MG301 Final Exam

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______-based trust is trust in one-time transactions derived by assessing gains, losses and weighing risks.


Which of the questions below is an open-ended question?

Can you tell me the impact on production when supplies are late?

Cash budgets are commonly referred to as ______.

Cash flow

Research has shown that most if not all generations do not like ______ and find it challenging and uncomfortable.


Samantha recently received a promotion. The focus of her new job is to institutionalize a new set of values across the organization. Her new job title is ______.

Chief Diversity Officer

When it comes to new cultures, Megan does not jump into new situations easily. She prefers to use her ______ and try to determine if any cultural patterns exist and what her role might be.

Cognitive CQ

Elena is a team manager who values loyalty. Her expectations are important in a/an ______ because she believes that this loyalty creates a high level of cooperation and leads to more positive outcomes.

Collectivist culture

Unlike groups of people, teams must share a ______ and work together to achieve it.

Common goal

______ typically emphasize identification-based trust.

Communal relationships

Managers use ______ to share messages and ideas, both verbally and non-verbally.


______ refers to pay and other rewards given to employees for their work.


______ describes the range of activities conducted within an organization.


It is important to listen for ______ during communication with others which can be a sign of respect.


Amazon is known for employing ______ in its warehouses. It uses technology to determine the picking speed of employees, and managers can receive an alert if an employee is not meeting daily goals.

Concurrent control

During the debate stage of dialectical inquiry, groups should ______.

Confirm what each group states as their position

Carson is an engineer that prefers a global culture that is forward-thinking and referred to as ______. In his role, he wants to think of ways to make the future better, and not focus on the past or present.

Confucian dynamism

The ABCD trust model consists of four parts: Able, Believable, ______, and Dependable.


The Big Five theory measures the ______ trait, which is the ability of a person to get into the role or job and get the job done.


Michelle's employees love working for her because she is encouraging, listens to them, and shows them respect and sensitivity. She exhibits ______ behaviors.


In a manufacturing business, machine time is an example of a ______ resource.


To get the most out of your SWOT or Five Forces Model analysis, the organization should ______.

Continue to interview and assess programs and people internally and externally

Which of the following small business structures is seen as an individual by the Internal Revenue Service, and thus its own legal entity?


Activity-based budgeting begins with a catalog of activities needed to meet a metric and the ______.

Cost assigned to each activity

Michael Porter believed the only two ways to be successful over your competition is through ______ and differentiation.

Cost leadership

If a business sells products, its income statement typically has a special section called ______.

Cost of goods sold

Sometimes clarification after receiving an answer for an open-ended question is required. Select the best clarification statement below.

Could you explain that in more detail so that I can make sure I understand?

The final step in the process of repairing trust calls for amending the situation. In this step, you must take corrective action and ______.

Create an action plan

Select the best example of a tactic from the list below for a marketing department that is involved in a new sales launch.

Creating a targeted list of advertising leads

An example of an issue in ______ is when a word that means one thing in English has a different meaning in another language.

Cross-cultural communication

An expatriate manager working with other cultures needs the skills of a global mindset and ______.

Cultural intelligence

______ defines how strong the culture's social norms are and how they work within these norms in society.

Cultural tightness-looseness

Rodney's views about society and work were largely shaped by his ______. His grandfather always stressed the importance of being a family leader, and a timely and hard-working employee.


Once Melissa stepped off the plane after a long day of international work travel, she immediately felt the symptoms of ______. She could not find her way to baggage claim and had concerns about how she was going to order a cab since she could not speak the host country's language.

Culture shock

Patrick is calling previous customers and performing a/an ______ assessment. His goal is to determine why those customers no longer do business with his company.

Customer satisfaction

Most communication training programs for managers focus on the skills of public speaking, writing, interpersonal communication and ______.

Customer service

This type of training focuses on this skill, which requires the ability to be consistent in actions and phrases, as well as the need to sometimes handle conflict.

Customer service

Ron was recently disciplined at work for ______ because he was spending most of his day answering questions for an e-commerce site he ran as a side business.


Which of the following is an example of an employee who is always using her company laptop during workhours to shop online or post on social media.


Becca is often ______, which is a well-known example of her type B personality.


A manager who is ______ maximizes the use of their resources.


An employee's ______ is often a strong indicator of how well that person can manage others and work effectively in teams.

Emotional Intelligence

Which of the examples below best describes a performance management approach?

Employees make sure that their objectives align with the organization's objectives

Mary Parker Follett, the "mother of modern management," believed that ______.

Employees who are experts in their skill are powerful in their organization

According to the three-component model, people need resources, a positive work group climate and ______ for creativity to thrive.


The motivation process begins by activating people's needs and drives, which is also known as ______ behavior.


The ______ organization is simple and flat with few managers.


In a state of ______ the inputs and outputs for the focal person are the same as for the comparison other.


Jennifer is a member of the senior leadership team at her organization. According to Mintzberg, the primary focus of someone in Jennifer's role is to ______.

Establish long-term organizational goals and directives

After a company analyzes their priorities, what should be their next step in developing an effective strategic plan?

Establishing clear objectives

You should be able to demonstrate awareness of complex issues faced by managers in the area of ________ and social responsibility.


______ can be considered the cost of doing business.


A person's procedural and technical knowledge reflects which component of the three-component model of creativity?


The product management team has a high degree of ______ because the team frequently works with internal training and project teams, as well as external customers.

External integration

Teams that lack trust often have a/an ______ and often come up with ideas that are basic and unchallenged.

Fear of conflict

Todd has just completed the first quarter of a tough sales cycle. He is using a ______ control to review the sales of his team to determine if they need to change their process going forward.


______ refers to the information an employee receives about the effectiveness of a job.


One of the biggest advantages of a virtual organization is ______.

Flexibility and the ability to respond quickly

Behaviorally anchored rating scales are a more accurate form of rating because they ______.

Focus on specific behaviors

It is important for organizations to offer expatriate managers support such as language mentoring and cultural guidance because the more support an expatriate manager receives the more they are able to ______.

Focus on their work performance

The use of ______ analysis supports organizational change using the three-step model.


Organizational control, according to modern concepts is considered a ______ action.


Which of the following is a type of organizational subsystem?

Formal Organization

Steve, a new team leader, sets up an introductory meeting with the other members of his team to start to get to know them. This is known as the ______ stage of the five-stage model of team development.


The "silo mentality" is one of the disadvantages to the ______ organization type.


Demand forecasting is an approach that predicts ______ by analyzing historical time series data.

Future demand

What is one difference between generation Xers and Y, and the boomers and veterans?

Generation Xers and Y are more technologically savvy

Antonio works for an organic food manufacturer and distributor. His company has a world headquarters and locations around the world that produce and distribute goods regionally. Which structure best describes Antonio's company?


What does the GLOBE project stand for?

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness

Nate is looking to change and enhance his ______. As a global manager, he wants to make sure he can influence all his direct reports, not just the ones located in the same country.

Global mindset

Kyle is a relationship builder. His strengths in ______ help to build his network of people both internally and externally.

Global social capital

You should be able to analyze management processes for adaptations that need to be made due to ______________.

Globalizations of market

Internal self-esteem is a ______ need, according to the ERG theory.


To be successful, organizational values must ______.

Have a clear vision

Other leaders describe Ben as a Country Club Manager. Which statement best describes him?

He is primarily focused on the needs and feelings of his reports.

Karl is responsible for filling an available position in his company. He is currently engaged in the selection process. Which statement best describes what Karl is doing now?

He is ranking applicants based on the results of a test they took

When conflicts arise in a team, successful managers ______ while also encouraging respect and cooperation among team members.

Help employees find a workable solution

Abraham Maslow's ______ has five levels that relate to human motivation.

Hierarchy of needs

According to the stakeholder prioritization matrix, a key stakeholder has ______.

High interest and high power

An auto assembly plant where each employee performs a specific task repeatedly is an example of which dimension of organizational design?

High-level specialization

You should be able to summarize significant ___________________ contributions to management theory and their application to current management practice.


The GLOBE project initially started by refining and extending the ______ framework.


A ______ communication style is less rigid and enables communication to flow among teams and departments.


Which of the statements below is a good example of a trigger statement or phrase?

I am giving more than 110% to this task.

Shelly reports to Ethan. They have worked together for years and have reached a point where they share the same company goals. Both of them work together, always keeping the others best interests in mind. What level of trust does this demonstrate?

Identification-based trust

Rhonda feels a great sense of ownership in her current project. She has a high level of task ______.


Which three metrics should be used to evaluate strengths and weaknesses?

Importance, rating, score

The ______ style of leadership shows low concern for production and people.

Impoverished management

According to Porter, a firm's profitability can be negatively impacted if which of the following competitive conditions exists?

Increased bargaining power of customers and suppliers

______ budgeting uses the previous year's budget as a starting point and increases or decreases the budget amount by a percentage each year.


______ occurs when transformational leaders treat each follower as a unique person.

Individualized consideration

Which of the examples below is a useful nonverbal cue used in active listening?

Making eye contact

Controls for finance, employees, and behaviors work together to form a ______.

Management control system

You should be able to describe the nature of _________________ work.


In ______ organizations, calculating the Cost of Goods Sold section of the income statement includes finished-goods, raw materials, and goods-in-process inventories.


Which best describes the second step in organizational behavior modification?

Measure the baseline

Jake had a successful expatriate experience largely because he had a ______ from the host country that provided much needed support.


Louise was asked to work with Juan on a project, while helping to train him on all aspects of the job. Through this type of ______, Juan was introduced to other career opportunities he might not have known about.


According to Mintzberg's structure, the strategic apex of an organization directs the operating core through ______.

Middle-line management

Deanna has a new position open for a marketing associate. She told human resources to hire a ______, because she wants someone who can communicate and learn from others on her team and can use social media to increase their presence in the market.


When asked about her job, Kathryn, a ______, responded with, "it is a great job that pays for my adventures, there is more to me than just my job!"


The ______ measured heredity against the environment a child was brought up in and compared things such as work motivation and occupation.

Minnesota twin studies

You should be able to demonstrate understanding of organizational culture and environment as well as role of an organization's purpose, ______________ and goals in strategic planning and control.


An organization wanted to focus on embracing diversity and decided to start by updating their ______ in order to attract more candidates and customers to their company.

Mission statement

Bill asked Mary, "What is the purpose of your organization anyway?" Mary could respond by reiterating her organization's ______.

Mission statement

The four components of ethical leadership are moral sensitivity, moral judgment, ______, and moral action.

Moral motivation

The need to do the right thing is also known as ______.

Moral motivation

______ is defined as what a person does, how hard that person works, and how long that person works.


Teams that are from different countries in a ______ team often experience issues because it is hard to get people to agree to the team purpose and common ways of working.


Sarah works for a company that is referred to as a ______. Although she works at the head office in the United States, her company also has offices in Europe and Japan.

Multinational Corporation

Robin used ______ to get her team to finalize a decision from a list of four options. She used a whiteboard and had each member of the team rank their decision in order of priority and then tallied each ranking to come up with a final decision.


Companies with strong values should hire candidates with values that are ______.


Real teams are small, have complementary skills and specific performance objectives, and are fueled by the hope of becoming a high-performance team. ______ is another characteristic that real teams have.

Mutual accountability

______ is the expression of grandiosity, superiority, entitlement, and dominance.


Revenue minus expenses equals ______.

Net profit

Lucy has bad ______, and her messages are often unsigned, poorly written, and sometimes include one-word answers that are not necessary.


Margaret was reading an all-company update but never finished because a new email alert created ______ and distracted her.


Kristen's team includes a range of employees from supervisor up to CEO. One of the managers on the team is very dominant and critical of other members. The ______ method is recommended for making decisions within her type of group.

Nominal group technique

Sally wants her team to use ______ to establish how they should behave as a group and complete their work.

Normative controls

Which type of strategic plan uses all funds earned or donated and immediately invests these funds back into the organization to pay operating costs, and meet goals and objectives?

Not-for-profit strategy

Jake's company set an output goal for him to produce 100 widgets a day. This output goal is a form of ______ control.


Many expatriate assignments can fail for several reasons. Organizations can ______ to help increase the return on investment for expatriate assignments.

Offer to pay for moving expenses

One of the benefits of a/an ______ tool is that you can use and modify the information if you give credit to the company that produced the original tool.

Open source

A/an ______ budget lays out the spending plan for costs related to production of goods and services.


Theo has a leadership role in a large customer service organization. His primary job responsibilities are managing front-line call center reps and coaching their performance. Theo's role is part of ______ management.

Operating level

Ron has a meeting next week to discuss his organization's ______ control. During this meeting, Ron and other members of middle management will review their overall processes to determine if they are on task and budget.


Marcia, a production supervisor, used ______ to create the best practices that her team must use when working on the assembly line.

Organizational control

Constructing and adjusting an organization's structure to achieve goals is a process called ______.

Organizational design

______ refers to the relationships, rules, and communication channels and duties that allow employees to work towards shared goals.

Organizational structure

______ employees are members who have formed low-quality exchange relationships with their leader.


Assigning a trusted colleague to play devil's advocate is a way that managers can avoid ______ bias.


The ______ model is a decision-making framework that works best when used in conjunction with an ethical framework.


Silence in a conversation can mean different things to different cultures. In some cultures, ______ can mean acceptance of a thought or idea, while in other cultures, silence means your idea was rejected.


Mandy has a reputation for having regular town hall meetings for her direct reports to talk about issues and policies and give everyone a chance to share their opinions. This is an example of ______ leadership.


The use of behavioral analytics for employees is known by several names including ______ Analytics, Workforce Analytics, and Talent Management.


______ indicates how well organizational controls are being met as part of a strategic plan.

Performance measurement

Andrea is providing her team with learning opportunities to ensure that her team members see the impact of their role and functions on the rest of the organization. She also encourages ______ to help team members learn.

Personal skill development

Beth is known for being a hard worker but is not comfortable speaking with others on her team or in meetings. Her boss says that her ______ may have an impact on her success at work.


Psychologists developed inventories, or ______ to measure differences in personalities.

Personality tests

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) includes four kinds of social responsibilities: economic, legal, ethical, and ______.


According to Maslow, ______ needs are hunger, thirst, and bodily comforts.


The first step in organizational behavior modification is to ______.

Pinpoint the behavior that needs to change

Identify the four functions of the management process:

Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

Brad works in an environment that has a/an ______ cultural value. He never questions his bosses' authority and does not consider their relationship to be close.

Power distance

The process of determining which stakeholders to focus on and in what sequence is known as stakeholder ______.


Mike's organization was having a problem with their nightshift. Mike decided to create a ______ team to focus on the issue and hopefully solve the problem.


A hospital that employees hundreds of skilled doctors and nurses is an example of a/an ______ organization.


One of the biggest disadvantages of a/an ______ organization is that people working there hate the feeling of being micro-managed.


A hair salon is a good example of an organization with a low level of ______, as stylists/barbers must be flexible to meet individual customer needs.


Josh recently was part of a decision-making process known as the ______ technique. After being told about the problem, he met with another team member to discuss the problem. They then heard new ideas from a third member of the team and discussed all the options. This process repeated until all the members made a final decision.


Ryan often disregards ______ at work, so he will most likely be successful at increasing his cultural intelligence through training.


Although it isn't a preferred step in the five-stage model of team development, the ______ phase is full of resistance to leadership and strife with conflict.


During Cindy's team meeting, some of the team members openly resisted her leadership and even spoke over other team members. This is known as the ______ stage.


Laurie is attending a large tradeshow next week. In her role, she is gathering data to evaluate her company's ______ by gathering industry information, trends, and customer data.

Strategic control

Organizational structure is important because of its impact on ______.

Strategic decision-making by upper management

John's company knew where they wanted to be in the future, as well as what their current mission statement and values were. Unfortunately, they grew too fast without planning their steps. This company lacked a(n) ______.

Strategic plan

A/an ______ goal is one that is difficult and that employees may not know how to reach.


Stan was asked to create a budget to motivate his sales force to exceed the department's projected sales goals for the year. What kind of budget should he use?

Stretch budget

In an organization culture, one department that throws stress balls around coexisting with a separate department that would never throw stress balls is an example of what concept?


A team or group that experiences ______ is doing better together than if strong employees were individually making strong contributions.


Roger had a performance appraisal coming up. He was glad to hear that his organization was giving all employees a/an ______ because he knew there were areas he needed to grow in his role. He was hopeful that he could receive additional training to help him achieve his dream of becoming a manager.


The assessment of John's resiliency after a job setback is one of the measurements of a ______.


Which two tests assess individual state-like differences that can be altered through additional awareness and training?

PsyCap and EI

Toastmasters is an organization where people meet to give prepared and unprepared speeches to an audience of their peers. These peers then provide feedback for ways the member can improve their ______ skills.

Public speaking

Which quadrant of the CVF focuses on using planning and goal setting to create a productive work environment?

Rational Goal Setting

The three main considerations that small businesses and startups must consider upon formation are taxation, liability, and ______.


Sheila has been tasked with identifying a pool of applicants for a position and trying to influence them to join the company. Sheila is engaged in ______.


Which statement best describes the difference between recruitment and staffing?

Recruitment identifies a pool of potential employees

Once a diversity program is in place, key leaders and decision makers should ______ to ensure that diversity is promoted at their organization.

Regularly question their organization's diversity

As an IT Director, Gary is held accountable for the IT budget in the company. He has complete control over the equipment and tools used by the company, and has to answer for that portion of the budget. This is an example of ______.

Responsibility accounting

How can SWOT and a Five Forces Model work together?

SWOT can provide insight into a company's current position, and then Five Forces can help plan the future

A ______ is the span between the minimum and maximum base salary in an organization.

Salary range

Elias needs to talk to the supervisor of a busy and noisy production area. Elias should ______ to eliminate distractions and practice active listening.

Scheduled time to speak with the supervisor in a private meeting room

______ refers to how often a reward or punishment is applied.

Schedules of reinforcement

Psychologist B.F. Skinner used ______ to achieve desired behavior with rewards in animals.


Gary Yukl's definition of leadership includes a process of influencing others and a process of facilitating efforts to accomplish ______ objectives.


Which statement best describes how budgeting can help managers with cash allocation?

Since cash is limited, budgets help managers decide which assets are worth an investment

Kirk managed a global virtual sales team. His environment was impacted most by a global intellectual capital and ______ capital in order to build relationships around the world.


Managerial behaviors can be grouped into categories of change behavior, relations behavior, and ______ behavior.


The path-goal theory considers the ______ at any given time.

Task employees are working on

High-performance teams have a ______, which is a way to state the purpose and goal of their team.

Team charter

Evan was part of a team where ______ was high. His team was very diverse and because they had all the various skill sets, they were able to complete their team tasks successfully.

Team creativity

Ted just moved from a production position into a research and development role. Which of the statements below best describes his move according to Mintzberg's structure?

Ted was in the operating core and is now part of the support staff

Kyle was struggling as an employee and had frequent performance problems. Other employees frequently complained about Kyle's behavior, especially when he brought up topics that many considered off-limits or offensive. Some of the actions of ______ included offering Kyle additional training and putting him on probation for a specified period to see if he would improve.

normative control

Which of the following is best described as a clear and useful mission statement?

"We save people money, so they can live better."

Due to a recent reorganizational change, Leanne's boss had her position eliminated, leaving her in a state of shock. Leanne is in Stage ______ of the Change Curve.


It is estimated that ______ of expatriates leave their organization shortly after completing an international assignment.


Becky's team has a results measures goal to reach. The goal is 90% team efficiency on the production line. A goal of ______ would be how they would use process measures to measure their progress.

100 good parts per hour

According to a recent study of data-driven decisions (DDD), an organization who moves up by one standard deviation on the DDD scale receives a ______% increase in productivity.


The GLOBE findings were based on the research of 170 social scientists and management scholars from ______ cultures around the world.


Mario, a hospital staff member, enjoys being part of a team even though it is hard to quantify what his team does. His supervisor measures his ______ to determine the effectiveness of his team.

Affective reactions

Cathy prefers to work on small project teams, rather than work alone. What is her dominant need, according to McClelland?


A private company recently hired two new employees, bringing their total number of employees up to 16. ______ is now a requirement for this company.

Affirmative action

The efforts of ______ greatly changed the composition of the U.S. workforce and enabled more women and minorities to be represented.

Affirmative action programs

______ is a surface-level diversity variable.


Everyone always says how nice it is to work with Carson. He scored high in the ______ factor of the Big Five theory of personality.


Lilly is trying to figure out why standards were not met on a new product she is developing. She is ______ to determine if more control is necessary.

Analyzing deviations

Jessica was asked to modify the previous year's budget and adjust for inflation and employee cost-of-living increases. What kind of budget is she creating?

Add-on budget

Which of the following is another term for an innovative organization?


Which of the following could be an example of Google's mantra?

"Achieving information accessibility."

What would you analyze if you were using a SWOT to evaluate internal factors?

A company's strengths and weaknesses

Which best describes a sunk cost?

A cost that is unrecoverable

Which of the following is an example of a high-priority stakeholder?

A legislative body about to pass a law that would prevent a company from expanding

When meeting someone from a different culture, some managers can display ______ and unwillingly act hostile and frustrated.

A low tolerance for ambiguity

Which best describes management by exception-passive?

A manager doesn't look for employee mistakes but corrects them when she finds them

Geoff finished his 2-year work assignment in Paris a few weeks ago. He is referred to as ______ once he returns to his home country of the United States.

A repatriate

Which of the following descriptions best matches a company with low-level centralization?

A ride-sharing company with independent, self-employed drivers

What best describes a profit and loss statement?

A summary of management's performance reflected in profitability

Which of the following is an example of escalation of commitment?

A venture capitalist continues to put money into a failing startup company.

Art loves to set stretch goals for himself and craves constant feedback from his director. Art's dominant need is ______.


A ______ team, such as a surgery or sports team, has a high degree of skill differentiation and requires high external integration.


Ryan was on a sales call talking to a potential customer, Stacey. Instead of asking Stacey question after question, he let her talk about areas of improvement for her employees. Ryan used ______ and confirmed what he heard and only asked a few follow-up questions.

Active listening

______ is the type of interpersonal communication skill that encourages two-way communication between managers and their employees, while also opening the feedback loop.

Active listening

A/an ______ budget focuses on the cost of actions that are undertaken to achieve an outcome.


Vince's manager assigned him a production goal that he could not complete in an 8-hour shift. There was an overtime ban in place during the time period in which Vince had to achieve the goal. Which SMART goal component is lacking from this production goal?


HRM systems ______ routine behaviors typically performed by managers.


The GLOBE measure of ______ looks to get information on how demanding or dominant individuals are in their relationships with others.


An international marketing firm wants to observe the ability of applicants to deal with cultural differences in a culturally diverse meeting. Which selection method is the best one to use?

Assessment center

Leaders can ______ to minimize groupthink in their teams.

Assign a team member to play devil's advocate

In authentic leadership, soliciting views that challenge your deeply-held positions is an example of ______.

Balanced processing

Todd realized that his company was too focused on financial performance. He suggested using a ______ as a strategic planning tool to measure the overall health and stakeholder values of his company.

Balanced scorecard

Michael is incorporating role-plays in his training, as well as working on his verbal and nonverbal interactions with other cultures. Michael is working on his ______CQ.


Which statement best describes the idealized influence behavior?

Being admired and respected by followers

Rodney is looking to expand his sales team. He finds that his best employees are those that are outgoing and sociable, but also very organized and curious. To determine these personality characteristics, Rodney should test based on the ______.

Big Five Theory

______ is a term that refers to the pulling together of information from all aspects of an organization that can be used to provide hard data for sales, marketing, and more.

Big data

Which of the following describes a method of simplifying complex problems to limit the amount of information processing needed to make a good decision?

Bounded rationality

Which of the following represents a clear and concise SWOT insight for an organization?

Brand image valued at $5 million

Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy are three traits that make up the ______.

Dark triad

Rhonda works for a company that uses a ______ in her organization so she can communicate equally with all employees, including upper management.

Decentralized network

Leo was visiting a new client. When he questioned the current employee demographics, the client mentioned that they prided themselves on their ______, and always employed people with all different values and beliefs.

Deep-level diversity

The process of selection occurs after recruitment and involves ______, identifying characteristics that predict performance, and developing measures to assess job standing.

Defining the work to be done

Some critics say that the use of organizational behavior modification is ______.


You should be able to describe and discuss how environment, strategy, size, and technology influence an organization's _____________.


The Timeless Watch Company produces watches with features and options that none of their competitors offer. This is an example of ______.


Through ______ leadership, leaders provide followers with specific instructions about their tasks.


The three areas of organizational justice are ______ justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice.


An important role of managers is to always promote open discussions about ______ within their organization.


Organizations that support and embrace a culture of ______ not only create an environment that is more inclusive, but also increases their own performance.


Kendell was the team ______. She was always willing to accept work for the team and would push the team toward success.


David McClelland's need theory states that every person has a ______ motivating driver.


Jason is an operations manager but also works as a Six Sigma Green Belt. He reports to a director while simultaneously reporting to a Six Sigma leader for the purpose of project work. What term best describes this reporting structure?

Dotted-line relationship

An issue with ______ is that as information makes its way to the employee level from the C suite, part of the original message can get lost or changed as it travels.

Downward communication

Gwen is the only person on her team who did not get an annual performance evaluation in person. Instead, her manager sent her an electronic copy of the evaluation form via email. What form of organizational justice has Gwen's manager violated?

Interactional justice

For companies that want to develop successful global leaders, ______ can be an effective way to accomplish this success and development.

International assignments

Alice loves data. An important role of her job as a business intelligence analyst is to not only analyze, but ______ the data in a way that is beneficial to the executive team to make important decisions.


Even though it makes it possible to communicate with other employees in other locations, a challenge of videoconferencing is that ______ than other face-to-face communication.

It can lead to more confusion and less satisfaction in the discussion

Which statement best describes the purpose of the expectancy theory?

It examines the decisions people make around whether or not to work hard

Which of the following statements is true of Apple's organizational structure over the years?

It has become more hierarchical

Which statement best describes a flexible budget?

It projects expenses and revenue and adjusts projects based on activity

The new IT Manager was trying to solve a computer issue with a customer and told the customer to "clear their cache." Because of his use of ______, the customer was not sure what they were supposed to do.


According to Myers-Briggs, an individual who displays the ______ characteristic makes quick decisions.


What best describes authentic leadership?

Knowing oneself and behaving in the right way

Human resource management aligns the ______, skills, and abilities of employees with the needs of the organization.


Which one of the primary functions of human resources, is still a function for HR departments in companies with union employees.

Labor relations

______ leadership is sometimes called the near-avoidance of leadership.


Maryann's team has the motivation and viability to succeed. They also enjoy working together and often experience ______.

Less turnover and higher productivity levels

The only way a company that uses decisions driven by data analytics can be successful is if the analytics are easy for end-users to understand, embedded into the different organizational processes. and ______.

Linked to the business strategy

A hardware store is working on developing their strategic plan. They are focused primarily on their corporate image, as well as improving their overall competitive position. They are focused on ______.

Long-term growth-related objectives

Marcia is a manager of a large shipping organization. She has excelled in this role because she possesses ______. She is able to take risks and accept the fact that she cannot predict the success of her company or future.

Low uncertainty avoidance

Robert manages a small team at a production plant. His ______ provide(s) his team with the support they need to be effective.

Maintenance functions

According to Warren Bennis, a manager looks at the bottom line while a leader's eye is on ______.

The horizon

Which statement best describes a state of underpayment inequity?

The input and outcomes for the focal person are lower than the comparison other

A company has completed their strategic plan. They are looking to hire a knowledge manager because they do not feel they have the resources to meet their plan. A knowledge manager can help determine what is needed internally, with what is available. This is known as ______.

The intelligence gap

The fifth stage of the values-based approach to incorporating ethics in budgeting involves ______.

The introduction of values into activity-based budgeting

When it comes to pricing, customers hold some of the power. One of the things to consider when looking at competition and the power of customers is ______.

The level of customer demand for the product or service

Which statement best describes the concept of person-job fit?

The mutual fulfillment of the needs of the organization and the person

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of control?

The steps taken by management to increase the likelihood of meeting objectives

You should be able to demonstrate knowledge of various __________ which enable mangers to understand, predict and influence behavior in organization.


One of the limitations of individual performance goals is that they can harm team performance. Why does this happen?

There is a reduced incentive to cooperate

A statement that defines what a company does, and why it exists is known as its ______.

Value statement

______ are guiding principles that never change.


How many items should you have per quadrant in a SWOT analysis?

Three to five

The way organization leaders feel about ______ has a big impact on the success of strategic planning.


What best describes the reason that managers use rolling budgets?

To stay focused on the big picture rather than short-term objectives

Carson was responsible for managing his company's budget based on leadership's ______ control. Once leadership met and reviewed the current operating budget, they gave him directions for making budget adjustments.


Relational ______ is one of the four dimensions of authentic leadership.


Before Linda could even get into the office, her boss sent her a text that started with the phrase, "This is ridiculous..." Linda put down her phone and did not read anymore due to the ______ her boss used.

Trigger words

Which statement below best describes a high-quality leader-member exchange relationship?

Troy performs a special task for his boss without additional pay, trusting that he will be recognized later

According to the Wall Street Journal, employees receive distractions or interruptions about every three minutes. ______ is the estimated amount of time it takes that employee to go back to their original task after an interruption.

Twenty-three minutes

Negative reinforcement is the removal of a/an ______ event after the display of a behavior.


Karen just received a large video file of information. This information is considered ______ because Karen needs to review all this information herself to label and sort it correctly.


The process of ______ communication helps to build trust amongst employees in all levels of the hierarchy chart from the bottom to the top.


A busy grocery store has a suggestion box located in the employee breakroom. Many employees write down their ideas for improving efficiency and quality. This suggestion box is an example of ______.

Upward communication

A global organization is spending a lot of money on their quarterly face-to-face meetings that all managers attend. They could ______ to save money and continue with their meetings.

Use videoconferencing for half of the quarterly meetings

Craig wants to get an A on his final exam. He places great importance on getting an A because it helps him maintain his 3.8 GPA. Getting an A on the final has high ______ for Craig.


______ schedules occur when responses are reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses.


Maureen is looking for a high processing speed or ______ to transfer all her big files.


The most critical characteristics of data are ______.

Veracity and variety

A weakness on a SWOT analysis was given a rating of 8. This means that this rating is ______.

Very important

Which statement below best describes extrinsic rewards?

Wanting a salary increase

John's manager, Betty, wanted to speak to him privately and asked him to walk with her to her next meeting. Betty ______ and walked quickly ahead of John, keeping her arms crossed, not making eye contact, and not engaging in small talk. When they reached their destination, Betty congratulated John on a job well done and thanked him for his hard work. John responded with, "oh what a relief" and said that he was thinking the worst!

Was using negative nonverbal communication

Glenda is creating a value proposition budget. Which of the following questions should her budgeting team be able to answer as they create the budget?

What does the cost-benefit analysis reveal?

Select the best statement below that includes the use of empathy and compassion in a conversation.

Wow, I imagine that must be a hard situation for you in your current role.

Mistakes that managers make due to issues with ______ costs U.S. firms $3.1 billion per year to fix.


Randy's company is facing a possible restructure due to a bad financial year. He has been tasked with creating a budget with justification for every dollar amount. What type of budget will be best for him?


Jane just started a new job. She accepted this position because she believes this organization has a caring ethical climate. Which statement best reflects a caring ethical climate?

"Our employees and their families are the reason we do what we do."

A good way to create ethical awareness and encourage ethical decisions in your employees would be to ______.

Attach consequences to desired behaviors

The term ______ describes the collection of large amounts of data.

Big Data

An organization that matches employees' charitable contributions dollar for dollar often has an ethical climate that is ______.


Sally is a team manager implementing a new process. She has spent time thinking about the motives behind some of the decisions she has made and realizes that she made some of those decisions to impress the new director. Which principle is she using to avoid derailment?

Check your reference points

When thinking about moral development, it is important to remember that management and ethics are ______.


Which statement best reflects the concept of globalization as a force for change?

Companies must adapt to the rise in multinational corporations.

Elaina is an employee dealing with a new organizational structure. She has accepted the change, but secretly hopes that it fails and returns to the old way. What best describes her reaction to change?


The three dimensions of organizational culture are ______, consensus, and intensity.


One of the tips for managing organizational change states that you should "figure out where you are, where you want to go, then make a plan of action." This tip is called ______.

Develop and stick to a process

During which step in the ethical framework used by Michigan State University would a leader seek outside advice and guidance from experts?

Develop possible solutions

The Open Systems quadrant of the CVF deals with what kind of forces?


A learning organization is ______ and allows leaders to bring about organizational change.

Flexible and innovative

Ronald is a successful manager. The skills that were hardest for him to master were that of relations behavior. Which of the items below is an example of relations behavior?

Giving his team recognition when they go above and beyond

Diversity, the economy, technology, competition, and ______ are the most common forces for change in organizations.


Fair trade and sustainability are examples of which force for change?


A group of researchers are watching a group of workers on an assembly line. The workers know they are being watched, so they try their hardest and keep the complaining to a minimum. This is known as ______.

Hawthorne effect

Using decision rules to manage information and make better decisions is also known as what?


Which of the following statements best describes a strong culture?

High levels of agreement with high intensity

Which type of skill listed below best reflects the change behavior of managers?

Holding a contest to see which team member can come up with a new way of performing a task

According to the PLUS model, once a decision is made on how to solve the problem, what step should happen next?

Implement the decision

Mario is a manager who is known for his processing of information. He is always sharing best practices and new ideas he learns from attending tradeshows. Mario's managerial role can best be described as ______.


The use of ______ or acronyms in an organization is a common way that language speaks about culture.


Marissa lacks confidence as a manager. As a consequence, she often rewards employees who used to be her peers because she feels comfortable with them. But she rarely, if ever, praises employees she doesn't consider to be her friends. She is not being a good ______.


A corporate social responsibility director has three main responsibilities: foresight, ______, and evangelism.


In the CVF, in the Open Systems quadrant, the Broker has which of the following qualities?

Politically savvy and collects resources

An employee who steals money or merchandise from their employer is at which stage of moral development according to Kohlberg?


Josh has just implemented a major change in the organization in the past week. He meets with the managers who report to him and asks them to consider what might happen to hinder the change? What step in the three-step model is guiding Josh right now?


Amelia, a top manager at a public accounting firm, was having a hard time upholding the ethical standard of her company. According to Professor Joseph Potchen's suggestions, who or what should she focus her attention on?


Which of the examples below is an example of an evidence-based decision source that highlights stakeholders' values and concerns?

The organization meets with a local environmental organization to get feedback on its practices

Which theory assumes that a worker has internal motivations, likes to work, and can accept responsibility?

Theory Y

Ron, a restaurant manager, decided to give bonuses to his team based on their individual performance and not an equal percentage. What ethical philosophy guides his decision?

Theory of justice

Teresa Amabile's ______ model of creativity says that creativity is a function of the intersection of expertise, creative thinking, and intrinsic motivation.


Which step in Lewin's three-step model challenges the status quo by shaking up assumptions?


According to Beth Comstock, managers cannot control how people react to change. Which statement below best describes what managers can do to help change succeed?

Use communication to create good conditions for change.

Managers should look for creative ideas that are ______ and have the best chance to be implemented.


An online lending company analyzes keywords to predict whether borrowers are likely to default on loans or not. This is an example of what concept?

Using Big Data

Bob holds quarterly meetings with his team and shares reports to show them how their work compares to the company standards and expectations. This is an example of the ______ management process.


During which management stage is quality of work assessed?


During which level of moral development would a manager think less about themselves and more about how decisions impact those around them?


Organizational ______ is the pattern of basic assumptions that groups develop, discover, or invent to deal with problems.


A restaurant manager must have a combination of managerial behaviors. Select the behavior below that is a task-based behavior.

Plans out the weekly schedule and assigns employees to specific jobs

The ______ Theory states that people make decisions that provide minimal gains if they can limit their losses.


The essential management process is made up of four accepted processes: ______, organizing, leading, and controlling.


Leo received a new project at work. He meets his top management team to review the goals of the project, as well as any other specifics. This is known as the ______ step of the management process.


Which example below best describes moral outrage?

All employees of a factory call in sick after 100 co-workers lost their jobs.

Evan is a high school senior going on a college campus recruiting visit to determine if he wants to attend that college. Evan is in the ______ phase of organizational socialization.

Anticipatory socialization

While PLUS suggests a process for ______, it is still the responsibility of organizations and leaders to review the decision based on their own ethical standards.

Assessing the ethical impact of a decision

______ is a term for the collection and analysis of data on human behavior, its predictors and its outcomes.

Behavioral analytics

Brian, a mid-level manager, is faced with a moral dilemma that could impact half of his department. Which action below best describes the preconventional reasoning level of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

Brian follows the rules management set to avoid his own punishment.

Which of the following is an example of using the fluency heuristic?

Bringing a product to market quickly to beat the competition

Francesca Gino believes decision makers often fail to reach goals because they fall into ______.

Decision-making traps

The first and most important step in any decision-making process is to ______.

Define the problem

The use of statistical methods to explore what happened is referred to as ______ analytics.


Taxi drivers found that their industry changed when UberX entered the transportation market, and the taxi industry needed to learn how to react to this situation. This approach is referred to as ______.

Disruptive change

Tony was recently promoted to manager, and is now managing his former peer Marcus. Marcus tells Tony that he often brings office supplies home to his family. Tony is concerned that if he speaks up, his relationship with Marcus will be damaged. This is known as ______.

Ethics of care

Rick defined a problem in the stockroom at his organization. He ran into this issue at another location, so he quickly implemented the same solution without confirming it with management. What issue do you see with his method?

He didn't identify at least three alternative solutions.

Tim is a manager who had to rollout a new process to his team. He is currently in Stage 4 of the Change Curve. Which statement most likely reflects his actions in this stage?

He rebuilds his way of working, using new solutions

Bonnie's plant is emitting more waste into the environment than it has in the past. She and a team of specialists have researched the facts and the assumptions she is hearing from employees and the community. What should her next step be?

Identify the specific community concerns and current industry law

A manager who inspires his team and others, and is looked upon as a role model falls into which managerial role?


The original five-part management process included essential management functions of command and coordination. These have been merged into which of the four accepted processes?


A company recently went to its local university and asked a business class to help with a problem it was having, and review its successes and failures. This aligns with the ______ discipline of a learning organization.

Learning from past experience

Betsy works for a company that embraces her desire to make a difference and work with others. This is known as a ______.

Learning organization

Which of the following statements best describes operational analytics?

Making better decisions using analytical methods

Moral courage is best described as ______.

Making decisions that are best for others, even if it puts you at risk

A person who transitions from a new employee to a valuable contributor is at which stage of the socialization process?


When Mary Barra, CEO of GM, decided to maximize shareholder wealth by laying off many of her workers, she displayed a strong ______.

Moral courage

The process of welcoming and orienting new hires to an organization is also known as ______.


The study of individuals and their behaviors at work is known as ______.

Organizational behavior

Wendy is a VP of Human Resources at a retail sales company. She is using analytics to assess the effectiveness of the company's training programs and determine any additional employee training needs. What type of analytics is she using?

People analytics

Although a manager's communication with others is important in all management process functions, it is especially important during ______ to help set priority levels and timelines.


The eight-step model that decision makers use to determine an optimal choice and make better decisions is known as the ______.

Rational decision making process

A manager who gives their team the support they need to solve their own problems, while also recognizing their actions and achievements, is focused on ______ behavior.


The use of spreadsheet models to examine the impact of uncertainty in an organization is also known as ______.

Risk analysis

A university graduation is an example of what socialization method?


Reggie is a manager using the rational decision-making process. He has just finished defining the problem and gathering his data. Which step of the process did he complete?

Step 1

Trent is following the principles for avoiding derailment and is "taking his emotional temperature." What action best describes how Trent follows this principle?

Trent spends a time examining how his emotions affect his decisions

Which of the examples below best describes a manager who has strong critical thinking skills and uses the rationality skill?

They put their emotions aside and rely on reason

Which of the following is an example of using behavioral analytics for customers?

Tracking customer website activity

Zach is a new manager tasked with moral development of the organization. What can he do to increase and ensure his company's moral behavior long term?

Train his current and new employees

Phoebe's company has a holiday coming up and wants to offer her employees an extra day off. It would work out to her advantage to take the day off before the holiday, but instead she decides to poll her team and ask which day works for most of them. Which ethical view is she expressing?


The seventh step in force-field analysis requires listing how to ______ each resisting force.


Keeping the "big picture" in mind is part of the ______ principle for avoiding derailment.

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