The identity property of addition
Anything plus zero stays the same. 0+99=99. 0+b=b
The identity property of multiplication
Anything times 1 stays the same 9x1=9. 1x=x
The zero property
Anything times zero equals zero 9x0=0. 0c=0.
The associative property ( of multiplication and addition )
Is when you add or multiply any three numbers then slide the parenthesees Here's a example 4x(4x8)=(4x4)x8 that is the associative property. There is a example with variables ( ab)c= a(bc).
The commutative property ( of addition and multiplication)
Is when you multiple two numbers take 7x9 for a example.The rule states switch their place in the problem. The answer stays the same 7x9=63 9x7= 63. 9x7=7x9 .Here is another example l x o= o x l.
The distributive property
Is when you multiply the number out side the parentheses and multiply the numbers in side the parentheses. Here is a example a(b+l)= a x b+ a x l. There is another example 4(9x6)=4x9+4x6.