MGMT 321 Chapters 13-15 written

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A recommended way of capitalizing on failure in a management experience is to reflect on what you would do differently in the future T/F


An example of a strategic alliance would be a train manufacturer and an airplane manufacturer working jointly to build a train that traveled without touching the rails T/F


A corporate environment characterized by survival of the fittest tends to contribute the best leadership development T/F


The major purpose of cross-cultural training is to help the international worker understand cross-border differences in time zones, best local cars and currency values T/F


a key principle in conducting business with people from another culture is to be firm and unyielding to avoid being taken advantage of T/F


What are the 3 components of knowledge management?

1. Knowledge creation 2. Knowledge dissemination 3. Knowledge application

A persons mentor can sometimes be a staff professional or coworker T/F


An example of the cross-cultural challenges faced by international workers is to know when and with whom facial cheek kissing as a greeting is appropriate T/F


Despite many cultural differences, certain universal needs have been identified that are important in all cultures T/F


One approach to self-awareness in leadership is to find the right balance between being forceful versus enabling T/F


the stereotype of the leadership style of the manager in the southern U.S. is that he or she is laid back and interested in relationship building T/F


Multiple online role playing fantasy games are now in use in leadership development as a type of a. simulation b. socializing program c. feedback intensive program d. conceptual knowledge program


A distinguishing characteristic of a mentoring relationship is that a. the mentor recommends the protege for promotion b. an emotional relationship exists between the mentor and the protege c. a constant battling for information sharing d. the protege is being groomed for the mentor's job


A study found that when executives on assignment overseas had low emotional intelligence, they often a. were highly successful b. failed in their assignments c. demanded a permanent assignment d. demanded to return to a home-based assignment quickly


In contrast to his or her souther counterpart, the stereotypical U.S. northern manager is likely to be a. laid back and interested in relationship building b. brusque and impatient for results c. concerned about gender differences d. concerned about conducting business ethically


The first-mover strategy deals with a. relocating a company to a more profitable market b. getting to market first with your new product c. being the first to imitate a product before other competitors d. being the first company to acquire a competitor


Which one of the following is not one of the three components of knowledge management a. Knowledge creation b. Knowledge hoarding c. knowledge dissemination d. Knowledge application


An important approach to succession planning is to a. recruit most key jobs from the outside b. conduct performance evaluations only at two-year intervals c. give all managers a 10 percent annual salary increase d. develop enough strong leaders throughout the company


Strategic leaders focus most of their attention on day-by-day problems that have an impact on the efficiency of the business T/F


A carefully considered vision statement a. helps us know who we are and who we are not b. specifies which short-range goals are achievable c. deals with the past, present, and future d. defines reporting relationships throughout the organization


A key characteristic of an organization with leadership diversity is that a. there is a heterogeneous group of leaders b. leader throughout the company have attended diversity training c. considerable job rotation takes place among company leaders d. considerable mentoring take place with the organization


A major aspect of direction setting by the leader is to a. anticipate and create a future for the firm b. implement a goal-setting strategy c. practice transactional leadership d. carefully review past financial results


A major responsibility of a chief knowledge officer is to a. systematically collect information b. encourage workers to track down coworkers who have the information they need c. develop ans deliver classroom-based training on knowledge d. develop and deliver online-based training only for employees


A marketing advantage of having a multicultural work force is that a. a marketing campaign can be more readily developed to read a targeted ethnic or racial group b. company employees are more likely to buy your products c. the company will receive a seal of approval from the United Nations d. the price of the company stock is likely to rise


After receiving negative feedback about her company, the CEO showed double-loop learning by saying a. "maybe we are not in the right business" b. "you cannot please everybody" c. "thanks" d. "this feedback is important"


The purpose of a SWOT analysis is to assess a. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats b. strategy, weaknesses, options, and time c. satisfaction, worst options, and trade-offs d. success, winners, and ominous threats


The typical behavior of French managers in major French corporations illustrates how a. cultural values influence leadership style b. control systems vary across cultures c. leadership styles have become quite similar across cultural d. the consensus style of management is popular in Europe


To achieve a high level of cultural intelligence, your ______, ______ and ______ would have to work together smoothly a. head, body, and heart b. hands, arms, feet c. eyes, eyebrows, smile d. ears, eyes, hands


To implement the strategy of competitive advantage through hiring talented people, the company's leadership should a. hire talented, well-motivated people throughout the firm b. develop the talents among the least talented employees c. hire the occasional candidate with a poor employment history to be socially responsible d. promote on the basis of seniority to encourage company loyalty


To motivate foreign workers to actually but, the sales representative should be a. multicultural b. multilingual c. aggressive d. ethnocentric


To use the shadowing form of mentoring, the protege a. follows the mentor around for a stated period of time b. stays out of the spotlight so he or she can learn c. keeps others in the dark about his or her development opportunities d. alternates between mentors for a defined period of time


A term developed to replace diversity (with respect to organizations) is a. exclusion b. inclusion c. affirmative action d. workforce blending


An organization's strategy is its a. method for achiveing more staff b. overall concept of how it will achieve its objectives c. master plan for firing your staff d. analysis of the physical environment


It has been observed that when a founder leaves a business a. a well planned retirement party usually takes care of any potential emotional problems b. the business often experiences considerable trauma. c. a spirit of joyfulness spreads throughout the firm d. he or she should cut off all future contact with the new leader


The recommended approach for strategy formulation by the leader is for him or her to a. involve as few people as possible b. involve large numbers of people c. rely heavily on mathematical forecasts of the future d. delegate the task to the company planning department


A retailer targeting poor or wealthy people is an example of the strategy called a. imitations b. cost-leadership c. focus d. first-mover


According to Richard Branson, the top executive of Virgin Atlantic, the best developer of a leader is a. working for his company b. accumulating a bunch of easy victories c. failure d. taking small risks


Brenda has just assumed her first leadership position at her company. She is likely to face all but which of the following challenges a. Uncertainty over how much time to spen leading versus doing individual tasks b. Overcoming the resenment of people who wanted her position c. Having realistic expectations about how much she can accomplish right away d. Building relationships and fostering teamwork quickly enough


Cindy is hired to replace a well-liked leader. As a result Cindy is likely to a. be well accepted immediately b. experience a surge in productivity within the group c. have some difficulty exerting her authority d. experience low turnover within the group


The Major purpose of diversity training is to a. conform with affirmative action legislation b. get people to express their hidden prejudices c. bring about workplace harmony d. breakdown status barriers between managers and employees


A key initiative for retaining minority group members and assisting in their advancement is a. employee network groups b. diversity training c. outdoor training d. mentoring


A major leadership initiative for enhancing a learning organization is to a. establish supervisory training programs b. get workers to focus almost entirely on their own work c. create a vision to be shared mostly by the top-management team d. create a strategic intent to learn


A major purpose of assigning managers to cross-functional teams to work on an important problem is to a. give them a promotion b. keep them thinking in terms of functional silos c. make them a little more humble d. give them experience in working with other disciplines


Executive coaching can be part of leadership development because a. management is really a team sport b. most managers have severe emotional problems c. most coaches are former front line staff d. managers receive advice and encouragement about leadership skills.


Major account executive Katrina is visiting another country, and soon discovers that her customers will not talk about business until the group has dined together for several hours. Katrina would show cultural sensitivity by a.attempting to conduct business as soon as the main meal is completed b. explain that her company discourages wasting time c. explaining with tact that the group is wasting time ans money d. trying to understand the dining tradition


When a company is founded, a major strategic tasks of the founder is to a begin hiring the necessary workers b. get the legal work done c. obtain funding for the organization d. define the purpose of the organization


Which one of the following is the LEAST characteristic of strategic leadership? A. High-level cognitive ability on the part of the leader B. Anticipating and creating a future C. Revolutionary thinking D. The leader is the only and primary source of input for strategy formulation


asking what-if questions is part of formulating strategy T/F


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