MGMT 340-Final

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Within _______________ advertising platform, you can focus on getting more followers, driving people to your website or squeeze page or engaging them with other actions.


_______________ is the process of demonstrating empirically that a team has discovered valuable truths about a startup's present and future business prospects.

Validated learning

The Tanning Parlor is in the middle of the busy season. Owner Sunny Bright has hired extra help and encountered some unexpected repairs that have left her short of operating capital. What type of financing would Sunny most likely use in this situation?

a line of credit

An embargo is ________.

a prohibition or suspension of foreign trade of specific imports or exports

One of the biggest barriers to small business exports is lack of ________.

access to adequate financing

the only real challenge is to __________ to the new landscape of mobile interaction so you can truly harness the potential of mobile marketing.

adapt your strategy and metrics

In asset-based borrowing, the ________ rate is the percentage of an asset's value that a lender will lend.


Before going global, entrepreneurs should ask themselves questions regarding ________.

all of these

Before making a loan to a business startup, banks prefer to see ________.

all of these

In a Regulation D stock offering, the company ________.

all of these

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding export management companies?

all of these

Which of the following trade intermediaries lowers the risk of exporting for a small business?

all of these

All of the following EXCEPT _______ helps you set goals for your website.

all of these are correct

Several common reasons people use for NOT starting a new business are all the following EXCEPT?

all of these are correct

There are several rules for you to remember when tailoring content for your Audience, taken right from the best social media marketing guides. They include all the following EXCEPT

all of these are correct

When you are trying to identify your buyer personas or ideal customers, you should look at all the following EXCEPT

all of these are correct

typical outbound marketing strategies include all of the following EXCEPT

all of these are correct

rather than looking only at sales and revenue, web-and-app brands have to look at ______

all the avenues through which consumers engage with them

According to the Small Business Administration more than ___________ such business close every year?


Although there is no limit on the amount of stock it can buy, a typical venture capital firm will purchase less than ________ percent of the ownership in a small firm.


Rule ________ of the Regulation D exemptions is the most popular.


According to the Small Business Administration more than ___________ such business close every year?


Currently, the World Trade Organization (WTO) had 155 member countries that represent over ________ percent of all world trade.


What did the Boss offer the manager when he first started working for the hotel? This gesture was very surprising to the manager.

A cup of coffee

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor reports that the average amount of capital that entrepreneurs use to start small businesses is about ________.


Investment bankers who underwrite public stock offerings typically look for all but which of the following characteristics in a small company?

A solid position in a stable market.

___________ begins at the point in the life of your business when you decide to get some help?


The true product of the business is the ________ itself?


__________ or fictional representations of your ideal customers, are notoriously difficult to build and thus are underutilized.

Buyer personas

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created a free trade area among ________.

Canada, Mexico, and the United States

What is the "It" of Sarah's business?


The technician has just reached the limits of his ___________ zone?


Once you have found your Niche market keywords you want to work with, including the one you will work on, you should immediately check on how __________ it is.


You have chosen your Niche and your keywords, based on the _________________ you'll be able to figure out if you are going to move forward with your niche idea.

Competitive test

Which of the following is not an example of a rule for your game from chapter 16?

Defense wins Championships.

___________ is all about knowing your audience and finding the best online strategies for reaching them.

Digital marketing

A ________________ model is one that fulfills the perceived needs of a specific segment of customers in an innovative way?


Once you were stricken with an ___________ Seizure there was no relief?


Which personality did Sarah say that she did not have?


The _________ is the dreamer in us?

Entrepreneurial personality

The ________ Assumption states "if you understand the technical work of a business, you understand a business that does that technical work?


What is the root cause of most small business failure?

Fatal Assumption

30 to 60 year-olds are spending the most money in our economy today and are best reached via all the following EXCEPT

Influencer marketing

"__________ is the signature of a bold, imaginative hand"?


________ content writing involves a careful balance of promotional and non-promotional content.


All innovations need to be ____________?


Who was the author of the book "Man's Search for Himself" that Michael Gerber read three times?

Rollo May

Every game has to have _________ for people to be good at it?


Why did Elizabeth quit working for Sarah?

She got a new job

He felt individuals, as they make important decisions went through a comparison process that pitted Anticipated Pain against Anticipated Pleasure. Who was this person?

Sigmund Freud

__________ statements often work best.


What does MacDonald call its self "The most successful _____________ in the world"?

Small Business

Which of the following is not one of the three types of systems?

Starter System

Before you can seek out your audience, you must ____________.

identify them

The general trend of angel financing is that it has ________ as a source of capital for entrepreneurs over the past few years.


Your website visitors behave like wild animals. They're hunting for _____________.

information or a product to buy

If you're targeting middle aged suburban men, don't invest all your efforts on _________.


Foreign licensing has its greatest potential in the licensing of ________.

intangibles (e.g., technology, copyrights, and trademarks).

Try to be more more personal. Show them your ________________.

office or the place where you work

If you offer many different types of services, having a page for each of those services provides __________ your website.

multiple entry points into

To accelerate, Lean Startups need a process that provides a __________ feedback loop.


When looking for an angel, the key is ________.


Earning______ is an essential goal for any blogger.

new subscribers

One of the most common ways is to create content that is centered around _____________.

news in your industry

According to these articles, one of the keys to being a successful Entrepreneur is choosing a ___________________.

niche market

The biggest barrier facing companies that have never exported is ________.

not knowing where or how to start

Promotional posts are ___________. This is type of content that represents your brand.

not necessarily discounts or special offers

Staying in your current job will not only continue to make you unhappy, but you are _______________.

not realizing your full potential in life

The biggest advantage of working in small batches is that ___________________.

quality problems can be identified much sooner

The Cheek Model says the answer to most things begin with ___________.


What do entrepreneurs and employees most often mistake as the obvious thing for Passions?

rapid growth

You can invest in trying the newest trends in marketing, but your money will be wasted if you aren't ___________ on the right platforms.

reaching your audience

The author in 10 ways to find your Audience suggests you can also narrow your audience by looking at _______________.

similar, competitor pages

The one envelop at a time approach is called "single-piece flow" in lean manufacturing. It works because of the surprising power of _______________.

small batches

You have to take a look at the different ____________ and find out where your target audience is spending the most amount of time.

social media channels

With a solid strategy, the goal is have a specific purpose and audience for each piece of content.

solid strategy

The Cheek Model suggests that you should approach challenges __________________.

the same way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time

Under pressure, teams may feel that they don't have _______ to waste on analyzing root causes even though it would give them more time in the long term.


The Pew Research Center has an excellent breakdown of where your audience spends their_____________.

time online

The Cheek Model is not just for those people who hate their jobs, but also for those of us who want ______________________.

to bring their careers and lives to levels beyond ever their wildest expectations

The goal of a minimum viable product is to begin the process of learning, not end it.


The goal of a startup is to figure out the right thing to build - the thing customers want and will pay for - as quickly as possible.


The importance of small-batch approach produces a finished product every few seconds, whereas the large-batch approach must deliver all the products at once, at the end.


The innovation accounting framework makes it clear when the company is stuck and needs to change direction.


The prevailing management paradigm is inadequate to handle the problems of continuous innovation in the modern economy.


The theory of the Lean Startup is an organization designed to create new products and services under conditions of extreme uncertainty.


for most businesses, especially the larger ones, marketing is a fluid and constantly changing process that never stops


how often have you browsed or Ebay without buying anything? you probably more often visit an e-commerce website without buying anything than actually making a purchase on the spot. This phenomenon is called "multi-channel conversion" and it is important when you want to decide which marketing efforts are useful and which ones are useless


to be clear, there's nothing wrong with keeping an eye on data points that are not directly related to your main objectives


while many companies set goals like "increase brand awareness," this kind of objective leaves a lot up to interpretation.


______ is what creates persuasive power


Once you have established the __________ you need, it's important to organize it and develop a strategic schedule to make sure it all gets accomplished.

type of content

The __________ hypothesis tests whether a product or service really delivers value to customers once they are using it.


Information that's most important to your web visitors is often a simple statement of _______.

what you do

once a marketing campaign is planned, then next you must decide_____ you want to use to track its effectiveness.

which methods

To optimize your social media marketing efforts, it's important to know who your customers are and _________ they spend their time on.

which social networks

Your web visitors are hunting for information or products. They make quick decisions ____________.

without thinking.

When you are identifying your target audience, it is important also to determine the features of __________.

your product or service

Engaging in conversations through social media interactions, calls to action through your email campaigns, or simple in-person conversations with __________, are all fantastic methods.

your target audience

Whether your business is brand new, or well established, it's imperative that you know _________ to be successful.

your target audience

It is often easier to raise money or acquire other resources when you have ____ revenue.


In the past when someone has clearly identified an opportunity, they often leave a secure job, use their life savings, seek funding from friends and family, and then launch their new companies. This approach is defined by Dr. Cheek as the ___________________.

zero sum approach

People don't read text on its own. They see a picture and decide within ________ to read or not to read the text associated with it.

⅕ of a second

In the development of your Website the first place you start is ______________.


A __________ will guide your plans for the what, where and when of content creation.

content strategy

___________by traffic source is calculated using the same four traffic source categories: organic search, referral, direct, and social.

conversion rate

Suppose and advertisement costs $100 and causes fifty new customers to sign up for the service. This ad has a ____________ of $2.00.

cost per acquisition (CPA)

The following are all examples of ______________: Vanity metrics Unclear hypothesis Fear

delaying the decision to pivot

In the Five Steps to Finding Your Passion the author Susan Biali discusses Inventory Your Talents. She thinks you should find the things you have a knack for that _____________.

delight or happily occupy you

Like it or not, social media is here to stay, and, as we speak, it is shaping the way local businesses ____________.

develop and interact with their customers

The Cheek Model allows you to ________ into the water of your true Passion.

dip your toe

The Cheek Model allows the first time Entrepreneur to __________________.

dip your toe into the water of your true Passion

Dr. Susan Biali believes its critically important to ___________ in things that light you up.

discover and engage

If you feel like you're still not quite sure how to write website content or find yourself running out of inspiration,___________!

do some googling

As much as your product or service may appeal to a large group of people, it _____ make sense to market to everyone.

does not

________ is the practice of selling substantial quantities of a product in a foreign market at prices that are below either the home-market price or below the full cost of producing it.


Once you've chosen an audience to analyze, ________ will tell you everything about them.


__________ groups are a great place to build — and engage with — a community around your topics of interest.


_____________ continues to be the most widely used social media platform


One of the most important lessons of the scientific method: if you cannot ____, you cannot learn.


A delay in the launch day assists many startups in getting the feedback they need.


For the online Entrepreneur, once you find your "perfect" Niche, you are set for life and can't just expanding on it.


If you are building the wrong thing, optimizing the product or its marketing will yield significant results.


Most of the time customers know what they want in advance.


Most tools from general management are designed to flourish in the harsh soil of extreme uncertainty in which startups thrive.


Planning and forecasting are only accurate when based on a long, stable operating history and a relatively static environment. This is why they work so well for start-up companies.


generally speaking, your website advertising figures are a good indication if your website is growing, stagnating, or declining.


When an organization starts making cuts that result in a slowdown of the ___________, all they have accomplished is to help the startup go out of business more slowly.

feedback loop

The entire of the Identifying Your Passion by Dr. Cheek is to _____________.

find the Right Business for you

Before understanding your customers, you have to __________.

find them first

In a(n) ________, a domestic small business forms an alliance with a company in the target nation for the purpose of exporting to that market.

foreign joint venture

The most frequently encountered impediment to international trade for small and medium-sized service firms is ________.

foreign sales are not sufficiently profitable

the starting point to measure your website's success- what are your ______ ?


Most digital marketers recognize the benefits of blogging for SEO and social media. However, you can also find more of your ideal customers through ______________.

guest blogging

For the purposes of optimizing your social media campaigns, wisely spending your ad dollars and targeting guest blogging opportunities, you need to know where your audience _________.

hangs out online

An abundance of __________ can lead tp annoying and distracting visitors

moving objects

At MacDonald's the hamburgers were removed from the hot trays in no more than_______ minutes?


Typically, the entire process of going public takes ________, but it can take much longer if the issuing company is not properly prepared for the process.

120 to 180 days

Approximately ________ percent of all venture capital invested comes from corporations.


Many joint ventures fail because the parties involved neglected to ________.

All of these

Which of the following is a domestic barrier to small business exporting?

All of these

The Funnel Approach includes all the following the means to EXCEPT

All of these are correct

The successful Entrepreneur should do all the following EXCEPT

All of these are correct

The youngest consumers are also the most active online should be reached by all the following EXCEPT

All of these are correct

To help to identify and understand the broader market you are after, the process includes all the following EXCEPT

All of these are correct

there are several different ways you can generate data with which to form a specific metric. they include all of the following EXCEPT:

All of these are correct

The Lean Startup model offers a way to test an organization's hypotheses __________.

All of these are correct.

The Cheek Model uses the three distinct phases of your life to identify your Passion. They are all the following EXCEPT.

All of these are distinct phases of your life

When choosing a Niche market you should choose a type of market. Which of these are NOT a market for online companies?

All of these are markets available for your Niche

________________ will play a defining role in your success or failure.

All of these are required for success

Your niche market you are aiming for must have some kind of bound with your own __________________.

All of these are required.

All of the following are primary ways past customers drive sustainable growth EXCEPT

All of these are ways past customers drive sustainable growth.

As part of your survey, ask your current customers the following questions EXCEPT

All of these questions should be in your survey

What is the second standard of a Strategic Objective?

An Opportunity Worth Pursuing

The more _________ a system is, the more effective your Franchise Prototype will be?


____________ the magnet of your website and a key tool in helping to reach your company's marketing objectives

Content is

Building the Prototype of your business is what kind of process?


Think of your company as a _________ instead of a partnership?


Which of the following is not an activity in foundation of the Business Development Process?

Cost Cutting

________ is a transaction in which a company selling goods and services in a foreign market agrees to help promote investment and trade in that country.


___________________ is good if it brings value to your brand and your followers.

Curated content

When developing a Market Strategy it is important to forget about what you want and consider what the _______ wants?


Malcolm won a contract to provide nuts, bolts, and washers to a small African country's military. Unfortunately, neither his bankers nor venture capitalists would provide the loans needed to buy the material to produce the order. The bank did not do international loans. Which barrier to international trade is Malcolm experiencing?


Which of the following is not one of the Business Development Steps?

Fire everyone

________ is/are a method of financing frequently used by retailers of "big ticket items" such as autos.

Floor planning

What is the secret behind the success of the Business Format Franchise?

Franchise Prototype

Where are all assumptions put to the test?

Franchise Prototype

Most companies organize around personalities rather than around ________?


In 3 Simple Ways to Discover Your Passion the recommended way to find your Passion is to

Get curious and explore and then notice your reaction

______________ is a free tool that allows you to find out both local and global search volumes for certain keywords, related keywords, as well as the competitiveness of those keywords.

Google's External Keyword Tool

What are the natural dispositions of every business?

Grow or Contract

Why did Sarah start selling pies?

Her best friend said she should because she was so good at making pies

What question do you ask to discover Your Primary Aim?

How would you like your story to go?

When selecting your domain name it should fit your ________________ perfectly if possible.

Keyword (s)

____________, where they are, what they are doing and how they are implementing strategies can benefit you.

Knowing your competitors

_________ is the oldest excuse in the book for a failure of execution.


"Your business and your ______ are two totally separate things"?


Your ________ Plan shapes your life, and the business that is to serve it?


_________________ are similar to your most valuable audiences. That means Facebook can put you in front of more people who are like your current audience.

Lookalike audiences

The Franchise model uses workers with the ________ level of skill?


Turn-Key Revolution started in what fast food restaurant?


What do you need instead of highly sophisticated workers?

Management System

The _________ is defined by how man technicians he can supervise effectively or how many subordinate managers he can organize into a productive effort?


________ act as international sales representatives in a limited number of markets for various noncompeting domestic companies, typically operating on a commission basis.

Manufacturers' export agents

A __________ business knows how it got to be where it is, and what it must do to get where it wants to go?


What is the first standard of a Strategic Objective?


Which of the following is not one of the three major advantages to establishing an international location?

Need for smaller staff

__________ to share customer testimonials, stories, lifestyle tips and business advice.

Produce short videos

In the 5 Ways to Break Through the Clutter their mythological man and woman have three main avenues of exploration to satisfy their curiosity. These include all the follow EXCEPT


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a typical angel investor?

Purchasing majority ownership in the company.

__________ are good for polls and communications with your Audience.

Q&A posts

A ___________ is a set of things, actions, ideas, and information that interact with each other, and in so doing, alter other systems?


In chapter 10 they mention you should do what to each customer to increase sales?

Touch them

Two valuable resources for entrepreneurs to investigate for going global should include ________.

U.S. Department of Commerce and International Trade Administration

Regardless of marketing, you must know your _________ well to make an impact in your current market.


What does the author say to the question "How do I get my people to do what I want"?

You can't

"It's not your business you have to fear losing. It's something much bigger than that. It's _______?

Your Self

The second step to creating a sound export strategy involves ________.

analyzing the product or service

The first key to finding your Passion is ____________________.

asking the right questions

The most common method used by commercial finance companies to provide credit to small businesses is ________.

asset based

A company pledging its inventory, accounts receivables, or fixtures as collateral for a loan is using ________.

asset-based financing

As you begin to write content, it's important to speak the same language as your ________.


______ is actually defined as the number of visitors that only visit one page of your website and then leave it


_______________ are inventing the future.

college students

A ________ is a document an exporter draws on a foreign buyer, requiring the buyer to pay the face amount, either on sight or on a specified date, once the goods are shipped.

bank draft

________, the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services, is one way of trading with countries that lack convertible currency.


In today's information-saturated world, visitors to your website are likely to _________.

be impatient

Listing all of your services on one page, instead of individual landing pages, is a ________.

beginner's mistake

Generalizing your campaign or trying to appeal to a much larger group — also defined as the mainstream masses —will likely turn out to be a _________ when it comes to marketing.

big mistake

Once you understand the importance of ___________, you see its value even on a personal level.


John Lee Dumas has famously talked about identifying your ________. This means you'll want to create a fictional persona of your ideal customer, to the point of naming it, knowing how many kids it has or what it does on the weekends.

business avatar

Identifying the target market is the first step in making a ___________.

business plan

Most social media marketers will tell you that the organic reach of businesses on _______ has tanked.


For small businesses, ________ are the very heart of the financial market, providing the greatest number and variety of loans to small companies.

commercial banks

The single most important ingredient in making a successful public offering is ________.

choosing a capable underwriter

The most important ingredient for a successful joint venture is ________.

choosing the right partner

The __________________ is defined as the fraction of customers in any period who fail to remain engaged with the company's product.

churn rate

Getting started in the development of your website includes all the following EXCEPT

closely follow what your competitors are doing.

cutting out the _____ on a website will make the primary message more easily understood by visitors


One of the challenges you have as a content marketer is continually _________________.

creating new content

An American executive went to a Middle Eastern country to sign an oil contract. Before the contract was signed, the American and the Arab official met for tea. Relaxing, the American put her/his feet up on a table. The official became angry and left the room. Later it was found that showing the soles of shoes was a serious insult. This represents which barrier to international trade?


The ________ of a nation includes the belief, values, views, and mores that its inhabitants share.


If visitors notice that your content isn't ______, then your site ____________.

current, loses all credibility

A dedicated business owner is always ___________ because the success of their business starts with knowing its customer base.


The best websites are _____________.


Skipping a stage of_______ and moving directly to the design stage is a pretty common mistake among many product teams

defining global goals

Which of the following is not a phase of business growth?


The point is not to find the average customer but to find ___________: the customers who feel the need for the product most acutely.

early adopters

Because the Japanese car market after the war was so small and capital was not available, they were unable to do mass production and take advantage of ______________.

economies of scale

Leadership requires creating conditions that ________ employees to do the kinds of experimentation that entrepeneurship requires.


In the article 10 Ways to Find Your Audience on Social Media, author Alla Bogdan recommends you to narrow your audience and search for ________, which your potential buyers are interested in.

exact niches

Your main menu should tell your visitors ________ what they are going to get at a glance.


The goal of the 48 Hour Startup is to make your journey ___________________.

exciting, rewarding, and life changing

Because _________ has more than a billion users logging in every day they have tons of information about what people buy, what they like, their demographics, and so much more.


Money is not an issue in the Cheek Model because _______________.

it costs very little to start the business

Your web visitor is hunting for information or products. Ensure he can understand your most important information by _______________.

just glancing at your web page

In the article 21 Tips for Writing Web Content, the author says you should always start with __________ for SEO

keyword research

The _______________ about how to build a sustainable business is the outcome of experiments.


The first obstacle an entrepreneur must overcome on the way to creating a truly global business is ________.

learning to think globally

A ________ is an agreement between an exporter's bank and the foreign buyer's bank that guarantees payment to the exporter for a specific shipment of goods.

letter of credit

A ________ is an agreement with a bank that allows a small business to borrow up to a predetermined specified amount during the year without making an application each time.

line of credit

While there is an advertising platform on _______, the real power is in the prospecting tools and making one-on-one connections with your audience.


_______________ is a key component of research when choosing a Niche.


Organize your website content into ________________.

logical categories

Entrepreneurs who are considering importing goods and services or outsourcing their manufacturing to foreign countries should begin by ________.

making sure that importing or outsourcing is right for their business

Marketing doesn't work like a magic wand. Its main purpose is to ____________ with the right customers.

match the value your business is creating

The Cheek Model says you can't _____________________ about our Passion and figure it out.

merely think

A ______________ is the fastest way for entrepreneurs to learn.

minimum viable product

A ________________ helps entrepreneurs start the process of learning as quickly as possible.

minimum viable product

The __________ is that version of the product that enables a full turn of the Build-Measure-Learn loop with a minimum amount of effort and the least amount of development time.

minimum viable product (MVP)

over the past couple of years, however, _____ have become the primary driver of search traffic

mobile devices

by design, a truly _____ relies almost solely on mobile apps and marketing campaigns.

mobile-first brand

It is essential that you _________ the campaign performance to keep it competitive.


The best way to understand the value of your target audiences is to compare them ____________.

on an even playing field

The formal underwriting agreement between the company and the underwriter is signed ________.

on the last day before the registration statement becomes effective

Successful startups usually focus on ______ engine(s) of growth, specializing in everything that is required to make it work.


knowing what____receive the most traffic is hugely important because it gives you real-world data showing what your audience responds to


______________ is the best tool to "Kill" competition!


Tell your Audience ___________________ about you

personal story

You may have a great product and provide perfect service, but your online content won't have impact unless it is _________________.

pitched to an appropriate audience

The more money, time, and creative energy that has been sunk into an idea, the harder it is to _________.


After the startup has made all the micro changes and product optimizations it can to move its baseline toward the ideal, the company reaches a decision point. At this point they _________________.

pivot or persevere

When you have only one test, you don't have entrepreneurs, you have _____________.


You must choose who the _____________ is for your product — otherwise, you won't be able to measure success, let alone obtain it.

primary consumer or customer

Because of the risk/return tradeoff, small businesses that borrow money repay it with interest at the ________.

prime interest rate plus a few percentage points

The ___________ a startup builds are really experiments.


The first step to create a sound export strategy is to ________.

recognize that even the smallest companies and least experienced entrepreneurs have the potential to export

_____ shows how many visitors come from other websites--either because you wrote a guest post, or because another website linked to your content

referral traffic

Through the use of _______________ as our yardstick, we can discover and eliminate the sources of waste that are plaguing entrepreneurship.

scientific learning

It's also important to clarify that it's okay to come up with ________ marketing campaigns for each segment or target audience.


one of the very first steps that you should take is to _____ regarding your website.

set different goals

Pick some of your most popular older posts and _________________.

share them with new readers

A ________ experiment is one in which different versions of a product are offered to customers at the same time. By observing the changes in behavior between the two groups, one can make inferences about the impact of the different variations.


to measure the success of your ad campaign, it's easiest to do this when you divide your marketing derived traffic into _________


Start by identifying your ideal customer through ___________.

surveys and research

Author Larry Kim says it blows my mind how many companies fail to understand their ______ market.


Establishing a ________ is a critical step in making sure the correct tone and messaging techniques are being used during your campaigns.

target audience

Having a solid understanding of your _______ and what their needs are, can help you decide what type of content to include on your website.

target audience

Lotame's Audience Profile Report can give additional insights into your _________ behaviors, interests, actions, and demographics across screens.

target audience's

An organization or company will never be successful without knowing their _________ and who purchases their products or services.

target market

_________ is a massively important tool for growing your company


________ loans are typically unsecured.


A bank loan that imposes restrictions or covenants on the business decisions an entrepreneur makes concerning the company's operations is called a ________.

term loan

Which of the following is not an asset-based financing technique?

term loan

The "growth hypothesis" _______ how new customers will discover a product or service.


The primary advantage of equity capital is ________.

that it does not have to be repaid like a loan does

The biggest benefit of a public stock offering is ________.

the capital infusion the company receives

The Lean Startup works only if we are able to build an organization as adaptable and fast as ____________.

the challenges it faces

The "wait to go effective" is the time period when ________.

the company is waiting for SEC approval after filing the registration statement

The document outlining the details of the agreement between the entrepreneur and the stock underwriter is called ________.

the letter of intent

Asset-based borrowing permits small businesses ________.

to use normally unproductive assets such as accounts receivable and inventory

Think of _____ that your audience might be interested in. You can ask them before with the help of visual Q&A post, remember?


We need to focus our energies on minimizing the ___________ through the feedback loop.

total time

The top level metric most webmasters obsess over is_____


The most frequently encountered impediment to international trade for small and medium-sized manufacturers is ________.

transportation and shipping costs

A pivot requires that we keep one foot rooted in what we've learned so far, while making a fundamental change in strategy in order to seek even greater validated learning.


A solid process lays the foundation for a healthy culture, one where ideas are evaluated by merit and not by job title.


After you are aware of the opportunity which your niche is able to give to your startup it is the time to think about the uniqueness of your niche.


As you consider building your own minimum viable product, let this simple rule suffice: remove any feature, process, or effort that does not contribute directly to the learning you seek.


Companies are able to design, develop, and ship out new features one at a time, taking advantage of the power of small batches.


Entrepreneurs should humbly test their theories and approach to see what the market thinks. Listen to the feedback honestly. And continue to innovate in the directions they think will create meaning in the world.


Eric Rees says their organization IMVU does everything wrong: instead of spending years perfecting their technology, they build a minimum viable product (MVP), an early product that is terrible, full of bugs with stability problems. Then they ship it to their customers way before it's ready and expect the customers to pay for it.


Even tracking the most basic of numbers relating to your website will give you an advantage over someone who doesn't bother at all.


Everything a startup does is understood to be an experiment designed to achieve validated learning.


If we do not know who the customer is, we do not know what quality is.


In the Lean Startup model, an experiment is more than just a theoretical inquiry; it is also a first product.


Learning milestones are useful for entrepreneurs as a way of assessing their progress accurately and objectively; they are also invaluable to managers and investors who must hold entrepreneurs accountable.


One of the first steps for any website is getting views so a very important metric to keep your eye on is the number of visitors your website is getting every month


Ries believes that entrepreneurship requires a managerial discipline to harness the entrepreneurial opportunity we have been given.


Startup organizations must attempt to tune the engine from the baseline toward the ideal.


The amount of time a company can count on holding on to market leadership to exploit its earlier innovations is shrinking, and this creates an imperative for even the most entrenched companies to invest in innovation.


The decision to pivot requires a clear-eyed and objective mind-st.


The first step in understanding a new product or service is to figure out if it is fundamentally value-creating or value-destroying.


A/An ________ is a private, for-profit organization that purchases equity positions in young businesses that will potentially produce returns of 300 to 500 percent over five to seven years.

venture capital company

Though 60+ are the least active consumers online, seniors are using the internet more frequently every day. They also have the most disposable income of anyone in the United States. Placement is the key to reaching this audience group. They can be reached by all the following EXCEPT


If you don't put your _______ first, your website won't be effective.


because ______ ultimately determine the success of a website, they should be in the spotlight during site's development


The ________ of your website impacts the readability of your text; and influences whether web visitors can quickly get what you're about.

visual appeal

Web visitors quickly glance at your web page before guessing whether they're in the right place or not. They don't need to know for sure. They just ________________.

want to make a quick decision

The lesson of the minimum viable product is that any additional work beyond what was required to start learning is ___________, no matter how important it might have seemed at the time.


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