Mgmt 371 - ch.5 test bank

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Bruce will be making a presentation to the senior management team to encourage them to support efforts to improve the company's diversity policies and practices. One of the more compelling arguments he can use is ________. A) companies with exclusive practices experienced higher profits B) companies with inclusive practices outperformed both the DJIA and NASDAQ and had much higher returns on equity C) Federal law requires all companies to make accommodations for LBGT employees D) the company will likely lose market share if it does not improve its practices


Differences arising from which of the following factors becomes more important to people as they get to know each other? A) gender B) ethnicity C) sexual orientation D) personality


Discrimination refers to ________. A) a preconceived belief, opinion, or judgment toward a person or a group of people B) a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology C) judging a person based on a perception of a group to which that person belongs D) someone acting out their prejudicial attitudes toward people who are the targets of their


During which era was the term "workforce diversity" first used? A) new millennium B) late 1980s C) 1960s to 1970s D) early 1980s


Employee A prefers to work flexible hours and to work from home as often as practical. According to research, Employee A is likely to be ________. A) a minority B) disabled C) female D) older


Groups made up of employees connected by some common dimension of diversity are known as ________. A) employee work councils B) employee resource groups C) employee assistance teams D) employee care programs


The concept of workforce diversity expanded from compliance to an issue of business survival during the early 1980s. T/F?


U.S. federal law does not prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of ________. A) race B) religion C) age D) sexual orientation


the period of time between the 1960s to 1970s focused on___________ a) assimilating minorities and women into the corporate setting b) making employees more aware and sensitive to the needs and differences of others c) diversity and inclusion for business success, profitability, and growth d) complying with laws and regulations through affirmative action policies and programs


the ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another is known as ____________ a) business etiquette b) work culture c) workplace diversity d) organizational democracy


In which of the following areas are consistent male-female differences observed? A) problem-solving ability B) sociability C) work schedule preferences D) competitive drive


Ben is selecting members for a problem-solving team. Which of the following team compositions is most likely to result in better team performance? A) employees with at least ten years of seniority B) employees from the quality department C) employees from a variety of ethnic and gender backgrounds D) an all-male or all-female team


Executives at Macromix have initiated a diversity skills training program to educate employees about the importance of diversity at the workplace. Which of the following should be the first step to be implemented in the program? A) making employees aware of the assumptions and biases they may have B) teaching people specific skills on how to communicate effectively with their fellow employees C) increasing employees' sensitivity and openness to those who are different from them D) training employees on how to work effectively in a diverse work environment


Given a choice between Jane, a 50-something internal candidate, and Jenny, a 20-something internal candidate, Joe selected Jane. Joe would probably say it was because ________. A) he thought Jane would be more flexible in meeting the needs of the new position B) he thought Jenny would be uncomfortable with the technology in the new position C) he expected Jenny would ask for more time off D) he expected the quality of Jane's work would be better than Jenny's


If my workplace goals included getting high scores on a performance evaluation, I would prefer that my supervisor be ________. A) the same gender as me B) female C) of an older generation than me D) of my own race


In his exit interview, James, a member of a minority group, mentioned that he had been passed over for promotions in favor of less qualified internal candidates. This situation relates to ________. A) people management B) organizational performance C) organizational strategy D) deep-level diversity


Jack and Jill are discussing the new hire in their department: her hair color, skin tone, manner of dress, and accent. Jack and Jill are focusing on ________. A) surface level diversity B) deep-level diversity C) stereotypes D) biases


Judging a person on the basis of one's perception of a group to which he or she belongs is known as ________. A) integration B) assimilation C) stereotyping D) prejudice


Nora has just informed her employer that she is expecting her second child. Her employer immediately moved her to a position of less responsibility and pay and less physical activity. This action is ________. A) allowed under the Pregnancy Act B) illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act C) illegal under the Pregnancy Act D) illegal under the Americans with Disabilities Act


The meaning of "glass" that is used in the term "glass ceiling" signifies ________. A) the gulf in opportunities and rewards afforded to male and female employees that can be "seen through" easily B) that the perceived barrier to top management positions is brittle and vulnerable to changes at the topmost organizational levels C) that whatever is blocking the way for women to attain top management positions is not immediately apparent D) that organizations maintain a transparent ethos when defining management roles assigned to male and female employees


The total world population is forecasted to hit 9 billion by 2050, at which point the United Nations predicts the total population will either stabilize or peak after growing for centuries at an ever-accelerating rate. The main reason for this major shift is ________. A) the unprecedented rate at which world population is aging B) the decline in birthrates as nations advance economically C) the high level of mobility of the international workforce across national borders D) the alarming rate of depletion of natural resources necessary for sustaining the population


What positive perception do employers typically have of older employees? A) enthusiastic towards new technology B) open to change C) strong work ethic D) flexible and adaptable


soon after Jeff was hired as a company accountant; his company developed corporate programs to help improve self-confidence and qualifications of diverse employees so they could "fit in". During which period of time did Jeff start working for his employers? A) new millennium B) 1960s to 1970s C) early 1980s D) late 1980s to late 1990s


Amanda works as a technical support executive at ColorWare Systems. Which of the following factors, if true, could trigger certain stereotypes about Amanda among her co-workers, though not necessarily reflecting the way they feel or think about her? A) Amanda does not believe in engaging in gossip about her coworkers. B) Amanda prefers working late every evening to working over the weekend. C) Amanda has a Swedish mother and an African American father. D) Amanda tends to dominate discussions among her co-workers.


Ang Li has found it rather hard to move up in her managerial career at her workplace especially when compared to how fellow graduate from Tri-Valley, American-born Adam Watson, has managed to become the regional manager of sales in the company. This suggests the presence of ________ in Li's organization. A) goldbricking B) a self-serving bias C) a glass ceiling D) prejudice


As a form of discrimination, incivility is said to occur when ________. A) an employee is excluded from job opportunities or social events B) an employee belonging to a specific group is overtly threatened or bullied C) an employee's opinions are consciously ignored D) an employee is denied equal opportunity to perform


As chief of new product development for a U.S. consumer goods firm, Carmen should be very aware that ________ is likely to have the greatest influence on consumer preferences for the next few decades. A) changes in religion B) the aging of the population C) declining birth rates D) increasing inflation


How does surface-level diversity differ from deep-level diversity? A) Surface-level diversity is reflected by differences in personality and values, while deep-level diversity is influenced by age and ethnic differences. B) Surface-level diversity can affect the way people view organizational rewards and their communication with others, while deep-level diversity does not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel. C) Surface-level diversity can affect the way people perceive others, especially in terms of assumptions or stereotyping, while deep-level diversity may affect general behavior of people at work. D) Surface-level diversity becomes more important as people get to know each other, while deep-level diversity becomes less relevant with increasing familiarity between people.


In terms of workplace diversity, the New Millennium has witnessed increased focus on ________. A) complying with laws and regulations laid down by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission B) assimilating minorities and women employees into the corporate setting C) shifting from compliance to include everyone in diversification efforts D) diversity and inclusion for business success, profitability, and growth


In the process of getting acquainted, John and his new co-worker Bill have discovered they have different tastes in music and books, that one is extroverted and the other introverted, that one prefers working in teams and the other works best alone. They are exploring ________. A) surface-level diversity B) deep-level diversity C) stereotypes D) biases


In workplace jargon, the term "glass ceiling" refers to ________. A) the perceived difference in cognitive abilities between male and female employees B) the theoretical organizational level beyond which no discrimination exists C) the cumulative difference between opportunities and rewards offered to male and female employees D) the invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions


Kathleen likes cats. She believes people who own cats are independent and free spirits. She finds out Linda has a cat. Therefore, Linda is independent and free-spirited. In order, what is happening here? A) prejudice, stereotyping, bias B) stereotyping, bias, prejudice C) bias, stereotyping, discrimination D) bias, prejudice, stereotyping


Lulumelon owns a chain of fashion stores that serve men's, women's, and children's clothing categories. Jay, a motor accident victim with an amputated leg, applies for a position at one of the stores in an upmarket location. Which of the following assumptions by Lulumelon would prevent them from hiring him? A) Most workers with disabilities require no accommodation but for those who do, more than half of the workplace modifications cost $500 or less. B) A person with a disability for whom workplace accommodations have been provided has the same obligations and rights as far as job performance is concerned. C) There is no set of guidelines on how to take any potential disciplinary action with disabled employees. D) Absentee rates for sick time are virtually equal between employees with and without disabilities.


One big challenge for managers of diverse workforces is ________. A) to provide accommodations for disabilities and religious beliefs that other employees don't view as special treatment B) to assure that employees do not discuss their religious beliefs with other workers C) to provide accommodations for disabled workers that don't carry excessive costs D) to treat all employees identically despite individual differences


People are going to be different. The focus of managers should be ________. A) to find ways to keep various groups within the workforce from creating conflict B) to find ways to develop strong relationships with and engage the entire workforce C) to make sure the practices within their departments comply with the letter of the laws governing discrimination in employment D) to find commonalities among various groups displaying surface-level diversity


Trends observed in the shifting world population indicate that people aged 65 or more will soon outnumber those aged 5 or less. Also, the world's population aged over 80 is expected to more than double by the year 2040. Which of the following is a likely implication of such population trends? A) decreasing demands on social entitlement programs B) increasing global savings rates C) dwindling labor supply D) decreasing preference for white-collar occupations


What type of discrimination are older workers in an organization subjected to if they are laid off for being highly paid and having lucrative benefits? A) incivility B) intimidation C) discriminatory practices D) exclusion


What type of discrimination is said to have occurred when certain actions taken by representatives of an organization deny equal opportunity to perform or unequal rewards for performance? A) exclusion B) discriminatory practices or policies C) incivility D) intimidation


What type of discrimination usually involves jokes or negative stereotypes being perpetrated about fellow employees? A) mockery and insults B) discriminatory policies C) exclusion D) intimidation


When the VP of marketing selected the new product development team members, he made sure there was a mix of ages, genders, and ethnicities on the team. This VP was most concerned with ________. A) people management B) organization performance C) organization strategy D) legal compliance


Which of the following benefits of workplace diversity contributes to organizational performance? A) reduced costs associated with high turnover and absenteeism B) potential source of competitive advantage from improved innovation efforts C) increased understanding of the marketplace and improved ability to better market to diverse customers D) ability to attract and retain employees of diverse backgrounds


Which of the following benefits of workplace diversity is categorized as strategic? A) better use of talent B) improved system flexibility C) potential to improve market share D) reduced costs associated with high turnover


Which of the following correctly reflects the characteristics of the current U.S. population? A) Nearly one in five Americans today is an immigrant. B) The median age of the U.S. population has risen significantly over the last decade. C) The Asian population in the United States is presently the largest ethnic group. D) The Hispanic community represents nearly one-third of the total U.S. population.


Which of the following demographic characteristics reflects surface-level diversity? A) differences in values B) ethnicity C) personality D) work preferences


Which of the following diversity factors has been called the "last acceptable bias"? A) sexual orientation B) gender identity C) religious belief D) ethnic origin


Which of the following examples would be considered appropriate stereotyping? A) assuming women to be particularly bad drivers B) bracketing working mothers as not being committed fully to their jobs C) assuming red-haired people have rather nasty tempers D) asking someone from accounting to help with a budgeting problem


Which of the following is an example of workplace discrimination in the form of exclusion? A) Older workers may be targeted for layoffs because they are highly paid and have lucrative benefits. B) African American employees at some companies have found racist graffiti in their work areas. C) Female lawyers note that male attorneys frequently cut them off or do not adequately address their comments. D) Many women in finance claim they are assigned to marginal job roles or are given light workloads that don't lead to promotion.


Which of the following is the best description of the provisions of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII? A) prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses B) prohibiting discrimination against employees aged 40 or over C) prohibiting the forced retirement of most employees D) prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, or gender


Which of the following legislations gives individuals the right to sue for punitive damages? A) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 B) Civil Rights Act of 1991 C) Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 D) Mandatory Retirement Act of 1978


Which of the following managerial styles is traditionally considered to be feminine? A) authoritative B) leading by example C) inclusive D) being directive


Which of the following managerial styles is traditionally considered to be masculine? A) agreeable B) leading by example C) collaborative D) inclusive


Which of the following people management benefits arises from workplace diversity? A) improved system flexibility B) potential to increase market share C) increased understanding of the marketplace D) better use of employee talent


Which of the following perceptions do employers typically have of older employees? A) lack of sound judgment B) resistant to new technology C) weak work ethic D) better attendance


Which of the following racial groups have been the focus of most race and ethnographic studies of workplace diversity in the United States? A) Hispanics and Whites B) Whites and Native Americans C) African Americans and Whites D) Asians and African Americans


Which of the following statements is true of employing disabled employees? A) Hiring people with disabilities leads to higher employment costs and lower profit margins. B) Workers with disabilities lack job skills and experience necessary to perform as well as their abled counterparts. C) Employees with disabilities are exempt from potential disciplinary action, and there are high costs associated with accommodating disabled employees. D) A person with a disability for whom workplace accommodations have been provided has the same obligations and rights as far as job performance.


Which of the following statements is true of gender diversity in workplaces? A) No consistent male-female differences exist in problem-solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive, motivation, sociability, or learning ability. B) Today, men make up nearly two-thirds of the workforce, while women account for the remaining third. C) Affirmative action policies have resulted in women, generally, starting their careers at higher levels than men. D) Despite the disparity in representation in the workforce, women earn nearly as much as men do on a median basis.


Which of the following statements is true of the changing trends in U.S. workplaces? A) The surge in immigration, especially over the last two decades, has flooded the United States with low-wage foreign labor. B) Organizations must recognize that they can't expect employees to assimilate into the organization by adopting similar attitudes and values. C) In most U.S. metropolitan cities, more immigrants are employed in low-wage jobs like construction, cleaning, or manufacturing, than in white-collar occupations. D) People now entering the workforce are significantly older, less ethnically diverse and/or native-born.


Which of the following statements is true of the findings of studies on race and ethnicity in the workplace? A) Whites favor affirmative action programs and policies to a far greater degree than do African Americans. B) African Americans generally do worse than Whites in decisions related to the workplace. C) Individuals in workplaces tend to favor colleagues of a race other than their own in performance evaluations, promotion decisions, and pay raises. D) Whites and African-Americans display statistically significant and consistent differences in absenteeism rates, applied social skills at work, and accident rates.


Which of the following trends has been observed in the world population in terms of aging? A) People aged 65 and older will soon outnumber children under age 5 for the first time in history. B) The world's population aged 80 and over is projected to decrease 233% by 2040. C) The world's population is growing older, but at a slower rate than it did in comparison with the previous two centuries. D) As nations have advanced economically, birthrates have increased in proportion to the growing world population.


Which of the following was a feature of the period from the late 1980s to the late 1990s in terms of workplace diversity? A) shifting from compliance and focusing only on women and minorities to including everyone B) focusing on complying with laws and regulations, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act C) seeing workplace diversity as a core business issue, important to achieve business success, profitability, and growth D) developing corporate programs to help improve self-confidence and qualifications of diverse individuals so they can "fit in"


________ is a process whereby an experienced organizational member provides advice and guidance to a less-experienced member. A) Delegating B) Integration C) Mentoring D) Assimilation


________ is a term that describes a tendency or preference toward a particular perspective or ideology. A) Bias B) Prejudice C) Impartiality D) Reasoning


________ is the biological heritage (including physical characteristics such as one's skin color and associated traits) that people use to identify themselves. A) Nationality B) Ethnicity C) Culture D) Race


________ refers to a preconceived belief, opinion, or judgment toward a person or a group of people. A) Prejudice B) Impartiality C) Equanimity D) Bias


________ refers to the social traits that are shared by a human population. A) Race B) Ancestry C) Nationality D) Ethnicity

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