MGMT 305 Final Exam Study Guide

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A contingency of power pertaining to the degree and nature of interdependence between the power holder and others increases with the number of people depending on you as well as how quickly and severely they're affected by that dependence


A contingency of power pertaining to the degree and nature of interdependence between the power holder and others increases with the number of people depending on you as well as how quickly and severely they're affected by that dependence If you have high centrality, many people in the organization would be adversely affected by your absence, and they would be affected quickly


A cross cultural value described in the degree to which people in a culture emphasize dirty to groups to which they belong into group harmony.


A cross cultural value describing the degree to which people and culture emphasize independence and personal uniqueness

Power distance

A cross cultural value describing the degree to which people in a culture except unequal distribution of power in a society.

respresentativeness heuristic

A natural tendency to evaluate probabilities of answer objects by the degree to which they resemble other events or objects rather than on objective probability information


A necessary part of life because it activate and motivate people to achieve goals, change their environment, and succeed in life's challenges.


A persons believe that he or she has the ability, motivation, correct role perception, and favorable situations to complete a task successfully.

self-enhancement effect

A persons inherent motivation to have a positive self-concept and to have others perceive him or her favorably, such as being competent, attractive, lucky, ethical, and important.


A psychological concepts in which people experience more self-determination, meaning, competence, and impact regarding the role in the organization.

Emotional intelligence

A set of abilities to perceive and express emotion, a simulates emotion and thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion and oneself and others.

Relationship conflict

A type of conflict in which people focus on the characteristics of other individuals, rather than the issues, as the source of conflict

Task conflict

A type of conflict too much people focus their discussion around the issue was showing respect for people who have other points of view


An individual self-beliefs and self-evaluations


Degree To which a person's self-concept is clear, confidently to find, and stable. This occurs when we are confident about who we are, and can describe are important I didn't used to others, and provide the same description of ourselves across time. Self-concept ____________ increases with age because personality and values become relatively stable by adulthood and people develop better self awareness through life experiences. So concept is also clear when a persons multiple selves have higher consistency.

reward power

Drive from the persons ability to control the allocation of rewards ride by others and to remove negative sanctions.

Cognitive dissonance

Emotional experience caused by perceptions that her believes, feelings, and behaviors aren't congruent with one another

Drive to comprehend

People are inherently curious and need to make sense of their environment and themselves.


Seek the greatest good for the greatest number of people. In other words, we should choose the option that provides the highest degree satisfaction to those affected.


Specific, Measurable, achievable, relevant, Time framed, Exciting, reviewed

coercive power

The ability to apply punishment.

Distributive justice

The benefits and burdens of similar individuals should be the same; otherwise they should be proportional. Catch up variation of this principle says that any qualities are acceptable when they benefit the least well off in society.

Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreemen

The best outcome you might achieve through some other course of action if you were banned in the current negotiation.


The capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence others

referent power

The capacity to influence others on the basis of an identification with and respect for the power holder.


The cluster of beliefs, assessed feelings, and behavioral intentions towards a person, object, or event (called an attitude object)

Ambiguous Rules

The complete lack of rules breeds conflict. This occurs because of certainty and increases the risk that one party intense interfere with the other parties goals (increase the likelihood of conflict)


The force within a person that affects his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior

exit-voice-loyalty-neglect (EVLN) model

The four ways, as indicated in the name, that employees responded job dissatisfaction.

Task performance

The individuals voluntary goal directed behaviors that contribute to organizational objectives

Emotional contagion

The non-conscious process of catching or sharing another persons emotion by making that person's facial expression and other nonverbal behavior.


The number of distinct and important roles are I didn't use that people perceive about themselves. Everyone has multiple selves; that is, each person views himself or herself in different roles at various times.

Surface level diversity

The observable demographic or psychological difference in people, such as their race, ethnicity, gender, age, and physical disabilities.

openess to experience

The personality dimension describing people who are imaginative, creative, unconventional, curious, nonconforming, autonomous, and aesthetically perceptive.


The personality dimension describing people who tend to be anxious, insecure, self-conscious, depressed, and temperamental.

Scientific management

The practice of systematically partitioning work into its smallest element and standardizing task to achieve maximum efficiency. Job specialization potentially improves work efficiency.


The process whereby two or more conflicting parties attempt to resolve your tight virgin calls by redefining the terms of their independence.


The study of moral principles or values that determine whether actions are right or wrong and outcomes are good or bad

Job characteristics mode

a job design model that relates the motivational properties of jobs to specific personal and organizational consequences of those properties.

need for affiliation

a learned need in which people seek approval from others, conform to their wishes and expectations, and avoid conflict and confrontation

need for achievement

a learned need in which people want to accomplish reasonably challenging goals and desire unambiguous feedback and recognition for their success

need for power

a learned need in which people want to control their environment, including people and material resources, to benefit either themselves (personalized power) or others (socialized power)

media richness

a medium state of carrying capacity that is, the volume and variety of information that can be transmitted during a specific time.

Expectancy theory

a motivation theory based on the idea that work effort is directed towards behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes

anchoring an adjustment heuristic

a natural tendency for people to be influenced by an initial anchor points such as that they do not sufficiently we will way from that point as new information is provided.

prospect theory effect

a natural tendency to feel more The satisfaction from losing a particular mountain satisfaction from getting an equal amount.


a personality dimension describing people who are trusting, helpful, good-natured, considerate, tolerant, selfless, generous, and flexible

Job satisfaction

a persons evaluation of his or her job and work context. It is an appraisal of the perceived job characteristics, work environment, and emotional experiences at work

Locus of control

a persons general believe about the amount of control he or she has over personal life events.


a persons inherent motivation to confirm and maintain his or her existing self-concept.


a persons inherent motivation to have a positive self-concept (and to have others perceive him or her favorably), such as being competent, attractive, lucky, ethical, and important.

Equity theory

a theory explaining how people develop perceptions of fairness in the distribution of exchange of resources

Drive to bond

a variation of the need for belongingness and affiliation. It explains why our self-concept is partially defined by associations with social groups.


amount of effort allocated to the goal. It is about how much people push themselves to complete a task


an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person's well-being.

legitimate power

an agreement among organizational members that people in certain roles can request certain behaviors of others.

Continuance commitment

an individual's calculative attachment to an organization

Stereotyping threat

an individual's concern about confirming a negative stereotype about his or her group.

Effective organizational commitment

an individual's emotional attachment to, involvement in, and identification with an organization

expert power

an individuals or work units capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills valued by others

self-justification effect

appearing to be rational and competent

Task oriented behaviors

assigned work, clarify responsibilities, set goals and deadlines, provide feedback, establish work procedures, and plan future work

people oriented behavior

concern for employee needs, make workplace pleasant, recognize employee contributions, listen to employees

sunk cost effect

continuing to invest resources in something that isn't paying off

Positive self-talk

creates a can-do belief and thereby increase his motivation by raising our self efficacy and reduces anxiety about challenging tasks.


differences among people and work units regarding their training, values, beliefs, and experiences. People may agree on a common goal, but have different beliefs about how to achieve that goal. usually a factor in integration of conflict.

Deep level diversity

differences in the psychological characteristics of employees, including personalities, beliefs, values, and attitudes. (this is evident in a persons choice of words, and actions.)


economic, social, and cultural connectivity with people in other parts of the world

Job Feedback

employees can tell how well they are doing from direct sensory information from the job itself.


employees who feel empowered care about their work and believe that what they do is important

Self determination

empower to please feel that they have freedom, independence, and discretion over their work activities.


empowered employees are confident about their ability to perform the work well and have a capacity to grow with new challenges.


empowered employees reason south as active participants in the organization; that is, their decision and actions that have an influence on the company success.


events following a particular behavior that influences its future occurrence.


events preceding the behavior, informing employees that a particular action will produce specific consequences.

Individual rights

everyone has the same set of natural rights, such as freedom of movement, physical security, freedom of speech, and fair trial. The individual rate principle extends beyond legal rights to human rights that everyone is granted as a moral norm of society.


exist from the individual's identities require similar personality traits, values, and other attributes. Low ________ occurs when some self views require personal characteristics that conflict and attributes require for others self view.

Shared values

exists when groups of people often hold similar values, so we tend to ascribe this to the team, department, organization, freshen, or entire society.


flex exist only when one party perceives that it's interest or being a poser need to be affected by another party. Refers to the extent to which employees must share materials, information, or expertise to perform their jobs. The risk of conflict increases with the level of interdependence (Increase likelihood of conflict)

hard tactics

force behavior change through position power (legitimate, reward, and coercion)

scarce resources

generates conflict because each person or unit Quiring the same resource necessarily undermines others who also need that resource to fulfill their goals. Most labor strikes occur because there are enough financial and other resources for employees. (Increased likelihood of conflict)


giving him completely to the other sides wishes, or at least cooperating with little or no attention to your own interest


goal directed forces that people experience


hardwired characteristics of the brain that correct deficiencies or maintain an internal equilibrium by producing emotions to energize individuals


how to start an individual or working as a monopoly over a valued resource

Employee engagement

individual and emotional and cognitive motivation, particularly a focused, intense, persistent, and purposive effort towards work related goals

Mental models

knowledge structures that we develop to describe, explain, and predict the world around us.


looking for a position with your losses are offset by equally valued games. It involves actively searching for a middle ground between the interest of the two parties.


make others aware of your presence Dash more FaceTime, locate office near Busy routes.

availability heuristic

natural tendency to assign higher probabilities to objects or events that are easier to recall from memory, even though ease of recall is also affected by non-probability factors.


occurs when people are motivated to implement the influencers request for purely Instrumental reasons


occurs when people or work units opposed to behavior desired by the influencer

Incomparable goals

occurs when the goals of one person or department seems to interfere with another person or department goals


occurs whenever an employee has control over a reinforcer but does not take the reinforcer until completing a self set goal.

Categorical thinking

organizing people and objects into preconceived categories that are stored in our long-term memory

Social identity

people defined themselves by the group to which they belong or have an emotional attachment.

Distributive Justice

perceived fairness in the individuals ratio of outcomes to contributions relative to a comparison others ratios of outcomes to contributions.

Procedural justice

perceived fairness of the procedures used to decide the distribution of resources.


physiological, behavioral, and psychological episodes experience towards an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness.


process of keeping track at regular intervals of one's progress towards a goal by using naturally occurring feedback.

exchange relationships

promising benefits or resources in exchange for the target persons compliance


provides freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling the work and determining the procedures to be used to complete the work.


relatively stable, evaluate of belief that guide a persons preferences for outcomes or courses of action in a variety of situations


represents your conscience positive or negative evaluations of the attitude object.

Self leadership

specific cognitive and behavioral strategies to achieve personal goals and stance through self direction self motivation

Outcome Valences

the anticipated satisfaction or just satisfaction that individual feels towards an outcome. It ranges from negative to positive. Outcomes have a positive balance when they are consistent with our values and satisfy her needs; they have a negative balance when they oppose our values and inhibit need fulfillment.

Social self

the central theme of social identity theory, which says that people defined themselves by the group to which they belong or have an emotional attachment.


the comparison begins by categorizing people in the distinct groups.

Decision making

the conscience process of making choices among alternatives with the intention of moving towards some desired state of affairs


the degree of physiological, psychological, And behavioral deviation from healthy functioning.

task significance

the degree to which a job has an impact on the organization and/or larger society

Task identity

the degree to which a job, from beginning to end, requires the completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work

Role perceptions

the degree to which a person understands the job duties assigned to or expected of him or her


the development of original ideas that make a socially recognized contribution.

Emotional labor

the efforts, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions.


the extent to which people like, respect, and are satisfied with themselves.


the force with any person that affects his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior


the freedom to exercise judgment- to make decisions without referring to a specific rule or receiving permission from someone else, rules limit discretion, limit power, also a perception - acting as if you have discretion


the length of time that the individual continues to exert effort towards an objective.


the natural attitudes and learning capabilities required to successfully complete a task


the path along which people steer their efforts

Attribution theory

the perceptual process of deciding whether an observed behavior or event is caused largely by inch ternal or external factors.


the personality dimension describing people who are organized, dependable, go focus, thorough, discipline, methodical, and industrious.

Scientific Management

the practice of systematically partitioning work into its smallest element and standardizing task to achieve maximum efficiency. Job specialization potentially improves work efficiency.


the process by which information is transmitted and understood between two or more people

Job design

the process of assigning tasks to a job, including the inter-dependency of those tasks with other jobs.


the process of assigning trades to people based on their membership in a social category

Selective attention

the process of attending to some information received by our senses and ignoring other information

mental imagry

the process of mentally practicing a task and visualizing it successful completion


the process of receiving information about and making sense of the world around us.

Confirmation bias

the process of screening out information that is contrary to our values and assumptions, and two more readily accept confirming information.

Emotional dissonance

the psychological tension experienced when the emotions people are required to display are quite different from the emotions they actually experience at the moment (surface acting)

Job Specialization

the result of a division of labor, and which work is subdivided into separate jobs assigned to different people.


the strongest outcome of influence, whereby people identify with the influencers request and are highly motivated to implement it even when extrinsic sources of motivation or not present.

Organizational Behavior

the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations.

escalation of commitment

the tendency to repeat and apparently bad decision or allocate more resources to a failing course of action


these are your establish perceptions about the attitude object - what you will you to be true.

Soft tactics

they rely more on personal sources of power (reference, expert) and appeal to the target persons attitudes and needs

E-to-P expectancy

this is the individuals perception that his or her efforts will result in a particular level of performance

P-to-O expectancy

this is the perceived probability that a specific behavior performance level will lead to a particular outcome

Drive to defend

to protect her self physically, psychologically and socially. It creates a fight or flight response in the face of threat to our physical safety, our possessions, our self-concept, our values, and the well-being of others.

Drive to Aquire

to seek out, take, control, and retain objects and personal experiences.

Problem solving

tries to find a solution that is beneficial for both parties. Also known as the win-win orientation because people are using this style believe the resources at stake are expandable rather than fix if the party works together define a certain solution


tries to smooth over or invade conflict situations altogether. Common strategy is to stay clear of the coworker associated with the conflict. Also, minimize discussion of the sensitive topic when interacting with the other person in the conflict


tries to win the conflict at the others expense. Typically have a win lose orientation because people leave the parties are drawling from a fixed pie, so the war one party receives, the less the other party will receive.

skill variety

use of different skills and talents to complete a variety of work activities

Organizational citizenship behavior's

various forms of cooperations and helpfulness to others that support the organization social and psychological context.

Counterproductive work behavior's

voluntary behaviors that have the potential to directly or indirectly harm the organization


we tend to assign more favorable characteristics to people in our groups then to people and other groups. This differentiation is motivated by self enhancement because being in a better group produces higher self-esteem.


we tend to think that people with in each group are very similar to each other. Catch up every individual is unique, but we often lose sight of this fact when thinking about our social identity and how we compare to people and other social groups


your personality dimension describing people who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive

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