Marketing Research Exam 3 (Ch. 10-13)

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C. covariation.

"As the ownership of DVD players goes up, DVD rentals at Blockbuster will also go up." This statement illustrates the concept of: A. co-dependence. B. co-alteration. C. covariation. D. co-existence. E. convergence.

D. Completeness

A researcher contacts a respondent who meets all the requirements for inclusion in the sample. The researcher starts the interview process and after completing the first five questions, skips directly to the second last question. He later on makes up the answers to the questions that he had never asked of the respondent. Which of the following data validation areas does this inappropriate behavior fall under? A. Fraud B. Mid-survey validation C. Skip question validation D. Completeness E. Screening

D. substantive significance

A researcher finds that the correlation coefficient between two variables is 0.20. She wants to know if this level of correlation is meaningful from a managerial perspective or not. She is interested in determining the _____ of her results. A. statistical significance B. determination significance C. linearity significance D. substantive significance E. absolute significance

E. standard deviation.

A researcher is told that the average age of respondents in a survey is 49 years. She is interested in finding out if most respondents are close to 49 years. The measure that would most accurately answer this question is: A. mean. B. median. C. mode. D. range. E. standard deviation.

E. very close to zero.

A researcher plots a scatter diagram of two variables. The dots on the plot are scattered roughly as a circle. This indicates that the relationship (covariation) between the two variables is: A. linear, positive. B. linear, negative. C. circular, positive. D. circular, negative. E. very close to zero.

D. credibility.

A researcher prepares a report that has several grammatical errors and a couple of calculation errors. This will most directly affect the report's: A. objectivity. B. believability. C. reference use. D. credibility. E. user-friendliness.

B. Introduction

A researcher wants to include some background information and some definition of terms in her research report. Where should she include these in her report? A. Executive summary B. Introduction C. Research methods and procedures D. Data analysis and conclusions E. Appendices

B. appendix.

A researcher wants to include some technical information about the research technique that she employed for doing the data analysis. This information is complex and fairly detailed. The best place to include this information in a report is the section on: A. limitations. B. appendix. C. data analysis and findings. D. research methods and procedures. E. conclusions and recommendations.

D. Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient

A researcher wants to measure the degree of association between two variables, education and product knowledge. Education is measured by asking respondents to choose from one of the four options: less than high school, high school, some college, college graduate. Product knowledge is measured by asking respondents to pick from one of the three options: no knowledge, some knowledge, very knowledgeable. Given this information, which of the following measures would be appropriate? A. Chi-square test B. Pearson correlation coefficient C. Coefficient of determination D. Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient E. Scatter plot

B. a.

A researcher writes the general formula for a straight line. In this formula, the dependent variable is sales and the independent variable is advertising expenditure. In this formula, the amount of sales that will be realized when the advertising expenditure is zero, is represented by the symbol: A. Y. B. a. C. b. D. X. E. e.

A. contacts the respondent simply to get a name and address and then proceeds to falsify the interview.

An example of fraud in the data validation process is when the interviewer: A. contacts the respondent simply to get a name and address and then proceeds to falsify the interview. B. unconsciously or not, injects a tone of negativity. C. misrepresents himself/herself to the respondent. D. does not submit all the data collected during the collection process. E. distributes the data collected to various organizations thereby violating confidentiality agreements.

D. 0.

Assume that the mean of a distribution is 10 and standard deviation is 2. If we subtracted each value in that distribution from the mean and added them up, the result would be close to: A. 100. B. 2. C. 50. D. 0. E. 200.

C. 6

Calculate the mode of the following raw responses: 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. 8

D. 6

Calculate the range of the following raw responses: 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8. A. 4 B. 5 C. 8 D. 6 E. 7

A. is the quality of a report that is related to its accuracy, believability, and professional organization.

Credibility: A. is the quality of a report that is related to its accuracy, believability, and professional organization. B. is building a report that is based on clear and logical thinking, precise expression, and accurate presentation. C. illustrates the major points of the report in a manner that is complete so as to provide a true representation of the entire document. D. is an extraneous event that places certain restrictions on the report and is normally mentioned when communicating the results. E. is a separate section of the research report.

E. 0.90

For a given sample, which of the following correlation coefficients is most likely to be found statistically significant? A. 0.01 B. 0.05 C. 0.10 D. 0.50 E. 0.90

C. 0.90

For a retail store, there exists a strong relationship between the amount spent on local television advertising and store sales. As it increases advertising expenditure, sales go up. Which of the following seems to be the most appropriate Pearson correlation coefficient for this relationship? A. 0.01 B. 0.05 C. 0.90 D. -0.50 E. 99.1

D. Conclusions concisely explain research findings and the meaning that can be attached to the findings, whereas recommendations are for appropriate future actions.

How are conclusions different from recommendations? A. Conclusions are derived from secondary research whereas recommendations are derived from primary research. B. Conclusions list the topics of the report in sequential order, while recommendations highlight each topical area, subdivisions within each area, and corresponding page numbers. C. Recommendations are broad, whereas conclusions are very narrow. D. Conclusions concisely explain research findings and the meaning that can be attached to the findings, whereas recommendations are for appropriate future actions. E. Recommendations are internally generated while conclusions are externally generated.

B. The bar chart function in SPSS can be used to display Crosstabs.

Identify the correct statement regarding the process of reporting a study's findings. A. Researchers can accomplish reporting the means of several thematically related variables in the same chart or table with a pie chart. B. The bar chart function in SPSS can be used to display Crosstabs. C. While preparing a table, percentages should generally display one digit past the decimal point. D. In tables, means should have no decimals past the decimal point. E. When a researcher reports means of thematically related variables, the items in the table are ordered from the lowest to the highest average.

E. courtesy.

If a researcher asks if a tone of negativity was injected into the interviewing process, the researcher is dealing with a question of: A. fraud. B. screening. C. procedure. D. completeness. E. courtesy.

D. multiple regression analysis.

If a researcher is interested in measuring the effect of two independent variables on a dependent variable, he/she should use: A. pearson correlation coefficient. B. spearman correlation coefficient. C. bivariate regression analysis. D. multiple regression analysis. E. simple regression.

D. Recommendations

If a researcher is looking for action statements that will help solve the problem at hand, which part of the research report should she look at? A. Research methods B. Data analysis and findings C. Conclusions D. Recommendations E. Limitations

C. Correct screening questions

If a researcher recontacts a respondent to collect information on a question that was accidentally skipped by the interviewer, the researcher is checking which area of concern while editing data? A. Courtesy and respect B. Accurate recording of answer C. Correct screening questions D. Responses to open-ended items E. Probing for a deeper response

C. 0.36.

If the coefficient of correlation between two variables is -0.6, their coefficient of determination will be: A. -0.6. B. 0.4. C. 0.36. D. -0.36. E. 0.6.

D. 1.5.

If the variance between groups is 3 and the variance within groups is 2, the F-ratio is: A. 1. B. 0.67. C. 5. D. 1.5. E. 0.06.

A. 2.

If the variance between groups is 4 and the F-ratio is 2, then the variance within groups would be: A. 2. B. 3. C. 1. D. 1.5. E. 0.5.

B. 1

In a bivariate regression analysis, there is/are _____ predictor variable(s). A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4

C. only one independent variable is used in the analysis.

In a one-way ANOVA, the term "one-way" is used because: A. the differences are always positive as they are all squared before being added. B. the F-statistic can move in only one direction. C. only one independent variable is used in the analysis. D. only one mean is used as the null hypothesis. E. the null hypothesis always states that there is no difference between the dependent variable groups.

B. the r2.

In a regression analysis, the strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is indicated by: A. the regression coefficient. B. the r2. C. the significance level. D. the t statistic. E. the beta coefficient.

D. the square of the sum of distances between the regression line and the points not on the line.

In bivariate regression analysis, a researcher tries to generate the best-filling line called the regression line. Any point that doesn't fall on this line contributes to error. The total error in regression is determined by: A. the number of points that don't fall on the regression line. B. the proportion of points that don't fall on the regression line. C. the sum of distances between the regression line and the points not on the line. D. the square of the sum of distances between the regression line and the points not on the line. E. the percentage of points that don't fall on the regression line.

A. least squares procedure.

In bivariate regression analysis, the procedure used to determine the best fitting line is called the: A. least squares procedure. B. squared error procedure. C. sum of errors procedure. D. least error procedure. E. minimum error procedure.

D. When the variance across groups is significantly higher compared to that within groups

In the context of ANOVA, which of the following conditions implies that the chances of the differences being statistically significant are greater? A. When the variance within groups is zero B. When the variance across groups is very low while the variance within groups is very high C. When the variance across groups is the same as that within groups D. When the variance across groups is significantly higher compared to that within groups E. When the variance across groups is a negative integer and the variance within groups is a positive integer

A. It can determine the statistical difference between three or more means.

In the context of the analysis of variance, which of the following is true? A. It can determine the statistical difference between three or more means. B. It requires that the dependent variable be nonmetric. C. It requires that the independent variable not be categorical. D. The null hypothesis for ANOVA always states that there is a difference between the dependent variable groups. E. It requires that the dependent variable be categorical.

E. Assigning a numerical value as a code

In the four-step process of developing codes for responses, in which stage does one address the issue of missing data? A. Consolidation of responses B. Generating a list of potential responses C. Completing the partial responses with best judgment responses D. Assigning a value to each response E. Assigning a numerical value as a code

C. enables the validation process to be completed.

Information on respondents or sources and nature of internal data: A. is used for analysis. B. involves grouping and assigning values to responses to the survey questions. C. enables the validation process to be completed. D. transfers information from scanner databases or other sources to the company data warehouse. E. provides greater insight into the research questions than forced-choice questions.

C. Executive summary

Janice is waiting for a research report to prepare for her 3:00 p.m. meeting. Instead of receiving the report that morning at 10:00 a.m., she gets it 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Given this short time, Janice can afford to read only one section of the report. Which of the following sections should she read to benefit the most from the report? A. Introduction B. Table of contents C. Executive summary D. Data analysis and findings E. Conclusions and recommendations

E. a situation in which several independent variables are highly correlated with each other.

Multicollinearity is: A. a statistical procedure that estimates regression equation coefficients which produce the lowest sum of squared differences between the actual and predicted values of the dependent variable. B. a statistical technique which analyzes the linear relationship between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables by estimating coefficients for the equation for a straight line. C. an estimated regression coefficient which has been recalculated to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1. D. a statistic which compares the amount of variation in the dependent measure "explained" or associated with the independent variables to the "unexplained" or error variance. E. a situation in which several independent variables are highly correlated with each other.

B. Is there a relationship between the independent and dependent variables?

Once the statistical significance of the regression coefficients is determined, which of the following questions would be answered? A. How strong is the relationship? B. Is there a relationship between the independent and dependent variables? C. Is the regression coefficient significant? D. Is the slope of the regression line significant? E. Is the error term of the equation significant?

D. develop maps that show the perceptions of respondents in a study.

Perceptual mapping is a process that is typically used to: A. create a three-dimensional representation of the responses of the participants in a study. B. create a three-dimensional representation of the perceptions of the researchers. C. create a one-dimensional representation of the responses of the participants in a study. D. develop maps that show the perceptions of respondents in a study. E. develop maps that show the null hypothesis related to a study.

E. check on how your data analysis software will handle missing data and then determine a course of action.

The best way to handle omitted responses is to: A. determine whether the software used for data entry performs "error edit routines" that identify the wrong type of data. B. substitute the missing values with the median of the variable. C. leave the data space blank for missing data without any numerical value. D. substitute the missing values with the mean of the variable. E. check on how your data analysis software will handle missing data and then determine a course of action.

D. ranges from zero to + 1.0.

The coefficient of determination: A. describes the variation in the dependent variable described by the control variable. B. tells you the percent of the total variation in the independent variable explained by the dependent variable. C. ranges from -1.0 to + 1.0. D. ranges from zero to + 1.0. E. is a stronger measure than the Pearson correlation coefficient.

A. deviation.

The difference between a particular response and the distribution mean is called a(n): A. deviation. B. mode. C. variance. D. range. E. average.

A. error.

The difference between the observed value of the dependent variable and the predicted value of the dependent variable in a regression equation is called the: A. error. B. beta weight. C. slope. D. Y-intercept. E. variance.

B. generating a list of potential responses.

The first step in developing codes for the anticipated responses to open-ended questions is: A. consolidation of responses. B. generating a list of potential responses. C. assigning a numerical value as a code. D. assigning a value to each response. E. assigning coded values to missing data

B. determine whether the software used for data entry performs "error edit routines" that identify the wrong type of data.

The first step in error detection is to: A. reject an error value when it is very large or very small for a particular scaled item on the questionnaire. B. determine whether the software used for data entry performs "error edit routines" that identify the wrong type of data. C. categorize the number of errors to two or more questions, thus showing the relationship between those two variables. D. determine the amount of nonresponse to individual questions. E. identify the number of respondents who did not answer various questions on the questionnaire.

C. arithmetic average of the sample.

The mean is best defined as the: A. value that appears in the distribution most often. B. distance between the smallest and largest values in a set of responses. C. arithmetic average of the sample. D. middle value of a rank-ordered distribution. E. most common value in the set of responses to a question.

A. 3 and 39

The minimum and maximum values for five data sets are given below. Pick the pair that has the maximum range. A. 3 and 39 B. 30 and 40 C. 500 and 501 D. 49 and 59 E. 1029 and 1049

D. a statistic which compares the amount of variation in the dependent measure "explained" or associated with the independent variables to the "unexplained" or error variance.

The model F-statistic is: A. a statistical procedure that estimates regression equation coefficients which produce the lowest sum of squared differences between the actual and predicted values of the dependent variable. B. a statistical technique which analyzes the linear relationship between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables by estimating coefficients for the equation for a straight line. C. never statistically significant. D. a statistic which compares the amount of variation in the dependent measure "explained" or associated with the independent variables to the "unexplained" or error variance. E. used in situations where several independent variables are highly correlated with each other.

D. communicate how the research was conducted.

The objective of the methods-and-procedures section is to: A. give background information for a complete understanding of the report. B. list specific research objectives and questions the study was designed to answer. C. convey why the research was undertaken and to summarize the key findings. D. communicate how the research was conducted. E. give a brief statement of conclusions and recommendations.

E. Data tabulation

The process of converting information from a form/questionnaire is referred to as data preparation. This process follows a four-step approach. Which of the following is the last step in this process? A. Data validation B. Editing C. Coding of the data D. Data entry E. Data tabulation

C. editing

The process where the raw data are checked for mistakes made by either the interviewer or the respondent is known as _____. A. screening B. data validation C. editing D. coding E. data tabulation

B. determine if surveys, interviews, and observations were conducted correctly and free of errors.

The purpose of data validation is to: A. determine the amount of nonresponse to individual questions. B. determine if surveys, interviews, and observations were conducted correctly and free of errors. C. determine whether questionnaires or observation methods are completed. D. examine whether the data preparation process started before or after the interviews and questionnaires. E. count the number of responses in categories

A. tabulation

The simple process of counting the number of observations (cases) that are classified into certain categories is known as _____. A. tabulation B. editing C. screening D. validation E. data entry

C. ordinary least squares.

The statistical procedure that results in predictions with the lowest sum of squared differences between actual and predicted values in a regression equation is called: A. SPSS. B. unexplained variance. C. ordinary least squares. D. the slope. E. regression coefficient.

E. 1249

To assign numerical value to each questionnaire, a researcher decides to use a four-digit code. How many questionnaires are probably there in the data set? A. 323 B. 99 C. 999 D. 576 E. 1249

B. When the researcher wants to determine if two variables have a curvilinear relationship

Under which of the following conditions should one NOT use Pearson correlation coefficient? A. When the researcher wants to determine if two variables have a linear relationship B. When the researcher wants to determine if two variables have a curvilinear relationship C. When the two variables have been measured using interval scales D. When the two variables have been measured using ratio scales E. When the two variables come from a bivariate normally distributed populations

A. the average squared deviations about the mean of a distribution of values.

Variance is: A. the average squared deviations about the mean of a distribution of values. B. an empirically testable statement that is an unproven supposition developed in order to explain phenomena. C. a statement that asserts the status quo; that is, any change from what has been thought to be true is due to random sampling order. D. a statement that is the opposite of the null hypothesis. E. the error made by rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

A. Lack of data interpretation

When a market researcher has failed to provide a proper explanation of the data within tables of results, the researcher has fallen victim to which of the following problem areas? A. Lack of data interpretation B. Unnecessary use of multivariate statistics C. Lack of relevance D. Too much emphasis is placed on too few statistics E. Fancy packaging does not infer high quality

C. Lack of relevance

When a market researcher has reported data, statistics, and information that are not consistent with the studies objectives, the researcher has fallen victim to which of the following problem areas? A. Lack of data interpretation B. Unnecessary use of multivariate statistics C. Lack of relevance D. Too much emphasis is placed on too few statistics E. Fancy packaging does not infer high quality

A. coding.

When conducting a survey, a researcher decides to assign a value of 1 if the respondent is male and a value of 2 if the respondent is a female. By assigning numbers to different genders, the researcher is engaged in the process of: A. coding. B. editing. C. validation. D. data summarization. E. data tabulation.

B. Are the two variables drawn from a normal distribution?

When describing the relationship between variables, researchers have to answer four questions. Which of the following is NOT one of them? A. Is there a relationship between the two variables? B. Are the two variables drawn from a normal distribution? C. How strong is the relationship? D. What is the direction of the relationship? E. Is the relationship linear or curvilinear?

A. presence

When knowledge about the behavior of one variable allows you to predict the behavior of another variable, this is another way of studying the _____ of the relationship. A. presence B. direction C. strength of association D. type E. dispersion

A. there simply is no consistent, systematic relationship between the two items in the population and the association exists, but it is not linear and must be investigated further.

When the correlation coefficient is weak, the researcher must consider two possibilities: A. there simply is no consistent, systematic relationship between the two items in the population and the association exists, but it is not linear and must be investigated further. B. there is a consistent, systematic relationship between the two items in the population, but it is not linear and must be investigated further. C. there simply is no consistent, systematic relationship between the two items in the population and the association exists, but it is linear and must be investigated further. D. there simply is no consistent, systematic relationship between the two items in the population and the association exists, but it is linear and does not need be investigated further. E. there is a consistent, systematic relationship between the two items in the population, but it is linear and must be investigated further.

C. Have a well-organized and inspiring dialogue prepared.

Which of the following guidelines should be used for preparing good oral presentations? A. Always be formal in your oral communication. B. Include flamboyant graphics in the visual presentations. C. Have a well-organized and inspiring dialogue prepared. D. If no questions or comments are being posed within the first five minutes of the presentation, end the session. E. Avoid preparing additional slides as they may detract from the information being communicated.

E. Begin with a slide showing the title of the presentation and the individual doing the presentation.

Which of the following guidelines should be used for preparing good visual presentations? A. End the presentation with a slide showing the client and the marketing research firm. B. Avoid preparing additional slides as they may detract from the information being communicated. C. Slides should not be developed in a sequence as they fail to the objectives of the research. D. The presentation should begin with recommendations and research implications as they pertain to the study at hand. E. Begin with a slide showing the title of the presentation and the individual doing the presentation.

A. The mean and standard deviations should be shown with only one digit past the decimal.

Which of the following instructions should be kept in mind while reporting the means of thematically related variables? A. The mean and standard deviations should be shown with only one digit past the decimal. B. While preparing a table, percentages should generally display one digit past the decimal point. C. When a researcher reports means of thematically related variables, the items in the table should be ordered from the lowest to the highest average. D. While preparing a table, the maximum value should not be indicated as readers will not be able to easily compare the mean. E. The means of several thematically related variables can be reported in the same chart or table with a pie chart.

B. Male students are compared to female students on the average number of hours they study each weekday.

Which of the following is an example of an independent sample? A. The average number of energy drinks consumed per day by a group of male students is compared to the average number of energy drinks consumed per day by the general population. B. Male students are compared to female students on the average number of hours they study each weekday. C. The average amount spent on fashion magazines per month by a group of teenagers is compared to the average amount spent on sports magazines per month by the same group of teenagers. D. The average amount spent on purchasing cosmetics by women in their early 30s to the average amount they spend on purchasing fashion accessories. E. The time spent by a group of female students in the library is compared to the time spent by them in the cafeteria.

B. An interviewer filling out the instrument without interviewing the respondent

Which of the following is an example of curbstoning? A. Respondents improperly filling out the questionnaire B. An interviewer filling out the instrument without interviewing the respondent C. An interviewer contacting respondents by phone and then recording their observations D. An interviewer interviewing respondents and recording their observations E. Respondents being unreachable

E. Date of the report

Which of the following is included in the title page of a report? A. Questionnaire B. Total budget of the report C. Statistical calculations D. Detailed sampling map E. Date of the report

C. To determine the correctness of the interview, a researcher can recontact a sample of respondents and ask about questions from different parts of the questionnaire.

Which of the following is permissible in the process of validation? A. An interviewer may inject a tone of negativity into the interviewing process. B. A researcher may contact the respondent to reaffirm the negativity of the interviewer. C. To determine the correctness of the interview, a researcher can recontact a sample of respondents and ask about questions from different parts of the questionnaire. D. In order to speed through the interview, an interviewer may choose to not follow the specific procedure for collecting data from respondents. E. If an interviewer (or respondent on a self-administered survey) fails to follow instructions for skip questions, the respondent can skip those questions

E. Multiple independent variables in the n-way ANOVA can act together to affect dependent variable group means.

Which of the following is true about the n-way ANOVA? A. The use of multiple independent factors in n-way ANOVA reduces the possibility of an interaction effect. B. It cannot analyze more than one independent variable at a particular time. C. It is mathematically less complex than one-way ANOVA. D. The bigger the F-ratio, the lesser the difference among the means of the various groups assessed by n-way ANOVA. E. Multiple independent variables in the n-way ANOVA can act together to affect dependent variable group means.

C. When reviewing responses to open-ended questions, the researcher attaches a value from the developed response list.

Which of the following is true of coding? A. The process of coding begins by assigning a numerical value as a code. B. For open-ended questions, a coding process should be prepared before collecting data. C. When reviewing responses to open-ended questions, the researcher attaches a value from the developed response list. D. Coding makes subsequent analysis tougher as the researcher will find it difficult to interpret averages if higher values occur as the average moves from "dislike" to "like." E. Assigning a coded value to missing data should be avoided by researchers.

E. As part of the editing process, the researcher will check to make sure all respondents were asked the proper questions.

Which of the following is true of data editing? A. Before being validated, the data must be edited for mistakes. B. Editing determines whether a survey's interviews or observations were conducted correctly and are free of fraud or bias. C. Editing involves checking the data for mistakes made by the interviewer but not by the respondent. D. In order to speed through the data collection process, an interviewer may edit the data collection process. E. As part of the editing process, the researcher will check to make sure all respondents were asked the proper questions.

E. The content and presentation form of the research are closely intertwined.

Which of the following is true of presentations of marketing research? A. Senior managers often make sure that they review all aspects of a research project. B. Reports must look classy and flamboyant using sophisticated computer-generated graphics. C. Sophisticated multivariate statistical techniques should be used by researchers to impress clients. D. Individual credibility is never affected by the report. E. The content and presentation form of the research are closely intertwined.

D. A negative correlation is sorted by its strength because a negative value indicates the direction of the relationship only.

Which of the following is true of reporting correlation and regression? A. To facilitate comparison of the sizes of correlations in a report, they are arranged from mildest to strongest. B. The interpretation of the table is included in the exhibit. C. Standardized betas are portrayed below the appropriate arrow because the beta shows the strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. D. A negative correlation is sorted by its strength because a negative value indicates the direction of the relationship only. E. Regression may be included in a report to illustrate relationships between several variables that are later used in a correlation.

B. If the interviewer (or respondent on a self-administered survey) fails to follow instructions for skip questions, he/she can recontact respondents and verify their responses to skip questions.

Which of the following is true of skip questions? A. In order to speed through the data collection process, an interviewer may ask the respondent a few skip questions. B. If the interviewer (or respondent on a self-administered survey) fails to follow instructions for skip questions, he/she can recontact respondents and verify their responses to skip questions. C. If the interviewer (or respondent on a self-administered survey) fails to follow instructions for skip questions, the respondent can skip those questions. D. If a respondent on a self-administered survey fails to follow instructions for skip questions, the interviewer may inject a tone of negativity into the interviewing process. E. Skip questions are a problem with online surveys since the computer controls the sequence of answering questions.

E. All results must be logically arranged to correspond with each research objective or research question listed in the report.

Which of the following is true of the data analysis and findings portion in a report? A. When writing a report, the information must be explained in the body of the report with technical output and language. B. It is an undifferentiated collection of the research findings. C. Data analysis requirements are uniform for all projects, so the presentation of findings is the same for each project. D. When reporting results, writers should state that the results are "obvious," or "self-evident." E. All results must be logically arranged to correspond with each research objective or research question listed in the report.

B. While the executive summary comes near the front of the report, it should actually be written last.

Which of the following is true of the executive summary? A. It contains complex, detailed, or technical information not necessary for the formal report. B. While the executive summary comes near the front of the report, it should actually be written last. C. It contains background information necessary for a complete understanding of the report. D. It lists the topics of the report in sequential order. E. It must contain the name, position, employing organization, address, and telephone number of the person submitting the report.

A. It lists specific research objectives and questions the study was designed to answer.

Which of the following is true of the introduction in a report? A. It lists specific research objectives and questions the study was designed to answer. B. It focuses on specific marketing tactics or strategies the client can use to gain a competitive advantage. C. It summarizes the findings of a research. D. It indicates the subject of the report and the name of the recipient, along with his/her position and organization. E. It lists the topics of the report in sequential order.

D. It The mean can be distorted if when extreme values are included in the distribution.

Which of the following is true of the mean? A. It is a qualitative measure. B. It The mean is greatly affected by the addition and deletion of data. C. It is the distance between the smallest and largest values in a set of responses. D. It The mean can be distorted if when extreme values are included in the distribution. E. It is the value that appears in the distribution most often.

E. It is especially useful as a measure of central tendency for ordinal data.

Which of the following is true of the median? A. It cannot be determined for data that are skewed to either the right or left. B. It is the distance between the smallest and largest values in a set of responses. C. It is the value that appears in the distribution most often. D. If the number of data observations is even, the median is generally considered to be the average of the first and last values. E. It is especially useful as a measure of central tendency for ordinal data.

A. It is especially useful as a measure for data that have been somehow grouped into categories.

Which of the following is true of the mode? A. It is especially useful as a measure for data that have been somehow grouped into categories. B. It is the distance between the smallest and largest values in a set of responses. C. It is the arithmetic average of the sample. D. It is the middle value of a rank-ordered distribution. E. It is unaffected by data values being added or deleted.

C. The process for creating a pie chart is similar to that used for creating the bar chart.

Which of the following is true of the process of reporting a study's findings? A. Researchers prefer to report means of thematically related variables in bar charts or pie charts but not in tables as the entire question cannot be portrayed. B. When writing a report, the information must be explained in the body of the report with technical output and language. C. The process for creating a pie chart is similar to that used for creating the bar chart. D. When a researcher reports the means of thematically related variables in one table, the items are ordered from the lowest to the highest average. E. Since t-tests compare outcome measures for two groups, they cannot be displayed on bar charts created in SPSS.

E. Standard deviation

Which of the following measures is an indicator of how similar or dissimilar the numbers are in the set of responses? A. Cross-tabulations B. Mean C. Median D. Mode E. Standard deviation

B. Median

Which of the following measures of central tendency is especially useful when measuring ordinal data and data that is skewed to either the right or left? A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Standard deviation E. Variance

C. Mode

Which of the following measures of central tendency is the best for nominal data? A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Standard deviation E. Variance

C. Median

Which of the following measures requires that the responses be first arranged in a hierarchical pattern? A. Cross-tabulations B. Mean C. Median D. Mode E. Standard deviation

A. Table of contents

Which of the following sections in a report highlights each topical area, the subdivisions within each area, and corresponding page numbers? A. Table of contents B. Title page C. Executive summary D. Introduction E. Appendix

D. The researcher should make the client aware of the study's limitations.

Which of the following statements about limitations of a research project is true? A. Certain research studies are flawless. B. Treatment of limitations normally excludes a discussion of results. C. Treatment of limitations normally excludes a discussion of accuracy. D. The researcher should make the client aware of the study's limitations. E. Researchers must openly address any limitations even if it undermines the credibility of the project.

A. Chi-square analysis compares the observed frequencies of the responses with the expected frequencies.

Which of the following statements about the Chi-square test is true? A. Chi-square analysis compares the observed frequencies of the responses with the expected frequencies. B. When the differences between observed and expected frequencies are large, one must accept the null hypothesis. C. The larger the Chi-square, the less likely it is that the two variables that are measured are related. D. The expected frequencies in a Chi-square cannot be calculated theoretically. E. Categorical data from questions about sex, education, or other nominal variables cannot be tested with this statistic.

C. It is equivalent to simultaneous two-tailed hypothesis tests.

Which of the following statements about the Scheffé test is correct? A. If the difference between each pair of means falls inside the range of the confidence interval, then the null hypothesis is rejected. B. If the difference between each pair of means falls outside the range of the confidence interval, it can be concluded that the pairs of means are statistically similar. C. It is equivalent to simultaneous two-tailed hypothesis tests. D. The confidence intervals tend to be narrower in this method than in other methods. E. The test identifies differences between all pairs of means at high confidence interval ranges but not atbetween low confidence interval ranges.

E. A negative beta means as the size of the independent variable decreases then the size of the dependent variable gets smaller.

Which of the following statements is false regarding the beta coefficient? A. It is the standardized regression coefficient. B. It shows the change in the dependent variable for each unit change in the independent variable. C. It removes the effects of using different scales of measurement. D. It ranges from .00 to 1.00, and can be either positive or negative. E. A negative beta means as the size of the independent variable decreases then the size of the dependent variable gets smaller.

E. The selection of variables for cross-tabulation should be driven by the objectives of the research study.

Which of the following statements is true about cross-tabulation? A. Cross-tabulation tables show percentage calculations based on row variable totals. B. It cannot determine whether differences exist among subgroups of the total sample. C. Demographic variables are typically used as rows and other research variables are used as columns in cross-tabulation. D. It reports absolute frequencies but not percentages. E. The selection of variables for cross-tabulation should be driven by the objectives of the research study.

A. The t-test provides a mathematical way of determining if the difference between the two sample means occurred by chance.

Which of the following statements is true about the t-test? A. The t-test provides a mathematical way of determining if the difference between the two sample means occurred by chance. B. The larger the value of the standard error of the difference between the two means, the larger the value of t. C. The t-test cannot be used when the population standard deviation is unknown. D. In order to conduct a t-test, the sample size should be larger than 30. E. The t-test cannot be used for interval or ratio data.

D. The alternative hypothesis states that there is a difference between the group means.

Which of the following statements is true regarding hypothesis? A. Hypotheses can be derived from current business situation but not from previous research theory. B. A hypothesis is a proven supposition. C. A hypothesis is typically developed after data collection. D. The alternative hypothesis states that there is a difference between the group means. E. The null hypothesis is typically not tested.

C. Parametric statistics are appropriate when the data is measured using an interval or ratio scale and the sample size is large.

Which of the following statements is true regarding statistical techniques? A. When researchers need to examine multiple variables, a univariate statistical technique is required. B. For nominal data, the mean is the most appropriate measure of central tendency. C. Parametric statistics are appropriate when the data is measured using an interval or ratio scale and the sample size is large. D. Parametric statistics are used in the case of a normal distribution that cannot be assumed. E. With ordinal data, the mode is the most appropriate measure of central tendency.

B. avoid unnecessary use of multivariate techniques.

While preparing a research report, a researcher should: A. avoid providing interpretations of the statistical data and results. B. avoid unnecessary use of multivariate techniques. C. ignore quality and instead focus on packaging of the report. D. try making the report bigger and more comprehensive by adding information that does not pertain directly to the research objectives. E. draw bulk of its conclusions on the basis of a few key statistics.

A. Data validation

While preparing data, Shania identifies a number of tasks that have to be performed. Which of the following should she begin with? A. Data validation B. Editing and coding C. Data analysis D. Data entry E. Data tabulation

E. the sample size used in the correlation analysis is different from the overall sample size reported in the methodology section of the report.

While reporting correlation and regression, sample size is included on the graph in the footnote if: A. the overall sample size in the report is similar to the sample size used in the correlation analysis. B. the overall sample size and the interpretation of the table are not included in the exhibit. C. a certain regression technique is applied that estimates the impact of sample size used in the correlation analysis on the overall sample size in the report. D. standardized betas are portrayed above the appropriate arrow because the beta shows the strength of the relationship between the sample size used in the correlation analysis and the overall sample size in the report. E. the sample size used in the correlation analysis is different from the overall sample size reported in the methodology section of the report.

A. strength of association

While studying the relationship between advertising and sales growth, a researcher determines that the relationship is sometimes weak and at other times moderate. This variation from one situation to another is the variation in the _____ of the relationship between advertisement and sales growth. A. strength of association B. presence C. type D. direction E. dispersion

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