Marketing201 c10

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14. Which of the following would be considered to be the best hedonic shopping motive? a. A consumer shops to "hang-out" with friends at a local mall. b. A consumer shops because he is angry. c. A consumer shops to provide food for survival. d. A consumer shops because she is discouraged and depressed.

a. A consumer shops to "hang-out" with friends at a local mall.

27. Different countries have different time pacing. Of the following, in which country would you most likely see a majority of people strolling at a leisurely pace as they shop? a. Brazil b. Switzerland c. Germany d. Italy

a. Brazil

38. George wanted to increase impulse purchases in his store. Which of the following promotional strategies would be most effective for George to use? a. He should place point-of-purchase displays close to the items that he wants to market. b. He should buy more advertising space in local newspapers. c. He should hire a new salesperson. d. He should post testimonials about the quality of his products in highly traveled locations.

a. He should place point-of-purchase displays close to the items that he wants to market.

50. According to the expectancy disconfirmation model, a product that is promoted as being better than it really is will create problems with customers even if its innate quality is already high. This is true; however, only if the expectation falls outside of the zone of ________. a. accommodation b. alteration c. abandonment d. the gemba

a. accommodation

5. The best description of others that are present in a consumer's physical and social environment when purchases are made and considered would be to call them ________. a. co-consumers b. by-standers c. purchase competitors d. challengers

a. co-consumers

15. Which of the following is considered to be a limitation of e-commerce? a. expensive to order and then return b. lack of real-time pricing c. lack of reasonable delivery times d. lack of price information

a. expensive to order and then return

13. According to information found in the text, shopping is an activity that can be performed for either utilitarian or ________ reasons. a. hedonic b. tangible c. functional d. moral

a. hedonic

44. Stephanie loves flea markets and garage sales. She spends most of her Saturday mornings going from one to another. About once a month, she holds her own garage sale just to get rid of some of the items she purchased during the month. Stephanie is actively engaged in ________. a. lateral cycling b. divestment cycling c. freecycling d. underground cycling

a. lateral cycling

7. Most Americans will state that they are always rushed for time even though many people have opportunities for leisure. This perception is referred to as ________. a. time poverty b. the leisure paradox c. psychological time d. down time

a. time poverty

1. A typical antecedent state that a consumer might encounter as he or she approaches the purchase environment would be ________. a. time pressure b. sales interactions c. product disposal d. point-of-purchase stimuli

a. time pressure

36. Samuel is on his weekly trip through the grocery store. When he sees a jar of cinnamon in the spice aisle, he remembers that he is out of cinnamon. Cinnamon is not on his grocery list. Samuel has just experienced which of the following buying situations? a. unplanned buying b. impulse buying c. demand-enhanced buying d. planned buying

a. unplanned buying

42. information about what has been seen on the job site. With respect to practice in TQM, Simtec is following a practice called ________. a. "going to the mat" b. "going to the gemba" c. "going to the garden" d. "saving face"

b. "going to the gemba"

33. It is widely known that men and women shop for different reasons. According to researchers, which of the following best illustrates these differences? a. Women shop till they drop; men avoid shopping whenever possible. b. Women shop to love; men shop to win. c. Women always shop with friends; men are lone wolf shoppers. d. Women display fantasies while shopping; men are realists.

b. Women shop to love; men shop to win.

25. Allen wants to use a research method called day reconstruction. To use this method, he will have to get his subjects to keep _______. a. dairy and meat products fully stocked b. a daily diary c. morning purchasing completely separate from afternoon purchases d. an inventory of all purchases made during a 3-day period

b. a daily diary

16. ________ is the conscious designing of retail space and its various dimensions to evoke certain effects in buyers. a. serenity spacing b. atmospherics c. market-landscaping d. ergonomics

b. atmospherics

35. Julie Morgan loves to go in Springer's Old Country Gifts. It always smells like a field of spring flowers. The lighting gives all the products a warm glow, and the mood music is just perfect for casual browsing. After her visit to the store, Julie is always in a better mood. Springer's Old Country Gifts has attracted Julie with its ________. a. store position b. atmospherics c. subliminal cues d. in-store displays

b. atmospherics

18. One of the most important in-store factors is the salesperson. This influence can be understood in terms of ________, which stresses that each participant gives something to the other and hopes to receive something in return. a. gestalt theory b. exchange theory c. risk-aversion theory d. abundant supply theory

b. exchange theory

21. The Japanese believe that successful total quality management can be achieved by going to the one true source of information called ________. a. the sori summit b. gemba c. domo grazi d. the third eye

b. gemba

37. Steven has an urge to buy a Dove ice cream bar when he enters the neighborhood convenience store. What would be the best descriptive term to describe Steven's buying situation? a. unplanned buying b. impulse buying c. demand-enhanced buying d. planned buying

b. impulse buying

45. Jack works for the state government. The state is concerned because the receipts from sales tax are much lower than the projections, even though the projections of population, salaries, and unemployment have been right on target. Jack does a detailed study and finds that much of the underestimation of sales tax revenue is most likely due to ________. a. a general decrease in prices b. increased lateral cycling in an underground economy c. an increase in freecycling d. an increase in product quality

b. increased lateral cycling in an underground economy

29. A ________ dimension distinguishes between people who prefer to do one thing at a time from those who have multitasking time-styles a. social b. polychronic c. planning orientation d. temporal orientation

b. polychronic

11. The psychological dimension of time or how it is experienced is an important factor in what mathematical study? a. polychromic activity b. queuing or queuing theory c. temporal tasking d. physical metrics

b. queuing or queuing theory

6. Time affects consumer purchases. Another way of stating a factor that impacts consumers based on time would be to call it a ________ factor. a. monetary b. temporal c. demand d. queuing

b. temporal

47. When Maria began work again after having a child she was surprised at how much more she had to do. Before she had her child, she only had to take care of her husband and herself—now she has a baby! She just never seems to have enough time to please everyone and get her work done. Which of the following terms would most likely be associated with Maria's dilemma? a. social pressure b. time poverty c. polychromic dimension difficulties d. mismanagement of personal space

b. time poverty

8. A study was conducted in different countries measuring how fast people walk and how long it takes postal workers to sell a stamp. The fastest country in the world was found to be ________. a. Ireland b. Germany c. Switzerland d. Japan

c. Switzerland

30. Wynona was impulsive. Her friends accused her of being calculating, but she thought of herself as simply an analytical thinker. She wanted what she wanted and tomorrow could take care of itself. Researchers would classify her as being hedonic and a variety-seeker. Which of the following time metaphors would best capture Wynona's perspective of time? a. Time is a Pressure Cooker. b. Time is a Map. c. Time is a Feast. d. Time is a Mirror.

c. Time is a Feast.

9. A study found that women who engage in extensive information search and comparison shopping were most likely to select which of the following metaphors to express their perspective of time? a. Time is a Pressure Cooker. b. Time is a River. c. Time is a Map. d. Time is a Feast.

c. Time is a Map.

26. In addition to physical cues, groups or social settings significantly affect many of a consumer's purchase decisions. Jason loves to go to Borders Bookstore in the evening. In addition to looking at books, he is able to meet interesting people in Borders coffeehouse where local artists perform soft jazz. Because the other consumers in Borders might impact Jason's purchases, we could call the other patrons of the store ________. a. shopping partners b. swing consumers c. co-consumers d. clients

c. co-consumers

46. If you were a researcher and were seeking to study the postpurchase processes, which of the following issues or cues would you expect to encounter? a. the shopping experience b. mood c. consumer satisfaction d. shopping orientation

c. consumer satisfaction

2. A _______ includes a buyer, a seller, a product or service and other factors such as how the physical environment makes one feel. a. postpurchase process b. purchase process c. consumption situation d. psychological situation

c. consumption situation

22. The steps that consumers practice to gradually distance themselves from things they treasure so that they can sell or recycle them are called ________. a. recycling instincts b. tangential cycling c. divestment rituals d. underground reinvestments

c. divestment rituals

20. Marketers must carefully study what makes consumers dissatisfied. According to studies, the number one cause of consumer dissatisfaction is ________. a. poor products and services b. high prices c. expectations exceeding the company's ability to deliver d. poor personnel

c. expectations exceeding the company's ability to deliver

43. Beth likes to volunteer at a local food bank. Because she once worked at a large supermarket and saw lots of food that had not been purchased and eventually spoiled. She arranged for a local store to give unsold items to the food bank. Beth was engaged in ________. a. lateral cycling b. divestment cycling c. freecycling d. underground cycling

c. freecycling

32. Mary Jo has been on "a roll." She made straight "A's" in school, was elected to the Student Senate, found a new boyfriend and discovered that she will be getting a new car in about two weeks. Based on information found in the text, these positive occurrences will have an impact on Mary Jo; therefore, when Mary Jo reads and processes ads in her favorite magazines, she will process the ads with ________. a. more careful scrutiny b. less interest c. less elaboration d. greater concentration on price

c. less elaboration

48. The perception of time is different in different cultures. In what cultural perception of time is someone most likely to get paid by the hour? a. circular time b. procedural time c. linear time d. occasion time

c. linear time

28. Melanie is looking for "time for me" during her busy day. Which dimension of psychological time has Melanie's interest? a. temporal orientation dimension b. planning orientation dimension c. social dimension d. polychromic dimension

c. social dimension

4. A consumer's physical and social environment affects his or her motives for product usage and how he or she evaluates products. Which of the following is the most important cue for stimulating the consumer's physical and social environment? a. outdoor signs such as billboards b. time of day c. the amount and type of consumers also present in consumer's physical and social environment d. product knowledge

c. the amount and type of consumers also present in consumer's physical and social environment

39. Jason remembers that the last time he bought a trashcan the store brand fell apart in about two months. Without even looking at the store brand on this shopping trip, Jason buys a national brand for a little more cash. Which of the following models most accurately summarizes Jason's behavior? a. the cognitive recognition model b. the quality versus value model c. the expectancy disconfirmation model d. the product rejection model

c. the expectancy disconfirmation model

41. Sergio thought he was cheated by the owners of a small business from whom he bought part of his retail supplies. He wrote a warning on the Internet and posted it in every consumer advocate site that would accept it. Sergio is taking what course of action with his discontent? a. voice response b. private response c. third-party response d. fourth-party response

c. third-party response

17. In-store shopping has become extremely important in today's highly competitive retail environment. It has been estimated that about ________ of supermarket purchases are decided in the aisles as consumers shop. a. one-quarter b. one-half c. two-thirds d. three-fourths

c. two-thirds

10. Which of the following cultures is most likely to see time as cyclic? a. American b. German c. Swiss d. Hispanic

d. Hispanic

31. Jason works as a building engineer at a large hotel. The hotel management has been receiving complaints about the elevators. Guests think they have to wait too long for an elevator. Jason realizes that the elevator cannot be made to go any faster with the current technology available to the hotel. What should he do? a. He should put up notices by the elevators at each floor reminding guests that the elevators were as fast as any in that market. b. He should put up notices by the elevators apologizing for the slow elevators. c. Jason realizes that customers' reaction to waiting has a large psychological component, so he put clocks with second hands by each elevator so that time would not be psychologically distorted. d. Jason reduced the frustration of waiting by using queuing theory to establish the positive benefits of staying in the hotel; thereby, he caused customers to not focus on the wait for the elevator.

d. Jason reduced the frustration of waiting by using queuing theory to establish the positive benefits of staying in the hotel; thereby, he caused customers to not focus on the wait for the elevator.

34. Innovative merchants have turned to retail theming to provide new ways to stimulate and encourage consumers during their shopping experience. Which of the following themes would be used if the retailer used a simulated outdoor environment (such as a fishing pond with real fish) to attract outdoor enthusiasts to the retail store? a. Marketscape theme b. Cyberspace theme c. Mindscape theme d. Landscape theme

d. Landscape theme

3. The day reconstruction method requires a respondent to ________. a. dispose of any unused product during a specified period of time b. keep a record of everything he or she recycled c. try to remember what he or she did a month ago on the same day of the week d. keep a diary of everything he or she did during the day

d. keep a diary of everything he or she did during the day

23. A garage sale is an example of what is called ________. a. profit cycling b. renewing c. disposal casting d. lateral cycling

d. lateral cycling

40. If Xerox inflates the time it will take for a service rep to visit, then has the rep arrive a day earlier, the customer will be suitably impressed. This is a technique which emphasizes the use of ________. a. over inflating b. under managing c. bad estimation d. managing expectations

d. managing expectations

12. Two dimensions of emotional states determine if a shopper will react positively or negatively to a consumption environment. These two dimensions are best described as being ________. a. pleasure and pain b. avoidance and satisfaction c. deal making and arousal d. pleasure and arousal

d. pleasure and arousal

24. With respect to the consumer behavior model that has been presented in the text, the ________ includes the shopping experience, point-of-purchase stimuli, and sales interactions. a. antecedent states b. postpurchase processes c. cognitive processes d. purchase environment

d. purchase environment

19. Which of the following is the number one expressed desire when consumers look at products in the marketplace? a. color and style b. price and warranty c. quality and warranty d. quality and value

d. quality and value

49. What is the primary purpose of point-of-purchase stimuli? a. to change the atmospherics of a store b. to give consumers something to eat c. to increase the sense of "fun" that customers can experience while shopping d. to increase the likelihood of impulse buying

d. to increase the likelihood of impulse buying

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