Medulla at the sensory decussation
Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
A medial bundle that includes the tectospinal and medial vestibulospinal tracts, both extrapyramidal tracts from the brainstem to the cervical spinal cord.
Gracile and cuneate fasciculi and nuclei, spinal nucleus of CN V Internal arcuate fibers Medial Lemniscus Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus Accessory Cuneate Nucleus Solitary Nucleus and Tract
This level looks like a
Moose head
Motor parts at this level
Pyramids medial longitudinal fasciculus Hypoglossal Nucleus Principal (inferior) olivary nucleus
Posterior Spinal Artery
Supplies nucleus Gracilis and cuneatus
Anterior Spinal Artery
Supplies the pyramid, the medial lemniscus, and medial structures all the way up to the center (hypoglossal nucleus)
PICA and Vertebral artery
Supply the lateral structures
Internal Arcuate Fibers
decussation the axons of second order neurons located in the gracile and cuneate nuclei. Once crossed, these fibers form the contralateral *Medial lemniscus.* *Medial longitudinal fasciculus* is deep to the medial lemniscus
Accessory Cuneate Nucleus
second order neurons carrying *non-conscious proprioception.* These cells *project to the cerebellum.* The nucleus receives fibers from the cuneocerebellar tract. These fibers will go up through cerebellar peduncle into the cerebellum
Solitary Nucleus and Tract
the inferior part of nucleus solitarius is located lateral to CN XII nucleus. It *contains GVA neurons and receives fibers for CNs IX and X*. The nucleus is surrounding the tract
Hypoglossal Nucleus
the lower part of the hypoglossal (CN XII) nucleus is located near the midline. These are LMNs that innervate the tongue (hypoglossal nerve)
Principal (inferior) olivary nucleus
this motor nucleus supplies major input to the contralateral cerebellum. The fibers cross and enter the contralateral inferior cerebellar peduncle. The nucleus receives fibers from numerous motor centers