MGMT 363 Ch. 13

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Ingratiation is commonly known as... Especially when used in ...

"Sucking up" Upward influence sense

When negotiators perceive themselves as being in a position of power in comparison to the other party, they are.... during negotiations - Negative emotions lead to

-more likely to demand more - concede less - and behave more aggressively => more likely to take a distributive approach

2 important aspects of Influence

1. Can be seen as directional 2. It's all relative

Occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own goals met without concern for the other party's results - win-lose - low interdependence - Best used in situations when he/she knows they're right and needs a quick decision to be made - More likely for men

1. Competing

5 styles of conflict resolution

1. Competing 2. Avoiding 3. Accommodating 4. Collaboration 5. Compromise

2 Negotiation strategies

1. Distributive Bargaining 2. Integrative Bargaining

Involves win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources - When one person gains, the other person loses

1. Distributive bargaining

Two points to note about leaders' use of influence tactics

1. Influence tactics tend to be most successful when used in combination 2. The influence of tactics that tend to be most successful are those that are "softer" in nature

The use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer

1. Ingratiation

4 Moderately effective influence tactics

1. Ingratiation 2. Personal Appeals 3. Exchange 4. Apprising

Occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request

1. Internalization

Responses to Influence Tactics (3) from most effective to least

1. Internalization 2. Compliance 3. Resistance

Requires a third party to facilitate the dispute resolution process, though this third party has no formal authority to dictate a solution

1. Mediation

Two of the most common forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution

1. Mediation 2. Arbitration

2 dimensions of power

1. Organizational 2. Personal

Can be seen as actions by individuals that are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-interests

1. Organizational Politics

Power and Influence in action (2)

1. Organizational Politics 2. Conflict Resolution

Each party determines what its goals are for the negotiation and whether or not the other party has anything to offer - arguably the most important stage

1. Preparation

4 Stages of negotiation

1. Preparation 2. Exchanging information 3. Bargaining 4. Closing and commitment

The use of coercive power through threats and demands

1. Pressure

2 least effective influence tactics

1. Pressure 2. Coalitions

The use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a worthwhile one - most effective when it helps show the proposal is...

1. Rational Persuasion - Important and feasible

Most effective influence tactics (4)

1. Rational Persuasion 2. Inspirational Appeals 3. Consultation 4. Collaboration

The degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources - Ability to influence others increases when...

1. Substitutability - There are no substitutes for the rewards or resources the leader controls

4 Contingency Factors

1. Substitutability 2. Discretion 3. Centrality 4. Visibility

Occurs when a third party determines a binding settlement to a dispute

2. Arbitration

Occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down - lose-lose - Never really resolves the conflict

2. Avoiding

Occur when the influencer enlists other people to help influence the target - generally used in combination with other tactics

2. Coalitions

Occurs when targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence

2. Compliance

The degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own - Ability to influence others increases when...

2. Discretion - The leader has the freedom to make his or her own decisions without being restrained by organizational rules

Each party makes a case for its position and attempts to put all favorable information on the table

2. Exchanging information

Tactic designed to appeal to the target's values and ideals, thereby creating an emotional or attitudinal reaction

2. Inspirational Appeals

aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario -involves the use of problem solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome that's satisfying for both parties

2. Integrative bargaining

Occur when the requestor asks for something based on personal friendship or loyalty -More successful with....

2. Personal Appeals - Stronger friendships

Occurs when one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way - lose-win - Use when the conflict is not really important to them, but is important to the other party

3. Accommodation

The goal for each party is to walk away feeling like it has gained something of value (regardless of the actual strategy used) - the stage most people imagine when they hear the word

3. Bargaining

Represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks - Ability to influence others increases when...

3. Centrality - The leader's role is important and interdependent with others in the organization

Occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a request

3. Consultation

Used when the requestor offers a reward or resource to the target in return for performing a request - "This for that"

3. Exchange Tactic

Occurs when the target refuses to perform the influence request and puts forth an effort to avoid having to do it

3. Resistance

Occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing the request will benefit the target personally

4. Apprising

Entails the process of formalizing an agreement reached during the previous stage

4. Closing and Commitment

A leader uses this by attempting to make it easier for the target to complete the request

4. Collaboration

Occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes - win-win - Most effective in conflict resolution - Also most difficult to come by

4. Collaboration

How aware others are of a leader's power and position - Ability to influence others increases when...

4. Visibility - Others know about the leader and the resources he or she can provide

Occurs when conflict is resolved through give-and-take concessions - Nobody wins or loses - Most common form - More likely for women

5. Compromise

Process by which two parties resolve conflicts through the use of a specially trained, neutral third party - Alternative to litigation

Alternative Dispute Resolution

describes each negotiator's bottom line - At what point are you willing to walk away?



Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement

Which of the following statements about the effects of power and influence on performance and commitment is true? A. Power and influence have a weak positive effect on performance. B. Power and influence have a moderate negative effect on commitment. C. When used effectively, power and influence increase engagement and compliance, which facilitates task performance. D. The use of organizational forms of power is associated with increased affective commitment. E. The engagement and compliance facilitated by power and influence decrease citizenship behavior.


This tactic could involve the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or removing obstacles that make task completion difficult


Which form of conflict resolution requires full sharing of information by both parties, a full discussion of concerns, relatively equal power between parties, and a lot of time investment to arrive at a resolution?


Most common response to influence attempts in organizations


Reflects a shift in behaviors of employees but not attitudes


This tactic increases commitment from the target, who now has a stake in seeing that his or her opinions are valued


Affect on the strength of a person's ability to use power to influence people

Contingency Factors

A competing conflict resolution style should be used during all of the following situations except: A. when quick decisive action is vital. B. on important issues for which unpopular actions need implementation. C. on issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right. D. against people who take advantage of noncompetitive people. E. to build social credits for later issues.


An accommodating conflict resolution style should be used during all of the following situations except A. to build social credits for later issues. B. when harmony and stability are especially important. C. to minimize loss when you are outmatched and losing. D. to allow subordinates to develop by learning from mistakes. E. to achieve temporary settlements to complex issues.


Coercive Power operates primarily on the principle of


Assertiveness/Cooperation of Collaboration

HIGH Assertiveness HIGH Cooperation

Assertiveness/Cooperation of Competing

HIGH assertiveness LOW Cooperation

The use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others


For a leader, this is the best outcome because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they're asked to do -Reflects a shift in both behaviors and attitudes of employees


In class movie clip: Skyfall

Judy uses competing to hire him Mallory uses accommodating because he knew he would lose

Assertiveness/Cooperation of Accommodation

LOW Assertiveness HIGH Cooperation

Assertiveness/Cooperation of Avoiding

LOW Assertiveness LOW Cooperation

The use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement


People with this type of power have the understood right to ask others to do things that are considered within the scope of their authority

Legitimate Power

When managers ask employees to stay late to work on a project, work on one task instead of another, or work faster, they're exercising

Legitimate Power

Assertiveness/Cooperation of Compromise

Moderate Assertiveness Moderate Cooperation

Power and influence correlations*

Moderate positive on Job performance - increase internalization and compliance - can inc/dec citizenship/counterprod behav Moderate positive effect on Org Commitment

A process in which two or more interdependent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement about their different preferences


Which form of power is more strongly related to organizational commitment and job performance?

Personal forms of Power

The ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives

Political Skill

The ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in return


Organizational factors that are most likely to increase politics are those that...

Raise the level of uncertainty in the environment

Only tactic that is consistently successful in the case of upward influence

Rational Persuasion

Mean girls "I bought army pants and flip flops bc of Regina George" is an example of

Referent Power

People who have legitimate power also often have

Reward and Coercive Power

The CEO's secretary also has ______ type of power and why?

Reward power, because she schedules things for her boss

When two parties perceive themselves as relatively equal in power -Positive emotions lead to

They take more integrative approaches

Ingratiation is more effective when

Used as a long-term strategy and not nearly as effective when used immediately prior to making an influence attempt

In distributive bargaining, when one person gains, the other person loses. This is also known as a

Zero-sum condition

The goal of dispute resolution is always to..

have the two parties come to a voluntary agreement

Influence tactics are applied in order to (4)

i. Achieve organizational goals ii. Navigate the political environment iii. Engage in conflict resolution iv. Negotiate outcomes

Negative employee reactions of organizational politics (4)

i. Decreased job satisfaction ii. Decreased organizational commitment iii. Decreased task performance iv. Increased strain

3 potential directions of influence

i. Downward - Most common - Managers influencing employees ii. Lateral - peers influencing peers iii. Upward - employees influencing managers

Derives from a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend

i. Expert Power

2 types of Personal Power

i. Expert Power ii. Referent Power

Guidelines for use of Coercive Power (5)

i. Explain rules and requirements and ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations ii. Respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism iii. Investigate to get facts before following through iv. Provide ample warnings v. Use punishments that are legitimate, fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance

Guidelines for use of Expert Power (6)

i. Explain the reasons for a request and why it's important ii. Provide evidence that a proposal will be successful iii. Don't make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements iv. Don't exaggerate or misrepresent facts v. Listen seriously to the person's concerns and suggestions vi. Act confidently and decisively in a crisis

The 5 styles of conflict resolution can be viewed as combinations of 2 separate factors

i. How assertive leaders want to be in pursuing their own goals ii. How cooperative they are with regard to the concerns of others

Organizational characteristics of organizational politics (5)

i. Lack of participation in decision making ii. Limited or changing resources iii. Ambiguity in roles iv. High performance pressure v. Unclear performance evaluations

Derived from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority"

i. Legitimate Power

3 types of organizational power

i. Legitimate Power ii. Reward Power iii. Coercive Power

Guidelines for use of Legitimate Power (5)

i. Make polite, clear requests ii. Explain the reason for the request iii. Don't exceed your scope of authority iv. Follow up to verify compliance v. Insist on compliance if appropriate

An adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts

i. Networking ability

4 Dimensions to Political Skill

i. Networking ability ii. Social astuteness iii. Interpersonal Influence iv. Apparent sincerity

Guidelines for use of Reward Power (6)

i. Offer the types of rewards people desire ii. Offer rewards that are fair and ethical iii. Don't promise more than you can deliver iv. Explain the criteria for giving rewards and keep it simple v. Provide rewards as promised if requirements are met vi. Don't use rewards in a manipulative fashion

Guidelines for use of Referent Power (7)

i. Show acceptance and positive regard ii. Act supportive and helpful iii. Use sincere forms of ingratiation iv. Defend and back up people when appropriate v. Do unsolicited favors vi. Make self-sacrifices to show concern vii. Keep promises

Integrative bargaining is most appropriate in situiations in which (3)

i. multiple outcomes are possible ii. there is an adequate level of trust iii. parties are willing to be flexible

Personal characteristics of organizational politics (2)

i. need for power ii. Machiavellianism

Exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person

ii. Referent Power

Exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants

ii. Reward Power

The tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior

ii. Social Astuteness

Exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization

iii. Coercive Power

Involves having an unassuming and convincing personal style that's flexible enough to adapt to different situations

iii. Interpersonal Influence

Apprising differs from rational persuasion in that

it focuses solely on the benefit to the target as opposed to simple logic or benefits to the group or organization

Involves appearing to others to have high levels of honesty and genuineness

iv. Apparent sincerity

Power and influence have a _____ effect on performance and a _____ effect on commitment.

moderate positive; moderate positive

Appraising differs from exchange in that

the benefit is not necessarily something that the requestor gives to the target but rather something that results from the action

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