Mapeh (arts 2)

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make use of electronic and mechanical devices , rather than the artist's own hand , to produce the desired images and effects . Thus , these are definitely technology - based art forms .

Computer / digital arts

is an example of an online resource for teaching yourself digital painting for free , via simple videos and mini tutorials .

Ctrl + Paint

a fast and fun way to share images with others , snap a photo , choose from among the available filters , and share via Facebook , Twitter , Tumblr , and more


type of digital camera which automatically makes all the adjustments in lighting , focus . zoom - in and zoom - out , even removal of " red eye " with the user being given some leeway for slight adjustments . It offers image enhancement features like adjusting color and brightness imbalances , as well as sharpening or blurring the image . It may even offer unique effects like " fish cye " or filters that allow presetting of the photo to be taken with a colored tint or a special texture .

" point - and - shoot "

an iPad application ( with a free downloadable version ) that enables you to " doodle " on your images using available stickers

Doodle Booth

a downloadable application that allows you to " bring your photos to life " in short videos set to music of your choice


an iPhone application that allows you to take amusing , distorted images , simulating camera effects

Magic Mirror Booth

which are used to create and record visual images of a patient's internal anatomy in order to diagnose and treat diseases and injuries . There are also ultrasound tests or sonograms , which translate sound waves bouncing off physical objects into images that can be studied whether a baby developing in the womb ( in 2D , 3D , and 4D options ) , growths or malformations inside the body . structural flaws in buildings , as well as objects in outer space , underground , and deep in the ocean .

Magnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) . Computerized Tomography ( CT scans ) , and the like

Another extremely valuable use of today's video technology is that of imaging videos in the fields of medicine and science

Medical scientific purposes

an application for taking photos and videos using an iPad or iPad mini ( a version for the iPhone , called Simple Booth , is also available )

Photo Booth

a free online photo editing tool that provides filters , frames . text , and effects to manipulate your images

Pic Monkey

a free photo editor and drawing application , as well as a social network for you to share your art with others


a powerful , free online image editor


a photo application that enables you to enhance , transform , and share your photos ; a free downloadable version for android phones is available


Another tremendously powerful and innovative field that digital technology has revolutionized is that of creating and presenting videos .

Social media purposes

is essentially computer - generated and / or manipulated . Through the centuries , visual artists used actual brushes and palettes , and a whole array of paints , inks , and natural pigments applied to paper , canvas , fabric . stucco walls and ceilings .

Technology - based art

grew up in a digital world , even entertainment now comes courtesy of computer devices . A major component of such entertainment is in the form of video games of every conceivable genre , subject matter , and skill level . These range from educational games and mind twisters , to building and construction games , to ones that entail physical interaction by the users ( sports . fitness , dance ) . There are also the tremendously popular games of strategy . war science fiction , and mythical worlds that employ amazingly complex and realistic graphics , motion , sound , and other special effects .

Video Games / Digital Painting / Imaging Videos Video Games

has by now invaded every aspect of modern life . It was , there fore , inevitable that it would develop into forms and devices that could be mass produced , mass distributed , and thus widely accessible to everyone . In other words . anyone with computer evice from a desktop PC to a laptop , to a tablet or android phone can now capture and edit images and videos ; create , manipulate . and share works of art ; and even compose music . You can be and probably already are a digital artist in your own right .

computer technology

Origin and Early Stages omputer or first on the scene in the 1960s . CUnderstandably , this was due to the technology that was constantly developing and that became available at the time . Thus , the early experimenters were not necessarily artists , but engineers and scientists who had access to and experience with the hardware needed .

computer/digital arts

was the initial reaction of the public to computer - generated art . There were questions as to whether it was , in fact , " true art " since it made use of electronic and mechanical devices , rather than the artist's own hand , to produce the images and effects . Within a few years , however , there was a general acceptance of digital art as an exciting and thought - provoking form of modern art . Exhibits of computer - art became highly populár and critically acclaimed , as digital artists or me to the fore in Europe , Russia , and the computer art masters or " superstars " United States .

computer/digital arts

have even used their works to express their views on political , social , and cultural issues , as well as to advocate causes that are critical to modern life , such as the environment and climate change , Others even explore the philosophical relationship between science and technology and the arts .

digital artists

also refers to a technique using a graphics software program to create an artwork that is totally virtual . The canvas , brushes , paints , and other tools are all virtual , existing only within the computer . And the finished work is also stored in virtual format , to be shared through cyber space .

digital painting

painting is a method of creating an artwork using a computer . This is . however , different from the image - generating devices and programs discussed above , which create , modify , store , and share images entirely on a laptop , tablet , or android phone .

digital painting

still makes use of traditional painting mediums such as acrylic paint , oils , ink , and watercolor and also applies the pigment to traditional surfaces , such as canvas , paper . polyester , etc. However , it does so hy employing computer software that drives a type of robot device ( such as a plotter ) or an office machine ( such as a printer ) that takes the place of the artist's hand .

digital painting

means of generating an original image is to capture it first as a digital file . in the case of today's electronic technology , that would mean recording the image using a digital camera or a device with a built - in camera , like your mobile phone , android device , or tablet . Prior to the development of digital photography , cameras were essentially sealed boxes that would allow a split - second entry of light to strike a section of light sensitive film inside it .

digital photography

This also provides the film - less and instant review features of a " point - and - shoot " type of digital camera , but gives the photographer much more artistic freedom and control to select the camera settings to create the desired final image with the preferred visual effects . Many professional photographers remain loyal to the traditional ( i.e .. nondigital ) single lens reflex camera which still uses film . They believe that film photography has an authenticity and genuineness to its images that is lost in the artificial and automatic manipulations of digital photography .

digital single lens reflex ( DSLR ) camera .

type of digital camera , but gives the photographer much more artistic freedom and control to select the camera settings to create the desired final image with the preferred visual effects .

digital single lens reflex ( DSLR ) camera .

to capture and edit such videos is contained right in your tablets and android phones . And just as with the still images discussed above , the raw video clips can be enhanced and modified with a myriad of effects depending on the particular video application you have installed in your device .

digital technology

mobile phone that you constantly hold has evolved from a mere communication tool into a creative device that allows you to generate original works of art for an entire range of purposes . These could be personal photographs and videos that you can manipulate with myriad special effects , both visual as well as sound and music . They could also be school projects or reports that require you to combine images , incorporate text , even include simple animation .

mobile phone art

a downloadable application for android phones that allows you to make collages out of images from your photo gallery

photo grid

allows you to make collages incorporating photos , stickers , text , and frames

pic collage

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