MGMT 311 Midterm

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organizational behavior

the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations

UnderRewarded Equity is a strong indicator of

counterproductive behaivor

Goal Setting Theory

a theory that says that specific and difficult goals, with feedback, lead to higher performance. goals are the main drivers of intensity and persistence of effort -Stretch goals -learning goals -performance goals

Dominique is at a leadership conference and has just met Brian for the first time. In this new situation, Dominique will most easily be able to judge if Brian has the personality trait of conscientiousness. agreeableness. neuroticism. extraversion. openness


normative commitment

obligation based. desire to remain a member of the org because of a feeling of obligation. Staying because you OUGHT to.

how long you do it? describes...

org commitment

What % of an employees time is spent working?


What is the key to typical performance? What is the key to maximum performance?

Conscientiousness. Ability.

locus of control

a person's tendency to perceive the control of rewards/outcomes as internal to the self or external in the environment


Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results based, Time sensitive

What trends are affecting workplace commitment?

Workforce diversity changing employee-boss relationship

Project GLOBE

a collection of 170 researchers from 62 cultures who examine the impact of culture on the effectiveness of leader attributes, behaviors, and practices


belief that a person has capabilities needed to execute behaviors required for task success

quiet quitting

doing as little as possible for as long as possible to get by

Equity Theory(adams?)

employees create mental ledger of outcomes they get from doing their jobs. Based on a ratio comparing your outcomes and inputs to a comparison others outcomes and inputs

5 types of needs

existence relatedness control esteem meaning

expectancy theory three aspects and questions

expectancy- if I give effort, will I perform? instrumentality- if I perform well, will I receive outcomes? valence- will the outcomes be satisfying?

Which of the following is something a company could do to foster bonding and affective commitment? add dental coverage to its health insurance package offer incentives to the team with the highest sales offer college reimbursement for business classes offer free leadership seminars to all employees hold a weekly "employee appreciation" party

hold a weekly "employee appreciation" party

RIASEC model says that artistic people work with...


ways to judge equity with comparison others...

job equity company equity occupational equity educational equity age equity

social influence model

suggests that employees who have direct linkages with "leavers" will themselves become more likely to leave

erosion model

suggests that employees with fewer bonds will be most likely to quit the organization


summarizes employees links to their organization and community


taking all correlations in related studies and calculating a weighted average (this forms the foundation of evidence-based management)

Why doesn't downsizing usually work?

"Survivor Syndrome" of remaining employees

Suresh and Michelle both volunteered for a company project that involved cleaning and organizing their printing company's warehouse. Fifty people signed up in total, but when Suresh and Michelle arrived, there were few other volunteers in sight, and Gary, the supervisor in charge of directing volunteer assignments, was nowhere to be found. However, they did find two large brooms leaning against the wall. Michelle took a seat to wait for Gary and her assignment. Suresh grabbed one of the brooms and began sweeping. While he was sweeping, it occurred to Suresh that this was a good example of why his desk was so organized while Michelle's always looked like a disaster. Which of the following statements is likely true of this scenario? In this weak situation, Michelle's laziness trait is activated. In this strong situation, Suresh's neurotic trait is activated. In this weak situation, Michelle's introversion trait is activated. In this strong situation, Suresh's conscientiousness trait is activated. In this weak situation, Suresh's extraversion trait is activated.

In this weak situation, Michelle's laziness trait is activated.

what leads people to a high degree of agreeableness?

Obtaining acceptance

If a scatter plot comparing two variables results in a straight line, which of the following best describes the correlation between the two variables? They show a correlation greater than 0.50 but less than 1.00. They show a strong correlation of 0.70 or less. They show a negative correlation of −0.10. They show a perfect correlation of 1.00. They show a partial correlation of 0.50.

They show a perfect correlation of 1.00.

intrinsic motivation

a desire to accomplish something effectively for its own sake

Adam's Equity Theory

a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships

Transactional contracts are based on a narrow set of specific monetary obligations. a history of behavioral patterns within the workplace. connections with other employees within the organization. a broad set of open-ended and subjective obligations. observations of methods used at similar organizations.

a narrow set of specific monetary obligations.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

a personality test that taps four characteristics and classifies people into 1 of 16 personality types Extraversion vs introversion sensing vs intuition thinking vs feeling judging vs perceiving

Which of the following is a "hidden cost" of employee turnover? retraining delays decreased morale reputation damage administrative fees recruitment expenses

decreased morale

Group mechanisms

team characteristics, communication, leader power and negotiation

compensatory forms model

the various withdrawal behaviors negatively correlate with one another—that doing one means you're less likely to do another.

RIASEC model says that investigative people work with...

things and ideas

Org commitment comes down to an individuals....

wants, needs and obligations


Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.

Which of the following is a characteristic trait of a good coworker? Gets the job done, without having to be managed or reminded Avoids criticizing other people's ideas in team meetings Can find the humor in every situation at work Is resistant to change, even when changes are beneficial Is the first to leave and the last to return from lunch

Gets the job done, without having to be managed or reminded

One of the taxonomies used to describe cultural values is the RIASEC Model. Big Five Approach. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Hofstede Dimensions. CANOE Acronym Classification.

Hofstede Dimensions.

Which of the following is an accurate description of organizational behavior? It is a field of study devoted to understanding the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations. It is concerned with the application of the theories and principles established in management studies in organizations. It focuses on the corporate tactics and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability. It examines the relationship between firm diversification and firm profitability. It examines the best ways to structure training programs to promote employee learning.

It is a field of study devoted to understanding the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations.

Which one of the following is an individual outcome of interest to organizational behavior researchers? Diversity Motivation Leader power Decision making Job performance

Job performance

Which of the following statements is an expression of continuance commitment? Some of my best friends work in my office. I'd miss them if I left. I really like the atmosphere at my current job. It is fun and relaxed. My boss has invested so much time mentoring me, training me, showing me the ropes. I owe loyalty in return. My organization gave me my start. They hired me when others thought I was not qualified. My salary and benefits get us a nice house in our town. The cost of living would be higher in a new area.

My salary and benefits get us a nice house in our town. The cost of living would be higher in a new area.

relational contracts

Open-ended and subjective obligations

organizational mechanisms

Organizational Culture Organizational Structure

what 3 things affect individual mechanisms and individual outcomes?

Organizational mechanisms group mechanisms individual characteristics


a set of actions that employees perform to avoid the work situation

The scientific method begins with existing data. expected or required results. a theory. a hypothesis. the verification of facts.

a theory

physiological(physical) withdrawal and what are the 5 kinds, including the most serious form?

actions that provide a physical escape (short or long term) from the work environment (tardiness, long breaks, missing meetings, absenteeism) - most serious form = quitting

When an employee has a desire to remain a member of an organization because they want to, they are exhibiting which type of commitment? focus of commitment normative continuance affective effective


3 types of commitment

affective, continuance, normative

clear purpose tests

asks applicants about attitude towards dishonesty

veiled purpose tests

asks applicants about things associated with dishonesty

external locus of control

bad luck thinking

Integrity tests

clear purpose and veiled purpose tests

Which of the Big Five personality traits has the greatest effect on typical performance? conscientiousness openness extraversion neuroticism agreeableness


Dimensions that summarize personality... CANOE taxonomy? what are the 2 most important?

conscientiousness(1) agreeableness neuroticism(2) openness extraversion

continuance commitment

cost based. desire to stay because of a realization of the costs associated with leaving. Staying because you NEED to.

RIASEC model says that conventional people work with...


RIASEC model says that realistic people work with...

data and things

affective commitment

emotion based. The desire to be a part of the org and be around those people. You stay because you WANT to.

3 things hirers will look for...

energy positive attitude ability to learn(a degree can show this)

Reactions to negative events....

exit, voice, loyalty, neglect

elements and lessons of the equity theory

how fair are rewards and the manner in which they have been given out? distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice employee perceptions is KEY, employee participation helps, appeal process helps, leader behavior is crucial

Expectancy Theory

if I think there is value in doing something then I'll do it. How likely am I to get the desired outcome? Give people something they can accomplish so the outcomes become valuable.

Holland's RIASEC Model purpose and types...

interests are summarized by 6 personality types... realistic investigative artistic social enterprising conventional (octagon model)

motivation types

intrinsic and extrinsic

How hard do you do it? describes...

job performance

Mechanisms that affect OB are...

job satisfaction, stress, motivation, trust, justice, ethics, learning and decision making


list of words

Psychological Withdrawal and what are 4 kinds

mentally escaping the work environment daydreaming, socializing, looking busy, moonlighting

transactional contracts

monetary obligations

Mentally "checking out" and going through the motions at work is a reaction known as absence. attrition. exit. moonlighting. neglect.


Spending money to train and develop employees is a means of fostering social adherence. affective commitment. voluntary commitment. normative commitment. continuance commitment.

normative commitment.

extrinsic motivation

payoff a person receives from other for performing a specific task

RIASEC model says that enterprising people work with...

people and data

RIASEC model says that social people work with...

people and ideas

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

power distance, individualism vs collectivism, masculinity vs feminine, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation vs short term, indulgence vs restraint

3 employee-employer relationship views

psychological contracts transactional contracts relational contracts

What makes resources valuable and capable of creating profit?

rare inimitable history numerous small decisions socially complex resources(culture, teamwork)

Psychological contracts

reflect employees' beliefs about what they owe the organization and what the organization owes them

Zero aquaintance situations

situations in which two people have only just met

________ are defined as a collection of assertions—both verbal and symbolic—that specify how and why variables are related, as well as the conditions in which they should (and should not) be related. Theories Hypotheses Data Verifications Results


Motivation cycle..

unfulfilled need, motivation, behaviors, rewards, feedback

progression model

various withdrawal behaviors are positively correlated and create a chain effect of bad actions

independent forms model

various withdrawal behaviors are uncorrelated with one another, occur for different reasons, and fulfill different needs on the part of employees

internal locus of control

your own actions lead to the outcomes

Which of the following is a "veiled purpose" test item in an integrity test? Have you ever borrowed something from work without telling anyone? If you were sent an extra item with an order, would you send it back? Do you agree with the statement, "I don't feel I've had control over my life"? Do most employees take small items from work? What dollar value would a worker have to steal before you would fire them?

Do you agree with the statement, "I don't feel I've had control over my life"?

Which of the following is true about "agreeableness"? Agreeable employees prioritize status striving. Agreeable employees tend to be high in positive affectivity. It is the second most important trait from a job performance perspective. It is linked to the Type A Behavior Pattern that has been shown to affect employees' health. It reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

It reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

Which of the following is accurate with regard to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) method of personality measurement? Research on this model suggests that managers are more likely than the general population to be "thinking-judging" personality types. The model arranges the personality types in a hexagonal fashion, with types adjacent to one another being more similar. The central premise of this model is that employees in occupations that match their personality type will have more career satisfaction, job knowledge, and longevity. One of the most common applications of this model is interest inventories, which provide people their scores on relevant personality dimensions. People with a realistic personality prefer to work with things and data more than people and ideas.

Research on this model suggests that managers are more likely than the general population to be "thinking-judging" personality types.

Lena took a test and found out she has an investigative personality type. According to the RIASEC model, Lena will probably enjoy ______ and tend to be ______. practical, hands-on, real-world tasks; frank, practical, determined, and rugged abstract, analytical, theory-oriented tasks; analytical, intellectual, reserved, and scholarly persuading, leading, or outperforming others; energetic, sociable, ambitious, and risk-taking entertaining and fascinating others using imagination; original, independent, impulsive, and creative organizing, counting, or regulating people or things; careful, conservative, self-controlled, and structured

abstract, analytical, theory-oriented tasks; analytical, intellectual, reserved, and scholarly

Davit takes a personal location device with him whenever he goes hiking in the woods because the park ranger said it saves lives when a hiker becomes lost. Davit is exhibiting the method of experience. authority. intuition. science. divination.


Methods of knowing...

experience, intuition, authority, science

The personality dimension of neuroticism is associated with the traits of being organized and ambitious. moody and emotional complex and creative. warm and courteous. bold and assertive.

moody and emotional

Rule of 1/8

1/2 of orgs want to buy in to OB/profits connection, 1/2 of those who buy in cant execute effectively, 1/2 of those who succeed wont withstand it long enough for real change

What percent of employees think about looking for a new job?


Which of the following is true of diversity in the workplace? Fewer American employees are working as expatriates in foreign countries. An increasingly diverse workforce decreases the economic output of a country. Remaining a member of the workforce is detrimental to the health of older workers. The average age of the workforce is decreasing as Baby Boomers near retirement. Diversity makes it more challenging to retain valued employees by reducing affective and continuance commitment.

Diversity makes it more challenging to retain valued employees by reducing affective and continuance commitment.

Which of the following statements concerning personality and cultural values is not true? Cultural values capture what cultures are like. Adjectives such as "polite" and "reserved" are examples of traits summarizing a person's personality. Personality traits are a function of both your genes and your environment. Personality captures what people are like, while ability captures what people can do. Employees are the same anywhere in the world—responsible, easygoing employees from the United States act the same as responsible, easygoing employees in China.

Employees are the same anywhere in the world—responsible, easygoing employees from the United States act the same as responsible, easygoing employees in China.

Which of the following qualities of an organization adds to the value of its resources by making it inimitable? Its utilization of diverse materials Its technological superiority Its lean processes Its marketing Its people

Its people

Which of the following is true according to the Rule of One-Eighth? One-eighth of organizations will not believe the connection between how they manage their people and the profits they earn. Twelve percent of organizations that see the connection will do what many organizations have done—try to make a single change to solve their problems. Eight percent of organizations will do what is required to build profits by putting people first. All organizations that see a connection between how they manage their people and the profits they earn make comprehensive changes for effective people management. One-half of the firms that make comprehensive changes will persist with their practices long enough to derive economic

One-half of the firms that make comprehensive changes will persist with their practices long enough to derive economic

situational strength

The degree to which situations have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important. Strong situations make the differences less important.

Salma is a top salesperson who is highly regarded in her department for the ability to give verbal presentations to high-powered clients. This describes Salma's motivation. decision making. ability. personality. ethics.


How many jobs do people have between ages 18-52 and why is it bas...

about 12, lowers commitment levels

psychological empowerment aspects...

meaningfulness self determination competence impact

what is self efficacy dictated by?

past accomplishments vicarious experiences verbal persuasion emotional cues

Which of the following answer options is not one of the four primary responses to negative events at work? exit neglect withdrawal voice loyalty


What is moonlighting? appearing to be working while actually being distracted by random thoughts and concerns verbally chatting about topics unrelated to work while at the workplace the use of work time and resources to complete something other than job duties, such as assignments for another job an intentional desire on the part of employees to appear to be engaged in their jobs even when they are not performing work-related tasks the use of internet, e-mail, messaging, and social media for personal enjoyment rather than work duties

the use of work time and resources to complete something other than job duties, such as assignments for another job

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