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"Business Services" is not a category or type of business product.


A ____ is a type of software that creates an interface that enables users to add or edit the content of some types of websites.


A cereal company advertises that its newly launched product can lower cholesterol, although the company cannot provide evidence to substantiate this claim. This situation involves an ethical issue related to which element of the marketing mix?

electronic data interchange.

A commonly used computerized means of integrating order processing with production, inventory, accounting, and transportation is

panel of existing or potential buyers of the advertised product brought together to pretest an advertising message.

A consumer jury is a

communications audit.

A content analysis of an organization's messages, readability studies, and readership surveys are all tools used to conduct a(n)


A core competency is something a firm does extremely well, sometimes so well that it gives the company an advantage over its competition.


A good example of a government regulatory group at the local level is the Better Business Bureau.


A great benefit of social networking is the ability it gives marketers to reach out to new markets. ​


A marketer is usually in a better position to establish prices when it knows the prices charged for competing brands.


A marketer's failure to inform customers about changes in the quality of its products does not constitute an ethical issue.

an individual or organization must choose from among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong.

A marketing ethics issue likely exists when


A person receives information inputs through the senses.

How quickly chocolate melts

A product attribute that must be considered by TAZA in choosing a marketing channel is:

ultimate consumers.

A retailer is an organization that purchases products for the purpose of reselling them to

several times during the sales presentation.

A salesperson should try to close the sale


A service is intangible and is the result of the application of human or mechanical efforts to people or objects.

a temporary period of optimum fit between the key requirements of a market and the particular capabilities of a firm competing in that market.

A strategic window is


A telephone survey is a good example of a completely random sample for the entire population.


A television advertisement that transmits several types of audio messages and visual materials may be ineffective.

Social media is more consumer-driven than traditional media.

According to Rob Siefker, the CEO of Zappos, Tony Hsieh, does not like the term social media. Tony tried to ensure that the employees at Zappos don't use the term, but the term is ubiquitous. Which of the following statements is true of social media?


According to Sheryl Connelly, Ford's global consumer trends manager, millennial buyers are less interested in cars as a status symbol than previous generations. This best relates to which of the following influences on consumer buying behavior?

an individual's pattern of living expressed through activities, interests, and opinions

According to Sheryl Connelly, Ford's global consumer trends manager, millennial buyers want lifestyle accessories on their vehicles. In the context of consumer buying decisions, lifestyle refers to _____.


According to research, only a small percentage of consumers have a more positive opinion of an organization when it supports causes they care about.

a group of individuals and/or organizations that have needs for products in a product class and have the ability, willingness, and authority to purchase those products.

According to the text, a market is defined as


According to the video, China had little Internet access prior to 1999 and most Chinese consumers purchased products face to face from small local vendors. Alibaba had to overcome centuries of tradition of face-to-face transactions in order to get Chinese consumers to learn to trust the idea of buying online. To which of the following environmental factors does this best relate?


According to the video, the people that work at Belgium Brewing would be considered:


Advertising is one element of the promotion mix that is too expensive for small business firms.


Advertising that aims to create a more favorable view of a company as a whole in the eyes of various stakeholders is called ____ advertising.

promotion mix ingredients.

Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations are called

functional middlemen.

Agents and brokers that facilitate and negotiate purchases but do not actually take title to products are also known as

Primary data

Agnus is a means of collecting:

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Alibaba is based in China. Of which of the following is China a member?


An ethical issue is an identifiable problem, situation, or opportunity requiring an individual to choose from among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong.


An example of a nonstore retailer is a vending machine.


Another common name for a private distributor brand is a ____ brand.

advertising on billboards.

Apart from a grand opening, Frank Pepe also opts for other marketing strategies such as:

reseller markets

Apple Pay is marketed at both consumers and retailers who choose to accept it for payment. Retailers represent which type of business market?


Apple and Samsung both have engaged in lawsuits to resolve disputes regarding ownership of specific technological innovations. Lawsuits represent what kind of approach to responding to environmental forces?

brand competitors

Apple and Samsung have waged a lengthy battle over ownership of specific technological innovations in the smart phone market. They are _____.


As Quaker Oats tries to decide how to introduce its new line of breakfast bars, it considers all the advantages and disadvantages of the various consumer sales promotion methods. After careful consideration, Quaker Oats decides to use ____, which are the most widely used form of consumer sales promotion.


Assuming that inflation is low, high buying power characterizes the ____ stage of the business cycle.

client-based relationships

At Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning gyms, customers build trust in and relationships with trainers who work with them time and again. Interactions that result in satisfied customers who use a service repeatedly over time is best described as _____.


Attempts to deceive consumers into releasing personal information online are referred to as online fraud.

inventory management.

Because of the significant investment many companies have in the products they sell to customers, they must develop and maintain adequate varieties of products to meet their customers' needs. This is called

a consumer sales promotion method

Before introducing the Audience Rewards program, Nederlander was using traditional methods to incentivize customers to go to the theater more and encourage them to patronize its shows. This indicates that Nederlander uses _____.

The product variable of the marketing mix

Belgium Brewing's creation of different beers represents:


Bob Denton of Denton Pest Control buys equipment from Allied Tools because Allied hires him to spray its warehouse for insects periodically. This practice is an example of

marketing implementation

BoltBus does not use traditional marketing techniques but has a great online presence through social media. It gives real time feedback about its bus schedules to its customers through its Twitter account. This is part of the _____ of the company's marketing plan.

corporate strategy

BoltBus uses a lean team in order to keep the company's costs down. This, in turn, helps the company keep its ticket prices down. In this scenario, it is the _____ that determines the means for utilizing resources in the various functional areas to reach the organization's goals.


BoltBus's affordable ticket prices and a quick and easy-to-use Website to buy their tickets from represent the company's _____.

core competencies

BoltBus's low fares and free Wi-Fi services for its customers refers to the company's _____.


Both Apple and Samsung were found to have infringed on each other's patents to protect their inventions and were forced to pay fines. Patents, which protect the first company to develop an innovation, best relate to which of the forces discussed in the text?

behavioristic variables.

Budweiser may choose to segment its market based on heavy, moderate, and light drinkers of its alcoholic beverages. This is an example of market segmentation based on

MRO supplies.

Business products are classified into the following seven categories according to characteristics and intended uses: raw materials, installations, accessory equipment, component parts, process materials, business services, and


Buying allowances are effective promotional techniques because they result in profits for resellers.

Develop market segment profiles

By carrying out in-house and online surveys and learning about its customers, which of the following is Ski Butternut trying to achieve?


By favorably emphasizing its benefits, GaGa positions SherBetter as a product that is in-between an ice cream and a sherbet, but better than a sherbet. Such a strategy is typically carried out during the _____ stage of the product life cycle.

Experimental research

Celia's impact on early intervention success could be determined through:


Changes in cultural values have little effect on people's needs for products.


Changing the product's quality is a distinct alternative in the maturity stage of the product life cycle.

gross domestic product.

China's total output of goods and services for a given period, including sales through Alibaba, comprise its

special-event pricing.

Chris is planning three sales during the third quarter of the year at Toys "R" Us. The first is at the beginning of the school year, the second is the week before Halloween, and the third is Black Friday. These sales would be considered to be


Closing the sale is not a part of the sales presentation in which hidden objections are discovered.


Codes of conduct (ethics) are formalized rules and standards that describe what the company expects of its employees in terms of ethical behavior.

cash cow

Colgate Palmolive's regular Colgate toothpaste is highly popular but is unlikely to experience much more market growth. As a result, Colgate is examining other forms of toothpaste with high potential for growth. However, because its regular toothpaste remains so profitable, it can use these profits to invest in newer toothpastes. Colgate's regular toothpaste is an example of a ______________.

public relations.

Communication through the use of brochures, annual reports, event sponsorships, and news stories is referred to as


Companies that market products with similar features, benefits, and prices to the same customer group are known as ____ competitors.


Comparative advertisements mention the actual names of competing brands.


Concept testing presents a small sample of potential buyers with a trial version of the new product to determine their initial reactions.

the efforts of independent individuals, groups, and organizations to protect the rights of consumers.

Consumerism is


Consumers who act as ____ are becoming increasingly important to online marketers as a conduit for addressing consumers directly.

full-service wholesalers

Customers rely on ____ for product availability, breaking larger quantities into smaller ones, technical advice and service, financial assistance, and suitable assortments.

interpreting research findings

Darren uses Microsoft Excel to determine how much the responses to his survey about household decision making for toilet paper vary. Darren is in the ____ step of the marketing research process.

primary data.

Data that are observed or collected directly from respondents are called


Demand for a business product is ____ when two or more items are used in combination to produce a product.


Demand for a product category rather than for a specific brand is called primary demand.


Differential pricing means different buyers pay different prices for the same quality and quantity of product.


Dish Network cut back advertising expenditures to minimum levels and reduced the number of channel members for its industrial satellite product. These actions indicate that its product is in the ____ stage of its life cycle.


Distribution decisions have little influence on the rest of the marketing mix.

situational involvement

Due to the high risk of financial loss of future purchasing power, for most people, automobiles have _____.

they arise.

During the personal selling process, a salesperson, if possible, should handle objections when


E-marketing includes the use of mobile phones, but not digital outdoor marketing devices.

All of these

Early on, TAZA's promotion was: a.Personal selling b.Visiting stores c.Providing samples d.All of these


Family branding occurs when all of a firm's products are branded with all or part of the same name.


Family life cycle is a psychological dimension used for segmenting markets.

Relationship marketing

Fat Tire's 20-year life would indicate their success at:

Observation methods

Findings reported from the movements of Agnus were most likely from using:

price and quality.

For most consumers, there is an assumed relationship between

extended decision making

For most people, the purchase of a Ford automobile would employ which type of consumer decision making?


Franchised outlets are generally less successful than independently-owned businesses.

All of these

Frank Pepe follows a unique strategy in which it gives away free pizzas a week prior to the opening of one of its restaurant. What advantages does this provide Frank Pepe's? Creating a great word of mouth buzz Breaking-in the ovens Training the employees All of these

sharing the information on its pizza boxes.

Frank Pepe promoted its new branch to existing customers by:

All of these

Frank Pepe retains its standard and quality throughout its restaurants by: a.All of these b.sticking to traditional methods and being virtually unchanged since the start of the pizzeria. c.having key employees travel from restaurant to restaurant to ensure that the pizzas are being baked properly. employees at its New Havens pizzeria before sending them to a new branch.

Public relations

Frank Pepe's Pizzeria conducts a "good neighbor night" at its restaurants, where it donates 15% of its proceeds to a charity. What part of the promotion mix would this activity be categorized under?

buzz marketing.

Frank Pepe's strategy of offering free pizzas for a week can be termed as:

select specific target markets.

Frito-Lay Snack Foods is currently conducting market segmentation studies. For several segments, they have completed competitive assessments and cost estimates. The next major step they must take is to

marketing citizenship

From its inception, Theo Chocolate has adopted a strategic focus for fulfilling its economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities, which is best described as _____.


From its inception, Toms wanted to help those in developing countries. When Toms was developed, it adopted a one-for-one model in which it would donate one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair of shoes it sold. This is an example of cause-related marketing.

A firm with a high market share

GaGa is a firm with limited product lines, so it is more likely to expand its product line aggressively. Who among the following is likely to act in a similar manner?

brand loyalty

GaGa markets its products mainly through sampling and demos at different stores and events. Its sales increases astronomically on days it conducts these demos, and the company later witnesses residual sales when customers come back to buy its products again. This attitude of its customers represents ______.

convenience product

GaGa's SherBetter is an example of a(n) _____.


High involvement products tend to be those that are expensive and visible to others.

product differentiation

Huy Fong uses peppers that are ground within six hours of being picked to ensure their freshness, and David Tran, creator of the sauce, says, "We do the fresh one, the best one, the cheapest one." He clearly believes these attributes make his product stand out in a crowded market. Which of the following terms is used to describe the process of creating and designing products so customers perceive them as different from competing products?


Ideally, pricing decisions have little relation to a firm's marketing objectives.

integrated marketing communications.

If FedEx decided to outsource all of its marketing efforts to the MaxPro Company, which specializes in advertising, sales promotion activities, and public relations, FedEx would likely be striving to practice

social responsibility.

If Hefty Bags expresses concern that its products are having too great an impact on the pollution of groundwater under landfills, this concern is directly related to the firm's

line extension

If Huy Fong were to introduce a new milder version of its renowned Sriracha hot chili sauce to satisfy customers who think the current product is too spicy and the original product is kept in the product mix, this would represent a _____.

media plan

If Lexus sponsors Restaurant Impossible, Scripps Network Interactive can integrate Lexus into the show and have Restaurant Impossible's host Robert Irvine get in the Lexus car and drive it. This clip can then be streamed on the Internet packaged as a Lexus advertisement. This is an example of product placement, which forms part of the _____ of Lexus's advertising campaign.

experimental research.

If Little Caesars wants to determine the impact of different coupon offers on pizza unit sales, it needs to conduct

penetration pricing.

If Nabisco wants to quickly gain a large market share with its new line of reduced-fat snack crackers, it should use

price skimming.

If Norelco introduced a new electric razor that sonically removes hair and priced it first at $175 and then at $150 before reducing the price to $100, the firm's initial pricing strategy is known as


If a firm decides to contract its physical distribution functions to third parties that have no managerial authority within the marketing channel, it is using


If a person's interest in the product category is ongoing and long term, it is referred to as situational involvement.

aesthetic modification

If the lawsuit against Huy Fong were to result in the company changing the recipe for its Sriracha hot chili sauce in such a way that it smells less strongly, this would be an example of _____.


In 2003, James King planned to use his grandmother's recipe of lemon sherbet as the basis of his first product. His product can be classified as a(n) _____.


In general, the consumers who seek out Louis Vuitton branded products are more likely to be _____.

product positioning

In its earliest days, Huy Fong's Sriracha was known as just another Asian sauce, but today it is marketed and recognized as a unique sauce to add flavor to any culinary creation. The decisions and activities intended to create and maintain this concept of the firm's product, relative to competitive brands, in customers' minds is known as _____.

a demonstration.

In order to show consumers how well its blenders work and to stimulate sales, Vitamix often sets up temporary booths in stores where they have someone using the blender in a variety of ways. This is an example of


In the buying decision process, one of the activities included in the search for products and suppliers is examining various online and print publications.

environmental analysis

In the late 1990s, BoltBus found that it did not have a dominant market share. It also found that there were about fifteen carriers in the Northeast that sold tickets on the Web instead of at a counter. In this scenario, the company is most likely to have conducted a(n) _____ in order to gather this information.

possess a first-mover advantage

In the late 1990s, travel companies adopted a new business model in which they sold tickets via the Web, and buses did not run off a terminal but a street corner. There were about fifteen such carriers in the Northeast itself, and BoltBus had not been launched as yet. This indicates that BoltBus did not _____.


In which type of sampling design is the final choice of respondents left up to the interviewer?

manufacturers' agents.

Independent intermediaries that represent two or more sellers and usually offer customers complete product lines in a restricted territory are called


Individual-sized boxes and packages that do not require refrigeration are both benefits of the ____ function of packaging.

market segments.

Individuals, groups, or organizations with one or more similar characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs are classified as


Intensive distribution is appropriate for shopping products.

an installation.

Intuitiv Manufacturing's large plastics molding machine suddenly broke down during its day shift. When considering the purchase of available alternatives, Intuitiv decided to rent one for the next two years instead of buying one. In this situation, the large plastics molding machine it rented would be classified as

target audience

It is mostly the women between 25 and 54 years of age who watch the lifestyle channels owned by Scripps Networks Interactive, and the advertisements run on these channels are essentially aimed at them. These women are the company's _____.


It is usually easier to change marketing channels than to change prices or promotion.

breakeven point.

Jared is developing a business plan for a new type of bicycle helmet. He is interested in finding the point at which the costs of producing the helmet will equal the revenue earned from selling the product. Jared is interested in finding the


Jason, a 17-year-old high school student, wants to buy a pack of Marlboro Lights. He has the money to purchase them, but he is still not considered to be a market for the product due to his lack of ____ to buy.

the part of a brand that can be spoken, including letters, words, and numbers

Jim King, the CEO of GaGa, realized that the brand name GaGa is more memorable than the product name SherBetter and changed the product's packaging to focus on the word GaGa. A brand name is defined as _____.


Joe Whinney wants to create a connection between the consumer and the producer. Within the supply chain, consumers and producers are _____.

social responsibility

Joe Whinney, the founder of Theo Chocolates says everyone in the supply chain should be better off as a result of this delicious food. Theo Chocolate's creators believe that they have an obligation to maximize the firm's positive impact and to minimize its negative impact on society, which is best described as _____.

higher success rate for franchises.

Kevin is talking with Peter about purchasing a Wendy's franchise. Peter tells Kevin that one of the major advantages of franchising for him to consider is the

public relations tool

Kohl's sponsors the TV program, Worst Cooks in America, on the Food Network. Program sponsorship is a _____.

An important investment to make a brand statement

L.L Bean recognizes online marketing as:

To only those who are guaranteed to buy

L.L Bean would like to send catalogs:

Providing online shopping

L.L. Bean adds value to their products by:

By keeping the customer satisfied at all cost

L.L. Bean positions its products:


L.L. Bean stores appeal to:

Learn, try, buy, and enjoy concept

L.L. Bean stores reflect a store image focused on atmospherics through their:

A specialty retailer

L.L. Bean stores would be considered:

How to create excellent service online rather than it just being mechanical

L.L. Bean's challenge in online shopping is:

price elasticity of demand

Louis Vuitton marketers must be aware of the target market's assessment of its prices as well as the sensitivity of demand to changes in price. This is best described as _____.

Marketing research

MIT's AgeLab is a form of:


Many brand names have become so common that they are now generic terms for a particular product category. Which of the following is the best example of this?


Many people now seek recommendations from social media friends before conducting other kinds of searches.

impulse buying.

Marissa goes to Target to purchase school supplies for her two children. As she is approaching the checkout counter, she sees a vase she just has to have and buys it immediately. Marissa's purchase of the vase is an example of

Extended decision making

Mark is shopping for a new suit to wear to an important interview. He really wants to impress his prospective employer and is shopping at many stores to find the right outfit. Martin is using which type of consumer decision-making process?

product development.

Marketers begin to make decisions about labeling, packaging, branding, pricing, and promotion during

refers to principles and standards that define acceptable conduct in marketing.

Marketing ethics


Marketing objectives should be stated in such a way that the degree of accomplishment can be measured accurately.

patronage motives.

Melanie prefers to shop at Target for most of her household needs even though the same products and brands are available at Kmart. She prefers the service, location, and friendliness of the employees at Target. Melanie's reasons that influence her decision to shop at Target are called


Mike Boyle says that most gyms have a business model that counts on the fact that many people pay to join a gym and then stop going, allowing them to manage capacity easily. The fact that unused service capacity cannot be stored for future use is best described as _____.


Most department stores are shopping stores.


Most markets for products are made up of individuals or groups with diverse needs for products and are called ____ markets.

price lining

Most of Warby Parker's eyeglass frames are priced at $95, including sunglasses frames, while wire-frame eyeglass frames are priced at $145. Which of the following strategies does this best describe?

cooperative advertising

Nederlander's Audience Rewards program strongly benefits small-privately owned theatres and show producers who back the company because it provides a central platform for them to market across all the vendors and art. Advertising and promotions through the program also offer a less expensive alternative. This marketing arrangement is an example of _____.


Nederlander's customers are mostly women in the age group of 30 to 59 years with an annual household income of approximately $200,000. The company's Audience Rewards program appeals to its major partners because they want to get access to Nederlander's customers. The partners use the information about the customers for the _____ step of their personal selling process.


New-product development does not include planning for advertising.

target market

Nicole Recker, the senior marketing manager at BoltBus, describes BoltBus as a company that meets the needs of the urban, educated, and adventurous type of customer. She is referring to the company's _____.

Retail positioning

Norah operates an upscale shop that does both pet grooming and human manicures and pedicures. She is reaching a market segment with people who place great value on their dogs and are concerned with their own appearance, yet pressed for time. No other businesses meet the needs of these consumers. Which strategic issue in retailing does Norah appear to have addressed?

Quota sample

OSHU's approach to placing sensors in homes could be a:


Of the online user segments in the Social Technographics Profile, the largest group in most countries is

forged a real connection with its customers by having strong interactions with them

One important reason for Zappos being successful at its digital marketing efforts is that the company has _____.


One of the benefits that the Audience Rewards program provides to customers is that they can redeem their points to participate in special red-carpet events and get outfits from a fashion company to wear to these events. This is an example of a _____.

evaluating actual performance.

One way that Honda evaluates its product and service level is by how well it ranks on the J. D. Power & Associates Sales Satisfaction Survey. In doing so, Honda is


Only one variable can be used to segment a market.


Organizational goals have little to do with pricing decisions.


Penetration pricing and price skimming of the market are two types of new-product pricing.

keeping customers satisfied.

Personal selling goals include finding prospects, convincing prospects to buy, and


Premium priced products like those offered by Louis Vuitton are not likely to be distributed _____.


Price discrimination is prohibited by the ____ Act.


Price is the value that is exchanged for products in a marketing transaction.

promotional pricing.

Price leaders, comparison discounting, and special-event pricing are applications of

Direct Trade is a:

Producer to manufacturer channel


Product development is a strategy of increasing sales by improving present products or developing new products for current markets.


Product managers can be responsible for a single product, a product line, or several products.


Product testing for reliability and quality helps to ensure a consumer's right to


Promotion can assist salespeople in finding likely sales prospects.


Public relations, unlike advertising, is not particularly useful for promoting an organization's image.

ultimate consumers.

Purchasers who purchase products for personal or household use and not for business purposes are called the

dependability and durability.

Quality modifications are changes that relate to a product's


Question marks exist at a cost disadvantage and exhibit few opportunities for growth at a reasonable cost.

pricing a product at a moderate level and positioning it next to a more expensive model or brand.

Reference pricing is


Retailers that choose to adopt Apple Pay's digital payment service are likely to use which of the following methods of business buying?


Sales forecasts are always long-range in nature.


Sales personnel are an external source for new product ideas.

media plan

Scripps Networks Interactive uses a number of means such as mobile marketing, social media, and websites to advertise its partners' products. This forms part of the _____ of the advertisers.


Sean Free, the vice president of Sales and Ticketing at Nederlander, mentions that organizations are focusing on retargeting efforts, following customers on the Internet through IP addresses, and pixel tracking. Organizations involved in personal selling conduct these activities to develop a database of potential customers; therefore, they are indulging in _____.


Secondary data are data collected from inside the organization; primary data are those collected from outside the organization.

Mechanical descriptive method

Sensors installed in the home to record movement is considered a: a.Mechanical descriptive method

concentrated targeting strategy.

Ski Butternut created a terrain park for its younger consumers. This exemplifies

differentiated targeting strategy.

Ski Butternut offers its customers terrain parks, mid-week packages, financial incentives, training, and races. To reach out to its target market, it is using

demographic variables.

Ski Butternut's consumers are divided into children, teenagers, grownups, and seniors. It has segmented the market based on


Smartphones contain ____ that help consumers access more information about businesses.


Snappy Tools, Inc., purchases hammers, bolts, and other hardware items from a variety of manufacturers and sells them to hardware stores at a price that includes a profit for Snappy Tools, Inc. The company would be part of what type of business market?


Social responsibility is an organization's obligation to maximize its positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society.


Social surroundings during the purchase decision do not include the presence of a salesperson.


Some of the services offered by Boyle's gyms, especially those provided by individual trainers, may vary in quality, which is best described as _____.

strengths; opportunities

Successful business organizations should take actions to convert internal weaknesses into ____ and external threats into ____.


Supply-chain management includes only producers, wholesalers, retailers, and customers.


TAZA appears to use which type of distribution:

Providing its products online

TAZA is a retailer by:

In the upstream of the supply chain

TAZA is:

Stockouts in the fourth quarter

TAZA manufactures more in the third quarter to prevent:

Making the product

TAZA provides form utility by:

All of these

TAZA's business includes: a.Supply chain management b.All of these c.Operations management d.Supply management

exaggerated health claims on food packages.

The 1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act directly prohibits

cents-off offers

The Audience Rewards program allows customers to get co-branded credit cards, which entitle them to earn free tickets or reductions in ticket prices when they buy groceries or pay their utility bills. Reduction in ticket prices is an example of _____.

A consumer jury

The Food Network ran a promotion for its show, The Great Food Truck Race, where viewers were asked to go to the Facebook page and nominate or vote for their favorite local food truck. This event was a great success and generated a lot of buzz. Which of the following is used to evaluate advertising effectiveness before a campaign begins?

It is an activity and/or material intended to induce resellers or salespeople to sell a product or consumers to buy it.

The Nederlander Organization promotes a lot of concerts throughout the United States. Which of the following statements best defines a sales promotion?


The North American Industry Classification System includes all three NAFTA partners.


The ability of a product to provide the same level of quality over time is called

Basic issues or selling points to be included in an advertising campaign

The ad sales marketing team at Scripps Networks Interactive develops ideas for sellers who in turn sell the ideas in the market to advertisers. In this way, the team creates an advertising platform for advertisers. Which of the following best defines an advertising platform?


The advertising platform consists of the basic issues and selling points that an advertiser wishes to include in the campaign.

starts with forecasts about demand for a specific product within a relatively small area.

The buildup approach measure of sales potential


The concentrated targeting strategy is one in which an organization directs its marketing efforts toward a single market segment through one marketing mix.

integrated marketing communications.

The coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact defines


The degree to which the price of a product enhances a customer's satisfaction with the purchase experience and with the product after the purchase is part of their

Zone pricing

The fact that a gas station in Texas pays less for fuel than a gas station in Maine from a producer in Louisiana suggests that refineries are using which of the following pricing methods?


The factors that influence business buying behavior are the same as those that influence consumer buying behavior.


The factors used to evaluate a salesperson's performance are based on the sales objectives set by the sales manager for that salesperson.


The final step in the marketing research process is to assess the ethicality of the data collection phase.

identifying the advertising target audience.

The first stage in the development of any advertising campaign is


The five-stage business buying decision process is used primarily for routine, straight rebuy purchases. a. True b. False


The geographic distribution of a firm's customers can affect the combination of promotional methods used.


The importance of price depends on the type of product, the type of target market, and the purchase situation.


The interviewee says that Apple and Samsung "are the only two companies that are really selling smart phones at this point." One can infer from this that Apple and Samsung are operating under which of the following competitive structures?

evaluating the effectiveness of advertising.

The last stage in the development of any advertising campaign is


The more experience the customer has with a product, the more he or she relies on external reference prices.

cause-related marketing.

The practice of linking a firm's product marketing to a particular social cause on an ongoing or short-term basis is known as


The preapproach is the first step in the personal selling process.

business analysis

The product deletion process is similar to the ____ step of the new-product development process because both involve deciding whether the product should be in the product mix based on an assessment of sales, costs, and profits.


The psychographic variable that includes numerous characteristics related to people's activities, interests, and opinion is


The purpose of marketing research is to inform an organization about customers' needs and desires, marketing opportunities for particular goods and services, and changing attitudes and purchase patterns of customers.


The rapid growth of Alibaba required consumers to trust in and adopt the new e-commerce site once the infrastructure and products to do so became available. This best relates to which of the following environmental forces?

product item

The raspberry flavor of GaGa's SherBetter represents a _____.


The right to be informed means that consumers should be treated fairly when they complain to marketers about their products.


The role of promotion is to communicate.

develop product specifications.

The second stage in the business buying decision process is to


The strength of one's buying power depends partially on the state of the economy.

all entities that facilitate product distribution.

The supply chain includes

probability and nonprobability.

The two basic types of sampling that marketing researchers use are


The type of posttest an advertiser uses is affected by the type of advertising objectives set by the advertiser.

adding a predetermined percentage of the cost to the cost of the product

The video says only a handful of companies make eyeglasses and they mark them up 10 or 20 or more times. Markup pricing is best defined as deriving a price by ____.

cause-related marketing

Theo Chocolate charges more for its line of Congo-sourced chocolate bars in order to contribute to improving farmers' lives there. This linking of a product to a particular social cause on an ongoing or short-term basis is called _____.

strategic philanthropy

Theo Chocolate is deliberately using its organizational core competencies and resources to address key stakeholders' interests and achieve both organizational and social benefits. Which of the following terms best applies to this statement?

product quality, product design and features, and product support services.

Three major ways in which marketers engage in product differentiation are

price leader pricing.

To attract customers into a store, Safeway advertises its milk at less than cost, hoping that customers will purchase other groceries as well. This pricing strategy is called


Today, technology is allowing marketers to be more precise in targeting individual customers.


Under President Kennedy's consumer bill of rights, consumers must have access and opportunity to review all relevant information about a product before buying it.

selective distribution.

Using only some of the available outlets to distribute a product is called


Volkswagen purchases upholstery for the interiors of its vehicles from various suppliers. This upholstery must have a set of characteristics that is expressed by Volkswagen. This set is called


Warehouse showrooms are able to sell products at low prices by passing some of their marketing functions on to consumers.


What a price means or what it communicates to customers is called

Environmental, organizational, interpersonal, and individual

What are the four major factors that influence business buying decisions?

Order handling, order entry, order delivery

What are the three primary tasks of order processing?

​information search

What stage of the consumer buying decision process comes after problem recognition? ​


What type of competitive structure exists when just a few sellers control a large portion of the supply of a product?

the percentage of a market that actually buys a specific product from a particular company

When BoltBus noticed a different business model come into existence in the late 90s and that the Northeast itself had about fifteen carriers, the company realized that it did not have a dominant market share. Market share is defined as _____.


When David Hall, the general manager at BoltBus, speaks of having competitive fares for the company's carriers, he is referring to the _____ element of the marketing mix.

a group of closely related product items viewed as a unit because of marketing, technical, or end-use considerations

When GaGa introduced the toasted coconut flavor of SherBetter, it expanded its product line. A product line is defined as _____.

depth of product mix

When Jim King says that GaGa's products include seven pint flavors and six novelty bar flavors, he is referring to the _____.

Problem recognition

When Julia goes to the first class of her Operations Management course, she finds out that in addition to the textbook she already purchased, she also needs a copy of the book The Goal. At which stage of the consumer buying decision process is Julia?


When Old Spice came out with the "Smell like a Man" advertising campaign, the goal was to _____ the brand from one that appealed to older men to a new, younger target market.

penetration pricing

When Warby Parker began selling eyeglasses online, they were priced significantly lower than traditional "brick & mortar" eyeglass stores, and still are today. Which of the following pricing strategies did the company initially use when introducing its eyewear?


When a customer complains on Twitter that he has not received his Zappos package on time, Zappos' customer loyalty team responds to the tweet, interacts with the customer, and resolves the situation. The customer loyalty team's behavior exhibits the _____ characteristic of online media.

external reference prices.

When a customer is considering the purchase of a product in a less-familiar product category, that individual is likely to rely more heavily on

new-task purchase

When a retailer initially chooses to make Apple Pay available for its customers, it will use which of the following types of business purchases?

proxemic communication.

When a salesperson varies the physical distance between himself and a customer he is using

experience qualities

When customers of MBSC evaluate their service, attributes such as taste, satisfaction, or pleasure that can be assessed only during the performance and consumption of a service are best described as _____.

buying centers

When large corporations like McDonald's evaluate digital payment systems for potential use and purchase, the buying decision process will usually be made by _____.

quota sampling.

When researchers divide the population of interest in a study into groups and then arbitrarily choose participants from each group, they are using

aided recall test.

When respondents are shown a list of various products, brands, and company names and then asked about advertisements they have seen lately, researchers are conducting a(n)

Frequent-user incentives

When they buy tickets, they collect points and are able to redeem them for free or discounted tickets and other rewards. Which of the following consumer sales promotion methods is the program based on?

All of these

Which of the following are considered touch points for L.L. Bean? a.Their stores b.Their catalogs c.All of these d.Their website

market share

Which of the following is most likely Warby Parker's pricing objective?

competition-based pricing

Which of the following pricing bases does Warby Parker seem to be using?

Lanham Act

Which of the following provides protection for and regulates brand names, brand marks, trade names, and trademarks?


Which of the following types of promotion informs potential customers about a product and what it is?

a seller decides not to focus on price and instead emphasizes distinctive product features, service, product quality, promotion, packaging, or other factors to distinguish its product from competing brands

With its well-known status as a luxury brand, Louis Vuitton is using nonprice competition which is best described as when _____.

relationship marketing

Zappos has a Facebook page through which the company interacts with its customers and tries to engage them in conversation. The company uses social media to create a real connection with customers and describes itself as a human company. This exemplifies how social networking sites are useful for _____.

give special incentives to customers

Zappos has a Facebook page where people can interact. The company's customer loyalty team monitors the Facebook page for service as well as fun interactions. Organizations use Facebook primarily to _____.

enhance customer service

Zappos has no rules for employees regarding tweeting. Instead of creating policies, it relies on core values. Twitter as a social media platform can be used to _____.

digital marketing

Zappos uses social media as a communications tool in such a way that it is available to people wherever they are. This is an example of _____.

Social networking sites offer ways for marketers to promote their companies.

Zappos uses social networking sites such as Twitter to connect to its customers on a more personal level. Which of the following statements is true of social networking sites?

Codes of conduct

____ are formalized rules and standards that describe what a company expects of its employees in terms of ethical behavior.


____ are those consumers who construct their own media outlets, such as blogs, podcasts, consumer-generated videos, and wikis.

Public relations

____ is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between a company and its stakeholders.

Digital marketing

____ uses the Internet, mobile, and interactive channels to develop communication and exchanges with customers.

A dealer listing

___________ is an advertisement promoting a product and identifying the names of participating retailers that sell the product.


_____________ is a paid, nonpersonal communication about an organization and its products transmitted to a target audience through mass media.


​Credit increases current buying power at the expense of future buying power.


​Pioneer promotion is most likely to be used during the ____ stage of the product life cycle.

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