MCOM 4361 | TV News Producing

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On Location Shots & Off Camera Work

"On camera" opens, stand-ups, endings are best shot on location. Off camera work should still have interesting BRoll under voices

Good Interview Questions

"Talk to me about this...." "What is being done about this..." "Why should... be concerned?" "How does this effect..." "Explain some of the possible results..." If you start your questions with "What, Why, and How" or even "Explain, Tell me, or Talk", they will most likely respond with a longer, more usable sound bite. Do not start questions with "Do, Are, Can, Will, Should, or any other word that will elicit a short or single word response.

Do's and Don't's for Equipment:

- Do check PA schedule. - Do check batteries before you leave. - Do take mic, mic cable, and any necessary extras. - Don't break lav mic clips. - Don't leave equipment on location. - Do clean up any mess you might have made on location. - Do check to see you have everything before leaving sight. - Do let me (and the PA) know if something breaks.

Do's and Don't's for Stories:

- Do find possible stories for Wednesday, type up story suggestions to hand in. - Do include a contact person or office and phone number. - Do think about possible BRoll. - Don't include your personal opinions. - Don't make a story so timely as to be useless by the time it runs. - Don't use bad interviews. Do not interview students. - Be sure to write lead-ins (for the anchor).

Do's and Don't's for Scripting:

- Don't break a word between lines. - Don't break a sentence between pages. - Do write all dialogue in upper case. - Do set spacing to 1.5. - Do use (more) at bottom of page if there is more on the next page. - Do use ### at the end of a story. - Do use enunciation guides of the correct pronunciation is in doubt - Do email revised script to rtf address on Monday

Do's and Don't's for Excuses:

- Don't make them. - Do get results. - Do hand in all required materials on assigned day. - Do think about getting a small notepad.

Do's and Don't's for Editing:

- Don't put it off until the last minute. - Do keep most finished packages about 1:20. - Do insert video pad after your package. - Delete previous story from your folder on computer.

News Story Reminders:

- If you leave a mistake in your work, a lot of people will see it, and all of them will remember it. - graphics are almost always inserted during the newscast. - Keep the news simple. - Keep sentences under 13 words and no semicolons - Always name your story with the date (only using a dash between the numbers) first, then the slug.

A Newsworthy Story -

1. Is an evergreen. A violent crime, an event that happens once, or hard news is not evergreen. 2. Has visuals such as moving subjects, unique activities, and people participating. No computer screens. 3. Does the event happen at a specified time? If you miss it, you have no story. 4. What is your angle? Show how it is meaningful to the audience. 5. Can be told in 60 seconds or less. A VO should be about 40-45 seconds. 6. Is valuable to the audience. If ti has no Huntsville connection, toss it. 7. Is interesting. What if it's boring? A good reporter will make the story interesting. 8. Isn't advocating for a subject matter. 9. "I only want to work on certain stories." Would you hire someone who told you that?

Text Template

A base form that allows words to be edited for insertion into program

Stationary Front

A boundary that separates two different air masses exhibiting little or no movement.


A digital playback unit.


A file format.


A person who strongly supports a particular viewpoint and actively tries to encourage others to feel the same way


A region of air with higher barometric pressure and clockwise winds; usually associated with fair weather.


A region of air with lower barometric pressure and counter-clockwise winds; usually associated with stormy weather.


A reporter on camera at sight of an event, talking about the story.

Lower Third

A text graphic at the bottom on the screen, usually identifying people or places

Broadcast Journalism and Stories

All BJ packages are sue at the beginning of class on Wednesdays. Failure to turn in a story will result in 20 points subtracted from your point total. In the event that there is no class on Wednesday, stories will be turned in no later than 10am Tuesday. You must include 1 hard copy of the scrip tin my basket or my hand, and a file in "StraitStuff". It should be saved on rich text format" or .doc. News King does not raed .docx. Put the finsihed .mp4 file in the same folder on the T-Drive Scripts should be written in Times or New Roman Times, 12 point. Follow the script template. All news stories will be done by teams of 2, with each member receiving the same grade. Story assignments will be made on Wednesdays. You may not be assigned one of the stories you submit, but bring them anyway. Failure to bring in story leads will result in a loss of 10 points from your package grade. Leads (hwo the news talent introduces your package) must be neatly types, not handwritten. Obviously this is only is you have produced a package. You so NOT write leads for VOs or VOSOTs. Standard outcue for packages is "Name, Cable 7 Huntsville" Be sure to put video pad after the outcue. The pad is not part of the TRT. L/C - Lower case U/C - Upper case DBL - Double Billboard is in the upper right left corner of the script (it has 4 essientials) - Your name - Date - SLUG - TRT In the Mass Comm folder (smb://files/masscomm) on the T Drive, there is a folder called "StraitStuff".Install a folder with your name, put all your finished stories there.

Academic Dishonesty

All students are expected to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is above reproach. Students are expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in the academic experiences both in and out of the classroom. Any student found guilty of dishonesty in any phase of academic work will be subject to disciplinary action. The University and its official representatives may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of any form of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating on an exam or other academic work which is to be submitted, plagiarism, collusion and the abuse of resource materials.


Always know if you are hearing from an advocate as their viewpoint will always be biased and can NOT be construed as acurate ALL news stories by definition must be objective and free of any bias or slant, or it is considered commentary Investigative reports by nature are biased as they begin by assuming a problem exists.

Nat Sound

Ambient noise on BRoll

Investigative Reports

An in-depth report leading to the conclusion that a perceived problem is proven to exist, or that is does not.


Another file format (Quicktime).

Cell Phone Policy

As of 10/4/16... If you use your phone during ANY show, either practice or during live or recorded session, you will lose 1 letter grade per violation. This is non-negotiable. There will be no appeal. If i see your phone in use, you WILL use a letter grade. Unless you are on a transplant list and have official paperwork filed with Student Disability Services, you are no exempt from this policy. The only exception is if the instructor asks you to use the phone for a specific need. This policy is for all classes under Mel Strait, either studio or on remote locations.

Common Problems (And Fixes) for 3361 Stories:

BRoll video too dark or too light - adjust the iris, change shutter speed, watch zebra indicator. Don't forget to color balance BRoll too shaky or unsteady - always use tripod, avoid panning/zooming, edit out bad footage, shoot more BRoll to choose from. Improper script - review template (SOT format, spacing, casing, SOT transcript) No lead in - write one (it's the few lines the anchor uses to introduce your piece) Video directions not directly across from where they happen in dialogue - read handout about 2 column construction, do audio side first No indication script continues on to 2nd page - "(more)" on bottom of page No indication script is finished - "###" Audio levels vary from reporter to SOT - Normalize and pan to center in the editing process No billboard - Strait needs it on the first page of your script to give you credit Editing done on Premiere - It's easier for Strait to assist if you have a problem File format problems (editing)- read the handout tutorial, seek help if needed Deadline - Due Wednesday. There are no extensions When preparing to edit, be sure you first drag your files from your flash drive into your folder on the T-Drive, or keep your own USB hard drive Be sure to save your story as an .mp4 (H.264) in your folder Cliches - Don't use them Delete previous files from your folder as you begin a new story SOT Framing - ALWAYS open with a bust shot of interview (at least 5 seconds), avoid more than one person at a time in SOT, long SOTs should have BRoll Remember 2 hard copies of script to [Strait], keep your .rtf file in your folder on the T-Drive along with your final video. Delete old files as you start your new story.


Be sure packages are evergreens. We may not be able to use them immediately.

Gentle Reminders for 3361 for Computers:

Be sure to log out when you finish. If you're login in with your password and forget to log out, the computer will ask the next user to unlock using YOUR password, which they probably don't have. Then the computer must be rebooted (maybe twice) to logon with a new user. Some of our computers will also display some odd behavior after this, especially some Macs. If you use flash-drives of any sort (USB, SDHC, etc.) you need to use them properly. Neither Mac nor Windows allow you to simply pull out the drive when you're done. Windows requires a simple click in the right hand side of the task-bar and again click on the USB icon and select the proper USB peripheral you wish to eject. It will inform you if it is okay to eject, If the item is in use, it will tell you so you can terminate the use (or wait) then proceed. Macs are a bit more complicated. You must right-click (hold CTRL while clicking) and wait for the icon to disappear from the desktop. One quirky thing on Macs is the way they handle deleted files. If you delete a file from a flash-drive (or external plugin media) you must empty the trash to actually have it deleted from the drive. Otherwise you may find the drive appears to be empty, but when you try to record, the computer tells you the drive is full. If you've already pulled the drive from the computer, it may require a formatting of the drive to correct the problem.

Words to watch:

CALVARY - the hill Jesus was crucified CAVALRY - mounted horsemen SOVIET - Formerly referring to a block of countries centered around Russia SOLVIET - Not a word. NUCLEAR - Refers to the atomic nature NUCULAR - Not a word. FEBRUARY - 2nd month of the year FEBUARY - Failure to pronounce the 'r' Monday, Tuesday, etc - Days of the week. Mondee, Tuesdee, etc - too lazy to say "day" (although some dictionaries now list both as acceptable enunciation) PEN - Writing utensil PIN - instrument for holding something in place. LIBRARY - Where books are kept LIBERRY - "Fibbing fruit" LETTER- Written message or a symbol of language LEDDER - Someone who uses a heavy metal METAL - Material for construction MEDDLE - To mess with ILLINOIS - Land of Lincoln ILLINOISE - "Land of sick sounds" WASH - To clean WARSH - "warship without the "ip" sound" LIBERTY - A founding principal of this country LIBERDEE - "I'm drawing a blank here"


Cathi Gillette Assistant to the Vice Provost [email protected] Lane Fortenberry SHSU Media Contact [email protected] 936-294-2638 Office of Communications

Camera & Equipment

Check out JVC GY100s always (for interviews). If interviewing, be sure there is a lav, and mic cable. If you need a hand held mic, any in the PA closet will do. If you want ti be sure your equipment works, test it before you go.


Convert format to usable one.

Reminder for Food:

Do NOT eat in the editing rooms (112 & 113). This will not be tolerated any more. Accidents ruin equipment. You will lose your editing privileges if you're caught.

Reminders for Equipment:

Do you have a SDHC card, headphones, a plan, clearance to proceed?

Advice for getting interviews:

Don't ask if you can interview people. Ask if you can get a few comments. Have 3 times ready to suggest for interview. They will probably pick one. Don't just show up on their doorstep. If they can only meet at a certain time, try to do that. Remember, you will need time to edit. Look and act professional, not like a student.

Who do you interview?

Don't interview students. Look for people in authority and people knowledgeable. Then we need people who can speak well. Most of the time, this is not a student. There is another reason for not interviewing your peers - you need to start getting comfortable with people outside your normal comfort zone. When you find a job, you won't be interviewing other students. You'll be interviewing "older" people. If you're not comfortable interviewing them, your interview will stink. Look for faculty, staff employees... These people are more authoritative and will give better sound bites.


Edit on Premiere editing stations (room 112/113). A sign-up sheet is necessary and in place for editors. Use it. You're limited to 2 hours unless no one is waiting

Reminders for Talent:

Even though you have a script, try to sound as though you're telling it to the audience, not reading it. Use some expression. When doing a stand-up, don't look like a statue.

Virtual Set

Exist only in the computer, requires a chroma key screen

Partners and schedules

Go out in pairs,1 person interview, 1 to run equipment

Gentle Reminders for 3361 for News Stories and Scripts:

Good writing is difficult if you don't understand procedure. There are generally 2 (maybe 3) issues to consider... First is cut and paste. It's quick, easy, and may result in a pretty good script. The problem is, it's not yours. Unless you're attributing credit to the original author, you're stealing work (plagiarizing). Press releases are not news stories. They indicate a story is available, but the are not written bu reporters. They're written by PR writers or press secretaries. The information may be good, but it needs to be rewritten in a "news" style. More objective and without "qualifying" phrases. Examples of a press release might say, "Senator Smith is sponsoring a great piece of legislation that will clear the way for water purification." It makes Smith sound like a saint. Objectively, he is sponsoring legislation for water purification. the legislation might be good for big business, or for other special interest groups, but that is for listeners/viewers to decide. Press releases are also written for readers to SEE, not to SAY. Radio or TC scripts must be read out loud. Sentences must be shorter and more to the point. They also may be reinforced with visuals. A third issue is obviously the quality of your writing. Suffice it to say that here we're dealing with areas peripheral to your own work.

Reminder for Scripts:

Hand in a 2 column script for your grade. Be sure to put the name and title of your SOT person where you want it to occur.

Equipment use Policy

I will not OK lower quality production to be submitted. See me if you have questions. I have a camera just for your use and an editing suite for use exclusively by the 4361/3361 people (Rooms 112 and 113).

What's due on Wednesdays?

Ideas for stories. [Strait] needs 5 ideas from each person. These need to include a brief explanation of the story, a contact person and a contact number. Don't simply go to the item's webpage or a university calendar of events and copy/paste them onto your sheet. See what's happening around the campus or town. Note things you see while driving or walking. [Strait] expects a nice typed page with 5 story ideas, contact names and phone numbers for stories with good visuals. We will use those to assign stories to all teams on Monday during class. If you don't hand one in, you lose 10 points. Stories will be assigned. You may or may not be doing one of your ideas. The finished piece will be due the following Wednesday.

Americans with Disabilities Act

It is policy at SHSU that individuals otherwise qualified shall not be excluded, solely by reason of their disability, from participation in any academic program of the university. Further, they shall not be denied the benefits of these programs nor shall they be subjected to discrimination. Students with disabilities that might affect their academic performance are expected to visit with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities located in the Counseling Center. they should then make arrangements with their individual instructors so that appropriate strategies can be considered and helpful procedures can be developed to ensure that participation and achievement opportunities are not impaired. SHSU adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. If a student has a disability that may affect adversely his/her work in this class, then the student is encouraged to register with the SHSU Counseling Center and to talk with the instructor about how best to deal with the situation. All disclosures of disabilities will be kept strictly confidential. NOTE: No accommodation can be made until the student registers with the Counseling Center.

Gentle Reminders for 3361 on Hard Copies and Form:

Listeners and viewers expect to see and hear material in the same way each time they are exposed. If you present a newscast with the 7-day forecast as the last item everyday, then one day end with a political cartoon, most of the viewers are going to be unhappy. You must stick to the familiar form. in much the same way, people working with news production expect to see a similar script for each newscast. Subjects may change, but the way it is presented stays the same. One of those expectations are the hard copy or the actual script. When all else fails, talent can still default to the "paper". Scripts have a form and a familiar appearance to the user. It's easy to make quick, last minute changes on the hard copy. It's difficult to beat the old school approach for making news copy.

Looking for News Leads

Look everywhere. There is a story behind almost anything you can observe. You can get story ideas from newspapers, press releases, webpages, billboards, signs, personal observations, or just about anything else you can imagine. We're doing TV News, so we need quality video. If the story has no video, or very limited video, it's probably not a good choice for a TV News story. Examples: A grant awarded to a faculty at SAM for the study of a computer code - there isn't much of an opportunity for video, so the story could be a little more than a reader. The CEO of a chemical company addresses a group of business majors - again, nothing much to show. Even to show the speaker at the event, a camera operator would have to be there., and unless it ran within 24 hours, it would be old news. If you shot video, it wouldn't be interesting. A new electric wheelchair is on display at the library - You can show a wide shot, closeups of parts of the chair, and if a demonstrator is there, get an interview. Overall, not bad. A moose is loose on campus. very visual and lots of action. It would be easy to get an interview.

Class Description

MCM 4361 TV News Producing and Reporting Mr. Strait 3 Hrs. Credit Spring 2017 BRB 110/305 W 3:30 - 6:20 Office: BRB 101 Description: "Assumption of primary responsibility, under faculty supervision, for creating and producing a program series during one semester. Such a series will be designed for use over university facilities"

More Broadcast Journalism Info:

Make sure your BRoll is relevant to your story Check audio levels of sound bites and reporters to insure they are about equal Always use a tripod unless you're in a crowd or moving Try to visualize the finished product Be sure your story has a point, value, and interest Always watch and listen to the finished piece Be sure finished media in correctly labeled on the drive and in the right folder Check the length of your finished piece Avoid using cliches or the same phrasing in your pieces Do NOT write an anchor lead-in using the reporter's name Include BRoll length if for VO (BRoll and SOTs are separate files if making VOSOT Schedule interviews ASAP after you're assigned a story Edit ASAP after you've shot your raw footage Be sure you have ALL your interviews and BRoll before starting to edit Remember, the first shot of an interview needs to be at least 5-7 seconds of bust The audio is just as important as the video Unplug the shotgun mic on the camera Check out an XLR cable for use with the JVCs NEVER hand an interviewee the mic Grade for story goes to the people who's names are on the script Grade in script may include a requirement to re-edit or re-script Keep eyes open for possible stories Stick to your deadline, this is a time-driven business Be assertive in your quest for a story, interview, whatever Check with [Strait] if you need to change your story Check your template for scripts and style requirements

Lecture Progress

Material from handouts, experience and possibly guest speakers. Portions of some newscasts may be played for review. Formal lecture for procedure and protocols will run for the 1st 3 weeks. We will discuss problems and errors to be corrected during part of the class. The remainder of the semester will be devoted to actually producing a news program. We will always meet 1 day a week to review and update work (Wed. at 5:30 after news)




News is everywhere. Be aware of your surroundings. You can't help but see news.


No fancy transitions, just cuts

Ingesting Codes

No spaces. Date (Month, day, Year), category, slug line (in all lower case) This is a slight change from previous semesters. Using this code will put all files together in the ingesting folder. Then if the previous files are not properly deleted, it is still fairly easy to find any one show's files. LS - Local News Story NN - National News SP - Sports KC - Kicker Story PSA - Public Service Announcement SOT - Sound on Tape (Sound Bite) BR - BRoll Examples: 10-11-12LScampusrape 10-11-12SPfootballpractice 10-11-12SOTjohnsmith 10-11-12BRvolleyball PSAsafety30 (public service announcment "safety" 30 seconds) Be sure all SOTs have 5 seconds of video pad Be sure all packages have a standard outcue "name, Cable 7 Huntsville" Be sure all packages have 5 seconds of bad after the standard outcue VOs (BRoll) and SOTs are separate files Keep packages at 1:20


None. You will receive handouts, many, many handouts.

Appropriate Classroom Dress

Pants that show underwear, or where underwear should be, are inappropriate. Hoods are not to be worn during class (ever), nor are bulky coats or head coverings. If special attire is required, contact me prior to attendance. Note: Special attire regulations apply to production shoots as well. No open toed shoes in studio.


Picture (or video) paced in monitor on virtual set.

Items to Note from Mistakes Made in the Past:

Play it back and be sure it has both audio and video as well as no mistakes Be sure audio levels are consistent - normalize and pan to center - (the same for both SOTs and reporter dialogue Be sure the story makes sense and goes somewhere Look first at your script handout and see that your script looks like it (or similar) SOT framing needs proper lead-room and headroom Never use the same footage twice Avoid using cliches Never lead with questions A good package has the sound bites set up with information by the reporter Use only Times or New Roman Times in 12 point Anything spoken should be in uppercase SOTS are set off in parenthesis followed by the length of the SOT, Q, and last 4 words Use a tripod and external mic. Plug into input #1 (leave input #2 empty) when using the GY100, Use input #2 on the AG130 News stories do not ask listeners to act Action shots can be held several seconds, but only last as long as there is action Watch a national network newscast and see what they do on their packages Use your spell checker and review the grammar notations (underlined in green) Be sure your story is a data files with a dot extension of .mp4 READ the handouts and ask questions if you don't understand Do NOT speak while you are interviewing people. Just nod and keep eye contact

Fold back

Playback audio not muted while studio mics are also active.

Class Objectives

Produce material for use within news or other programs presented on Cable Channel 7

Flash drives

Purchase a couple of class 10 (for cameras) flash drives and a large class USB drive (just for archiving) for storage.


Reporter speaking over BRoll

Religious Holidays

Section 51.911(b) of the Texas Education Code requires that an institution of higher education excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observation of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. A student whose absence is excused under this subsection may not b penalized for that absence and hall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence. "Religious Holy Day" means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under section 11.20, Tax Code.


Seeing or understanding an issue with no bias or perception of right or wrong

Live Shot

Self explanatory.


Short news story with no video.

Hit Times

Shown on a script as the time when an event begins.

Jump Cut

Similar video on wither side of an edit.


Small segments taken from an interview.


Sometimes written 'pag' or 'pkg', it's a self contained story needing only an introduction by the anchor.


Story with talent reading over BRoll and a sound-bite (Also called VSV).

Jet Stream

Strong winds in the higher levels of the atmosphere that separate areas of different temperatures and act as steering currents for fronts.

Instructor Evaluations

Students will be asked to complete a course/instructor evaluation form toward the end of the semester.


Support video.

Wind Chill

The apparent temperature to the human body based on both air temperature and wind speed.

Gentle Reminders for 3361 for Evaluating and Writing:

The basis of reporting is to put information into some kind of description that can be relayed to listeners and viewers, having them understand exactly what you mean, and what has taken place. As the reporter practices this craft, it should be expected that their skills will become better. As audiences become more complex and diverse, the reporter must adapt and hone writing skills to assure all the audience understands the message. Most broadcasts are very specific on time frames. There is very little tolerance for length of programming. It is also true that variations in the "human factors" such as the reading speed, pauses, clarity of speech, etc. cause the length of stories to vary from the time outlined on NewsKing. Your writing needs to reflect objectivity and clear message. Simple is usually the best, but more complexity may be required in some instances. There are representatives from different cultures, age groups, countries.. and all of them have different expectations and interpretations of speech and expressions. Writing a message that will be interpreted more or less the same way by each of them is a challenge. The evaluation of your writing and in fact your overall assembling of stories and a newscast is largely based on how [Strait] feels you gave accomplished this challenge. With each week, expectations raise. [Strait] looks at a standard set of criteria. Clear communication? Readable by the news talent? Grammar reasonably correct? Did you follow standard news procedures? Did you correct the mistakes outlines in the previous evaluations? How much these criteria are worth is a matter of subjective standard. In other words, if [Strait] told you to fix a problem and you don't, more may be deducted than the last time. No 2 people will have exactly the same problems and therefore direct comparison is almost impossible. The considerations for grading and evaluation are often a matter of expectations at a given point during the semester. Those levels tend to vary. [Strait] never found a set of metrics that can be applied objectively and still cover progress and equal application for all the class. All students come to class with different levels of understanding and difference skills and abilities. Each need to address their own deficiencies. Metrics can not account for those discrepancies. because of this, the only way to evaluate is subjectively, based on the performance for each person (or team) using a fairly uniform standard. This applies to both the evaluation of writing and production of the newscast.


The blanket of air surrounding the earth.

Cold Front

The leading edge of a cold air mass that is displacing the warmer air ahead of it.

Warm Front

The leading edge of a warm air mass that is displacing the colder air ahead of it.

Relative Humidity

The percentage of water vapor in the air compared to how much could be there.

Dew Point

The temperature of which air must be cooled in order for it to be saturated. If skies are clear, dew will form.


There is a final exam in this class. It will be given in the class period prior to the scheduled final exam. We will have class at the scheduled time of our final to return work a perform a wrap-up. The final exam will be based on handouts and your work experience.

Class Methods

This class will require time outside of scheduled class meetings. You may also be expected to assist in providing story ideas and contacts. I expect that you can already shoot, edit, and write scripts, as well as have experience producing stories for the news. You must learn "NewsKing" for scripting and teleprompter.

Your final class grade is affected by several things:

Total absences in the lectures Any absences during a show Evaluations of the 4 randomly selected shows Your news stories The score on your final exam.


Try to put a lav on the interviewee and ask questions that begin with: "How, why, explain, tell me or talk to me about..." That will elicit a longer response, for easier editing.

Visitors in the Classroom

Unannounced visitors to class must present a current, official SHSU ID card to be permitted into the classroom. They must not present a disruption to the class by their attendance. If the visitor is not a registered student, it is at the instructor's discretion whether or not the visitor will be allowed to remain in the classroom. This policy is not intended to discourage the occasional visiting of classed by responsible persons. Obviously, however, the visiting of a particular class should be occasional and not regular, and it should in no way constitute interference with registered members of the class or the educational process.

Attendance Policy

University policy dictates that students are allowed 3 hours of ab sense without damaging your grade. I expect you to be in class when we have it. If you have more than 1 absence during that time, you lose 1 letter grade. Absence is defined as not in the classroom when I take roll at the beginning of class. There will be no excuses for work expected. Just like the working world. If you are part of a program, you had better be here. NOTICE: Grades will be lowered for absence. I don't care about your excused, don't bring a doctor's note, don't come in claiming you were never more than 3 or 4 minutes late. After about a month, you will be working a show. If you miss your show without a replacement, you will lose a letter grade. I will hand out specific lists of grading criteria for the news programs. They will explain how you are graded. There will be 5 news shows. Each show will have 2 producers (Spanish will have 3). All of you will be expected to be at the actual show. One of you will produce the newscast, one will operate the teleprompter. you can miss 1 show without damage to your grade, if you find another producer to work in your place for that show. English news producers will rotate with reporters.


Upload material into a playback unit.

Video To-Dos:

Video should appear about a second before audio starts, end with about 5 seconds of video pad before going black. DO NOT insert graphics into the stories. Always leave an SOT up for at least 7 seconds so an identifying CG can be inserted. SOTs always start with a bust shot.

Mondays & Stories

We will try to clear pieces in class Monday. Suggest stories for yourself and others, include contact persons and phone numbers. Many stories will need to be boilerplate or evergreens in nature so they will be useful whenever they run. Always imagine when the piece will be used before editing it.


Weather slides must cover the same material each week. We generally begin with a view of our current weather outside. Weather must be done as close to the time of presentation as possible. We are not meteorologists, we're only reporting what we have found on a weather site. Basic highs and lows, expectation of rain or sun and a fact of interest, such as UV levels or pollen count. Most broadcast meteorologists tend to misuse terminology. Here's a few mistakes they tend to make: Midwest is not KS, NE, N&S Dakota or OK. Those are the Plains States the Midwest is roughly between the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. Wind is not calm. Wind means the air is moving at a certain rate. If it's not moving, it's calm. There is only 1 sky. There are different locations, but no boundaries. But they are all part of the same SKY. So, "SKIES" is inappropriate.


When calling to set yo an interview, always have several times to suggest to the interviewee. Don't expect them to call you back. They usually won't.

Editing Aesthetics

When constructing a news feature: Try to edit for action, use clips with motion. If not every clip, at least every other clip. Still shots should be seen for no more than 2-3 seconds. Every SOT should start with a bust shot for no less than 5 seconds. Avoid asking questions in your script. Just answer them. BRoll should support the story line. Try to include at least 1 close up in every story. Unusual angles or perspectives may provide interest for the story. Don't zoom in, then zoom out, or pan left then right, etc. Slow, steady zooms or pans are fine. Jerky motion or start and stop is NOT fine. Remember the 180 degree rule. Don't edit opposing positions into the same story. Opinions other than the news-maker's are taboo. Avoid making the production techniques the focus of the story. Staged shots should not looked staged. If the person you interview sounds like an idiot, find someone else. It is okay to use BRoll over a longer SOT (after 7 seconds). It is okay to use dissolves in a news piece, occasionally, between still clips. Avoid the cut-away shot of a reporter nodding. It looks cliche. Ending a package with a voice over BRoll is fine. Don't use the same BRoll twice. Be sure your camera is shooting in SP mode (the GY100 should be in Blue 1080 or 720 @ 30p). Edit only on out equipment. Become very proficient on Premiere CC. Don't use poorly framed or out of focus BRoll. Reporters should address the camera, interviewees should address the reporter. Off camera reporters should not talk (don't verbally agree). Do not shoot interviews with strong light behind the subject or in front of a window. Avoid shooting computer screens. Screen grabs look better. Avoid giving phone numbers, web addresses, or asking people to act. It's not a PSA.

What you can expect in this class:

Work schedules are erratic and vary in length You must be assertive, operate independently and as a team member, and take responsibility You're often treated more as a worker than a student You will learn the skills necessary to go directly into the workforce ready to contribute. If you slack, your grade will suffer. If you're assertive (and competent), your grade will be high. No one cares about excuses, only the results Everyone will notice mistakes

Test & Projects

You are basically producers. Your work will in essence, be the newscasts. Each show will be recorded as well as going "live" on cable 7. I will grade the finished product, and give you an evaluation sheet on 3 shows (each worth 200 points). It will also have a point number for each producer. Your specific duties will be outlines and defined by your job title on a separate sheet. Our focus is local news. We will produce all the content. As reporters, you will produce quality news stories for 200 points. We will not take stories from sources outside out market. We have several production people at out disposal, I expect them to be used. another class may supply some of our content. Each of you will be expected to provide some material (as a reporter) for our newscast. These will come in the form of a VO or VOSOT. you must have either 3 VOs or 2 VOSOTs appear on our news to get your 200 points for reporting. If you don't meet the minimum, you will get less than 200 points. This class will work with other crew staff to some extent. As producers, you must provide a selection of story ideas, including contacts and phone numbers, for readers and VOs. You will need several "extras" as some stories will not pan out. What counts the most, is the finished product. You have to fill time and sound interesting. Work on your time management (which is very important). We will also discuss specifics to improve your show. Packages and VOSOTs will be evergreens. If you don't know NewsKing, you better start learning. It's the basis for some of your activities. LeeAn will teach you the program and be available to answer your questions. Several students in Spanish News are also familiar with NewsKing.

Evaluation for Class

You are expected to organize and produce specific programs. Successful programs are those that have few (if any) noticeable mistakes, run on time and look "professional". 3 shows will be evaluated. If it doesn't meet "professional" standards the show will receive a lower score. A - 900pts and up B - 800-899 C - 700-799 C - 600-699 Each evaluated news program will be worth up to 200 points. The final exam is worth 200 points. your news stories will make up the remaining 200 points. Special note: Even though the final is for points, if you make less than 80% you lose one letter grade. We will have 3, 5 minute English news briefs on Monday at 5pm, Wednesday at 5pm, and Friday at noon. Spanish news will be 15 minutes on Thursday at 5pm. You must speak fluent Spanish to work on Spanish News. BTB will run Tuesday at 5pm. I will not answer question relating to averages, absences, or grades until after they are posted at the end of the semester. Keep track of your own points if you are worried about grade totals. Test answers must be neatly printed and spelled exactly as the answer appears in the answer bank. I will count it wrong if I cannot read it. All electronic devices must be turned off or silenced before class begins service (your Bluetooth ear piece included). You are not authorized to leave class to answer calls (unless you are on a transplant list). If you must answer calls during class, take your things and leave for the day. This includes text messaging and checking messages. It also includes the use of computers. Notes must be taken by hand and transferred later. Failure to comply with this policy will result in your dismissal from this class. All phones must be silenced, off or otherwise not in use while any production is taking place. This is a zero tolerance requirement. This will be your only warning. Classes may require specific information that will be included in a handout at a later date.


You can never have too much BRoll NEVER leave a mistake in production work Bites must have at least a 7 second bust shot for CG insert Visualize the story with your BRoll


letterbox video

Heat Index

the apparent temperature to the human body based on both air temperature and the amount of moisture present in the air.

Story Leads

you MUST hand in 5 story leads each class period. It should include the story idea, contact person and a phone number. If you fail to hand it in, you will lose 10 points.

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