Marketing Research Test 2

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Packaged services provide each client with:

B) A marketing research process that is used to generate information.

While person-administered surveys were the industry mainstay, ________ have grown to a dominant position in developed countries.

B) computer-assisted survey methods

Problems exist with secondary data because:

D) Data have not been collected specifically to address the problem at hand but have been collected for some other purpose.

Over and above the expense associated with person-administered surveys, there are other disadvantages. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of person-administered surveys?

A) Adaptability

In selecting a data collection mode, a researcher balances quality against:

A) Cost, time, and other considerations.

A major retailer uses shoppers to observe and record sales clerks' assistance, courtesy, and efficiency. This is an example of what type of observational research?

A) Covert observational research

________ requires interviewers to "navigate around gatekeepers."

A) In-office interviewing

Which of the following is NOT a type of a person-administered/computer-assisted survey?

A) Mail survey

________ involves the study of an individual's involuntary responses to marketing stimuli, including eye movement, heart rate, skin conductance, breathing, brain activity (using functional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]), and brain waves (electroencephalography [EEG]).

A) Neuromarketing

Techniques in which phenomena of interest involving people, objects, and/or activities are systematically observed and documented is:

A) Observational research

Geodemographics is the term used to describe the classification of geographic areas in terms of the socioeconomic characteristics of their inhabitants. The term geodemographics is associated with what type of research application?

A) Packaged information

39) With a sentence-completion test, respondents are given incomplete sentences and asked to complete them in their own words. This is used as part of what type of qualitative technique?

A) Projective techniques

When Procter & Gamble is interested in improving its Ultra Tide laundry detergent, it may invite a group of age 30- to 45-year-old women to brainstorm how Ultra Tide could perform better or how its packaging could be improved or to discuss other features of the detergent. What type of research method are they using?

A) Qualitative research

What are the focus group company principals often referred to as?

A) Qualitative research consultants

Research involving the administration of a set of structured questions with predetermined response options to a large number of respondents is:

A) Quantitative research.

Packaged information is a special form of:

A) Secondary data.

One of the fastest-growing areas of marketing research involves the organization and analysis of:

A) Social media data.

The general manager of a jewelry store would like to allocate radio ad dollars to the three markets in which the store has locations. The manager's review of secondary data shows that retail sales of jewelry are available by radio market area. Allotting the radio budget based on the percentage of sales in a given market would be an excellent way to:

A) Solve the manager's problem and satisfy the research objective.

Firms providing specialized routine information needed by a given industry in the form of ready-to-use packaged data to subscribing firms are:

A) Syndicated data firms.

Retailers who purchase Nielsen's tracking data for their category get up-to-date information about what brands are selling at which retailers at the SKU level, and learn what their competitors are selling. The tracking studies are examples of:

A) Syndicated services.

Most reputable organizations that provide secondary data also provide detailed information on which of the following?

A) Their data collection methods

Online focus groups have the following disadvantages over traditional focus groups EXCEPT for which of the following?

A) Transcripts cannot be captured in real time

Using a focus group to stay abreast of the words and phrases consumers use when describing products to improve communications about those products or services achieves what objective?

A) Understand consumer vocabulary

Nielsen Media Research uses a device that is attached to a television set to record when and to what station a set is tuned. The type of observational research that this represents is:

A) Unstructured observational research.

Researchers must carefully ________ of secondary data in deciding whether to use it as a basis for making decisions.

A) assess the quality and validity

The Internet of Things offers real promise for greater ________ and exciting applications for the future.

A) automation of marketing research

Ethnographic research, an approach borrowed from anthropology, is defined as a detailed, ________ of a group and its behavior, characteristics, and culture.

A) descriptive study

When the research objective is to ________, focus groups may be an alternative.

A) explore or describe rather than predict

If a respondent is required to actually use a product in a realistic setting, ________ may be the only data collection method that will work.

A) in-home interviews

One of the main advantages of online communities is that they are ________, allowing a wide variety of data to be collected, including posts, photos, and videos.

A) inexpensive and flexible

Some companies are experimenting with ________ to match up with mobile consumers who use social media.

A) multiple mobile media modes

Drawbacks of ________ include sample representativeness, respondent validation, and difficulty in asking probing types of questions.

A) online interviews

A ________ recruits large numbers of potential respondents who agree to take part in surveys for compensation.

A) panel company

The rise of technology and the ________ by consumers underlie a troublesome data collection dilemma faced by marketing researchers all over the globe.

A) rapid adoption of sophisticated personal communication systems

Suggested applications for ________ include forecasting economic trends analyzing the competition, choosing international markets to enter, understanding consumer concerns during a crisis situation, and many others.

A) secondary data

Given the large amounts of data available, researchers ned to be ________ about their use

A) strategic

Compared to observation or other qualitative methods, ________ allow the collection of significant amounts of data in a systematic, economical, and efficient manner, and they typically involve large sample sizes.

A) survey methods

An important emerging source of big data that uses sensors and monitors is:

A) the Internet of Things (IoT).

The ________ may represent the most significant change in the availability of secondary data to be used for marketing research purposes in several decades.

B) American Community Survey

Of the following circumstances, which is NOT suited to an observational study?

B) Behavior patterns over lengthy time periods

The umbrella term ________ is information that is available from more sources than ever before-from government statistics to sensor data to tracking studies

B) Big data

________ allows for recruitment and training to be conducted at a central location, monitoring of the actual interviews by a supervisor, checking of completed interviews "on the spot," and control of interviewers' schedules.

B) Central location telephone surveying

________ is an example of internal secondary data.

B) Corporate sales data

Which of the following should NOT be a consideration when choosing a survey method?

B) Easiest method for the researcher

Researchers need to use multiple methods of evaluating secondary data. Which one of the following is NOT a method of evaluating secondary data?

B) Evaluate the availability of the data

________ are small groups of people brought together and guided through an unstructured, spontaneous discussion for the purpose of gaining information relevant to the research problem.

B) Focus groups

A motion-sensitive camera might be placed in people's kitchens to observe the behavior of family members as they inspect the contents of their refrigerator, prepare breakfast, unpack groceries, and conduct the many other routine activities that occur in kitchens. This is an example of:

B) In situ observational research.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using survey methods?

B) Insensitivity to subgroup differences

The "man-on-the-street" interview is closest to which data collection mode?

B) Mall-intercept interview

9) Which of the following is NOT one of the four general ways of organizing observations? A) Direct versus indirect

B) Mandatory versus voluntary

The Arizona Republic newspaper has used online focus groups for brainstorming, and the outcomes of these sessions are then used to devise online surveys. This is an example of:

B) Mixed methods research.

Which survey technique is generally believed to obtain response quality equal to telephone surveys?

B) Online surveys

________ are available to monitor the effectiveness of print media promotional messages.

B) Packaged services

Which type of company dominates the data collection landscape?

B) Panel companies

________ are information that is collected without overt consumer activity.

B) Passive data

A picture or thematic apperception test involves providing a picture to participants, who are instructed to describe their reactions by writing a short story about the picture. This is used as part of what type of qualitative technique?

B) Projective technique

Which of the following is NOT among the four methods of data collection?

B) Proxy-assisted surveys

Social media have a number of strengths as a source of marketing research data. Which of the following is NOT considered one of those strengths?

B) Relatively inexpensive to access data

While self-administered surveys have several important advantages, they also have disadvantages. Which of the following could be considered BOTH an advantage as well as a disadvantage?

B) Respondent control

What objective would a company have by using a focus group to refresh the marketing team's understanding of what customers really feel or think about a product or service?

B) Reveal consumer needs, motives, perceptions, and attitudes

There are several distinct advantages of using secondary data. Which is NOT an advantage?

B) Secondary data may be obtained in any form desired.

Some interview techniques do not require the researcher to watch the respondent complete the survey and ensure correct procedures are followed. Which of the following is that type of technique?

B) Telephone interview

An application for a radio license with the FCC is due in six weeks, and a listenership study of other stations in the area must be conducted. Which would be the preferred method of data collection?

B) Telephone survey

Syndicated data has several advantages. Of the following, which is NOT a key advantage of syndicated data?

B) The client has control over which data are to be collected.

What is the term for any information that is created by users of online systems and intended to be shared with others?

B) User-generated data

If ________ is at hand, research that is representative of some population and that has some known margin of error (quantitative research) should be used.

B) a high-stakes decision

The ________ of focus group participants should be judged against the target market profile to assess to what degree the groups represent the target market.

B) demographic and buyer behavior characteristics

A group self-administered survey entails administering a questionnaire to respondents in groups rather than individually:

B) for convenience and to gain economies of scale.

A qualitative technique that involves ________ examines consumer motivations and hidden concerns.

B) in-depth interviews (IDIs)

By using ________ and understanding the neuroscience behind it, marketing researchers hope to more accurately posit what consumers really want (which can be different from what they say they want), what appeals to them, and what drives them to buy.

B) neuroimaging

The purpose of ________ research is specific and is used when the manager and researcher have agreed on the precise information that is needed.

B) quantitative

Data collection method choice is shaped by ________ such as cultural norms and/or communication or other systems that are in place.

B) situational factors

The advantage of mobile ethnography is that it can ________ that a researcher might miss, with respondents viewed as the experts of their own lives.

B) uncover authentic behavior and feelings

In ________ no restriction is placed on what the observer notes. All behavior in the episode under study is monitored. The observer watches the situation and records what he or she deems interesting or relevant.

B) unstructured observational research

Nielsen Ratings service, which measures TV audience size and viewer demographics for TV programs, is an example of:

C) A syndicated data services firms.

Some studies are conducted to "prove" some position or to:

C) Advance the special interest of those conducting the study.

________ has advanced significantly and opened new, efficient ways for marketing researchers to collect data.

C) Computer and telecommunications technology

A baked goods company asked focus group participants to first privately taste and rate the flavor of the pastry on a number of characteristics and then discuss their reactions with other focus group participants. This is an example of:

C) Conducting quantitative and qualitative research simultaneously.

Like syndicated data, packaged information has several advantages. Of the following, which is NOT a key advantage of packaged information?

C) Customization of various portions of the project

The use of social media data for marketing research also has quite a few disadvantages. Which of the following is NOT considered one of those disadvantages?

C) Even though much of the material on social media is shallow or useless, it is always relevant

Computer-administered surveys provide a variety of advantages. Which of the following is NOT one of those advantages?

C) High qualification rates of respondents

Which type of qualitative method seeks unrestricted comments or opinions and asks questions that will help the marketing researcher better understand the various dimensions of these opinions as well as the reasons for them?

C) In-depth interviews

Completely automated telephone surveys (CATS) have been successfully used in all of the following situations EXCEPT for:

C) In-store product tests.

________ is the percentage of the population that possesses some characteristic necessary to

C) Incidence rate

What is the main advantage of the ACS?

C) It provides data annually instead of once every 10 years.

A disadvantage of the mall-intercept survey is:

C) Mall shoppers may not be representative of the target market population.

________ is the name for the ethnographic study of online activities.

C) Netnography

When a research budget is austere, a researcher might opt for which type of data collection method?

C) Online survey

If a respondent needs to observe a short video or moving graphic, which method of data collection would be the most appropriate?

C) Online surveys

________ are not inexpensive, do not deliver random samples, and are sometimes overworked.

C) Panel companies' participants

When an interviewer reads questions, either face-to-face or over the telephone, to the respondent and records his or her answers without the use of a computer this is what type of data collection?

C) Person-administered survey

Data referring to information that is developed or gathered by the researcher specifically for the research project at hand is called:

C) Primary data.

What type of qualitative method involves placing a person in a decision-making situation and asks him or her to verbalize everything he or she considers when making a decision?

C) Protocol analysis

________ are sources of information that are prepared for public distribution and are normally found in libraries and online.

C) Published sources

Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say is: A) Quantitative research.

C) Qualitative research.

Which of the following is NOT a major disadvantage of observational research?

C) Seeing what consumers actually do

There are some disadvantages associated with secondary data. Which of the following is NOT listed in the text as a disadvantage?

C) Source and origin of data are not identified.

All of the following are types of neuromarketing EXCEPT which one of the following?

C) Stimulus imaging

Regardless of which variation of computer-assisted surveys is considered, at least four advantages of computer-assisted surveys are evident. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer-assisted surveys?

C) Technical skills requirement

The advantages of cost, quality, and speed are characterized by the:

C) Telephone interview.

Smartglasses (e.g., Google Glass), fitness trackers (e.g., Fitbit), and smart watches (e.g., Apple Watch) are examples of what?

C) Wearable technologies

A focus group phase may be used to gain a feel for ________ that will ultimately generate standardized information from a representative sample.

C) a specific survey

General Mills used ________ to understand how children eat breakfast, leading to the launch of Go-Gurt, a midmorning snack for schoolchildren.

C) direct observational research

Nielsen tracking studies are ________ that monitor a variable such as sales or market share over time.

C) longitudinal studies

Because there is reluctance worldwide to take part in surveys and in combination with technological advances, ________ have become a viable and popular means of data collection.

C) panel companies

Since the data from the IoT generally lack context, pairing passive data with ________ will be important.

C) qualitative data

If Ray-Ban is developing a new "Astronaut" sunglasses model with superior ultraviolet-light filtration, space-age styling, and a cost of about $200, ________ might be used to fathom consumers' initial reactions.

C) role playing

30) Another variation of the self-administered survey is the drop-off survey, which must be self-explanatory because:

C) the surveys are left with the respondents, who fill them out without assistance.

If respondents need to see, handle, or experience something, the data collection mode must:

D) Accommodate these requirements.

Online focus groups have the following advantages over traditional focus groups EXCEPT for which of the following?

D) Body language visible and apparent

Showing a line drawing of a situation in which one of the characters is making a statement, and asking the participant how the other character in the drawing would respond is using which type of projective technique?

D) Cartoon or balloon test

It is important to consider who collected data that a company may use. An emerging trend is the:

D) Crowdsourcing of data.

Which of the following is NOT an example of secondary data?

D) Data from a custom survey

Professors Kotler and Keller describe several ways companies use their databases as part of data mining. Of the following, which is NOT a way companies primarily use their databases?

D) Discover illegal customer activities

Self-administered surveys have several important advantages. Which of the following is NOT one of these important advantages?

D) Enhanced monitoring ability

A research technique that can be used to generate ideas, to learn the respondents' "vocabulary" when relating to a certain type of product, or to gain some insights into basic needs and attitudes is:

D) Focus group.

Wearables turn people into walking, talking trails of data. The generated data from wearables can be particularly valuable to which industry?

D) Healthcare and fitness industries

When a sales manager examines records of sales calls to determine how frequently salespeople make cold calls, he or she is using what type of observational research?

D) Indirect

Panel companies have become a popular means of data collection. Which of the following does NOT characterize an advantage of panel companies?

D) Less costly than other sources

Online surveys have major advantages, which include:

D) Low cost, speed, and real-time access to data.

As more and more respondents have access to the Internet, online surveys, a form of computer-administered surveys, are often combined with some other method, such as telephone surveying, a form of person-administered surveying. This is an example of what type of survey?

D) Mixed-mode survey

________ are often touted as affordable ways for researchers to access the low-incidence panel members who have been previously identified.

D) Online panels

Manufacturers interested in prevailing attitudes about pollution and government regulation would be an application of what type of research?

D) Packaged information research

________ can deliver targeted samples, but not random samples.

D) Panel research companies

38) ________ involve situations in which participants are placed in simulated activities in the hopes that they will divulge things about themselves that they might not reveal under direct questioning.

D) Projective techniques

Data that have been gathered by another source other than the researcher or for some other purpose than the research project is:

D) Secondary data.

________ is the ratio of positive to negative comments posted about products and brands on the web.

D) Sentiment

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of person-administered surveys?

D) Suitability

Why is the ACS a major secondary data resource for marketing researchers?

D) The data have the U.S. Census Bureau's "high marks" for reliable data and will be current

A bank image survey showed that a particular branch consistently received lower scores on "employee friendliness." Focus group research later identified the problem. What objective did the bank have when it conducted the focus groups?

D) Understand findings from quantitative studies

The ________ is characterized by non-responsiveness and self-selection bias.

D) mail survey

A popular and growing trend in marketing research is the use of ________ to gain insights, with about half of marketing research professionals in a 2014 survey claiming that their firm has used this research technique.

D) marketing research online communities

Instead of a client firm trying to "reinvent the wheel" by developing its own process for measuring customer satisfaction, the firm may elect to use a ________ to accomplish this aim.

D) packaged service

Neuromarketing is an emerging field that may offer additional ________ into consumer behavior.

D) qualitative insights

Any study that is conducted using an observational technique or unstructured questioning can be classified as ________, which is becoming increasingly popular in a number of research situations.

D) qualitative research

The ________ is a poor choice for conducting a survey with many open-ended questions.

D) telephone interview

Rising nonresponse rates have caused marketing researchers to rethink the use of:

D) traditional data collection methods.

You can investigate all the free data that are collected by U.S. government agencies and now are available by law due to the U.S. Open Data Policy. The website location is:


Which of the following is NOT an example of external secondary data? sales data

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