Medical Terminology - Lesson 17 Exercise

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biceps brachii muscle

2 head muscles of the upper arm

extensor digitorum muscle

Muscle that extends the fingers or toes

depressor anguli oris muscle

depresses corner of mouth

depressor labii inferioris muscle

depresses lower lip

levator anguli oris muscle

elevates angle of mouth

extensor indicis muscle

extends index finger

buccinator muscle

muscle of the cheek

sphincter urethrae muscle

muscle of the internal or external urethra sphincter/ sphincter of urethra

sphincter pupillae muscle

muscle of the iris that dilates the pupil/ sphincter of the pupil muscle

femoris muscle

muscle of the thigh

rotatores cervicis muscle

muscles of cervix that turn

sphincter ani internus muscle

muscles of the inner ring of the anus

articularis cubiti muscle

muscles of the joint

articularis genus muscle

muscles of the knee joint

sphincter ani externus muscle

muscles of the outer ring of the anus

arrestores pilorum muscles

raising hair on muscles

flexor digitorum brevis pedis muscle

short muscle of the toes that flex or bend

mentalis muscle

the chin muscle

flexor pollicis longus muscle

the long muscle of the thumb that bends

abductor pollicis longus muscle

the long muscle of the thumb that leads away

levator anti muscle

the muscle of the anus that raises

abductor hallucis muscle

the muscle of the big toe that leads away

adductor hallucis muscle

the muscle of the big toe that leads toward

tensor tympani muscle

the muscle of the eardrum that tenses or contracts

extensor digiti minimi muscle

the muscle of the smallest finger that extends

opponens digiti minimi muscle

the muscle of the smallest finger/toe that

abductor digiti minimi muscle

the muscle of the smallest finger/toe that leads away

abductor digiti minimi pedis muscle

the muscle of the smallest toe that leads away

opponens pollicis muscle

the muscle of the thumb that

adductor pollicis muscle

the muscle of the thumb that leads toward

dilator naris muscle

the nostril muscle that widens

flexor hallucis brevis muscle

the short muscle of the big toe that bends

extensor hallucis brevis muscle

the short muscle of the big toe that extends

extensor pollicis brevis muscle

the short muscle of the big toe that extends

flexor digiti minimi brevis manus muscle

the short muscle of the smallest finger of the hand that bends

flexor digiti minimi brevis pedis muscle

the short muscle of the smallest toe of the foot that bends

flexor pollicis brevis muscle

the short muscle of the thumb that bends

abductor pollicis brevis muscle

the short muscle of the thumb that leads away

adductor brevis muscle

the short muscle that leads away

triceps surae muscle

the three-headed muscle of the calf of the leg

triceps brachii muscle

the three-headed muscle of the upper arm

levator palpebrae superioris muscle

the upper muscle of the eyelid that raises

levator labii superioris muscle

the upper muscle of the lip that raises

corrugator supercilii muscle

wrinkles/draw eyebrows together

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