Med Term Final Ch. 1-5

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An autograft is a skin transplant taken from:

a different place on the patient's body

What is the correct pronunciation for the term alopecia?


Fear of heights is known as:


Which of the following roots means fat?

adip/o, lip/o, steat/o

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term endarterectomy into its component parts?


Identify and define the roots in the term erythroderma.

erythro (red) + derma(skin)

Identify and define the prefix in the term eugenic.

eu- good

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term exostosis into its component parts?


Identify the correct pronunciation for the term fasciorrhaphy.


Identify the correct pronunciation for the underlined syllable in gamophobia.


Which root refers to the nerve bundle?


Which syllable is emphasized when pronouncing the word hypotonia?

hai-poh-TOH-nee-yah (third syllable)

What is the correct pronunciation for the term hemathidrosis?


Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term hemarthrosis into its component parts?


Which is the proper breakdown of the word parts in the term hemarthrosis?


Identify the correct breakdown and translation of the term hidropoiesis.

hidro (sweat) + poiesis (formation) = the formation of sweat

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hydrophobia?

hydro (water) + phobia (excessive fear) = fear of water

Identify the correct breakdown and translation of the term hyperkeratosis.

hyper (over) + kerat (horny) + osis (condition) = excessive growth of horny skin

ID is an abbreviation for:

intradermal= intra(inside)+ derm(skin)+ al(pertaining to)= pertaining to the inside the skin

Identify and define the suffix in the term costochondritis.

itis- inflammation

Identify the correct pronunciation for the underlined syllable in glycogen.


Translate the root hepat/o.


Identify and define the suffix in the term cardiomalacia.

malacia - abnormal softening

Medical language is necessary and useful because:

medical professionals can communicate clearly and quickly with each other using a common language, and patients can be comforted and assured that the medical professional understands their symptoms and is in control of the diagnosis and treatment process.

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term metatarsalgia into its component parts?


Which syllable is emphasized when pronouncing the word myodynia?

mie-oh-DIH-nee-ah (third syllable)

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myasthenia?

my (muscle) + asthenia (weakness) = muscle weakness

Translate the root sten/o


Identify and define the root in the term necrosis.

necr/o- death

Identify the correct breakdown and translation of the term onychophagia.

onycho (nail) + phagia (eat) + ia (condition) = nail biting or eating

Identify and define the roots in the term pachyderma.

pachy (thick) + derma(skin)

Which of the following roots means thick?


Identify and define the root in the term schizophrenia.


Which of the following root pairs both mean hair?

pil/o, trich/o

Identify and define the root in the term pyemia.

py- pus

A person with prosopagnosia has an inability to:

recognize faces.

Which of the following roots does NOT refer to a color?

seb/o xanth/o leuk/o erythr/o melan/o Answer- seb/o

Identify and define the root(s) in the term spondyloarthropathy.

spondylo - vertebra; arthro - joint

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term sternotomy?

sterno (sternum) + tomy (incision) = incision into the sternum

Identify and define the suffix in the term craniostomy.

stomy - creation of an opening

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term tarsectomy?

tars (ankle) + ectomy (removal) = removal of all or part of an ankle

Identify and define the prefix in the term transdermal.

trans- across

TD is an abbreviation for:

transdermal = trans (through) + derm (skin) + al (pertaining to) = pertaining to through the skin.

Translate the root asthenia.


Identify and define the roots in the term xanthoderma.

xantho (yellow) + derma(skin)

Identify and define the roots in the term xeroderma.

xero (dry) + derma(skin)

Build a medical term that means "nerve tumor."


Translate the term seborrhea as literally as possible.

Oil discharge

Identify the correct pronunciation for the underlined syllable in cyanosis.


Translate the root ichthy/o.


Identify and define the prefix in the term antigen.

anit- against

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term arthrodesis?

arthro (joint) + desis (binding) = binding of a joint (surgical fixation of a joint)

Translate the root xer/o.


Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term encephalomyelitis into its component parts?


Choose the best definition for hemorrhagic stroke.

A loss of brain function caused by the interruption of blood flow to the brain due to the rupture of a blood vessel

Which syllable receives the emphasis in the medical term arthrogram?

Syllable 1: ar

Which syllable receives the emphasis in the medical term hypotonia?

Syllable 3: to

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term encephalalgia?

encephal (brain) + algia (pain)= brain pain

Translate the term bursotomy as literally as possible.

Incision into a bursa

Translate the term steatitis as literally as possible.

Inflammation of the fat

Identify the correct pronunciation for the term costochondritis.


Choose the correct translation for the root lumb/o.

Loin, lower back

Translate the root pneumon/o.


Build a medical term that means "large head condition."


Which is the correct definition for the term actinic dermatitis?

Inflammation of the skin caused by sun exposure

Identify the correct breakdown and translation of the term anhidrosis.

an (no) + hidr (sweat) + osis (condition) = lack of sweating

A loss or decline in mental function is called:


Translate the term cyanidrosis as literally as possible.

Blue sweat condition

Translate the term dermatosis as literally as possible.

Condition of the skin

Which is the proper breakdown of the word parts in the term dialysis?


Which syllable is emphasized when pronouncing the word arthroscope?

AR-throh-skohp (first syllable)

Which drug relieves pain?


Translate the root tax/o.

Arrangement, order, coordination

Build a medical term that means "puncture of a joint."


Build a medical term that means "joint recording process," a procedure used to examine a joint.


Translate the term fasciodesis as literally as possible.

Binding of a fascia

Build a medical term that means "inflammation of the brain and meninges."


Which is the proper translation of polyneuropathy?

Disease affecting many nerves

Which is the proper translation of cardiomegaly?

Enlargement of the heart

Translate the medical term pseudesthesia as literally as possible.

False sensation

Translate the root esthesi/o.

Feeling, sensation

Translate the term tenolysis as literally as possible.

Freeing/loosening of a tendon

Translate the root myc/o.


Medical language is made up primarily (but not exclusively) of words taken from which two ancient languages?

Greek and Latin

Translate the medical term cephalalgia as literally as possible.

Head pain

Identify and define the root in the term metacarpectomy.

carp - wrist

translate the medical term monoplegia as literally as possible

"One - paralysis": paralysis of one limb

Build a medical term that means "abnormal narrowing of the skull."


Build a medical term that means "poor bone development."


inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord is known as:


What is the study of the effects of drug on mental processes called?


Which is the proper translation of angiogram?

Record of the blood vessels

Translate the term craniectomy as literally as possible.

Removal of portion of the skull

Identify the correct pronunciation for the term spondylosis.


Translate the medical term craniotomy as literally as possible

Skull incision

Choose the correct translation for the root ankyl/o.

Stiff, bent

Translate the term rhytidermia as literally as possible.

Wrinkled skin

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cervicodynia?

cervico (neck) + dynia (pain) = neck pain

Identify and define the root(s) in the term craniosynostosis.

cranio - head, skull; ost - bone

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term echoencephalography into its component parts?


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