?

Catholics respected the rigorous training process.

The Huguenots were

French Protestants who mostly followed John Calvin.

Several princes in the European region called Scandinavia converted to _____ in the 1530's.


In 1521, the emperor issued the Edict of Worms. Which of the following best describes how this affected Martin Luther?

The edict made Luther an outlaw.

How were French Protestants and Catholics affected by the Edict of Nantes?

The edict restored rights to the French Protestants and allowed Catholics and Huguenots to coexist in France.

What decision did city officials come to about Zwingli's fate in 1523?

The thought he should be allowed to preach in the city.

How did the second Council of Trent change church practices?

They called for religious leaders to focus on the religious lives of their followers.

Which of the following best describes how indulgences worked in the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century?

Buying an indulgence was an act of penance, which was an appeal to Christ and the saints for your sins.

Which of the following best describes the effects of the Augsburg Confession?

- Charles insisted that all Protestants accept Johann Eck's response to the Augsburg Confession. - Johann Eck wrote the Confutation in response.

When _____ died in 1559, the French throne became a source of conflict in France.

Henry II

Since the 1500's, followers of all branches of the re-formed Christian faith are known as _____.


Which of the following best describes the Huguenots in France?

a group with wide variability and differences in their Protestant beliefs

The main purpose of the Schmalkaldic League was


Which of the following best describes the cause of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre?

Catherine de' Medici ordered the killing of many Huguenots in response to Protestant anger over a shooting.

Which of the following best describes how the Reformation was truly a re-formation of Christianity in the sixteenth century?

Christian institutions and doctrine underwent a remaking.

How did Martin Luther feel about infant baptism?

Even though it was not in the Bible, he felt that all Christians should be baptized as infants.

How did Luther interpret the idea of a "priesthood of all believers"?

Faithful Christians did not need someone to help them speak to God.

True or false: In 1579, the northern provinces of the Spanish Netherlands were mainly Catholic, while the south was largely Protestant.

False (The north was Protestant, while the south was Catholic.)

What role did families play in Lutheran communities?

Families were seen as a place to enforce moral ideals.

The sale of indulgences in Germany in 1517 caused a conflict because

Frederick the Wise saw them as competition for his personal fund raising, so he banned the sale in his territory.

After the Edict of Worms, Martin Luther translated the bible into _____.


Which of the following best describes how Cromwell handled the political and governmental fallout from the new English church?

He dissolved monasteries and friaries and gave the property and money to the king's supporters.

Which of the following best describes why the Catholic Church wanted to sell indulgences in Germany in 1517?

It wanted to finish expensive renovations of papal Rome and gain a powerful archbishopric.

How did the division of land in England change between 1536 to 1540?

Land that was previously owned by the Catholic Church was now owned by wealthy English nobility.

How did Martin Luther differ from Erasmus when he entered the monastery?

Luther eagerly entered the monastic life, while Erasmus did not want to be a monk.

Which of the following best describes the importance of Eck's papal bull Exsurge Domine?

Luther's public response of burning the papal bull truly separated him from the Catholic Church.

Huldrych Zwingli and Martin Luther met in 1529 to discuss religious issues. This was know as the _____ Colloquy.


Which of the following best describes the tone of the Ninety-Five Theses?

Martin Luther was critical, but still accepting, of many teachings of the Catholic Church.

At the heart of the practices of the Medieval Roman Church was the celebration of the _____.


Why did Pope Paul III agree to establish a holy order for Loyola and his men?

They did a lot of good work among the sick and poor in Rome.

Which of the following best describes how most of the English followers felt about the Church of England under Henry VIII?

They were confused and unsure about what they should believe.

How did the events at Munster affect how the Catholics and conservative Protestants viewed the radical reformers?

They were outraged at the extreme radicalization of the city.

Elizabeth agreed to give military assistance to the Dutch Revolt with the

Treaty of Nonsuch.

True or false: Martin Luther was unhappy with the sale of indulgences in Wittenberg.


Which of the following best describes the role of women in the Lutheran Church?

Women deserved respect from their families.

After the Diet of Speyer in 1526,

a number of regions and cities in Germany adopted Protestantism as their official religion.

In the Spanish Netherlands of 1566, the population was

a variety of religions, including Lutheranism.

What other official declaration regarding Martin Luther was issued in addition to the Edict of Worms?

an excommunication decree

The Council of Trent in 1545 made it more difficult for Catholicism to reconcile with Protestant beliefs by

changing Catholic doctrines into dogmas, which were sanctioned by the church.

The word Baroque originally meant

deformed and tortured.

Martin Luther could not truly be considered a humanist because he

did not share the humanist optimism about human nature.

In 1531, the Lutheran princes established the Schmalkaldic League to

ensure the safety of Protestants in the empire.

John Calvin believed that salvation

had already been determined by God and that a person's future was unknowable.

It was surprising that Henry VIII decided to leave the Catholic Church because he

hated Martin Luther and was against the new religion.

John Calvin differed from other religious re-formers because

he used logic to consider the relationship between the church and state.

Calvin wanted his followers to focus on God's

love for everyone.

The second Council of Trent redefined the role of bishops in the Catholic Church by

making bishops responsible for the actions of priests.

The place between heaven and hell where the sinful await judgement is known as _____.


On which of the following issues did Martin Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin agree?

that people should be baptized as infants

Some Anabaptists sects believed in millenarianism, which is the belief that

the end of the world was coming and that a time of peace and prosperity was also near.

According to the Catholic theology, Mary and the saints could intercede on a sinner's behalf because

the overwhelming good works of Mary and the saints were seen as credit that could be used in favor of the sinner.

The Dutch Revolt occurred in 1566 when Philip II of Spain

tried to get rid of the Calvinists in the Spanish Netherlands.

The peasants in the Black Forest rebelled in 1524 because they

wanted to end serfdom and sought more rights for themselves.

Which of the following describes how Luther's beliefs about salvation shifted away from the Catholic Church's beliefs?

- He believed that humans were so sinful that they could not do anything on their own to achieve salvation. - He began to believe that salvation was a gift from God. - He found that grace alone was the way to salvation; the church was unnecessary.

In which of the following ways did Pope Paul III most affect Catholicism?

- He called the Council of Trent, which reformed many church doctrines. - He wanted to restore Papal authority through a College of Cardinals.

Which of the following best describe the beliefs of religious radical Huldrych Zwingli?

- He did no believe in the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into Christ's body and blood. - He was against singing in church. - He did not approve of the veneration of saints.

Which of the following are reasons for Erasmus going into the monastic life?

- He did not have many prospects due to his family history. - His family encouraged him to go into the religious life.

In which of the following ways did Luther criticize the pope in the Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation?

- He presented the pope as the Anti-Christ. - He stated that all people could have a direct relationship with God.

How did Martin Luther's view of believers and the role of the clergy differ from that of the Catholic Church?

- He wanted all members of the church to receive Eucharist, not just priests. - He believed that ministers should be members of the congregation, not priests who were separate.

Which of the following best describes how Calvin wanted to reform Geneva?

- He wanted to join government and religious life in one framework. - He wanted all citizens to follow church standards.

What important decisions were made at the Diet of Speyer in 1526?

- Implementation of the Edict of Worms was postponed. - The German princes were given the opportunity to adopt the new religion.

Which of the following were fundamental practices and beliefs of the medieval church?

- In the celebration of Mass the faithful reenacted Christ's last supper. - Priests gave sacraments to followers. - The priest was an intervening agent with God.

Which of the following best describes how the Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588?

- The sea around England was unfamiliar to the ships. - A storm caused them many difficulties. - English cannons were used to sink the ships.

Martin Luther disagreed with the monastic life because he

- did not believe that celibate lives were holier than other faithful lives. - thought that it was unnatural to live as a monk or celibate.

The reign of Queen Mary I in England was mainly characterized by

- executions of citizens for their religious beliefs. - her attempt to return England to Catholicism.

John of the Cross was drawn to what elements of the Discalced Carmelite order?

- the strictness of the order - the order's emphasis on suffering

Which of the following best describes how King Philip of Spain saw his planned invasion of England in the 1580's?

He felt it was a holy war and a battle between Catholic and Protestant.

Which of the following best describes how Martin Luther's thinking differed from that of the Catholic Church?

He felt that the message of Christ was lost in the existing church.

In the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, why did Luther reject some of the Catholic Church's sacraments?

He rejected all but the ones he found sanctioned by Scripture.

Which of the following best describes how Ignatius Loyola saw his mission from God?

He saw himself as a soldier on a Christian quest against the devil.

Which of the following best describes how Martin Luther felt about the curriculum at the University of Wittenberg?

He thought that the teaching of Aristotle was unnecessary and that the focus should be the bible.

Which of the following best describes how Martin Luther approached religious texts with his students?

He wanted them to study texts with a fresh eye and didn't want them relying on old interpretations.

Which of the following best describes why Martin Luther wanted to simplify church rituals?

He wanted to reinforce faith alone as the way to salvation.

Which of the following best describes how Martin Luther wanted to change church services in his new church?

He wanted worshipers to connect spiritually to God through a Bible in a common language.

Which of the following best describes Martin Luther's concerns about salvation?

He worried that it was impossible for him to achieve salvation, because of his sinful nature.

The founder of the Jesuits, an order of spiritual soldiers of the Catholic Reformation, was

Ignatius Loyola

Henry VIII decided to leave the Catholic Church because

he wanted to divorce his wife.

Martin Luther was an unlikely person to reform the Church because

he was a member of the Catholic clergy and a professor of theology.

Martin Luther felt called to enter the monastic life after

he was almost struck by lightning.

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