the gentiles
for whom was the gospel of mark written for
after it was said, it remained a secret
how does Peters confession of Christ relate to "messianic prophecy?"
satan cannot cast out satan
how does jesus answer the religious authorities who accuse him of driving out demons through the power of satan
baptism and repentance
how does john the baptist prepare the way for christ
they`d experienced His miracles before but they did not truly understand it
what can you conclude about the disciples faith in the conversation between them and Jesus jsut before the five thousand are fed
he was fully man
what do the words "and he was amazed at their lack of faith" tell you about Jesus
to bring people to Chist
what does it mean to be fishers of men
those with a servants heart
what is Jesus view of greatness
nothing should separate them
what is Jesus` view of greatness
he is the son of christ
what is mark trying to communicate by "the gospel"
they were beginning to relize that He was the Son of God
what is significant about the disciples exclamation "who is this?" when Jesus calms the storm
no man could without Jesus
what is the significance of the words "no one was strong enough to subdue him"in the account of the demon- possesed man
jesus is the servant
what is the theme of the gospel of mark
the encourage the believers in times of suffering
what the authors purpose
whoever does the will of God
who does Jesus say are His mother and sister and brother
john mark
who was the author
because it was being used as a place of business instead of worship
why does Jesus clear the temple
to show forgiveness is more important than healing
why doesnt jesus heal the paralytic at first