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A random sample of 42 students has a mean annual earnings of $1200 and a population standard deviation of $230. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean, .

($1130, $1270)

A local bank needs information concerning the checking account balances of its customers. A random sample of 15 accounts was checked. The mean balance was $686.75 with a standard deviation of $256.20. Find a 98% confidence interval for the true mean. Assume that the account balances are normally distributed.

($513.17, $860.33)

A random sample of 60 suspension helmets used by motorcycle riders and automobile race-car drivers was subjected to an impact test, and on 15 of these helmets some damage was observed. Find a 95% two-sided confidence interval on the true proportion of helmets of this type that would show damage from this test.

(0.14, 0.36)

The grade point averages for 10 randomly selected students are listed below. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the population standard deviation, $$\sigma.$$ Assume the data are normally distributed. 2.0 3.2 1.8 2.9 0.9 4.0 3.3 2.9 3.6 0.8

(0.81, 1.83)

Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean, . Assume the population has a normal distribution. A sample of 28 randomly selected students has a mean test score of 82.5 with a standard deviation of 9.2.

(78.93, 86.07)

normally distributed


What is the sample correlation coefficient between X and Y?


A telephone company claims that 25% of its customers have at least two telephone lines. The company selects a random sample of 500 customers and finds that 108 have two or more telephone lines. At \alpha = 0.05, compute the value of the test statistic to test the company's claim.


A new phone system was installed last year to help reduce the expense of personal calls that were being made by employees. Before the new system was installed, the amount being spent on personal calls follows a normal distribution with an average of $700 per month and a standard deviation of $50 per month. Refer to such expenses as PCE's (personal call expenses). Find the probability that a randomly selected month had a PCE that falls below $550.


Sixty-five percent of men consider themselves knowledgeable football fans. If 15 men are randomly selected, find the probability that exactly five of them will consider themselves knowledgeable fans.


The amount of pyridoxine (in grams) per multiple vitamin is normally distributed with $$\mu= 110$$ grams and $$\sigma = 25$$ grams. A sample of vitamins is to be selected. What is the probability that the sample mean will be less than 100 grams? Let $$P(Z<-2)=0.023;P(Z<-0.4)=0.421;P(Z<0.07)=0.529;P(Z<0.75)=0.673$$.


The probability is 2% that an electrical connector that is kept dry fails during the warranty period of a portable computer. If the connector is ever wet, the probability of a failure during the warranty period is 10%. If 80% of the connectors are kept dry and 20% are wet, what proportion of connectors fail during the warranty period?


Suppose that $$X$$ is a negative binomial random variable with $$p = 0.2$$ and $$r = 4$$. Determine $$P(X=20)$$.


The probability that a tennis set will go to a tie-breaker is 15%. What is the probability that two of three sets will go to tie-breakers?


A bank's loan officer rates applicants for credit. The ratings are normally distributed with a mean of 350 and a standard deviation of 50. If an applicant is randomly selected, find the probability of a rating that is between 310 and 295.


The probabilities that a customer entering a particular bookstore buys 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 books are 0.30, 0.20, 0.20, 0.15, 0.10, and 0.05 respectively. For the probability distribution above, find the variance. (Note: please give the answer as a real number accurate to2 decimal places after the decimal point.)


A company has 2 machines that produce widgets. An older machine produces 23% defective widgets, while the new machine produces only 8% defective widgets. In addition, the new machine produces 3 times as many widgets as the older machine does. What is the probability that a randomly chosen widget produced by the company is defective?


Find the probability that in 200 tosses of a fair six-sided die, a five will be obtained at least 40 times.


Find the probability that in 20 tosses of a fair six-sided die, a five will be obtained at least 5 times.


A new phone system was installed last year to help reduce the expense of personal calls that were being made by employees. Before the new system was installed, the amount being spent on personal calls follows a normal distribution with an average of $705 per month and a standard deviation of $48 per month. Refer to such expenses as PCE's (personal call expenses). Find the probability that a randomly selected month had a PCE that falls below $650.


Assume that P(C) = 0.5 and P(D) = 0.3. If C and D are independent, find P(C and D).


Assume that X has a normal distribution with the mean is μ = 15.2 and the standard deviation is σ = 0.9. Find the probability that X is greater than 16.1.


A family is selected at random. Find the probability that the size of the family is more than 4. Round your result to three decimal places.


The following table shows the political affiliation of voters in one city and their positions on stronger gun control laws. Favor Oppose Republican 0.09 0.26 Democrat 0.22 0.2 Other 0.11 0.12 What is the probability that a voter who favors stronger gun control laws is a Republican?


A machine is set to pump cleanser into a process at the rate of 10 gallons per minute. Upon inspection, it is learned that the machine actually pumps cleanser at a rate described by the uniform distribution over the interval 9.25 to 12.25 gallons per minute. Find the probability that between 10.5 gallons and 11.15 gallons are pumped during a randomly selected minute.


An archer is able to hit the bull's-eye 55% of the time. If she shoots 8 arrows, what is the probability that she gets exactly 4 bull's-eyes? Assume each shot is independent of the others.


The following table shows the political affiliation of voters in one city and their positions on stronger gun control laws. What is the probability that a Democrat opposes stronger gun control laws?


If X is a normal random variable with = 50 and s = 6, then the probability that X is not between 44 and 56 is


A machine is set to pump cleanser into a process at the rate of 5 gallons per minute. Upon inspection, it is learned that the machine actually pumps cleanser at a rate described by the uniform distribution over the interval 4.5 to 7.5 gallons per minute. Find the probability that between 5.0 gallons and 6.0 gallons are pumped during a randomly selected minute.


A basketball player has made 70% of his foul shots during the season. If he shoots 3 foul shots in tonight's game, what is the probability that he makes all of the shots?


Suppose that X is a continuous random variable whose probability density function is given by f(x)=C(4x-2x^2),0<x<2 and f(x)=0 for other values of x. What is the value of C?


It was found that 60% of the workers were white, 30% were black and 10% are other races. Given that a worker was white, the probability that the worker had claimed bias was 30%. Given that a worker was black, the probability that the worker had claimed bias was 40%. Given that a worker was other race, the probability that the worker had claimed bias was 0%


A machine is set to pump cleanser into a process at the rate of 10 gallons per minute. Upon inspection, it is learned that the machine actually pumps cleanser at a rate described by the uniform distribution over the interval 9.5 to 11.5 gallons per minute. What is the probability that at the time the machine is checked it is pumping more than 10.5 gallons per minute?


Let X represent the amount of time it takes a student to park in the library parking lot at the university. If we know that the distribution of parking times can be modeled using an exponential distribution with a mean of 4 minutes, find the probability that it will take a randomly selected student between 2 and 12 minutes to park in the library lot.


Find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r.


Mr. m figures that there is a 65% chance that his university will set up a branch office in Lao Cai. If it does, he is 90% certain that she will be made director of this new branch. What is the probability that m will be a Lao Cai branch office director?


The probability that a student at a certain college is male is 0.45. The probability that a student at that college has a job off campus is 0.33. The probability that a student at the college is male and has a job off campus is 0.15. If a student is chosen at random from the college, what is the probability that the student is male or has an off campus job?


Let X be a uniform random variable over the interval [0.1, 5] . What is the probability that the random variable X has a value less than 2.1?


Suppose X is a uniform random variable over the interval [40, 50]. Find the probability that a randomly selected observation exceeds 43.


Let Z is a standard normal variable, find P(-0.73 < Z < 2.27).


According to a survey of American households, the probability that the residents own 3 cars if annual household income is over $25,500 is 63%. Of the households surveyed, 62% had incomes over $25,500 and 44% had 3 cars. The probability that annual household income is over $25,500 if the residents of a household own 3 cars is:


Suppose X is a uniform random variable over the interval [20, 90]. Find the probability that a randomly selected observation is between 23 and 85.


The number of weeds that remain living after a specific chemical has been applied averages 1.21 per square yard and follows a Poisson distribution. Based on this, what is the probability that a 1 square yard section will contain less than 5 weeds?


The waiting times (in minutes) of customers at the TienPhong Bank, where customers enter a single waiting line that feeds three teller windows, are normally distributed. A random sample of 6 has mean of 7.07 and standard deviation of 0.53.Construct a 94% upper confidence bound for the population standard deviation


The probability that a radish seed will germinate is 0.7. A gardener plants seeds in batches of 11. Find the standard deviation for the random variable X, the number of seeds germinating in each batch.


In a recent survey, 80% of the community favored building a police substation in their neighborhood. If 15 citizens are chosen, what is the standard deviation of the number favoring the substation?


According to a college survey, 22% of all students work full time. Find the standard deviation for the random variable X, the number of students who work full time in samples of size 16.


You wish to test the claim that > 6 at a level of significance of a = 0.05. Let sample statistics be n = 60, s = 1.4


A random number generator is set top generate integer random numbers between 1 and 10 inclusive following a uniform distribution. What is the probability of the random number generator generating a 7?


Suppose that X has a discrete uniform distribution on the integers 0 through 5. Determine the mean of the random variable Y = 4X


Find the mean for the binomial distribution which has the stated values of n and p. Round answer to the nearest tenth. n = 20; p = 3/5


When conducting a t test for the correlation coefficient in a study with 16 individuals, the degrees of freedom will be


Find the critical value or values of $$\chi^2$$ based on the given information. H1: σ < 0.14 n = 23 α = 0.10


The probability is 0.7 that a person shopping at a certain store will spend less than $20. For random samples of 28 customers, find the mean number of shoppers who spend less than $20.


A card game is played in which the player wins if a face card is drawn (king, queen, jack) from a deck of 52 cards. If the player plays 10 times, what is the expected number of wins for the player?


Find the variance for the given probability distribution. x 0 1 2 3 4 P(x) 0.17 0.28 0.05 0.15 0.35


Find the standard deviation for the given sample data: 2 6 2 2 1 4 4 2 4 2 3 8 4 2 2 7 7 2 3 11


A recent study of 60 shoppers showed that the correlation between the time spent in the store and the dollars spent was 0.235. Using a significance level equal to 0.01, the critical value for the test to determine whether the true population correlation coefficient is zero is:


If you were constructing a 99% confidence interval of the normal population mean based on a sample of $$n = 25$$ where the standard deviation of the sample $$s = 0.05$$. What is the critical value? Let $$t_{0.005,24}=2.7969;t_{0.01,24}=2.4922;z_{0.01}=2.33; z_{0.05}=2.58$$.


The Hilbert Drug Store owner plans to survey a random sample of his customers with the objective of estimating the mean dollars spent on pharmaceutical products during the past three months. He has assumed that the population standard deviation is known to be $14.50. Given this information, what would be the required sample size if we want the total width of the two-side confidence interval on mean to be $4 at 95 percent confidence?


Assume that X is normally distributed with a mean of 23 and a standard deviation of 5. Find the value of c if P(X > c) = 0.0592.


The standard IQ test has a mean of 96 and a standard deviation of 14. We want to be 90% certain that we are within 4 IQ points of the true mean. Determine the required sample size.


A nurse measured the blood pressure of each person who visited her clinic. Following is a relative-frequence histogram for the systolic blood pressure readings for those people aged between 25 and 40. The blood pressure reading were given to the nearest whole number. Approximately what percentage of the people aged 25-40 had a systolic blood pressure reading between 110 and 119 inclusive?


Many people think that a national lobby's successful fight against gun control legislation is reflecting the will of a minority of Americans. A previous random sample of 4000 citizens yielded 2250 who are in favor of gun control legislation. How many citizens would need to be sampled if a 95% confidence interval was desired to estimate the true proportion to within 5%?


A supermarket manager has determined that the amount of time customers spend in the supermarket is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 51 minutes and a standard deviation of 6.5 minutes. Find the number of minutes, m, for which the probability that a customer spends less than m minutes in the supermarket is 0.20.


The on-line access computer service industry is growing at an extraordinary rate. Current estimates suggest that 10% of people with home-based computers have access to on-line services. Suppose that 8 people with home-based computers were randomly and independently sampled. What is the probability that at least 1 of those sampled have access to on-line services at home?


Find the critical value or values of x2 based on the given information. H1: σ < 0.629 n = 19 α = 0.025


Find the mode(s) for the given dample data 98, 25, 98, 13, 25, 29, 56, 98


A regional hardware chain is interested in estimating the proportion of their customers who own their own homes. There is some evidence to suggest that the proportion might be around 0.825. Given this, what sample size is required if they wish a 94 percent confidence level with a error of 0.025?

About 817

The owner of a football team claims that the average attendance at games is over 79,000, and he is therefore justified in moving the team to a city with a larger stadium. Express the null hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis H1 in symbolic form.

H0: , the average attendance at games, is equal to 79,000 && H1: , the average attendance at games, is greater than 79,000

Suppose that the random variable X has an exponential distribution with ? = 1.5. Find the mean and standard deviation of X.

Mean = 0.67; Standard deviation = 0.67

poisson distribution


Determine whether the hypothesis test involves a sampling distribution of means that is a normal distribution, Student t distribution, or neither. Claim: μ = 959. Sample data: n = 25,$$\overline{x} = 951,$$ s = 25. The sample data appear to come from a normally distributed population with σ = 28.


A T.V. shows executives raised the fee for commercials following a report that the show received a No.1 rating in a survey of viewers. What type of the description is?

Observation study

Survey responses of " good, better, best". which type of data is?


binomial distribution


Jared was working on a project to look at global warming and accessed an Internet site where he captured average global surface temperatures from 1866. Which of the four methods of data collection was he using?

Retrospective study

Which of the following is a continuous quantitative variable?

The amount of milk produced by a cow in one 24-hour period

Which statement is true for the scores of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10?

The mean is greater than the median.

Which of the following is a discrete quantitative variable?

The number of cracks exceeding one-half inch in 10 miles of an interstate highway.

A psychologist claims that more than 75 percent of the population suffers from professional problems due to extreme shyness. Assuming that a hypothesis test of the claim has been conducted and that the conclusion is failure to reject the null hypothesis, state the conclusion in nontechnical terms.

There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that the true proportion is greater than 75 percent.

The manufacturer of a refrigerator system for beer kegs produces refrigerators that are supposed to maintain a true mean temperature, μ, of 45°F, ideal for a certain type of German pilsner. The owner of the brewery does not agree with the refrigerator manufacturer, and claims he can prove that the true mean temperature is incorrect. Assuming that a hypothesis test of the claim has been conducted and that the conclusion is to reject the null hypothesis, state the conclusion in nontechnical terms.

There is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean temperature is different from 45°F

Researchers are concerned that the weight of the average American school child is increasing implying, among other things, that children's clothing should be manufactured and marketed in larger sizes. If $$X$$ is the weight of school children sampled in a nationwide study, then $$X$$ is an example of

a continuous random variable.

Find the origin data from the sterm-and-leaf plot


An employee at the local ice cream parlor asks three customers if they like chocolate ice cream. What is the population?

all custormers

One year, professional sports players salaries averaged $1.5 million with a standard deviation of $0.7 million. Suppose a sample of 100 major league players was taken. Find the approximate probability that the average salary of the 100 players exceeded $1.1 million.

approximately 1

Construct the relative frequency distribution that corresponds to given frequency distribution


When considering area under the standard normal curve, decide whether the area to the left ofz =0.2is bigger than, smaller than, or equal to the area to the right ofz = -0.2

equal to

uniform distribution


exponential distribution


standard normal distribution


The time for a worker to assemble a component is normally distributed with mean 15 minutes and variance 4. Denote the mean assembly times of 16 day-shift workers and 9 night-shift workers by $$\overline{X}$$ and $$\overline{Y}$$, respectively. Assume that the assembly times of the workers are mutually independent. The distribution of $$\overline{X} $$- $$\overline{Y}$$ is

normal with mean 0 and standard deviation 5/6.

geometric distribution


Parking at a large university has become a very big problem. University administrators are interested in determining the average parking time (e.g. the time it takes a student to find a parking spot) of its students. An administrator inconspicuously followed 130 students and carefully recorded their parking times. Identify the sample of interest to the university administration.

parking times of the 130 students

The process of using sample statistics to draw conclusions about true population parameters is called

statistical inference

A manufacturing company is interested in predicting the number of defects that will be produced each hour on the assembly line. The managers believe that there is a relationship between the defect rate and the production rate per hour. The managers believe that they can use production rate to predict the number of defects. The following data were collected for 10 randomly selected hours.

y = 5.67 + .048x.

An experiment consists of randomly choosing a number between 1 and 10. Let E be the event that the number chosen is even. List the sample points in

{2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

A bag of colored candies contains 20 red, 25 yellow, 15 blue and 20 orange candies. An experiment consists of randomly choosing one candy from the bag and recording its color. What is the sample space for this experiment?

{red, yellow, blue, orange}

A bag of colored candies contains 20 red, 25 yellow, and 35 orange candies. An experiment consists of randomly choosing one candy from the bag and recording its color. What is the sample space for this experiment?

{red, yellow, orange}

For large numbers of degrees of freedom, the critical χ2 values can be approximated as follows: χ2 = (z + )2, where k is the number of degrees of freedom and z is the critical value. To find the lower critical value, the negative z-value is used, to find the upper critical value, the positive z-value is used. Use this approximation to estimate the critical value of χ2 in a right-tailed hypothesis test with n =125 and α = 0.01.

χ2 ≈ 162.833

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Тема 15. Сучасна архітектура додатків

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