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The first part of most medical notes that includes such information as medical history, duration and quality of the problem, and any exacerbating or relieving factors for that problem is known as the _______Blank part.


In order for the medical professional to perform a physical examination, he asked the patient to lie down on his back. The patient is lying ________________Blank.


Which of the following abbreviations pertains to the eye?


Which is the correct definition for the term eczema?

a red itchy rash that may weep or ooze, then become crusted and scaly

Build a medical term that means "puncture of a joint."


Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the eyelid."


Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of the eyelid."


Which of the following prefixes are opposites?

brady-, tachy-

Select the correct definition for the term cerumen impaction.

buildup of earwax blocking the ear canal

Identify and define the root in the term metacarpectomy.

carp - wrist

Build a medical term that means "wrist inflammation."


Build a medical term that means the "removal of cartilage."


Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the conjunctiva."


Which medical term means rib pain?


Which medical term means skin inflammation?


Build a medical term that means "bad feeling or sensation."


Translate the root myring/o.


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term encephalalgia?

encephal (brain) + algia (pain) = brain pain

Build a medical term that means "brain hernia."


Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term endarterectomy into its component parts?


Which is the proper translation of cardiomegaly?

enlargement of the heart

Translate the root salping/o as it is related to the ear.

eustachian tube

Which of the following pairs of terms are opposites?

febrile, afebrile

Translate the root esthesi/o.

feeling, sensation

A crack in the skin is called a(n)


Provide the correct translation for the abbreviation FROM.

full range of motion

Which anesthetic causes a complete loss of consciousness?

general anesthetic

The correct definition for C&S is

growing microorganisms in isolation in order to determine which drugs it might respond to

Select the correct definition for the term otosclerosis.

hearing loss caused by the hardening of the bones of the middle ear

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term hemarthrosis into its component parts?


Build a medical term that means "nerve pain."


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term neurorrhaphy?

neuro (nerve) + rrhaphy (suture) = suture of a nerve

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term neuroarthropathy into its component parts?


Build a medical term that means "nerve tumor."


Which term means "hardening of the nerves"?


Translate the term anesthetic as literally as possible.

no sensation

What is the root used in the abbreviations OD, OS, and OU?

oculus eye

The prescriber uses which of the following abbreviations if a medication is to be taken before meals?


Which abbreviation would be used to refer to both ears?


When putting medical terms together, use a combining vowel

All of these -to join two roots together even when the second root begins with a vowel. -to join a root to any suffix beginning with a consonant. -to join two roots together.

NOS and NEC are

All of these: -catchalls for diagnoses that do not quite fit any specific cause. -abbreviations used for symptoms and exam findings. -mean "not otherwise specified" or "not elsewhere classified."

Which of the following roots means fat?

All of these: adip/o, lip/o, steat/o

A drug that relieves pain is called a(n)


Which drug relieves pain?


Which of the following is a drug that prevents sepsis (a rotting of the flesh) by killing microorganisms?


The normal blood pressure range is 90/60 to 140/90. A patient's blood pressure has been documented at 120/80. Which of the following abbreviations describes the patient's blood pressure?


Which medical term means against histamine?


A drug that opposes fever is called a(n)


Which drug lessens anxiety?


Translate the root tax/o.

arrangement, order, coordination

What is the meaning of the suffix -spasm?

involuntary contraction

Identify and define the suffix in the term costochondritis.

itis- inflammation

Crying, or the formation of tears, is known as


What is the meaning of the suffix -oid?


Build a medical term that means "an instrument for looking at the retina."


What is the meaning of the suffix -rrhaphy?


A patient with urticaria is experiencing

swollen raised itchy areas of the skin

Build a medical term that means "incision into fascia."


What is the correct abbreviation for a fracture?


Which of the following is the correct definition for the term chronic?

It has been going on for a while now.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the abbreviation CVA?

It is an accident involving the blood vessels of the brain.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the abbreviation AD?

It stands for auris dextra, and refers to the right ear.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the abbreviation AS?

It stands for auris sinistra; and refers to the left ear

Which of the following is NOT an abbreviation pertaining to the vertebrae?


Which of the following is NOT an acceptable abbreviation for subcutaneous?


A patient concern that just started recently, or is a sudden onset, severe symptom, is called


Which is the correct abbreviation for a medicine administered "as desired"?

ad lib

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term anesthetic?

an (not) + esthestic (feeling, sensation) = a drug that causes loss of sensation

Choose the correct translation for the root tars/o.


Your belly button is located on the ________________Blank part of your body.

anterior, medial

Identify and define the prefix in the term heminephrectomy.

hemi- half

The story of the patient's problem is known as

history of present illness.

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hydrophobia?

hydro (water) + phobia (excessive fear) = fear of water

Identify and define the prefix in the term hypertrophic.

hyper- over

Which of the following prefixes are opposites?

hyper-, hypo-

Which medical term means excessive melanin in the skin?


Build a medical term that means "over vision condition" (farsightedness).


Identify and define the root in the term hypnotic.

hypno - sleep

Translate the term steatitis as literally as possible.

inflammation of fat

Which is the proper translation of gastritis?

inflammation of the stomach

Build a medical term that means "incision into a lobe."


Choose the correct translation for the root lumb/o.

loin, lower back

The medical term for a freckle is:

macule, macula

Which root refers to the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord?

mening/o, meningi/o

Which of the following is NOT a root meaning "skin"?


What is the medical term that means fungal condition?


Which root refers to the spinal cord or bone marrow?


Build a medical term that means "spinal cord softening."


Build a medical term that means "muscle disease."


Which of the following terms describes nearsightedness?


Build a medical term that means "muscle suture."


Which of the following roots is NOT used to refer to the eye?


Which of the following terms refers to ear pain?


Build a medical term that means "reconstruction of the ear."


Build a medical term that means "discharge from the ear."


Build a medical term that means "disease affecting multiple nerves."


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term presbyopia?

presby (old age) + opia (vision condition) = decreased vision caused by old age

What does PERRLA stand for?

pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation (eyes respond normally)

Which is the proper translation of angiogram?

record of the blood vessels

What is the meaning of the suffix -rrhexis?


A scan of the body divides the body in slices from left to right.


Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the sclera and iris."


Translate the root/suffix paresis.

slight or partial paralysis

The root enter/o means

small intestine

Which of the following is the correct definition for the term symptom?

something a patient feels

Translate the root acous/o.


The abnormal narrowing of the spine is called

spinal stenosis

Identify and define the root(s) in the term spondyloarthropathy.

spondylo vertebra; arthro joint

Identify and define the suffix in the term craniostomy.

stomy- creation of an opening

Which of the following is an accurate breakdown of the abbreviation SC?

subcutaneous = sub (beneath) + cutane/o (skin) = beneath the skin

Which of the following roots refers to arrangement, order, coordination?


Build a medical term that means "tendon inflammation."


Which drug dissolves clots?


Which of the following are problems or complaints related to the inner ear?

tinnitus, vertigo

When putting medical terms together, do NOT use a combining vowel

to join a root to a suffix that begins with a vowel

Translate the root gnosi/o.

to know

Identify and define the prefix in the term transdermal.

trans- through

TD is an abbreviation for

transdermal = trans (through) + derm(skin) + al (pertaining to) = pertaining to through the skin.

What is the meaning of the suffix -oma?


A medication prescribed BID is taken

twice a day

Which of the following roots is NOT used to refer to any structure associated with the eye?


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