Master Exam 2022

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A floor receptor or floor sink may be installed flush with the finished floor if it has a __________ ___________ with an attached funnel to receive indirect waste.

Full grate

Each family dwelling shall have at least:

a) one water closet b) one lavatory c) one kitchen type sink d) bath tub or shower

A refund for an installation permit shall be given if the refund request is received by the department within _____ year of the date of issuance of the permit; and work has not begun on the project for which the permit was issued for.


Occupied mobile food units not located within an existing permitted food establishment shall meet the requirements of the Kentucky Plumbing Code; have a waste tank no less than ______ percent larger than the fresh water tank; have a National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved fresh water tank for potable water; and have a minimum of one hand sink and ______ ____ _______________ ___________.

one three comp sink

A person in the process of learning the plumbing trade is called an ______________________: and he or she can do all the following EXCEPT:

run a service truck

Semi-commercial laundries shall discharge into a ______ trap to serve not more than _______ _________________________ ____________________.

4 2 washing machines

Grillage means sand, pea gravel, or limestone rock sizes ______________ and smaller used for bedding for piping systems.


In an existing apartment building, what is the cost of a plumbing permit to replace 11 water heaters?


No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in plumbing or engage in or work at the trade of plumbing unless they maintain general liability insurance in the amount of _____________________________________ dollars and submits proof of compliance with workers compensation and unemployment insurance laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


How many DFU's for 1.25" pipe and how long a run?

1 DFU and 25' developed length

All plumbing installation permits shall expire __________ after the date of issuance, except if construction is begun within one year after the date the permit was issued, the permit shall remain effective until completion of the planned plumbing inspection. The permit shall expire and become void if the plumbing work ceases on the project for a period exceeding ___________ months.

1 year 12 months

After the plumbing fixtures have been set and their traps filled with water and before the building is occupied, the entire system, other than the house sewer, shall be subjected to a final air pressure test. The final air pressure test shall place the system under ____ ______________ ____ _____________________ pressure for ___________ minutes,

1" of water column 15

A single slip joint may be installed on the outlet side of a __________ inch trap.


A maximum of four water closets with a maximum flushing rate of _______ gallon per flush per water closet shall be allowed to discharge into a 3" soil and waste pipe.


A water closet for a private use in a single family dwelling, duplex, or townhouse, condominium or apartment unit shall not exceed ________ per flush.


A fixture shall be separately trapped by a water seal trap placed as near as possible to the fixture but not to exceed ______ inches from the bottom of the fixture to the dip of the seal.


A plumbing inspector may inspect the plumbing without an initial submission of the plumbing plans in an existing building if there are no more than _____ openings for plumbing fixtures or appliances; no change in the use of the occupancy, no increase in the occupant load, approval by the department of health is not required and plans of the installation are submitted to the department after the installation


Any alterations, repairs, or extensions that require more than _____ feet of soil, waste, or vent piping shall be inspected and tested.


Any person who violates any provision of KRS 318, or any provision of the Kentucky State Plumbing Code shall be fined not less than ______dollars, nor more than _________dollars or imprisoned for not more than ________ days or both for each offense

10 100 90

If a roof terminus of a stack is within ______ feet of the top, bottom, or side edge of a door, window, scuttle, or air shaft, and not screened from the opening by a projecting roof or building wall, it shall extend _________ feet above the top edge of the window or opening.

10 2

How many fixture units can vent on 1.5" pipe and how long a run?

10 VFU and 150' developed length

When using copper material, vertical piping shall be supported at each story for piping one and one half (1.5) inches and larger and at each story and not more than _________ for piping one and one quarter (1.25) inches and smaller.


PEX piping should be tested under a pressure not to exceed ________ PSI.


Critical level for a cup/beverage machine, lawn sprinkler, and steam tables, should be at least ____ inches flood level rim.


Cup and beverage vending machines require the critical level of the vacuum breaker to be a minimum of __________ inches above the flood level of the machine


The bottom of the vent terminal and air intake of a direct vent water heater shall be at least _______ inches above grade.


How many DFU's for 2.5" pipe and how long a run?

12 DFU and 100 ' developed length

Hot water means a temperature of not less than ___________ Fahrenheit

120 degrees

All hand washing sinks shall have a minimum hot water temperature of 100 degrees and a maximum of 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Self closing faucets shall provide a flow of water for no less than ______ seconds from activation,


The distance between cleanouts in all sewers shall not exceed __________ feet.


How many DFU's for 4" pipe and how long a run?

172 DFU and unlimited

When supporting cast iron piping horizontally, the pipe and fittings shall be supported at sufficiently close intervals to maintain alignment and prevent sagging or grade reversal. Support each length of pipe by an approved hanger located not more than _______ inches from the joint.


According to the statutes, name the four qualifications that must be met for a person to apply to become a journeyman or master plumber?

18 years of age good moral character US citizen or resident alien Meet other requirements

If the master plumber representing a company dies, an interim period of _________ days is established in KRS 318.054 and shall begin on the date the plumber dies.


A branch leading from a soil, waste, or vent pipe, building drain, or building sewer, and terminating at a developed length of ______ feet or more by a means of a plug, cap, or other closed fitting is a dead end.


A sewage ejector serving a residential installation shall be vented with a _____ inch vent.


Storm sewer and rain water piping can be located to a building _______ feet outside and still fall under the jurisdiction of the Department.


Storm sewers and rain water piping can be located to building ________ feet outside of the building and still fall under jurisdiction of the Department.


The minimum air gap is _______ times. The effective opening of the potable water outlet when not affected by near wall.


The flue or chimney shall extend _____ feet above the roof, shall be properly flashed, and shall not terminate within ________ feet of a door or window.

2 6

How many DFU's for 1.5" pipe and how long a run?

2 DFU and 60' developed length

How many fixture units can vent on 1.25" pipe and how long a run?

2 VFU and 30' developed length

A sewer installed under property subject to vehicular traffic shall have at least ________ inches of cover unless constructed of cast iron piping, schedule 40 or 80 PVC or ABS


How many fixture units can vent on 2" pipe and how long a run?

24 VFU and 200 developed length

How many fixture units can vent on 4" pipe and how long a run?

240 VFU and 400' developed length

Except for residential installations, if a fixture opening is installed more than _______ feet of developed length from the point where it is connected to the man soil or main waste system,or, if more than _______ feet of vertical piping is used, the vent shall e continued full size through the roof or returned full size to the main vent

25 10

If a three (3) inch vent is serving a fixture that empties into an ejector pit and is located within ________ feet of the pit, the ejector maybe reverted with a 2 inch vent back to the 3 inch vent stack.

25 feet

A passing score on a journeyman or master examination shall be valid for ______ years.


A temperature and pressure relief device shall be installed on each water heater on the hot side not more than _____ inches from the top of the water heater.


A water closet for public use, including a commercial building, shall not exceed _______ gallons per flush.


The water service piping to a building shall be a minimum of _________ inch in size and be buried a minimum of _______ inches below ground.

3/4" 30"

If a newly installed fixture is found to be defective or if an old fixture is found to be in an unusable condition, it shall be repaired, replaced, or removed within _________ days upon written notice from the department.


How many DFU's for 3" pipe and how long a run?

36 DFU and 225 developed length

How many fixture units can vent on 2.5" pipe and how long a run?

36 VFU and 250' developed length

PVC piping installed below concrete floors shall be laid on stable earth conditions and have _______ inches of grillage on its top, bottom, and sides.


The department shall appoint how many total examiners to a State Plumbers Examining Committee?


Waste from commercial and institutional washing machines and extractors shall not discharge into an open trench unless the trench is drained into a _____ inch trap with full vent size. The trench shall be constructed of a material resistant to _____________________ waste.

4 Alkaline

A _______ inch floor drain is required on a manufactured floor drain system and if an open receptacle is connected to a floor drain line without being. Vented, the waste line must discharge into a four inch _____________ _______________ before entering the sanitary sewer system.

4 Master trap

If it becomes necessary to increase the size of a vertical stack, the entire stack shall be increased from its base. If the height of a stack which does not serve as the main vent is less than _______ feet, it shall not be required to be increased from its base.


In a building which the plumbing exceeds ________ feet in height, the installation of plastic pipe and fittings shall be in compliance with the manufacturer recommendations, which shall be made available to the inspector and firestop systems shall be inspected in accordance with ASTM E2174 by an approved inspection agency and made available to the inspector before the __________ inspection.

45 Final

When a sewer and a water distribution pipe is placed in the same trench, the minimum depth that the sewer can be placed in the trench is ________ inches.


Each plumbing permit costing less than two hundred and fifty dollars shall be entitled to _____ inspections at no additional cost. Each additional inspection shall cost an additional $50 dollars.


If a water heater is installed in a crawl space after September 1, 2006, it shall have adequate access with a travel path no less than ________ feet of vertical distance.


If the roof is used for purposes other than weather protection, the extension shall not be less than ______ feet above the roof.


The homeowner shall not have obtained another homeowner permit for construction of a new home issued within the last __________ years.


Two (2) or more laboratory sinks may be connected into a common waste before entering the riser of the continuous waste and vent system of the fixtures are not more than _____ feet from the center of one fixture to the other.


Water service pipe shall NOT be less than ______ feet apart horizontally from the house sewer and shall be separated by undisturbed earth.


When testing the rough in plumbing with air, the system shall be placed under pressure of not less than ______ PSI for __________ minutes.

5 15

In a commercial building with twenty five (25) water closets (1.6 gpf), thirty four (34) lavatories, six (6) stall type urinals ,five (5) manufactured floor drains, two (2) floor mounted mop sinks, and three (3) drinking. Fountains, what would be the minimum size of he. Building drain?


In an apartment building with 16 units, each have 2 water closets, 2 lavatories, 2 bathtubs, 1 kitchen sink, 1 washer, and 1 bar sink what would be the minimum size of the building drain.


A three inch open receptacle may receive the discharge from up to _____ pedicure chairs.


An individual who is the holder of both a master and a journeyman license shall complete _______ hours of continuing education.


Horizontal 3/4" copper tubing shall be supported at intervals not to exceed _______ feet.


If a vent pipe connects to a horizontal soil or waste pipe the vent branch shall be taken off above the center line of the pipe and vent pipe shall rise vertically at an angle of forty five degrees to the vertical, to a point _____ inches above the fixture it is venting before offsetting horizontally or connecting to the branch, main, soil, or vent.


How many DFU's for 2" pipe and how long a run?

6 DFU and 80' Developed length

When installing a water service made of PEX material, if placed in soil consisting of rock, piping shall be covered with _______ of coarse sand or pea gravel,


Each plumbing inspector shall have at least ____ years experience as a master or journeyman plumber.


A mechanically formed tee connection shall be approved for use in domestic hot and cold water distribution systems ___________ ground only and all joints shall be ______________.

Above Brazed

After April 1, 2021, a water heater installed in an attic, _________ ___ _________ __________, or on a wood flooring in an occupied space of a building shall be installed with a corrosive resistant water tight pan below the water heater,

Above a drop ceiling

In a drainage system, a/an ______________ ____________ is the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the outlet of waste pipe and the flood level rim of the receptacle into which it is discharging.

Air gap

A reduced pressure principle backflow preventer shall be tested on at least an ________________ basis.


Except as otherwise provided law or regulation of the department, no person shall construct, install, or extensively alter any plumbing, sewage, or water supply system of any public building or establishment without having first obtained the _____________________________________.

Approval of the department in writing

Name two places a cleanout is required:

At the base of each vertical waste or soil stack in a building served by a stack exceeding 45' and at the end of the building drain, not to exceed 2' from the foundation.

A temperature or pressure balance device to prevent sudden unanticipated change in water temperature is NOT required to be installed when serving a ________________ fixture.


Circle the material that is NOT approved to be installed in a building in which the plumbing system exceeds forty five feet in height. A- PVC schedule 40 B-ABS schedule 40 C- Cellular core PVC D- none of the above

C- Cellular core PVC

A person employed to maintain plumbing in good repair is a maintenance man. Anyone employed as a maintenance man can NOT do the following: A- replace a washer on a faucet B-Unstop a drain C- Replace a toilet D- Replace a stem on a faucet

C- Replace a toilet.

Every water heater shall be accessible for inspection, _________________________, and replacement

C. Repair

Joints in cast iron shall either be ____________________, ______________________, or ______________________.

Caulked Screwed Neoprene gasket

Which of the following materials is NOT allowed in a plumbing system exceeding 45 feet in height?

Cellular core

A license aggrieved by a final order of the department suspending or revoking a license may appeal to the ________________________________________________________.

Circuit court of the county in which the principle office of the department is located.

If a fuel fired water heater is placed in a closed room or closet, the door shall be a louvered door or shall be properly ventilated to provide ________________ ________ and circulation in accordance with Fuel Gas Code.

Combustion air

Trap primers shall be required where?

Commercial mechanical room floor drains and open receptacle which receive the discharge from temperature and relief valves only.

A pipe inside the building that conveys storm water from the roof to a storm or combined building drain is called a ____________________.


_____________________ ______________________ means a level to which a vacuum breaker may be submerged before backflow will occur.

Critical level

A plumbing installation shall not be required for the following: A- replacement of fixture B-Unstop a sewer C-Repair of leaks, cocks, or valves D- All of the above

D- all the above

What type of pipe is not approved to be used as a house drain BURIED beneath a building? A. Extra heavy cast iron B. Service weight cast iron C. Type K copper D. Type DWV copper

D. DWV. Copper

The Commonwealth of Kentucky Division of Plumbing currently reciprocates with __________________ A. Indiana B. Ohio C. Tennessee D. None of the above

D. None of the above

Cross linked polyethylene pipe (PEX) shall not be stored where it will be exposed to A. Sunlight B. Materials that effect the basic properties of PEX C. Chemicals, pipe thread compounds, putty, and mineral or linseed oil compounds D. All the above

D.. all the above

In the installation of a drainage system, a/an __________ _________ shall not be used and is defined as a branch leading from a soil, waste, or vent pipe, building drain, or building sewer, and terminating at a developed length of two feet or more by means of a plug, cap, or other fitting.

Dead end

A corrosive liquid shall not be permitted to discharge into the soil, waste, or sewer system unless it passes through a properly constructed and acceptable neutralizing or ____________ pit before entering the house sewer.


The _____________ where the violation occurs shall have jurisdiction and venue in all criminal actions for the enforcement of the provision of KRS chapter 318 and the State Plumbing Code.


An existing opening or an open installed in a plumbing system for future use shall be installed with it's _____________________,___________________, and ___________________ piping.

Drain Waste Vent

A post ground hydrant shall be protected with the use of a __________ __________ ___________.

Dual check valve

According to the KRS 318, a journeyman plumber can have two (2) apprentices under his or her direct supervision. True / False


The size of the house drain shall be determined by the total number of _______________ __________ connecting to the house drain.

Fixture units

Secondary roof drain systems shall have piping and point of discharge separate from the primary system and discharge shall be above the ____________ ______________in a location that would be normally observed by the buildings occupants or maintenance personnel.

Grade plane

No license shall be suspended or revoked by the department unless a _________________ has been conducted.


Sinks solely used for the purpose of food preparation shall discharge into a plumbing system by means of an _____________________ connection to a minimum _______ inch trap.

Indirect 3"

A waste pipe not directly connected with the drainage system but discharges into the drainage system through an air gap into a trap, fixture, receptor, or interceptor is called __________________________________

Indirect waste

Waste pipe from a refrigerator drain or other receptacle where food is stored or waste water from a water cooled compressor shall connect ______________________ with the house drain, soil, or waste pipe.


In a drain waste vent system, air circulation shall be assured by means of a /an ______________________ ____________.

Individual vent

A/An ________________________ is a device designed and installed so as to separate and retain deleterious, hazardous, or undesirable matter from normal waste while permitting normal sewage or liquid waste to discharge into the drainage system by gravity,


KRS Chapter 318 refers to:

KY plumbing law

815 KAR refers to what when it comes to the Division of Plumbing?

Kentucky Plumbing Code

The department may revoke or suspend any plumber's license issued by it upon proof that the licensee has : (complete missing section) A- Has knowingly violated this chapter, the Kentucky State Plumbing Code, or the rules and regulations of the Department B- Has practiced fraud or deception in applying or obtaining a license C- Is incompetent to perform the services as a licensed master or journeyman plumber D- _________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Is guilty of unprofessional or dishonorable conduct of character

Letting someone else use your license to perform work

In a building in which the plumbing system exceeds forty five feet in height, the installation of plastic pipe and fittings shall be made in compliance with the __________________ ___________________, which shall be made available to the inspector and firestop systems shall be inspected in accordance with the ASTM E2174 by an approved inspection agency and made available to the inspector before the final inspection.

Manufacturers recommendations.

A company or individual principal may engage in the business of plumbing within any county of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, if some person connected with such a company or individual principal in responsible charge of the plumbing work is a licensed ________________ ____________________.

Master plumber

A permit to construct, install, or alter plumbing, sewage, or drainage shall only be issued to a _________________ _____________________ or ________________________.

Master plumber Homeowner

In order to administer this chapter, the department shall promulgate and thereafter from time to time may amend a code to be known as the Kentucky State Plumbing Code, regulating the construction, installation, and alteration of plumbing and plumbing fixtures and appliances, house sewers and private water supplies, and methods and materials to be used therein within the state, using as a minimum standard the basic principles of the _____________________ Plumbing Code Coordinating Committee.


According to KAR 318.134, what is not considered plumbing?

On-site sewage disposal plumbing?

A shower drain pan shall not be required on a concrete below the ___________________ ____________ _______________.

Outside grade level

No person shall extensively alter the plumbing within any public building without having first submitted detailed _________ and specifications of the proposed facility showing the plumbing system, sewage disposal system, and water supply system.


The art of installing in buildings the pipes for distributing the water supply, the fixtures for the using of water and drainage pipes for removing waste water and sewage, together with fittings and appurtenances, and appliances of various kinds, all within or adjacent to the building is another name for _____________________________.


A potable water connection to a boiler feed water system in which a boiler water conditioning system is introduced, shall be made through an air gap, or provided with an _________ located in the potable water line before the point where a chemical is introduced


Officers, agents, and inspectors of the department shall have the power and authority to enter upon premises at all ____________________ ____________ for the purpose of making inspections, to interrogate all person and to require the production of plumbing installation permits and other evidence.

Reasonable times

A ________________ ________________ is an auxiliary vent that permits additional circulation of air in or between drainage and vent systems.

Relief vent

Main or branch soil, waste, and vent pipes and fittings within or underneath a building shall NOT be ______________.


No water heating device shall be sold or offered for sale in the Commonwealth of Kentucky unless it contains a ______________ ________________ on it.

Serial number

Complete the following chart: Fixture. Min. Trap size. Fixture units Service sink (Wall mount). Stall urinal. Water closet 3.5. Water closet 1.6

Service sink (Wall mount). 2". 2 Stall urinal. 2". 2 Water closet 3.5. 3. 6 Water closet 1.6. 3. 4

A fixture trap shall be protected against ______________ and ______________________.

Siphonage Back pressure

Any pipe that conveys the discharge of water closets or fixtures, with or without the discharges from other fixtures to the house drain is called ____________ ______________.

Soil waste

Waste that requires special treatment before entry into the normal plumbing system is called _____________________ waste.


All license fees, permit and inspection fees and charges, and other moneys collected by the department, under the provision of this chapter and the rules and regulations of the department adopted hereunder, shall be paid into the _______________ Treasury and credited to a trust and agency fund to be used by the department in carrying out the provisions of this chapter. No part of this fund shall revert to the general fund of the Commonwealth.


The Department may _________________________ or _______________________ any plumbers license issued by it upon proof that the licensee has knowingly violated the provisions of KRS Chapter 318 or the Kentucky State Plumbing Code, or the rules and regulations of the department.

Suspend Revoke

A master plumbing license shall expire

The last day of the licensee's birth month

If a single check valve is installed in a water system, a ________________ ______________ ____________ sized in accordance with the manufacturers instructions shall be installed in the cold water supply located near the water heater.

Thermal expansion tank

_____________ means a fitting or device that provides a liquid seal to prevent the emission of sewer gases without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater through it.


No hub cast iron cube installed on a main or branch soil, waste and vent pipes and fittings within or underneath a building . T/ F


No person, firm or corporation shall engage in plumbing or engage in or work at the trade of plumbing unless they maintain general liability insurance in an amount not less than $250, 000 and submits proof of compliance with workers' compensation and ________________________ insurance laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky


Upon completion of the installation of a medical gas system, the master plumber shall furnish the Division of Plumbing with certification from the medical gas system ______________________ as required by NFPA 99C.


The pipe that receives the discharge of any fixture (except water closets or similar fixtures) and discharges to the house drain, soil, or waste stacks is called ____________________.


No person shall extensively alter the plumbing within any public building without having first submit detailed plans and specifications of the proposed facility showing the plumbing system, sewage disposal system, and the ______________________________________ system.

Water distribution system

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