MGMT 360

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Which of the following statements is not illustrative of actions of an individual from a collectivist culture?

"I must decide which of the two jobs I am going to accept."

All of the following approaches are positive towards working with cultural differences EXCEPT:

Being ethnocentric

The theorist who used time studies to search for new ways to improve performance through a scientific, quantitative approach was:

Frederick W Taylor

Who is credited with first developing the theory of Scientific Management?

Frederick W. Taylor

A culture categorized by high uncertainty avoidance is


Who is credited with developing the assembly line?

Henry Ford

Which of the following researchers developed the Two-Factor Theory in the 1950s?


The concept behind this theory is that motiv ation is driv en by two types of factors: hy giene and motivation factors:

Herzberg's Two Factor Theory

Which of the following was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943?

Hierarchy of Needs

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

In aggressive cultures, supportive, cooperative behaviors are rewarded.

Marc has been told to create a way for his company to achieve maximum exposure to its customers at the lowest possible cost. Marc worked on the project for a while, doing research and looking at what other companies had done. Then he put the project on the back of his desk for a couple of days while dealt with some routine paperwork. Which period of the creative process is Marc experiencing?


Task-oriented behaviors are also called

Initiating structure.

Nancy and Mary are in the same sorority. Nancy is running for the university's student government treasurer position. Mary says, "I'll never vote for her, whether she is my sister or not." Mary is experiencing what kind of conflict?


Who were the researchers to study the relationship between goal-setting and motivation?

Locke and Latham

Which one of the following traits is not a tool or behavior that transformational leaders use to influence employees and create commitment to the company goals?

Mangement by Exception.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Performance is a function of the interaction between motivation, ability and environment.

A team asked to manage an entire line of products including making decisions about products to produce, managing the production of the product lines, marketing them, and staffing their division, is given which kind of task?

Production, problem solving and idea generation

A leader who is _________________, according to the Michigan Studies, is characterized by directive, structural and task oriented behaviors. He or she makes sure that the work gets done, subordinates perform their jobs in an acceptable fashion, and that the organization is efficient.


Which of the following statements regarding visual elements of culture is incorrect?

While physical layouts impact motivational levels in employees, they do little to convey the firm's culture to those employees.

Scientific management evolved at the dawn of the twentieth century because

Worker efficiency was slow.

A culture that emphasizes precision and paying attention to details is

a detail-oriented culture

Cultural intelligence is

a person's capability to understand how a person's cultural background influences one's behavior.

Conflict is

a process that involves people disagreeing.

When leaders make decisions alone without involving employees in the decision making process, they are using...

authoritarian decision making.

The conflict handling style that is uncooperative and unassertive is


Which of the following statements characterizes the thin king that emerged from the Haw thorne studies?

concern for the worker will lead to greater worker satisfaction, which will then lead to increased output.

Across a variety of occupations and jobs, what is the one personality trait that most uniformly predicts how high a person's performance will be?


This personality trait is associated with better performance, higher job satisfaction, and lower adaptability on the job.


What is the first step in increasing the chances of success in effecting a cultural change?

creating a sense of urgency

The values, beliefs, and customs that exist in a society is


Collectivistic cultures are

cultures where people have strong bonds to their groups and group membership forms a person's self-identity.

Marketing units working with the sales department to understand their client base or accounting units working with both of these departments to give them an idea of what type of budget is at their disposal is an example of standardization.


The chain-of-command principle is a philosophy where each employee reports to and is accountable to only one manager.


Factors that are important to culture creation include

founder values, preferences and industry demands.

Which of the following is not one of the five-factor model personality traits?

general mental ability

Culture is observable to others in all of the following ways except...

goals and value

The collaborative conflict handling style is

high in cooperativeness and assertive.

Which of the following is an incorrect statement about leader-member exchange (LMX) theory?

high-quality LMX relationships involve an active dislike between the leader and member.

A team may be charged with coming up with a new marketing slogan which is what kind of task?

idea generating

A(n) __________________ is a group of independent companies that organize themselves to appear as one large entity.

network organization

"We survived!" is the common sentiment of the group stage of


The group members are more open and respectful toward each other, and willing to ask each other for both help and feedback, at the stage of


This personality trait is associated with more creativity, effective leadership, and a lower commitment to one's employer.

openness to experience

Those who emphasize achievement, results and action create a(n) _________ __________ culture in their organizations


Which of the following is NOT a motivator factor according to Hertzberg's Two-Factory Theory?


Group leaders can finally move into coaching roles and help members grow in skill and leadership in the stage of


How groups function has important implications for organizational


Geert Hofstede's five value dimensions include all of the following EXCEPT:

Conflict resolution

A directive leader tends to rely primarily on which of the following sources of power?


This organizational structure encourages the sharing of information and has dual lines of authority:


Which of the following is NOT an example of the Unity-of-Command principle?

matrix organization

Which of the following is NOT an approach to departmentalization?


Many law enforcement agencies have a centralized organization structure.


According to Maslow's Hierarchy, the desire to be accepted by others and to find our place within certain working groups reflects which of the following?

Affiliation/belongingness needs

Which of the following statements regarding leader-member exchange relationships is incorrect?

All employees would like to have a positive relationship with their leader.

A style of leadership that includes behaviors that encourage positive psychological capacities, an ethical climate, greater self-awareness, an internalized moral perspective, a balanced processing of information, and self-development is known as:

Authentic leadership

Which of the following dimensions of culture values the welfare of the group over any one individual and emphasizes the responsibilities of individuals and groups (families and organizations) to each other?


Which of the following statements characterizes the thinking that emerged from the Hawthorne studies?

Concern for the worker will lead to greater worker satisfaction, which will then lead to increased output.

Nelson is the manager of a marketing department in a medium sized company. Nelson has six employees reporting to him. In deciding the goals for the department for next quarter, Nelson is holding a meeting for employee input and direction. Nelson uses a(n) _________ style of decision making in the marketing department.


Research on the relationship between personality and job performance indicates...

Dependable people are better performers than those less dependable.

Which type of leadership employs position power or legitimate power to exert influence over others?


The rapid development of infrastructure and factories was made possible through

Division of labor

Scientific management's primary focus is


Scientific management's primary focus is...


Key elements of the scientific management philosophy include all of the following EXCEPT:

Expanding the nature of tasks performed by employees to add more variety to the job.

Which of the following theories states that individuals are more likely to be motivated and perform well if they believe they will receive their desired rewards?


What is the top level of the Hierarchy of Needs model?

Self-Actualization needs

The scientific approach to management is sometimes referred to as


Which of the studies found that leaders have two dominant sets of behaviors that predict success - consideration and initiating structure.

The Ohio State Studies

Which of the following statements regarding the rational decision-making model is incorrect?

The decision maker should generate alternatives before establishing criteria so that he can choose the option that makes him "feel" the best.

The Hawthorne Studies were initially devised to study ______________.

The effect of illumination levels on employee productivity.

Which of the following is true regarding the Big Five personality factors?

They are reasonably valid in predicting job performance.

Which of the following is not a key characteristic of authentic leaders?

They have no set priorities.

The earliest approach to the study of leadership was

Trait approach

________ leaders focus on the creation of reward contingencies and exchange relationships that result in a calculative compliance on the part of followers, while __________ leaders create and communicate a higher-level vision in a charismatic way that elicits an emotional response and commitment from the followers.

Transactional, transformational

A visual document that communicates how a company is organized is an organizational chart.


Which of the following best describes the personality trait of 'openness'?

able to have fun and experience elation and delight

When you satisfice, that means you:

accept the first alternative that meets your general criteria.

The purpose of assembling a team is to

accomplish larger, more complex goals

Which of the following is not a positive outcome of (productive, or positive) conflict in the organization?

accurate assumptions

Michael is part of an organizational behavior project group. Her group members enjoy working with her because she is a nice and friendly, kind and approachable person, enjoys meeting with the other team members, and is willing to assist anyone who needs help. Michael is


This personality trait is associated with more helping behaviors, teamwork, and difficulty in coping wit h conflicts.


The availability of too much information leading to more and more time being spent on gathering information and thinking about it, resulting in no decisions being made is

analysis paralysis

Which conflict handling style is indicated by an individual who says, "Maybe we can both agree to give in a little."?


Anita finishes her college semester on April 15. She will be home from April 15 until May 20 when she is scheduled to have her wisdom teeth removed. She will be going on a family vacation during the third week in July and will be returning to school on August 10 for majorette camp. Anita is looking for a job for the summer. She figures she will take the first job that pays minimum wage and will allow her flexibility for her dental appointment and vacation. Anita is making a decision using the

bounded rationality decision making model

Experts make decisions in the intuitive decision-making models based on all the following but


Which of the following is NOT a "Great Man" trait?


Which of the following is not a root cause of conflict in a workplace?

compatible goals

Horizontal structures can be categorized as either centralized or decentralized.


Escalation of commitment occurs because

decision makers do not want to admit they were wrong.

Teams differ in terms of the tasks they are trying to accomplish, and the major tasks include all of the following EXCEPT


All of the following are consequences of a high-quality leader-member exchange relationship except

effort in building good relationships.

Managers must instill in their employees a belief that the effort they put into their roles will result in high performance. If employees believe that they have the skills and abilities to perform well, then they have a high _________ and will be more motivated to work hard.

effort-to-performance expectancy

In democratic decision making...

employees participate in the making of the decision.

Our need to be respected and appreciated by others is what level in the Hierarchy of Needs?

esteem needs

The belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures is


Which of the following powers is NOT a type of positional power?


A behavioral method that involves withholding praise or a positive reward is known as:


A hierarchy is a organized structure of power relationships where the top-level holds the most power and resources.


The Equity theory states that:

individuals are more motivated if they perceive they are being treated as fairly as their fellow workers or those in other firms

Firms that are flexible, adaptable and experiment with new ideas are _________ firms.


Conflict between two individuals such as coworkers is

interpersonal conflict

Jared is a member of the engineering department in the manufacturing firm and also serves on the Strategy 2015 team, which is crafting an engineering strategy for the firm's future. He has a "Do not miss" meeting in the engineering department scheduled for Wednesday at 8 a.m. and just received an urgent email about a "Can't miss" meeting for the strategy group at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday morning. Jared is experiencing

intrapersonal conflict

Which decision-making model would you use when your goals are unclear, there is time pressure, and you have experience with the problem?

intuitive decision making model

If you do not have relevant expertise or time to immerse yourself in the issues to make a decision, you should not use which decision making model?

intuitive decision-making

Susan is a paramedic for the county ambulance service. Yesterday there was a terrible accident on the interstate when a bus carrying senior citizens to an Atlantic City casino was struck by a small dump truck as the truck tried to change lanes. Fifteen of the bus riders were killed and 25 injured. As Susan arrived on the scene to perform triage on the accident victims, she quickly made decisions as to which victims needed immediate care and who could wait. Susan was using what decision-making model in making these stressful decisions?

intuitive decision-making model

The competition conflict handling style

is highly assertive but low on cooperation.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a centralized organization?

key decisions are handled by top management

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that authentic leadership encourages?

self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, self-development, positive psychological capacity (all of the above)

A poorly designed organizational structure can result in:

slow decision making, a lack of cohesiveness among different departments, confusion among employees (all of the above)

Group members are becoming more authentic as they express their deeper thoughts and feelings in the stage of


The fundamental factors affecting group cohesion include all of the following EXCEPT


Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory of motivation

suggests once basic needs are satisfied, higher order needs become motivators.

The ideal size for a team depends on the

task at hand

Which of the following is not a root cause of conflict in the workplace?

task satisfaction

Companies that are collaborative and emphasize cooperation among employees have a __________ culture.


Henry Ford is credited with creating:

the assembly line

The advantages of group decision making over individual decision making include all of the following except

the decision-making process is more efficient.

Culture is observable to others in all of the following ways except

the firms goals

When the goal of the decision making exercise is to make a satisfactory decision because you are limited in some way such as time, you should utilize

the intuitive decision-making model.

Jennifer has to decide which of two job offers she is going to choose. She begins her process by listing the key criteria she is looking for in a job including salary level, location, promotional opportunities, and so on. She then takes each job offer letter and carefully goes through each line assessing the offer in relationship to the criteria she has established. Jennifer is using which of decision-making model to choose her job?

the rational decision making model

If the goal of your decision making is to make the optimum decision or make the best choice, you should utilize

the rational decision making model.

Teams where the manager serves as the team leader are called

traditional teams

Research on transformational and transactional leadership shows all of the following except

transactional leaders increase the intrinsic motivation of their followers.

People-oriented behaviors include

treating employees with respect.

High power distance cultures

view an unequal distribution of power as relatively acceptable.

A group of employees who work across barriers consisting of time, distance, organizational boundaries while being linked together by information and communication technologies are known as:

virtual team

Intrapersonal conflict is

within a person and is a type of conflict that arises when a person is uncertain about what is expected or wanted or has a sense of being inadequate to the task.

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