Medical Office (front) continued

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Which of the following telephone greetings is acceptable for a medical office?

"Dr. Grabin's office, Samantha speaking, how may I help you?"

How far should the telephone mouthpiece be placed from the lips?

1 inch away

These calls include patients who call to:

1) Request appointments 2) Clarify instructions 3) Question bills or other statements 4) Check on laboratory reports

Who handles most routine patient telephone calls?

Assistant or other medical office staff

What is another term for a second copy of data?


What is the key response for an assistant who is dealing with an angry telephone caller?

Calmly reassuring the caller of concern and intention to help.

Which of these is done to investigate the problem?

Gather the facts

Why might a caller refuse to give a name or reason for the call?

He fears being prevented from speaking to the physician.

Which of the following should be Kelsey's goal when purchasing supplies?

High quality goods for the best price available

The telephone feature required to interrupt a conversation to answer another call is the __________ feature.


Kelsey is responsible for taking care of the office equipment. What is the term for keeping equipment working at its best?


Which of the following is designed to ensure the office has the right amount of supplies?

An inventory system


is when people find the source of a problem and then solve it.

How many solutions did Jessica try to find the one that worked?

more than one


refers to the highness or lowness of sound. A high-pitched voice will sound shrill and whiny. A lower-pitched voiced is better, but if it is too low, it may be hard to understand. It is best to speak in a moderate pitch with variations.

The use of language and words to send and receive information is called __________ communication.


An assistant is near the waiting room of a medical office, and she is speaking with a patient by telephone. Which of these statements is she permitted to say?

"Mr. Dawson, our records show that your insurance has not paid for the tests you underwent last month."

Below are some examples of different telephone greetings for medical offices:

1) "Good morning, Dr. Jones' office, this is Tammy, may I help you?" 2) "Cardiovascular Clinic, Ms. Smith speaking, how may I help you?" 3) "Drs. Kline, Forester, and Simpson, Ms. Smith speaking, may I help you?" 4) "Hello, Community Hospital, this is Ms. Smith, how may I help you?" 5) "Healthy Heart Physicians' Group, Tammy speaking, may I help you?"

The database should include the following:

1) A list of supplies and equipment used in the office 2) A detailed inventory that includes a description card for each type of material 3) A schedule for checking inventory 4) A list of office and medical equipment and supply vendors. Keep in mind quality, service, price, and payment policies when choosing vendors 5) Office and medical catalogs 6) Purchase order forms 7) Invoices from previous purchases

Common types of business calls to a medical office come from:

1) Accountants 2) Attorneys 3) Insurance companies 4) Billing and Collection agencies 5) Sales representatives

Like the hold feature, the transfer feature should be used with courtesy.

1) Ask the caller's permission to place the call on hold and make the transfer. 2) Warn the caller if you expect that the call will be transferred to voicemail, and ask if this is OK. 3) Be sure you are transferring the call to the correct person. The fewer times a caller is transferred, the happier the caller.

This task may require the help of a knowledgeable person. This person should do the following:

1) Check the power supply for good ventilation. 2) Clean all of the components inside the case. 3) Check all of the connections and cables inside the case.

Jessica thinks about possible solutions. Then she writes them down on paper. She lists the following solutions:

1) Check the printer power 2) Make sure the printer has paper 3) Reboot the computer or the printer 4) Check the connections 5) Buy a new printer

Once a caller's requests have been addressed, end the call promptly, but with courtesy.

1) Close the conversation by thanking the caller and saying "goodbye." 2) Whenever possible, allow the caller to hang up first. 3) Gently replace the telephone in its cradle.

The steps for purchasing supplies include the following:

1) Compare prices 2) Consult the budget 3) Prepare a purchase order 4) Place the order 5) Receive and review the order 6) Store the supplies 7) Issue payment to the supply vendor

Common incoming calls involve:

1) Current patients making appointments or asking questions. 2) New patients making first contact with the practice. 3) Patients and medical workers reporting how treatment worked or emergencies. 4) Other physicians making referrals or discussing patients. 5) Laboratories reporting patients' test results.

Most purchase orders include the following information:

1) Date ordered 2) Shipping and billing address 3) Vendor contact information 4) Authorizing signature 5) Name of the item 6) Description and model 7) Color and size 8) Units 9) Quantity 10) Price each 11) Tax and shipping costs 12) Total price

The troubleshooting method involves the following steps:

1) Define the problem. 2) Investigate and analyze the problem. 3) Identify possible solutions. 4) Select and implement a solution. 5) And evaluate the solution.

To organize a computer:

1) Delete any files that are not needed. 2) Make sure files are grouped in folders that make sense.

Common types of incoming calls include:

1) Emergency Calls 2) Routine Patient Calls 3) Calls from Other Medical Personnel 4) Non-Medical Business Calls 5) Personal Calls

it is important to show respect for the caller's time and other needs.

1) Frequently check back on callers placed on hold. Let no more than 1-2 minutes pass. 2) Always thank the caller for holding. 3) Give estimates of expected wait times, if possible. 4) Offer the alternative of taking a message if the caller cannot wait

Supplies fall into the following two categories:

1) Office 2) Medical

Operation manuals, Web sites, and technical support phone lines can be resources for solutions.

1) Office equipment usually comes with an operation manual. The manual explains error messages and offers solutions. Some equipment, such as photocopiers, have a Help feature that identifies the problem and offers steps to a solution. 2) Another good resource is a manufacturer's Web site. Many sites have troubleshooting tips specific to the type and model of equipment. Some sites enable you to communicate with a live person in a chat room. This is an easy and quick way to access solutions. 3) In addition, some manufacturers have toll-free technical support lines. When speaking with technical support, be as specific as possible about the problem. Describe the problem and any alerts or error messages that have appeared. 4) Asking an informed person for help can also lead to a good solution.

Medical materials are used in the clinical part of the office. These supplies include these items:

1) Paper supplies 2) Linens 3) Treatment equipment 4) Examination equipment

Medical personnel who call from other facilities include:

1) Physicians 2) Hospitals 3) Pharmacies 4) Laboratories 5) Special services, such as physical therapy, skilled nursing, or home health agencies

To interrupt a conversation and answer another call:

1) Politely excuse yourself to the first caller. 2) Greet and identify the second caller. 3) If this call is a non-emergency, ask the second caller to hold. 4) Return to the first caller as soon as possible and briefly apologize for the disruption.

There are several methods you can use to practice a telephone greeting. You can:

1) Practice saying the greeting to yourself 2) Practice saying the greeting to a friend or family member 3) Record the greeting and then play it back for yourself

Floppy disks, DVDs, and compact discs require proper handling, which includes the following tips:

1) Protect the data area on the disks. Handle only the outside jacket of floppy disks and only the edge of compact discs and DVDs. 2) Do not bend disks. Store disks in a closed box when not in use. Store the box in a secure location to protect personal information. 3) Keep disks clean, dry, and out of high temperatures.

A typical greeting will include some or all of these parts:

1) Salutation, such as "Good morning" or "Good afternoon." 2) Physician name(s) or facility name, depending on the size of the practice. 3) Name of the person answering the call. 4) Question, such as "How may I help you?"

Which of these is a storage device?

A compact disc

Which of these locations is most secure for computer equipment?

A locked cabinet

What may office assistants be required to send to supply vendors after receiving an order?

A payment

Which is a hard copy of important data?

A printed copy

tone of voice

A speaker's feelings are expressed

The office Tammy works in has been hit by lightning before. What should Tammy use to save the computer from damage by sudden increases in voltage?

A surge protector

Which of these methods may be used for inflection?

All of the above

What is the correct way to handle a telephone handset?

Grasp it around the middle


If it is determined that someone else in the office should take a call, the assistant will need to _________ the call

The vast majority of the telephone calls in a medical office are __________ calls.


Which statement best describes a maintenance contract?

It covers problems with equipment.

Which of the following statements is correct about a formal purchase order?

It is required when ordering supplies.

Which of these statements is true about preventative maintenance?

It saves time, when compared to solving an equipment problem.

Routine Patient Calls

Most routine patient calls are handled by the assistant or other medical office staff

A laboratory calls reporting routine results. What is the most appropriate response for the assistant?

Note the information in the patient's chart and contact the patient.


Office assistants must choose words carefully when speaking on the telephone. Word choice

What does it mean to enunciate words?

Pronounce them distinctly

What items does a purchase order form include?

Quantity and description

Which solution does Jessica select and implement?

Reboot the printer.

Which of these items describes the troubleshooting process?


A patient calls with a serious condition that is not an emergency, but requires an urgent appointment. What is the most appropriate response for the assistant?

Schedule the appointment as early as possible.


Screening involves determining who is the best person in the facility to handle each call

Why might office policy require the assistant to also get a patient's date of birth when identifying a caller?

Several patients may have the same name.

Why is it important for the assistant to evaluate the situation before prioritizing treatment?

Sometimes a patient may be upset, but there is no medical emergency.

Another physician calls with an important question and asks to be put through to the office physician immediately. But the office physician is in the middle of a patient exam. What is the most appropriate response for the assistant?

Take a message to be returned as soon as possible.

Who should hang up first at the end of a call?

The caller

What is Jessica's problem?

The insurance claim will not print.

Why should food and drinks be kept away from computers and other equipment?

They could spill and damage the computer.

Which of the following statements is true about storage devices, such as floppy disks and compact discs?

They require proper handling.

Which of the following statements is true about computer operating systems?

They should be updated periodically

What is the first step of the troubleshooting process?

Define the problem

Which term refers to word choice?


Why may a physician be more involved in the purchase of larger equipment than he is in the purchase of daily supplies?

Equipment is more expensive and has long-term benefits for a medical office

Why do many medical facilities set a yearly budget?

To track and place limits on spending

A speaker's feelings are expressed through __________ of voice.


A patient calls to get more instructions for the prescribed treatment. What is the most appropriate response for the assistant?

Transfer the call to a nurse.

A medical office assistant may use triage when scheduling patients for appointments.


It is a good idea to keep a list of questions by the telephone to help with handling emergency calls.


The main purpose of the telephone greeting is to address callers with courtesy and help them know that they have reached the correct party.


With emergency calls, a physician must be notified immediately.


When evaluating a solution, which of these questions should be asked?

What new information has been learned?

When are calls from other medical personnel usually transferred directly to the office physician?

When the physician who is calling asks to be put through at once


involves making a change in characteristics of speech such as volume, pitch, and rate.

packing slip

is a document included with shipped orders itemizing the included contents

capital expense

is a larger expense that will benefit a business over a long period of time

purchase order

is a standard form filled out by a buyer and sent to a vendor, detailing the products the buyer wishes to purchase.


is all of the goods in stock at the office

maintenance contract

is an agreement that acts like an insurance policy for equipment


is an itemized bill for goods or services issued to a customer by the provider of those goods or services

hold feature

is key to handling multiple calls at one time


is the process of evaluating a situation and prioritizing treatment.


is the speed at which you speak. As with pitch, it is best to speak at a moderate rate with some variation. Slow down to stress main points, and pause to let the person think about what you have said.

How does anti-virus software protect computer files?

it scans the computer for viruses.

Why should an assistant smile when talking on the telephone?

it will be heard in the voice just as it would be seen in person.


refers to the intensity, or loudness, of a sound. It is best to speak at a normal volume. However, if the person you are speaking to has a hearing problem, then you may need to raise the volume of your voice.

To determine who is the best person in the facility to handle each telephone call is to __________ the calls.

screen, screening


starts with evaluating the situation before prioritizing treatment

The process of evaluating a situation and prioritizing treatment is called __________.


Preventative maintenance should be done on a regular schedule based on the individual piece of equipment.


Techniques, such as numbering boxes, labeling shelves, and using reminder cards, help manage inventory.


Telephone interactions directly affect others' perceptions of the medical office.


While on the telephone, giving undivided attention to the caller shows interest and concern.



which means to pronounce words distinctly

Common symptoms of emergencies include:

•Heavy bleeding •Intense pain •Shortness of breath •Slurred speech or confusion •Fainting •Seizure •Severe vomiting or diarrhea, especially in children or the elderly •Fever greater than 102° F (38.9° C)

Callers like to be transferred many times to different people within the same facility.


For short breaks in a telephone conversation, an assistant should cover the mouthpiece with a hand instead of using the hold feature.


It is acceptable for an office assistant to let the phone ring up to 10 times before answering it.


There is only one possible solution to Jessica's problem.


When answering the telephone, it is optional for the assistant to identify the caller.


When screening telephone calls, the assistant should do whatever it takes to keep a patient from speaking with the physician at any time.


Which of these questions shows the best word choice for an assistant answering the telephone?

"May I have your name, please?"

To protect data, do the following:

1) Save all work as soon as possible, and save it often. 2) Save, or "backup," data on a storage device, such as a floppy disk, compact disc, removable storage device, DVD, or computer network. Then there are two copies of the data. The backup copy can be stored away from the computer or even at another location. 3) Keep a printed, or "hard," copy of important data that would be difficult to recreate. 4) Store all data in a secure location, such as a fire-proof safe, to protect personal information.

the assistant may use the telephone to:

1) Schedule appointments. 2) Relay laboratory test results and care instructions. 3) Consult with other medical workers. 4) Handle business matters, such as ordering supplies. 5) Answer patient questions.

There are a number of ways to manage inventory. These ways include:

1) Some offices post spreadsheets and check off materials as they are used. When it is time to place an order, the assistant reviews the spreadsheet. 2) Other practices number the supply boxes to monitor when to reorder. 3) Another technique is to label shelves where supplies are placed. A quick scan of the shelves reveals what items are running low. 4) And some offices place stickers or reminder cards among the supplies to signal the need to reorder.

To avoid theft or damage include doing the following:

1) Storing computer equipment in a locked cabinet or case 2) Securing equipment to heavy desks with sturdy cables 3) Using video equipment to keep an eye on computers. This is a valuable tool when there are a large number of computers in one area.

To prevent viruses follow these guidelines which include:

1) Use anti-virus application software. Anti-virus software is used to defend computer files by automatically scanning, or searching, a computer for viruses. Then it allows people to delete any viruses it finds. 2) Always scan e-mail attachments with anti-virus software before opening them. And do not open e-mail messages from people you do not know.

To maintain patient confidentiality:

1) Use discretion about stating the name of a caller. 2) Be careful when repeating personal information, such as symptoms. 3) Never use a speakerphone when you are within the hearing range of others.

To maintain a professional image for the medical office:

1) Use good grammar and avoid slang. For example, say "yes" instead of "yeah" or "yep." Also, say "goodbye" instead of "bye-bye." 2) Use phrasing that is considered to be polite. Say "please" and "thank you" when appropriate. Begin questions with "May I" when asking for the caller's permission.

Such questions may include:

1) What is your name, and who is the patient? 2) At what telephone number can you be reached? 3) What happened, and when did it happen? 4) What are the symptoms? 5) Have you called emergency medical services?

the office assistant must ask questions such as:

1) What symptoms are you experiencing? Fever? Difficulty breathing? Pain? 2) How long have you had the symptoms? 3) What makes the symptoms worse or better? 4) What treatments have been tried?

Office, or administrative, supplies are used in the clerical part of the office and include these items:

1) Writing instruments 2) Paper supplies 3) Typewriter, printer, and copy supplies 4) Accounting supplies

This person may include:

1) Yourself, as the assistant 2) A co-worker in the facility 3) A physician at the facility 4) Someone at another facility

What is the maximum amount of time a caller should be left on hold before the assistant checks back with the caller?

1-2 minutes

What is an appropriate response for assistants who feel they may lose their temper with a difficult caller?

Ask for another staff member's help

What kind of supplies are paper goods, linens, treatment equipment, and examination equipment?


What is the main purpose of using inflection?

To emphasize important points in a conversation

Why must the assistant always be aware of who is nearby when on the telephone?

To keep unauthorized parties from overhearing confidential information

Why should an office assistant keep the physician from being interrupted without need?

To provide better care to patients.

What is a document that lists the items included in a shipping order?

a packing slip

As an assistant, Tammy may be responsible for which of the following inventory-related tasks?

all of the above

Blake knows that Sunnycreek Family Practice is on a tight budget. As an assistant, what should he do to save the practice money when ordering administrative supplies?

all of the above

Computer maintenance includes which of the following?

all of the above

For which of these types of telephone calls is it acceptable for the office assistant to take a message much of the time?

all of the above

How can an assistant place an order for supplies?

all of the above

Maria is organizing a new inventory system. Which of the following items should she include?

all of the above

What does prompt attention to answering the telephone show?

all of the above

Where can possible solutions to an equipment problem be found?

all of the above

Which of these items is potentially involved in Jessica's problem?

all of the above

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