MG 302 exam 2

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organizational development

Employees do not trust the company to listen respectfully to their ideas or provide them with growth opportunities

reengineering effort

In a ___, Hallmark reimagined and redesigned the way in which it brought new cards to market, cutting the time from three years to less than one year


creativity, bottom-up approach, internal contests, idea incubators

divisional structure

Because each unit, such as the unit serving New England, is relatively small, it can respond quickly to changes in the business environment

small-batch production company

A personalized wedding cake business in which you will create custom delicacies for your clients. According to Joan Woodward, this is classified as a-

illegal interview questions

How will you care for your children while you are working? How do you plan to get to work every day?


A manager is exhibiting ___ when he believes that all languages, manners of dress, and preferences in food and music are equally valuable.

internal recruiting

Most companies post jobs on the company intranet or on bulletin boards in common areas like break rooms. This___ activity solicits applications from current employees

legal interview questions

What educational degrees do you have? Have you ever held a job under a different name? If so, please provide the name under which you worked.

diverse culture

A company that has a ___ can expect an increased understanding of the marketplace.

external coordination

A company has strong ___ if it continuously seeks new ideas from customers and from looks for ways to use new technologies

relational coordination

Andy contrasts Barcelona restaurants with other establishments where employees are "told how to answer a phone and how to set a table and how to greet guests and it's all in giant books that they have to memorize." Barcelona's more relaxed work rules could help it achieve-

project manager

Layla is applying for a ___ position, in which she will coordinate the activities of the engineering and manufacturing departments to achieve a 5% reduction in defect rate

shipping and manufacturing

Where would it make sense for managers to have wide spans of control

managing diversity

A key skill in the global economy is ___ to create an organization in which people's differences are leveraged for maximum performance while conflict is minimized.

widely shared

In the large-group intervention organization development model, information is-


Managers are concerned that moving to a team-based structure will mean that decisions will be made mostly by their subordinates, reducing the value of the manager job. reason for resisting change:

civil rights act (1991)

This law added punitive damages to the compensatory damages already available to parties who can prove intentional discrimination


a crisis exists, initiators clearly have power, other implementation techniques have failed


idea champions, new venture teams, skunkworks, new venture fund


"Honestly, you wouldn't believe those geeks at the office. They may be good with computers, but none of them have any interpersonal skills."


"I don't know what to do. Last week my boss, Amy, told me that I couldn't go on the company ski trip because I was too fat. Can you believe that?"


"I think the people in France have it right. Women here don't wear burqas, so if Muslim women are going to move here, they shouldn't wear burqas either."

changing stage

Employees adopt new behaviors and attitudes during the ___, although they will need training and practice before the new ways of doing things become automatic

Old Social Contract

Evan counts on his employer to tell him what he needs to know and what to do

an online check

Your company's human resource manager is out of the office on maternity leave, and you have four open positions to fill in your department. Which of the following tests should you choose if you want to see how an applicant presents himself or herself to the public, when not on his or her best behavior during a job interview?

line authority

Your manager has ___ when he has the right to tell you what work to do and to hold you accountable for doing it


The time frame for the large-group intervention organizational development model is:

human capital

A CEO is evaluating her company's ___ when she assesses the value of all employees' knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities.

queen bee syndrome

Some female managers demonstrate the ___ ; they do not encourage female subordinates and may even undermine other women's careers.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

This law requires that employers allow terminated employees to stay on a group health plan at the expense of the employee for up to 18 months after leaving the company

survey feedback

To gather and analyze information about employee attitudes and perceptions about the climate, their managers' leadership, and relationships, an organization could use

top management support

-change involves multiple departments or reallocation of resources -users doubt legitimacy of change


Employees in the accounts payable department have difficulty communicating with people who submit and approve invoices

ambidextrous approach

Engaging in innovation requires a looser structure, while implementing new ideas requires a more rigid structure. Organizations can meet both needs by using an-

product change

Food manufacturers may adapt to changes in markets, technology, or competition with a ___ , like replacing artificial ingredients with natural ingredients to offer customers healthier products

organic, decentralized structure

For the back of the house, where many employees from dishwasher and prep cook to sous-chef and head chef work to prepare dishes to order, which structure is the best fit?

old social contact

Gourd Supermarkets has an extensive training program for all new employees and then has all employees spend a day in customer service and workplace safety training each year


More and more work has been moved into Katie's job, and she has kept up with the workload. During her last two performance evaluations, her manager said she deserved to be in a higher pay grade because her responsibilities had grown, but her manager never followed through. Now another position has been eliminated, and her manager is giving Katie most of that person's work. Katie has decided to give her new tasks a very low priority. reason for resisting change:


When your manager assigns you a task, you have the ___ to carry out that task as assigned


Yesterday, Scott got written up for coming in to work late. This is the third time Scott has been written up this month; it seems that being late has become a habit for him. Today, Scott gets up an hour earlier to be sure he gets to work on time. Scott is most likely in the ___ part of the change process

communication, education

change is technical, users need accurate information and analysis to understand change


As an organization becomes more organic, its span of management becomes-

matching model

Organizations use the ___ to achieve a good fit between organizational goals and an employee's abilities.


diversity model that defines diversity in a narrow way; emphasizes Creating new opportunities for certain classes of employees, especially those protected by law


users need to feel involved design requires information from others users have power to resist


In the strategic approach to human resource management, employees are viewed as-

relational coordination

Training in how to resolve conflicts by focusing on shared goals, Relaxation of work rules so employees have the freedom to contribute however they can, and Open office plans with few walls and small spaces where people can hold impromptu meetings, are all used to promote-

nondirective interview

During a job interview, the hiring manager begins with "Tell me about yourself," and then asks, "How do you see this job fitting into your career?" The manager is probably using a-

more centralized

During a time of crisis, an organization may become ___ , placing more decision-making authority near the top of the organization

functional structure

People in manufacturing communicate mostly with other manufacturing employees and relatively little with people in engineering and sales


The workers may focus on their own needs and not understand or be concerned with the needs of the four workers doing different jobs


group has power over implementation, group will lose out in the change

service technology

When a company's output is consumed immediately and employees and customers interact directly, the firm uses ___ and will tend to be flexible, informal, and decentralized

organization chart

You would study a business's ___ to see a visual representation of its vertical structure, including the chain of command

internal innovation contest

A company that offers $1,000 for the best idea an employee submits each quarter is running an:

selection process

After job candidates have been recruited, a manager uses a ___ to determine who is a good fit with the position and the organization and should receive a job offer


An organization invests in ___ to help certain employees improve a given skill or set of skills

divisional structure

High focus on the customer and Strong coordination across functional areas are advantages of:

different viewpoint

Sixteen-year-old Elisa's parents have decided that she should go to camp again this summer, as she has in the past, because the experience of being away from home will prepare her for college and because as a senior camper, she will be given leadership responsibilities that will look good on her college application. However, Elisa thinks that because she's now old enough to work, she could spend her summer better by earning money for college. Also, she has been to camp many times before, and she thinks she could learn more from the different experience she would get on a job. reason for resisting change:


The cost of renting one large blanket-selling stand at the market is less than the combined cost of renting five small stands

virtual network structure

The organization hires relatively few full-time employees and instead contracts with other organizations and people to use their expertise as needed. This is a highly flexible structure

new-venture team

To promote an entrepreneurial spirit, an organization might assign employees to a ___, a separate unit where people work to develop and implement a major new activity


Yahoo aggressively acquires small start-up companies in a strategy of ___ to add talented technology employees to its workforce


horizontal coordination mechanisms, customers and partners, open innovation


A type of open innovation is ___ , in which an organization uses the Internet to invite the public to contribute ideas

open innovation

LEGO is well-known for embracing ___ in its product development. The company partnered with software developers and engineers at MIT to develop their MindStorms product

Force Field Analysis

Managers conduct a ___ when they consider the problems and opportunities that drive change and the factors that restrain change

virtual network structure

An organization with a ___ has a small core of direct employees and contracts with other organizations to perform much of the work, thus having the ability to respond quickly to a changing environment

new social contract

AlphaBeta Company offers employees opportunities to move laterally, learning different skills in different areas, rather than climb a vertical career ladder

matrix structure

In a ___, employees have both a functional and a product (divisional) manager. Although this can create a politically charged environment, it is particularly effective in a project-based environment in which employees need to have communication across functions

divisional structure

If Barcelona is organized by restaurant, with everyone who works in a restaurant reporting to the same manager, it has a-


If a store manager only hires shift supervisors who have a four-year college degree, even though experienced cashiers without a four-year degree can be excellent supervisors, ___ may be occurring

tall structure

If you are looking at the organization chart of a ___ , you see more hierarchical levels and managers with relatively narrow spans of control

job description

The ___ for the administrative assistant position includes a summary of the job's responsibilities and tasks

divisional structure

The accounting department in the Carribbean unit consists of three people, so they do not have the budget for much training and don't interact with a range of colleagues with accounting expertise

functional structure

The organization achieves economies of scale because units like customer service, shipping, and legal that serve the entire organization are relatively large

Family and Medical Leave Act

This law allows people to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for themselves or a sick family member


Each worker will become more productive, because he will develop a high level of expertise in his task

divisional structure

Employees are grouped first into divisions by the products or services they produce, the geographical region they serve, or the type of customer they serve. Employees can be well attuned to the needs of their division's customers

mechanistic structure

Dollar General uses a cost leadership strategy. The Dollar General slogan is "Save time. Save money. Every day!®" Dollar General will be more effective if it has a:

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