mg302 ch10
is the ability to engage in self-regulating thoughts and behavior to accomplish all your tasks and handle difficult or challenging situations.
is the belief that power and status differences should exist within an organization.
Raul is a new manager. He can increase his employees' job satisfaction by: A. Giving his employees more control over the way they do their work B. Setting easier goals for his employees C. Holding his employees accountable for higher performance D. Asking his employees to work faster
A. Giving his employees more control over the way they do their work
Beth knows that to be a better manager, she needs to understand herself better. Which of the following would help her gain insight into herself?
Use 360-degree feedback to understand how others perceive her behavior.
fundamental attribution error
When evaluating others, we tend to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors. This tendency is called the fundamental attribution error.
are judgments about what caused a person's behavior— something about the person or something about the situation. People make attributions as an attempt to understand why others behave as they do.
Your cousins differ in their _______. John thinks that grandparents should have the most say in the family and parents should obey them and children should obey their parents; Johanna thinks that everyone in the family should have equal say in decisions and respect each other's different choices.
An emotion
is a mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes.
is a physiological and emotional response to stimuli that place physical or psychological demands on an individual and create uncertainty and lack of personal control when important outcomes are at stake.
is the cognitive process that people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from the environment.
An individual's personality
is the set of characteristics that underlie a relatively stable pattern of behavior in response to ideas, objects, or people in the environment.
The self-serving bias
is the tendency to overestimate the contribution of internal factors to one's successes and the contribution of external factors to one's failures.
Role ambiguity
refers to uncertainty about what behaviors are expected of a person in a particular role.
An internal attribution
says that characteristics of the person led to the behavior. ("Susan missed the deadline because she's careless and lazy.")
An external attribution
says that something about the situation caused the person's behavior. ("Susan missed the deadline because she couldn't get the information she needed in a timely manner.")
The Big Five Personality Factors
Extroversion. The degree to which a person is outgoing, sociable, assertive, and comfortable with interpersonal relationships. Agreeableness. The degree to which a person is able to get along with others by being good-natured, likable, cooperative, forgiving, understanding, and trusting. Conscientiousness. The degree to which a person is focused on a few goals, thus behaving in ways that are responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement-oriented. Emotional stability. The degree to which a person is calm, enthusiastic, and self-confident, rather than tense, depressed, moody, or insecure. Openness to experience. The degree to which a person has a broad range of interests and is imaginative, creative, artistically sensitive, and willing to consider new ideas.
Emotional intelligence includes four basic components:
Self-awareness. Being aware of what you are feeling; the basis for all the other components. People who are in touch with their feelings are better able to guide their own lives and actions. A high degree of self-awareness means you can accurately assess your own strengths and limitations and have a healthy sense of self-confidence. Self-management. The ability to control disruptive or harmful emotions and balance one's moods so that worry, anxiety, fear, and anger do not cloud thinking and get in the way of what needs to be done. People who are skilled at self-management remain optimistic and hopeful despite setbacks and obstacles. This ability is crucial for pursuing long-term goals. MetLife found that applicants who failed the regular sales aptitude test but scored high on optimism made 21 percent more sales in their first year and 57 percent more in their second year than those who passed the sales test but scored high on pessimism. Social awareness. The ability to understand others and practice empathy, which means being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to recognize what others are feeling without them needing to tell you. People with social awareness are capable of understanding divergent points of view and interacting effectively with many different types of people. Relationship management. The ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others. People with relationship management skills know how to listen and communicate clearly, and they treat others with compassion and respect.
If you were feeling a lot of stress due to poor relationships at work, which of the following strategies could help? Check all that apply.
Spend time with family members and friends who give you positive social support For each coworker you have friction with, think of at least one positive attribute.
Type B behavior
Type B behavior is a behavior pattern that reflects few of the Type A characteristics and includes a more balanced, relaxed approach to life.
Jennifer has a _______ because she is usually relaxed and makes work-life balance a priority.
Type B behavior pattern
Sondra loves gardening, so she experiences high _______ from working in a nursery where she gets to give customers advice about which plants to buy and how to help them thrive.
job satisfaction
Two important elements of happy and productive employees are
job satisfaction and trust.
Just as big a problem for organizations as absenteeism is presenteeism,
which refers to people who go to work but are too stressed and distracted to be productive
Michelle is competing in the national figure skating championships, and the other competitors have all skated well. She knows she needs to put a nearly flawless performance on the ice to win. Her practices have gone well, her coach just told her he believes in her, and she can visualize how the crowd will react as she strikes her final pose after landing all her jumps. She can't wait for her music to start.
Challenge stress
In the process of ____ , people select, organize, and interpret information from the environment.
is an individual's strong belief that he or she can successfully accomplish a specific task or outcome.
Modern psychologists such as Robert McCrae and Paul Costa classify people based on "the Big Five" personality traits. Which of the following traits are included in this group? Check all that apply.
Agreeableness, Extroversion, Openness to Experience
______ has four components, including ________, which is the ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others.
Emotional intelligence, relationship management
People who are high on Machiavellianism do not do well:
In jobs that are highly structured
As head of MBSC, Mike needs to plan the organization's strategy and make sure that maintaining and updating the gym's infrastructure, hiring and training people, and marketing clients all fit with one another and with the strategic plan. He needs to ensure this while taking into account a constantly changing competitive environment. Which problem-solving style is the best fit?
A company recently conducted an employee survey and found that many employees report a "lack of trust" in their managers. How can the company's managers improve trust?:
Make sure employees have the training, tools, and information they need to perform well.
In 1972, Walter Mischel, a professor at Stanford University, conducted an experiment in which he offered young children a marshmallow to eat now—or three marshmallows if they could wait for 10 minutes. When Mischel followed up on the children in later years, he found that the children who waited had better jobs, higher salaries, and other positive life outcomes.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI™)
The MBTI™ assessment measures a person's preferences for introversion versus extroversion, sensation versus intuition, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving.
Type A behavior
The behavior pattern referred to as Type A behavior is characterized by extreme competitiveness, impatience, aggressiveness, and devotion to work.
Which of the following statements describe people who have a strong internal locus of control? Check all that apply.
They handle complex information well. They are independent. They are easy to motivate. They are achievement oriented.
Sometimes clients need to discuss issues they are upset about. A non-athlete may have self-esteem issues due to weight gain, or a professional athlete may be distraught over a potentially career-ending injury. Trainers need to be able to discuss these issues with calm optimism, no matter what kind of day they personally are having. Which personality factor is most important to perform this task successfully?
emotional stability
Managers with ______ emotional intelligence can undermine employee morale and hurt the organization.
Organizational commitment
refers to loyalty to and engagement with one's work organization.
Self-efficacy is related to __________, which means general assurance in one's own ideas, judgment, and capabilities.
personality testing
A method by which a person answers a series of questions about his/her beliefs, attitudes, work habits, and how he/she might handle situations, in order to identify some of his/her interests and motivations.
Job satisfaction
A positive attitude toward one's job is called job satisfaction.
Elaine Hatfield, a therapist, reported feeling anxious during a therapy session. It was only later that she realized that her feelings mirrored the feelings of her client who was afraid that Elaine would ask her about her drug use.
Emotional Contagion
Alondra has captured everything in her mind, and now she is trying to decide her next actions. Which of the following activities will help her to do this? Check all that apply.
Alondra should ask herself if she's the best person to complete the tasks on her lists. If not, she should hand the tasks over to someone else. Alondra should look at her list and simply complete everything that takes less than two minutes of her time.
Three basic principles define how to manage your many big and small commitments effectively so that you can get them accomplished:
Clarity of mind. The first principle is that if you're carrying too much around in your head, your mind can't be clear. If your mind isn't clear, you can't focus. If you can't focus, you can't get anything done. Thus, anything you consider unfinished needs to be placed in some kind of trusted system outside your head. Clarity of objectives. Next, you have to be clear about exactly what you need to do and decide the steps to take toward accomplishing it. An organized system. Finally, once you've decided the actions that you need to take, you need to keep reminders in a well-organized system.
internal locus of control
Having the belief that one's own actions strongly influence what happens to oneself and feeling in control of one's own fate.
manage stress
Many companies help employees manage stress by offering discounts to local gyms, although a fairly recent workplace trend enables employees to work out while they work. Treadmill desks have shelves where employees can park their laptops and plug in their mobile phones so they can review documents, do online research, and hold meetings as they rack up the miles.
Frank works in an open office space with no walls around the desks. His coworker Gareth eats spicy Thai food, and Frank doesn't like the smell. Also, Gareth uses a lot of profanity, which Frank finds offensive. Frank finds himself snapping at everyone at work, and even at home, because he is so annoyed with Gareth.
Threat Stress
Every Thursday at 1:30 pm, Celine's cell phone sounds an alert, reminding Celine that she has a weekly appointment with her yoga trainer. Celine is using _____ to remind herself of her appointments.
an organized system
Perceptual distortions
are errors in perceptual judgment that arise from inaccuracies in any part of the perception process.
Your goal in emailing the customer was to help her understand that the software she had ordered was unlikely to meet her needs. When she emails back to thank you for your advice and order a different software package, you feel the positive _____ of pride and relief.
If Ana is working with a client with an ___ locus of control, this client is probably ____ but more likely to believe that following Ana's recommendations is the best way to achieve his fitness goals.
external, hard to motivate
"Jennifer, a cafeteria worker, often forgets to put the cheese on sandwiches because she is easily distracted and does not focus on the task at hand," is an example of _______
internal attribution
Nadiya, your classmate, is struggling to keep up with class. Last week, she told you that she even thought about cheating on a test. If the professor catches Nadiya, the professor is likely to believe that Nadiya is cheating due to an _____ cause, such as ________. The professor's perception is being influenced by the ________
internal, her dishonesty, fundamental attribution error
means being aware of the internal aspects of one's nature, such as personality traits, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, and perceptions, and appreciating how your patterns affect other people.
Parmeet heard his manager tell her boss that the idea for the new product was hers, even though it had really been Jean's idea. Parmeet was completely disgusted by his manager's lie. He was feeling a __ emotion, and if Parmeet often feels this way at work, he will probably be __ effective.
negative, less
The halo effect
occurs when the perceiver develops an overall impression of a person or situation based on one characteristic, either favorable or unfavorable
You apply for a job and are invited to take a _____ test. This questionnaire asks about your beliefs, attitudes, and work habits to determine your interests and motivations.
refers to a tendency to direct one's behavior toward the acquisition of power and the manipulation of other people for personal gain.
Role conflict
refers to incompatible demands of different roles, such as the demands of a manager's superiors conflicting with those of the manager's subordinates.
A survey of 75 members of the Stanford Graduate School of Business's Advisory Council revealed the nearly unanimous answer to a question about the most important capability for leaders to develop: _________
Chester, a salesperson, has high _______ because he is sure he can exceed all his sales goals this year.
Two valuable ways to enhance self-awareness are
soliciting feedback and self-assessment, including introspection.
Whenever Ashley needs to meet with the programmer assigned to her department, Rajiv who was born in India, she is anxious because she believes all Indian men have sexist attitudes toward women. Ashley is _____ Rajiv.
Every day in your job, you need to make snap decisions about which stocks to buy and sell, usually without knowing with certainty how the stock will perform in the future. Your job has high _______
task demands