MERCURY, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, URANUS, Neptune, pluto, Eris

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The name given to Venus when it is visible just after the sun sets in the sky

Evening Star


Large impact feature on Mercury (1300 KM in diameter)

Sun rises in _____________ and sets in _________________.

West; east


What planet has the closest axial tilt measurement to Earth?

surface temp of jupiter

-260 degrees f

jupiters density

1.326 g/cm^2

How many earth days equal a day on Venus?

243 Earth days

Jupiter rational period and uniqueness

389.9 days and moves backwards

rotational period difference

5 minutes longer

How far is Venus from the sun?

67 million miles

how many moons are orbiting jupiter


How hot is Venus?

870 degrees F

chemical composition of jupiter

90% hydrogen 10% helium

How big is Venus?

About the size of Earth

Why does Venus go through phases?

Because of the way it orbits around the sun

Since we can't see through the thick clouds covering Venus, how do we know what the planet's surface looks like?

Because radars can get through the clouds.

Why isn't there ash on Venus?

Because there is nothing living on Venus

name used to describe dark bands encircling jupiter



Both of Mars moons are tidally locked? True of False


Closest planet to the sun and the smallest of the four rocky planets (3030 miles in diameter at its equator)

A curved shape, like that of the moon when it is less than half illuminated.


What would it feel like on Venus?

Extremely hot

Venus revolves _______________.


Where does Venus get its name?

From the Roman's goddess of love and beauty

spacecraft purposely destroyed in 2003 to not hit europa


largest moon in solar system


which moon has its own magnetosphere


Venus has a ____________ atmosphere.


Venus is the ________________ planet in the solar system.


dark, potato shaped, and heavily cratered

How could Mars' moons be described?


How many moons and rings does Mercury have?


In 1610, _________________ was the first person to observe Mercury with a telescope.

What is the atmosphere like on Venus?

It has clouds that are poisonous and it is thick

Why did astronomers think Venus was Earth's twin?

It is about the same size and they are close

What is special about the rotation of Venus?

It rotates backwards...the opposite of most planets.

Molten or melted rock that flows from a volcano


Volcanoes spew ______________.


what is at the center of jupiter

Liquid nitrogen

which galilean moons is the most dense and geologically active



Mercury completes one orbit around the sun in ________________ and rotates on its axis every ________________.


Mercury has a ____________ (noon to noon) of 176 Earth days.


Mercury has a ______________ consisting of atoms blasted off it surface by solar wind.


Mercury is named after the _____________ of commerce, travel, wrestling and thieving.


Mercury's __________ is longer than its year.


Mercury's _______________ is heavily cratered caused by asteroids and comets plus Mercury was once volcanically active

A name given to Venus when it is visible in the early morning just before the sun rises

Morning Star

Venus _____________ the sun faster than it rotates.


The different shapes Venus appears to take as it orbits the sun


A device that sends out signals that bounce off the surface of an object ad return to the device, revealing information about that object



Region on surface of Mercury of oddly rippled features. It is the result of a strong impact which occurred on other side of planet and sent seismic waves traveling around the planet.

Which place is Venus from the sun?


Venus rotates ________________.


The toxic chemical in the heat-trapping clouds that cover Venus

Sulfuric Acid


The Grand Canyon is larger than the Valles Marineris? True or False


The Valles Marineris is surrounded by craters?


The Valles Marineris was formed by flowing water. True or False


The _____________ Probe is the first of two probes that have visited Mercury.

354 F

The average surface temperature of Mercury.

thick crust and lower gravity

What 2 factors allow for Mars to have such large volcanoes?

non-molten core with little iron content

What 2 factors are believed to be the reasons Mars has such a weak magnetic field?

smaller, farther away, and less reflective

What 3 factors cause Mars to appear less bright than Venus?

water, sulfur, and chlorine

What 3 substances were discovered in the Martian soil by the Curiosity rover?

iron oxide in the surface

What causes Mars to appear red?


What color is the sky on Mercury?

differing composition from terrestrial planets

What evidence about Mars' moons causes astronomers to believe they did not form at the same time as Mars?

fluidized ejecta craters

What evidence on the Martian surface shows there may be permafrost below the soil layer?

more craters

What factor is evidence for the Martian southern hemisphere being older than the northern hemisphere?


What factor of Mars is most unlike the other inner, rocky planets?

more elliptical orbit

What factor on Mars is the cause of its more extreme seasons?

23.5 degrees

What is the axial tilt measurement of Earth?

24 degrees

What is the axial tilt measurement of Mars?

Hellas Basin

What is the deepest point on Mars?

Valles Marineris

What is the largest rift valley on Mars?

Olympus Mons

What is the largest volcano on Mars?

Carbon dioxide

What is the main component in the atmosphere of Mars?

carbon dioxide

What is the main component of the Martian atmosphere?

carbon dioxide

What is the main component of the Venutian atmosphere?

distance from the Sun

What is the main factor attributed to differing development of Mars and Earth?

varying levels of its troposphere

What is the most unusual aspect of Mars atmosphere compared to other planets?

6 months hot and 6 months cold

What is the weather forecast for Mercury?

frozen in polar caps

What is thought have happened to the water vapor in Mars atmosphere?

massive amounts of water (flooding)

What is thought to have caused the outflow channels on Mars?

lack of carbonate rock layers

What piece of evidence demonstrates there may not have been oceans on Mars?

August 28, 2003

When was the last time Mars was at its closest to Earth?

frozen in polar caps

Where is most of the carbon dioxide found on Mars?

in the atmosphere

Where is most of the carbon dioxide found on Venus?


Which of Mars moons is the larger one?


Which terrestrial planet has the strongest magnetic field?


Which terrestrial planet has the weakest magnetic field?

what would happen for jupiter to become a star

Would have to become massive enough to ignite

Have many spacecraft visited Venus?

Yes, 26

chemical composition of jupiter white zones

ammonia ice

galilean moon with oldest heavily cratered surface


material rings are made of

dust kicked up in planetary meteoroids smash into giant planets small innermost moons

first spacecraft to drop weather probe into atmosphere


galilean moons largest to smallest

ganymede, callisto, lo , europa

what causes jupiter's to form an oblate spheroid

its rapid spin makes jupiters bulge at the equator and flatten at poles

recent spacecraft to visit jupiter


what causes Io's pizza pie colors

sulfur compound in volcanic ejecta

jupiter rotation similar to earth

undergoes differential rotation

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