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the equilibrium potential for Na+ is

(+50mV) (interior of the cell is very positive and wants to repel positive ion from entering)

DNA strands can be pulled appart (____________) and brought back together (____________)

(denatured); (reannealed)

physics example acceleration of masses pulley example find the acceleration of the blocks?

-Positive direction of rotation is clockwise - Mg and Fn cancel on the large mass block and dont contribute to net force acting on masses - this means (+mg) force Fnet = m(total) (a) mg = (m + M) (a) a = [(m) / (M + m )] * (g)

In Sociology, the Sick Role theory includes two rights and two obligations of a sick person

-Right to be exempt from normal social roles -Right to not be responsible for their condition -obligation to try and get well -obligation to seek treatment and cooperate with medical professionals

FADH2 accumulates _________ ATP


sp3 hybridized molecule have a bond angle of _____________ degrees.

109.5 degrees

pico- (p) is equal to______


centi (c) is equal to ______


ratio for isosceles right triangles is

1: 1 : √2

p subshell

2 lobes Px, Py and Pz = same energy

maximum number of electrons held in each block: _________ e- in S block _________ e- in P-block _________ e- in D-block _________ e- in F-block

2; 6; 10; 14

saturated molecule has ________+ ____ = number of hydrogens

2C + 2

How many types of RNA polymerases are used by eukaryotic cells?



3 fatty acids on a glycerol backbone (3-C alcohol)

DNA is read in ______' -> _____' direction but synthesized from ________' -> ________'

3' -> 5' ; 5' -> 3'

Which of the following is NOT a required component of replication?

3' to 5' synthesis with DNA polymerase

Eukatyotes get ______ ATP from glycolysis/Krebs/ETC and Prokaryotes get _______ ATP ONLY if Oxygen is present

30 ATP; 32 ATP

After TCA cycle, how many ATP, NADH, FADH2 produced?


For every FADH2 that is Oxidized into FAD+ in the ETC how many molecules of ATP are formed?

4 ATP ( 2 ATP per FADH2)

DNA is organized into __________ chromosomes within human cells.


how many NADH produced in Krebs cycle(CITRIC ACID/ TCA)?

6 NADH (3 per Acetyl CoA)


A double sugar, consisting of two monosaccharides joined by dehydration synthesis.

"Always Digging Holes" this hormone allows reabsorption of water from kidneys, thereby concentrating the urine.Caffeine and alcohol are ADH blockers

ADH- Anti Diuretic Hormone

tumor produced when

ALL Checkpoints have failed

Many H+ (protons) that are sitting in the outer mitochondrial membrane want to be pushed back into the mitochondrial matrix, now they will go back through _________ ___________. This is called _______________. This entire process occurs during ____________ ____________.

ATP SYNTHASE; Chemiosmosis; Oxidative Phosphorylation

pyruvate is facilitated to form ________ ______ with the enzyme __________ ______________. _______ is reduced into __________ in this process. This is an ______________ reaction meaning the ΔG is ___________.

Acetyl-CoA; Pyruvate dehydrogenase; NAD+ ; NADH; negative

The Neurotransmitter __________________ influences behavior by Voluntary muscle control, parasympathetic nervous system, attention and alertness


____________________ is a Social Behavior with the intention to cause harm or increase Social dominance


How does bile work to aid in fat digestion?

Amphipathic structure (polar head, nonpolar tail)

in Plants, _____________ is a straight chain with 2 terminals, ALL storing _____________ to slow down rates to break things down. Also contains ________________ for some branching.

Amylose; Glucose; Amoxylose

The _____________ __________________ is the new chiral center formed in a ring closure, previously the carbon (containing the carbonyl in the straight-chain form).

Anomeric carbon


Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH)

Which of the following are hormones released by the posterior pituitary?

Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) And Oxytocin

Semi-essential Amino acids

Arginine, Histidine, Cysteine, Tyrosine

What Polar hydrophilic Amino acid is this?

Asparagine (Asn) (N)

in physics, __________ _____________ (V) = ∆s / ∆t (displacement / time)

Average Velocity

Pneumonic BAPAN Amino acids


Pneumonic Story 1 (BAPAN and his art) BAPAN B = basic Loves His Art A =acidic As God

B = basic Lysine Histidine Arginine A = acidic Aspartic acid Glutamic acid

The ____________ _____________ is a part of the Forebrain that Smoothens movements and helps to maintain Postural Stability

Basal Ganglia

The ______________ _____________ is a part of the Forebrain that smoothens movements and helps maintain postural stability

Basal ganglia

______________ ______________ are proteins that bind a specific substrate, either to sequester (net removal of CO2 from atmosphere) it into the body or hold its concentration at a steady state.

Binding Proteins

_____________ neurons are in the eye


____________ ____ _______________ is a disorder that characterizes a person to have at least one Manic episode

Bipolar I Disorder

_____________ ____ _____________ - is a type of bipolar disorder that contains at least one manic episode

Bipolar I Disorder



What hormone directly stimulates osteoblasts?


determining the number of electrons of an atom is by __________. This is the #__________ - (minus) # _____________.

Charge; protons; electrons

large proton pump 1 in ETC is called ____________ ___ _____________

Coenzyme Q Reductase

___________________ __________________ is a disorder that is characterized by the unexplained symptoms affecting motor and sensory functions

Conversion disorder

in psychology, _____________ (relationship between 2 variables) DOES NOT MEAN ________________.

Correlation; Causation

_________________ _____________ Theory - is a type of Attribution theory (infer changes of other peoples behavior) that describes attributions made by observing the intentional (especially expected) behaviors performed by another person

Correspondent Inference Theory

ADRENAL CORTEX: results in a longer-term stress response; increased blood [glucose]; increased protein catabolism; decreased inflammation and immunity; many other

Cortisol (glucocorticoid)

This structure of an amino acid is considered to be _____.


Which of the following is the most important resonance structure of the 4-fluorotoluene cation?


The monosaccharides include:

D-fructose D-glucose D-galactose D-manose

Prokaryotic cells synthesize DNA with _____________ _______________ _____

DNA Polymerase III

Nature vs. Nurture definition and examples

Debate regarding the contributions of genetics (nature) and environment (nurture) to an individuals traits. ex) Family, twin and adoption studies

How does myelin increase the efficiency with which an action potential is conducted in a neuron?

Decreasing the surface area to be depolarized

________________ are the statistical arm of sociology


in psychology, ________________ of ________________ theory seeks to explain how, why and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. This is by Everett Rogers

Diffusion of Innovations;

Acetic acid forms ___________ when going into the Vapor phase. This is ____ interactions formed with _____________ bonding and is ________________ stabilized. This has ______ times the molecular weight and an unusually _______ boiling point.

Dimers; 2; Hydrogen; Resonance; 2x; high

Which of the following correctly orders the steps of apoptosis?

Disassemble cytoskeleton, break down nuclear membrane, break down genome, phagocytic digestion

In behavioral sciences Learning, ___________________ occurs when a second stimulus intervenes, causing a RESENSITIZATION of the original stimulus


In learning and Memory, __________________ is the process that occurs when a second stimulus intervenes, causing a _________________ to the original stimulus

Dishibituation; Resensitization

_____________________ is the loss of self-awareness in large groups and can lead to drastic changes in behavior


_____________ ____________ ______________ - is a motivation theory that states, Individuals act to relieve Internal states of tension

Drive reduction theory

_________________ are proteins that travel towards the minus end of the microtubule (towards the center of the cell)


__________ waves are Brain waves


in psychology, the ______________ ____________ ___________ by Urie Bronfenbrenner, offers a framework through which community psychologists examine individuals relationships within communities and the wider society

Ecological Systems Theory

In Sociology, _______________ is a social institution, Sociologists understand this as a set of arrangements by which a society produces, distributes and consumes goods, services, and other resources.


three germ layers of embryological development distinct in the Gastrula include

Ectoderm Endoderm Mesoderm

In Sociology, _______________ is a social institution, A Formal process whereby knowledge, skills, and values are systematically transmitted from one individual or group to another. This process is essential to the development of _____________. This is also an important agent of ________________ and encourages Social integration especially in Countries with Diverse populations (USA & Canada)

Education; Culture; Socialization;

________________ or "Electron Loving" and are electron deficient and bear a full or partially positive charge. When reacting with a _____________, they _________ a pair of electrons and acquire a covalent bond, AKA Lewis acid.

Electrophiles (E+); nucleophile (Nu-); Accept;

____________ _____________ is considered one of the fathers of modern society. He pioneered modern social research and established a field of sociology as separate from psychology and political physiology. He was a major proponent of FUNCTIONALISM. He proposed that more complex societies involve many ___________ but ______________ parts working together to maintain stability is known as ____________ ____________. He stated that modern societies are quite complex and require many different types of people working together to make _____________ function. The individual is significant only in terms of his/her ___________, his/hers _________ in patterns of social relations and his/hers associated _______________.

Emile Durkheim; different; interdependent; dynamic equilibrium; society ; Status; Position; Behaviors;

________________ is the process of putting new information into memory. Facts are stored via ___________ ____________. Retrieval of information is often based of _____________ interconnected nodes of the ___________ ____________. _______________ of information is stronger than ____________.

Encoding; Semantic Networks; Priming; Semantic Networks; Recognition; Recall;

___________________ is a lightly packed form of chromatin (DNA, RNA and protein) that is enriched in genes and is often (not always) under ACTIVE transcription. This comprises the most active portion of the genome within the Nucleus


Which of the following terms defines a spontaneous reaction?


in mRNA post-processing, ____________ are expressed while ____________ go in the trash

Exons; Introns

In physics, Uniform Circular Motion equation for Centripetal force is ________ = _____ _______ / _______. and _______(cause) = _______(effect).

F(c) = m * V^2 / r ; Fnet = Fc

Conjugation can occur between bacterial cells of what status?

F+ to F-

what is the magnitude of the applied force? A. 2.5 kg m/s B. 25 kg m/s C. 250 kg m/s D. 2500 kg m/s^2

F= ma D. 2500 kg m/s^2

Exception to Hund's Rule

Fe3+ has a HALF filled subshell which gain extra stability similar to a fully filled subshell Fe3+: [Ar] 3d5

Individual forces and their net forces

Fnet = F1 + F2 + F3 +....

what is the reaction force to the force of gravity acting on a person?

Force of gravity the person exerts upwards on the earth is - note: not Normal force because action-reaction pairs must be forces on 2 objects (not same person) if referring to Newtons 3rd law - if referring to Newtons 1st Law, Normal force on the ground of the person is equal to the force of gravity -> someone standing on the ground is not accelerating, so the Net force acting on the person is 0

The ____________ contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, limbic system and cerebral cortex (organization of the brain)


The _________________ is an organization of the brain that contains the Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Basal Ganglia, Limbic System, and Cerebral Cortex


In behavioral sciences, Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development: 4. _________________ __________________ stage - focuses on abstract thought and problem-solving

Formal Operational

In psychology, Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development include: 4. ______________ _____________Stage: (11 or 12+) Focuses on abstract thought and problem solving

Formal Operational Stage

Piaget's stages of cognitive development: 4. __________________ ________________(12+): At this stage, the adolescent or young adult begins to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems. _______________ thought emerges. Teens begin to think more about moral, philosophical, ethical, social, and political issues that require ________________ and ______________ reasoning. Begin to use ______________ ______________, or reasoning from a general principle to specific information

Formal Operational; Abstract; Theoretical; Abstract; Deductive Logic

in sociology, ________________ ______________ in demographic transition theory is generalised by the description of changing patterns of mortality, fertility and growth rates as societies move from one demographic regime to another

Frank Notestein

Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate is dephosphorylated in gluconeogeneisis by the enzyme called ______________ ____ _________________. Glucose 6 Phosphate is dephosphorylated by ____________ ____ ___________________.

Fructose 1,6 Bisphosphatase; Glucose 6 Phosphatase

___________________ is a sociology theory that focuses on the function and relationships of each component of society


________________ Is a Sociological theory that views society as a complex system composed of many individual parts working together maintaining solidarity and social stability. This compares society to a living organism. Individuals can be thought of as _________, Social groups like families can be thought of as ____________. Larger social structures like communities can be thought of as ____________ (etc.)

Functionalism; Cells; Tissues; Organs

_________________ ___________ ___________ is a type of Attribution theory (infer changes of other person behavior) that is a bias towards making dispositional attributions (causes relate to the features of the person who is being considered) rather than situational attributions (causes relate to features of the surrounding or social context)

Fundamental Attribution Error

In behavioral sciences, __________________ ______________ are the ways that the brain can infer missing parts of an image when its incomplete

Gestalt Principles

in psychology, ____________ ______________ are ways that the brain can infer missing parts of an image when its incomplete.

Gestalt principles

ALPHA CELLS OF THE ISLETS OF LANGERHANS IN THE PANCREAS: secreted at low blood [glucose] and results in an increase in blood [glucose] and decrease in glycogen and fat storage


In Sociology, Education is often referred to as the "Great equalizer", How does education promote Inequality?

Hidden Curriculum - latent function, unintentional lessons taught in school about "norms, values and beliefs" Teacher Expectancy - expectations about how an individual/ group will perform academically that impacts the teachers behavior towards the individual/ group and results in individual/group conforming to expectations Educational Segregation and Stratification - An unequal distribution of academic resources that reinforces class differences

The _________________ contains the cerebellum, medulla oblongata and reticular formation (organization of the brain)


The _________________ is an organization of the brain that contains the cerebellum, medulla oblongata and reticular formation


According to Freud's Psychosexual theory, The ____________ is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories (creates demands). This is all in the _________________.

Id; Unconscious

________________ are individual components of our Self-Concept (how we see who we are) related to the groups to which we belong


In Epidemiology, ________________ = new cases / population (at risk) [per time] _________________ = number cases (new or old) / tot population (per time)

Incidence; Prevalence

As the pH of the body decreases, how is ventilation rate impacted?

Increased to release CO2

Mixed inhibitors Km ______________ or _______________ and Vmax _______________

Increases or decreases; Decreases;

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development include: 4. ____________ vs. _______________ (5-12yr) Virtue developed is Competency

Industry vs. Inferiority

in physics ________________ ______________ is the speed and direction at a given moment

Instantaneous Velocity

In psychology, Motivation Theories include: 1. ________________ Theory - Innate, fixed patterns of behavior in response to stimuli (not learned experiences).

Instinct Theory

______________ _____________ is a motivation theory that is Innate, fixed patterns of behavior in response to stimuli

Instinct theory

_________________ are proteins that mostly travel towards the plus end of the microtubules that they are on (away from center of cell)


__________________ _____________ (______________________) is a sense that causes the ability to tell where one's body is in space

Kinesthetic Sense (Proprioception)

_________________ _____________(_________________) Is a sense that has the ability to tell where one's body is in space.

Kinesthetic sense (Proprioception)

in physics, __________ ___________ is the energy of motion. The equation for this is _______ = _____/_____ _____ _____. This is in units of __________. Energy is the ability to do __________. This is a __________ quantity.

Kinetic Energy; KE = 1/2 mV^2 ; J ; work; scalar;

at 1/2 Vmax, substrate concentration equals


Which amino acid would you expect to find in the middle of an integral protein embedded in the phospholipid bilayer? A. Arginine B. Leucine C. Serine D. Glutamine

Leucine, because in the middle of the phospholipid bilayer, its composed of nonpolar fatty acid tails. as a result, we would expect to find a Non-polar AA in the middle of the bilayer as a part of the integral protein.

In psychology, Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development are based on the Tensions caused by the _____________(_________ ______) with the failure at any given stage leading to ______________.

Libido (sexual energy); Fixation

_______________is an enzyme that is responsible for joining two large biomolecules, often of the same type


What genetic configuration disrupts the Mendelian laws of genetics?

Linkage of genes on the same chromosome

________________ is a type of drug with some features of depressants, stimulants and Hallucinogens (in very high doses)


____________________ are a drug group that has some features of depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens (in very high doses)


__________ __________ is a type of culture that characterizes physical items one associates with a given group (art, clothing, food or buildings)

Material Culture

__________________ in Epidemiology, is the deaths causes by a given disease


pneumonic "Must Be Good" - Embryonic stages

Morula Blastula Gastrula

Peptide hormones Solubility

Most are POLAR and WATER SOLUBLE, can travel freely in the blood

____________________ is the purpose or driving force behind our actions


_______________ is the purpose or driving force behind our actions. _______________ is based on external circumstances and ________________ is based on internal drive or perception.

Motivation; Extrinsic; Intrinsic;

____________________ is the encouragement of multiple cultures within a community to enhance diversity.


special angles

NOTICE THE TREND: (Cosine top number of square root 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0) (Sine is 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4) Ø = 0 degrees CosØ =√4/2 SinØ = 0 Ø = 30 degrees CosØ =√3/2 SinØ = √1/2 = 0.5 Ø = 45 degrees CosØ =√2/2 SinØ = √2/2 Ø = 60 degrees CosØ =√1/2 SinØ = √3/2 = 0.85 Ø = 90 degrees CosØ = 0 SinØ = √4/2 = 1 Ø = 180 degrees CosØ = -1 SinØ = 0 Valentines day: √2 = 1.4 St. Patricks day: √3 = 1.7

which of the following amino acids are nonpolar? A. Lysine B. Glutamate C. Phenylalanine D. Histidine

NP AA include: Methionine Alanine Isoleucine Proline Phenylalanine Tryptophan Valine Leucine

______________ ______ _____________ is a debate regarding the contributions of genetic and environment to an individuals traits. Family, twin and adoption studies are used.

Nature vs. Nurture;

Oxytocin and Prolactin

Necessary for milk production and ejection

This graph represents (in psychology)

Negative Correlation

What is the most common process by which enzyme activity is regulated?

Negative Feedback loop

This graph represents (in psychology)

No correlation

___________________ OR __________ ___________ (ability to pick up a proton) Increases on the Periodic table reading from Right -> Left (Fluorine -> Na+)

Nucelophilicity; Lewis basicity

depending on number of phosphate groups attached to a nucelotide, call them _____________________ and write number of phosphates for example:

Nuceloside; (Monophosphate), (Diphosphate), (Triphosphate)

_______________ are a part of the DNA structure that contain a 5-carbon sugar bound to a nitrogenous base


Freud's stages of psychosexual development: 1. ________________(0-1):Erogenous zone - Mouth; infants primary source of interaction occurs through the mouth. Sucking reflex and tasting via eating


______________ ______________ in Freud's psychosexual development stages includes Smoking, Chewing gum and nail-biting.

Oral fixation

Sigmund Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development include 1. ______________ stage - (0-1yr) - children derive pleasure from oral activities, including sucking and tasting.

Oral stage

_______________ is an element of Social Interaction and is a group with a structure and culture designed to achieve specific goals. This exists outside of each individual's membership


What stage(s) of sexual response is/are mediated by the sympathetic nervous system?

Orgasm and resolution

pneumonic "FOL(d) M(a)PS"

Ovarian cycle: Follicular phase, Ovulatory phase, Luteal phase Menstrual cycle: Menstrual flow, Proliferative phase, Secretory phase **The ovarian cycle controls the menstrual cycle. The cycles begin(day 0) when the menstrual flow starts. At day 14, the luteal and secretory phases begin and last until day 28, after which the cycles begin again

Which of the following intermediates in gluconeogenesis is NOT also an intermediate of glycolysis?


__________________ reacts with ___________ ______ in the beginning of the Krebs cycle.

Oxaloacetate and Acetyl-CoA

The first intermediate product in gluconeogenesis is to turn Pyruvate into ___________________, which is then turned into Phosphoenol pyruvate. This process is the _______________ and ______________ of a carbon, which is an energy rich process (similar to fatty acid synthesis)

Oxaloacetate; addition and removal;

Glucagon (alpha) & Insulin (beta) & Somatostatin (sigma) are secreted by the __________________.


____________ _____________ - type of anxiety disorder that causes one to have recurrent attacks of intense, overwhelming fear and sympathetic nervous system activity (fight or flight) with no clear stimulus. This MAY lead to ___________________ - type of anxiety disorder that causes one to have fear of places or situations where it is hard for an individual to escape

Panic Disorder; Agoraphobia

Longitudinal waves move

Parallel To source (II) <- Parallel symbol = To

The _________________________ branch of the autonomic nervous system is focused on " ____________ ____________ _____________" responses

Parasympathetic; "Rest and Digest"


Parathyroid Hormone

criticism of Rational Choice theory

People do not always act in the most rational ways.

Sensory stimuli are transmitted to _____________ _____________ in the brain, which further analyze the sensory INPUT

Projection areas

Sensory stimuli are transmitted to _____________ __________ in the brain, which further analyze the sensory input.

Projection areas;



______________ is the ONLY amino acid whose R-group is Covalently linked to the amino group of the amino acid. Because of this, it will cause "kinks" in the chain of amino acids.


What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this?

Proline (Pro) (P)

Conflict Theory can be used to look at ________, _________, ______________ class and many other sociological constructs. This is a __________- level theory of society.

Race; gender; socioeconomic; Macro-level

an enzyme catalyst increases the ____________ of ____________ by: 1. stabilizes the ____________ ___________ to lower activation energy 2. REDUCE ____________ ______________ (_____) BUT catalysts CANNOT: 1. Change ____________ 2. make ________________ reactions become ________________

Rate of reaction; 1. Transition state; 2. Activation energy (Ea); 1. ΔG 2. Nonspontaneous; spontaneous

The Visual Pathway is: ______________ --> _________ __________ --> _____________ _____________--> ____________ ___________ --> ____________ ____________ ___________ (_____) of thalamus --> ____________ ___________

Retina --> Optic Nerve --> Optic Chiasm --> Optic Tracts --> Lateral Geniculate nucleus (LGN) --> Visual Cortex


Return of the cell to resting potential, caused by re-entry of potassium into the cell while sodium exits the cell.

_______________ is an element of Social Interaction and is a set of beliefs, values, and norms that define the expectations of a certain status


What Polar hydrophilic Amino acid is this?

Serine (Ser) (S)

The Neurotransmitter __________________ influences behavior by Mood, sleep, eating and dreaming


___________________ is a neurotransmitter that influences behavior through Mood, Sleep, Eating and Dreaming


ADRENAL CORTEX: not normally important, but an adrenal tumor can overproduce these, causing masculinization or feminization.

Sex steroids

In behavioral sciences Memory, __________-____________ ______________ is less than 1 minute

Short-term memory

similar to Rational Choice Theory of Sociology (any behavior), _________________ _______________ Theory is specific to when individuals interact with each other, suggesting that individuals assign rewards (benefits) and punishments (costs) to interactions and prefer those with greatest personal benefit. This is a _____________- level theory

Social Exchange theory; Micro-level

what happens to the area of a circle if the radius doubles? (Use Proportions)

Step 1: Determine the equation that related the two variables A = π r^2 Step 2: Identify all of the constants or effective constants π Step 3: Write the equation as a proportion without constants A ∝ r^2 Step 4: Plug in the factor by which the independent variable is changing r -> 2r (going up by a factor of 2 or doubling) Step 5: Solve for the factor by which the variable of interest is changing - substitute 2r into proportion (r^2) A∝ (2r)^2 = 4A A -> 4A A goes 4x its original value (changing by a factor of 4)

________________ _____________ is a feeling of anxiety about confirming a negative stereotype

Stereotype threat

Amino Acid Derivative Synthesis


Steroid Hormones Synthesis

Synthesized in a series of reactions from CHOLESTEROL

pneumonic for Cardiac Cycle I Contract a Cyst

Systole = contraction Diastole = relaxation

Pneumonic TV TILL PM is for Essential Amino acids that must be obtained from diet

T - Threonine V- Valine T- Tryptophan I - isoleucine L - Leucine L - Lysine P - Phenylalanine M - Methionine

in physics, the formula for the period of a pendulum is _____ = ____ _____ √(____/_____)

T = 2π√(L/g)

____________ is a sense that causes the detection of dissolved compounds by taste buds in Papillae


_____________ is a sense to detect dissolved compounds by taste buds in papillae



The formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources, such as amino acids.

Physics example for Electric potential energy: Suppose you have a source charge Q = +10nC. A hydride ion (H-) starts from rest at a distance of 10 mm from this source charge and moves to a distance of 5 mm from the charge. How much work does the Electric Field do?

Think about what the sign should be W > 0 - work should be positive because a force is exerted from H- towards the positive charge (left) , and the displacement is also towards the positive charge (left) , meaning work is positive. Φ(10mm) = KQ/ 10 *10^-3 Φ = (9*10^9) (10*10-9C) / 10 *10^-3m Φ = 9 *10 ^3 V (volts) Φ ∝ 1/r (inversely proportional bc of KQ/r ) - because radius decreased by a factor of 2, Φ will increase by a factor of 2 Φ (5mm) = 2 Φ(10mm) = 2 (9*10^3) = 18 * 10^3 V Work done by Electric field is negative and the charge of the Hydride ion is (-e) ΔPE = Φfinal - Φinitial Work done by electric field W(by E) = - ΔPE = - q ΔΦ = - (-e) (18 - 9 (10^3)) = = (1.6*10^-19C) (9* 10^9 eV) = 1.44 *10^-15 V J

in sociology, ________________ ______________ theorized that populations would continue expanding until growth is stopped or reversed by disease, famine, war or calamity.

Thomas Malthus

In psychology, Problem-solving techniques include ________-________-________, _______________, _______________ ___________ (deriving conclusions from general rules) and ______________ ____________ (deriving generalizations from evidence.

Trial-and-error; Algorithms; Deductive reasoning; Inductive reasoning;

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development include: 1. ____________ vs. _______________ (infant - 18mo) - Virtue developed is Hope

Trust vs. Mistrust

In the internal of the INNER ear, the ________________ and ______________ detect LINEAR acceleration

Utricle and Saccule

Formula to find Vmax

V = Vmax [S] / Km + [S]

when acceleration is constant, the formula for when the displacement (d) is missing of Big five equations is:

V = Vo + at

when acceleration is constant, the formula for when the time (t) is missing of Big five equations is:

V^2 =Vo^2 + 2ad

A mixture of dipeptides was being evaluated by researchers. At pH 7.4, which of the following dipeptides in the mixture would most likely bind to a cation exchange column? A. Val-Lys B. Tyr-Glu C. His-Asp D. Leu-Cys

Val-Lys - cation exchange columns bind positively charged species and will thus bind dipeptides with a net positive charge. At neutral pH, only Val-Lys dipeptide has a net positive charge

What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this?

Valine (Val) (V)

when dividing a vector by a scalar you get another _____________ out


in physics, ________________ is the speed and direction. This is a ____________ in units of __________/__________. Its symbol is V

Velocity; Vector; m/s

in psychology, _____________ ____________ states that the just-noticeable differences for a stimulus is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus, and this proportion is constant over most of the range of possible stimuli

Weber's Law

in physics, ____________ is the force of gravity from a large mass (planet) exerted on a small mass (person) on the surface of the earth. These two forces are experiencing __________ ___________ ____________, thus they are equal and opposite. This means ________ = _____ ______ = _____ ______/ _______ (earth). AND THUS, _____ = ____ _____(earth) / _______ (earth).

Weight; Newtons 3rd law; W = mg = G * Mtotal / R^2 (earth); g = G*M(earth) /R^2 (earth)

________________ ______________ - is a language area of the brain that aids in Language Comprehension. Damage results in _______________ ______________ - fluent, nonsensical aphasia with lack of comprehension

Wernicke's Area; Wernicke's Aphasia

What type of inheritance leads to males passing a trait to all and only their male offspring?


a peptide bond is formed between ____________. A. Two aromatic groups B. Two amino groups C. a carboxyl group and an amino group D. an ester group and an amine group E. two carboxyl groups

a carboxyl group and an amino group - Each amino acid has an N and a C terminus. The N terminus contains an amino group and the C terminus contains a carboxylic acid group. In order to make a peptide linkage (and eventually create a polypeptide), a bond must form between the amino and carboxylic groups, with water as a byproduct.

autoimmune disease

a disease in which the immune system attacks the organism's own cells with the use of immune suppressant drugs

Triflate is the conjugate base of triflic acid (pKa = -12). Based on this information alone we can predict that triflate is most likely:

a good leaving group, but nucleophilicity cannot be predicted.


a hormone secreted by the small intestine that decreases gastric secretions and motility

The symmetry model describes a form of cooperative binding. Most enzymes do not engage in cooperative binding. The predicted shape of a graph representing reaction rate versus the addition of substrate to most enzymes would be expected to be

a hyperbola

Bronsted-Lowry base

a molecule or ion that is a proton acceptor

Bronsted-Lowry acid

a molecule or ion that is a proton donor; Likes to give up H+ into solution and leave behind a conjugate base

In physics, Uniform Circular Motion equation for acceleration is _____ = ______ / ______. ______ increases _______ and ______ decreases ______. Centripital force is not a _______________ force, it is a result of a net ____________ force (gravity, tension, friction..etc). Forces that act _______________ to velocity cannot change the SPEED.

a(c) = V ^2 / r ; a; V; r; a; Physical; physical; perpendicular;

A man pushes down at an angle of 30 degrees from the horizontal on a 100kg crate of skates in a hockey rink (negligible friction) with a force of 200N. a. What acceleration does the crate experience? b. How far will this crate move if pushed with this constant force in 2s if it starts from rest?

a. acceleration will be in the x-direction Fnet = ma Fx = max Fx = 200 cos 30 cos 30 = 0.85 200 * 0.85 = 170 170 = 100ax ax = 1.7 m/s^2 b. Voy = 0 (rest) t = 2s d =? missing Vf -> d = Vot + 1/2 at^2 d = (0)(2) + 1/2 (1.7)(2)^2 d = 3.4 m

a. what is the slope during various stages of this process? b. what does this mean about motion?

a. slope = rise / run = x (m) / t (s) slope of position vs. time graph = Velocity time (initial) time (final) 0 1 1 4 4 8 velocity from 0-1s = 4m/1s = 4m/s velocity from 1-4s = 0m/s (no slope = horizontal line) velocity from 4-8s = -4m / 4s = -1 m/s (negative because slope going down) b. - initially moving forward with positive velocity - then stopped and not moving at all - then negative velocity is the velocity in the opposite direction, so moving backwards

What are the possible operational definitions for the following research variables? a. Sympathetic Arousal b. intelligence c. depression d. level of social support

a. Heart rate; Blood pressure; Respiration rate b. IQ, EQ scores, Verbal and Numerical Memory c. Self reported satisfaction, Beck depression inventory (implicit ways of detecting depression) d. self-reported, qualitative measure of interactions

the slope of velocity vs. time graph is _________________.

acceleration = ∆V/∆t

the more stable a given base is, the more __________ its conjugate acid will be


Competitive inhibitors bind to the __________ _____________ of enzymes

active site

substrate binds to the

active site

enzymes have an __________ _________ - where substrate binds and where the reaction occurs and an _____________ ________ - for regulation, area of enzyme that is NOT active and can bind and CHANGE (better or worse) regulation of enzyme

active site; allosteric site

group I periodic table

alkali metals (ns1 valence shell configuration)

Group 2 on the periodic table

alkaline earth metals (ns2 valence shell configuration)


all paired electrons and is weakly repelled by a magnetic field.

in biochemistry ________________ are two or more alternative forms of a gene that are found at the same place on homologous chromosomes


in biochemistry, Both copies of intron 1 of the amelogenin gene on the 2 sex chromosomes can be referred to as:


in biochemistry, an _________________ _____________ has a site other than the one for the substrate at which a molecule (not substrate) that directs the function of the enzyme can bind.

allosteric enzyme

the smallest unit of resonance is referred to as an ____________ system, an atom next door to a pi bond.



an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to a specified molecule. (phosphates and phosphorylates)

in biochemistry, a ____________________ reaction involves the synthesis of macromolecules from individual building blocks


How are steroid hormones stored in cells?

are not stored; they are synthesized as needed.

Allosteric enzymes differ from other enzymes in that they: a. are not denatured at high temps b. are regulated by compounds which are not their substrates and which do not bind to their active sites c. they operate at an optimum pH of 2.0 d. they are not specific to just one substrate

are regulated by compounds which are not their substrates and which do not bind to their active sites

allosteric site

area of an enzyme that is not an active site and can bind and change (better or worse) to regulate enzyme activity

example of Social constructionism

argument that Gender and Sexual orientation but in actuality, there is evidence that sexual preference is more of a fluid concept that exists on a continuum.

enzyme inhibition curves

assume [E] is constant; 1. - [E]>>[S] 2. [E] = [S] 3. [E]<<[S] Vmax = constant for a particular enzyme and a particular concentration; Km = the substrate concentration that gives you 1/2 Vmax; the amount of substrate needed to reach Vmax

ex) if an element has 12+ and 10 e-, what is its NET charge?

atomic number (Z) = 12 p+ - (e-) = C 12 - 10 = +2 = Mg 2+ Cation = Mg2+

in physics, _____________ _____________ = ∆V/ ∆t = V-Vo / ∆t

average acceleration

What is the magnitude of the average acceleration if you run one complete lap around a circular track?

average acceleration a = V - Vo / ∆t r = 100 m ∆s = 0 V = ∆s / ∆t = 0 a = ∆V/ ∆t = 0 (uniform speed around track)

in physics, __________ __________ = distance / time (d/ ∆t)

average speed


base + sugar

Which of the following amino acids is basic? A. Phenylalanine B. Alanine C. Proline D. Lysine

basic amino acids - "HAL" - histidine - arginine - Lysine

in physics, charge a Capacitor is by connecting it to a ____________ because must have a ____________ difference that will force charge to move. _____________ will move to higher potential difference (Φ) or positive and ____________ will move to lower potential difference (Φ) or negative. The _____________(voltage of battery) = ________ _________.

battery; potential; Electrons; Protons; V = ∆Φ;

attachment of a base to a sugar (nuceloside) is by what type of linkage

beta - glycosidic linkage

At what juncture point is mitosis most heavily regulated?

between G1 and S phases

The body recollects _________ and stores it and holds onto it


Non-competitive inhibitor

binds to Allosteric site changing the shape of enzyme blocking substrate from binding; (slows down) Vmax - increases Km - same Slope = -1/Km

Uncompetitive inhibitor

binds to the Enzyme-Substrate Complex (ESC), preventing the complex from releasing products; Vmax - decreased Km - decreased Slope = Km/ Vmax

The wall of the left ventricle is at least three times as thick as that of the right ventricle. This feature aids circulation by assuring that: a. blood entering the pulmonary artery is at a much higher pressure than blood entering the aorta b. blood entering the aorta is at a much higher pressure than blood entering the pulmonary artery c. the left ventricle has a higher blood capacity than the right ventricle at all times d. the right ventricle has a higher blood capacity than left ventricle at all times

blood entering the aorta is at a much higher pressure than blood entering the pulmonary artery - It is commonly known that as a rule, the size of a muscle is proportional to its strength. The heart, which is a muscle, contains a chamber which must pump blood into the aorta to perfuse the grand majority of the body's tissues. Clearly, this chamber (= the left ventricle) must contain thicker muscle (= stronger) than a chamber that pumps blood only to the lungs (= the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery). The stronger chamber pumps blood with a greater force which means a higher pressure (recall from physics: P = F/A

Insulin and Glucagon regulate __________ ______________

blood glucose

symbolic interactionism and social constructionism are ________ _______ approaches to understanding society

bottom up

reaction coupling

breakdown of high energy molecules and help to drive other molecules

Cis fats

carbons on the same side (majority) natural fats (body perfers)

in physics, the ______________ of _____________ (gravity) is the balance point, ignoring ____________ can treat all mass of an object as being located at the _____________ of ____________. For simple uniform objects this is at the ______________ _______________.

center of mass; rotation; center of mass; geometric center

in physics, since __________ (___) is a scalar quantity, FORCE is in the same direction as _____________ ____________ (____) for ______________ charge and FORCE is in the Opposite direction as ___________ ____________ (____) for _____________ charges.

charge (q); Electric field (E); POSITIVE; Electric field (E); NEGATIVE;

Gen Chem: Protons (P+) charge = mass =

charge = +1 mass = 1 amu = 1/12 of mass C-12

electrons (e-) charge: mass:

charge = -1 mass = 0 amu (gain or lose electrons will not change weight of ions/atoms)

Neutrons (n^0) charge = mass =

charge = 0 mass = 1 amu

if an element has 12 p+ and 10e- what is its net charge?

charge = protons - electrons 12 - 10 = +2 = cation

Prophase of mitosis

chromatin condenses into chromosomes centriole pairs separate, move toward opposite sides of the cell, and form spindle fibers made of microtubules the fibers radiate outward from the centrioles nuclear membrane dissolves which allows spindle fibers to contact chromosomes

Telophase of Mitosis

chromosomes begin to uncoil, spindles break down, new nuclear membrane forms.

Trypsin converts chymotrypsinogen into


cis fats vs trans fats

cis - carbon on the same side (majority) = natural fats(body prefers); Trans- carbon on different sides (artificially) = not natural fats (cause high cholesterol and blockages)

example of reciprocal regulation

citrate and ATP can both inhibit Phosphofructokinase (PFK) and stimulate Fructose 1,6 Bisphosphatase

Secondary Protein structure

coiling or folding of a polypeptide due to HYDROGEN-bonding between amino acids; Alpha helices and Beta pleated sheets (bending into different shapes and connecting together)

calculate column number:

column # = 2 x (# of orbitals) ex) s block 2 x (1 orbital) = 2 columns ex) p block 2 x (3 orbitals) = 6 columns ex) d block 2 x (5 orbitals) = 10 columns ex) f block 2 x (7 orbitals) = 14 columns

Absorption vs Emission Spectrum: The band positions (color or dark respectively) are ___________________ in the two spectra because excitation and relaxation between two energy levels ABSORBS and RELEASES the _________________ Photon

complimentary; SAME

Hydrogen Emission Spectrum

corresponds to electron relaxation = photon emission; dark background with bright bands; energy difference is the same as emission

this molecule is _______________ and has a bond angle close to 90 degrees.


this molecule is __________________, when treated with H2, Ni, 200 C (even higher conditions than cyclopropane or cyclobutane), due to the larger and closer bond angle of an sp3 hybridized of ____________ degrees, there is NO __________ ___________ meaning there is no ________________.

cyclohexane; 109.5; ring strain; reaction

glycolysis occurs in the


when acceleration is constant, and the formula when acceleration (a) is missing of Big five equations is:

d = 1/2 (Vo + V)t

if pH is greater than pKa, this means an amino acid is


Which of the following is NOT a colligative property?


dNTP is _________________ __________________ which is the building blocks for DNA

dinucelotide triphosphate

The _______________ of the nerve impulse is how you name each impulse


physics example of Lever Arm problem: A pinwheel firework is made such that eight rockets are mounted to a square disk that is free to rotate vertically. When the fireworks are lit, they create a torque that causes the pinwheel to spin. When they are lit, what is the ratio of the torque from firework 1 to the torque of firework 2?

direction of torque - CCW write down ratio τ1 / τ2 = L1 F / L2 F - cancel out forces τ1 / τ2 = L1 / L2 - for rocket 1, line of action is the vertical line downwards - leaver arm is perpendicular to line of action so L1 is towards center -rocket 2, line of action is along the rocket - leaver arm is perpendicular, so down 45 degrees towards center (into isosceles right triangle) -> ratio for isosceles right triangles are 1: 1 : √2 L2 = L1 : L1 : √2 L1 L2 = 1/√2

velocity =

displacement / time Their magnitudes are NOT always the same! (i.e., if the distance path is not straight, v and s will have different magnitudes. And of course, v also has a direction.)

For unsaturated fats during beta oxidation, dont have to do first step of (oxidizing) creating __________ ____________ (if in correct place) with ______________ enzyme and reducing _______ into ___________. If not in correct place, can ________ the ________ ________ with the use of an ________________ enzyme, and the rest of the cycle is the same as saturated fats. For unsaturated fats, this gives us ___________ energy because the creation of the double bond (oxidation) will not reduce ________ into __________ (high energy electron carrier)

double bond; dehydrogenase; FAD+; FADH2; shift; double bond; isomerase; LESS; FAD+; FADH2

if you double the distance between two electric charges or distance between two masses, using Coulomb's law, Fe = k |Q| |q| /r^2, the force will go _________ by a factor of ________ (inverse square laws)

down; 4;

When is a neuron in its relative refractory period?

during hyperpolarization

function of lipids

energy storage; cell barrier;

if heat is added to a system _____________ decreases


if heat is released from a system, ____________ increases


when a polymer is made with heat, the ___________ goes down.



enzyme (suffix)

the Krebs cycle is always an _____________ _________________ reaction

enzyme catalyzed


enzyme that moves a functional group from one molecule to another molecule


enzymes that catalyze the isomeric rearrangement of bonds within a molecule (L -> D)

in humans, catalysts are called ___________________. They are ________________(usually). Does NOT change _________ (no change in _________________ of reaction) and NOT _________ ________ in a reaction. This is extremely __________________. These are Physiological _____________________.

enzymes; proteins; ΔG; Spontaneity; used up; specific; Physiological catalysts

λ = λ₁/n λ = 2L/ n

equation(s) for wavelength for standing waves

if ΔG = 0


it depends what pyruvate will be reduced to in glycolysis. If in yeast, pyruvate is reduced to ______________. if a muscle cell, pyruvate is reduced to _________ ________.

ethanol; lactic acid

In physics, there will be an _________ distribution of positive charges on one plate of a ______________ and negative charges on second plate. There are ____________ _________ ___________ leaving the positive charges towards the negative charges. This electric field will be _______________ in magnitude.

even; capacitor; electric field lines; constant;

in biology, ______________ ___________ is damage to the DNA that is caused by something outside of the cell

exogenous damage

in psychology _______________ _____________ takes place ____________ a study. if you find a result you determine if this applies to the population of interest or did it only occur due to the way the lab conditions or way study is done. Want to have ___________ amount of this

external validity; outside; high;

The ____________ is an organ, specialized to detect light in forms of photons


The horizontal motion in projectile motion determines how _____ something _________ along the ground, AKA The ____________

far; moves; range;

the main source of stored energy comes from...

fat (triglycerides) - Very non-polar and doesnt have a lot of associated water molecules

positive feedback loop

feedback loop which a change in a given direction causes additional change in the same direction. This ALWAYS has an EXTERNAL REGULATOR ex) Labor contractions

in physics terms, when stepping on the break of a car, the velocity is _____________and the acceleration is ____________, causing the car to slow down.

forward; backwards;

in biology, _______________ ____________ are DNA caused by insertions and deletions, changing the reading frame of the mRNA reading sequence. These cause big _________ mutations in the DNA because every single amino acid from the point of insertion is changed

frameshift mutations

In physics, ________ _______ is movements near the earth in the vertical direction when gravity is the only acceleration (ignoring air resistance). The acceleration due to gravity = ________ at sea level. The acceleration in the vertical direction (ay) can be either _____________ or ______________ (gravity (g)) depending on the problem.

free fall; 10 m/s^2 ; positive; negative;

constant _____ = 10m/s^2

g (gravity) magnitude of gravitational acceleration near the surface of the earth

Halogens tend to _________ a _________ electron, either forming a diatomic molecule or becoming reduced non-metal anions

gain; single

what are examples of Social Constructs in US society?

gender, social class, sports/games, marriage,

Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment

genes found on different chromosomes are sorted into sex cells independently of one another

Animals store


A _____________ helps to stabilize the negative charge of carbanions


The 7 universal emotions include

happiness sadness contempt surprise fear disgust anger

7 universal emotions

happiness, sadness, contempt, surprise, fear, disgust, anger

Meso compounds

have a Mirror of Symmetry" Thus even though they may have stereogenic centers, they are achiral and so do not have enantiomers

When the body has ________ blood sugar, it will want to run glycolysis. For example, The hormone _____________ will favor the formation of ___________ ______ _______________, which then stimulates PFK and Glycolysis.

high; Insulin; Fructose 2,6 Bisphosphate

electron transport chain is for electrons to go from a _________ energy state to a _________ energy state. This ____________ energy.

higher; lower; Releases

Energy (ΔG) vs Reaction Coordinate graph: if ΔG = (-), reactants are ___________ than products in graph; this is a ____________ reaction

higher; spontaneous

Mixed inhibition

hinders binding of substrate and enzyme turnover number (DONT CHOSE ON MCAT); binds at allosteric site of enzyme ALONE (doesnt change shape of active site or ES complex) Vmax - decrease Km - vary

the overall goal for an organism is



hormone secreted in the stomach that stimulates secretion of HCl and increases gastric motility

Exercising muscle

hot, acidic(lactic acid), hypercarbic and has increased 2,3-DPG

_____________________ are individual components of our self-concept (sum of ways which we describe ourselves) to the groups which we belong


in psychology research, ____________ ____________ (CAUSE) are the treatment or intervention in a study that is manipulated by the researcher; also known as the "_____________ ___________" or the "______________ ____________". For example, this would be the likelihood of group getting antidepressant or placebo in a study

independent variables; manipulated variable; controlled variable;

in psychology an _____________ variable causes a ____________ variable

independent; dependent;

conflict theory has been used to explain the forces at work in maintaining a system of ______________ continues to oppress __________ and ______________ groups

inequality; women; Minority


is the most common steroid and is the precursor to Vitamin D, Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Aldosterone, Cortisol and Bile salts

rate limiting step of krebs cycle

isocitrate dehydrogenase

Which of the following statements could be used to correctly describe the overall polymerase chain reaction? A. its an anabolic rnx that breaks down new DNA strands B. its an anabolic reaction that synthesizes new DNA strands C. its a catabolic reaction that breaks down new DNA strands D. its a catabolic reaction that synthesizes new DNA strands

its an anabolic reaction that synthesizes new DNA strands - PCR is the synthesis (amplification) of new DNA strands using DNA template and free nucleotides

example of social interactionism

kids do drugs even knowing the risks involved in taking drugs, but they find drugs to be cool and that they themselves will be safe from harm and all of the cool kids will do drugs too.

in physics, __________ ____________ is weaker than ____________ ___________, so _______ < ________

kinetic friction; static friction; μk < μs

in psychology research studies, ____________ of ____________ ____________ is a flaw of external validity and is when Sample groups have high variability or the sample size is too small

lack of statistical power;


lipids (hydrophobic and insoluble i water); -have a structure of 4 fused rings - Cholesterol is the most common

no bile

low surface area

Which hormone is most responsible for ovulation?

luteinizing hormone (LH)

in biology, a type of Point mutation called a _____________ ___________ is when a codon for an amino acid becomes a NEW codon for a NEW amino acid. This affects the protein by __________ the _________ __________.

missense mutation; changing the amino acid;

A particle starts at rest then travels with a=10m/s^2 until its final velocity is 30m/s. how far has it traveled? a. 10m b. 30m c. 45m d. 60m

missing t -> use equation 5 a = 10m/s^2 Vf = 30 m/s Vo = 0 (start at rest) V^2 = Vo^2 + 2ad (30)^2 = (0) + 2(10)(d) 900 = 20d d = 45 m

The Krebs cycle occurs in the

mitochondrial matrix

pyruvate oxidation occurs in the ____________ ____________ in eukaryotes and in the ______________ of prokaryotes

mitochondrial matrix; cytoplasm

in biology, a type of Point mutation called a _____________ ___________ is when a codon that specifies an amino acid becomes a STOP codon. This effects the protein by _______________ the protein

nonsense mutation; shortening;

a _______________ donates electrons to an _______________

nucleophile (-); Electrophile (+)

A ________________, is an atom, ion or molecule that has a high density of electrons. It donates a lone pair to the _______________ to form a covalent bond

nucleophile; electrophile

Nuclear charge of an element means

number of protons

when asking what atom has the nuclear charge of a 47?

number of protons (atomic number =Z)

Gut bacteria are most likely:

obligate anaerobes

In psychology, _________________ _____________ is a type of associative learning process through which the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment

operant conditioning

in psychology research an ___________ ____________ is a formal definition used for research that can be measured by the experimenters. The researchers must be completely __________ about what they are studying.

operational definition; clear;

in physics, with the use of Coulomb's law, Force (Fe) attracts ___________ charges and repels ___________ charges (like Newtons 3rd law)

opposite; like;

between days 0-14 of the menstrual cycle, the ______________ is in the Follicular phase, the ________________ is in the proliferative phase and in low concentrations, _________ hormone is present, in medial concentrations _______________ hormone is present and in high concentrations, __________ hormone is present.

ovary; uterus; FSH; Estrogen; LH;

Fe2+ -> Fe3+ is an oxidation or reduction rnx?


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - is a motivation theory that prioritizes the needs of 5 categories: 1. _________________ __________ (highest priority) 2. ______________ & ____________________ 3. ____________ & _____________ 4. __________-_______________ 5. ______________- __________________ (lowest priority)

physiological needs; safety & security; love & belonging; self-esteem; self-actualization

in biology, _________ _________ are single base changes in DNA that are caused by the polymerase making a mistake (saw A and supposed to put T and accidentally put C)

point mutations

Glycogen is the storage form of glucose and is very ___________, associating with a lot of water molecules.


in carbonyl compounds and alkyl halides, the Carbon-oxygen or Carbon-halogen bond is _______________, with a partial _________ (Carbons) and partial ___________ charge (Oxygen and Halogen).

polarized; partial positive; partial negative;

all macromolecules are ____________ made of monomers. Enzymes that make them are called ____________________. Their reactions are called ___________________ reactions. Often run through ____________________ synthesis. Also called _________________ reaction

polymers; polymerases; polymerization; Dehydration; Condensation;

can make a bad leaving group into a better leaving group if you _____________ the leaving group. Can start out with an _____________ with an OH attached, treat with an acid catalyst (H+), changes the leaving group into ____________, which is a good leaving group

protonate; alcohol; water (H2O)

if the pH is less than the pKa this means an amino acid is


in psychology, _______________ ______________ is a medical condition that can be presented as a psychological disorder.

psychological masquerade

Protein complexes in the ETC are going from higher to lower energy states. in this process, it causes these complexes to

pump out H+ (protons) from the mitochondrial matrix where the NADH and FADH2 are present from the Krebs cycle INTO the Mitochondrial outer membrane (making the outer membrane more acidic).

Purines always pair with ___________________


in Gluconeogeneisis, you start with ________________ and end with _________________.

pyruvate; glucose;

some fundamental aspects of our identities such as __________ and __________(social constructs that function based on what we believe to be true about people based on what they look like) , can be understood through the ____________ __________ lens.

race and gender; symbolic interactionism;

if ΔG is greater than 0

reaction is Non-spontaneous and called an ENDERGONIC REACTION

If ΔG is less than 0

reaction is spontaneous (rnx occurs) and called an EXERGONIC reaction

latent function of a hospital

reduce crime by creating more jobs in the community

Cathodes ________________ and Anodes _____________.

reduce; oxidize


refers to a substance that rotates the plane of polarized light to the left (ccw)


replacement of carboxyl group (COOH) with Hydrogen (H) atom

What part of the sliding filament model of contraction requires ATP hydrolysis?

resetting of Myosin head groups

an atom with 1 group attached (also lone pairs or bond) is __________ hybridized


higher transition state ________ __________ ____________.

slows down reactions

Where does most digestion take place?

small intestine

in biology, ________ __________ mutations cause three or four bases to get repeated, replicated twice and end up with a small sequence repeat

small repeats

_____________ is a sense that causes the detection of volatile or aerosolized chemicals by Olfactory Chemoreceptors (olfactory nerves)


the overall goal for a society is

social stability

What does this symbol represent in US society (symbolic interactionism)

sportsmanship, friendship, business deal, congeniality, contract, greeting

criticism of conflict theory is that it doesn't recognize the role of _________ within society. Conflict theory ignores 1. The non-forceful ways in which ________ and __________ reach agreement, 2. Approaches society more from the perspective of those who ________ power 3. Focuses on ____________ factors almost exclusively as the sole issue for conflict within society

stability; people and groups; lack; economic

There is an inverse relationship between ______________ and _________________ of molecules.

stability; reactivity;

species that are more _____________ are less _____________.

stable; reactive

Good nucleophiles don't need to be ___________ because we want it to be ___________ and negatively charged. The lower _________________ atom, such as Nitrogen compared to oxygen, is going to be the better Nucelophile.

stable; reactive; electronegativity

flaw of Social Science research

studies occur majority in Universities, so students are oversampled


sugar in RNA; Not as stable as Deoxyribose - Holds up better and can't get attacked as easily due to missing OH group

Cytokinesis of Meiosis 1

the cytoplasm divides to produce two cells, each having half the original number of chromosomes (HAPLOID DAUGHTER CELLS)

Vmax for a given reaction is determine by:

the enzyme concentration

∆ in physics means

the final value - initial value


the form of sugar that circulates in the blood and provides the major source of energy for body tissues. When its level is low, we feel hunger; polar

Depolarization is

the movement away from resting potential in the positive direction (interior of the cell is becoming more positive); usually occurs when positive ions are coming into the cell; -70mV -> -50mV

Atomic number (Z)

the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom and determines nuclear charge note: proton is only positive charge in nucleus electron = negative charge neutron = neutral

reciprocal regulation

the same molecule regulates two different enzymes in opposite ways

rate-limiting step

the slowest step in a metabolic pathway

All of the following are characteristics of G-protein mediated cell signaling EXCEPT:

they are the mechanism by which steroid hormones exert their effects

In symbolic interactionism, ____________ modifies each individuals interpretation of symbols. This is a _____________ conversation that requires different points of view

thought; mental

In behavioral sciences, _________________ is the minimum stimulus that causes a change in signal transduction


constant_____ = 10^-12 W/m^2

threshold of hearing (Io)

physics example - Constant Electric Field: A negative ion (q = -2e, m = 3.2 *10^-26kg) moving to the right at speed (V = 100 m/s) enters a perpendicular, constant electric field of magnitude E= 10^-4 N/C. How much time does it take the charge to accelerate to a speed of 140 m/s?

time = kinematics to solve problem. Fe = qE (in + y direction) Fe = - 2 (1.6 *10 ^-19 C) (10^-4 N/C) Fe = 3.2 * 10^-23 N - Have initial velocity perpendicular to acceleration so initial velocity in the x direction will never change Vox = 100 m/s Vy =? makes an isosceles right triangle 1:1:√2 so, Vy = 100 m/s Voy = 0 ay = Fe / m = 3.2 *10^-23N / 3.2 *10^-26 kg = 10^3 m/s = 1000m/s = ay -> missing distance Vy = Voy + at 100 = 0 + (1000)(t) 100 = 1000t 0.1s = t


to make NEW glucose In the reverse direction of glycolysis.

conflict theory and functionalism are _______ ________ approaches to understanding society

top down

In physics, the Lever Arm is an alternative formula for _____________, that is ______ = ____ _____ and is useful for objects with extensions (rod or door seen from overhead). The lever arm (___) is always ______________ to the line of action

torque; τ = l F; L = lever arm (shortest distance from pivot to line of action force) ; ( L ) ; perpendicular;

If Ea (activation energy) is HIGH, takes a lot of energy to get to ____________ ____________ (____) causing the _____________ of _______________ to be ________________

transition state (TS); RATE OF REACTION; SLOW

Problem Solving Techniques include: ______________-______________-_________________, __________________, _________________ _____________ (derived from conclusions from general rules) and _________________ ________________ (deriving generalizations from evidence) Decision making: __________________(Simplified principles used to make decisions, "rule of thumb"), _____________, _______________ and _______________ may also assist in decision making, but may also lead to erroneous or problematic decisions

trial-and-error; Algorithms; Deductive Reasoning; Inductive Reasoning; Heuristics; Biases; Intuition; Emotions

3-carbon sugar is called a ______________


Squalene is an important compound, used in the synthesis of steroids and ear wax. It is composed of six isoprene units. Squalene is classified as a:


Enterokinase converts trypsinogen molecules into


Trypsin converts other trypsinogen molecules into


fatty acids

unbranched carbon chains that make up most lipids

the major criticism of conflict theory is that it DOESN'T focus on the cooperative ______________ actions that people sometimes take.


_______________ is secreted by the thyroid gland, stimulates osteoblast activity while inhibiting osteoclast activity, thereby increasing calcium levels in the bones.


A certain compound has been found to strengthen bone by increasing calcium deposition in the bones. This compound would most likely stimulate which of the following? a. osteoclast activity b. calcitonin secretion c. parathyroid hormone secretion d. Thyroxine secretion

calcitonin secretion

Max Weber asserted that a _____________ system DOES lead to __________, but the collapse of _____________ is not inevitable. There could be more than ________ source of conflict, such as conflict over inequalities in political power and social status.

capitalist; conflict; capitalism; one;

Trans fats

carbons on different sides (artificially) - not natural fats - scale and stack - jagged edges - high cholesterol causing blockages - easier for this to occur (going from solid -> liquid quicker) - less healthy to eat -NO partial hydrogenation

Trypsin converts procarboxypeptidase into



carry or move away from a central structure

in biochemistry, a ____________________ reaction involves the breakdown of macromolecules



catalyze the formation of bonds (covalent) with the input of ATP and the removal of water (hydrolysis of ATP)


catalyzes the transfer of electrons from 1 molecule (electron Donor = Reductant) to another (electron Acceptor = Oxidant)

Karl Marx believed that society progresses through _______ _________ between those who control production and those who provide the manpower for production (poor factor workers vs. wealthy factory owners). He believed that _______________ produces internal tensions which will ultimately destroy _____________ society, to be replaced by _______________.

class struggle; Capitalism; Capitalistic; Socialism

For Acids, The Inductive effect depends on how _________ an ________ ______________ ________ is to the negative charge associated with the conjugate base and how electronegative that _________ __________ __________ is.

close; Electron Withdrawing Group; Electron Withdrawing Group

constitutional isomers

compounds with the same molecular formula but different connections among their atoms

in sociology, ____________ _________ ________ is a condition or illness that is temporary

conditional sick role


conducting or conducted inward or toward center of something (for nerves, the central nervous system; for blood vessels, the organ supplied).

in physics, a _______________ is a material in which charges move freely


_____________ ____________ is a major Sociological theory that views society as a competition for a limited number of resources. In society, individuals and groups compete for social, political and material resources

conflict theory

The parasympathetic nervous system functions

conserves energy - rest and digest - 1. constricts pupils, 2. stimulates saliva, 3. constricts bronchi, 4. slows HR, 5. stimulates digestion and bile release, 6. contracts bladder

in psychology _____________ are in research methods. the weakest possible R-value is ____ (No relationship between 2 variables) and the strongest is ____or_____. This is done by assigning numbers that __________ or ___________ together or separately.

correlations; 0 ; +1 or -1 ; increase; decrease;

Hydrogen Absorption Spectrum

corresponds to electron excitation (photon excitation); bright background with dark bands; energy difference is the same as emission

This molecule is __________________ and has a bond angle close to 60 degrees. Because this is sp3 hybridized and not _________ degrees, there is a lot of ring strain. These strained molecules have __________ energy = ____________ bonds, meaning they are more likely to ______________. If we remove this ring strain we can make a more _____________ molecule.

cyclopropane; 109.5; high; weakened; react stable;

when acceleration is constant, the formula for when the Velocity (final)(V) is missing of Big five equations is:

d = Vot + 1/2 at^2

when acceleration is constant, the formula for when the Velocity (initial) (Vo) is missing of Big five equations is:

d = Vt - 1/2 at^2

Kinematics equation missing "velocity" (initial)

d = vt - ½at²

Kinematics equation missing "velocity" (final)

d = v₀t + ½at²

Kinematics equation missing "acceleration"

d = ½(v₀ + v)t

d block and f block are special because

d block = (n-1) row number before (n) subtracted by 1 f block = (n-2) row number before (n) subtracted by 2

Leaving group ability increases with

decreasing base strength and increasing size

A __________________ of _________________ (______) is introduced each time a H2 molecule is removed. This equals to 1 _________ bond or ___________.

degree of unsaturation (DOU); pi (double) ; ring

when a sugar replaces a -H with an -OH group are termed ___________ _____________

deoxy sugars


deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information; Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C) and Guanine (G) - 5' -> 3' Synthesis - phosphodiester bond between nucleic acids

area under a velocity vs. time graph is ________________.

displacement = area = [x] [y] = V (m/s) * t (s) = d (m)

How would a scholar utilizing social control theory explain domestic violence? a. domestic violence is modeled and learned b. domestic violence is triggered by lack of regulation in cohesive networks in society c. labelling as deviant the reactions of both perpetuator and the victim of intimate violence reinforces such behaviors d. domestic violence is caused by an interaction of factors from the micro, meso and marcro-levels causing a feedback loop that then results in loss of system control

domestic violence is triggered by lack of regulation in cohesive networks in society - Social control theory maintains that social networks and social control mechanisms must be in place in society to regulate its members. These connections and their control mechanisms promote pro-social behaviors and reduce anti-social behaviors. Someone adopting this perspective would claim that lack cohesive social bonds and associated social control mechanisms would be responsive for violence. Thus, an intensification of social bonds and associated control mechanisms would diminish aspects such as domestic violence.

gravity is a description of _______________ _____________ and not necessarily velocity.

downwards acceleration

if you drop a brick off a tall building and it accelerates downwards at a rate of 10m/s^2, how far does it go in 10 seconds?

dropping a brick means that the initial velocity (Vo = 0) a = + 10 d = ? t = 10 missing V(final) -> use equation (3) d = Vot + 1/2at^2 d = 0(10) + 1/2 (10)(10)^2 d = 500m

constant ____ = 1.6 * 10^-19 C

e - elementary electric charge (electrons (negative) and protons)

The __________ transduce(s) sound waves into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain


The ______________ transducers sound waves into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain. The Auditory pathway is: ______________ -> __________________ _________ -> _____________ ___________ ____________ (______) of thalamus -> ______________ cortex

ear; Cochlea -> Vestibulocochlear nerve -> Medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) of thalamus -> Auditory cotex;

According to Freud's Psychosexual theory, The _____________ is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego (adds the needs of reality). This is partially in the ___________________, _________________ and __________________.

ego; Conscious; Preconscious and Unconscious

Trypsin converts proelastase into


there is an____________ ____________ between the mitochondrial outer membrane and the mitochondrial matrix during ETC

electric gradient

galvanic cells are

electrolytic cells. At the Anode, non-electrolytic cells are NEGATIVE

The R-groups of carbocations push _________ __________ towards the positive center. The ___________ R-groups in a molecule, the better _______________

electron density; more; stabilized;

____________________ is the ability for an atom to pull electrons towards itself and tends to ______________ a species

electronegativity; stabilize;

physics example: At which point could a string be tied to hang this mobile such that the rod (with negligible mass) is horizontal? (using left end as origin)

find the center of mass where the rod to be in center of balance X= Xcm = m1 X1 + m2 X2 +../m1+m1+... X = (100g)(5cm) +(150g)(20cm) + (250)(70cm) / (100 + 150 + 250) 500 + 3000 + 17500/ 500 X = 42 cm from left end point

We still need _________-__________ _____________ because as of 2015, wages are still not equal between men and women

first-wave feminism

Fluoride (F-) has how many electrons?

fluorine has 9 electrons + 1 (for -1 charge) = 10 electrons total

in physics terms, if you want to turn your car at a constant speed, the velocity is ____________ and the acceleration is _____________ to the velocity vector when turning the car right.

forward (constant speed); perpendicular

Secreted and membrane-bound proteins must go through the secretory pathway, targeted there by a signal sequence. The signal sequence must be composed of:

hydrophobic amino acids

Sigmund Freud's Formation of Identity consists of the _______ (operates based on pleasure principle and demands immediate gratification of needs and is ALL unconcious) , ________ (mostly conscious and pre-concious) and _______________ (partly conscious, preconcious and unconscious)

id; ego; super-ego

________________ has to do with pushing and pulling electrons in a sigma bond between atoms. This has to do with the relative _____________________ of atoms in the bond (pulling electrons towards itself)

induction; electronegativity

Competitive inhibitor

inhibitor resembles substrate and binds to active site BUT NO PRODUCT made. another molecule gets in the way of the active site; - can reach Vmax if overflow more substrate to overcome competitive inhibitor Vmax = same Km = increases Slope = 1/Vmax

Electron transport chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation occur in the ____________ _________________ _________________ embedded by proteins. These processes _____________ oxygen

inner mitochondrial membrane; require

in biology, _____________ or ____________ can be caused by a chemical that has been exposed to DNA based and looks to the polymerase there should be a base there, so puts a base randomly or if there is damage to DNA strand and bases have formed ______ with each other, causes 1+ bases to be removed from strand.

insertion or deletion; dimers;

When there is a high blood sugar concentration, the hormone released is _____________.


in Dicarboxylic acids, the acid groups _____________. The 1st pKa is _________ and the 2nd pKa is __________.

interact; low; high

in psychology, ____________ _______________refers to how well done a study is and is the extent to which we can say that the change in the outcome variable (or dependent variable) is due to the intervention [if you measure an effect, is it due to the intervention or to another factor (extraneous variables)]. This takes place ___________ the study. if you find ___________ in the study you can draw _______________. Want to have ___________ amount of this.

internal validity; inside; results; conclusions; high;

pyruvate decarboxylase

is a homotetrameric enzyme that catalyses the decarboxylation of pyruvic acid to acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes, and in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of eukaryotes.

In symbolic interactionism, communication via __________________ allows humans to generate meaning through social interactionism with each other and society


the more stable the conjugate base it means its _________ __________, doesnt want to grab onto a proton floating around. An ______________ is the most acidic functional group compared to an alkane or amine because its conjugate base is the most stable. An ____________'s conjugate base (- charge with removal of hydrogen) is the __________ stable and __________ __________ base. This means they are the _________ acidic.

less reactive; alcohol (OH); least; most reactive ; least;


lipid molecules orient with polar (hydrophilic) head toward water and nonpolar (hydrophobic) tails away from water; separate something from polar and nonpolar is called this

unsaturated fats

liquid at room temperature and have one or more double bonds

ex electromagnetic spectrum) if a certain blue photon excites an electron from n=2 to n=4, then which type of photon is needed to excite an electron from n=2 to n=3? a. X-ray b. UV c. violet d. red

lower energy needed from n=2 to n=3 (go right to where lowest energy is) ROYGBIV -mnemonic blue = reference point Xray, UV and violet are on the opposite of Blue, so RED has lower energy answer = D (RED)

Critics of Symbolic interactionism theory claim that this neglects the _________- level of social interpretation (focuses too closely on individual interaction and not the society as a whole). This also ignores the influence of __________ __________ and ________________ on individual interaction.

macro-level; social forces; institutions;

Since Feminism considers both individual interactions and larger social structures it is a ____________ or __________ -level theory of society

macro; micro

In physics, when averaging a vector, also averaging the _______________ and _______________.

magnitude; direction;

gluconeogenesis occurs in

mainly in the liver and kidneys


maltose, sucrose, lactose

in sociology, _________________ developed by George Ritzer, is when a society, its institutions and its organizations are adapted to have the same characteristics that are found in fast-food chains


In symbolic interactionism, __________________ states that humans act towards people and things according to the meanings that they give to those people or things. This is considered the _____________ aspect of human behavior.

meaning; central;

Charged species cannot cross __________________



molecule with repeating subunits of the same general type, such as polysaccharides.

allosteric regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme

molecules can bind to a part of the enzyme to make it work better (allosteric activator) or not work better (allosteric inhibitor)

carbohydrate monomers

monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose) following chemical formula: Cn H2n On

The ___________ substituted Carbocations are the most stable and the _____________ substituted Carbanions are the most stable

most; least

Three types of neurons in the Nervous system

motor (efferent), interneurons, sensory (afferent)


movement away from the resting potential in the negative direction (interior of the cell is more negative); -70mV -> -90mV

Eukaryotic cells have ___________ origins of replication per chromosome



muscle (prefix)

in biology, ___________ are classified based on the ultimate effect on the ____________.

mutations; protein

note: d block should start at n = _______ because s block starts at n = ______, p block starts at n = ______. remember: ________ level occurs AFTER ______ level

n=3 (period 3); n = 1; n=2; 3d; 4s

in psychology, a _____________ _____________ is if one variable increases and the other variable decreases (more eating junk food, less heart health)

negative correlation

in physics, if the force points the opposite direction between 90 and 180 degrees relative to the displacement, Work is ______________ and cos θ is _____________.

negative; negative;

Which Electrode goes where? The _________ charged anode goes to the High pH end. The ____________ charged anode goes to low pH end.

negative; positive;

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex

occurs in the Mitochondrial Matrix and indirectly requires oxygen because without oxygen it will stop the TCA (Krebs) cycle

Tertiary Protein Structure

occurs when certain attractions are present between alpha helices and pleated sheets; 3D structure of many secondary structures together linked by DISULFIDE BRIDGES

Phosphodiester bond

occurs when exactly two of the hydroxyl groups in phosphoric acid react with hydroxyl groups on either molecules to form two ester bonds. They make up the backbone of nucleic acids OR - P =O

Excluding the amino acid glycine, all other amino acids found within human proteins are __________. A. Neutral at physiological pH B. essential C. Optically inactive D. Of the L configuration

of the L configuration; - All amino acids with the exception of glycine are optically active, as they have four unique groups attached to their alpha-carbons and are situated in the L configuration (amino terminus oriented to the left and carboxyl terminus to the right of the alpha-carbon). Not all amino acids are neutral at physiologic pH, as lysine and arginine are positively charged and apartate and glutamate are negatively charged due to their respective side chains. Finally, only ten of the twenty amino acids are essential, thus, the correct answer is that the amino acids found within human proteins are of the L configuration.

examples of lipids

oils, waxes, steroids, phospholipids

The number of times that a fat will go through Beta oxidation cycle is _______ _______ than the number of _______-_______ units it can produce for saturated fats

one less; 2-carbon;

between days 14-28 of the menstrual cycle, this is the time of _________________ where the ovary is in the ____________ phase and the uterus is in the _________________ phase. The hormone in high concentrations here is ______________________.

ovulation; luteal; secretory; progesterone

dehydrogenase means

oxidation of the molecule

What is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?


fermentation occurs when (both eukaryotes and prokaryotes)

oxygen is not present

constant __________ = 1000kg/m^3 = 1 g/cm^3

p(water) - density of water

parasympathetic neurons

parasympathetic preganlionic neurons are LONG

___________ _____________ is a social influence placed on an individual by other individuals they consider equals

peer pressure

amino acids are linked by

peptide bonds (covalent)

rate limiting step of glycolysis


in psychology a ____________ ____________ is if one variable increases the other variable increases (more vegetables eaten, better heart health)

positive correlation;

in physics, if the angle between the force and the displacement vector the object undergoes is between 0 and 90 degrees, then Work is ___________ and cos θ is ____________

positive; positive;

amino acids have __________ charges at low pH and ____________ charges at high pH. This is because both the _________ group and the ____________ group are protonated at a _______ pH and deprotonated at a _________ pH.

positive; negative; amino; carboxyl; low; high;

carbocations are ___________ charged


in physics, How to put charge on a capacitor is to create a _______________ _____________ across the plates of a capacitor by attaching a _____________, then charges in the wires (conducting material) that make circuit

potential difference; battery;

in physics, __________ ____________, is the motion in X and Y directions. The only acceleration is ________________. Velocity is ____________ to the path and the path is ______________ or _______________. If we define ______ as the positive direction of motion, then ___________ will be negative.

projectile motion; gravity; tangent; symmetrical; parabolic; up; gravity;

manifest function of a hospital

promote health in the populace

The parasympathetic nervous system is the response when the body is _____________, _______________ or _____________. This basically UN-DOES the work of the _______________ division during a ______________situation. Functions include: decreased ___________ ___________, decreased _________________ and increased _______________.

relaxed; resting; feeding; sympathetic; stressful; heart rate; respiration; digestion

3 stages of _______________ _______________ ______________ include Good health (homeostasis) 1. ___________stage 2. ______________ stage 3. _________________ stage (panic zone and burn out in this stage) - bad stress

resistance (increase going vertical) vs. time (increase going horizontal) 1. alarm 2. resistance 3. exhaustion

________________ is defined as a method for stabilizing molecules with the spreading of electrons out over more than one atom of a molecule. This is called ______________ ______________. This ONLY occurs if there is a ___________ or __________ _________ adjacent to a pi bond (double bond)

resonance; delocalizing electrons; charge; lone pair;

in psychology, _____________ _____________ is an educational tool that is used to visualize and practice different ways of handling a situation.

role playing

in psychology, _____________ ___________is the stress experienced by an individual when incompatible behavior, expectations or obligations are associated with a single social role

role strain

in sociology, _____________ _____________ theory occurs when an individual looks at their own role performance from the perspective of another person

role taking

energy of s, p, d and f blocks

s < p < d < f

A __________________ molecule has ALL carbons with the Maximum number of Hydrogens attached. These are all ______________ bonds that can be in a linear or branched chain

saturated; Sigma (single)

_______________-_______________: the degree to which we see ourselves being capable of a given skill in a given situation


_____________-____________: is our evaluation of ourselves


In behavioral sciences Memory, ______________ ____________ is less than 1 second

sensory memory

Primary Protein structure

sequence of a chain of amino acids (proteins are lined up)

in biology, a type of Point mutation called a _____________ ___________ is when the codon that specifies an amino acid becomes a NEW codon for the SAME amino acid. This has ________ __________ on the protein.

silent mutation; no effect;


single-stranded nucleic acid that contains the sugar ribose; Adenine (A), Uracil (U), Cytosine (C) and Guanine (G)

in psychology, _____________ ______________ is a non-probabilistic sampling technique that involves asking research subjects to refer or recommend people from their social network who might be interested in participating.

snowball sampling

What is the relationship between suicide rates and social change according to the sociologist Emile Durkheim? a. higher sucide rates leads to more social change b. higher suicide rate leads to less social change c. social change leads to suicide rates going up d. social change leads to suicide rates going down

social change leads to suicide rates going up

A ________________ _________________ is a concept or practice that is created by a group; essentially everybody in society agrees to treat a certain aspect a certain way regardless of its inherent value and that therefore determines its value. This is a dynamic ongoing process which must be __________________, __________________ and passed along to future generation. __________ and ___________are not overarching undeniable truth, but are created concepts.

social construct; maintained; reaffirmed; rules and norms;

Not all effects of social structure are good. __________ _______________ is a process that has undesirable consequences and reduce the stability of society

social dysfunction

functionalism was a prevailing theory in sociology in the 1950s, many sociologists began to argue that it was unable to account for the many rapid ____________ ___________ taking place in the 1960s and 1970s

sociological advances

constant _____ = 3*10^8 m/s

speed of light in a vacuum (c)

Mendel's Law of Segregation

states that a diploid organism passes a randomly selected allele for a trait to its offspring, such that the offspring receives one allele from each parent

in physics, ____________ __________ and this can be any value from 0 -> maximum ________. The inequality for this is ____________ ≤ _________ _________. This is used when No RELATIVE motion to contact surface or rolling without slipping. The direction opposes _________ ___________.

static friction; μs; F f,s ≤ μs Fn other forces;

_______________ is the physiological and cognitive response to challenges or life changes.


The Sympathetic nervous system functions

stress response - fight or flight - 1. dilates pupils - tunnel vision 2. inhibits salivation and digestion, 3. relaxes bronchi to increase airflow, 4. accelerates HR, 5. stimulates sweating, 6. increases blood glucose concentration, 7. vasodilation of muscular arteries, 8. inhibits bladder contraction 9. Secretion of Adrenaline and Noradrenaline 10. Stimulates orgasms

structure of enzymes An Enzyme acts on a molecule called the _________________ and binds at its _____________ ______________. Enzyme activity depends on the enzyme's _______________ and its ____________ ___________. Each enzyme is _____________ to its ________________. ______________ ___________ is an area of an enzyme that is NOT an active site and can bind and CHANGE (better or worse) to regulate enzyme activity

substrate; active site; shape; active site; specific to its substrate; ALLOSTERIC SITE*


sugar, phosphate group, base

In the Watson-Crick Model of DNA, it states that the DNA backbone is composed of alternating __________ and ___________ groups and always reads from ______' -> _______'. There are 2 strands with _______________ ____________ wounds into a double helix

sugar; phosphate; 5' -> 3' Antiparallel Polarity

Which of the following components is not found in a nucleotide? a. sulfate group b. five-carbon sugar c. phosphate group d. nitrogenous base

sulfate group - Nucleotides are composed of a pentose sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base. Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA. -Phosphodiester bonds form between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the 3' carbon of the pentose sugar on a second nucleotide to form a linkage. A nucleoside describes the molecule that is formed by a pentose sugar and nitrogenous base. Sulfate groups are not found in nucleotides or nucleosides.

CoA functional group contains a

sulfur (thiol)

According to Freud's Psychosexual theory, The _________-_________ operates as a moral conscience (adds morality to the action which is taken). This is partially in the ____________, ___________________ and _________________.

super-ego; Conscious; Preconscious and Unconscious

in physics, with electric field from point charge, with multiple charge configurations, _________________ applies, figuring out what the _________ _________ due to one ____________, add that to the __________ _______ due to another ___________ = _______

superposition; electric field; charge; Electric field; charge; Enet;

Peptide hormones Synthesized

synthesized as PROHORMONES, Requiring further processing (cleavage) to activate

Stability of Carbocations: __________ > ______________ > ______________ > ___________

tertiary, secondary, primary, methyl

4-carbon sugar is called a _____________


The Sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is focused on

"Fight or Flight"

purines mneumonic

"Pure As Gold" Purines, Adenine & Guanine

Calculate number of orbitals in each subshell =

# orbitals = # of columns / 2 ex) d block 10 columns / 2 = 5 orbitals

(physics) The New Horizons Space probe is heading towards Pluto at a constant speed of 57,600 km/h. What is the net force on the probe?

- assume speed and direction is constant, even though moving extremely fast, the Net Force on the probe = 0 -if you know if the Velocity is constant, then you also know that the net force = 0

Citric acid cycle (TCA/Krebs)

- care about energy (a lot of NADH and GDP) 5-C molecule to 4-C molecule = decarboxylation to make NADH -Majority of energy made in this cycle - start with Oxaloacetate

Which one of the following formulas could give the speed (V) in m/s with which the sound travels through a medium whos bulk modulus is B (units: kg m^-1 s^-2) and whose mass density (p) is (units: kg/m^3)? A. √Bp B. √Bp^2 C. V=√B/p D. √B/p^2

- check which formulas can eliminate the (kg) units to get the units of speed (m/s) C. V=√B/p

Telophase 1 of Meiosis 1

- chromosomes arrive at opposite poles of cell. - nuclear membrane reforms and chromosomes re-condense Newly forming cells are haploid (n=2) -each chromosome has 2 (non-identical) sister chromatids

physics example for Coulomb's Law: Consider an equilateral triangle of positive charges, +Q, as shown in the figure. Which of the following represents the direction of the net force acting on a negative charge placed in the center of the triangle and at the midpoint of the bottom side? a. down and up b. Fnet = 0 and up c. Fnet = 0 and down d. up and down

- diagram 1 shows a net force all canceling in the same direction for each charge because in the center - in diagram 2, shows the smaller net force upwards towards +Q because side forces cancel

Gibbs Free energy Reaction coordinate diagram

- transition state is unstable (higher energy)

if an object were thrown straight upwards with an initial speed of 8m/s and it took 3 seconds for an object to strike the ground, from approximately what height was the object thrown? (ignore air resistance) A. 21 m B. 24 m C. 45 m D. 69 m

- upwards = losing 10m/s every second - pick which direction is positive (up direction = positive so Vo = +) - acceleration is negative because up direction is positive - can change d to y Vo = +8 m/s t = 3 s h = |y| (absolute value of y) a = -g = -10m/s missing Vf -> equation 3 y = Vot + 1/2 at^2 (8)(3) + 1/2 (-10)(3)^2 24 -45 = |(-)21| = 21m

in physics, if the force is perpendicular to the displacement the work done by the force = ______ because cos θ = ______

0; 0;

How many generations are required to restore Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium when it is disrupted?


Prokaryotic cells have _______ Origin of replication per chromosome


s subshell

1 lobe

Na+ K+ ATPase pumps out _____ net positive ion

1 net

A sprinter runs 30m South in 4s and then 40m east in 6s. What is her average speed and the magnitude of her Average Velocity?

1. draw a picture - notice this is a 3-4-5 triangle Average Speed V = d/ ∆t 70m/10s = 7m/s Average Velocity V = ∆s/ ∆t ∆s = 50m (hypotenuse = displacement) 50m / 10s = 5 m/s

The Cerebral Cortex is divided into FOUR lobes: 1. ______________ lobe 2. ______________ lobe 3. _________________ lobe 4. ________________ lobe

1. frontal lobe 2. parietal lobe 3. temporal lobe 4. occipital lobe

Regulation of Enzyme Activity 1. ________________________ - addition of phosphate group to the enzyme (#1 way to regulate*****) 2. ___________________ ________________ - use molecules that can bind to an enzyme at the ________________ site and alter its activity (can turn "_____" to "______")

1. phosphorylation 2. Allosteric regulation; allosteric site; ("ON" to "OFF")

Piaget's stages of cognitive development

1. sensorimotor 2. preoperational 3. concrete operational 4. formal operational

Electron Excitation: 1. electrons absorb only ____________ amount of __________ in the form of a photon 2. allowed energies match the energy difference between an electron's current orbit = ___________ ____________ and higher energy orbit = __________ _____________ 3. ____________ is a positive energy change Formula: E(photon) = ___________ - _____________

1. specific; energy 2. ground state; excited state; 3. absorption formula: E (photon) = Ef - Ei (energy final - energy initial)

milli(m) is equal to ______


micro (µ) is equal to ______


nano (n) is equal to_______


kilo (k) is equal to ______


mega (M) is equal to _______


How many NADH produced in Pyruvate Oxidation (after glycolysis and before krebs cycle)?

2 NADH (1 per pyruvate molecule)

How many ATP produced in glycolysis?


Metaphase 2 Meiosis 2

2 sister chromatids of each chromosome are captured by microtubules from opposite spindle poles - the chromosomes line up individually along the metaphase plate

pKa of a typical carboxylic acid =


Each NADH that enters the electron transport system gives rise to _____ ATP. Each FADH2 that enters gives rise to _______ ATP.

3 ATP ; 2 ATP

Every NADH Oxidized in the Electron Transport Chain produces ________ ATP? So the ______ NADH produced in the Krebs cycle forms _______ ATP In the Electron transport Chain

3 ATP; 30 ATP

In fatty acid metabolism Beta Oxidation, create ______ Acetyl-CoA molecules running the cycle ________ times.

3 Acetyl CoA; 2x;

How many net ATPs are produced when a prokaryotic cell fully oxidizes one molecule of glucose?

32 ATP

_________, ________, ________, _________, __________ are precursors for DNA and RNA synthesis and energy currency


in Glycogenesis, there is an addition of ____ with the enzyme ______________ and the addition of _______ with the enzyme __________ ____________.

ATP; Hexokinase; UTP; Glycogen Synthase

in sociology, the _____________ of ______________ is defined as the ability for someone to obtain existing resources across the US, Wether or not healthcare resources can be obtained by someone who needs these resources. Factors that could lower this are: lack of ________________, if a clinic is close in ______________, whether the hospital provides ______________,

Accessibility of Healthcare; insurance; distance; translators

ANTERIOR PITUITARY -> ADRENAL GLAND: increases growth and secretory activity of adrenal cortex

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

______________________ - type of anxiety disorder that causes one to have fear of places or situations where it is hard for an individual to escape


In psychology, The 3 stages of General Adaptation Syndrome include 1. _____________ _____________ Stage- initial symptoms the body experiences when under stress. (Fight-or-Flight response) Heart rate increases, adrenal gland releases cortisol and boosts adrenaline increasing energy

Alarm Reaction Stage;

Sugars with aldehydes as their most oxidized group are called ________________


ADRENAL MEDULLA -> KIDNEY: increased Na+ reabsorption to increase blood pressure

Aldosterone (mineralocorticoid)

oxidation occurs at the ___________

Anode (AN OX)

In psychology, Motivation Theories include: 2. ________________ Theory - The state of being awake and reactive to stimuli; aim for optimal level of arousal for a given task (Yerkes -Dodson Law). If this is low, see things to increase, and if high, engage in behaviors to reduce this.

Arousal Theory

_______________ ___________ is a Social Perception and Behavior Theory that focuses on the tendency for individuals to infer the causes of other people's behavior,. _________________ (_____________) causes relate to the features of the person who is being considered. ________________ (____________) causes relate to features of the surrounding or social context

Attribution Theory; Dispositional (internal); Situational (external)

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning Development include: 4. __________________ and ___________ _____________ (school-age) - Orientation towards fixed rules. The purpose of morality is maintaining the Social order. Interpersonal accord is expanded to include entire society.

Authority and Social order

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development include: 2. ____________ vs. _______________/__________ (18mo-3yr) Virtue developed is Will

Autonomy vs. Shame

Steroid hormone Receptors

Bind to intracellular receptors to change gene expression directly

The stronger the bonds, the higher the _________ ____________ or more __________ needed to __________ a bond.

Bond dissociation; energy; break;

In psychology, ___________ ___________ (________-_______) ______________ is the recognition of objects by parallel processing and feature detection. This is slower but LESS prone to mistakes

Bottom-up (data-driven) processing;

in behavioral sciences, _________________ -__________ (data-driven) _______________ is the recognition of objects by parallel processing and feature detection. This is ______________, but less prone to mistakes

Bottom-up(data-driven) processing; SLOWER

The sympathetic nervous system connects internal organs to the ____________ and ____________ ____________. Functions include: increased _____________ __________, increased __________ ___________ to MUSCLES, and decreased _________ _________ to SKIN

Brain; Spinal cord; heart rate; blood flow; blood flow


Breaking down (cutting) complex molecules (polymer = protein) by the chemical addition of water; (cutting polymer into 2 pieces)

in biochemistry, calcium hormones include _________________ that puts calcium INTO bones and __________________ hormone that RIDS bone of calcium.

Calcitonin; Parathyroid

In physics, a _____________________ is a circuit element used to store charge and energy. There must be 2 _______________ surfaces separated by an __________________ or AKA Dielectric, also called a ______________ plate.

Capacitors; Conducting; Insulator; Parallel;

Examples of Electrophiles

Carbocations (R3-C+) (full positive C) - only have 6 e- (not octet) Carbonyl compounds (COR2) (partially positive C) (partially negative O) Alkyl Halides (X-C-R2) (partially positive C) (partially negative X)

glycolysis, krebs cycle, electron transport chain are all refered to as _________________ _________________. Each process breaks down a _____________ to produce ATP

Carbohydrate/Sugar Catabolism; Sugar


Carbohydrates are organic compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, usually in a ratio of 1:2:1.


Carbohydrates that are made up of more than two monosaccharides; glucose storage;

Gordon Allport's Trait Theory categorized into three levels 1. _______________ _____________ - dominate an individual's entire life. The person becomes known specifically for these traits. ex) hatred may have been a cardinal trait of Hitler

Cardinal traits

in psychology, a type of Non-experimental design study is called ______________ ______________ are detailed exploration of one individual occurrence of a phenomenon. The advance to this is to get more ______________ from an individual.

Case Studies; detail; note: individual occurrence = "case"

Acetyl CoA is the general ________________ ________________that can then enter the Krebs cycle and generate ________ regardless if the fuel is __________, __________, ___________ or ___________.

Catabolic intermediate; ATP; Carbohydrate; Sugar; Proteins or Fats

reduction occurs at the ____________

Cathode (RED CAT)

________________ ____________ ___________ (_______) are proteins that can bind cells to other cell surfaces (Extracellular Matrix). This includes _______________, ______________ and _____________.

Cell Adhesion Molecules (CAMs); Cadherins; Integrins; Selectins;

________________ is a polysaccharide that is the main structural component of plant cell walls and the main source of fiber in human's diets


Gordon Allport's Trait Theory categorized into three levels 2. _____________ ____________ - general characteristics that form the basic foundations of personality. Majorly dominating traits that describe person ex. intelligent, honest, shy, anxious

Central traits

in Piaget's stages of cognitive development,_____________ Is when someone can only focus on one aspect of a phenomenon


in physics, the Work done by ___________ __________ is ALWAYS pointing Perpendicularly to the direction of motion and does __________ work because __________ is always perpendicular to motion

Centripetal force (Fc); ZERO; Force;

________________ are located in the middle of chromosomes and hold sister chromatids together until they are separated during _____________ in mitosis. They contain high ____________-_____________ content to prevent the unraveling of DNA

Centromeres; Anaphase; Guanine-Cytosine

______________ _______________ states that Purines and Pyrimidines are Equal in number in a DNA molecule. The amount of ___________ = amount of __________, and the amount of __________ = amount of ___________.

Chargaff's Rules; A = T; C = G

Amino acids are ____________(____) EXCEPT for Glycine. All amino acids have the _______ configuration EXCEPT for Cysteine

Chiral (L); S;

In learning and Memory, __________________ ______________ is a form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an _______________ stimulus, such that the neutral stimulus alone produces the same response as the __________________ stimulus and thus the Neutral stimulus becomes a _________________ stimulus.

Classical Conditioning; Unconditioned Stimulus; Unconditioned Stimulus; Conditioned Stimulus;

the less number of lone pairs on a molecule, the _________ the _________ _________between atoms/molecules

Closer; Bond length;

saturated alkanes general formula

Cn H2n+2

allosteric activators in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex include(substrates); These alert the body to produce more Acetyl CoA

CoA, NAD+, Pyruvate, AMP and Calcium (Ca2+)

In the INNER ear, the ____________ detects sound


The Auditory pathway is: ______________ --> ____________________ __________ --> ____________ ____________ ___________ (_____) of thalamus --> ____________ ___________

Cochlea --> Vestibularcochlear nerve --> Medial Geniculate Nucleus (MGN) --> Auditory Cortex

In the ear, the _______________ detects sound, The ______________ and _______________ detect linear acceleration and the ________________ ____________ detect rotational acceleration

Cochlea; Utricle and Saccule; Semicircular canals

large proton pump 2 in ETC is called ____________ ___ _____________ or ____________ ___ _____________

Coenzyme Q Oxidase or Cytochrome C Reductase

two complexes of Electron transport chain include

Coenzyme Q and Cytochrome C

in psychology, ________________ _________________ occurs when a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas or values; or participates in an action that goes against of these three and experiences psychological stress

Cognitive Dissonance

_________________ is when individuals change behavior based on the request of others.



Compound that rotates the plane of polarized light to the right, or clockwise (labeled '+')


Compounds with the same structural formula but with a different arrangement of the atoms in space.

In psychology, Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development include: 3. ______________ ______________Stage: (7-11) focuses on understanding the feelings of others and manipulating physical objects.

Concrete Operational stage; (PHYSICAL = Concrete)

In behavioral sciences, Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development: 3. _________________ ___________________ stage - focuses on understanding the feelings of others and manipulating physical (concrete) objects

Concrete operational

in biochemistry, a ________________ reaction is when the lone pairs of electrons from an amino group of an amino acid attacks the carbon of the carbonyl group on the pyridoxal phosphate effecting a nucleophilic addition (2nd order)


Peptide bond formation is a _______________ (______________) reaction with a nucleophilic amino group attacking an electrophilic carbonyl. Peptide bonds are broken by ________________. Peptide bonds are between the _____________ of 1st Amino acid and _____________ of second amino acid

Condensation (dehydration); Hydrolysis; Carbonyl; Nitrogen

In Sociology, Sick Role theory has three versions.

Conditional - condition/illness is temporary Unconditionally legitimate - condition/illness is incurable Illegitimate role - condition/ illness that is stigmatized by others

_________________ is changing beliefs or behaviors in order to fit into a Group or Society


The reactivity of an Acid is dependent on how stable the ____________ ____________ is in solution.

Conjugate base

____________ _____________ are enzymes that show a Sigmoidal curve

Cooperative Enzymes

Steroid hormone Examples

Cortisol, Aldosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone

constant ____ = 9* 10^9 Nm^2 /C^2

Coulombs constant (Ko)

in physics, The positive direction of Torque is ___________________________ and the negative direction of Torque is ____________________.

Counterclockwise; Clockwise;

in general chem, _______________ bonds are formed between atoms with lone pairs and electron deficient species. electrons are donated from _____________ to _______ _________. example is oxygen attached to a hemoglobin molecule

Covalent; Nucleophiles; Lewis Bases

In DNA, ________________(pyrimidine) binds with _______________ (purine) via 3 hydrogen bonds (triple bond)

Cytosine (C); Guanine (G);

Fatty acid activation occurs in the __________ and involves adding a ___________ _____ to the fatty acid, using _____ ATP. Then we move the activated fatty acid into the ___________ __________ where it will be broken down _____ -_______ units at a time through __________-____________ forming _________- _______ to enter into the _________ cycle.

Cytosol; Coenzyme A; 2ATP; Mitochondrial Matrix; 2-carbon; Beta-oxidation; Acetyl CoA; Krebs;

Glycolysis occurs in the __________and doesn't require _____________.

Cytosol; oxygen

________________ _________________ - Is a dissociative disorder that is characterized by the inability to recall past experience. May involve ______________ _____________, a sudden change in location that can involve the assumption of a new identity

Dissociative Amnesia; Dissociative Fugue

What are the distance traveled and displacement of the runner in one lap (around a circular track)?

Distance - actual path (circumference of circle) d = 2πr = 600 m Displacement - (change in position) end up at the same place started, haven't changed position ∆s = 0

in psychology, ____________ ___________ uses automatic processing to pay attention to multiple activities at one time.

Divided Attention

__________________ _______________ - is a form of attention that uses _______________ processing (refers to a mental cognitive process with the following characteristics: it is fast, parallel, efficient, requires little cognitive effort, and does not require active control or attention by the subject) to pay attention to multiple activities at one time

Divided Attention; Automatic

Techniques for gaining compliance include: ___________-___________-___________-__________ : is a technique studied in social psychology and the persuaded attempts to convince the respondent to comply by making a large request that the respondent will most likely turn down, much like a metaphorical slamming of a door in the persuader's face.


The Neurotransmitter __________________ influences behavior by Smooth movements and postural stability


___________________ is a neurotransmitter that influences behavior with Smooth movements and Postural stability


In the Lysogenic cycle, Viral DNA incorperated into host genome and just replicated but not transcribed is ____________ or ______________ (just like the word compared to Lytic cycle)

Dormant; long;

___________________ is a mood disorder characterized by chronic mildly depressed or irritable mood often accompanied by other symptoms (eating, sleeping disturbances, poor self-esteem)


Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development include: 8. _________ ___________ vs. _______________ (65+yr) Virtue developed is Wisdom

Ego Integrity vs. Despair

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: 8. ________ ______________vs. ____________(65-death): The final psychosocial stage occurs during old age and is focused on reflecting back on life. At this point in development, people look back on the events of their lives and determine if they are ___________ with the life that they lived or if they ____________ the things they did or didn't do. important events include ______________ on ___________ and the outcome is ______________.

Ego Integrity vs. Dispair; happy;regret; Reflection; Life; Wisdom

in Piaget's stages of cognitive development, _________________ is the inability to imagine what another person thinks or feels


_____________ is a protein that exists as fibers in the extracellular spaces of many connective tissues. This is able to act as an elastic band (stretch and recoil with transient force)


In physics, _________ ___________ are a vector field created by source charges that permeates the space around them. Each __________ creates this around it, this is a set of vectors (magnitude + direction) at all points in space, permeate the space around itself.

Electric Fields; charge;

in physics, _____________ _______________ ____________ is only changes to electric potential matter (just like only changes in ________ in gravitational potential energy).

Electric Potential energy; HEIGHT;

in physics, ________ _________ ________ summarize all the electric field vectors in space. Electric field at any point is ___________ to this (this is the direction). The magnitude is determined by placing a box near the specific __________ and seeing how many ________ _______ ________ are running through this box = The ____________ of the electric field corresponds to the __________ of the _________ ________. This is called an Electric dipole field that is most important for ___________ molecules.

Electric field lines; tangent; charge; electric field lines; strength; Density; field lines; water;

in physics, ____________ ___________ is similar to elevation (like contour lines on topographical maps). To calculate change in height need to calculate ____________ ___________ __________. To calculate the change in electric potential, need to calculate _____________ ____________ _____________. This is a ____________ field created. by a source of charges that permeates the spacde around them. __________________ are closed curves instead of straight or curved arrows like Electric field lines filled with constant electric potential.

Electric potential. Gravitational potential energy; Electric potential energy; Scalar; Equipotentials;

Conductor is ______________ ______________. Insulator is ____________ ____________.

Electron movement; Electron polarization

Periodic trends

Electronegativity, Electron affinity, Energy of Ionization Encreases going up to the right on the periodic table . The only one that goes the opposite way (left and down on the periodic table) is atomic radius

__________________, like all Catalysts, Lower the ___________ ___________ necessary for reactions. They DO NOT alter the ________ _______ (_____) or ____________ (_____) change that accompanies the reactions, nor the final equilibrium position. They change the ___________ (_________) at which equilibrium is reached

Enzymes; Activation energy; Free energy (ΔG); Entropy (ΔH); RATE (Kinetics)

___________________ is the study (scientific or data-driven) of the distribution (frequency) and determinants (causes/risks) of health related states and events (not just disease) in specified populations (school, state, city, country)


ADRENAL MEDULLA: sympathetic stress response (rapid)


___________________ and _____________________ are neurotransmitters that influence behavior through "Fight or Flight" responses, wakefulness and alertness

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

The Neurotransmitter __________________ and _____________ influence behavior by Fight or Flight responses, Wakefulness and alertness

Epinephrine; Norepinephrine;

In behavioral sciences Memory, __________ ____________ is a type of declarative memory defined as the ability to recall and mentally re-experience specific episodes from one's personal past and is contrasted with semantic memory that includes memory for generic, context-free knowledge (events and experiences)

Episodic memory

_______________ ___________ are cells that come from surfaces of the body such as skin, blood vessels, urinary tract or organs

Epithelial cells

in psychology research methods, ______________ ______________ researchers are aiming to gain CONTROL on the experiment, want to be very careful about control group, administering treatment, double-blind, random sampling, random assignment or control of extraneous variables. The FLAW for this would be if researchers ________ _________ ___________, impacting results.

Experimental Design; didn't do enough;

In _______________ _______________, Researchers directly manipulate variables. The First step is to select the ______________ and ______________ groups (what they are testing and group would get treatment and which groups are not getting treatment). The Second step is random _____________ from population. The Third step is random ______________ to groups The Fourth step is control of _____________ variables.

Experimental design; experimental; control; sampling; assignment; extraneous (different)

Hormones secreted by Anterior pituitary Pneumonic " FLAG TOP"

F- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) L- Luteinizing Hormone (LH) A- Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) G- Growth Hormone (GH) T - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) O- MASH melanOcyte Stimulating Hormone P - Prolactin

NADH from glycolysis is at the same energy equivelence as ____________ in the Electron transport chain because they both enter at _____________ ____ (complex I)

FADH2; Coenzyme Q

in psychology, the ______________ ______________ theory by Murray Bowen is a theory of human behavior that views the family as an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions in the unit

Family systems theory

No gall bladder

Fat soluble vitamins will not be stored and important to take vitamins A,D,K,E

________ _________ can also contribute to the production of Acetyl CoA when they are broken down. Due to this reaction in Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is _______________, the Acetyl CoA produced cannot contribute to the production of _____________ and therefore cannot contribute to the production of _______________________(which occurs using __________ as the substrate

Fatty acids; irreversible; pyruvate; Gluconeogenesis

physics example: a car is going around a circular turn of radius 12 m. The coefficient of friction between the car's wheels and the ground is 0.3. What is the maximum speed at which the car can take the turn? (r =12m) A. 3.6 m/s B. 6 m/s C. 36m/s D. it depends on the mass of the car

Fc = m V^2 /r a(c) = V ^2 / r - in problems that have maximum, minimum, greater, less etc, tells us that Ff,s = μs Fn - see that Velocity and Force are perpendicular Fnet = Fc μs Fn = mV^2 /r μs mg = mV^2 /r μs g = V^2 / r V^2 = μs g r V = √ (0.3)(10)(12) = 6 m/s

physics equation for the force of the electric field

Fe = q E (+/- charge for q)

________________ Theory is a Major Contemporary Sociological theory that encompasses a variety of perspectives on the different experiences and treatment of women vs. men. These theorists question how social constructs such as _________, __________, ____________, ______________ , _____________ and ________ and other social constructs intersect with Gender. This theory is most concerned with giving a voice to women and highlighting various ways women have contributed to society.

Feminist theory; race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, nationality; age

the equation in physics for kinetic friction is: This is used for _______________ problems and the direction opposes ________________.

Ff,k = μk Fn ; Sliding; Velocity

in physics, the gravitational formula is _____ = ____ ______/ ______ and this obeys ________ __________ __________ related to the distance between the centers of mass oof attracting objects.

Fg = G * Mtotal / r^2 ; inverse square laws note: Force of gravity (Fg) Gravitational constant (G) Total masses (Mtotal) center-to-center distance between masses (radius) (r)

Around 1900, ________-___________ ___________ focused on women's suffrage: The right to vote, to own property, to have equal rights within marriage and to work for wages. In the 1960s and 1970s, __________-__________ ______________ focused on women's Liberation: gender equality, sexual rights, reproductive rights and resisting patriarchal culture. In the 1980s, ___________-____________ _____________ has focused on areas of concern left untheorized by first and second wave feminists who were mostly white, middle-class, heterosexual, American or European. One particular topic of interest is the concept of ______________________, the study of overlapping systems of oppression (gender, race, class, sexuality) and can be used to understand how systemic injustice and social inequality occur on a multidimensional basis

First-wave feminism; Second-wave feminism; Third-wave feminism; Intersectionality

physics example: What is the normal force for a book with a weight of 100N resting on a horizontal table?

Fn = 100N (because to counteract and prevent book from falling through table)

physics example: What is the normal force for a book with a weight of 100N resting on a horizontal table with a force applied downwards on the book with 50N?

Fn = 150N (has to push up with enough force to prevent the 150N downwards from allowing the book to fall through the surface of the table)

The ______________ ______________ is a lobe of the brain within the Cerebral Cortex. Functions include: a. ____________ _____________ - set of mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control b. ____________ ____________ - controlling emotions and behaviors towards societies norms c. ____________-_________ ___________ - prefrontal cortex d.____________ _________ - primary motor cortex e. ____________ ____________ - Broca's Area

Frontal lobe; a. Executive Function; b. Impulse Control c. Long-term Planning d. Motor Function e. Speech Production (blue (A) in picture)

pneumonic "God Always Vants Little Insects To Provide Many Plants" - Nonpolar Amino Acids

G- glycine A-alanine V-valine L-leucine I- isoleucine T-tryptophan P-proline M-methionine P-Phenylalanine

The Neurotransmitter __________________ influences behavior by Brain "Stabilization"


___________________ is a neurotransmitter that influences behavior via Brain "Stabilization"


What type of cellular junction allows for exchange of cytosol between cells?

GAP junctions

Polar amino acids

GCATS and GA LAH Glutamine, Cysteine, Asparagine, Threonine, Serine Acidic: Glutamic Acid, Aspartic Acid Basic: Lysine, Arginine, Histidine

________________ _____________ _____________ is an anxiety disorder that one has constant disproportionate and persistent worry

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Steroid Hormones Solubility

Generally NON-POLAR and require carrier proteins to travel in the blood

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: 7. ___________________ vs. __________________(40-65yrs): Adults need to create or nurture things that will outlast them, often by having children or creating a positive change that benefits other people. Success leads to feelings of _______________ and failure results in _____________ involvement in the world. important events are ___________ and __________________ while the outcome is ____________.

Generatively vs. Stagnation; Accomplishment; shallow; Work and Parenthood; Care

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development include: 7. ____________ vs. _______________ (40-66yr) Virtue developed is Care

Generativity vs. Stagnation;

Freud's stages of psychosexual development: 5. ______________ (puberty-death): Erogenous zone - Maturing sexual interests; The onset of puberty causes the libido to become active once again. During the final stage of psychosexual development, the individual develops strong sexual interest in the opposite sex.

Genital stage

Sigmund Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development include 5. ______________ stage - (Beyond puberty) - Individuals are attracted to opposite sex peers

Genital stage

Hormones that increase blood [glucose]

Glucagon (polypeptide derivative), Epinepherine (amino acid derivative), Cortisol (steroid / glucocorticoid)

Oxaloacetate is in what two pathways?

Gluconeogenesis and Krebs cycle

in Glycogenesis, Glucose 6-phosphate is converted into ____________ ___-______________ (rearrangement), catalyzed by the enzyme _________________________. Then attaching this new rearranged glucose and attaching it to the glycogen polymer, catalyzed by the enzyme ___________ __________.

Glucose 1-Phosphate; Phosphoglucomutase; Glycogen Synthase

in Glycogenesis (high blood sugar levels), _____________ monomers get converted into a _________________ polymer and stored mainly in the ______________ and to a lesser extent, in ___________ __________.

Glucose; Glycogen; Liver; Skeletal Muscle

What Acidic amino acid is this?

Glutamic Acid (Glutamate) (Glu) (E)

What Polar hydrophilic Amino acid is this?

Glutamine (Gln) (Q)

__________________ has the smallest R group and is thus the smallest amino acid.


all amino acids are chiral except _______________. This is because the R group contains only one hydrogen.


What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this? This is also an ____________ molecule;

Glycine (Gly) (G); Achiral

Aliphatic amino acids pneumonic GALIP V

Glycine - G, Gly Alanine - A, Ala Leucine - L, Leu Isoleucine - I, IIe Proline - P, Pro Valine - V, Val

______________ is a large storage form of glucose


__________________ is a polysaccharide and its a major energy storage form for animals


in Animals, ________________ has a lot of branching to help break things down quickly.


In Glycogenolysis, when glucose levels are decreasing, must remove a glucose off of ___________, catalyzed by the enzyme called __________ _____________. This turns the glycogen polymer back into ________ ___ _________ which is then rearranged back in the _________ ____ __________ by the enzyme ___________________. This is then dephosphorylated by ___________ ____ ________________ into Glucose which can be released into the blood stream

Glycogen; Glycogen Phosphorylase; Glucose 1-Phosphate; Glucose 6-Phosphate; Phosphoglucomutase; Glucose 6- Phosphatase

The formation of glycogen is called ____________________ and the breakdown of glycogen is called _________________________.

Glycogenesis; Glycogenolysis

______________ ______________ (in monosaccharides) are the basis for building complex carbohydrates and requires the anomeric carbon to link to another sugar.

Glycoside formation

In Sociology, _______________ is a social institution, An institution entrusted with making and enforcing the rules of a society as well as with regulating relations with other societies. In order to be considered this, a __________ body must be _____________ as such by the people effected.

Government; ruling; recognized;

______ is the strongest acid, ____ is the weakest conjugate base. The opposite for ______, a weak acid and ______ is a stronger Bronsted base, capable of picking up a proton

HI; I- ; HF; F-

In behavioral sciences Learning, _________________ is the process of becoming used to a stimulus


In learning and Memory, __________________ is the process of becoming used to a stimulus


____________________ are a drug group such as LSD, Peyote, Mescaline, Ketamine and Psilocybin containing Mushrooms. This drug groups function is Distortions of reality and fantasy and Introprospection


_______________ are a type of drugs such as LSD, peyote, Mescaline, Ketamine, Psilocybin - mushrooms and Functions by Distortions of reality and fantasy and introspection (observation of one's mental and emotional processes)


in psychology, the ______________ _________ is the tendency for an impression created in one area to influence opinion in another area

Halo Effect

The more _______________ atoms present on a molecule, the more able to stabilize the negative charge on conjugate base. ____________ stabilizes molecules better than ____________, so a molecule with _______________ is most acidic and a molecule with ______________ is least acidic compared. This is called the _____________ effect and is based on Electronegativity and the number of _______________ present on the molecule. ALSO, The _____________away a ________________ is to the negative charge conjugate base, the less effect it has.

Halogen; Fluorine; Chlorine; Fluorine; Chlorine; Induction effect; halogens; farther; halogen

in psychology, ____________________ is a mental shortcut that allows people to solve problems, make judgments quickly and efficiently, shortening decision-making time and allowing people to function without constantly stopping to think about next course of action.


What Basic amino acid is this?

Histidine (His) (H)


Histidine, Arginine, Lysine

In Eukaryotes, DNA is wound around ______________ _______________ (H2A, H2B, H3 &H4) to form _________________, which may be stabilized by another ___________ ___________ (H1).

Histone Proteins; Nucleosomes; histone protein; histones;

Metaphase 1 of Meiosis 1

Homologous chromosomes line up in the center of the cell Cells line up at random; maternal and paternal chromosomes are shuffled

Anaphase 1 of Meiosis 1

Homologous chromosomes separate to opposite ends of the cell. - sister chromatids stay together

The ____________ _____________ of _____________ emphasizes internal feelings of healthy individuals as they strive towards happiness and self-realization. 2 Theorists, ______________ (hierarchy of needs) and ______________ (unconditional positive regard)

Humanistic Perspective; Maslow; Rogers

Horrible leaving groups that cannot be protonated in any way (NEVER LEAVING GROUPS)

Hydrogen and carbon groups (EXCEPT ENOLATE)

Secondary protein structure linkage

Hydrogen bonding

___________________ is an enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage with the addition of water


breaking of a polymer is what reaction?


What area of the brain is responsible for primary regulation of the endocrine system?


The _______________ is a part of the Forebrain that maintains homeostasis and integrates with the endocrine system through the _____________________ portal system that connects to the ____________ pituitary.

Hypothalamus; Hypophyseal; Anterior;

pneumonic "MADGE" - Immunoglobulins

IgM, IgA, IgD, IgG, IgE

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: 4. ____________________ vs. _________________(6-11yrs): This stage takes place during early school years, when children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities through social interactions. Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of _______________ in their skills. Those who receive little or no encouragement from parents, teachers and peers will develop ________________ in their abilities. The important events in this stage is _______________ and the outcome is ________________.

Industry vs. Inferiority; Competence; doubt; school; confidence

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development include: 3. ____________ vs. _______________ (3-5yr) Virtue developed is Purpose

Initiative vs. Guilt

in physics, the Work done by __________ _________ ALWAYS OPPOSES the direction of motion, so this Work is _____________ and _____________ ALWAYS acts AGAINST motion

Kinetic friction; negative; Friction

What does this symbol represent in US society (symbolic interactionism)

Money, status, power, acquisitiveness, happiness

___________________are single carbohydrate units that can undergo 3 main reactions: ______________-_______________, _________________ and _______________ ________________.

Monosaccharides; Oxidation-reduction; Esterification; Glycoside formation

_________________ in Epidemiology, is the burden or degree of illness associated with a given disease


high energy state in ETC is _______ oxidized to _______. Low energy state in ETC is _________ reduced to __________.

NADH; NAD+ Oxygen; H2O

The second phase of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway includes the _______ ____________ phase which includes a series of _________________ __________________ of the carbon chain to generate some glycolytic intermediates. First, ____________ ____ ______________ is converted into ____________ _____ _____________. This can then go into _____________ synthesis or can combine both _______- ___________ molecules and form a _____- _________ molecule, which can be split into a _________________ ________________(_______)- glycolytic intermediate) + ______-_________ molecule. Can also split these molecules in a different way producing _____________ ____- ____________(Glycolytic intermediate) (6-C) and a ______-________ molecule. Lastly, can combine ______-________ molecule with another molecule of _____________ ____-___________ to create a ____-________ molecule split apart into a _______________ _____-____________(6-C) and ______________ ______________(3-C), both products able to SHUNT back into __________________.

Non-Oxidative phase; Reversible Rearrangements; Ribulose 5-Phosphate; Ribose 5-Phosphate; Nucleotide; 5-Carbon; 10-Carbon; Glyceraldehyde phosphate (GAP); 7-Carbon; Fructose 6-phosphate; 4-Carbon; 4-Carbon; Ribulose 5-phosphate; 9-Carbon; Fructose 6-Phosphate; Glyceraldehyde phosphate (GAP); Glycolysis

in psychology research methods, ________ _______________ ____________ researchers are trying to STAY OUT of the picture, let whatever is happening, happen, and do the best they can to record what is taking place without influencing it. The FLAW for this would be if researchers _____ ______ _________, impacting results.

Non-experimental Designs; did too much;

What are the four categories of amino acids? A. Nonpolar, polar, neutral, basic B. Nonpolar, polar, acidic, basic C. Polar, neutral, acidic, basic D. Nonpolar, polar, acidic, neutral

Non-polar polar acidic basic -Amino acids are categorized as nonpolar, polar, acidic, or basic. The category that an amino acid is placed into gives you an idea of where you might find the amino acid within a protein. For example, polar amino acids are commonly found on the outside of proteins, where other polar molecules (water) are likely to be found.


Non-polar - fat attached to a phosphate group (glycerol, phosphate and 2 fatty acids) - cell membrane with lipid bilayer (amphipathic properties (hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues - polar heads and non-polar tails) - non-polar "wall" (barriers) to prevent things from going in and out (water inside)


Non-polar fats, (fatty acids); they are most reduced form of hydrocarbons (non-polar carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen bonds); when metabolized, the hydrocarbons oxidize the release of large amounts of energy good energy storage

I saw (ISO) LEUcy METHodically PRObe and PHEel ALAN. VAL TRYPped on the GLYCINE

Nonpolar hydrophobic amino acids

Which of the following identifies a point mutation that creates a STOP codon?

Nonsense mutation

in physics, the Work done by ____________ ____________ is usually perpendicular to motion if the surface isn't moving and is usually = _______

Normal Force (Fn); = 0;

_________________ are a part of the DNA structure that are nucleosides (5-C sugar + Nitrogenous base) with one to three phosphate groups attached.


Telophase 2 Meiosis 2

Nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes and the chromosomes decondense

Ribose 5-Phosphate is used for

Nucleotide synthesis (RNA)

The _______________ _____________ is a lobe of the brain within the Cerebral Cortex. Function includes: a. _______________ ___________________

Occipital Lobe; a. Visual Processing (pink (c) in picture)

______________ ___________ __________ is a depressive disorder that is characterized by a person with a depressed mood (either _______________ or major depression) for at least 2 years

Pervasive Depression Disorder; Dysthymia

__________________ ______________ _____________ - is a depressive disorder that one has a depressed mood (either ___________ (persistent mild depression) or major depression) for at least 2 years

Pervasive Depressive Disorder; Dysthymia

______________ ______________ in Freud's psychosexual development stages includes Vanity, Exhibitionism and Pride


Sigmund Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development include 3. ______________ stage - (3-6yr) - Boys are more attached to their mothers while girls are more attached to their fathers

Phallic stage

Freud's stages of psychosexual development: 3. ________________(3-6): Erogenous zone-Genitals; the primary focus of libido is on the genitals. This is the stage that children begin to discover the differences between males and females. Boys begin to view their fathers as rivals for the mother's affection. This causes the ______________ ___________, described by feelings of wanting to possess the mother and the desire to replace the father.

Phallic; Oedipus Complex

in psychology, a type of Non-experimental design study is called __________________ ______________ and are studies that attempt to understand conscious experiences from a first-person perspective [do in direct way - ask how the study went]

Phenomenological Studies;

What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this?

Phenylalanine (Phe) (F)

____________________, _______________ and ______________ are all amino acids that have large ring structures in their R-groups, this means they are BULKY.

Phenylalanine; Tyrosine; Tryptophan

Fructose 2,6 Bisphosphate stimulates the production of ______________________ (____), Which helps to turn on _______________.

Phosphofructokinase (PFK); Glycolysis

This property is referred to as _________________. Going down the periodic table (F -> I), this increases with increasing __________ and also increases ___________________. This inturn, decreases _____________. The ____________ __________ is more even in a small ion (F-). Compared to Iodide (I-), has too many electrons and cannot ________ them around, see a greater variation of potential __________ __________ over the larger ion.

Polarizability; size; Nucleophilicity; Basicity; electron density; shift; electron density

in Piaget's stages of cognitive development,____________ ___________ _____________ occur from 1-4 months and this is a substage that involves coordinating sensation and new schemas example - Child may suck thumb by accident and then later intentionally repeat the action. These actions are repeated because the infant finds them pleasurable

Primary Circular Reactions

Which of the following degrades prions?

Prions are resistant to degradation

In behavioral sciences Memory, __________ ____________ is a form of implicit memory and is a part of the long-term memory that is responsible for knowing how to do things, also known as motor skills. This memory stores information on how to perform certain procedures, such as walking, talking and riding a bike (Skills and tasks)

Procedural Memory

What is the primary contribution of B cells in an adaptive immune response?

Production of antibodies specific to an antigen

OVARIES / PLACENTA: leads to endometrial secretion, pregnancy


When can synapsis occur in meiosis?

Prophase 1 of Meiosis

In cellular respiration, what acts as the final electron acceptor if oxygen is not available?


In glycolysis, The enzyme that convertes Phosphoenolpyruvate(PEP) into Pyruvate is called _____________ _____________

Pyruvate Kinase

In gluconeogenesis, the enzymes used to catalyze the reversable reaction (carboxylation) from pyruvate into oxaloacetate is ____________ ________________, this is where _______ is added. The dephosphorylation step from oxaloacetate into Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is catalyzed by the enzyme _________________________ ________________, This is where ______ is added.

Pyruvate carboxylase; ATP; Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK); GTP

charge on capacitor physics equation is

Q = CV

What type of enzyme is needed to replicate a viral genome composed of RNA?

RNA dependent RNA polymerase

In eukaryotic cells, the removal of RNA primers is with the enzyme ____________ ______ in the ______' -> _____' exonuclease

RNase H; 5' -> 3'

_______________ ____________ Theory is a Sociological theory that suggests that individuals make decisions by comparing the costs and benefits of various courses of action; we try to maximize benefits and reduce costs. Individuals must ________________ the outcomes of alternative courses of action and _______________ the outcomes that will be best for them. These people chose the alternative that is likely to give them the greatest satisfaction. This is a _____________-level theory.

Rational choice; anticipate; calculate; Micro-level theory

In behavioral sciences Memory, ______________ is a form of remembering characterized by a feeling of familiarity when something previously experienced is again encountered. ________________ is the act of retrieving information or events from the past while lacking a specific cue to help in retrieving the information _________________ of information is STRONGER than ___________.

Recognition; Recall; Recognition; Recall

without oxygen, we ___________ Pyruvate to ___________ NADH to continue running glycolysis

Reduce; Oxidize

________________________ - is a type of psychological disorder that is characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances in content and form of thought, perception and behavior. _____________ _______________ include hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thought and behavior. _____________ ________________ included disturbance of affect and avolition (lack of motivation)


________________ is a type of Psychological Disorder that is characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances in content, and form of thought, perception and behavior. __________ ______________ include hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thought and behavior. ______________ _______________ include disturbance of affect and (lack of motivation)

Schizophrenia; Positive symtoms; Negative symptoms

_________________ ________________ _____________ - is a depressive disorder is an informal name for Major Depressive Disorder with seasonal onset, with depression occurring during winter months

Seasonal Affective Disorder

The _______________ ____________ of a protein is a local structure, stabilized by _____________ bonding. There is local Folding of polypeptide chain into _______- __________ and ____________- ___________ _________

Secondary Structure; Hydrogen; Alpha- helices; Beta-pleated sheets;

Gordon Allport's Trait Theory categorized into three levels 3. _______________ _____________ - traits that often appear only in certain situations or under specific circumstances. ex. getting anxious when speaking to a group or impatient while waiting in line

Secondary traits

in psychology research studies, ____________ ____________ is a flaw of external validity and is Too restrictive of inclusion/ exclusion criteria for participants (sample is not representative). [can affect results outside of study]

Section Criteria

Physics example - Electric Potential: b The electric potential due to a point charge located at the origin on an x-y plane can be calculated for any point on the plane using the equation Φ = K Q/r. How do the electric potentials at the points (a,0) and (0,a) differ?

See in the equation for Φ ; Φ = K Q/r , at some constant value of radius r, there is a constant potential - the equipotential between both points is a 1/4 of a circle/sphere - no difference between equipotential between both points because values at any point on equipotential surface or line, value of potential is constant. The electric field is different at both points because electric field has direction

_____________ _______________ - is a form of attention that allows one to pay attention to a particular stimulus while determining if additional stimuli require attention in the background

Selective Attention

in psychology, ____________ _____________ allows one to pay attention to a particular stimulus while determining if additional stimulus require attention in the background.

Selective Attention

_____________ ______________ is the sum of the ways in which we describe ourselves: in the present, who we used to be, and who we might be in the future


_____________-_______________ is the sum of the ways in which we describe ourselves - in the present, who we used to be and who we might be in the future


____________-_____________ is our evaluation of ourselves


_____________-______________ ____________ is a phenomenon of a stereotype creating an expectation of a particular group, which creates conditions that lead to confirmation of this stereotype

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning Development include: 2. __________________ (pre-school) - Interest shifts to rewards rather than punishment - effort is made to secure greatest benefit to oneself


In behavioral sciences Memory, __________ ____________ is a type of declarative memory and is a category of long-term memory that involves the recollection of ideas, concepts, and facts commonly regarded as general knowledge (facts and concepts)

Semantic memory

In behavioral sciences Memory, Information is stored via _______________ ______________. Retrieval of information is often based on ________________ (is a phenomenon whereby exposure to one stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention) interconnected nodes of the ________________ ______________.

Semantic networks; Priming; semantic network

In the INNER ear, the ___________________ _________ detect ROTATIONAL acceleration

Semicircular Canals; (D in picture)

pneumonic "SEVE(n) UP" - Path of Sperm

Seminiferous tubules Epididymis Vas deferens Ejaculatory duct (nothing) Urethra Penis

________________ is the conversion of physics stimuli into neurological signals.


____________________ is the conversion of physical stimuli into neurological signals


Piaget's stages of cognitive development: 1. _______________________(0-2): Infants know the world their their movements and sensations. Children learn about the world through basic actions such as sucking, grasping, looking and listening. _____________ ____________ is acquired by infants, learning that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen. They are separate beings from the people and objects around them. They realize that their actions can cause things to happen in the world around them

Sensorimotor; Object permanence

In behavioral sciences, Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development: 1. __________________________ stage - focuses on manipulation of environment to meet physical needs through ______________ ____________ (a repetitive action emerging around 4 to 5 months of age that signifies the infant's aim of making things happen). _______________ ________________ (describes a child's ability to know that objects continue to exist even though they can no longer be seen or heard) Ends this stage.

Sensorimotor; Circular Reactions; Object Permanence;

____________ ____________ (_______________)transmit information from sensory receptors to the Central Nervous System (CNS)

Sensory Neurons (Afferent)

______________ ____________ respond to stimuli and trigger electrical signals (sensation vs perception)

Sensory Receptors

___________ ____________ transmit information from sensory receptors to the central nervous system

Sensory neurons

______________ _____________ respond to stimuli and trigger electrical signals

Sensory receptors

in sociology, the _________ __________ theorizes that individuals who are ill have certain rights and responsibilities in society; if an individual cannot fulfill the same duties that a person in good health can, society allows for a responsible amount of deviant behavior.

Sick Role;

in psychology, ______________ ____________ Theory - the effects of non-sensory factors, such as experiences, motives and expectations on perception of stimuli. A ____________ ____________ is examined using this theory's experiments with four possible outcomes: HITS, MISSES, FALSE ALARMS AND CORRECT NEGATIVES _______________ Is a decrease in response to a stimulus over time.

Signal Detection Theory; Response Bias; Adaptation;

In behavioral sciences, ______________ ________________ ________________ is a theory that states: The Effects of non-sensory factors, such as experiences, motives and expectations, on Perception of stimuli

Signal detection Theory

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning Development include: 5. ________________ _______________ (teens) - Mutual benefit reciprocity. Morally right and Legally right are not always the same. utilatrian (practical) rules that make life better for everyone.

Social Contract

in psychology, ____________ ______________ theory proposes that social behavior is a result of an exchange process. The purpose of this exchange is to maximize benefits and costs. This theory is by George Homans

Social Exchange

in psychology, ________________ ______________ is a type of response bias that is the tendency of survey respondents to answer questions in manner that is viewed as favorable by others

Social desirability

_______________ ____________________ is a tendency to perform at a different level (better or worse) when others are around

Social facilitation

___________ __________ are the elements that serve some function in society such as laws, morals, values, religions, customs, rituals and rules that make up a society

Social facts

All normal cell activity within a Neuron occurs in the _____________ or ____________ _____________. This includes ________________ synthesis, glycolysis,

Soma or cell body

in psychology, ______________ ______________ _____________is when a person feels extreme exaggerated anxiety about physical symptoms

Somatic Symptom Disorder

______________________ is a sense that causes 4 touch modalities (pressure, vibration, pain and temperature)



Somatostatin (SS)

in physics, __________________ of _____________ is used with Electrostatic forces, and enables determination of Fe when there are GREATER than 2 charges in the system. ____________ on a charge due to a set of other charges is the VECTOR SUM of the forces from each individual charge. In example, ______ and _____ are like charges and thus ___________ the force downwards. ________ is an opposite charge and this means an __________ force. These examples are ONLY THINKING ABOUT the forces __________ on an ____________ __________

Superposition of Forces; Fe, net; q1; q3; repel; q2; attractive; acting; individual charge;

in physics, ________________ force is a force exerted on both ends of a taut rope. This is always directed __________ the rope, _____________ from the object its connected to. This force is ___________ throughout any single rope. A pulley would be an example for this and it changes the ____________ of this force.

Tension; along; away; constant; direction;

The _______________ ____________ of a protein is the folding of a three-dimensional structure stabilized by hydrophobic interactions, acid-base interactions (salt-bridges), Hydrogen bonding and ________________ bonds. example) 2 Cysteine molecules

Tertiary Structure; Disulfide bonds;

Psychologists of the behaviorist school use the concepts of neutral, conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, and conditioned and unconditioned response. In Ivan Pavlov's research, which of the below options is true?

The bell was a neutral stimulus developed into a conditioned stimulus, the food was an unconditioned stimulus, and the salivation was an unconditioned response


The enzymes that catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose to form glucose-6-phosphate in the first step of glycolysis. This is one of the ain regulatory steps of this pathway. Hexokinase is feedback-inhibited by glucose-6-P.; found in most tissues; Lower Km and Lower Vmax (compared to Glucokinase)

Equilibrium potential

The membrane potential at which there is no driving force on an ion, and there is no net movement of ions across the membrane.


The removal of an amino group (NH2) from a molecule. takes place in the liver (or kidney sometimes)

Anaphase 2 of Meiosis 2

The sister chromatids separate and are pulled towards opposite poles of the cell

mass number (A)

The sum of protons (p+) + neutrons (n^0) and determines ISOTOPES; - mass number is NOT on periodic table. Average atomic mass is weighted average of isotopes

Consciousness stages, EEG waves, and Features: Stage: 2 EEG Waves: ________________ Features: _____________ ____________ and ______ ____________

Theta; Sleep spindles and K complexes

Consciousness stages, EEG waves and Features: Stage: 1 EEG Waves: ____________ Features: _________ ___________

Theta; Light sleep

easy to remember for pyrimidines.

They all have (y's) Cytosine, Thymine (RNA - Uracil)

What Polar hydrophilic Amino acid is this?

Threonine (Thr) (T)

in psychology, ________________ is the minimum stimulus that causes a change in signal transduction


Adenine binds to __________ with a _________ bond.

Thymine (T); Double

in psychology, a type of Non-experimental design study is called ______________ ______________ or ____________ ___________ are studies that attempt to establish the relative effects of nature and nurture on behavior.

Twin studies; Heritability studies; (large genetic concordance among twins (identical = 100% concordance; Fraternal = 50%) - certain attributes due to genes or due to environment

BAD leaving groups are

Unstable in solution due to their charge.

Would the walls of the atria or ventricles expected to be thicker? a. Atria, because blood ejection due to atrial contraction is high b. Atria, because blood ejection due to the atrial contraction is low c. Ventricles, because ventricular stroke volume is high d. Ventricles, because ventricular stroke volume is low

Ventricles, because ventricular stroke volume is high

Hunds Rule: a. electrons fill degenerate orbitals ____ per orbital before _________. b. ________________ = at least one unpaired electron; This is the _______________of electromagnetic field c. __________________ = all electrons are paired (when shubshell is full (s2; p6, d10, f14); This is the _________________ of the electromagnetic field.

a. 1; pairing; b. paramagnetic; attraction; c. diamagnetic; repulsion

Quantum Model - Many Electron Atoms: a. Electrons exist within _______ orbitals of various sizes and shapes. The shape is ___________ related to electron energy b. Electron energies are ______________ and are related to their specific orbital. Energy ______________ with larger distance from the nucleus and complexity of the orbital shape c. four quantum numbers fully describe the electronic structure of the quantum model: ____ (period = energy level/size), ______ (type of sub-shell/complexity), _______ (number of orbitals in each sub-shell) and _______ (electron spin). if you increases ________, higher energy and larger

a. 3D; DIRECTLY b. quantized; c. n (period = energy level and size) ; l (type of subshell and complexity) ; m1 (number of orbitals in each subshell) ; s (electron spin); n (period)

three factors affecting acid strength by altering the conjugate base stability

a. Electronegativity - more electronegative atoms handle negative charge better b. Resonance - spreading charge out over more than one atom (delocalizing the charge) and increases stability of the anionic conjugate base c. Induction - helps to stabilize charge in molecules; depends on proximity and electronegativity of Electron Withdrawing groups (EWG)

Aufbau Principle: a. describes how electrons are ____________ or _____________ from orbitals of DIFFERENT energies b. electrons are added from _____________ to ___________ energy (1s --> 2s ..) c. electrons are FIRST removed from ______________ orbitals from ___________ to ___________ energy (farthest away from nucleus to closest) d. electrons are then removed from the remaining orbitals from ____________ to ____________ energy. e. ****even though _____ is HIGHER in energy than ________, the valence ______ electrons are removed BEFORE the non-valence ________ electrons.

a. added or removed; b. lowest; highest; c. valence; highest; lowest; d. highest; lowest; e. 3d; 4s; 4s; 3d

Pauli Principle: a. describes the ________ _________ of an orbital - how many electrons can live in a particular orbital b. NO 2 Electrons may be ___________ (quantum numbers same = same period) c. This limits the occupancy of an orbital to a MAXIMUM of _________ electrons

a. carrying capacity; b. identical; c. 2

Bohr Model (one-electron atoms) a. electrons orbit at ___________ distances from the nucleus. The distance between orbits _____________ with distance from the nucleus b. Electron energies are _________________ and are related to their ____________-____________ orbits. Energy ____________ with distance from the nucleus c. The Principal quantum number, _____, described the ___________ distance of an electrons orbit from the nucleus

a. fixed; Decreases; b. quantized; fixed-ratio; increases c. n; radial;

Excited state electron configurations: a. an excited state is an _______________ number of configurations that have _________ energy than the ___________ energy electron configuration 1. make sure the configuration has the correct ____________ number of ______________. 2. the electrons can be in ____________ orbital if it exists EX) is 1s2 2s2 2d6 3s1 or 1s2 2s2 2p6 3p1 an excited state configuration for Na?

a. infinite; higher; lowest; 1. total; electrons; 2. ANY ex) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3p1 because 2d6 in other configuration does not exist - change 3s1 --> 3p1 or 3d1 for excited states

Electron Relaxation a. electrons in an excited state can return to a __________ energy orbit, ____________ a photon equal in energy to the energy difference between energy levels. b. electrons can return to the ground state in a ______________ transition or in ________________ transitions c. ______________ = Negative energy change

a. low; Emitting; b. SINGLE; Multiple c. Emission

Physics example: Both objects are released from rest, a. if the plane is frictionless, for which is the network greater? b. if the plane is frictionless, in which case is the power greater?

a. same for both objects released at rest because gravity is a conservative force, only force acting is gravity. Net work is the same b. Case A: P = Work / time work = same time = smaller - greater acceleration and shorter distance - in case A, the acceleration the block experiences = gravity (shorter distance and greater acceleration) - in case B, the acceleration the block experiences = gsinθ (sin component of gravity)

Electromagnetic Spectrum: a. The energy of a photon is related to its ________________ and _________________. b. near gamma rays at left end, has ___________ energy (E) , _____________ frequency (f) and _____________ wavelength (λ) c. near radio waves at right end, has ___________ energy (E), ___________ frequency (f) and ________________ wavelength (λ) Frequency (f) is ____________ proportional to Energy Wavelength (λ) is ____________ proportional to Energy Formula: E = ____ _____ = ____ ____/ _____

a. wavelength (λ) and frequency (f); b. higher E, Higher f, lower λ; c. lower E, lower f, higher λ; f is DIRECTLY proportional to E; λ is INDIRECTLY proportional to E; Formula: E = hf = hc / λ h = planks constant = 6.6 * 10 ^-34 J/sec C = speed of light = 3 * 10^8 m/s

Sometimes in pulley problems for physics, there is an ______________ _____________, with different masses attached to a Atwood machine and there could be ____________.

accelerating masses; friction;

in physics, _______________ is how fast Velocity is changing. This is a ______________ and its units are ________/__________

acceleration; vector; m/s^2

Which of the following neurotransmitters could be imbalanced if someone woke up and realized they could not move any muscle? a. catecholamine b. acetyl-choline c. frataxin d. cortisol


In projectile motion, the horizontal motion or ______ coordinate Acceleration formula is

ax = 0

In projectile motion, the Vertical motion or ______ coordinate acceleration formula is

ay = -g

Pythagorean Theorem



a²+b²=c² sin= opposite/hypotenuse = b/c cos= adjacent/hypotenuse = a/c tan= opposite/ adjacent = b/a

number of cycles of Beta oxidation equation for saturated fats

# Cycles = [(# carbons)/ 2] / 1

phosphofructokinase (PFK) is allosterically regulated by _______ and thus will inhibit this enzyme (glycolysis)



(during fasting state) Formation of ketone bodies through the breakdown of fatty acids and ketogenic amino acids; HMG-CoA synthase; located in the mitochondria of liver cells

_______________ is an element of Social Interaction and is two or more individuals with similar characteristics who share a sense of unity


______________ _________________ is the tendency towards making decisions in a group that are more extreme then the thoughts of the individual group members

Group Polarization

Note: Charge of main group element cations correspond to their ___________ ______________ ex) Na+, Al3+ Charge of Transition Metal Cations and some Group 4-7 elements use _____________ ____________ ex) Cu (II), Pb (V), P (III)

Group numbers; Roman numerals

__________________ is the tendency to make decisions based on ideas


ANTERIOR PITUITARY: increases bone and muscle growth, increases cell turnover rate

Growth hormone (GH)

Cytosine binds to ______________ with a _________ bond.

Guanine (G); Triple

Which components of the sarcomere change in length during muscle contraction?

H zone and I band

group 7 (VII) on periodic table

Halogens (ns2 np5 valence shell configuration)

pneumonic "Macy May Does Not Smoke" - Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium requirements

NO: Mutations Migration Drift (genetic) Non-random mating Selection (natural)

_____________ __________________ (stress) - directed at evaluating whether the organism can cope with the stress, based on harm, threat and challenge

Secondary Appraisal

in Piaget's stages of cognitive development, ___________ ____________ is the ability to use symbols to represent thinks.

Symbolic Thought

_____________ _____________ is an idea associated with a cultural group

Symbolic culture

Cholecytokinin (CCK)

- a hormone secreted into the bloodstream by the duodenum in response to the presence of chyme - stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and the release of bile

in psychology, __________________ theory is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment


Consciousness stages, EEG waves and Features: Stage: Awake EEG Waves: ___________ & ___________ Features: able to ____________, ____________, _____________ and _____________ information

Beta and Alpha; perceive; process; access; express

Consciousness stages, EEG waves, and Features: Stage: REM EEG Waves: ___________ (mostly) Features: appears ____________; ____________; _______________; _______________ ______________ and some __________ ____________

Beta; awake; dreams; paralyzed; procedural memory; sleep disorders

The Language Areas of the Brain include ___________ ___________ - motor function of speed. Damage results in ____________ _____________ which is the partial loss of the ability to produce language (spoken, manual or written) although comprehension generally reamains intact

Broca's Area; Broca's Aphasia

The ______________-__________ Theory of Emotion's first response is Nervous system arousal and Conscious Emotion. The second response is ____________.

Cannon-Bard; Action

In sociology, The 3 MOST important functions of the institution of family is

Child Rearing Identity Formation Cultural Transmission

pneumonic "Eat Tender Chicken Chunks Elegantly" - Proteases in the Duodenum

E- Enterokinase T- Trypsin C - Chymotrypsin C - Carboxypeptidase E - Elastase

In behavioral sciences Memory, ____________ is the process of putting new information into memory


When ΔG is positive

ENDERGONIC = Non-spontaneous

breaking a bond is ALWAYS an _______________ process.


__________________ ______________ - the positive stress response, involving optimal levels of stimulation: a type of stress that results from challenging but attainable and enjoyable or worthwhile tasks (e.g., participating in an athletic event, giving a speech).


When ΔG is negative

EXERGONIC = spontaneous

__________________ is a sense of 4 touch modalities including Pressure, Vibration, Pain and Temperature


__________________ are the ends of chromosomes. They contain a high ____________-____________ content to prevent the unraveling of DNA

Telomeres; Guanine -Cytosine

Why are the human testes held outside of the body?

Temperature regulation for proper spermatogenesis

The ______________ _________________ is a lobe of the brain within the Cerebral Cortex. Functions include: a. ______________ ______________ - auditory cortex b. ______________ _______________ - Wernicke's Area c. ________________ and _______________ - Limbic system

Temporal Lobe; a. Sound processing (hearing); b. Speech perception; c. Memory and Emotion (green (d) in picture)

Enzyme is ____________ __________ ("_____") - substrate doesn't fit into active site. An ___________ regulator activates and changes the shape of the active site to change to the "_____" or ____________ ____________.

Tense state ("OFF"); Allosteric regulator; "ON"; Relaxed State

TESTES: male characteristics; spermatogenesis


The _______________ is a part of the Forebrain that relays station for sensory information


The _________________ is part of the Forebrain that is the relay station for sensory information (afferent)


Techniques for gaining compliance include: __________-__________-__________: technique is a two-step procedure firstly, (a)presenting an initial large request, then before the person can respond, (b) immediately making the request more attractive by reducing it to a more modest target request or by offering some additional benefit.


in biochemistry, Oxidative phosphorylation is best described as the process by which ATP is formed as:

electrons are transferred from electron carriers to oxygen

An ________________ is a Lewis acid that accepts electrons from an electron-rich atom, ion or molecule.


____________ carbocations are the most stable and can be generated in solution, found as common _______________

tertiary; intermediates;

in biochemistry, The use of PCR for sex determination relies on the fact that:

the X and Y homolologous chromosomes have different sizes of intron 1 of the amelogenin gene

The Resting Membrane potential within a cell is __________. This means the cell is ____________.

-70mV; Polarized

the equilibrium potential for K+ is

-90mV; concentration gradient is pushing potassium out but the electrical gradient is pulling potassium in.

Physics example of Electric Dipole What is the electric field at point P?

-Apply superposition and the basic principle that electric field lines and vectors go away from (+) charges and towards (-) charges - superposition tells us to add both electric fields together to get net field at point P. - can see that the vertical components of E+ and E- will cancel out but horizontal components will add Enet = 2(E+ cos θ) (cosine because angle is adjacent to horizontal) cos = adj/hyp = a /r substitute E for KQ/r^2 Enet = 2 E+ a/r = 2K Q/r^2 (a/r) = 2KQa / r^3

The Parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system focuses on

"Rest and Digest"

number of chiral centers formula

*chiral centers* = 2^n n= number of chiral carbons

What would charge would you expect on alanine when placed in a solution with a pH of 1.00? a. -1 b. more info needed for question c. 0 (neutral) d. +1

+1 - Since alanine is nonpolar, we know that the only parts of the amino acid that can be charged are the N-terminus and the C-terminus. - In an acidic solution, there is an excessive amount of protons available to protonate the amino acid. As a result, the carboxylic acid end and the amine end will both be fully protonated. This will result in an overall charge of +1, due to the nitrogen having three hydrogens attached.

Prophase 2 of Meiosis 2

-Cells are haploid (1 chromosome for each homologous pair) but their chromosomes still have 2 sister chromatids -Chromosomes condense and the nuclear envelope breaks down (if needed) - centrosomes move apart and the spindle forms between them, and the spindle microtubules begin to capture chromosomes

Electron transport chain / Oxidative Phosphorylation

-Extra energy on FADH2 and NADH to change into ATP - Takes electrons and passes through a barrier of higher concentration to lower concentration - Uses electrons to send hydrogens into the Inner Mitochondrial Matrix (to block off and make sure Hydrogens don't get out) - Need Oxygen to get rid of electrons Goal: 1. Regenerate electron carriers (FAD + NAD) back from NADH and FADH2 2. Make ATP

physics example Pulley freely rotates without friction. a. What is the total force pulling on M? b. What is the total force pulling down on the top left pulley (assume massless pulley)?

-Ft (tension force) has four forces facing AWAY from mass (M) going upwards (red) at all contact points -Ropes can PULL NOT PUSH a. 4 Ft (4x tension force) b. 2Ft (total force downwards)

electron transport chain

-Series of electron carrier proteins that shuttle high-energy electrons from NADH and FADH2 to molecular oxygen. - Protons are pumped from the Mitochondrial Matrix into the Intermembrane Space, and oxygen is reduced to form water. -ATP synthase uses subsequent diffusion of Protons (H+) to synthesize ATP

physics example: a mass is on a scale as it goes around a circular path on a vertical track. The object on the scale has a mass of 60 kg. Its speed is 20m/s. The circle has a radius of 10m. what is the apparent weight at the moments pictured (Fn)?

-Velocity is tangent to the path and perpendicular to acceleration - at point A(bottom), two forces acting on the mass, Fn goes up and Weight (W) goes down. Fc goes up with Fn Fnet = Fc W = mg Fn - W = +mv^2 /r Fn = (mV^2 / r ) + W Fn = (mV^2 / r ) + mg Fn = [(60)(20)^2 / (10)] + (60)(10) Fn = 24,000 / 10 = 2400 + 600 = 3000 Fn = 3000 N at point A (normal force minus weight because in opposite directions) - at point B, Weight and Fn are both in the SAME DIRECTION DOWNWARDS, so Fc is downwards (because acceleration is same direction) so adding both Fn and W here Fnet = Fc Fn + W = mV^2 /r Fn = (m V^2 /r ) - mg Fn = (60) (20)^2 / (10) - (60)(10) 2400 - 600 = 1800 N Fn = 1800 N at point B

Metaphase of mitosis

-chromosomes line up on metaphase plate -each chromosome splits at the centromere -chromatids start to build apart by microtubules

Physics example: A satellite weighs 10^4 N at ground control. What best approximates the acceleration it experiences in orbit at an altitude of twice the earth's radius? a. 111 m/s^2 b. 2.5 m/s^2 c. 1.1 m/s^2 d. 0 m/s^2

-gravity on the surface of the earth due to gravity is g=10m/s^2 - if saying 2x the radius of the earth is the altitude, then we are saying that the altitude is 3x further from the center of the earth than it was at the surface a(gravity) ∝ 1 / R^2 R -> 3R a (gravity) -> 1/9 (decrease by a factor) a (at 3R earth) = (1/9) (10m/s^2) = 1.1 m/s^2

Isoelectric focusing

-proteins separated based on isoelectric point (pI) -electric charge is applied to the sample - protein migrates and stops when it reaches its isoelectric point(stops b/c charges cancel out) into Zwitterion

physics example suppose a 50kg person is standing on a scale inside an elevator as it accelerates upwards at a rate of 2m/s^2. What will the scale read (in Newtons)? a. 52 N b. 400N c. 520 N d. 600 N

-thinking of a scale for the MCAT, think of Normal force Fnet = ma W = mg W =(50)(10) = 500N Fn - mg = ma Fn = mg + ma Fn = (50)(10) + (50)(2) Fn = 500 + 100 = 600 N

bases attach to ________ carbon and phosphates attach to _________ carbon

1' ; 5'

Longterm memory (lifetime) has 2 categories; 1. ________________ memory (concious). This has a subgroup called ______________ memory (facts and events). This type of memory also has 2 subgroups, ________________ memory (events, experiences) and ______________ memory (facts and concepts) and has a subgroup called ______________ memory (skills and tasks) and _______________ memory (unconcious).

1. Explicit memory; Declarative memory; Episodic memory; Semantic memory; 2. Implicit memory; Procedural memory

In physics, The Big Five Equations when acceleration is constant ***** MUST MEMORIZE

1. Average of Velocities: (a is missing) d = 1/2 (Vo + V)t 2. Often V or Vo = 0 (d is missing) V = Vo+ at 3. Commonly used (V is missing) d = Vot + 1/2 at^2 4. Commonly used (Vo is missing) d = Vt - 1/2at^2 5. Commonly used (t is missing) V^2 = Vo^2 + 2ad

Question types for Research methods on MCAT

1. Drawing valid conclusions from research (based on the way a study was designed what type of conclusions can we make) 2. Identifying different types of study design and implications of each (ex) experimental research 3. Identifying flaws in study design (what makes study work well or doesn't work well) 4. Making predictions based on research (taking research presented in a passage and see what predictions can be made for the future) 5. Differentiating between Independent and Dependent Variables 6. Knowing the basics of Correlational research

Different functions of proteins

1. Enzymes 2. Transport 3. Channels- let ions and molecules in and out 4. Receptors - receive neurotransmitter 5. Hormones - steroid and peptide 6. Signals

physics example The coefficient of static friction between a box and a ramp is 0.5. If the ramp's incline angle (with the horizontal) is 30°, then, if the box is placed at rest on the ramp the box will: a. accelerate down the ramp b. accelerate briefly down the ramp but then slow down and stop c. move with constant velocity down the ramp d. not move

1. Fg (parallel) = mg sin θ 2. Fg (perpendicular) = mg cos θ; -is mgsinθ able to overcome the maximum static frictional force up the plane (if mg sin 30° > μs mg cos 30°) - if yes, that means the force down the plane is sufficient to overcome static frictions maximum resistance force, and thus there will be a net force down the plane and the object will accelerate - if no, friction is strong enough to keep the block or box from ever sliding at all, which means it wont move (cancel B AND C ) - Then cancel out mg on both sides sin 30° > μs cos 30° sin 30° = √1/2 cos 30° = √3/2 -------- √1/2 > (0.5) √3/2 0.5 > 0.425 - true - answer is: accelerate down the ramp

in physics, INCLINED PLANES problems have 2 equations. 1. ______ (PARALLEL) = ____ ____ _____ ____ 2. ______ (PERPENDICULAR) = _____ _____ _____ _____ . in the second equation, the ____ _____ ______ _____ is equal to the _______, and is important for problems involving ______________.

1. Fg (parallel) = mg sin θ 2. Fg (perpendicular) = mg cos θ; mg cos θ; Normal Force (Fn); friction;

Sociological theories include

1. Functionalism (structural functionalsim), 2. Conflict Theory 3. Symbolic Interactionism 4. Social Constructionism

Rules of Claiser Condensation

1. Number of carbons do not remain constant 2. The number of carbons lost = number of carbons on the ether group of the electrophile

Rules for Aldol Condensation

1. Number of carbons is constant 2. Nuceli keep carbonyl 3. electrophile loses carbonyl group 4. electrophile carbonyl = OH or C=C

criteria of enzymes

1. ONLY increase in rate of the reaction 2. NOT used up in the reaction 3. extremely specific ex) Heat and Hexokinase (specific to glucose)

An example of an Experimental design would be to test if we can create a new medication that would be effectively used as an antidepressant. What are the steps that would be needed for this to work?

1. Selection of experimental and control groups - determine which group gets treatment (experimental group) or which group gets placebo (control group) - [reference point] Treatment = antidepressant placebo - everything about this pill should be the same except the chemical that is in the antidepressant = [sugar pill] 2. Random sampling from population -Who will we put into the two groups? - ideally, each individual in the population is EQUALLY likely to be sampled (but the majority of studies are done at universities - so, they would likely go to counselor office to get records of students with depressive symptoms) - called oversampled 3. Random assignment to groups - take one sample of people from large population experiencing depression. - one group gets anti-depressant (experimental group ) and one group gets sugar pill (control group). - since random assignment, each individual participating in the study is as likely to get the experimental (antidepressant) or control (sugar pill) 4. Control of different variables - What variables could potentially impact the results[other than the anti-depressant]? - Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, Education level, Severity of Depression

Memory includes 1. _______________ memory - which is less than 1 second 2. ___________-____________ memory - which is less than 1 minute 3. ___________ memory 4. ___________-___________ memory - which is lifetime.

1. Sensory memory; 2. Short-term memory; 3. Working Memory; 4. Long-term memory;

at the end of glycolysis, we have

2 NET ATP; 2 NADH; 2 Pyruvate

1. ______________ are a fat structure with 3 fatty acids on a glycerol backbone (3C alcohol); 2. _________________ is a fat structure that is Non polar with a fat attached to a phosphate group (glycerol, phosphate and 2 fatty acids); this adds polarity to molecule (___________________ properties: hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues) ex) lipid bilayer 3. _____________ and derivatives - provide cell membrane stability as temperature changes 4. ___________________ - some fat soluble vitamins, precursor for cholesterol, steroids and earwax; can be modified by additional elements called ______________. ex) Vitamin A

1. Triglycerides 2. Phospholipid; Amphipathic 3. Cholesterol - (if given structure on MCAT = Cholesterol) 4. Terpenes; Terpenoids

physics example Torque: Two people are pushing on a 1m door, one trying to open it and the other to close it. The person attempting to close the door is pushing on the end with a force of 50N. If the person attempting to open the door is pushing in the middle and the door remains motionless, what force is the person attempting to open the door pushing? Assume forces are normal to the door. a. 12.5 N b. 25 N c. 50 N d. 100 N

1. determine direction (CW or CCW) for Forces τ = r F sin θ τ (cw) = (1m) (50N) sin 90 = 50Nm F1 = CW = (-) 50N r = 1m F2 = CCW = (+) τ(ccw) = (0.5m) (F2)sin 90 = F2 / 2 N*m (if door remains motionless, then know that clockwise torque and counterclockwise torque are equal) τ (cw) = τ(ccw) [no rotation] F2 / 2 =. 50 F2 = 100 N

Vmax depends on?

1. enzyme concentration 2. specific enzyme you are using

Physics example: Accelerating masses pulley problem. What is the acceleration of the masses?

1. set a positive direction of rotation for the pulley (giving the direction of acceleration for the masses) - positive net rotation should be counter clockwise (this makes Mg a positive force and mg a negative force) 2. determine the net force acting on the system of masses (this will not include the tensions because they cancel by virtue of what the pulley does: it changes the positive direction of force and acceleration vectors) 3. Apply Fnet = (m(total))*(a) - remember that the entire system is being accelerated. Fnet = m(total) (a) Mg - mg = (M + m) (a) a = [(M-m) / (M+ m)] (g) - remember that acceleration should be less than g because that would be the acceleration if we cut the rope.

Rules for Waves 1. Wave ____________ (___) is determined by the type of wave and the _________________ of the medium NOT by the frequency. 2. When a wave passes to another _____________, its ____________ (____) CHANGES but its _______________(____) does NOT change.

1. speed (v) ; characteristics; 2. medium; speed (v); frequency (f)

Glycolysis Stage 1

1.Glucose > Hexokinase (ATP -> ADP) -> Glucose 6-Phosphate 2. Glucose 6-P <Phosphoglucose isomerase> <> Fructose 6-Phosphate 3. Fructose 6-Phosphate > Phosphofructokinase (ATP -> ADP) > Fructose 1,6 Bisphosphate 4.Fructose 1,6Bisphosphate < Aldolase > Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate or Fructose 1,6 Bisphosphate <Triose Phosphate Isomerase> Dihydroxyacetoone phosphate

In classical dominance, if an individual who is homozygous recessive for a trait produces offspring with an individual who is heterozygous for the same trait, what is the expected genotypic frequency for those offspring?

1/2 heterozygous and 1/2 homozygous recessive

Lineweaver-Burk Plot

1/Vmax vs. 1/[Substrate]; double inverse plot Y- intercept = 1/Vmax X- intercept = -1/Km as you move closer to origin (intercepts Y-axis to 0 = greater Vmax OR Km)

Whenever throwing an object downwards, it gains __________ every second.

10 m/s

Whenever throwing an object upwards it loses __________ every second.

10 m/s

giga (G) is equal to ________


An object has an initial velocity of 40m/s with an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal. What is the total flight time?

1st - use projectile motion symmetry - time up to peak = time down from peak - Vy = 0 at peak (top of mountain) - Double calculated time to get to the top of the mountain (apex), to get full flight time - Final Vy = -Voy find time to get to apex (top of mountain) Voy = VoSinØ 40 sin (30) = sin 30 = √1/2 40 * √1/2 = 28 Vy at apex = 0 ay = -10m/s^2 (due to gravity) - y is missing -> equation 2 Vy = Voy + ayt 0 = 20 + (-10)t -20 = -10t t = 2s Total time = (2) (time apex) = (2) (2s) = 4s [(remember sin in SOH CAH TOA = opposite/ hypotenuse ) so Voy is opposite of angle Ø]

In fatty acid metabolism, how many carbons are removed per round of β-oxidation?


How many ATP produced in the Krebs cycle(CITRIC ACID/ TCA)?

2 ATP (1 per Acetyl CoA)

Prokaryotes get an extra _______ ATP because they have glycolysis and their equivelent to ETC in the _____________, easily to obtain resources.

2 ATP; Cytosol

net FROM Acetyl CoA (from citric acid cycle) PER 1 Glucose molecule

2 Acetyl CoA -> 6 NADH + 2 GTP + 1 GDP

How many FADH2 have been formed during the citric acid cycle(Krebs/ TCA)??

2 FADH2 (1 per Acetyl CoA)

How many NADH produced in glycolysis?


NADH accumulates ________ ATP


How many ATP molecules are produced in the Kreb's cycle?

38 ATP molecules

_____ Na+ are going out of the cell while _____ K+ are going into the cell with the Na+ K+ ATPase pump. This causes the accumulation of ______ outside of the cell and accumulation of _____ into the cell. This helps to set up ______ gradients. ______ cannot go back into the cell but _____ can go out of the cell through ______________ _____________ channels, this causes the interior of the cell to become _______________70mV than the outside of the cell.

3; 2; Na+ ; K+ ; Ion; Na+ ; K+ ; Potassium Leak channels; Negative 70mV;

To run gluconeogenesis, must use ______ ATP, ______ GTP and ______ NADH.

4 ATP; 2 GTP; 2 NADH

how many hydrogen ions are needed to go through the ATP synthase to create 1 ATP?

4 H+

in meiosis, there is a result of ______ _____________ daughter cells instead of 2 diploid daughter cells.

4 haploid

d subshell

4 lobes

How many ATP equivalents are required to translate a 100-amino acid protein?

400 ATP

f subshell

8 lobes

Degrees of unsaturation formula

= [[(2C + 2) + N - H - X ] / (2) ] N = nitrogen H = hydrogen X = halogen (IGNORE OXYGEN)


= the substrate concentration that gives you 1/2 Vmax; amount of substrate needed to reach Vmax

pneumonic for Ortho Para Directing groups on Benzene Ring "AHA AHA - P"

A - Alkyl - R H - Halogen - X A - Alkoxyl - OR A - Amino - NH2, NHR, NR2 H- Hydroxyl - OOH A - Amide - NHCOR P - Phenyl - C6H5

Pneumonic BAPAN Story 3 (Fat tire) A = Aromatic PhaT Tire

A = Aromatic P - Phenylalanine T - Tyrosine T - Tryptophan

____________________ (or ___________________, _____) are proteins that target a Specific ANTIGEN, which may be a protein on the surface of a pathogen (invading organism) or a toxin

Antibodies (or Immunoglobulins, Ig);

Which of the following is an example of incomplete dominance?

A cross between a pure-breeding plant with red flowers and a pure-breeding plant with white flowers produces offspring plants with pink flowers.

unsaturated fats

A fat that is liquid at room temperature and found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds; not as many bonds to break for energy purposes, packed with hydrogens and more energy; - more bends and harder to store - liquid at room temp (oil)

saturated fats

A fat that is solid at room temperature and found in animal fats, lards, and dairy products; as many bonds that can be put in will be put in; solid at room temperature; Condensed structure

negative feedback loop

A feedback loop in which a system responds to a change by returning to its original state, or by reducing (decrease) the rate at which the change is occurring.


A hormone secreted by the small intestine (duodenum) in response to low pH (e.g., from stomach acid). It promotes the release of bicarbonate from the pancreas to act as a buffer.


A measure of disorder or randomness.


A measure of the total energy of a system

Quarternary Protein structure

A number of polypeptide chains linked together, and sometimes associated with non-protein groups to form a protein;

What are the necessary components of a nucleotide?

A pentose, an aromatic base, and phosphates

Amino acids are _________________, a molecule or ion that can react both as an acid and as a base. At _________ pH (_________) = fully Protonated. At ____________ pH = Zwitterion At ____________ pH (________) = fully Deprotonated

Amphoteric; LOW pH (acidic); Neutral; HIGH pH (basic)

______________ ______________ in Freud's psychosexual development stages includes Orderliness, Obsessiveness, Rigidity

Anal fixations

_______________ is a substance that is capable of stimulating an immune response, specifically activating Lymphocytes.


4 biologically relevant Macromolecules

ALL made of polymers (string of many monomers) 1. Proteins 2. Nucleic Acids 3. Carbohydrates 4.Lipids

in psychology, ________________ testing is A way to find out if survey or experiment results are significant. (Helps you figure out NULL hypothesis or accept alternate hypothesis

ANOVA testing


Absorption of Lipids; - Stored in the gall bladder and made in the liver - Emulsifier (like soap) to separate out fats to break down - act like a detergent to break down fats and give a better surface area

Sigmund Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development include 2. ______________ stage - (2-3yr) - children begin potty training

Anal stage

Which of the following neurotransmitters is most commonly used to conduct autonomic nervous system responses?

Acetyl Choline

_______ ____ can be used to produce __________ ________ when ATP levels are high.

Acetyl CoA; Fatty acids;

How does ketogenesis trigger energy production?

Acetyl-CoA is produced for use in the Krebs cycle

_____________________ is a neurotransmitter that influences behavior through Voluntary movement control, Parasympathetic nervous system, attention and alertness


which of the following amino acids are acidic? A. Aspartic acid (Aspartate) B. Tryptophan C. Proline D. Methionine

Acidic AA "GA" Glutamic acid (glutamate) Aspartic acid (aspartate)

____________ is a spherical protein that forms filaments which are involved in muscle contraction and other cellular processes.


In behavioral sciences, ______________ is a decrease in response to a stimulus over time



Adenine (A) and Guanine (G)

Purines include

Adenine (A) and Guanine (G)

DNA Nucleotides include

Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Uracil (U), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G)

In DNA, ______________ (purine) binds with _______________ (pyrimidine) via 2 hydrogen bonds (double bond)

Adenine (A); Thymine (T)

In RNA, __________________ (purine) binds to ________________ (pyrimidine) via 2 hydrogen bonds (double bond)

Adenine (A); Uracil (U)

Relationship between Rate of reaction and Concentration of Substrate depends on ____________ of the enzyme for its substrate. The greater affinity of the enzyme for its substrate means _______ Km The Lower affinity of the enzyme for its substrate means _________ Km

Affinity; LOWER; GREATER (inverse relationship)

What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this?

Alanine (Ala) (A)

__________________, _______________, ________________ and ________________ have hydrocarbon R-groups and are thus, non-polar. This means they hate water (hydrophobic) and tend to be embedded within ________________ or towards the interior of _______________ proteins.

Alanine; Valine; Leucine and Isoleucine; membranes; globular

Angiotensin II acts as a vasoconstrictor to increase blood pressure in the short term, but it also triggers the release of what hormone to perpetuate this effect?


Mixed Inhibitors bind to the ______________ ____________ of enzymes

Allosteric site

Noncompetitive inhibitors bind to the __________ ___________ of enzymes

Allosteric site

Proteins can be broken down into _________ _________ which can be further broken down into _________ _____ to initiate the Krebs/TCA cycle

Amino Acids; Acetyl-CoA

basic monomer for Proteins

Amino acids (20)

_____________________ is the phase in mitosis where cells elongate and the sister chromosomes are separated and move to opposite ends of the cell (poles)


_________-___________ have the -OH on the anomeric carbon TRANS to the free -CH2OH group. (left on picture ex) _________-__________ have the -OH on the anomeric carbon CIS to the free -CH2OH group (right on picture ex)

Alpha-anomers; Beta-anomers

Steroid hormone Effects

Alterations in Gene Expression; slower onset but Longer duration than peptide hormones

Which two functional groups are included in every amino acid, and take part in amino acids binding together? A. Amino group and Carboxyl group B. Sulfide group and Alcohol C. Amino group and Sulfide group D. Sulfide group and Carboxyl group

Amino group and Carboxyl group - Every amino acid contains a carboxyl group and an amino group. These two functional groups are essential for amino acid binding and breaking. While sulfide groups contribute to higher protein structure by forming disulfide bonds, they do not exist in every amino acid.

_______________ is a Social Behavior which is a helping behavior in which the person's intent is to benefit someone else at a personal cost


Phosphodiesterase (PDE)

An enzyme that breaks down phosphodiester bonds in organic compounds. Certain phosphodiesterases are important clinically because they break down second messengers such as cyclic AMP, and drugs that inhibit these enzymes prolong the effects of cyclic AMP in the lungs and other tissues;


An iron-containing protein in red blood cells that reversibly binds oxygen; - carries oxygen (4 molecules of myoglobin) by hydrogen bonding

Freud's stages of psychosexual development: 2. _______________(1-3): Erogenous zone - Bowel and Bladder control; primary focus of libido is controlling bladder and bowel movements. Conflict is toilet training


_______________ in psychology is the impairment of language, affecting production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read and write (brain injury)


in psychology, a type of Non-experimental design study is called ______________ ______________ or _____________ _____________ are studies that use the historical record to understand events and people.

Archival studies; Biographical studies; Note: -using Historical records to understand events = Archival -People = Biographical

_______________ _______________ - is a language area of the brain that connects Wernicke's and Broca's Areas. Damage results in _______________ _____________ - the inability to repeat words despite intact speech generation and comprehension

Arcuate Fasciculus; Conduction Aphasia

The Language Areas of the Brain include ___________ ___________ - Connects Wernicke's and Broca's areas. Damage to this results in ____________ ____________ characterized by intact auditory comprehension, but poor speech repetition (rate)

Arcuate Fasciculus; Conduction Aphasia

What Basic amino acid is this?

Arginine (Arg) (R)

________________ ____________ (_________-___________ ______) is a motivation theory that when one is in the state of being awake and reactive to stimuli, they aim for optimal level of _____________ for a given task.

Arousal Theory; (Yerkes-Dodson Law); Arousal

The formula for predicting the behavior for any individual in any situation based on Social exchange theory is

Behavior (profits) = Rewards of interaction (pleasure) - costs of interaction (forgoing a reward of receiving punishment)

What Acidic amino acid is this?

Aspartic acid (Aspartate) (Asp) (D)

In Culture, ___________________ is when one culture begins to merge with another culture


in psychology, _______________ ______________ by Milton Gordon has 7 stages including _____________, _______________, __________________ , _________________ , _______________-_____________, ______________-____________ and _____________.

Assimilation theory; Cultural assimilation; Marital assimilation; structural assimilation; identificational; attitude-receptional; behavioral-receptional; civic assimilation

In behavioral sciences Learning, ______________________ _____________________ is the pairing together of stimuli and responses, or behavior and consequences

Associative Learning

In learning and Memory, __________________ ______________ is the process of pairing together stimuli and responses, or behaviors and consequences

Associative Learning

HEART -> KIDNEY: increases urination to decrease blood pressure

Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)

Regulation of B.P.

Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) & Aldosterone

_________________ is a Social Behavior characterized by an emotional bond to another person and usually refers to the bond between a child and caregiver


in psychology, ______________ ______________ by John Bowlby, is a psychological, evolutionary and ethological theory concerning relationships between humans

Attachment theory

in psychology research studies _______________ ________________ is a threat to internal validity and is when a participant is fatigue or participants drop out of the study.

Attrition effects

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: 2. ________________vs _____________ and ____________(2-3yrs): Focused on children developing a greater sense of personal control. Children start to gain a little independence, performing basic actions on their own and making simple decisions. _____________ ___________ is the essential theme of this stage, helping children to develop a sense of personal control over physical skills and independence. Children who successfully complete this stage feel ____________, which those who do not, develop ___________-__________. The outcome of this stage is _______.

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt; Potty training; Secure; Self-doubt; Will

In sociology, the ____________ of _____________________ is defined as the ability to utilize or access resources [whether or not health care resources exist for someone who needs resources].

Availability of Healthcare;

If one lap takes 2 minutes, whats the runners average speed and average velocity?

Average speed = d/ ∆t V = 600 m/ 120 s = 5m/s [2 min -> seconds = 120 seconds] Average Velocity = ∆s / ∆t 0 m/ 120s = 0m/s

In the Sleep Cycle, When _______________, the EEG Waves read ___________ & ______________ and the features include able to perceive, process, access and express information.

Awake; Alpha & Beta;

On the passage of the MCAT exam, a figure is present. What are the four important factors to consider?

Axes, Trends, Statistics (R and P values) and Outliers

____________ send nerve impulses Away from the Soma


Where the axon in a neuron connects to the soma is called the __________ _______________, this is where most of the voltage gated _______ channels are here, thus causing the conduction throughout the axon

Axon hillock; Na+ ;

In aqueous solutions carbonyl compounds exist in equilibrium with their hydrated form: Rank the following compounds from lowest to highest hydrate concentration at equilibrium. A. B > C > A B. B > A > C C. C > B > A D. A > C > B

B > A > C

The ________ __________ ___________ _________ "five-factor model" is one of the approaches of Trait Theory that many psychologists currently believe that 5 factors are sufficient pneumonic __________________: a. __________________ - Low score: down to earth, uncreative, conventional and uncurious. High score - imaginative, creative, original and curious b. _____________________ - Low score- negligent, last, disorganized and late; High score - Consciientious, Hard-working, Well-organized, Punctual c. ________________________ - Low score - loner, quiet, passive, reserved. High score - Joiner, talkative, active, affectionate d. ______________________ - Low score - Suspicious, critical, ruthless, irritable. High score - Trusting, Leenient, soft-hearted and good-natured e. ______________________- Low score - calm, even-tempered, comfortable, and unemotional. High score - Worried, Tempermental, Self-concious and Emotional

Big 5 Personality Traits; OCEAN; Openness; Conscientiousness; Extroversion; Agreeableness; Neuroticism

By what mechanism do bacteria reproduce?

Binary Fission

Peptide hormones Receptors

Bind receptors on CELL MEMBRANE and Transduce signal via the use of 2nd messenger systems

____________ ____ _______________ is a disorder that characterizes a person to have at least one Hypomanic Episode and at least one Major Depressive Episode

Bipolar II Disorder

_____________ ____ _____________ - is a type of bipolar disorder that contains at least one Hypomanic episode (shorter lasting than manic episode) and at least one major depressive episode

Bipolar II Disorder

______________ ____________ ___________ - is a type of anxiety disorder when one has unrealistic negative evaluation of one's appearance or a specific body part

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

non-essential amino acids

Body creates; alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine

_____________ ____________ - is a language area of the brain that aids in Motor Function of Speech. Damage results in _________________ ______________ - non-fluent aphasia in which generating each word requires great effort

Broca's Area; Broca's Aphasia

How is the release of solid and liquid waste regulated?

By a pair of sphincters (one internal composed of smooth muscle, one external composed of skeletal muscle)

________________ ______________ is when in a group, individuals are less likely to respond too a person in need

Bystander Effect

pneumonic "CUT Pye" - Pyrimidines

C - Cytosine U - Uracil T - Thymine P- Pyrimidines

physics formula for capacitance

C = K εo (A/d) εo = Constant of permetivity of free space K = Dielectric number (no units) K = 1 (For vacuum and air) K > 1 (for other insulators)

Charge (C) of atoms: C > 0 = C = 0 = C < 0 =

C = p+ - (e-) (number of protons minus number of electrons) C> 0 = Cation C = 0 = atom (p+ = e-) C < 0 = anion

In Fatty acid metabolism, Beta-oxidation occurs. We oxidize fatty acid at ________ that is _____ carbons away from carbonyl carbon, removing a few hydrogens and generate a __________bond with an enzyme called __________________. Also, reducing ______ into ___________. Then add a double bonded ___________ to the same carbon previously and reduce _______ into __________. Then will add a ___________ ____ group to the same carbon with the enzyme ________________ (have two similar units so break in the middle) and form a 4-C molecule and a 2-C ________ -_____ that can enter the _________ cycle. The 4-C molecule is basically an ____________ ___________ ____________ and can be put back into the fatty acid beta oxidation step and repeat the cycle to form _____ ___________ _________ molecules.

CH2; 2; double; Dehydrogenase; FAD+; FADH2; Oxygen; NAD+; NADH; Coenzyme A; Thiolase Acetyl CoA; Krebs; Activated fatty acid; 2 Acetyl CoA

DNA and its associated histone proteins make up ___________________ in the nucleus


Parathyroid hormone and Calcitonin regulate


_______________-_____________ theory of emotion was created due to flaws in James-Lange theory (physiological responses trigger emotion). This theory states that a person can experience physiological arousal without feeling a particular emotion and those physiological responses are too slow to produce emotion. Physiological responses and experience of emotion both occur simultaneously ex) heart rate increases when running and when scared Event --> Physiological response + Emotion 1st response to stimulus: _______________ ______________ _____________ and ________________ ________________. 2nd response to stimulus: ______________

Cannon-Bard; Nervous system arousal; Conscious emotion; Action

_________________ are organized by their number of carbon atoms and functional groups.


second exception to Hunds rule

Chromium (Cr) has a half filled subshell which gains extra stability and removes 4s electrons first [Ar] 4s1 3d5 and Copper (Cu) removes 4s electrons before 3d [Ar] 4s1 3d10

Prophase 1 of Meiosis I

Chromosomes begin to condense and pair up. -pairing up and trading parts is called crossing over -starting cell is diploid (2n =4)

____________ is a category of people with shared socioeconomic characteristics


in psychology, ______________ _____________ is a learning process that occurs when 2 stimuli are repeatedly paired. A response which is at first elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone

Classical Conditioning

In behavioral sciences Learning, ________________ _________________ is a form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an ________________ Stimulus, such that a neutral stimulus alone produces the same response as the ____________ stimulus. The Neutral stimulus thus becomes a _______________ stimulus

Classical Conditioning; Unconditioned; Unconditioned; Conditioned

Vygotsky's Theory of Cultural & Biosocial development main focus argues that __________ ___________ are socially Guided and Constructed. _____________ serves as a mediator for the formation and development of specific abilities such as learning, memory, attention and problem solving.

Cognitive abilities; Culture;

Counselors who experience the cumulative effects of strain and exhaustion from hearing the stories of violence of victims of domestic violence over time are suffering from a phenomenon named a. learned helplessness b. acute stress c. compassion fatigue d. PTSD

Compassion fatigue

The inverse relationship between inhibitors and Lineweaver burke plots affect Vmax and Km: Y-intercept = 1/Vmax X-intercept = -1/Km Competitive inhibitor: 1/Vmax = -1/Km = Uncompetitive inhibitor: 1/Vmax = -1/Km = Noncompetitive inhibitor: 1/Vmax = -1/Km =

Competitive inhibitor: 1/Vmax = no change -1/Km = more positive Uncompetitive inhibitor: 1/Vmax =increase -1/Km = more negative Noncompetitive inhibitor: 1/Vmax = increase -1/Km = no change

Piaget's stages of cognitive development: 3. ____________________ _________________(7-11): During this stage, children begin to thinking logically about concrete events. They begin to understand the concept of _________________; that the amount of liquid in a short, wide cup is equal to that in a tall, skinny glass, for example. Their thinking becomes more ___________ and ________________, but still very concrete. Children begin using ________________ _____________, or reasoning from specific information to a general principle. Children struggle with ______________ and _____________ concepts.

Concrete Operational; Conservation; Logical; Organized; Inductive Logic; Abstract; Hypothetical

Dehydration Synthesis

Condensation reaction where molecules are connected (Monomers into Polymers) by loss of a water molecule.

in psychology, _______________ ___________ is the tendency to search for or interpret, favor, and recall information that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values

Confirmation Bias

____________ ___________ is a sociology theory that focuses on how power differentials are created and how they maintain order

Conflict theory

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning Development include: 3. __________________ and ____________ ___________ (School-age) - The "good boy/girl" level. Effort is made to secure approval and maintain friendly relationships with others

Conformity and Interpersonal Accord

in psychology research studies _______________ ________________ is a threat to internal validity and is extraneous variables not accounted for in the study; another variable offers an alternative explanation for results; lack of a useful control (age, gender, race)

Confounding Variables

exception to Aufbau principle

Cu and Cr are exceptions because 4s is in the outmost shell due to its larger "n" remove 4s electrons FIRST before 3d orbitals for Cu and Cr note: 4s electrons are in the outer most shell and are considered valence electrons and removed FIRST

__________________ describes the ring formation of carbohydrates from their straight-chain forms. When the rings form, the ____________ carbon (carbon previously part of carbonyl group in straight-structure) can take either ________ or ________ conformations

Cyclization; Anomeric; Alpha; Beta

____________ _______________ is a disorder that characterizes a person to have Hypomanic Episodes with Dysthymia

Cyclothymic Disorder

___________________ _______________ is a disorder related to bipolar that contains hypomanic episodes (A person may feel uncontrollably elated and very high in energy for a few days) with Dysthymia (Persistant minor depression for 2 yrs)

Cyclothymic Disorder

What Polar hydrophilic Amino acid is this? This amino acids OH group is considered _________________.

Cysteine (Cys) (C); Hydrophobic

_________________ is an amino acid that forms disulfide bonds with other ______________ residues. These disulfide bonds are often what hold together multiple polypeptides in a _________________ protein structure.

Cysteine; Cysteine; Quarternary

large proton pump 3 in ETC is called ____________ ___ _____________

Cytochrome C Oxidase

Pyrimidines include

Cytosine (C) Thymine (T) Uracil (U)


Cytosine(C), Thymine(T), Uracil(U)

Sugars with the highest numbered chiral carbon with the -OH group on the RIGHT (In Fischer Projection) are called ______-_________ (left picture Ex of glucose) Sugars with the Highest numbered chiral carbon with the -OH group on the LEFT are called _________-___________. Both of these sugars are __________________, chiral molecules that are mirror images of one another

D-sugars; L-sugars; Enantiomers

__________________ _______________ - the negative stress response, often involving negative affect and physiological reactivity: a type of stress that results from being overwhelmed by demands, losses, or perceived threats.


in prokaryotic cells, the replacement of RNA with DNA is done by the enzyme ___________ ___________ ____

DNA Polymerase I

In prokaryotic cells, the removal of RNA primers is with _______________ ______________ ____ in the ______' -> ________' exonuclease

DNA Polymerase I; 5' -> 3'

In both Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells, The joining of Okazaki fragments is by the enzyme ___________ ___________

DNA ligase

Eukaryotic cells synthesize DNA with __________ ______________ _____&_____

DNA polymerase α & β

in eukaryotic cells, the replacement of RNA with DNA is done by the enzyme ___________ ___________ ____

DNA polymerase δ (delta)

Nucleic Acids

DNA, RNA, nucleotides (Sugar, Base, Phosphate)

saturated fats

DON'T have double bonds and are solid at room temperature

In behavioral sciences Memory, __________ ____________ is also known as explicit memory, as it consists of information that is explicitly stored and involves conscious effort to be retrieved. This means that you are consciously aware when you are storing and recalling information (facts and events)

Declarative memory

in psychology, _______________ ___________ is deriving conclusions from general rules and ____________ _______________ is deriving generalizations from evidence

Deductive reasoning; inductive reasoning;

What type of reaction most commonly creates polymers from macromolecules?

Dehydration synthesis

Consciousness stages, EEG waves, and Features: Stage: 3/4 EEG Waves: _________ Features: __________-_________ __________, __________; ____________ ____________ and some ____________ ___________.

Delta; Slow-wave sleep; dreams; declarative memory; sleep disorders

_____________ _______________ is a demographic model used to represent drops in birth and death rates as a result of industrialization

Demographic Transition

___________________ send nerve impulses Towards the Soma


_______________________/ _____________________ _____________ - is a dissociative disorder that is characterized by feelings of detachment from the mind and body or from the environment

Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder

How are long bones lengthened during the growth characteristic of childhood and adolescence?

Deposition of cartilage at the epiphyseal plate

_______________ are a type of drugs such as Alcohol, Barbiturates and Benzodiazepines and Function by a sense of Relaxation and Reduced Anxiety


____________________ are a drug group such as Alcohols, Barbiturates and Benzodiazepines. This drug group function is a Sense of Relaxation and reduced anxiety


in sociology, Milton Bennett developed a ________________ model of ________________ ______________. The framework describes the different ways in which people can react to cultural differences. 6 Stages include _________________, ______________, ____________________, _______________, _______________ and __________________.

Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity; Denial, defense, minimization, acceptance, adaptation and integration

______________ is any violation of Norms, Rules or Expectations within a Society


_______________ and _____________ ___________ of _____________ ___________ (_______) - guide by which most psychological disorders are characterized, described and diagnosed

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

_______________________ are molecules with at least one - but not all - chiral carbons. These include _____________, which differ at exactly ONE chiral carbon and _______________, which are a subtype of epimer that differ at the anomeric carbon (carbon previously part of carbonyl group in straight-structure)

Diastereomers; Epimers; Anomers

___________ ________________ are unspoken rules that govern the expression of emotion (Self-presentation and interacting with others)

Display rules

_____________________ are any class of sugar whose molecules contain 2 monosaccharide residues. These include: ________________ (__________________), ________________ (__________________) and _____________ (______________________)

Dissacharides; Sucrose (Glucose -α - 1,2 Fructose); Lactose (Galactose-β-1,4-Glucose); Maltose (Glucose-α -1,4-Glucose)

______________ _____________ ______________ - is a dissociative disorder that is characterized by two or more personalities that take control of a behavior

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Tertiary Protein Structure linkage

Disulfide bridges

_________________ _____________ is individuals create images of themselves in the same way that actors preform a role in front of an audience (Self-presentation and interacting with others)

Dramaturgical Approach

In psychology, Motivation Theories include: 3. ________________ _______________Theory - states individuals act to relieve internal states of Tension or Arousal caused by Biological or Physiological needs (Thirst, Hunger, Warmth)

Drive Reduction Theory

Sleep Disorders include _______________, the amount or timing of sleep, Such as insomnia, Narcolepsy, Sleep Apnea and Sleep Deprivation. Other types of Sleeping Disorders include ___________________, Odd behaviors during sleep such as night terrors, and sleepwalking (somnambuilism)

Dyssomnias; Parasomnias;

pneumonic "EPA" for galvanic cells

E - Electrolytic (galvantic) P - Positive A - Anode

Examples of Sociology Social Institutions and what do they do in Society? All of these institutions are _______________ and this indicates that they are rooted in human nature and they are essential in the development and maintenance in Society.

Education - transmit knowledge Family - determine kinship Religion - relate to the supernatural Government/ Politics- Establish the legitimate use of power Economy - regulate distribution of goods/services Health and Medicine - care for ill/infirm ; Universal;

in Sociology, Education promotes inequality through ____________ ____________ and _______________, An unequal distribution of academic resources that reinforces class differences [white richer areas have smaller, more modern schools than poor minority]

Educational Segregation and Stratification

The Neurotransmitter __________________ influences behavior by acting as a Natural painkiller


___________________ are neurotransmitters that influences behavior via Natural Painkillers


functions of carbohydrates

Energy storage, Cell adhesion, Cell surface markers (indicate specialized receptors = ABO blood groups), Storage of sugars getting transported

What viral component is only derived from animal cells?


Uncompetitive inhibitors bind to the ____________ ______________ ____________ of enzymes.

Enzyme Substrate Complex

Velocity (V) vs [S] graph ***assume ____________ ____________ is constant 3 conditions for constant above: 1. [____] >>>> [___] - rate of production is linear, if you double concentration of S, you double concentration of E 2. [___] = [____] - rate of product formation starts to level off 3. [____] <<<< [_____] - rate plateus, reaches Vmax - note: _______ = _________ ____________

Enzyme concentration; 1. [_E__] >>>> [_S__] 2. [__E_] = [__S__] 3. [_E__] <<<< [__S___]; Vmax = enzyme concentration

An uncompetitive inhibitor binds to:

Enzyme substrate complex

KIDNEY -> BONE MARROW: increases RBC synthesis


OVARIES / PLACENTA: Female characteristics, endometrial growth


____________________ is the practice of making judgements about other cultures based on the values and beliefs of one's own culture (in group vs. out group)


in psychology, a type of Non-experimental design study is called ______________ ______________ which is an observational study that takes a deep-dive into a particular culture or subculture [particular type of people] without influencing results

Ethnographic Studies

In psychology, The 3 stages of General Adaptation Syndrome include 3. ________________ Stage - result of prolonged or chronic stress. Struggling with stress for long periods of time can drain the physical, emotional, and mental resources to point where the body no longer has the strength to fight stress. Symptoms of Fatigue, depression, anxiety, decreased stress tolerance

Exhaustion Stage

threats to external validity in psychology

Experiment doesn't reflect real world - laboratory setups that do not translate to the real world, lack of generalizability Section Criteria - Too restrictive of inclusion/ exclusion criteria for participants (sample is not representative). [can affect results outside of study] Situational Effects - presence of laboratory conditions changes outcome ex) [pre-test and post-test, presence of experimenter, claustrophobia in an MRI machine] Lack of Statistical Power - Sample groups have high variability; sample size is too small ALL IMPACT RESULTS OF STUDY

in psychology research studies, when the ____________ doesn't reflect _________ ____________ is a flaw of external validity and is A laboratory setup that doesn't translate to the real world, lack of generalizability

Experiment; real world;

In behavioral sciences Memory, __________ ____________ is a form of long-term memory that is conscious

Explicit memory

in psychology research, ____________ _______________ is the extent to which the findings can be generated to the real world

External validity;

___________________ _________________ is the purpose or driving force behind our actions, based on EXTERNAL circumstances

Extrinsic Motivation

The ___________ is an organ specialized to detect light in the form of photons. The visual pathway is: ____________ -> ________ _______ -> ________ __________ -> ___________ _________ -> ____________ ___________ _________ of the thalamus -> ___________ ___________ -> ____________ cortex

Eye; Retina -> Optic nerve -> Optic Chiasm -> Optic Tracts -> Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of thalamus -> Visual radiations -> Visual cortex

The _______________ __________ _________ (_____) "three factor model" Is one of the approaches of Trait theory by using a factor analysis, suggests that personality is reducible into three major traits, _______________, _______________ and _________________.

Eysenck Personality Questionare (EPQ); Neuroticism; Extraversion; Psychoticism;


F = ma p (density) = mass/ volume

formula for Formal charges

FC = (# Valence e- ) - (1/2 bonded e-) - (lone pairs)

mnemonic for Anterior Pituitary Hormones

FLAT PEG - Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) -Luteinizing hormone (LH) - Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) -Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) - Prolactin - Endorphins - Growth hormone (GH)

In Sociology, _______________ is a social institution, which is a socially-defined set of relationships between at least two individuals related by birth, marriage, adoption, or some other agreed-upon relationship


In Fatty acid Metabolism, _______ ________ must be removed from the _______________ molecule with the enzyme ______________, creating an empty glycerol and 3 fatty acids to enter fatty acid oxidation. The glycerol is recycled by the ________ and ___________________ and other carbohydrate metabolism. The fatty acids are broken down _____-________ at a time and then can be put into the _________ cycle to generate reduced electron carriers.

Fatty acids; Triglyceride; Lipase; Liver; Gluconeogenesis; 2-carbon; Krebs;

in physics, Coulomb's Law equation is ________ = ____ |____| |_____| / _______. The coulomb's constant = _______* ______ Nm/C^2. The force (_______) can either be ___________ or ___________.

Fe = k [|Q| |q| /r^2] ; K = 9 * 10^9 ; (Fe); attractive; repulsive;

Because mass is a positive scalar, ___________ and ____________ point in the same direction. ________ ∝ _________. If you double the ________ you double the ______________. ALSO, If _________= 0 then ____________ =0 (vise versa). _____________ is constant but not necessarily = 0. The horizontal components formula is _________ = ________ and the vertical components formula is ___________ = ___________.

Fnet; acceleration (a); Fnet; a ; force; acceleration; Fnet; a; velocity; Fnet,x = m ax ; Fnet,y = m ay

ANTERIOR PITUITARY -> OVARY / TESTES: follicle development or spermatogenesis

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Techniques for gaining compliance include: ___________-___________-_____________-__________: a strategy used to persuade people to agree to a particular action based on the idea that if a respondent will comply with a small initial request, they will be more likely to agree to a later, more significant request.


in psychology, the _____________ _____ _______ ____________ is a compliance technique that aims at getting a person to agree to a large request by having them agree to a modest request first.

Foot-in-the-door technique

____________stages of psychosexual development: Based on the tensions caused by the __________________ (biological and sexual drives and desires). This is heavily influenced by the ______, which drives the ____________, seeking out for the most pleasurable situations possible. Failure of any given stage leads to ___________________ - stuck or fixed at a point in development and could result if a particular stage left a dominant impression on the individuals personality.

Freud's; Libido; Id; Fixation

In physics, ______________ is the force between two solid surfaces that resists slipping motion between them. This is _____________ to the surface.

Friction; parallel;

pneumonic " Go Sally Go Make Children" - Cell cycle

G - G1 (Growth)phase S - S phase (DNA synthesis - replication) G - G2 (Growth) phase M - Mitosis C - Cytokinesis

Physics example: The moon has about 1/4 the radius of the Earth and 1/8 of its mass. How much would a 50kg person weigh on the moon?

G = 6.7 *10^ -11 (m^3/kg*s^2) M(earth) = 6 *10^24 (kg) R(earth) = 6.4*10^3 (m) W(moon) = mg(moon) Fg = G * Mtotal / R^2 g ∝ M (object) g ∝ 1/R^2 M -> 1/80 M R -> 1/4 R g (moon) = (1/80) / (1/4)^2 (1/4)^2 = 16 g (moon) = (1/80)*(16)* 10 m/s^2 g=10m/s^2 g(moon) = 2m/s^2 then plug into next formula: W(moon) = mg(moon) W(moon) = (50kg)(2m/s^2) W(moon) = 100 N

pneumonic " Garlic Cloves Smell Exquisite" - Gastrointestinal hormones

G- Gastrin: gastric mucosa Stomach food in stomach, physical factors increased HCl secretion and gastric emptying C - Cholecytokinin (CCK) - Duodenal mucosa Gallbladder and pancreas, amino acids, peptides, fatty acids in duodenum. contraction of gallbladder and secretin of pancreatic juice S- Secretin - gastic mucosa, pancreas acid in duodenum. increased bicarbonate secretion E- Enterogastrone - gastric inhibitory peptide; duodenal mucosa, stomach fat digestion products in duodenum. decreases gastric emptying

At what stage of embryonic development are all three germ layers established?


During which stage of human embryological development do the three germ layers first assume distinct form? a. Zygote b. Blastula c. Neurula d. Gastrula

Gastrula - three germ layers are Ectoderm, Endoderm and Mesoderm.

in Glycogenolysis (low blood sugar levels), the hormone released is called _____________ and is the breakdown of the ______________ polymer into ___________ polymers. A second hormone that stimulates Glycogenolysis is called ___________________, the "Fight or Flight hormone"

Glucagon; Glycogen; Glucose; Epinephrine;

in Glycolysis, glucose is stuck by

Glucokinase and Hexokinase

____________ projections are 3 monomers to predict cyclic forms. This includes __________________ that is a beta-anomer of glucose (more stable) and is _________________ conformation and _____________ which is an alpha-anomer in the ___________ conformation.

Harworth; Aldohexose; equatorial; Galactose; axial;

In Sociology, _____________ and ___________ are social institutions, and are responsible for defining and treating illness (physical and mental) among members of a society. A society's ___________ establishment should promote ___________, the total well-being of its people.

Health and Medicine; Medical; Health;

Prokaryotic cells AND Eukaryotic cells unwind DNA double helix with the enzyme _______________.


______________ are not stable in H2O. 50/50 possibility that when the ring closes again that it will become an Alpha-anomer with an axial conformation on C-1. This is for ____________ projections.

Hemiacetals; Haworth

Example of Quarternary Protein structure

Hemoglobin - carries oxygen (4 molecules of myoglobin) by hydrogen bonding

______________________ is a chromosome material of differently dense from normal (usually greater), in which the activity of the genes is modified or suppressed


negative Delta G portions of Glycolysis include the enzymes _____________, ________________________ and ____________ ___________. This means its difficult to _____________ this step.

Hexokinase, Phosphofructokinase (PFK) and Pyruvate Kinase; Reverse

To bypass the extremely negative delta G (forward reactions of enzymes) in glycolysis, such as ______________, _________________ and _____________ ___________, we use different enzymes in Gluconeogenesis. The first intermediate product in gluconeogenesis is to turn Pyruvate into ___________________, which is then turned into _______________________ __________.

Hexokinase; Phosphofructokinase (PFK) and Pyruvate kinase; Oxaloacetate; Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP)

in Sociology, Education promotes inequality through ____________ ____________, a latent function, unintentional lessons taught in school about "norms, values and beliefs"

Hidden Curriculum

The __________________ is a part of the Forebrain that maintains homeostasis and integrates with the endocrine system through the __________________ Portal System that connects it to the _____________ ______________.

Hypothalamus; Hypophyseal Portal System; Anterior Pituitary

pneumonic for pancreas hormones I Glued on Some tats to my pancreas

I - insulin G - Glucagon S - Somatosatin

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development include: 5. ____________ vs. _______________ _____________(12-18yr) Virtue developed is Fidelity

Identity vs. Role Confusion

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: 5. __________________ vs. ______________ ____________(12-18yrs): This takes place during often turbulent teenage years, playing an essential role in developing a sense of personal identity which will continue to influence behavior and development for the rest of ones life. Success leads to the ability to stay ________ to oneself, while failure leads to ______ ___________. important events are ___________ _____________ and the outcome is _____________(being loyal).

Identity vs. Role Confusion; true; role confusion; Social relationships; Fidelity


If a compound has at least one unpaired electron, it is paramagnetic and will be pulled toward a magnetic field

in sociology, ____________ _______________ is a condition/ illness that is stigmatized by others, individual is thought to bear responsibility for their illness, additional rights and privileges are not always granted. (HIV/AIDS, Lung cancer - smoking, Liver failure- alcoholism)

Illegitimate role

_______________ _____________ _______________ is a disorder characterized by the preoccupation with having or coming down with a serious medical condition

Illness Anxiety Disorder

In behavioral sciences Memory, __________ ____________ is a form of Long-term memory and is Unconscious

Implicit Memory

________________ _____________ is the maintenance of public image through various strategies (Self-presentation and interacting with others)

Impression Management

in psychology research studies _______________ ________________ is a threat to internal validity and is when participants adapt their responses based on social norms or perceived researcher expectations; self-fulfilling prophecy (if the person knows what researcher is trying to do and will go along with study and do what researcher wants); methodology is not double-blind, Hawthorne Effect

Impression Management

common threats to internal validity

Impression management - participants adapt their responses based on social norms or perceived researcher expectations; self-fulfilling prophecy (if person knows what researcher is trying to do and will go along with study and do what researcher wants); methodology is not double-blind , Hawthore Effect Confounding Variables - extraneous variables not accounted for in the study; another variable offers an alternative explanation for results; lack of a useful control (age, gender, race) Lack of Reliability - measurement tools do not measure what they purport to, lack consistency Sampling Bias - is when the selection of criteria is not random; population used for sample does not meet conditions for statistical test (population is not normally distributed) [sample must be random] Attrition Effects - participant is fatigue; participants drop out of the study

physics example: How would the set-up be different if the rod had a mass of 50g? Would this causes a shift to the left or right compared to an example with negligible mass

Instead of putting rod as 50g, put an added mass in the middle equal to weight of rod because the center of mass of the uniform rod or plank is the midpoint - it would move to the right, if u add another mass to the right of the center of mass, then its a shift to the right - if you add another mass to the left of the center of mass, it will shift it to the left

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: 3. _________________ vs. _________________(3-5yrs): This takes place during preschool years. Children begin to assert their power and control over thee world through directing play and other social interactions. Children who are successful in asserting control and power over their environment feel a sense of ______________. Children who try to exert too much power experience ____________ due to disapproval. ______________ is the important event in this stage and _____________ is the outcome.

Initiative vs. Guilt; Purpose; Guilt; exploration; purpose

Its NEVER the case, in physics, that the ____________ ____________ = 0. If running around a circular path, the person is ______________ ______________ towards the center of circular path. Anytime you are turning the ___________ is changing and by definition, there must be an ________________ but the side can cancel and thus be 0 _____________ ________________.

Instantaneous acceleration; centripetally accelerating; velocity; acceleration; average acceleration

BETA CELLS OF THE ISLETS OF LANGERHANS IN THE PANCREAS: decreases blood [glucose]; increases glycogen and fat storage; it is activated at high blood [glucose] and is absent or ineffective in diabetes melitus


Peptide hormones EXAMPLES

Insulin, Glucagon, Prolactin, ACTH, Gastrin Parathyroid hormone

___________ Makes glucose go INto the cell. _______________ makes glucose GONE from the cell _________________ Tones down calcium concentrations in the blood

Insulin; Glucagon Calcitonin

_____________ _________________ is a Social behavior that is influenced by physical, social and psychological factors

Interpersonal Attraction

____________________ is the study of overlapping systems of oppression (gender, race, class, sexuality) and can be used to understand how systemic injustice and social inequality occur on a multidimensional basis (feminist theory). This suggests that types of oppression within society like _____________, _____________, ______________ etc do not act independently of each other but rather compound, creating a system of oppression.

Intersectionality; Racism; sexism; classism

Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development include: 6. ____________ vs. _______________ (18-40yr) Virtue developed is Love

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: 6. _________________ vs. _________________(19-40yrs): Young adults need to form intimate, loving relationships with other people. Success leads to _________ relationships, while failure results in ____________. Important events are _________________ and the outcome is ___________.

Intimacy vs. Isolation; strong; loneliness; Relationships; Love

in general chem, _______________ bonds are bonds between elements that create molecules


___________________ _________________ is the purpose or driving force behind our actions, based on INTERNAL drive or Perception

Intrinsic Motivation

in general chem, _____________ bonds are formed between molecules of opposite charges but there is NO ________ of ___________. example: NaCl

Ionic; sharing; electrons;

_______________ _________ (______) is determined by averaging the pKa values that refer to the protonation and deprotonation of a Zwitterion

Isoelectric point (pI)

What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this?

Isoleucine (Ile) (I)

________________ is an enzyme that catalyze the interconversion of isomers, including both constitutional and stereoisomers


Compounds X and Y are stereoisomers that were separated by fractional distillation. The absolute configuration and optical rotation of X was determined to be (1R, 2R) and (+), respectively. Which of the following CANNOT be true about compound Y?

It has (1S, 2S) configuration and is levorotatory.

When people have a deficiency in NADPH possibly due to a genetic G6PDH deficiency have the inability to generate ___________ and often leads to oxidative damage to _____ _______ _______ and ___________.

NADPH; Red blood cells; Anemia

in psychology, ______________ ______________ had a theory about learning procedures that involves pairing a stimulus with a conditioned response. This was done with dogs triggering a conditioned response when ringing a bell.

Ivan Pavlov

____________-____________ theory of emotion states that the EMOTION is CAUSED BY the interpretation of your physiological responses. Emotions follow directly from bodily responses - the person does not actively "interpret" their bodily responses in order to figure out their emotion. Event --> physiological response --> interpretation of (physiological response) --> emotion 1st response to stimulus: ____________ __________ ____________ 2nd response to stimulus: _______________ _____________.

James- Lange; nervous system arousal; Conscious emotion

The ______________-__________ Theory of Emotion's 1st response is the Nervous system arousal. The second response is ______________ ____________.

James-Lange; Conscious Emotion

in sociology, _____________ _______________ seeked to examine relationships between reality, symbols and society, in a particular signification and symbolism of culture and media involving in constructing a culture

Jean Baudrillard

without oxygen, this means NO

NO electron transport chain, Krebs cycle, Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex

La Chatelier's principle and equilibrium ______ > _______ then the reaction goes right, increasing product concentration _______ < _______ then reaction will go left, increasing reactant concentration

K > Q; K < Q;

pneumonic for Taxonomy in biology: King Phillip Came Over For Gold and Silver

K- Kingdom P - Phylum C - Class O - Order F - Family G - Genus S - Species

The three founding fathers of society

Karl Marx Max Webber Emile Durkheim

Two sociologists associated with Conflict Theory is _________ __________ and ________ ___________.

Karl Marx; Max Webber

________________ is a fibrous structural protein that constitutes various Biological structures such as hair, nails, skin, feathers, hooves, horns, etc. They are made up of ___________ polypeptide chains and when combined, they _________________. This protects _______________ cells from damage.

Keratin; coiled; supercoiled; Epithelial cells;

Sugars with Ketones as their most oxidized group are called _______________.


Competitive inhibitors Km _______________ while Vmax ________________

Km Increases; Vmax stays same

Uncompetitive inhibitors Km _______________ and Vmax ____________.

Km decreases; Vmax decreases

Noncompetitive inhibitors Km ______________ and Vmax __________________.

Km stays same; Vmax Decreases

This amino acid is in the _____ structure and is called _________________. This is in the ______ conformation.

L; Alanine; S

This amino acid is in the _____ structure and is called _________________. This is in the ______ conformation.

L; Cystine; R

in isomers of a sugar, If the second lowest -OH is on the left, the molecule is _______ confirmation. if the -OH is on the right, its ______ confirmation.

L; D

This structure of an amino acid is considered to be _____. This is the most common structure in nature. This can be either _______ or ________ conformation.

L; R; S

Oxidation - reduction reactions


Which of the following hormones leads to the expulsion of the egg from the ovaries? a. LH b. FSH c. Estrogen d. Progesterone


Alkali and Alkaline earth metals tend to ________ one or two electrons respectively, becoming oxidized metal cations


When the body has _________ blood sugar, a hormone called ____________ is released, which inhibits the formation of _____________ _____ _____________, thus inhibiting PFK and Glycolysis

LOW; Glucagon; Fructose 2,6 Bisphosphate;

in psychology research studies _______________ of ________________ is a threat to internal validity and is when measurement tools do not measure what they purport to, lack consistency

Lack of Reliability;

A disaccharide _________________ is made of 1 glucose subunit and 1 galactose subunit linked by an alpha 1,4 linkage


In Sociology, Health and Medicine is a social institution. __________________ is a process by which human conditions and problems come to be defined and treated as medical conditions and thus become the subject of medical study diagnoses, prevention, treatment. This can be driven by several factors including:

Medicalization; -New evidence of hypothesis regarding conditions (obesity) -Changing social attitudes or economic considerations (ADHD) -The development of new medications or treatments (Viagra treats erectile disfunction)

Sigmund Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development include 4. ______________ stage - (6 - puberty) - Children spend more time and interact mostly with same-sex peers

Latency stage

Freud's stages of psychosexual development: 4.________________ ___________ (6-puberty): Erogenous zone- Sexual feelings are inactive; during this stage the superego continues to develop while the Id's energies are suppressed. Children develop social skills, values and relationships with peers and adults outside of family.

Latent Period;

What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this?

Leucine (Leu) (L)

Which of the following is NOT a component of the filtrate first produced by the nephron?


pneumonic for White Blood Cells: Nobody Likes Me Eating Burgers

N - Neutrophils L - Lymphocytes M - Monocytes E - Eosinophils B - Basophils

The ___________ _____________ is a part of the Forebrain that controls emotions and memory. This includes the _________ _________ (pleasure seeking), _________________ (fear and aggression), _______________________ (memory) and the _____________ (communication within this system)

Limbic System; Septal Nuclei; Amygdala; Hippocampus; Fornix

The _______________ ______________ is a part of the Forebrain that controls emotion and memory. This includes __________ __________ (pleasure-seeking), ________________ (fear and aggression), ________________ (memory) and ______________ (communication within this system)

Limbic system; Septal nuclei; amygdala; hippocampus; fornix;

fats can be turned into glucose in the ___________ which can then initiate _______________.

Liver; Glycolysis

_____________ _____ _____________: a self-evaluation that refers to the way we characterize the influences in our lives Can be either _________________ (success or failure is a result of our own actions) or ______________ (success or failure is a result of outside factors)

Locus of Control; Internal; External

________________ of ______________ is a self-evaluation that refers to the way we characterize the influences in our lives. Either ____________ (success or failure is a result of our own actions) or _______________ (success or failure is a result of outside factors)

Locus of Control; Internal; External

In behavioral sciences Memory, __________-____________ ______________ is lifetime.

Long-term memory

in psychology, a type of Non-experimental design study is called __________________ ______________ are long-term studies that take measurements of people at different time intervals [7 years old -> every 7 years meeting with same individuals]. The advantage of this study is to see individuals ______________ over time.

Longitudinal Studies; evolve;

What portion of the nephron acts as a countercurrent multiplier?

Loop of Henle

Techniques for gaining compliance include: _______________: technique in which an item is initially offered at a low price than one expects in order to get the buyer to commit, then the price is suddenly increased.


ANTERIOR PITUITARY -> OVARY/ TESTES: ovulation or testosterone synthesis

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

_____________________ is an enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage without the addition of water and without the transfer of electrons. The reverse reaction (______________) is usually more biologically important.

Lyases; (Synthesis)

According to some sociologists, the defining characteristic of modern societies is that they are bureaucracies. For some, bureaucracies are "iron cages," based purely on rationality and efficiency rather than creativity, and thus they stifle a person's human instinct. To which theorist's work were these ideas central?

Max Weber

What Basic amino acid is this?

Lysine (Lys) (K)

pneumonic for moles deposited at an electrode equation "MIT enough"

M= It/nF M- Moles I T enough = nF

functionalism is a _________- level theory of society, which means that it focuses on the elements that shape society as a whole.


___________ __________ __________ is a depressive disorder that is characterized when a person has at least one major depressive episode

Major Depressive Disorder

_____________ ______________ ____________ is a depressive disorder that contains at least 1 major depressive episode

Major Depressive Disorder

A disaccharide _________________ is made of 2 glucose subunits linked by an alpha 1,6 linkage


functionalism differentiates between ____________ ____________, the intended and recognized functions of an institution and ___________ ____________, the unintended(less recognizable), unforeseen consequences of an institution (can be considered beneficial, neutral or harmful) of social structures

Manifest function; Latent function

What is the correct prioritization order of the substituents in the following molecule according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules for assigning the configuration of a stereocenter?

Me > CCl3 > COOH > H

What type of receptor is represented by the hair cells of the ear?


Pneumonic BAPAN Story 4 (Prof. Leu and the president) N = Non-polar Professor Leu Is Arrived at a Valet Ground to Met the president

N = Non-polar P - Proline L - Leucine I - Isoleucine A - Alanine V - Valine G - Glycine M - Methionine

amino acids grow from

N terminus -> C terminus (left to right) 5' -> 3'

example of Rational Choice Theory

Many people start driving smaller more eco-friendly cars. The evidence fo this social change is that individual people have decided that conserving energy will help them achieve their goal, which may be to save money and produce less carbon emissions and may also cause a little inconvenience which is considered a Cost.

In psychology, Motivation Theories include: 4. ________________ __________ of ___________Theory - prioritizes Needs into 5 categories. (top to bottom) a. __________ _______________- morality, creativity, spontaneity, acceptance, experience purpose, meaning and inner potential b. __________ ___________- Confidence, achievement, respect to others, the need to be a unique individual c. ___________ & ____________ - Friendship, Family, Intimacy, Sense of Connection d. ____________ & ____________ - health, employment, property, family and Social stability e. _____________ ____________ - breathing, food, water, shelter, clothing, sleep. Highest priority includes ______ - _______.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; a. Self-Actualization b. Self-Esteem c. Love & Belonging d. Safety and Security e. Physiological Needs; b -> e

allosteric inhibitors in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex include(products):

NADH, Fatty acids, ATP, Acetyl CoA

Centrosomes duplicate between ______________ and _________________ during __________________

Meiosis 1; Meiosis 2; Spermatogenesis

A Drug Addiction is Mediated by the _________________ _______________ which includes the ___________ ____________, ____________ ___________ bundle and ___________ ____________ __________. The main neurotransmitter is _____________.

Mesolimbic Pathway; Nucleus Accumbens; Medial Forebrain bundle and Ventral Tegmental Area; Dopamine

In the ETC, ________ is eventually oxidized into ___________.


physics SI base unit and abbreviations ____________ = length _____________ = mass ____________ = time ____________ = charge ____________ (__)= m/s ____________ (__)= kg/m^3 ____________ (__)= kg m^2/s^2

Meter (m) =length Kilogram (kg) = mass second (s) = time coulomb (C) = charge speed (V) = m/s density (p) = kg/m^3 (MASS /VOLUME) work (W) = kg m^2/s^2 (FORCE *DISTANCE)

What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this?

Methionine (Met) (M)

Social constructionism is a ___________- level theory of society. This theory has received criticism on its hyperfocus on how individuals construct society (similar to symbolic interactionism)


The ____________ contains the inferior and superior colliculi (organization of the brain)


The ________________ is an organization of the brain that contains the inferior and superior colliculi


_______________ refers to the movement of people into (immigration) or out of (emigration) a geographical location


What does this symbol represent in US society (symbolic interactionism)

Money, status, freedom, adventure, independence

glucose 6-Phosphate dehydrogenase is inhibited by excess levels of ___________


_____________ ___________ are proteins that are capable of force generation through a conformational change. These proteins can move along the ______________ of animal cells. This includes ______________, ______________ and ______________. These proteins convert Chemical Energy into ______________ __________ by the Hydrolysis of ATP

Motor Proteins; Cytoplasm; Myosin; Kinesin; Dynein; Mechanical Work

Pyruvate dehydrogenase Complex

Move from Cytosol (glycolysis) to Mitochondrial matrix (PDC); Pyruvate is oxidized and NAD+ --> NADH is reduced; Coenzyme A donated CoA to 3C pyruvate and turned into 2C Acetyl CoA; LOSE CO2; NADH goes into Krebs cycle

______________ is a product of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway and uses its reducing power for anabolic reactions (fatty acid synthesis) and can also act to help eliminate reactive _____________ species (formed during cellular metabolism). This is particularly important for ______ ________ ________ because they can ONLY rely on the Pentose Phosphate Pathway for their ___________ needs, other cells can generate it through other pathways.

NADPH; Oxygen; Red blood cells (rbc); oxygen

mneumonic for Embryogenesis stages Must Be Good

Must Be Good M- Morula B- Blastula G- Gastrula

________________ is the change in the optical rotation in a cyclic sugar due to the change in the equilibrium between two anomers, when the corresponding stereocenters interconvert (both alpha and beta forms interconvert). This occurs when dissolved in ______________. The specific rotation for alpha-D-glucose (for ex) ___________ over several hours, while the Beta-D-glucose (for ex) _____________ specific rotation over several hours.

Mutarotation; water; Decreases; Increases

along an axon you find _________________ in clumps around the neuron, which is an insulator and increases the speed of impulse transmission 120m/sec. Cells within the PNS that do this are called ______________ cells. The naked areas between the Schwann cells on the axon are called the ______________ _____ ________________, which allow the impuse to jump from node to node. This type of conduction is called _________________ conduction (jumping).

Myelin; Schwann cells; Nodes of Ranvier; Salatory

The _________-____________ ____________ __________ Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify a persons personality type, strengths and preferences

Myer-Briggs Personality Type Indicator

example of Tertiary Protein Structure

Myoglobin; oxygen is stored in the myoglobin of the muscle

____________ is a motor protein involved in muscle contraction


Thermodynamics main equation

NOT ABOUT SPEED The study of energy transformations; main equation: (ΔG) = (ΔH) - T(ΔS) ΔG = Gibbs free energy ΔH = enthalpy ΔS = entropy T = temperature

Examples of Nucleophiles

Negatively Charged: [strongest] OH- and H₂O; the oxygen, in both cases. ex. water in hydrolysis NH3 Br- Cl- CN- Neutral: [weakest] R-OH (Alcohol) H₂O R-NH2 (Amine)

__________ ___________ species are better Nucleophiles than ____________ species.

Negatively charged; Neutral;

in physics, if nothing is angularly accelerating (not rotating at all or moving at a Constant Velocity), the ___________ ________ = ZERO. In static equilibrium (completely stationary) the ___________ _________ AND __________ __________ = ZERO

Net Torque; Net Torque; Net Force;

In physics, if velocity is constant than _________ __________ (______) = 0

Net force (Fnet)

_______________ is an element of Social Interaction and is observable pattern of Social relationships between individuals or groups


pneumonic "Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas "

Neutrophilis Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils

_____________ ___________ ___________ is about when applying a net force to an object, this object causes a change in motion. This has the famous formula _____= ___ ___. This is in units of _______ _____/______ = _______. This also means there is a change in _____________, aka change in motion.

Newtons 2nd Law; Fnet = ma; kg*m/s^2 = N ; Velocity;

____________ __________ ______ states that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. An action = _____________ and does not necessarily have an equal effect. ____________ in action-reaction pairs are equal in _____________ and opposite in ______________. Action-reaction pairs must ONLY involve ____________ exerted between _________ ___________ and they cannot cancel out. For example, a ball going towards another ball with speed (velocity), the first ball exerts a ____________ on the second and the second ball exerts another _________ back. (______ on _______ = ___________ on _____)

Newtons 3rd Law; Force; magnitude; direction; Forces; two objects; force; force; F1 on 2 = - F2 on 1

______________ _______ ________ is called the law of Intertia. This is when objects ______________ tend to be constant. An object in ____________ tends to stay in _____________ and an object at ___________ tends to stay at ______________. The _____________ can only change if there is an applied ________ __________ on the object. The amount of Inertia an object contains is related to its ____________, a measure of an object's resistance to acceleration (inertia). This is in units of _____________ and is a positive ___________.

Newtons First Law; Velocity; motion; motion; rest; rest; Velocity; net force; mass; kg; scalar;

in physics, ___________ _______ of _____________ describes the gravitational force between ANY two masses in the universe [earth and moon or apple falling from tree]. This formula is _______ = __________/_______

Newtons Law of Gravitation; Fg = (G)(Mtotal) / (r^2) G - universal gravitational constant M - sum of masses r - the center-to-center distance between the masses

group 8 (VIII) on periodic table

Noble gases (ns2 np6 valence shell configuration)

in psychology research methods, _________ __________________ ___________ is when variables are not directly manipulated and lack a control group (distinctive of other types of research methods).

Non-experimental Design;

in physics, _________ ___________ is a force that a surface exerts to keep itself intact. The direction is normal or _________________ to the surface. With this force, to calculate the magnitude, know that ________________ usually equals zero and use _____________ __________ __________ and if its not zero, then use ___________ _________ _________

Normal force; perpendicular; acceleration; newtons 1st law; newtons 2nd law;

_____________ are boundaries of acceptable behavior within a Society


___________________ or "Nucleus Loving" are electron rich and usually contain a full or partially negative charge. They have _______ ________ of _____________. They DONATE a __________ of __________ and form a covalent bond (AKA - Lewis Bases).

Nucleophiles (Nu-); Lone pair of electrons; Pair of electrons;

Nucleic acid monomers

Nucleotides (Sugar, Base, Phosphate)

__________________ is the change in behavior based on a command from someone seen as an authority figure


Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning Development include: 1. __________________/____________ (infancy) - No difference between doing the right thing and avoiding punishment


_____________ _____________ in psychology is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, touched, smelled or sensed in any way.

Object permanence

In behavioral sciences Learning, ______________ _______________ is the acquisition (acquiring) of a behavior by watching others

Observational Learning

In learning and Memory, __________________ ______________ is the process that acquisition of behavior is by watching others.

Observational Learning

in psychology, a type of Non-experimental design study is called ______________ ______________ which are studies in which the researchers do not interfere with or manipulate the variable.

Observational studies

_________________-______________ ____________: type of anxiety disorder when one has Obsessions (persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses) and Compulsions (repetitive tasks that relieve tension but causes significant impairment)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

essential amino acids

Obtained by diet; histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine

Peptide hormones Effects

Often fast, onset transient changes in PROTEIN activity, through GENE EXPRESSION changes can occur

_________________ ________________ - is a form of stress, directed at evaluating weather the organism can cope with the stress, based on harm, threat and challenge

Secondary Appraisal

What are the end products of oogenesis if fertilization occurs?

One ovum and 2 polar bodies

In behavioral sciences Learning, ________________ _________________ is a form of associative learning in which the frequency of a behavior is modified using __________________ (increases behavior) or _______________ (decreased behavior)

Operant Conditioning; Reinforcement; Punishment

In learning and Memory, __________________ ______________ is a form of associative learning in which the frequency of a behavior is modified by __________________ (increase behavior) and _________________ (decrease behavior)

Operant Conditioning; Reinforcement; Punishment

_______________ are a type of drugs such as Heroin, Morphine, Opium, Pain pills and Function for a Decreased reaction to pain and causes Euphoria (happiness or excitement)


____________________ / _________________ are a drug group such as Heroin, Morphine, Opium and Pain pills. This drug groups function is Decreased reaction to Pain and Euphoria


The ______________ ___________ is a lobe of the brain within the Cerebral Cortex. Functions include: a. sensation of ________________, _______________, _______________ and _______________ - Somatosensory Cortex b. ______________ ____________ - sensing and integrating information pertaining to the location in space c. ____________ _______________ - ability to identify the position or direction of objects or points in space d. ______________ _______________

Parietal lobe; a. Touch, pressure, temperature and pain b. Spatial Processing c. Spatial Orientation d. Spatial Manipulation (yellow (b) in picture)

_________________ Is the processing of sensory information to make sense of its significance


What are the two phases of the pentose phosphate pathway?

Oxidative and non-oxidative

in the Pentose Phosphate Pathway, The first phase called the ____________ phase includes the Oxidative Decarboxylation of Glucose 6-Phosphate into Ribulose 5-Phosphate catalyzed by the enzyme ___________ ___ ______________ _____________ (_______). During this process 2 molecules of ______________ will be reduced to 2 molecules of ________________

Oxidative phase; Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PDH); NADP+ ; NADPH

NAD+ and FAD are ______________ in the electron transport chain to produce the majority of ___________.

Oxidized; ATP

____________________ is an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation-reduction reactions that involve the transfer of electrons


POSTERIOR PITUITARY -> BREAST & UTERUS: milk letdown and uteral contractions


example of negative feedback system

Oxytocin (hormone) - causes contractions; more squeezing and more oxytocin (contractions become stronger in intensity) - head is baby is hitting cervix

Involved in Pregnancy Prepping

Oxytocin, Prolactin, Progesterone, Estrogen, LH, FSH

pneumonic " People Meet And Talk" - Mitosis

P - Prophase M - Metaphase A - Anaphase T - Telophase

pneumonic "PMAT" - Meiosis (x2)

P - Prophase 1 M - Metaphase 1 A - Anaphase 1 T - Telophase 1 P - Prophase 2 M - Metaphase 2 A - Anaphase 2 T - Telophase 2

Pneumonic Hydrophobic Amino acids PIMP GAL TV

P -Phenylalanine I - Isoleucine M - methionine P - proline G - glycine A - Alanine L - leucine T - Tryptophan V - Valine

In physics, the formula for power for a constant force parallel to a constant velocity is _______= _____ ______

P = F V

Pneumonic BAPAN Story 2 (Mad Sara) P = polar Sara Throws her Cyster (sister) to Get Asprin

P = Polar Serine Threonine Cysteine Glycine Asparagine

pneumonic "Pure As Gold" - Purines

P- Purines A- Adenine G- Guanine

Where is the START codon bound in a ribosome?


__________________ is the processing of sensory information to make sense of its significance.


Transverse waves move

Perpendicular to source; (T) in name looks like Perpendicular symbol

________________ ________________ are disorders that characterize patterns of inflexibility, Maladaptive behavior that causes distress or impaired functioning. Three types include: _______________ _____ (odd, eccentric, "weird") - paranoid, schizotypal (avoid social interaction because of deep-seated fear of people) and schizoid (no desire to form relationships) _______________ ______ (dramatic, emotional, erratic "wild") - antisocial, borderline, hisitrionic, narcissistic ________________ _____ (anxious, fearful "worried") - avoidant, dependent, OCD

Personality disorders; Custer A; Cluster B; Cluster C

What type of stem cell specifically forms the cells of the body?


In physics, a ___________ __________ creates a field that is __________ from a positive charge and ______________ negative charge

Point charge; AWAY; TOWARDS;

in biology, ___________ ____________ effect DNA through Point mutations, Small repeats, Insertions/ Deletions (small, frameshift)

Polymerase errors

This graph represents (in psychology)

Positive Correlation

_______________ is low Socioeconomic status, in the US, this is the governments calculation of the minimum income requirements to acquire the minimum necessities of life


_____________ is the capacity to influence people through real or perceived rewards and punishments ex) wealth


in physics, __________ is a measure of the Rate at which work is done. This is in units of __________ and the formula is ______ = ______/_____

Power; Watts; P = W / t

The U.K. study described in the passage identified willpower, or self-control, as one of the facilitators of healthy eating. Which of the following neural areas and structures has been found to be most important for intentional self-regulation, and was also found damaged in the famous case of Phineas Gage?

Prefrontal cortex

_______________ is an irrationally based attitude prior to the actual experience


In psychology, Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development include: 2. ______________ Stage: (2-7) focuses on Symbolic thinking, Egocentrism (inability to imagine what another person feels or thinks) and Centration (focusing on only one aspect of a phenomenon)

Preoperational Stage

Which of the following correctly describes the path of blood traveling through the pulmonic circuit?

Pulmonary artery, lungs, pulmonary vein, left atrium

In behavioral sciences, Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development: 2. __________________________ stage - focuses on ____________ ___________(ability to think about objects and events that are not within the immediate environment), ___________________ (inability to imagine what another person thinks or feels), and _____________________(focusing on only one aspect of a phenomenon).

Preoperational; Symbolic thinking; Egocentrism; Centration

Piaget's stages of cognitive development: 2. ______________________(2-7): Children begin to think symbolically and learn to use words and pictures to represent objects. Children tend to be _____________ and struggle to see things from the perspective of others. They are getting better with _______________ and _______________, they still tend to think about things in very concrete terms.

Preoperational; egocentric; language; thinking

_____________ __________________ (stress) - classifying a potential stressor as irrelevant, benign- positive or stressful.

Primary Appraisal

_________________ _____________ - is a form of stress, classifying a potential stressor as either irrelevant, benign-positive, or stressful

Primary Appraisal

The _______________ ____________ of a protein is a linear sequence of amino acids. example) Hormone Insulin has two polypeptide chains

Primary Structure

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Synthesize RNA primers with the enzyme _______________


Pneumonic for Meta-directing groups on the benzene ring "Queen Elizabeth Second's Navy Commands, Controls and Communicates"

Q- Quaternary amino acid (NR3+) E - Ester - COOR S - Sulfonic acid - SO3H N - Nitro (NO2) C- Carbonyl - CHO C- Carbonyl - COOH C - Cyano - CN

Capacitors pneumonic "Quintessential Curriculum Vitae"


Looking at the graph, in which sections is the object moving: forward? backwards? in which sections is it: speeding up? slowing down?

Quadrents: 1: object moving forward speeding up 2: object moving forward slowing down 3: object moving backwards speeding up 4: object moving backwards slowing down **remember checking where line on graph = 0 (on horizontal axis) to see if going away from 0 (speeding up) or towards 0 (slowing down)

The _______________ ____________ of a protein is when interactions between subunits. Heat and Solutes cause ________________. example) Hemoglobin, DNA polymerase, and Ion channels

Quaternary Structure; Denaturation;

The absolute stereochemistry of a meso compound with two chiral centers is ALWAYS:


In psychology, ______- values are a form of statistics, which are related to correlations and ________- values, indicate significance, how likely a result is due to chance and a smaller value of this indicates that the result is _______________.

R- values; P- values; Stronger

in psychology correlations, _______ __________ tell us the strength of the correlation in one direction


enzyme inhibition curves of competitive, non-competitive and uncompetitive inhibitors

RED - Competitive inhibition: [E] >> [S] BLUE - Non-competitive inhibition: [E] = [S] GREEN - Uncompetitive inhibition: [E] << [S]

In the Sleep Cycle, _________ __________, the EEG Waves read MOSTLY ___________ and features include person appears to be awake physiologically, dreams, paralyzed, procedural memory, consolidation, some sleep disorders


pneumonic " RED CAT/ AN OX"

Reduction at Cathode Oxidation at Anode

Steroid Hormones Storage

Released IMMEDIATELY (Constitutive secretion)


Releasing and inhibiting factors

In Sociology, _______________ is a social institution, that is a unified system of beliefs and practices shared by a group of believers pertaining to the supernatural and to norms about the right way to behave; Sociologists treat this as a __________ rather than a supernatural phenomenon.

Religion; Social;

In behavioral sciences, ______________ ________________ is examined using signal detection experiments with four possible outcomes: Hits, Misses, False Alarms, and Corrective Negatives

Response bias

_____________ ___________ _____________ is a depressive disorder that characterizes Major Depressive Disorder (at-least 1 major depressive episode) in addition to Seasonal Onset, with depression occurring during Winter Months

Seasonal Affective Disorder

In psychology, The 3 stages of General Adaptation Syndrome include 2. __________________ Stage - after initial shock of Fight-or-Flight response, body begins to repair itself. Releasing a lower amount of cortisol, heart rate and blood pressure begin to normalize.


in physics, _______________ is how much an OBJECT opposes the flow of charge through it and is a constant of proportionality between voltage and the current it induces. This formula is ___________ __________ (_____ = ____ _____)

Resistance; Ohm's law; V = IR

in physics, ________________ (____) is how much a material opposes the flow of charge through it. Its units are ______ * _______

Resistivity (ρ) Ω * m

What makes a molecule stable in solution?

Resonance - spread out negative charge over more than one atom in the molecule

Good Leaving groups

Resonance - spread out negative charge over more than one atom in the molecule Weak Bases - as the ion is leaving with electrons will get bigger, its better able to stabilize negative charge. (Iodide is a better leaving group than chloride) (Cl- < Br- < I-) Neutral Molecules - better-leaving groups than charged molecules

in psychology, ____________ _____________ occurs when there are incompatible demands placed upon a person relating to their job or position (pulled to various directions trying to respond to many statuses they hold)

Role conflict

mneumonic for hormones that increase blood glucose STENGGI

S- Somatotropin (growth hormone) T- Thyroid hormones (T3 & T4) E- Epinephrine N - Norepinephrine G - Glucagon G - Glucocoricosterioids I - Immunoglobulins

pneumonic "SEA MORNS CAN PEAs"

S- Substitution E - Electrophilic A - Aromatic M- most O- other R - reactions N- Nucleophilic S- Substitution C- Carbonyl A - Addition N - Nucelophilic P- Pi bonds E - Electrophilic A - Addition

pneumonic "STENGG" - Hormones that increase blood glucose

S-Somatotropin(growth hormone) T- Thyroid hormones(thryoxine and triiodothyronine) E- Epinephrine N- Norepinephrine G- Glucagon G- Glucocorticosteroids

without ATP, the body will


in psychology research studies _______________ ________________ is a threat to internal validity and is when the selection of criteria is not random; population used for sample does not meet conditions for statistical test (population is not normally distributed)

Sampling Bias

_____________ ______________ is a type of enzyme kinetics that as a substrate concentration increases, the reaction rate also increases until a maximum value is reached

Saturation Kinetics

The ______________-__________ Theory of Emotion's first response is Nervous system arousal and Cognitive Appraisal. The second response is ___________ ____________.

Schachter - Singer; Conscious Emotion

__________________-_________________ theory of emotion states that physiological and cognitive responses simultaneously form the experience of emotion. If one becomes physiologically aroused, don't feel specific emotion until one is able to label or identify the reason for the situation Event --> Physiological response --> Identifying the reason for the physiological response and Event (understanding what cause is)--> emotion 1st response to stimulus: ___________________ ________________ ______________ and _________________ ______________ 2nd response to stimulus: _______________ _________________

Schachter-Singer; Nervous system arousal; Conscious Appraisal; Conscious Emotion

What are various social structures in US Society?

Schools, hospitals, private and public corporations, neighborhoods, parks, military, government, transportation systems etc.

______________-______________ Is the degree to which we see ourselves as being capable of a given skill in a given situation


In psychology, Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development include: 1. ______________ Stage: (0-2) Focuses on manipulating the environment to meet physical needs through circular reactions, object permanence ends at this stage

Sensorimotor Stage;

Pneumonic "SAME DAVE" - Spinal cord nerve origins

Sensory - Afferent (towards) Motor - Efferent (away) Dorsal - Afferent Ventral - Efferent

Physics example of electric field The electric field due to a point charge located at the origin of an x-y plane can be calculated for any point on the plane by using the coulomb field equation, E = F/q. How do the fields at points (a,0) and (0,a) differ? a. they wouldnt b. they would have same magnitude but different directions c. they would have different magnitudes but same direction d. they would differ in magnitude and direction

Since electric field strength for a point charge is proportional to 1/r^2 from E = F/q = KQ/r^2 and 2 points are at equal distance from the charge Q, meaning the MAGNITUDES will be the same but their directions will be different

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes both have the stabilization of unwound DNA template strands with a ___________-___________ _____________ ____________ __________.

Single-stranded DNA binding protein

Where in the heart does its electrical signal originate?

Sinoatrial node (SA)

in psychology research studies, ____________ ____________ is a flaw of external validity is when the presence of laboratory conditions changes outcome ex) [pre-test and post-test, presence of experimenter, claustrophobia in an MRI machine]

Situational Effects

in psychology, _________________ is a psychological theory that places emphasis on external and situational factors in personality and behavior. Rather than focusing on the importance of innate traits on influencing personality


______________ is a sense to detect volatile chemicals by Olfactory Chemoreceptors


______________ ________________ ________________ is a disorder with characterization of at least one somatic symptom which may or may not be linked to an underlying medical condition, that causes disproportionate concern

Somatic Symtom disorder

_____________ ____________ is the investment people make in society to return for economic or collective rewards example - Opens the door for someone, Returns lost item to a stranger, gives directions

Social Capital

in psychology, ________________ __________________ theory describes the influence of individual experiences, the actions of others and environmental factors on individual health behaviors

Social Cognitive

_______________ __________________ is a theory that suggests that we actively shape our society through social interactions; Social institutions and knowledge are created by individuals interacting within the system, rather than having any inherent truth of their own.

Social Constructionism

in sociology, a ______________ _____________ is a standardized set of social norms organized to preserve a basic societal value.

Social Institutions;

_______________ _____________ is the passing on of social inequality, especially poverty to other generations

Social Reproduction

_________ ___________ Is a type of Social Class that is based on Socioeconomic status (SES)

Social Stratification

_______________ _________________ is a sociology theory that explores how individuals and groups make decisions to agree upon a given social reality

Social constructionism

________________ is the process of developing and spreading norms, customs and beliefs


____________ ______________ - type of anxiety disorder that causes one to have irrational fears of specific objects

Specific Phobias

When velocity and acceleration point in the same direction, what can we conclude?

Speed increases

_____________ in physics, is how fast something is going. This is a __________ and has units of ________/_________. Its symbol is V.

Speed; scalar; m/s

Cytokinesis of Meiosis 2

Splits the chromosome sets into new cells, forming the final products of meiosis - 4 haploid cells in which each chromosome has just 1 chromatid - product of human meiosis is sperm and egg cells

In the Sleep Cycle, _________ ___, the EEG Waves read ___________ and features include Light Sleep

Stage 1; Theta

In the Sleep Cycle, _________ ___, the EEG Waves read ___________ and features include Sleep Spindles and K Complexes

Stage 2; Theta

In the Sleep Cycle, _________ ______, the EEG Waves read ___________ and features include Slow-wave Sleep, Dreams, Declarative memory, Consolidation, Some sleep disorders

Stage 3/4; Delta;

________________ (_____________ & ______________) are polysaccharides and the main energy storage forms for plants

Starch (Amylose and Amylopectin)

Plants store

Starch and sugar (cellulose - long strings of sugar)

_______________ is an element of Social Interaction and is a position in Society used to classify individuals. This can be ______________ (involuntarily assigned), ________________ (voluntarily achieved), or ________________ (primary identity)

Status; Ascribed; Achieved; Mastered

What would be the acceleration of gravity at the surface if the Earth had Twice the radius but the same mass?

Step 1: Determine the equation that related the two variables a = G M(earth) / R^2(earth) F(gravity) = gM(total) /R^2 Step 2: Identify all of the constants or effective constants G, because it has the same mass, exclude Mass of earth (M(earth)) Step 3: Write the equation as a proportion without constants a ∝ 1/r^2 (earth) Step 4: Plug in the factor by which the independent variable is changing r -> 2r (going up by a factor of 2 or doubling) Step 5: Solve for the factor by which the variable of interest is changing - substitute 2r into proportion (r^2) a∝ 1/(2r)^2 = 1/4a a-> 1/4a a decreases 4x its original value (changing by a factor of 4)

________________ are attitudes and impressions that are made based on limited and superficial information


________________ is an extreme disapproval or dislike of a person or group based on perceived differences


_______________ are a type of drugs such as Amphetamines, Cocaine and Ecstacy Functioning with Increased Arousal


____________________ are a drug group such as amphetamines, cocaine and ecstasy. This drug groups function is Increased Arousal


Peptide hormones Storage

Stored in VESICLES (Regulatory secretion)

________________ (_____________ or ______________) - anything that leads to a Stress response. This can include Environmental, Social, Psychological, Chemical and Biological Stressors

Stressor (Distress or Eustress)

______________________ (______________ or ______________) - is anything that leads to a stress response. This can include environmental, social, psychological, chemical and biological stressors

Stressor (Distress or Eustress)

examples of BAD Leaving groups

Strong bases: (Very electronegative) HO- RO- NH2-

___________ _____________ are proteins that are generally Fibrous. This includes ____________, _____________, _____________ , ____________ and ___________.

Structural Proteins Collagen; Elastin; Keratin; Actin; Tubulin

______________ _____________ is a sociology theory that is the study of how individuals interact through shared understanding of words, gestures and other symbols

Symbolic Interactionism

_________________ is a group that distinguishes itself from the primary culture to which it belongs


A disaccharide _________________ is made of 1 glucose subunit and 1 fructose subunit linked by an alpha 1,2 linkage



Sugar and base ONLY

______________ _______________ is a Sociological theory that analyzes the subjective meanings that people impose on objects, events, and behaviors; Subjective meanings are important because people behave based on what they believe is __________, not just what is objectively _________. Therefore, society is socially constructed through ___________ _____________, and it is these interpretations that form the social bond.

Symbolic interactionism; true; true; human interpretation;

Autonomic Nervous System

Sympathetic - "Fight or Flight" Parasympathetic - "Rest and Digest"

The _______________ branch of the autonomic nervous system is focused on "___________ _________ _____________" responses

Sympathetic; "Fight or Flight"

in biochemistry, ____________________ is the rearrangement of atoms in a molecule while preserving the molecular formula


in Sociology, Education promotes inequality through ____________ ____________, expectations about how an individual/ group will perform academically that impacts the teachers behavior towards the individual/ group and results in individual/group conforming to expectations

Teacher Expectancy

What is the reasoning behind the planar geometry of peptide bonds in proteins? A. Steric Hindrance B. Hydrogen bonding C. The carbon-nitrogen bond has partial double bond character D. Proteins contain ONLY L - amino acids E. The peptide bond is Trans NOT cis

The carbon-nitrogen bond has partial double bond character - the double bond character of the carbon-nitrogen bond results in a shorter bond compared to the normal length of a pure bond. The double bond resonance of peptide bonds aids to increase stability, where subsequently decreasing the rotation about that bond. The partial double bond results in the amide group being planar, thus allowing a cis or trans conformation of a peptide. Due to the preference for trans orientation over the cis orientation, there is less steric hindrance between groups attached to the alpha-carbon atoms.

pneumonic " DEAK"

Vitamins D,E,A,K are water soluble

Changes to enzyme concentration in a Velocity vs [S] graph effects ___________


What is the main difference between a primary and secondary immune response?

Time required to fully activate the response

How do enzymes affect Gibbs free energy?

They decrease the Gibbs free energy of activation, but they have no effect on the free energy of reaction. Enzymes work by lowering the activation energy (Ea or ΔG✳) for a reaction. This increases the reaction rate. - they do not change ΔG (no change in the spontaneity of reaction) - this brings down the transition state

if Ea (activation energy) is LOW, takes less energy to get to ___________ __________ (_____), causing ____________ of _____________ to be ____________.

Transition state (TS); Rate of Reaction; Fast

THYMUS: is involved in T-cell development during childhood.


THYROID: in the child it is necessary for physical and mental development; in the adult, it increases metabolic rate and temperature

Thyroid hormone (TH, thyroxine)

ANTERIOR PITUITARY -> THYROID: increases synthesis and release of thyroid hormone (tropic)

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

In psychology, ___________ __________ (____________-____________) _________________ is the recognition of an object by memories and expectations, with little attention to detail. This is Faster but MORE prone to mistakes

Top-down (Conceptually-driven) proccessing

In behavioral sciences, ________________-_____________ (conceptually driven) ______________ is the recognition of an object by memories and expectations, with little attention to detail. This is ______________, but more prone to mistakes

Top-down (conceptually driven) processing; FASTER

in physics, _________________ is a force's effectiveness at making an object spin or rotate. The equation for this is ___ = ____ _____ ________ _____ in units of ______*______. This occurs because when exerting forces on things, don't always exert forces to the point about which something would rotate (ex) pull on a doorknob, the door doesn't come flying off the wall, it rotates about its hinges (how much does it rotate, how rapidly and where should we put the knob effectively?) **** If the ___________ is parallel to the ___________, then there is no ____________. But, its MAXIMIZED when ______ = ________ and thus place the Force _______________ to radial vector. This is a _____________ quantity but easiest to think of direction as ______________. ___________________ is negative and __________________________ is positive.

Torque; τ = r F sin θ; N*m; Force; Radius; Torque; θ= 90 degrees (because sin 90 = 1); Perpendicular; Vector; Rotation; Clockwise = Negative; Counterclockwise = Positive

examples of good resonance stabilized leaving groups

Tosylate (TsO-) Mesylates (MsO-) Acetates (AcO-)

in physics the _________ _________ done on an object (with no change in other forms of energy) is equal to its change in _________ __________ (____________) = (___________).

Total work; Kinetic Energy; W (total) = ∆KE

____________________ are an enzyme that move a functional group from one molecule to another


in psychology, Robert Sternberg formed a ____________________ theory of _______________________, a prominent figure in research of human intelligence. This was the first approach to go against the _______________ approach to intelligence and take a more cognitive approach

Triarchic theory of intelligence

Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: 1. _______________ vs __________________(0-18months): The first stage is the most fundamental stage of life because the infant is utterly dependent, developing trust is based on the dependability and quality of the child's caregivers. If the child develops _____________, the child will feel safe and secure in the world. If the caregiver is inconsistent, emotionally unavailable, or rejecting contribute to feelings of _____________ in the children under their care. The important event during this stage is ______________. The Outcome is ______________.

Trust vs. Mistrust; Trust; Mistrust; feeding; hope

__________________ is a long strand of proteins that loops around the actin chains in a thin filament


What non-polar hydrophobic amino acid is this?

Tryptophan (Trp) (W)

_________________ is a structural protein that polymerizes into long chains or filaments that form microtubules, hollow fibers which serve as a skeletal system for living sells.


Which of the following is not a component of the Organ of Corti?

Tympanic Membrane

Which type of muscle fiber has the highest concentration of myoglobin?

Type I

The ______________ and ___________ Theory states personality can be described as a number of identifiable traits that carry characteristic behaviors. The _________ ____________ attempts to comprehend human personality by examining certain broad patterns in the oberseved behavioural characteristics of individuals. The ________ __________ focuses on the specific psychological attributes along which individuals tend to differ in consistent and stable ways

Type and Trait theory; Type; Trait

What Polar hydrophilic Amino acid is this? This amino acids NH2 group is considered _________________.

Tyrosine (Tyr) (Y); Hydrophobic

in sociology, ____________ _______________ is a condition or illness that is incurable (cancer, Alzheimers disease)

Unconditionally Legitimate;

The Psychoanalytical Perspective on Personality states that personality results from _____________ ____________ and ______________. 2 Theorists ___________ (id, superego and ego) and ___________ (collective unconscious and archetypes)

Unconscious urges and desires; Freud; Jung;

in physics, _____________ __________ ______________ refers to the motion in a circular path with a constant speed. Since turning is involved, ________________ is not constant and is changing ________________. There is an _____________ _______________ INWARDS. So, ______________ and _______________ are PERPENDICULAR!!

Uniform Circular Motion; Velocity; direction; Centripetal Acceleration; Velocity; Acceleration;

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning Development include: 6. ________________ _______________ (Adulthood) - Morality is based on principles that transcend mutual benefit

Universal Principles

how far from the base of the cliff does the object land? (range)

Vo = 15m/s h = -20m = y - Find horizontal distance: x = Voxt - dont have time so must go to y-direction to calculate flight time Y-direction: Voy = 0 y = -20m (going down) ay = -g Vy is missing -> find displacement for vertical motion (y) y = Voyt + 1/2 (-g) t^2 -20 = (0)(t) + 1/2 (-10) (t)^2 -20 = (-5t^2) divide by -5 on both sides 4 = t^2 t = √4 = 2s Plug in 2s into range equation -> x = Voxt x = (15)(2) = 30m - 30 m is how far the object lands from the base of the cliff

equation to find Vmax

Vo = Vmax [S] / Km + [S]

in physics, _______ = 0 in projectile motion when the initial velocity is _________________.

Voy; Horizontal

Horizontal Velocity equation (projectile motion)

Vx = Vox (Constant)

Vertical velocity equation (projectile motion)

Vy = Voy - gt

Vygotsky's Theory of Cultural & Biosocial development compared to Piaget : a. Sociocultural context b. stages c. Constructivism d. Key process in development and learning e. Role of Language f. Teaching implications

Vygotsky a. Strong emphasis on sociocultural context b. No general stages of development proposed c. Social Constructivist d. Zone of proximal development, scaffolding, language/dialogue, tools of the culture e. Major role of language - language plays a powerful role in shaping thought f. Established opportunities for children to learn with the teacher and more skilled peers Piaget a. Little emphasis on Sociocultural context b. Strong emphasis on stages of development c. Cognitive Constructivist d. Equilibration, schema, adaptation, assimilation, accommodation e. Minimal role of language - language provides labels for children's experiences (egocentric speech) f. Support children to explore their world and discover knowledge

In behavioral sciences, ____________ __________ states that the just-noticeable difference for a stimulus is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus, and this Proportion is CONSTANT over most of the range of possible stimuli

Weber's Law

The Language Areas of the Brain include ___________ ___________ - Language comprehension. Damage results in ____________ ___________ is the ability to grasp the meaning of spoken words and sentences is impaired. Reading and writing is often severely impaired. This is always due to an injury in the brain, commonly from a stroke (usually older)

Wernicke's Area; Wernicke's Aphasia


What glycolytic enzyme has a high Vmax, high Km, and low affinity for glucose? - present in hepatocytes of the liver and beta cells of the pancreas


What is the maximum rate possible with a given amount of enzyme? constant for a paticular enzyme and a paticular concentration; maximum speed

pneumonic "F O N" - hydrogen bonding

When a hydrogen atom is attached to either a fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen atom. it can form a hydrogen bond between it and another fluorine, oxygen or nitrogen atom

in physics, ____________ is a measure of how much force contributes to the displacement of an object. This is a force that MUST be ________________ and specified. Its in units of _____ * ______ = _______. The formula for this force is ______ = _______ _______ ________ _____. This is a _________ quantity and can be ___________ , ____________ or = 0

Work; Constant; N *m = J; W = Fd cos θ; scalar; positive; negative;

In behavioral sciences Memory, _____________ ______________ is part of short-term memory that is concerned with immediate conscious perceptual and linguistic processing.

Working memory

in physics, for Non-uniform objects, the equation for each mass is ____ = ________ = _______ ______ + _____ _____ + / ______ + ______

X= Xcm = m1 X1 + m2 X2 +../m1+m1+... X = position m = mass

SOH gives the _____ component for projectile motion and CAH gives the ______ component

Y; X;

In Psychology, The _______________ - ____________ _____________ states that our peek performance will occur at a particular level of arousal. Arousal BELOW AND ABOVE this point will HINDER performance and somewhere in MIDDLE = Optimal Arousal (electric shocks to Mice)

Yerkes - Dodson Law

pneumonic "ZIAH" - Striated muscle

Z - Z line I - I band A - A band H - H zone

Cis and trans (geometric isomers)

Z: Zame Zide E: Epposite Z for same side and E for opposite sides

The number of protons is the atomic number _____. If the element has no charge, this is also equal to the number of ____________.

Z; electrons

This Amino acid is considered to be a _________________________ and is neutral.


Km =

[S] (substrate concentration) required to reach 1/2 Vmax

A particle with an initial velocity of 4m/s moves along the x-axis under constant acceleration. Three seconds later, the velocity is 14m/s. How far did it travel during those three seconds? A. 21 m B. 24 m C. 27 m D. 30 m

a = 0 (constant) Vo = 4m/s t = 3 s Vf = 14m/s d =? missing a, use equation 1 -> d = 1/2 (Vo + V)t d = 1/2 (4 +14) (3) = 27m

The velocity of an object changes from Vo to V in 1 second. Which of the following best represents the objects average acceleration? a. up left b. up right c. down left d. down right

a = ∆V/ ∆t = V - Vo/ ∆t V- Vo = V + (-Vo) (negative of up vector is the same as the vector facing downwards) - Answer is DOWN LEFT

The cerebral cortex is divided into 4 lobes: a. The ______________ lobe - executive function, impulse control, long-term planning (______________ cortex), motor function (___________ __________ cortex) and speech production (______________ ____________). b. The _________________ lobe - sensation of touch, pressure and pain (___________________ cortex), Spacial processing, orientation and minipulation. c. The ______________ lobe - visual processing. d. The _______________ lobe - sound processing (_____________ cortex), speech perception (______________ ___________), memory and emotions (__________ system)

a. Frontal lobe; prefrontal cortex; primary motor cortex; Broca's area; b. Parietal lobe; (somatosensory cortex); c. Occipital lobe; d. Temporal lobe; auditory cortex; Wernicke's area; Limbic system;

physics example a. How much work is required to stop a 1000kg car moving at 20m/s? b. If the braking force is 20,000N, how far will the car travel before stopping?

a. KE = 1/2 mV^2 KE = 1/2 (1000)(20)^2 = 200,000 J KE(final) = 0 (because car comes to a stop) W (total) = ∆KE 0 - 20,000J W (total) = -20,000 J b. W(breaks) = -F(breaks) * d cos cos (180) = -1 W(breaks) = W(total) from part a (-20,000 J) = -(20,000N) * (d) (-1)

Sleep disorders include: a. _______________________ (amount or timing of sleep), such as insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea and sleep deprivation b. ____________________ (odd behaviors during sleep), such as night terrors and sleepwalking (somnambulism)

a. Dyssomnias b. Parasomnias

ground state electron configuration: a. ground state is the _____________ energy electron configuration 1. make sure configuration has the correct __________ number of ______________. 2. follow the structure of the __________ ____________ to determine which electrons are present. 3. Use the __________ _________ previous to the element to denote CORE electrons that don't contribute to the chemistry of the atom 4. for cations or anions, write the configuration of the atom and THEN _________ or ___________ electrons appropriately

a. LOWEST; 1. total; electrons 2.periodic table 3. noble gas; 4. add or remove

Three types of neurons in the Nervous system a. ________________ (______________) b. _______________ c. ________________ (______________)

a. motor (efferent) b. interneurons c. sensory (afferent)

In physics, objects that are submerged in water have an upwards ____________ ____________. This must equal the ___________ ___________ to cancel. The horizontal forces include ___________ __________ (forward) and _________ ___________ (backwards) that cancel. Overall, all cancel to have an overall ________ __________ = 0

boyancy force; gravitational force; thrust force; drag force; net force;

emotion is made up of a series of _________________, ____________________ and _________________ responses to a stimulus.

cognitive; physiological; behavioral;

in psychology research, ____________ ____________ (EFFECT) are the outcome variable that is measured and not directly manipulated by the researcher. This is also known as the "____________ ___________" or the "_______________ _____________". For example, this would be life satisfaction after receiving an anti-depressant or placebo.

dependent variable; output variable; measured variable;

In physics, the overall change (start -> finish) in position independent of which path is taken, we use ________________. This is a ____________ and its units are in ___________. Its symbol is either d or ∆s

displacement; vector; meters;

speed =

distance/ time Their magnitudes are NOT always the same! (i.e., if the distance path is not straight, v and s will have different magnitudes. And of course, v also has a direction.)

Electropositive substituents ________________ electron density (push electron density away from itself). These include _____________ groups (alkyl)

donate (Electron donating group); carbon

When starting an Experimental design study, The random assignment of groups is __________ ______________, meaning neither the person placing people into groups nor the participants know which group is which. IF either one of these individuals knows (researcher or participant), then this can impact the result, This is called the ___________ _____________. We avoid this with the random assignment of groups [above]

double blind; placebo effect

in physics, _________ _________ has the symbol for Q or q. This is in units of _____________. This can be either __________ or _____________.

electric charge; coulombs (C); positive; negative;

In physics, the __________ ________ (____) = 1.6 * 10^-19 C and is the smallest possible unit of charge. This is positive for a ___________ and negative for an _________________.

elementary charge (e); proton; electron;

in biology, ___________ ______________ , is damage to DNA that is caused by something inside the cell

endogenous damage

glucose is released into the bloodstream from the _________ and stored as____________.

liver; Glycogen

in general chemistry, Non-polar molecules CANNOT have ________ _________ on ___________ atom. Non-polar bonds include __________-____________ bonds or ____________ molecules (____, ______ , _______)

lone pairs; central; carbon-hydrogen; diatomic; (F2; H2; N2)

In symbolic interactionism, ________________, __________________ and ______________ are the three elements the concept of self can be framed. We use the ___________ __________ self when taking the role of the other, imagining how we look to another person. The "self" is a function of _________________, and without this there would be no self concept. This theory is a ____________-level theory of society, meaning that it focusses on everyday social interactions between individuals.

meaning; language; thought; looking glass self; language; micro-level

Na+ and K+ Voltage gated channels open or closed depending on ________________ ___________________. They open at a specific voltage called the ____________________ which is approximately _________. All graphs track what is occurring _____________ the cell.

membrane potential; Threshold; -50mV; inside

distance units is ___________ and is the ___________ of the path. This is a ____________.

meters; length; scalar

Stability of Carboanions: ______________ > ________________ > _______________ > ______________

methyl; primary; secondary; tertiary

carboanions are ______________ charged


ex) does carbon-12 or carbon-13 have 7 neutrons?

p+ + n0 = 6 + 7 = 13 carbon-13 = answer

ex) Deuterium H^2 has how many neutrons?

p+ + n^0 = 1 + 1 = 2 - 2 neutrons = answer

ex) Fluoride (F-) has how many electrons?

p+ - (e-) = C 9 - (e-) = -1 (b/c F is in group 7 with -1 charge) ------- 9 - 10 = -1 #electrons = 10

formula for pH

pH = pKa + log ([-A] /[HA] -A = conjugate base HA = acid

formula for pI

pI = [(pKa1 + pKa2) / 2]

B α I(N/L)L = length of solenoid; N = number of coils B is along central axis!!!

solenoid magnetic field (B) relationship with current and solenoid

an atom with 2 groups attached (also lone pairs)(or bond) is __________ hybridized


an atom with 3 groups attached (also lone pairs) is __________ hybridized


an atom with 4 groups attached (also lone pairs) is __________ hybridized


for Cr and Cu the orbital configuration is ____________________ because d and f block electrons are added to the inner core not valence electrons. Cr = [____] _______ _______ Cu = [_____] ______ _______

special; Cr = [Ar] = 4s1 3d5 Cu = [Ar] = 4s1 3d10

When velocity and acceleration point in opposite directions, what can we conclude?

speed decreases

physics example: Suppose you push on a 5kg block with a force of 20 N. What is the force of friction acting on the block. how far does it move in 2s if starting from rest?

step 1 - check whether Fapp > Fs, max Fs, max = μs Fn -if Force applied is greater than maximum static force, then there will be slippage -if Force applied is NOT greater than maximum static force, then Ff,s = Fapp - Fn = mg = 50N 0.3 * 50 = Ff,s max = 15N step 2- have a net force in the same direction as Fapplied Fnet = Fapp +Ff,k = Fapp - Ff,k = ma (because kinetic friction points opposing velocity = left) = Fapp - Ff,k (Fn) = ma = 20 - (0.2) (50N) = 5a = 20 - 10 = 5a 10 = 5a a= 2 m/s^2 step 3 - how far does it move from rest = kinematics equations (big 5) Vo = 0 (rest) a = 2m/s^2 t = 2s Vf = missing d = Vot + 1/2 at^2 d = (0)(2) + 1/2 (2)(2)^2 d = 4 m (in 2 seconds)

physics example: Suppose you push on a 5kg block with a force of 8N. What is the force of friction acting on the block. how far does it move in 2s if starting from rest?

step 1 - check whether Fapp > Fs, max Fs, max = μs Fn -if Force applied is greater than maximum static force, then there will be slippage -if Force applied is NOT greater than maximum static force, then Ff,s = Fapp - Fn = mg = 50N 0.3 * 50 = Ff,s max = 15N - because Ff,s max > Fapplied, Ff,s = Fapp = 8N it doesnt move at all because Ff,s =8N is going towards the left counteracting Fapplied, meaning there is no acceleration and the block never starting moving

Cycloalkanes treated with H2(g), Ni (catalyst) and 120 C will form into the _____________ chain with something called ____________ ___________.

straight (linear); Strain energy

noble gasses and helium with closed shell configurations tend to lack the _____________ to move. Configuration determines _____________.

strength; reactivity

_________________ is the physiological and Cognitive response to challenges or life changes


Hooke's Law

stress = modulus x strain (for springs- F = - kx)

Kinematics equation missing "displacement"

v = v₀ + at

slope of position vs. time graph is ______________.

velocity = ∆x/∆t

in physics terms, when stepping on the gas of a car, the ___________ and ____________ are going in the same direction and causes the car to speed up.

velocity; acceleration;

in physics, ______________ motion is the change in height and in projectile motion is used to find the _________ ___________

vertical (y-axis); Flight time

Kinematics equation missing "time"

v² = v₀² + 2ad

Horizontal distance equation (projectile motion)

v₀ = v in the horizontal direction, because there is no horizontal acceleration. Velocity is constant in the horizontal direction! d = v₀x t

electronegative substituents _________________ electron density. These include ______________ and ________________

withdraw (Electron withdrawing group); halogens; oxygen

Cells move from Meiosis 1 to Meiosis 2 __________ ____________ their DNA

without copying

In physics, __________ is thought of as the transfer of energy. If ___________ is _____________, the object gains Kinetic energy (transferring kinetic energy __________ the object). if ___________ is ____________, the object loses kinetic energy (transferring kinetic energy ________ of object). if ______________ = _________, the objects kinetic energy remains the same and speed remains same if mass is constant.

work; work; positive; INTO; work; negative; OUT; work = 0;

In projectile motion, the horizontal motion or ______ coordinate Velocity formula is

x; Vx = Vox

In projectile motion, the horizontal motion or ______ coordinate displacement formula is

x; x = Vox t

Vertical distance equation (projectile motion)

y = v₀y t - ½gt²

In projectile motion, the Vertical motion or ______ coordinate Velocity formula is

y; Vy = Voy + (-g)t

In projectile motion, the Vertical motion or ______ coordinate displacement (height) formula is

y; y = Voyt + 1/2 (-g)(t)^2

Electrical Potential Energy in a Capacitor: Equations

½CV² ½Q²/C ½QV

if using the inverse functions of SOH CAH TOA to find ANGLE of the triangle

Ø = (sin^-1) b/c

Example of exergonic reaction (ΔG = _____)

ΔG = negative (-); ATP --> ADP + Pi

Physics Formula for Electric Potential Energy _________ = ____ ________ = _____ ______

ΔPE(energy) = qΔΦ = qV V = Φ (V stands for a change in electric potential = Φ)

in physics, incline angles are measured by its angle of inclination___________, measured from the __________________ up to the ramp. Relative to this, the _________ of __________ (mg) will break into a component that is ______________ to the ramp.

θ ; horizontal; force of gravity; parallel;

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