Matthew 22

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22:1-14 which parables did Jesus tell in these verses

The parable of the wedding feast

22:40 what did Jesus say hung on these two commandments

all the law and the prophets

22:10 whom did the servants gather in the highways

all whom they found

22:9 who were the servants to invite

as many as you find

22:33 when the multitudes heard Jesus reply to the sadducees they were

astonished at His teaching

22:10 all whom the servants found were both _________ and ____________

bad, good

22:13 what did the king say to the servants to do to the man

bind him hand and foot, take him away, cast him into outer darkness

22:25 the first brother died and left his wife to his


22:41-42 Jesus asked the pharisees while they were gathered together, "What do you think about the _____________? whose _____________ is He?"

christ, son

22:31 wha did jesus ask the sadducees if they had read what was spoken to them by god

concerning the resurrection of the dead

22:43 after the pharisees replied to Jesus "the son of david" He asked them "how then does __________ in the ___________ call Him __________"

david, spirit, Lord

22:46 no one dared question Jesus anymore from that __________ on


22:32 Jesus said, "god is not the god of the ___________, but of the _____________."

dead, living

22:7 what were the armies supposed to do to the murderers

destroy them and burn up their city

22:15 what did the Pharisees plot to do to Jesus

entangle Him in His talk

22:38 Jesus said this was the __________ and ____________ commandment.

first, great

22:7 when the king heard what happened to his servants he was


22:10 who filled the wedding hall


22:17 the disciples with the Herodians asked Jesus if it was lawful to pay what

taxes to Caesar

22:16 the disciples with the Herodians said to Jesus, "__________ we know that You are __________, and _____________ the way of God in _______________; nor do You care about ________________, for You do not ____________ the _____________ of men.

teacher, true, teach, truth, anyone, regard, person

22:18 Jesus said to the disciples with the Herodians "why do you __________ me"


22:35 a lawyer asked Jesus a question to _________ Him


22:15 who plotted to entangle Jesus in His talk

the Pharisees

22:10 where did the servants go to gather all whom they found

the highways

22:9 where were the servants instructed to go to invite to the wedding

the highways

22:12 who was speechless

the man

22:11 what was the man missing

a wedding garment

22:32 Jesus quoted God saying that God was the God of these men

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

22:11 when the king came to see the guests who did he see

a man

22:2 what did the king arrange for his son

a marriage

22:21 whose image and inscription did the disciples with the Herodians say was on the denarius


22:45 after Jesus quoted David He asked "if ___________ then _________ Him _____________, how is He his _____________"

David, calls, Lord, Son

22:3 T or F those who were invited were willing to come to the wedding


22:11 the king asked the man "____________, how did you ___________ in here without a _____________ _____________?"

Friend, come, wedding, garment

22:34what did the pharisees hear that caused them to gather together

Jesus had silenced the sadducees

22:44 Jesus quotes from David saying "the __________ said to my ___________, __________ at my _____________ hand, till I make your ______________ your _______________."

LORD, Lord, sit, right, enemies, footstools

22:2 what was the kingdom of heaven like

a certain king

22:2 who arranged a marriage for his son

a certain king

22:19 what did the disciples with the Herodians bring to Jesus

a denarius

22:35-36 who asked Jesus "which is the great commandment in the law?"

a lawyer

22:7 what did the king send out

his armies

22:18 what did Jesus call the disciples with the Herodians


22:5 but the invited guests made ___________ of it and went their __________.

light, ways

22:30 what did jesus say the brothers and the woman were at the resurrection

like angels of God in heaven

22:39 Jesus said the second commandment is what

like it

22:37 Jesus answered the lawyer by saying "you shall _________ the __________ your ___________ with all your _______________, with all your ______________, and with all your ______________."

love, Lord, God, heart, soul, mind

22:39 Jesus said the second commandment is "you shall __________ your ______________ as _____________."

love, neighbor, yourself

22:24 the Sadducees quoted Moses saying "if a ______ dies, having no _______________, his ___________ shall _____________ his ______________ and raise up __________________ for his _______________."

man, children, brother, marry, wife, offspring, brother

22:14 why would there be weeping and gnashing of teeth

many are called but few are chosen

22:29 jesus answered the sadducees by telling them they were


22:46 after the "can david call his descendant lord" questions did anyone dare question Him anymore


22:5 where did the invited guests go

one to his own farm, another to his business

22:1 Jesus answered and spoke to them again by __________


22:4 when the king sent out more servants they were to say "See I have _____________ my dinner; my __________ and fatted ____________ are ____________, and all things are _____________. _____________ to the ____________."

prepared, oxen, cattle, killed, ready, come, wedding

22:21 Jesus said to the disciples with the Herodians "___________ therefore to _____________ the things that are _______________, and to ______________ the things that are ______________."

render, Caesar, Caesar's, God, God's

22:23 the Sadducees say there is no _______________


22:28 the sadducees then asked "in the _______________, whose ____________ of the _____________ will she be?"

resurrection, wife, seven

22:3 who did the king send out to call those invited to the wedding


22:25 how many brothers were there


22:42 the pharisees replied to Jesus' question "what do you think about the christ? whose son is He?" by saying "the _________ of __________."

son, david

22:19 Jesus asked the disciples with the Herodians to show him what

tax money

22:33 who was astonished at His teaching

the multitudes

22:34 who gathered together when they heard that Jesus had silenced the sadducees

the pharisees

22:29 jesus said the sadducees did not know

the scriptures nor the power of God

22:26 who else died after the first brother

the second, the third, even to the seventh

22:10 what was filled with guests

the wedding hall

22:27 who died last after all the brothers

the woman

22:16 who dd the pharisees send to Jesus

their disciples with the Herodians

22:18 but what did Jesus perceive in the disciples with the Herodians question

their wickedness

22:40 Jesus said that all the law and the prophets hung on what

these two commandments

22:34 what did the pharisees do when they heard that Jesus had silenced the sadducees

they gathered together

22:22 what did the disciples with the Herodians do when they heard Jesus reply about the taxes to Caesar

they marveled, left Him and went their way

22:30 what did jesus say happens in the resurrection

they neither marry nor are given in marriage

22:3 who were the servants sent out to call

those invited to the wedding

22:8 after the murderers were destroyed the king said who was not worthy

those who were invited

22:6 what did the rest of the invited guest do to the servants

treated them spitefully, and killed them

22:46 T or F no one was able to answer the questions about how David could be the Lord's son


22:13 what would happen after the man was bound, taken away and cast into darkness

weeping and gnashing of teeth

22:20 Jesus asked the disciples with the Herodians to tell him what was on the denarius

whose image and inscription

22:8 after the murderers were destroyed the king said those who were invited were not


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