MGMT 3000

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Which of the following is likely to produce an effective organization?

A firm that employs selective hiring practices.

A stereotype is

A generalization about a particular group of people.


A short, intense feeling resulting from some event

Deep acting

Actively try to experience the emotion they are displaying.

Which of the following statements about the personality trait agreeableness is FALSE?

All occupations look to hire people who are high in agreeableness.

Research on turnover indicates which of the following statements is FALSE?

All turnover is bad for an organization.

Which of the following statements regarding the Big 5 personality traits is NOT true?

Individuals high in extraversion are model employees.

Positive emotions

Reactions to desired events.

Negative emotions

Reactions to undesired events

Low distinctiveness is characterized by

a person behaving this way in different situations.

Group members in the norming stage

find it easy to establish their own ground rules.

Research that is performed under very controlled conditions and can include observation, interviews, or experiments is called

a lab study.

The values, beliefs, and customs that exist in a society is


Collectivistic cultures are

cultures where people have strong bonds to their groups and group membership forms a person's self-identity.

Idea generation tasks

deal with creative tasks such as brainstorming a new direction or creating a new process.

Symptoms of too much cohesion include

failures are blamed on external factors.

What is the second stage in Tuckerman's four-stage map of group evolution?


According to Gersick's punctuated equilibrium model, groups repeatedly cycle through which two stages?

storming and performing

Which of the following is accurate according to organizational behavior research?

successful companies treat their employees well.

Demographic traits make up

surface diversity.

Our first interaction with individuals makes us aware of

surface diversity.

A decision which centers on how things get done is a

tactical decision

Attitude surveys conducted by companies produce more useful information if

the management is perceived as credible by employees.

Self-enhancement bias is

the tendency to overestimate our performance and capabilities and see ourselves in a more positive light than others see us.

Validity is

the truth of a measurement

In analyzing the data, the researcher notes that as employee absences increase, scores on performance evaluations decrease. This suggests

there is a correlation between employee absenteeism and employee performance.

Which of the following employees is more likely to turnover?

those who have negative work attitudes

Employees with which of the following personality traits would experience high job satisfaction?

those with positive affective dispositions

Tuckman's forming stage is characterized by

uncertainty, with observant, conflict avoidant group members who are trying to achieve several goals at once.

Which of the following is accurate for the relationship between attitudes and performance?

-though you want to perform better, your skill set may prevent that from occurring. -though you want to perform better, the equipment used at work may not be functioning properly. -though you want to perform better, too much may be outside your control.

Which of the following statements about exit interviews is true?

An exit interview should be conducted by a member of the human resource department for best results.

Which of the following statements is true?

Attitude provides clues to behavior, but situational factors also impact behavior.

Who is most responsible for making strategic decisions?


Which of the following statements about surveys is INCORRECT?

Close-ended question responses are difficult to summarize.

Which of the following statements regarding job performance is INCORRECT?

Contrary to what most people would think, stress has very little impact on job performance.

Which of the following statements is a good suggestion for managing cultural diversity?

Culture changes, sometimes quickly; do not assume that what was true a year ago is true today.

Which of the following statements on the benefits of effective management of diversity is INCORRECT?

Diverse workforces create cheaper products

Research on diversity in the workplace has not substantiated which of the following benefit to firms?

Diversity, and the presence of faultlines, increases cohesiveness at work.

Which of the following statements regarding turnover is true?

Even though they are very unhappy with a job, employees may not leave an organization.

Which of the following statements regarding diversity in the workplace is correct?

Federal law requires reasonable accommodation be considered when an employee brings up a disability.

Which of the following statements regarding first impressions is INCORRECT?

First impressions are fleeting impressions.

Which of the following statements regarding group decision support systems (GDSS) is INCORRECT?

GDSS avoids all possibilities of information overload.

What is the most challenging or difficult step in the rational decision-making process?

Generate alternatives.

A culture categorized by high uncertainty avoidance is


Which of the following is true for group decision making?

Groups often perform lower than the best individual in the group.

Which of the following scenarios is likely to produce low levels of citizenship behaviors?

Horatio is a young engineer with negative affectivity.

An example of an operational decision is

How often do I go back to the stockroom to get additional products for display?

Which of the following questions is an example of a tactical decision?

How should we market the new product line?

If a collectivist was told, "Tell me about yourself.", he might say

I am the third child of a doctor and a lawyer.

Which is the first step in the rational decision-making model?

Identify the problem.

Which of the following statements about attribution is correct?

If we make an external attribution to someone's goal achievement, we are less likely to reward the individual.

Which of the following statements regarding the management of demographic diversity is INCORRECT?

In the most successful companies, diversity is viewed as human resource management department's responsibility.

Which of the following statements regarding age and how long we have been at the firm and turnover is FALSE?

Individuals who have been on the job only a short period of time are unlikely to turnover because they just got the job.

Which of the following statements about the creative decision-making model is INCORRECT?

Innovation and creativity are the same process.

Which of the following statements regarding absenteeism is INCORRECT?

Instituting organizational policies that penalize absenteeism are reasonable approaches to controlling the problem.

When analyzing the information on work attitudes and aspects of the work environment, which of the following statement is true?

Maintenance of the psychological contract helps develop organizational commitment.

Which of the following is NOT a recommended step to take to avoid getting stuck in the storming phase of Tuckman's group development?

Make sure to limit discussions and discussants. It is not productive to re-hash all the same points over and over.

Which of the following statements regarding diversity in the workplace is accurate?

More than half of the Fortune 500 companies offer same sex health benefits to their employees.

_________ is the degree to which a person is anxious, irritable, aggressive and moody


Which of stage in Tuckman's forming-storming-norming-performing model is characterized by the establishment of ground rules and operating procedures and goals by group participants?


Which of the following statements regarding race diversity in the American workplace is correct?

Overt discrimination against ethnic minorities still occurs in many workplaces.

All of the following cultures are categorized as individualistic EXCEPT


Which of the following statements regarding employee satisfaction at work is FALSE?

Pay is the most important aspect of job satisfaction.

Which of the following is NOT an unrealistic assumption made in the rational decision making model?

People have perceptual biases.

Which of the following statements regarding power distance and teams is correct?

People in high power distance countries expect unequal power distribution in the social, political and economic areas.

Which of the following statements is true?

People who are critical of themselves experience less job satisfaction.

Which of the following statements regarding work attitudes and job performance is accurate?

People who are happy at work are more satisfied in their overall life too.

Which statement regarding citizenship behaviors is accurate?

People who are older demonstrate higher levels of citizenship.

Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is INCORRECT?

People with high self-efficacy tend to procrastinate.

Which of the following statements about work attitude causes is accurate?

Person/job fit is positively related to job satisfaction.

Research suggests which of the following relationships between performance and turnover?

Poor performers are more likely to quit their jobs compared to high performers.

Which of the following is the correct order of the phases in the creative decision-making model?

Problem identification, immersion, incubation, illumination, verification and application.

Research on absenteeism indicates which of the following statements to be accurate?

Problems in job design can result in absenteeism.

The _____________ role in a team creates deadlines for the team, schedules production, and sequences tasks.


All of the following statements about emotional labor are TRUE except:

Research suggests that greater autonomy is related to more strain for service workers in France.

An example of a strategic decision is

Should we downsize our organization?

Which of the following is a situation where a team will NOT be needed in the organization?

Tasks to be performed are independent of one another.

Which of the following statements regarding team size and diversity is correct?

Teams that believe in the value of diversity perform better than those which do not.

Which of the following statements regarding the rational decision-making model is INCORRECT?

The decision maker should generate alternatives before establishing criteria.

Which of the following statements about emotions at work is FALSE

The effects of negative emotions at work typically d not have significant impacts on customers.

Which of the following statements regarding the explanations for the glass ceiling is INCORRECT?

The glass ceiling may exist for women because they lack the education levels necessary to assume high-level managerial positions.

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with regard to the concept of social loafing?

The incidence of social loafing declines as group size increases.

Which of the following statements regarding the predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors is FALSE?

The link between ability and citizenship behavior is stronger than the link between motivation and citizenship behavior.

Which of the following statements regarding Gersick's punctuated equilibrium model is INCORRECT?

The model views group development as a linear process.

Which of the following statements related to fundamental factors affecting a group's cohesion is correct?

The more similar group members are, the more cohesive the group is likely to be.

Which of the following statements regarding techniques for making better decisions is INCORRECT?

The nominal group technique is a technique used routinely at most meetings.

Emotional labor

The regulation of feelings and expressions for organizational purposes.

Which of the following statements about case studies is true?

They are a way to gather data and explain an event or situation in detail.

Which of the following statements regarding work attitude and performance is FALSE?

Those with the most positive work attitudes are always strong performers.

Gender discrimination is prohibited by which of the following laws?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Which of the following laws prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex or national origin?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

All of the following statements are correct about top management teams EXCEPT

Top teams are most effective when there is limited diversity in their composition.

All the following are true EXCEPT

Typically, everyone reacts emotionally to the same situation in the same way.

Which of the following statements about values is true?

Values are the result of accumulation of life experiences.

Surface acting

When an individual exhibits physical signs, such as, smiling, that reflect emotions others want to express.

Which of the following is not an explanation that has been offered to account for the earnings gap fo 21% between the pay of females and males?

Women lack the high-level skill sets that men possess

Indicate which of the following statements is true.

Work attitude is related to organizational citizenship behaviors.

A group is

a collection of individuals who interact with each other such that one person's actions have an impact on the others.

A culture that values maintaining good relationships, caring for the weak and quality of life is

a feminine culture.

Research conducted in an actual organization is

a field study.

Collective efficacy is

a group's perception of its ability to successfully perform well.

Datum is

a single observation.

An entity that takes on different values is

a variable

To satisfice is to

accept the first alternative that meets your general criteria.

Which of the following is a deep-level diversity trait?


People who exhibit the Big 5 personality characteristic of openness would be most likely to work in which of the following firms?

an entrepreneurial start-up in the high tech industry

Analyses of companies that utilize teams indicate some impressive results. Team-based organizations tend to show all the following results but

an increase in marketing.

All of the following are challenges of managing age diversity in the workplace EXCEPT

an-age diverse team offers fewer alternatives to a problem than a team where there is limited age diversity.

The availability of too much information leading to more and more time being spent on gathering information and thinking about it, resulting in no decisions being made is

analysis paralysis.

Studies on decision making have been carried out in all of these disciplines EXCEPT


Reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities may include all the following EXCEPT

assignment of their essential job functions to other employees

Boundary spanning roles include coordinator and


Deep-level diversity traits include


Companies track employee work attitudes through

attitude surveys.

Which of the following is a surface-level diversity trait?

being Asain


being able to accurately perceive, evaluation, and display appropriate emotions.


being able to direct your emotions in a positive way when needed

Relationship manage

being able to help other mange their own emotions and truly establish supportive relationships with other.


being able to understand how others feel

Among the limitations associated with using personality tests in employee selection is

candidates faking their answers.

Experts make decisions in the intuitive decision-making models based on all the following but


A group where there is a great deal of camaraderie is a group experiencing


Task roles include contractor, creator, and


Across a variety of occupations and jobs, what is the one personality trait that most uniformly predicts how high a person's performance will be?


Escalation of commitment occurs because

decision makers do not want to admit they were wrong.

Making choices among alternative courses of action, including inaction, is

decision making.

A recent National Association of Colleges and Employers survey indicated all fo the following are important skills for evaluating job candidates EXCEPT


Research on the relationship between personality and job performance indicates

dependable people are better performers than those less dependable.

Teams differ by all of the following task classes EXCEPT

development tasks.

The ways in which people are similar or different from one another is


Operational decisions are made by

employees throughout the organization.

The belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures is


Negative affective people

experience anxiety

When an incomplete figure appears on a sheet of paper, we are able to discern the entire figure because we

extrapolate from the information available to us.

Which personality characteristic tends to lead to effectiveness in jobs with a lot of opportunities to interact with others?


Empathy is to agreeableness as sociability is to ______________.


Internal attribution

is the belief that a behavior is caused by the internal characteristics of a person.

All of the following factors contribute to job satisfaction and organizational commitment EXCEPT

firm competitiveness in the market.

Individuals are influenced in their decision making by all of the following EXCEPT

foresight bias.

The tendency for decision makers to be influenced by the way that a situation or problem is presented is

framing bias.

Surface diversity traits include


Research indicates which of the following factor is the strongest predictor of job performance?

general mental ability

The tendency to avoid a critical evaluation of ideas that the group favors is called


Characteristics of cohesive groups include all of the following EXCEPT

having a random pattern of communication.

Empowerment means

having the responsibility and authority to reach goals.

Which of the following is NOT a fundamental factor impacting a group's cohesion?


The norming stage in Tuckman's model of group evolution features

high energy with group members committed to each other and the overall goal.

All of the following stressors lead to lower job satisfaction and organizational commitment EXCEPT:

high responsibility at work.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of effective management of diversity?

higher productivity of operations

Which of the following factors is a major predictor of job performance?

how we are treated at work

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of groupthink?

illusion of vulnerability

Self-managed teams typically have all the following goals EXCEPT

increased conflict

Which of the following is a key level of analysis investigated in Organizational Behavior


Which decision-making model would you use when your goals are unclear, there is time pressure, and you have experience with the problem?

intuitive decision making model

If you do not have relevant expertise in the issues to make a decision, you should NOT use which decision making model?

intuitive decision-making

The glass ceiling

is the underrepresentation of women in executive and upper level management positions of companies.

Outcome interdependence

is when the rewards that an individual receives depend on the performance of others.

According to the authors of Organizational Behavior, a company's greatest asset is

its people.

If one looks at the number of studies conducted on attitude, which of the following seems to be the most important?

job satisfaction

Research on team size suggests

larger groups are generally required for very complex tasks.

Research indicates that all of the following characteristics produce healthy organizations EXCEPT

limited feedback.

Internal attribution occurs with

low consensus, low distinctiveness, and high consistency.

Cultures that are comfortable in unpredictable situations and have high tolerance for ambiguity are

low uncertainty avoidance cultures.

Tactical decisions are generally made by


Task interdependence

refers to the degree that team members are dependent upon one another to get information, support or materials from other team members to be effective.

Workforce satisfaction is related to all the following outcomes EXCEPT

more absenteeism.

The special challenges that virtual teams pose for a manager include all the following EXCEPT

nature of decision making by virtual team

Which of the following is related to lower levels of organizational commitment?

negative affective disposition

A unique, nonroutine, important decision requiring conscious thinking, information gathering, and careful consideration of alternatives is a(n)

nonprogrammed decision.

Which stage of Tuckerman's group development model is characterized by increased respect and openness?


Overconfidence bias

occurs when individuals overestimate their ability to predict future events.


often lead to unfair decisions being made

Programmed decisions are

ones which occur frequently enough that an automated response is developed for them.

The systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work is

organizational behavior.

An attitude is

our opinions, beliefs and feelings about our environment.

All of the following are barriers to effective teams EXCEPT

overly helpful team members.

The creative decision-making process

refers to arriving at decisions after first gathering information about the problem and then setting the problem consciously aside until an insightful solution to the problem arises.

Research on job characteristics indicate that

people who have high growth need tend to expect their jobs to help them build new skills.

Which of the following is not a key factor in understanding what kind of attributions we make?


Organizational citizenship behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT

performing the duties in one's job description.

Job satisfaction can be enhanced by

person-job fit and person-organization fit.

The relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has is


Which of the following factors is not a cause of high levels of absenteeism in a firm?

positive work attitudes

The Americans with Disabilities Act

prohibits discrimination in employment against individuals with physical or mental disabilities if these employees are otherwise qualified to do their jobs with or without reasonable accommodation.

Research indicates that effective organizations tend to

provide as much employment security as possible to their employees.

Organizational behavior draws heavily on personality and motivation studies from what other discipline?


All the following are factors that researcher focus on to evaluate the level of creativity in the decision making process EXECPT


A control group

receives no experimental manipulation.

The bounded rationality decision-making model

recognizes the limitations of decision making processes by having individuals knowingly limit their options to a manageable set and choose the best alternative without conducting an exhaustive search of alternatives.

Problem solving tasks

refer to coming up with plans for actions and making decisions.


refer to stable life goals people have, reflecting what is most important to them.

Strategic decisions

refer to those setting the course of the organization.

Operational decisions

refer to those things that employees do each day to make the organization run.

The likelihood that findings in a given study would be found in another setting or study is


Which of the following statements about work attitude causes is true?

role ambiguity can lead to job dissatisfaction.

Experts propose that creativity occurs as a result of the interaction between all of the following factors EXCEPT

serendipity or luck.

Norms are

shared expectations about how things operate within a group or team.

Work on team processes has been carried out in what area?


High social monitors

tend to be more successful in their careers.

Companies in cultures high in uncertainty avoidance

tend to have written employment contracts for employees.

Hypotheses are

tentative guesses for expected observations that can be tested.

When the goal of the decision making exercise is to make a satisfactory decision because you are limited in some way such as effort, you should utilize

the bounded rationality decision-making model.

The advantages of group decision making over individual decision making include all of the following EXCEPT

the decision-making process is more efficient.

emotional intelligence

the degree of awareness of one's own and others' emotion.

Organizational commitment is

the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for

Self-monitoring is

the extent to which a person is capable of monitoring his/her actions and appearance in social situations.

Job satisfaction is

the feelings people have toward their jobs.

Research shows that all of the following impact the employee's satisfaction with the job and commitment to the organization EXCEPT

the firm's competitiveness.

All of the following statements characterize a group at the storming stage EXCEPT

the group is competent, autonomous, and insightful.

The decision-making process where decisions are arrived at without conscious reasoning, arguing that experts make decisions by scanning the environment for cues to recognize patterns is

the intuitive decision-making model.

The bounded rationality model should be used to make decisions when

the minimum criteria are clear.

The decision-making technique designed to help with group decision making by ensuring that all members participate fully is

the nominal group technique.

The creativity level evaluation factor of fluency is

the number of ideas a person is able to generate.

All of the following are accurate about those with a proactive personality EXCEPT

the often have difficulty making friends.

Meta-analysis is

the process of summarizing research findings from studies on related topics.

A series of steps that decision makers should consider if their goal is to maximize their outcome and make the best choice describes

the rational decision-making model

Psychology is

the scientific study of mental processes and behaviors of the individual.

The incubation step in the creative decision-making process is

the step where the decision maker sets the problem aside and does not consciously think of it.

Sociology is

the systematic study of group and team processes.

High power distance cultures

view an unequal distribution of power as relatively acceptable.

Study findings on personality indicate

we are more emotionally stable and more organized between the ages of 20 and 40.

Genuine acting

when individuals are asked to display emotions that are aligned with their own

Research on work attitudes and performance indicates

work attitudes are a moderate correlate of performance

Age is positively correlated with all of the following behaviors EXCEPT

work injuries.

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