Maternity Hesi practice

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Which behavior indicates ot the nurse that a new mother is in the taking-hold phase? - calling the baby by name. - talking about the labor and birth. - touching the baby with her fingertips. - being involved w/the infant's need to eat and sleep.

calling the baby by name

which client is contraindicated for the use of uterine stimulants in early pregnancy? - client w/HTN. - client w/bleeding disorder. - client w/cardiovascular problem. - client w/thromboembolic disorder

client with bleeding disorder

which condition is correlated with a positive Babinski sign in a newborn infant? - hypoxia during labor. - neurological injury during birth. - hyperreflexia of the muscular system. - immaturity of the CNS.

immaturity of the CNS

a clients membrane ruptured 20 hours before admission. She gave birth 18 hours after admission. For which postpartum complication si this client at risk? - infection. - hemorrhage. - uterine atony. - amniotic fluid embolism


When caring for a newly delivered newborn with a HR of 76 and gasping, which priority action would the nuse take? - attempt to clear the airway. - initiate chest compressions. - prepare to assist with intubation. - initiate positive pressure ventilation

initiate positive pressure ventilation

after checking the FHR of a client after an amniotomy, which intervention would be appropriate? - inspecting the perineum. - preparing for an immediate birth. - measuring maternal BP. - increasing the IV fluid rate.

inspecting the perineum

Preterm labor is defined as: - contractions during delivery. - contractions induced by prostaglandins. - contractions and cervical dilation between 20-36 weeks gestation - contractions occurring before 20 wks gestation

contractions and cervical dilation between 20-36 weeks gestation

Which intervention would the nurse include in the plan of care for a client w/breast cancer who receive doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide 12 days ago and now has a WBC count of 1.4 cells/mm^3 and reports SOB and activity intolerance? - use an electric razor when shaving. - institute neutropenic precautions. - place client on airborne precautions. - transfuse two units of PRBCs.

institute neutropenic precautions

which teaching would the nrse provide to a first-trimester pregnant client with cardiac disease? - palpitations must be managed with medication therapy. - other cardiac medications will be substituted for digoxin. - it isn't safe to administer prophylactic penicillin during pregnancy. - maintenance dosages of cardiac medications will probably be increased.

maintenance dosages of cardiac medications will probably be increased

The nurse monitors a client's DTRs while she is receiving magnesium sulfate therapy for preeclampsia. Which reason would the nurse give to the client to explain the purpose of this monitoring? - it reveals your level of consciousness. - it reveals the mobility of the extremities. - it identifies your response to painful stimuli. - it identifies your potential for respiratory depression.

it identifies your potential for respiratory depression

Which medication would be prescribed to reduce HTN in a pregnant client? - lithium. - miglitol. - calcium gluconate. - metoprolol


A woman in the first trimester of pregnancy wants to terminate her pregnancy bc of malformations in her fetus. Which medication would the nurse anticipate preparing to administer to the client? - oxytocin. - misoprostol. - mifepristone. - dinoprostone


Which symptom would the nuse identify as a symptom of postpartum blues? - frantic energy. - mild irritability. - hallucinations. - unwillingness to sleep.

mild irritability

the Hep+ mother of an infant born earlier in the day wants her infant to receive the HBIG vaccine. Which is the proper dosage? - 1 mL subQ before discharge. - 0.5 mL subQ within 24h of birth. - 1 mL IM within 24h of birth. - 0.5 mL IM within 12h of birth

0.5 mL IM within 12 hours of birth

where is the presenting part of the fetus when station is -1? - 1 cm above the ischial spine. - 1 cm below the ischial spine. - visible at hte vaginal opening. - at the level of the ischial spine.

1 cm above the ischial spines

the HCP prescribes the listed interventions for a 2-day postpartum client with a temperature of 101 F. Which sequence would the nurse implement them? - send a lochia specimen for culture to the lab. - administer the prescribed IV antibiotic medication. - offer the PRN acetaminophen for a fever more than 100F. - obtain a chest radiograph ASAP. - document hte client's temperature 30 minutes after medication administration.


A tocolytic was administered to a woman to inhibit labor and maintain pregnancy. Which nursing interventions would be beneficial to this client? SATA. - the medication should not be administered on a long-term basis. - the medication should be continued after contractions cease. - the dose and route of administration should be determined. - the client should be placed in the right lateral recumbent position. - the client's VS and FHR should be regularly monitored.


Which information regarding sex would the nurse give the client with a history of preterm labor and incompetent cervix who is now 33 weeks gestation? - sex is allowed if penetration is not deep. - it is permitted unless there is vaginal discomfort. - limit intercourse to once a week to decrease contractions. - it should be avoided to prevent stimulation of uterine activity

it should be avoided to prevent stimulation of uterine activity

Which type of medication can a pregnant woman take to minimize the risk to the neonate? SATA - medications that have SR formulations. - medications that are not excreted in breastmilk. - medications that may be consumed immediately after breastfeeding. - medications that are the least likely to affect the neonate. - medications with the highest effective dose for longer periods of time.


Which interventions would be beneficial to the pregnant client receiving antiseizure medications? SATA - advise termination. - determine when the meds were taken. - avoid US scans because of the risk of fetal harm. - consult a gyno to determine the potential effect on the fetus. - explain that the risk of fetal defect is minimal and can be corrected later.


When the nurse is performing a newborn assessment, which finding indicates the need for follow-up care? - presence of the Babinski reflex. - a head circumference of 33 cm. - an umbilical cord containing three vessels. - 30 degree abduction of the infant's hips

30 degree abduction of the infant's hips

where on the maternal abdomen would the nuse place the fetal heart transducer when the fetus is in the left sacrum anterior position? - left lower quadrant. - left upper quadrant. - right upper quadrant. - middle lower quadrant.

left upper quadrant

Which assessment findings are suggestive of postpartum depression? SATA. - lethargy. - ambivalence. - emotional lability. - increased appetite. - long periods of sleep

lethargy, ambivalence, emotional lability

Which intervention would minimize breast discomfort in a postpartum client who is formula feeding? - Application of covered ice packs to the breast - gentle application of cocoa butter to the nipples. - placement of warm, wet washcloths on the nipples. - manual expression of colostrum from the breasts.

Application of covered ice packs to the breast

which category of drugs may cause slight risks to the fetus? - A - B - C - D


Which action during the prenatal period would help a pregnant patient prepare their child for the arrival of a new sibling? - having the child bring a gift for the new baby. - including the child when feeding the new baby. - letting the child listen to the new baby's heartbeat - having someone else carry the new baby into the house

letting the child listen to the new baby's heartbeat

Which findings alert the nurse to signs of magnesium sulfate toxicity? SATA. - proteinuria. - epigastric pain. - loss of patellar reflexes. - urine output of 40 mL/h. - respirations of 10 breaths/minute

loss of patellar reflexes, respirations of 10 breaths/minute

which complication would the nurse consider for a client with a fetus in a breech presentation? - rapid dilation of the cervix indicating precipitate labor. - stronger contractions indicating progression of labor. - nonreassuring fetal signs indicating prolapse of the cord. - cessation of contractions indicating primary uterine intertia.

nonreassuring fetal signs, indicating prolapse of the cord

Which mechanisms does a newborn use to maintain their body temperature? SATA. - flexed fetal position. - hepatic insulin stores. - brown fat metabolism. - peripheral vasoconstriction. - parasympathetic nervous system.

flexed fetal position, brown fat metabolism, peripheral vasoconstriction

which characteristic might hte nurse anticipate in a newborn of a mother with diabetes? - irritability. - flushed skin. - hyperreflexivity. - high-pitched cry.

flushed skin

Which newborn assessment finding would be the most concerning? - mottling. - mongolian spot. - erythema toxicum. - generalized petechiae

generalized petechiae

Which is the expected location of the uterine fundus immediately after a vaginal birth and expulsion of the placenta? - in the pelvic cavity. - just below the xiphoid process. - in the right quadrant at the umbilicus. - halfway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus

halfway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus

While a client is being interviewed on her first prenatal visit she states that she has a 4 y/o who was born at 41 wks and a 3 y/o who was born at 35 wks. The patient lost one pregnancy at 9 wks and another at 18. - G5 T1 P1 A2 L2 - G4 T1 P1 A2 L2 - G4 T2 P0 A0 L2 - G5 T2 P1 A1 L2

G5 T1 P1 A2 L2

after receiving report, which client would the nurse manager assess first? - G2P0 with SROM at 7 cm dilated. - G2P1 w SROM in the active phase. - G1P0 w/intact membranes in the latent phase. - G6P5 w/intact membranes at 5 cm of dilation.

G6P5 with intact membranes at 5 cm of dilation

which response would the nurse give to a newly delivered client who asks to take the placenta home with her upon discharge? - I'll make sure it is kept for you. - I'm sorry, but you can't do that. - I'll give it to your husband to take home now. - I need to check the hospital protocol for our policy on that practice

I need to check the hospital protocol for our policy on that practice

Which statement by a woman with preeclampsia indicates the need for further teaching about needed dietary changes? - I should avoid excess salt. - I should drink 8 glasses of water every day. - I should eat whole grains and raw produce. - I should eat 60-70g of protein each day.

I should avoid excess salt

The nurse instructs a multipara who has just given birth to an LGA infant how best to maintain a contracted uterus. Which statement indicates teaching was effective? - I'll call you if I have a clot larger than the size of a softball. - I'll breastfeed my baby frequently and on demand. - I should be sure to get up and urinate every 6 hours. - I'll call you every 15 minutes to massage my uterus.

I'll breastfeed my baby frequently and on demand

Which client statement indicates understanding of prenatal instructions in the third trimester regarding when to consult with a HCP? - I'll call the clinic if I have abdominal pain - mild, irregular contractions mean that my labor is starting. - I need to call the clinic if my ankles start to swell a little in the evening. - a whitish vaginal discharge means that I'm getting an infection

I'll call the clinic if I have abdominal pain

A pregnant client w/severe preeclampsia is receiving an infusion of magnesium sulfate. Which explanation would the nuse give the client as teh reason she is receiving this medication? - it acts as a diuretic. - it has a sedative effect. - it has an antihypertensive effect. - it acts as an anticonvulsant.

It acts as an anticonvulsant

A client in active labor is rushed from the ED to the labor and birth suite screaming, Knock me out! Exam reveals her cervix is 9 cm and 100% effaced. What would the nurse say to calm her? - I'll rub your back that'll ease the pain. - you'll get a shot when you reach the birthing room. - I'm sure you're in pain, but try to bear with it for the baby's sake. - Medication may interfere with the baby's first breaths; keep breathing

Medication may interfere with the baby's first breaths; keep breathing

a client near term states "I am sick and tired of wearing these same old clothes. I just wish all this would be over and done with." Which is the most therapeutic response? - most women feel the same way you do at this time. - you sound discouraged, is there something bothering you. - yes this is the most uncomfortable time during pregnancy. - i understand how you feel, what do you know about labor.

Most women feel the same way you do at this time

Which statement made by a future parent indicates effective teaching? - my mother has already made the cutest pillowcases for the baby's pillows. - I just bought a new baby seat that can be strapped into the front seat of the car. - my mother can't believe that babies are supposed to sleep on their backs, not their stomachs. - at my shower I was given a baby tub with a special strap that lets me leave the baby alone in it.

My mother can't believe that babies are supposed to sleep on their backs, not their stomachs

Which is not a potential nutritional risk in pregnancy? - diabetes. - hypertension. - tobacco use. - frequent pregnancies.


Which factor explains why a breastfeeding mother who is 3 days postpartum complains that her breasts are tight and swollen? - there is an overabundance of milk. - breastfeeding is probably ineffective. - the breasts have been inadequately supported. - the lymphatic system in the breasts is congested.

The lymphatic system in the breasts is congested

Which sign does not reflect opioid withdrawal in neonates? - hypoactivity. - frequent sneezing. - high-pitched cry. - diminished Moro reflex.


which sign does not reflect opioid withdrawal in neonates? - hypoactivity. - frequent sneezing. - high pitched cry. - diminished moro reflex.


an SGA infant has just been admitted to the nursery. Assessment reveals a high-pitched cry, jitteriness, and irregular respirations. Which condition is the nurse concerned with regarding these manifestations? - hypervolemia. - hypoglycemia. - hypercalcemia. - hypothyroidism.


Which is the appropriate response when a client in her third trimester tells the nurse she doesn't want to be asleep for the birth? - you are worried about too much pain. - you don't want to be awake during the birth. - I can understand that because labor is uncomfortable. - I will tell your HCP about this request.

You don't want to be awake during the birth

Which response would the nurse give to a client who asks how far into her pregnancy she can continue to work? - What activities does your job entail? - how do you feel about continuing to work? - most women work throughout their pregnancies. - usually women quit work at the start of their third trimester.

What activities does your job entail?

which is the best advice the nurse can provide to a pregnant woman in her first trimester? - cut down on drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. - avoid drugs and don't smoke or drink. - avoiding smoking and alcohol and don't take aspirin. - take only prescription drugs, especially in the second and third trimesters.

avoid drugs and don't smoke or drink

for which complication would the nuse closely monitor a client with a diagnosis of abruptio placentae? - cerebral hemorrhage. - pulmonary edema. - impending seizures. - hypovolemic shock.

hypovolemic shock

Which sign would the nuse report to the pediatric PHCP? - temperature of 97.7F. - pale pink to rust-colored stain in the diaper. - HR that decreases to 115 bpm. - breathing pattern with recurrent sternal retractions

breathing pattern with recurrent sternal retractions

Which sample would the nurse expect to be collected on a neonate that may have down syndrome? - heel stick. - buccal smear. - urinary catheterization. - venous blood withdrawal.

buccal smear

a pregnant woman w/severe preeclampsia was administered magnesium sulfate. Which prescribed medication would the nurse administer to treat magnesium toxicity. - nifedipine. - terbutaline. - indomethacin. - calcium gluconate.

calcium gluconate

Why would the nurse encourage a client to void during the first stage of labor? - a full bladder is often injured during labor. - a full bladder may inhibit the progress of labor. - a full bladder jeopardizes the status of the fetus. - a full bladder predisposes the client to urinary infection.

a full bladder may inhibit the progress of labor

an at-term primigravida has dark red vaginal bleeding and complains of pain between contractions. The nuse palpates the abdomen, which is firm and shows no signs of relaxation. Which complication does the nuse suspect? - placenta previa. - precipitous birth. - abruptio placentae. - breech presentation.

abruptio placentae

Which phase of labor is the optimal time for the nurse to administer butorphanol? - early phase. - active phase. - transition phase. - expulsion phase.

active phase

an indirect Coombs' test is performed on a pregnant Rh- client to predict fetal risk for which disorder? - acute hemolytic anemia. - RDS. - protein metabolism deficiency. - physiological hyperbilirubinemia

acute hemolytic anemia

which antenatal precaution would be taken to minimize the risk of medication-induced teratogenesis? SATA - preventing conception. - discontinuing teratogenic medications during pregnancy if possible. - avoiding use of nonessential medications during pregnancy. - discussing termination if the medication that causes teratogenicity cannot be withheld. - educating the client about the risks associated w/teratogenic medication

all of the above

Which physiological alteration does the nurse expect in a client's hematological system during the second trimester of pregnancy? - an increase in hematocrit. - an increase in blood volume. - a decrease in sedimentation rate. - a decrease in WBCs.

an increase in blood volume

While changing a newborn girl's diaper the nurse observes a brick-red stain on the diaper. How would the nurse interpret this clinical finding? - a sign of low iron excretion. - an uncommon benign occurrence. - an expected finding in female newborns. - the result of a medication administered during labor

an uncommon benign occurrence

the nurse teaches a pregnant client in the first trimester about the effects of high-dose aspirin during pregnancy. Which statement made by the client indicates a need for further teaching? - aspirin should not be taken unless my provider tells me to do so. - aspirin may cause reye syndrome. - aspirin may increase teh risk of bleeding. - aspirin may suppress labor contractions.

aspirin may cause reye syndrome

a client's cervix is dilated to 7 cm and the presenting part is low in the midpelvis. Which instruction would the nuse give the client to help alleviate discomfort during contractions? - deep breathe slowly. - perform pelvic rocking. - use the panting technique. - begin patterned, paced breathing.

deep breathe slowly

which nursing action is most appropriate for a pregnant client at 23 weeks gestation with pica? - offering referral to a mental healthcare provider. - explaining the potential danger of pica to the fetus. - obtaining a prescription for an iron supplement. - determining whether the diet is safe and nutritionally adequate

determining whether the diet is safe and nutritionally adequate

a client at 30 wks is admitted for active labor. Despite tocolytic therapy, it is determined that preterm birth is inevitable. Which medication would the nuse anticipate administering to teh client? - Norgestrel. - aminophylline. - dexamethasone. - nifedipine.


a client is taking an estrogen-progestin oral contraceptive. Which adverse effects would the nuse teach the client to report to the PHCP? SATA. - dizziness. - chest pain. - bloating. - nausea. - calf tenderness. - breast tenderness.

dizziness, chest pain, calf tenderness

A client at 35 wks gestation calls the prenatal clinic, concerned that she has not felt the baby move as much as usual. The nuse would direct the client to call back after taking which action? - drink a glass of orange juice and time ten fetal movements - walk for 15 minutes and note if the fetus moves more frequently. - sit in a tub filled w/warm water and then time 30 fetal movements. - rest w/feet up and count the number of fetal movements for 20 minutes.

drink a glass of orange juice and time ten fetal movements

what is the first nursin intervention for a newborn with a 1-min apgar score of 7? - administering oxygen. - performing a brief physical assessment. - cutting the umbilical cord and attaching a clamp. - drying and providing warmth

drying and providing warmth

a client who has missed two menstrual periods arrives at the prenatal clinic with vaginal bleeding and one-sided lower quadrant pain. Which condition would the nuse suspect? - placenta previa. - ectopic pregnancy. - incomplete abortion. - rupture of a graafian follicle.

ectopic pregnancy

Which answer would the nurse give to a client who asks what is the common cause of a spontaneous abortion? - physical trauma. - unresolved stress. - congenital defects. - embryonic defects.

embryonic defects

which is a primary teaching point for a pregnant adolescent at the first prenatal clinic visit? - instructing her about the care of an infant. - informing her of hte risks of bottle-feeding. - advising her to watch for danger signs of preeclampsia. - encouraging her to continue regularly scheduled prenatal care.

encouraging her to continue regularly scheduled prenatal care

The nurse admits a client with severe preeclampsia to the high-risk prenatal unit. Which is the next nursing intervention after the vital signs have been obtained? - calling the PHCP. - checking the client's reflexes. - determining the client's blood type. - establishing an IV line.

establishing an IV line

a woman who is infertile is diagnosed with primary ovarian failure. Which fertility medication regimen would the nuse identify as being used to treat infertility? - clomiphene. - menotropins. - estrogens. - choriogonadotropin alfa.


Which is the most important need for a newly pregnancy client receiving phenytoin for seizures. - discussing the need to increase protein requirements. - providing a referral for immediate pregnancy termination. - stressing the need to decrease phenytoin to prevent fetal toxicity. - explaining why it is extremely important to take the prescribed folic acid supplements

explaining why it is extremely important to take the prescribed folic acid supplements

which is the first concern the nurse anticipates for the mother of a preterm newborn in the NICU? - fear of touching the infant. - failure to bond with the infant. - inability to provide breast milk for the infant. - anxiety that the father may not accept the infant.

fear of touching the infant

A newborn experiences a hypothermic period while being bathed and changed. Once the episode has been identified and treated, which is teh next action? - feeding the infant. - requesting a CBC. - monitoring the infant for hyperthermia. - allow the infant to rest undisturbed.

feeding the infant

an infant born with hydrocephalus will be discharged after insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Which common complication would hte nuse instruct the parents to report if it occurs at home? - visibility of the sclerae above the irises. - violent involuntary muscle contractions. - excessive fluid accumulation in the abdomen. - fever accompanied by decreased responsiveness.

fever accompanied by decreased responsiveness

The parents of a preterm infant are preparing to take their baby home. How would the nuse best evaluate the parents' competency in infant care? - ask the parents what they plan to do at home. - determine the rationales behind the parents' actions. - observe the parents while they are giving care to their infant - demonstrate care before having the parents give a return demonstration

observe the parents while they are giving care to their infant

Which nursing action is the priority for a breastfeeding postpartum client receiving an infusion of magnesium sulfate during the immediate postpartum period? - monitoring oral intake. - monitoring urinary output. - observing amount of lochia. - assessing breastfeeding technique.

observing amount of lochia

Which is a description of contractions that indicate true labor in a nullipara? - decrease when the client walks. - irregular and vary in intensity. - occur every five minutes for an hour. - occur every 10 minutes for an hour.

occur every five minutes for an hour

A pregnant client is prescribed heparin to prevent the risk of thromboembolism. Which is a possible adverse effect of this medication when used during pregnancy? SATA. - osteoporosis. - suppression of contractions in labor. - increased risk of serious bleeding. - stimulation of uterine contraction. - compression fractures of the spine.

osteoporosis, increased risk of serious bleeding, compression fractures of the spine

which symptom in a pregnant client lying on her back indicates the need for emergency intervention? - pallor. - eupnea. - bradycardia. - increased BP


For which condition is a pregnant client who takes levothyroxine at increased risk? - anemia. - infection - preeclampsia. - thyroid storm


a client at 36 weeks gestation has gained 5 lb in the previous week and has a pronounced increase in BP. Which is the initial intervention upon admission of the client to the high risk unit? - preparing for an imminent c-section. - providing a dark, quiet room with minimal stimuli - initiating IV furosemide to promote diuresis. - administering calcium gluconate to lower the BP.

providing a dark, quiet room with minimal stimuli

Which is the most appropriate nursing intervention when providing care for parents who have experienced a stillbirth? - giving a detailed explanation of what may have caused the stillbirth. - providing the parents the opportunity to say goodbye to their newborn - explaining that an autopsy is not recommended in the setting of a stillbirth. - waiting to provide any information about follow-up care until the parents have had an opportunity to adjust to the grief.

providing the parents the opportunity to say goodbye to their newborn

Which clinical manifestation of withdrawal will *not* be found in a newborn exposed to opioids prenatally? - sneezing. - hyperactivity. - high-pitched cry. - exaggerated moro reflex. - reduced DTRs.

reduced DTRs

a biphasic antiovulatory medication of combined progestin-estrogen is prescribed. Which instruction woudl the nuse include when teaching about this contraceptive? - report irregular vaginal bleeding. - restrict sexual activity temporarily. - have regular bimonthly pap smears. - increase dietary intake of calcium.

report irregular vaginal bleeding

a client w/severe preeclampsia is receiving magnesium sulfate. Which is the priority nursing assessment as the nurse monitors this client's response to therapy? - urine output. - respiratory rate. - BP. - level of consciousness.

respiratory rate

Which clinical finding during induction requires the nuse to discontinue the oxytocin infusion? - contractions occurring every 3 min lasting 60s. - elevation of BP from 110/70 to 135/85 mmHg over 30 minutes. - ROM w/amniotic fluid that contains threads of blood and mucus. - several late FHR decelerations that return to baseline after the contraction is over

several late FHR decelerations that return to baseline after the contraction is over

which complication is caused by a rising reticulocyte count in a newborn? - bacterial infection. - significant jaundice. - aplastic anemia. - adequate oxygenation

significant jaundice

which responses would the nurse offer a client who asks whether she should take soy supplements to decrease menopausal symptoms and improve bone density? SATA - these supplements can cause high cholesterol. - estrasorb is applied like a lotion but can't transfer to men. - soy supplements might interfere with thyroid hormone absorption. - these products have fewer contraindications than other estrogen products. - some women have reported nausea, bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

soy supplements might interfere with thyroid hormone absorption; some women have reported nausea, bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain

Which recommendation would the nurse make to a new breastfeeding mother who asks how to care for her nips? - put lanolin cream on the nipples after breastfeeding. - apply vitamin E gel to the nipples before breastfeeding. - use soap and water to clean the breasts and nipples at least once a day. - spread breast milk on the nipples after the feeding and allow them to air dry

spread breast milk on the nipples after the feeding and allow them to air dry

A newborn has an Apgar score of 3 at one minuet after birth. Which is the immediate nursing action in response to this Apgar score? - start resuscitation. - administer oxygen. - place in a heated crib. - stimulate by tapping the toes.

start resuscitation

at the beginning of hte first formula feeding a newborn begins to cough and choke, and the lips become cyanotic. Which is the nurse's priority action in response to this situation? - stimulate crying. - substitute sterile water for the formula. - suction the newborn with the bulb syringe. - stop the feeding momentarily and then restart it.

suction the newborn with the bulb syringe

Which recommendation would be best for the nurse to make to a sexually active teen who indicates that she keeps forgetting to take her BC? - switch the teen to a long-acting reversible contraceptive - encourage to download a daily reminder app on her phone. - enroll in a monthly reminder program through the clinic. - provide counseling and education regarding the importance of taking the pill consistently.

switch the teen to a long-acting reversible contraceptive

a pregnant client asks how smoking will affect the baby. Which information about cigarette smoking will influence the nurse's response? - it relieves maternal tension, and the fetus responds accordingly to the reduction ins tress. - the resulting vasoconstriction affects both fetal and maternal blood vessels. - substances contained in smoke permeate through the placenta and compromise the fetus' wellbeing. - effects are limited because fetal and maternal circulation are separated by the placental barrier.

the resulting vasoconstriction affects both fetal and maternal blood vessels

which activity would the nurse suggest for a client in labor who is having frequent painful contractions and those cervix has been dilated 2 cm for several hours without progression? - lying in bed on the right side. - therapeutic rest. - taking a walk around the labor unit. - using nipple stimulation to augment labor.

therapeutic rest

Within minutes of giving birth to a health infant, a client displays symptoms of respiratory distress, and an amniotic fluid embolism is suspected. For which other complication would the nurse assess this client? - HTN. - uterine atony. - thrombophlebitis. - uncontrolled bleeding.

uncontrolled bleeding

the nurse administers IV magnesium sulfate to a client w/preeclampsia. Which would cause the nurse to notify the HCP? - 2+ patellar reflex response. - RR of 18 breaths/min. - BP 112/76 mmHg. - urine output of less than 100 mL in 4 hours.

urine output of less than 100 mL in 4 hours

The nurse is assessing a postpartum client for signs of hemorrhage by evaluating the degree of perineal pad saturation. Which other parameter can the nurse use to estimate blood loss in a postpartum patient? - odor of the lochia. - color of the lochia. - presence of small clots on the pad. - weighing blood stained pads and items.

weighing blood stained pads and items

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