MGMT 310 Final

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Which of the following best describes the kind of culture that leads to success over the long term?

Dynamic and responsive

Recessions and inflation are part of an organization's

Economic dimension

Which of the following are disadvantages of a multinational system?

-Increased costs are associated with localized business ventures. -Coordination among business ventures is difficult.

When managers create a firm's strategy, they must consider which of the following elements?

-The position their firm will take in the marketplace -The scale and scope of operations -The company's organizational structure -Which products and services to offer

Which of the following are reasons for pursuing a strategy of international diversification?

-To take advantage of lower labor costs -To grow sales in global markets -To achieve economies of scale

The four-step process for implementing corporate social responsibility

1- Identifying points of intersection 2- Selecting social issues to address 3- Create a corporate social agenda 4- Create a social dimension to the value proposition

What is the Stakeholder Mapping Steps in order?

1-Map stakeholder relationships with the firm. 2-Identify specific subsets within stakeholders 3-Determine stakes for each stakeholder. 4-Define connections between stakeholders.

What is an Assumption?

A behavior that stemmed from a belief held by a group that is no longer visible, but has become deeply embedded in the organization.

What is the Managerial view?

A business framework where the firm is seen as a mechanism for converting raw materials into products to sell to customers.

What is related diversification?

A firm that owns more than one business that uses a similar set of tangible and intangible resources.

Activity-based costing (ABC)

The accounting system used to assess the specific cost components of producing a product or service.

How much competition is in this industry?

attractiveness test

Does owning this business give us a bigger competitive advantage than an alternative arrangement, such as a strategic alliance with the business?

better-off test

Based on the age of the company and the company's high overall need for creativity, it would be more effective to use a__________ approach to control.


A manager is operating in the area of_______ when she determines that she will approve all expense reimbursements submitted by employees in her department.

decision rights

Many companies today use both full-time and temporary________ to make and sell the company's products or services.


The study of_______ shows the overall relationship between what people believe and how they act.


Carla is conducting a _______ when she gathers information about the tasks the company's data entry clerks perform and the skills they need to do those tasks.

job analysis

In 2014, telephone utilities spent over $41 million on lobbying as they tried to change the__________ faced by their organizations.

political dimension

Virgin Group Ltd. is a large multinational conglomerate that owns several airlines, including Virgin Australia Airlines. Virgin engaged in______________ when it acquired Polynesian Blue (now Virgin Samoa) in order to expand service to other parts of the Australasia region.

related diversification

What is Organizational commitment?

The desired end result of socialization whereby employees become committed to the organization and its goals.

What is a Business-level strategy?

The determination of how a company will compete in a given business and position itself among its competitors.

Strength of ties

The emotional intensity, intimacy, and frequency of interaction that characterize the relationship between two parties.

What is organizational design?

The formal systems, levers, and decisions an organization adopts or employs in pursuit of its strategy.

Communication media

The formats used to convey messages, including oral, written, and electronic.

What is a Performance appraisal?

The identification, measurement, and management of individual performance in organizations.


The inability of organizations to change as rapidly as the environment.

What are Beliefs and values?

The meanings that members of an organization attach to artifacts.

Leadership style

The pattern of behaviors that leaders use in situations.

Trust networks

The pattern of linkages among people in an organization who trust one another, share sensitive information, and support one another in a crisis.

Which of the following people typically makes the final decision about whether to hire a job applicant?

The person who will be managing the work of the new employee

What is the Strategic review process?

The process by which senior leaders of a corporation meet with business unit managers to review progress toward specific goals.

Collective bargaining

The process by which union representatives negotiate with the management of a firm to secure certain concessions on wages, benefits, job security, or seniority for union members.

Budgeting process

The process for allocating financial resources and measuring expected quantitative and qualitative outcomes of a firm.


The process of collecting data from the industry's best players and using their numbers as a goal or guideline for evaluating company performance.


The process of evaluating behaviors and outputs to see whether standards have been met or objectives have been obtained.

Management by objectives (MBO)

The process of managing employees by outlining a series of specific objectives or milestones that they are expected to meet in a defined period of time.

Communication audit

The process of reviewing the communication systems in an organization.

What is Socialization?

The process of understanding how work gets done and how individuals should interact in an organization.


The process of using sounds, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, and body language to exchange information.

Organizational change

The processes and activities that organizations go through to align themselves with internal and external changes in the business environment and to prepare for future potential opportunities.


The products and/or services that an organization produces.

What is a Competitive advantage?

A firm achieves a competitive advantage when it creates more economic value than competitors by engaging in a strategy that is difficult or impossible for others to duplicate.

What is Scientific management?

A focus on how jobs, work, and incentive schemes could be designed to improve productivity using industrial engineering methods.

A shareholders view key focus is

Financial performance

What is a political dimension?

Refers to the political events and activities in a market that affect a firm.

Which of the following describe strategies used by the Roman Empire to achieve a competitive advantage against other countries?

-It backed up vigorous diplomatic activity with a credible threat of military force to achieve political goals. -It gathered and allocated resources to maintain an unmatched standing army that could exert the force necessary to achieve its political goals. -It chose military engagements carefully, fighting at times and places where victory seemed likely.

A function structure has

-Lines of control are very clear, with little ambiguity about priorities or accountability. -A key task of senior management is to coordinate activities of different departments. -Employee specialization leads to increased efficiency and development of competencies.

What is the stakeholder view?

A business framework that identifies and analyzes multiple groups that interact with the firm and attempts to align organizational practices to satisfy the needs of these various groups.

What is a shareholder view?

A business framework where the job of top managers is to produce the highest possible stock market valuation of the firm's assets.

What is the Bureaucratic Organization Structure?

A clear differentiation of tasks and responsibilities among individuals; coordination through a strict hierarchy of authority and decision rights; standardized rules and procedures; and the vertical separation of planning and execution so that plans are made in the upper ranks of an organization and executed in the lower ranks.


A component of the change process in which creating dissatisfaction with the status quo helps to free people and organizations from complacency or inertia. It often creates the spark needed to begin the change process.

Total quality management (TQM)

A comprehensive and structured approach to identifying ways to improve the quality of a company's products and services.

Survivor syndrome

A condition that can occur when certain employees who survive a downsizing become narrow-minded, self-absorbed, resentful, or risk-averse.

Fiedler contingency model

A contingency theory in which leaders are more effective depending on the favorability of a leadership situation, which is described by leader-member relations, task structure, and positional power of the leader.

Six sigma

A disciplined, quantitative approach to improve cycle time, reduce costs, and eliminate waste with a technical goal of 3.4 defects per million (six standard deviations from the mean).

Sony, a Japanese electronics company, and Ericsson, a Swedish communication company, created________ in the United States. The new company, named Sony Ericsson, conducted research and development on new mobile phone technologies.

A joint venture

Cognitive skills

A leader's ability to gather and process large amounts of information, create suitable strategies, solve problems, and make correct decisions.

Interpersonal skills

A leader's ability to interact with others.


A long-term process designed to build greater self-awareness, enhance managerial capabilities, and enable an individual to reach his or her potential.

Balanced scorecard

A method created to help businesses translate strategy into action by identifying the most critical measures to drive business success and linking long-term strategic goals with short-term operational actions; it uses four perspectives (financial, customer, business process, and learning and growth).

Leader-member exchange theory

A method of leadership in which leaders treat each follower differently, and as a result, develop unique relationships with each member.

_______ like "To give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected" is a good place to look if you want to know why a company is in business.

A mission statement

Advice networks

A network that includes people in an organization to whom an individual typically goes to for advice, either on solving problems or for technical information.

Space and objects

A nonverbal form of communication that conveys meaning through the way a meeting space is arranged, objects are used, or individuals are dressed.

Ladder of inference

A process by which an individual uses assumptions or biases formed from past experiences to make a judgment on the intentions of another individual.

What is a needs assessment?

A process by which an organization outlines what type of training needs to be done and who is best positioned to deliver it.

Organic change

A process by which change emerges from individuals or teams as they innovate, solve problems, seek more effective ways to accomplish their work, react to large environmental shifts, or interact with others in cross-functional positions.

Proactive change

A process in which change is initiated based on some anticipatory event or opportunity on the horizon.

Reactive change

A process in which change is initiated in response to some known external threat or opportunity.

Transformative change

A process in which change is radical or disruptive, typically in response to a major competitive threat and/or significant change in a firm's external or internal environment.

Incremental change

A process in which small improvements or changes are made to processes and approaches on an ongoing basis.

Supportive communication

A process of offering advice and suggestions (advising), relating similar experiences (deflecting), asking follow-up questions for clarification (probing), and reiterating the main points (reflecting).


A process of reducing the employee base of the company in an effort to be more competitive.

Planned change

A process where change efforts are predetermined and driven from corporate strategy departments or top-down directives.


A series of plans (communication, measurement, etc.) and approaches to implement a change effort.

Cause-effect relationships

A set of quantitative and qualitative measurements that are related and mutually reinforcing.

What is a Functional structure?

A structure that organizes a firm in terms of the main activities that need to be performed, such as production, marketing, sales, and accounting.

What is a Network structure?

A structure where "knowledge workers" are organized to work as individual contributors or to be a part of a work cluster that provides a certain expertise for the organization.

What is a matrix structure?

A structure where both divisional and functional managers have equal authority in the organization.

What is a joint venture ?

A structure where two firms come together to form a new company in a market.

360-degree feedback

A system in which employees conduct a self-assessment of key competencies and then compare their responses to others in the organization including managers, peers, direct reports, and clients.


A team-based compensation structure that rewards teams based on the achievement of certain metrics associated with productivity, efficiency, or quality.


A team-based compensation structure that shares rewards based on improvements in profitability.

"Great Man" theory

A theory of leadership that explained leadership by examining the traits and characteristics of individuals considered to be historically great leaders.

What is a Trend analysis?

A tool where key variables are monitored and modeled to help predict a change that might occur in the environment.

Networking clubs

A type of external network that provides members with opportunities to learn and develop professional relationships outside work.

what is a clan approach?

A type of organizational control that includes self-supervising teams that are responsible for a set of tasks.

What is the contingent view?

A view of the firm where effective organizational structure is based on fit or alignment between the organization and various aspects in its environment.


A vision for change.

Cafeteria plans

An arrangement that allows employees to make their own choices about benefit options.

What is a comparative advantage?

An economic theory that proclaims countries should specialize in producing goods for which they have the lowest opportunity cost of production.

What is Kantianism?

An ethical philosophy claiming that motives and universal rules are important aspects in judging what is right or wrong.

What is a Job analysis?

Analyzing information about specific job tasks in order to provide a more precise job description and define the characteristics of the ideal candidate for the position.

In 1998, Ford Motor Company moved its Lincoln Mercury unit from Michigan to Southern California in an effort to separate that division from the culture of the rest of the company. Then in 2002, viewing the California location as expensive and ineffectual, Ford moved Lincoln Mercury back to Michigan.


Which of the following is not an example of a firm's competitive response to a change in the global business environment?

As a company strengthens its online presence, it maintains its website in English only and offers products that have proven popular among American consumers.

Leadership neutralizers

Aspects of a situation that hinder a leader's ability to act a particular way.

At a company that assembles and ships custom gift baskets, employees have a hard time answering the question, "To whom do you report?" Employees automatically report to whomever can approve the items they're currently working with.


The Walt Disney Company states, "Disney Citizenship is our continuing commitment to be among the most admired companies in the world—a recognition of both the integrity of our people and the quality of our entertainment experiences."

Beliefs and values

After talking with JoAnne's employees, you find that they would like to have more clearly defined career paths. You work with JoAnne to develop specific criteria for promotion in the firm, including technical competence and customer relations skills.

Bureaucratic Organization Structure

An audio equipment company's managers ask, "Should we increase the size of our Bluetooth wireless speaker and sell it at a higher price?"

Business-Level Strategy

Managers for IBM's SPSS statistics software decide to market the product by showing potential clients how effective SPSS is at analyzing extremely large data sets and how the "Direct Marketing" part of the program helps identify which customers will respond to advertisements.

Business-Level Strategy

Sometimes it is difficult for employees to talk to colleagues in other functional areas because different fields use different jargon and because people in different areas have different perspectives on what's important. You determine that monthly department staff meetings will include a short presentation by an employee from another department, with an opportunity for questions and answers.

Capability development

The CEO of a rapidly growing machine shop, Ramon decides to invest in state-of-the-art equipment that can manufacture high-precision parts with unique tolerances. He recruits managers from the air-and-space and other high-tech industries, invests in advanced computer technology and trains his machinists on cutting-edge techniques, and develops marketing materials that emphasize the firm's ability to meet any customer's most challenging specifications.

Choosing a set of activities

Financial perspective

Choosing the financial measurements that are most important for reaching strategic goals.

Parts ordering has always been done by the warehouse and logistics department. Unfortunately, the parts that repair technicians need are often not in stock. To remedy this problem, you establish procedures by which technicians can order the parts they want to have on hand.


Interpersonal communication

Communication that occurs in one-on-one or small group settings.

Teach for America hires many recent college graduates with limited job experience. What would be the most effective selection tool for Teach for America to use?

Conducting situational interveiws

Working with human resources, you negotiate with the fitness centers that purchase your company's exercise equipment to provide your employees with a membership discount. Not only does this encourage employees to exercise and be healthier, but it allows them to see the company's equipment in use side by side with competitors' equipment.


Nonredundant contacts

Contacts in a network who do not lead to the same people or provide the same information.

Redundant contacts

Contacts in a network who know and communicate with each other and who therefore tend to provide similar information.

After reviewing the marketplace for web designers, you determine that most of the larger web design companies in JoAnne's area outsource their work to foreign countries such as India, Ireland, and the Philippines. You suggest that JoAnne feature her local workforce in a niche marketing campaign designed to appeal to the local clients her company represents. This will help her stand out from her competitors.

Contingent View

HR creates the company's first performance appraisal system. Managers are required to review employee productivity at least once a year. What part of the Organizational stage of growth are they in?

Controlled growth

To change the informal structure of your company, you start every meeting by asking, "How are we serving the customer?" Your intent is that simply asking people to think about the customer will help them to recognize the importance of the customer to the company.


When beginning the development of a new product, you put together a cross-functional team with employees from engineering, sales, finance, human resources, research and development, and customer service. The purpose of the team is to identify and review customer feedback that might influence the new product's design.


A company's managers ask, "Does it make sense for our vacuum cleaner company to buy a company that manufactures space heaters?"

Corporate-Level Strategy

The manufacturers of Chobani Greek Yogurt decided to open a flagship store in the SoHo neighborhood of New York, where customers can order special yogurt creations like "fig + walnut" or "mango + olive oil." In the business of manufacturing yogurt for 7 years, the company had never tried to run a restaurant before.

Corporate-Level Strategy

HR adds a training and development system for company employees. What part of the Organizational stage of growth are they in?

Functional growth

What are Subcultures?

Cultures that form around geographic or organizational units in a company.

Imagine that General Mills' senior managers meet to discuss the company's U.S. retail food strategy. The managers consider the question, "With the acquisition of Annie's and investment in our natural food brands, how well does our product portfolio match consumers' tastes?" Which criterion are they using to evaluate the company's strategy?

External fit

Business process perspective

Focuses on the manner in which a company runs its operations.

What is Scenario building?

Forecasting the likely result that might occur when several events and stakeholders are linked together.

HR sets up a succession planning program for the company. Each manager is required to submit the names of three employees who could replace him or her, and the employees are rank-ordered for promotion by a committee. What part of the Organizational stage of growth are they in?

Functional integration

If General Electric (GE) announces that it intends to continue to pursue a strategy of unrelated diversification, which of the following is most likely to be a disadvantage of this course of action?

GE will not enhance its core competencies.

Changes in technology, government regulations, and the economy are all aspects of an organization's

Global business content

Employees do a better job selling when they are happy at work. You advise JoAnne to check in with employees frequently, addressing any of their concerns as soon as they arise.

Human Relations

Learning and growth perspective

Identifies the infrastructure and skills needed to carry out business processes, interact with customers, and achieve long-term financial growth; it also helps to identify gaps in capabilities or resources.

How can we get our part-time employees to share our vision of creating identities for our clients?

Individual ledership

Charismatic leaders

Individuals who arouse strong followership through inspirational visions and/or compelling personal attributes.

Boundary spanners

Individuals who connect their immediate work group with other parts of the company or with groups in other organizations.

Vocal qualities

Inflection patterns, rate of speech, fillers, and enunciation.

Sustainable technologies

Innovative forces that improve the performance of established products, along the dimensions of performance that mainstream customers in major markets have historically valued.

Disruptive technologies

Innovative forces that include a different set of attributes than those valued by mainstream customers.

To reduce turnover among its supervisors, Luscious Lawn Care needs to ensure a good fit between employees and both the organization's culture and the job's requirements. What HR activity Is this?

Internal recuting

Of the following, which is the most important thing today's managers are doing to effectively manage employees?

Investing in them and rewarding them for growth

I understand that some people who use Facebook would like more privacy, but my company makes money by selling users' information. If the ability to profit from personal information were taken away, how would the company and all our stakeholders be compensated for the service we provide?


A manager with the ethical framework of__________ is likely to say, "I made the right decision for the right reason, and that's why my action was ethical."


The fact is that every company should aspire to be as successful as Facebook, and the basis for our success is the way we care about our users. We show we care by providing them with a service millions of people use daily. Our passion for serving people should be adopted as a model, and it makes us an ethical company.


Customer perspective

Linking key customer-based metrics such as market share and retention to the financial performance of a firm.

The process of____________ involves planning and budgeting, organizing and staffing, and controlling and problem solving.


Marjorie owns a craft store and decides to reduce her purchases of in-store inventory so that she can invest more in website functionality for customers who order products online.

Managing trade offs

Communication networks

Networks that are used to exchange work-related information and can reveal the pattern of linkages between employees who talk about work-related matters on a regular basis.

What kind of business should we create? Would a sole proprietorship, a limited liability partnership, or a corporation be the best structure for our company?

Organizational design

What is Offshoring?

Outsourcing a business activity to a contractor in a foreign country.

What type of decision are you making when you decide to merge with the gift shop next door instead of entering into a joint venture to sell coffee-related merchandise?


Skill-based pay

Pay that is determined by an individual's personal skills and knowledge.

Job-based pay

Pay that is determined by the nature of a particular job.

A managerial views key focus is


Value propositions

Quantitative and qualitative aspects of products or services that customers value most.

Profitability ratios

Ratios used to assess the firm's profits in relation to the source of those profits, including sales and assets.

Leverage ratios

Ratios used to evaluate a company's debt levels.

Spatial proximity

Refers to connections between people close to one another, due to having an office nearby or sharing work or private space.


Refers to the notion that we connect with those who are similar to us on a range of demographic or personal attributes and who may share similar interests.

Interpersonal networks

Relationships between people who work together, who have done business together, or who have engaged in some other joint activity.

Closeness centrality

Represents how easily a person can reach all other people in his or her network through his or her direct and indirect ties.


Represents the extent to which an individual falls between pairs of other people in an interpersonal network who may be trying to reach each other.

Degree of centrality

Represents the number of contacts to whom a person is connected in a social network.

What are decision rights?

Rights that include initiating, approving, implementing, and controlling various types of strategic or tactical decisions.

JoAnne creates a new, very flexible template that reduces design time by 50%. You recommend that JoAnne ask all her employees to use this template, which makes them much more efficient. As a result, the team creates more websites in less time, and sales improve.

Scientific management

A stakeholders view focus is

Serving multiple constituencies

Most companies in the United States today are:

Sole proprietorships

HR is a key player in senior executive meetings, helping management determine which strategy the company will follow in the upcoming years. What part of the Organizational stage of growth are they in?

Strategic integration

What can we offer to clients that they can't get from any other screenprinting company?

Strategic postion

What is are Multinational strategies?

Strategies in which the parent company organizes local subsidiaries and gives them autonomy to develop products tailored to local tastes.

What is are Transnational strategies?

Strategies that balance a firm's international activities among efficiency, local responsiveness, and organizational learning.

When going through__________ , a company determines how it will achieve its objectives.

Strategy formation

Income statement

Summarizes the financial performance of the company over a specific period of time, usually monthly, quarterly, or yearly.


The act of leveraging network position to connect people who are not otherwise connected to one another to generate and control information.


The activities associated with developing and managing relationships that are critical to a person's ability to accomplish tasks as well as develop personally and professionally.


The amount of control an individual attempts to exercise in communication situations.

Total cycle time

The amount of time required to develop and deliver products and services to the customer.

What is human relations?

The belief that organizations must be understood as systems of interdependent human beings who share a common interest in the survival and effective functioning of the firm.

Communication channels

The conduits used to deliver oral, written/print, and electronic media, including vertical channels and horizontal channels.


The core values and fundamental beliefs that drive behavior in variable situations.

Store managers at a pet supply retailer notice a sharp increase in the number of customers asking for products for capybaras, a South American rodent nearly the size of a mastiff. Which component of the strategy formulation process will the company use to incorporate this information?

The emergent component of strategy development

What is Utilitarianism?

The ethical philosophy claiming that behaviors are considered moral if they produce the greatest good, or utility, for the greatest number of people.

Contingent reward

The exchange process between leaders and followers in which leaders offer rewards to subordinates in exchange for their services.

Structural holes

The existence of a gap between two individuals that provides access to non-redundant contacts.


The extent to which an individual is centrally positioned in a network, giving them preferential access to information and influence.

Communication systems

The formal and informal structures that facilitate how communication is transmitted throughout an organization.

Control cycle

The four-stage process that provides the mechanisms and systems to monitor the transformation process, ensuring that outputs are produced to the desired quality, quantity, and specifications of an organization and its customers.

What is an Economic dimension?

The general economic environment (e.g., GDP, inflation, and unemployment) in the markets where the firm performs activities.

What is are ethics?

The study of moral standards and their effect on behavior and conduct.

Body language

The use of posture, body movement, hand and arm gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact to convey meaning to messages.

Verbal communication

The use of sounds, letters, words, pictures, and symbols to convey a message.

Social capital

The value that an individual can derive from his or her social relationships.

What is a Corporate-level strategy?

The way a company seeks to create value through the configuration and coordination of multimarket activities.

Communication style

The ways in which someone interacts with and delivers information to others when communicating.

What is a behaviorist?

Those who support a more open organizational structure where roles and responsibilities are loosely defined.

When senior managers of a construction firm gather information to evaluate whether supply trends will have a significant effect on the cost of materials, they are contending with the_________ nature of the business environment.


As CEO, I have to think about the interests of a large number of stakeholders. While a few individuals may be concerned about Facebook's privacy policies, far more people benefit from those same policies because they don't have to see a bunch of ads that aren't relevant to them.


American Apparel owns companies that create fabrics that American Apparel will turn into clothing. This is an example of

Vertical integration

What are artifacts?

Visible organizational structures, processes, and languages.

Realistic job preview (RJP)

When an organization provides information to job candidates that highlights the most important conditions of a job, including its positive and negative aspects.

Businesses should diversify, or acquire other businesses, only under which of the following circumstances?

When the combined business will be more valuable than the two separate businesses alone

A team is most likely to change a company's culture under which of the following conditions?

When the team solves a problem for the organization

Recently, you began work as a business analytics support engineer with a high-tech company in California. Your manager,_____________ , gives you a great deal of freedom to adapt your job as you see fit to meet customer needs and contribute to various parts of the organization.

a behaviorist

When Apple's marketing department developed a billboard that could be used to advertise the iPod throughout the world, it was engaged in_________ strategy.

a global

When Apple Inc. contracts with companies outside the United States to manufacture its products, citing their workers' flexibility and skills, it is adopting________ stance toward the global labor market.

a proactive

As CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, an American multinational conglomerate, Warren Buffett manages the challenges associated with___________ related to synchronizing the operations of multiple different business units.

administrative costs

Ayesha, who manages a coffee shop, faces__________ dilemma when deciding whether to incur additional expense by providing customers with recycling and composting options for their waste.

an environmental

If you decide to reduce your risk from competition from other coffee shops, you will__________of businesses by merging with the gift shop and purchasing the bakery.

build a portfolio

When Bhatavia Jedda made shirts in her native country of Saudi Arabia and sold them in Jordan, she was involved in the process of


Suppose that you are trying to decide whether to produce cheese from Switzerland, where 100 kg of beef are lost for every cow moved to dairy production, or Italy, where 75 kg of beef are lost for each cow moved to dairy. The______________ theory says that you should produce cheese in Italy.

comparative advantage

If you feel committed to the Big Ideas Club because networking with the other members will help you gain clients for your business, then you are in the______ stage of commitment.


The HR manager of SuperGlam, an online discount fashion retailer, wanted to redesign the workflow in customer service, order fulfillment, and website management and identify what skills employees in these areas should have. What HR activity Is this?

conducting job analysis

Mr. Ray, the owner of Ray's Jewelry, used____________ to identify two possible plans of action for his company: If the price of gold stays below $2,000 per ounce, he will continue to make and sell wedding bands and gold jewelry, but if it rises above $2,000 per ounce, he will start crafting his jewelry from silver and carry only a limited number of gold wedding bands.

contingency planning

First described in 1953,_____________assumes that business and society are intimately interwoven: Companies rely on consumers, and consumers rely on companies.

corporate social responsibility

How much will we pay to enter this business versus the value we get from being in the industry?

cost of entry test

A cloud data storage company develops a proprietary system of hardware and software, trains its systems analysts on the technology, and develops redundant backup and monitoring processes to ensure the integrity of customer data.

creating fit

An organization's______ determines "how we do things around here" based on shared values, beliefs, and attitudes.


A firm can achieve__________ by efficiently allocating capital across businesses or by restructuring a business's assets to sell those assets at a higher price.

financial economies

Organizations hope that the end result of the socialization process will be______ on the part of employees.

increased comradery

George is the CEO of a company that is less than a year old. He handles the company's HR issues informally, and his management style is loose and informal. What part of the Organizational stage of growth are they in?


A manager who says, "The most important thing we do is make products!" has a ___________ view of the business environment.


The Bechtel Corporation has a______ structure, with employees reporting to both project managers and functional managers.


Deciding whether the company should offer training in computer skills or customer service skills is part of the_________ process.

needs assessment

Looking at a company's___________ will tell you who makes decisions and how information is meant to flow throughout the company.

organizational design

To maintain its competitive advantage, Google has engaged in_________ , modifying its management structure and the way individual employees' jobs are defined.

organizational design

In an advertisement in the Wall Street Journal, Beth E. Mooney, the chairperson and CEO of KeyCorp, thanks real estate brokers Jones Lang LaSalle for helping her company to "be more efficient and environmentally responsible." Based on her remark, Mooney's perspective is most closely aligned with the___________ view of management.


A company's_________ serves as an organizational game plan, outlining how the company will create a competitive advantage.


Keith Edwards participated in_________ when he informed the U.S. government that JPMorgan Chase & Co. had fraudulently submitted mortgages to government guarantee programs.


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