Marketing Test 2

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Which of the following is a criticism of online panels? a. They lead to biased and misleading results as members receive incentives to join the panel. b. They require the presence of a moderator to control the discussion. c. They lead to incorrect results as panel providers are not permitted to select panel members based on the current requirement. d. They involve very long discussion times as panel members discuss among themselves while offering suggestions.


The process where all the involved areas—R&D, marketing, engineering, production, and even suppliers—work together rather than sequentially during a product's development is called _____. a. simultaneous product development b. test marketing c. simulated market testing d. choice modelling


. Cloyd's Supermarket, a popular retail store, sells a variety of products. In order to know if they should improve their services, they send out questionnaires to their frequent customers. The questionnaire requires the customers to explain what they like best about shopping at Cloyd's and what new products or services they expect from Cloyd's. These questions are an example of _____ questions. a. rhetorical b. open-ended c. scaled-response d. dichotomous


. Compared to convenience products, shopping products are: a. sold through aggressive personal selling and highly persuasive advertising. b. usually more expensive and are found in fewer stores. c. purchased without significant planning. d. available everywhere, including department stores, gas stations, and vending machines.


. Nalpas Inc., an apparel company, manufactures clothes for men, women, and children. It further divides its core customers on the basis of demographic variables such as income, ethnic background, and family life cycle. These divisions are known as _____. a. positioning bases b. market segments c. perceptual maps d. market positions


. Roger is always eager to own the latest cell phone model launched in the market. He makes it a point to buy new cell phones on the first day of their launch. He is also an active member of various online forums that discuss the latest technical developments. In this case, Roger is a(n) _____. a. laggard b. innovator c. early majority d. late majority


. To initiate a customer relationship management cycle, a company must focus on _____. a. using big data analytics to enhance the collection of customer data b. collecting detailed information about the products and services its customers are using c. identifying profitable and unprofitable customers d. transforming customer data into information that can be used to make managerial decisions


. Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with an undifferentiated targeting strategy? a. It requires a firm to tailor marketing mixes to the preferences of market segments. b. It often results in product offerings that are unimaginative and sterile. c. It involves a high risk of cannibalization of products. d. It is expensive because of high production and marketing costs.


. Which of the following is an advantage of primary data? a. It incurs less cost than secondary data to collect relevant information. b. It answers specific research questions that secondary data cannot answer. c. It consists of data that is easily available to any interested party. d. It helps avoid interviewer biases in the process of collecting necessary data.


. Which of the following is considered an advantage of decreasing a product's quality? a. It gives manufacturers greater ability to raise prices for the product. b. It allows manufacturers to appeal to target markets unable to afford the original product. c. It motivates customers to replace worn out products. d. It enhances the ease of coordinating promotion from market to market.


. _____ is a type of co-branding that occurs when two brands receiving equal treatment borrow from each other's brand equity. a. Ingredient branding b. Cooperative branding c. Complimentary branding d. Family branding


A _____ sample is a sample in which every element in the population has a known statistical likelihood of being selected. a. quota b. probability c. judgment d. convenience


A multisegment targeting strategy differs from a concentrated targeting strategy in that it: a. selects one segment of a market with a goal to satisfy its members. b. faces a high potential cost from cannibalization of products. c. develops and maintains a common marketing mix for its products. d. results in sterile, unimaginative product offerings.


A(n) _____ strategy is not possible when the brand name has a negative or vulgar connotation in the local language. a. repositioning b. one-brand-name c. co-branding d. individual branding


Amy spends very little time to shop for bath soaps and beauty creams as she uses only the products offered by Eve's Aura, a manufacturer of bath and beauty products. As Eve's has a wide distribution network, its products are available in almost every retail outlet in Amy's locality. In this scenario, the bath and beauty products from Eve's Aura are examples of _____ products. a. specialty b. convenience c. business d. shopping


Apart from long-term company profits, the major aim of customer relationship management (CRM) is to: a. implement concentrated targeting strategies. b. optimize customer satisfaction. c. reduce personalization of products according to customers' needs. d. minimize the use of database technology.


Central Bark Doggie Day Care opened the first day care center for dogs. It currently has 31 locations, with a new Gainesville, Florida, location coming soon. The concept of day care center for dogs became so popular that other competitors begin to enter the market. With competing companies such as Camp Bow Wow and others entering the market, it can be said that the concept of day care center for dogs is moving into the _____ stage of a product life cycle. a. introductory b. growth c. maturity d. decline


Frieda was disappointed to notice that her new phone had several scratches on its screen. If she had known about the clear protective films that were available to protect the phone display from scratches, she could have avoided this problem. For Frieda, the protective films were _____. a. convenience products b. unsought products c. specialty products d. shopping products


Steve wanted to open a day care service facility for dogs. He estimated the costs involved in providing the services desired by dog owners. After extensive deliberation, Steve decided not to proceed with the plan as the cost of providing the services was too high compared to the rates dog owners would be willing to pay. Which of the following stages of the new-product development process has Steve used to arrive at this decision? a. Idea screening b. Business analysis c. Idea generation d. Test marketing


The business analysis stage of a new-product development process _____. a. involves the development of a prototype of the proposed product b. calculates preliminary figures for demand, cost, sales, and profitability c. eliminates ideas that are inconsistent with an organization's new-product strategy d. decides on a product's packaging, branding, labeling, and so forth


The first step in the marketing research process is to: a. specify the sampling procedures to be followed. b. recognize a marketing problem or opportunity. c. collect primary data from the available sources. d. plan a research design and gather secondary data.


The maker of Protect Your Hands hand sanitizer decided to test its consumers' reactions to one of its new products, Protect Your Hands Sanitizing Wipes. It sent out flyers advertising several of the company's products along with the new product to select customers of the target market. The flyer also asked the customers to shop in a mock store filled with real products, including the new product. In this case, the maker of Protect Your Hands has used -_____. a. crowdsourcing b. simulated market testing c. concept testing d. product simulation


The purpose of the screening stage in a new-product development process is to: a. refine the promotion campaign to be used with the new product. b. eliminate ideas that are inconsistent with an organization's new-product strategy. c. identify and eliminate concept tests that might lead to duplication of experiments. d. set a limit on the number of members allowed to assess the viability of a new-product idea.


Online Web sites that greet their users by name and offer information that users are interested in portray the customer relationship management (CRM) trend of _____. a. gratitude b. time savings c. loyalty d. technology


The customer relationship management (CRM) technique that focuses on thanking customers for their business to a company exemplifies the trend of _____. a. time savings b. personalization c. technology d. loyalty


The purpose of market segmentation is to: a. change consumer attitudes and beliefs toward a product. b. divide a market into submarkets of equal size that have equal number of customers in each. c. group a large number of markets together, enabling a company to serve them simultaneously. d. enable a marketer to tailor marketing mixes to meet the needs of one or more specific segments.


When Prisly Inc. introduced a liquid detergent in the market, it noticed that the sales of its detergent powder significantly declined. Prisly Inc.'s loyal customers who previously purchased detergent powder switched to liquid detergent. As a result, Prisly Inc. was forced to reduce production of its detergent powder. This scenario exemplifies _____. a. segmentation b. diversification c. differentiation d. cannibalization


When deciding on distribution plans for specialty products, companies generally ensure that the items are: a. made directly available to a consumer through a salesperson, direct mail, or direct response advertising. b. relatively inexpensive and merit little shopping effort. c. always marketed as unsought products. d. distributed to only a few stores in a geographic area.


Which of the following is true of an express warranty? a. It gives the impression of environmental friendliness to a product. b. It contains an unwritten guarantee about the performance of a product. c. It prohibits other firms from using a brand or part of a brand without permission. d. It ranges from simple statements to extensive documents written in technical language.


Which of the following is true of an implied warranty? a. It prohibits other firms from using a brand or part of a brand without permission. b. It identifies the brand of a part that makes up the product. c. It ranges from simple statements to extensive documents written in technical language. d. It comes with the sale of every product under the Uniform Commercial Code.


Which of the following is true of laggards? a. They are more likely to get their information from scientific sources and experts. b. They act as an important link in the process of diffusing ideas. c. They are eager to try new products and ideas, almost as an obsession. d. They have the longest adoption time and the lowest socioeconomic status.


Which of the following is true of product modification? a. It entails the creation of marketable new products. b. It necessitates the use of crowdsourcing to develop new ideas for a product. c. It goes beyond applied research by converting applications into marketable products. d. It makes cosmetic or functional changes to existing products.


Which of the following is true of the development stage of a new-product development process? a. It sets several tasks in motion, such as building inventories and advertising to potential customers. b. It evaluates a new-product idea usually before any prototype has been created. c. It estimates the demand, cost, sales, and profitability of a product for the first time. d. It examines the feasibility of manufacturing a product at an acceptable cost.


_____ data is defined as data that has been previously collected for any purpose other than the one at hand. a. Primary b. Nominal c. Discrete d. Secondary


. Each product item in the product mix always requires a separate marketing strategy.


. Marketing research is of little help to managers who want to understand detailed and complicated relationships.


. Trademark protection and rights only last for five years.


6. The final step in customer relationship management (CRM) is to identify a firm's profitable and unprofitable customers.


A low failure rate, greater competition, and wide distribution typify the introductory stage of the product life cycle.


A market segment is a subgroup of people or organizations having different characteristics that cause them to have distinct product needs.


A one-brand-name strategy is useful when the marketer wants the brand to appear to be a local brand, or when regulations require localization.


A period during which sales decrease at an increasing rate signals the beginning of the maturity stage of the product life cycle.


An advantage of concentrated marketing is the potential for saving on production and marketing by using an undifferentiated targeting strategy.


Cannibalization occurs when the sales of an existing product remain the same despite the introduction of a new product.


Compatible products diffuse more slowly than incompatible products.


Competitive intelligence specifies how and when data will be gathered, what data is relevant, and how the data will be analyzed to solve a marketing research problem.


Due to the time required to scan them, the use of universal product codes (UPCs) is typically restricted to shopping products.


In the context of developing an effective customer relationship management system, the use of big data analytics is restricted to the storage and integration of customer data.


Internet surveys are labor-intensive in nature and incur training, telecommunications, and management costs


Online panel providers consist of a carefully selected group of consumers who agree to participate in an ongoing dialogue with a particular corporation.


Services and ideas are not considered products because they are intangible.


The research design for solving a particular problem contains instructions on how the results of the marketing research should be implemented and verified for effectiveness.


The use of concept tests during the idea screening stage of the new-product development process reduces the efficiency of screening


. A firm's marketing mix is not influenced by the market segmentation process.


. Product modification occurs even when changes are made to a product's aesthetic appearance rather than its quality or functionality.


3D printing is a process which is sometimes used to create three dimensional prototypes of a product quickly and at a relatively low cost.


A firm's marketing mix is intended to bring about a mutually satisfying exchange relationship with a market.


A market is composed of people or organizations who have the ability to buy the products they desire.


A new-product strategy describes the characteristics of products an organization wants to offer and the markets it wants to serve


An organization's product mix includes all of the products it sells.


An organized effort to generate many ideas from various sources is important for any firm that wishes to produce a continuing flow of new products.


Bar codes are read by computerized optical scanners that match codes with brand names, package sizes, and prices.


Eliminating all nonessential marketing expenses and letting sales decline is one of the successful strategies for marketing products in the decline stage of their life cycle.


In the growth stage of the product life cycle, sales typically grow at an increasing rate, many competitors enter the market, and large companies may start to acquire pioneering firms.


Increasing globalization of markets and competition provides a reason for multinational firms to consider new-product development from a worldwide perspective.


Marketing research helps managers gauge the perceived value of their goods and services, as well as the level of customer satisfaction.


Product differentiation is a positioning strategy that involves changing consumers' perceptions of a brand in relation to competing brands.


Promotion is one of the components that form a marketing mix.


The final step in market segmentation is designing, implementing, and maintaining appropriate marketing mixes.


The most important factor in successful new-product introduction is a good match between the product and market needs.


The purpose of market segmentation is to enable a marketer to tailor marketing mixes to meet the needs of specific segments.


Though field service firms specialize in conducting interviews on subcontracted basis, they also provide focus group facilities.


When a product name becomes generic, the product name is no longer recognized as the exclusive property of a firm


. Volten Inc. is an online apparel store. It has separate sections for casual wear, office wear, and party wear. It also divides its products on the basis of price to suit people of various income levels. In this way, it caters to different sections of society. Which of the following bases has the company most likely used for positioning its products? a. Product class b. Emotion c. Attribute d. Product user


A mobile phone manufacturing company is said to functionally modify one of its products if it: a. introduces a sleek and stylish version of the mobile phone with the same specifications. b. reduces the price of the mobile phone ahead of a sale. c. introduces stylish headphones for the mobile phone. d. releases a software update to fix the mobile phone's heating problem.


Brasco Motor Company produces a wide range of vehicles such as passenger cars, commercial trucks, specialty vehicles, performance vehicles, and race cars. Each type of car has a separate and distinct customer base. Given this information, Brasco Motor Company has divided its customer base by using the strategy of _____. a. perceptual mapping b. positioning c. cannibalization d. market segmentation


Daily Farm is a manufacturer of consumer goods such as foods, beverages, cleaning agents, and personal care products. It is expected to introduce more than ten new products in the next two years. One of the products is a spicier variant of its tomato ketchup aimed at the baby boomer market. Which of the following categories of new products will the spicier ketchup represent? a. Repositioned product b. Revision of existing product c. New product line d. Addition to existing product line


In the context of the product life cycle, a long-run drop in a product's sales signals the beginning of the _____. a. introductory stage b. growth stage c. maturity stage d. decline stage


Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams has decided to put its new Beet Cake with Black Walnut ice cream on the market. This product has entered the _____ stage of new-product development process. a. business analysis b. development c. test marketing d. commercialization


Nutritreat Industries Corp. is a manufacturer of food products. The company introduced chocolate cookies to the local market. After a period of initial success, the product lost its market and Nutritreat decided to withdraw chocolate cookies from the market. This scenario is an example of the _____ stage of a product life cycle. a. introduction b. growth c. maturity d. decline


. In a concentrated targeting strategy, a firm: a. selects one segment of a market for targeting its marketing efforts. b. adopts a mass-market philosophy for targeting a market. c. views the market as one big market with no individual segments. d. chooses to serve two or more well-defined market segments.


. Kirksand Hotels is renowned for its service and individual treatment of its customers. All service staff and employees are encouraged to listen carefully to customers' wants and needs. For instance, if a traveler ordered soft pillows, wanted only martinis in his mini bar, and needed access to a fax machine, he would find all of these amenities in his room when he arrived. In this scenario, on which of the following trends has Kirksand Hotels based its customer relationship management (CRM)? a. Personalization b. Time savings c. Loyalty d. Technology


. The marketing managers of Havtol Inc., a food products company, want to choose the most effective advertisement for their latest product, Havtol Potato Chips. They create an online discussion site where a chosen group of customers can express their opinion, discuss among themselves, and improvise on the concept for their advertisement. In this scenario, Havtol Inc. uses _____ to create an effective advertisement for their product. a. Web community research b. an online panel provider c. a Google consumer survey d. online focus groups


. _____ are the first 2.5 percent of all those who first adopt a new product. a. Innovators b. Early adopters c. Laggards d. Early majority


. _____ labeling is designed to help consumers make proper product selections and lower their cognitive dissonance after the purchase. a. Informational b. Persuasive c. Perspective d. Instructional


A carefully selected group of consumers who agree to participate in an ongoing online dialogue with a particular corporation is known as a(n) _____. a. Web community b. online panel provider c. reference group d. conventional focus group


Daily Fresh is a multinational food and beverage company. One of the new products that Dairy Rich intends to introduce includes fiber added to chocolate. The packages will include data that each chocolate bar contains five grams of fiber and the various health benefits of including more fiber in one's diet. In this case, Daily Fresh intends to use _____. a. informational labeling b. persuasive labeling c. individual branding d. family branding


During the _____ stage of the new-product development process, production starts, inventories are built up, the product is shipped to distribution points, the sales force is trained, and advertising and promotion begin. a. commercialization b. test marketing c. idea generation d. business analysis


Gerrard, the manager of a company, decides to conduct a survey on the motivation level of its employees. He lists out all 5,000 employees and picks 1,000 employees who can be contacted easily and are close to him. In this case, the type of sample used is a _____ sample. a. convenience b. snowball c. quota d. random


In the context of the product characteristics that can be used to predict and explain the rate of acceptance and diffusion, _____ represents the degree of difficulty involved in understanding and using a new product. a. complexity b. compatibility c. observability d. trialability


Kay & Maggie's, a beauty salon, is conducting a survey to find out how satisfied its customers are with the service provided at all its outlets. For this purpose, it distributes questionnaires and conducts personal interviews with its customers. Which form of data is being collected by Kay & Maggie's? a. Primary b. Ordinal c. Secondary d. Nominal


Lisa goes to an electronic goods store to purchase a washing machine. After comparing the various brands of washing machines available, their functions, prices, and so on, she purchases one that is cheaper and smaller than the rest. In this case, Lisa has purchased a(n) _____. a. shopping product b. business product c. specialty product d. unsought product


Sheera Jewelry sends birthday greeting cards to each of its customers as a token of appreciation for shopping at its store. This exemplifies the customer relationship management (CRM) trend of _____. a. loyalty b. technology c. time savings d. personalization


Which of the following is a difference between individual branding and family branding? a. Individual branding uses different brand names for different products, while family branding markets several different products under the same brand name. b. Individual branding is used when products do not vary in use or performance, while family branding is used when products vary greatly in use or performance. c. Individual branding identifies the brand of a part that makes up the product, while family branding identifies the entire product. d. Individual branding is used when two brands receive equal treatment, while family branding is used when two brands borrow from each other's brand equity.


Which of the following is an advantage of simultaneous product development? a. It shortens a product's development process. b. It ensures that a development process proceeds through highly structured stages. c. It lengthens product lines to appeal additional markets. d. It eliminates the need for test marketing a new product.


Which of the following is specified by the research design? a. The research questions to be answered b. The management decision problem to be solved c. How the final research report will be written d. How the information obtained will be used


Which of the following is true of one-way frequency counts? a. They simply record the responses to a question. b. They let analysts look at the responses to one question in relation to the responses to one or more other questions. c. They include hypothesis testing and regression analysis. d. They are rarely done in data analysis as they do not provide an in-depth interpretation of the collected data.


Which of the following statements is true about the naming strategies for products sold in the global market? a. A one-brand-name strategy is useful when a company markets mainly one product. b. An advantage of using different brand names in different markets is greater identification of the product from market to market. c. A one-brand-name strategy reduces the ease of coordinating promotion from market to market. d. A disadvantage of using different brand names in different markets is that it does not support localization.


Which role of marketing research helps address "what if" questions? a. Predictive b. Diagnostic c. Prescriptive d. Descriptive


Why do marketers who spend significant time promoting mass-marketing efforts need to be aware of customer relationship management (CRM)? a. One-size-fits-all marketing is no longer relevant because consumers want to be treated as the individuals they are. b. The time that consumers spend on making purchase decisions have risen in recent times. c. Mass-media approaches to marketing will rise in importance as technology allows marketers to collect detailed information. d. The importance of rewarding individual consumers for their loyalty has declined in the recent years.


Why do most firms consider test marketing essential for new products? a. The high price of failure simply prohibits the widespread introduction of new products without testing. b. The speed, safeness, and reliability of test marketing is higher than that of simulated market testing. c. The ability of test marketing to evaluate consumer preference for a new product prior to developing a prototype increases its importance. d. The decision to test a product sets several tasks in motion, such as ordering product materials, starting production, building inventories, and advertising to potential customers.


_____ have the longest product life cycles. a. Product categories b. Product items c. Individual brands d. New products


_____ is when a product or company attempts to give the impression of environmental friendliness whether or not it is environmentally friendly. a. Greenwashing b. Green hosting c. Astroturfing d. Cooperative branding


_____ segmentation refers to segmenting markets by region of a country or the world, market size, market density, or climate. a. Geographic b. Benefit c. Demographic d. Usage-rate


Wesley Electronics Inc. manufactures electronic gadgets such as cell phones, computers, and laptops. To let people know about the products offered, the marketing managers of Wesley Electronics Inc. spend a great deal of money on advertising. They employed various methods of advertising such as print, television, and online advertising. Given this information, Wesley Electronics Inc. is in which step of market segmentation? a. Selecting a market category for study b. Designing and implementing marketing mixes c. Profiling and analyzing market segments d. Selecting the segmentation descriptors for a market


What is a moderator's major role in online focus groups? a. To limit a discussion to closed-ended questions b. To type in questions online for all respondents to see c. To make sure the costs incurred with online focus groups remain relatively low d. To let respondents control a discussion


Which of the following best describes a multisegment targeting strategy? a. It is the effort to ensure that sales of a new product do not cut into sales of an existing product. b. It refers to choosing to serve two or more well-defined market segments and developing a distinct marketing mix for each. c. It refers to selecting one segment of a market for targeting marketing efforts and understanding the needs of the members in that segment. d. It is the division of a market by the amount of product bought or consumed.


Which of the following information should be included at the beginning of a research report? a. A brief explanation about the research design b. A clear, concise statement of the research objectives c. A detailed discussion on the methodology employed d. A short discussion on the major findings in the research


Which of the following is a feature of a new-product strategy? a. It traces all stages of a product's acceptance, from its introduction to its decline. b. It provides general guidelines for generating, screening, and evaluating new-product ideas. c. It increases the time spent by a product in the introduction stage of its life cycle. d. It gives greater importance to highly structured development process rather than simultaneous development.


Which of the following is a feature of the product life cycle (PLC)? a. It allows firms to shorten the development process of a product and reduce costs. b. It helps marketers forecast future events and suggest appropriate strategy. c. It dictates the marketing strategy to be used for a product. d. It tells managers the length of a product's life cycle or its duration in any stage.


Which of the following is a similarity between in-home personal interviews and executive interviews? a. Both have the benefit of actual or promised anonymity for respondents. b. Both tend to be very expensive. c. Both require computer-assisted interviewing. d. Both are similar in that they save time.


Which of the following is true of a concentrated targeting strategy? a. It allows a firm to serve two or more well-defined market segments simultaneously. b. It is often adopted by small firms to compete effectively with much larger firms. c. It follows a mass-market philosophy by viewing the market as one big market without any individual segments. d. It often results in cannibalization, which occurs when sales of a new product cuts into sales of an existing product.


Which of the following is true of a specialty product? a. It is widely distributed in a geographic area in order to sell sufficient quantities to meet profit goals. b. It is marketed using selective, status-conscious advertising that maintains its exclusive image. c. It is bought only after comparing several brands or stores on style, practicality, price, and lifestyle compatibility. d. It is sold using aggressive personal selling as consumers do not seek out this type of product.


Which of the following is true of product lines? a. They mandate a separate marketing strategy for each line. b. They provide economies of scale in advertising. c. They involve greater transportation and warehousing costs than product items. d. They help distinguish each version of a product from the others offered by a company.


Which stage in a customer relationship management cycle is characterized by the sharing of customer information to all areas of a business after it has been analyzed and transformed into useful information? a. Identifying profitable and unprofitable customers b. Leveraging customer information c. Identifying customer relationships with the organization d. Storing and integrating customer data


_____ are typically categorized by a sudden and unpredictable spike in sales followed by a rather abrupt decline. a. Consumer durable goods b. Fad items c. Product trends d. Product life cycles


. Elsem Foods is a manufacturer of food and beverages. It manufactures several varieties of foods like potato chips, cupcakes, candies, crackers, fruit juices, and carbonated drinks. It introduced a new line of baked potato chips in different flavors. It receives its largest profit from its newly introduced line of hundred percent fruit juices that are available in different flavors, such as orange, apple, litchi, cranberry, and so on. Which of the following is a product item of Elsem Foods? a. Baked potato chips b. Cupcakes c. Hundred percent orange juice d. Beverages


. Hakimo Corp., a multinational corporation that specializes in audio equipment, has developed a wireless speaker that sits unobtrusively on a desktop. The tiny, yet strong, twin speakers use Bluetooth to stream music directly from a PC or MP3 player. This small wireless speaker, which is radically different from anything currently on the market, can most likely be classified as a: a. repositioned product. b. revision of an existing product. c. discontinuous innovation. d. lower-priced product.


. Jetsetter Airlines plans to introduce special meals on their flights during holiday seasons. It begins to gather all the relevant information for implementing the plan. It uses information available in its database to determine the number of flights flown and the number of passengers who flew with them during the previous year's holiday seasons. In this case, which of the following types of data is collected by Jetsetter Airlines? a. Qualitative data b. Raw data c. Secondary data d. Primary data


. Vaikel Inc., an automobile manufacturing company, conducts a survey to find out people's opinion about its latest car, Vaikel 6.0, and their level of satisfaction with it. It requests a few people who recently purchased Vaikel 6.0 to participate in the survey and asks them to log on to a certain Web site at a given time. After they log on to the site, an online moderator runs a discussion about the car and allows the participants to respond. In this case, Vaikel uses a(n) _____ for conducting a survey. a. online panel provider b. Web community research program c. online focus group d. Web survey system


. Zing is a soft drink which is available everywhere, including gas stations, department stores, and vending machines. Zing is an example of a(n) _____. a. unsought product b. specialty product c. convenience product d. shopping product


. _____ are business customers who consider numerous suppliers, solicit bids, and study all proposals carefully before selecting one. a. Laggards b. Innovators c. Optimizers d. Satisficers


. _____ refers to the number of product lines an organization offers. a. Product line assortment b. Product equity c. Product mix width d. Product line depth


A difference between early majority and early adopters is that early majority are: a. more likely to be opinion leaders. b. more eager to try new products and ideas, almost as an obsession. c. likely to collect more information and evaluate more brands. d. less likely to extend the adoption process.


A difference between informational labeling and persuasive labeling is that informational labeling: a. focuses on a promotional theme or logo rather than consumer information. b. increases a consumer's cognitive dissonance after the purchase. c. helps a consumer make proper product selections. d. gives the impression of environmental friendliness to a product.


According to the Maritz Marketing Research Loyalty Report, the attribute program values refer to: a. the ability to earn and redeem points and quality of rewards. b. program freshness, access to exclusive events, and personalized experiences. c. pride of membership, program uniqueness, and meeting customer needs. d. the ability to interact with programs via Web site, mobile, and customer support.


Candy's Chocolates Inc. is a confectionary company that manufactures only one product. Unlike its competitors, the firm does not have its target customer base as children. Instead, it promotes its product using the same strategy across consumers of all age groups. Given this information, Candy's Chocolates Inc. has adopted a(n) _____ strategy. a. multisegment targeting b. niche targeting c. undifferentiated targeting d. concentrated targeting


Ecstasy Inc. is a Canada-based food and beverage company. The company has decided to market and sell its products in all European countries under the same brand name. In this scenario, Ecstasy Inc. has decided to use the _____. a. complimentary branding strategy b. co-branding strategy c. one-brand-name strategy d. individual branding strategy


Tennot Designs Inc. manufactures and sells clothes and shoes to people who are over 6'6" tall — a rather small target market. Given this information, Tennot Designs Inc. uses a(n) _____ targeting strategy. a. multisegment b. undifferentiated c. concentrated d. one-to-one


The publisher of a business magazine wants to make several major changes in the magazine's content and format. Which of the following will enable the publisher to understand the changes that will most likely be welcomed by its readers? a. Product differentiation b. Cannibalization c. Marketing research d. Planned obsolescence


The purpose of test marketing is to: a. eliminate ideas that are inconsistent with an organization's new-product strategy. b. shorten the development process of a product and reduce costs. c. assess how well various aspects of the marketing mix fit together. d. evaluate a new-product idea before any prototype is created.


Unlike a marketing research problem, a management decision problem: a. makes use of the marketing research objective. b. provides insightful decision-making information. c. focuses on problems that are much broader in scope. d. tends to be more information oriented than action oriented.


Which of the following is a similarity between a stock market and a labor market? a. Both adopt a barter system to enable the exchange of products. b. Both have people who are unwilling to spend a large sum of money for products or services. c. Both have people with the necessary resources to buy desired products or services. d. Both deal with high-end, expensive products.


Which of the following is true of an unsought product? a. Marketers of unsought products often use selective, status-conscious advertising to maintain the product's exclusive image. b. Consumers buy unsought products regularly, usually without much planning. c. New products are categorized as unsought products until advertising and distribution increase consumer awareness of them. d. Consumers usually buy an unsought product only after comparing several brands or stores on style, practicality, price, and lifestyle compatibility.


Which of the following is true of customer innovation centers? a. They depend largely on distributors to gather information about customer needs and expectations. b. They involve key suppliers early in the process, capitalize on their knowledge, and enable them to develop critical component parts. c. They provide a forum for meeting with customers and directly involving them in the process of developing new ideas. d. They require a grouping of employees who can brainstorm and suggest ideas for new products to meet customer needs.


Which of the following is true of satisficers? a. They are customers that are generally found in the consumer market. b. They consider numerous suppliers and study all proposals carefully before selecting one. c. They place orders with the first supplier that fulfills their requirements. d. They contact both familiar and unfamiliar suppliers when they need to purchase a product.


. Unlike traditional surveys, Internet surveys: a. can be targeted at a specific group of people. b. take a considerable amount of time and effort on the part of the respondents. c. incur training, telecommunications, and management costs. d. can be personalized for greater relevance to each respondent.


Why are many retailers creating and promoting their own captive brands? a. Captive brands carry evidence of a store's affiliation and are available everywhere. b. Captive brands help to increase a company's presence in markets where it has little room to differentiate itself. c. Captive brands allow retailers to ask a price similar or equal to manufacturers' brands. d. Captive brands allow retailers to gain greater profits by marketing cheaper products under a brand name owned by them.


Why are marketing costs high in the introductory stage of the product life cycle? a. Cutthroat competition during the introductory stage can lead to price wars. b. Sales increase rapidly during the introductory stage, requiring greater investment for marketing. c. High dealer margins are often needed to obtain adequate distribution. d. Product and manufacturing costs need to be identified and corrected.


Wine Tasters Inc. is a magazine that targets people who appreciate wine and good food. Its major customer base include people who enjoy wine-tasting events and visit different restaurants. Given this information, Wine Tasters most likely relies on which of the following variables to identify its target market? a. Usage-rate segmentation b. Demographic segmentation c. Psychographic segmentation d. Benefit segmentation


Zilo Toys Inc., a toy manufacturing company, believes that the longer customers spend in deciding what to purchase, the less likely they are to purchase more items. In order to determine the average time customers spend in purchasing toys from their stores, the company employs Tim to watch customers as they discuss what toys to buy. He then reports his findings to the management. In this scenario, Tim is engaged in _____. a. quantitative research b. virtual shopping c. observation research d. behavioral targeting


_____ is a means of displaying or graphing, in two or more dimensions, the location of products, brands, or groups of products in customers' minds. a. Market segmentation b. Product positioning c. Perceptual mapping d. Product tracing


. A number of yogurts are marketed under the Duncen brand, including Duncen All Natural, Duncen Fruit on the Bottom, Duncen Light & Fit, DunActive, and Dun-o-nino. The large variety of yogurts under the Duncen brand is an example of a: a. brand equity b. product item c. product mix d. promise index


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