MGMT 371: Chapter 12

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Equal Employment Opportunity


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, created by the 1964 civil rights act, grants equal pay and employment regardless of gender, race, religion and national origin.

HR managers and social media sites

Sometimes gauge suitability of employee by checking their social media presence. Maryland was first state that made it illegal for employers to demand social media passwords.

Employment tests

assess candidates on various factors considered important for the job to be performed and include cognitive ability tests, physical ability tests and personality tests

Human Resource Management activities are for

attracting, selecting, developing and maintaining an effective workforce.

New Social Contract

between employee and employers is based on notion of employability and personal responsibility rather than lifelong employment by an organization.

Job description

concise summary of the specific tasks and responsibilities of that job

Exit Interview

conducted when departing employees to determine reasons for departure and learn about any potential problems in organization

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

establishes mandatory safety and health standards in organizations. 1970

Human resource planning

forecasting of human resource needs and the projected matching of individuals with anticipated job vacancies.

realistic job previews

give applicants all pertinent and realistic information, both positive and negative, about a job and the organization


highly skilled independent contractors

Matching model

human resources approach in which the organization and the individual attempt to match each other's needs, interests and values.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

imposes a fee on firms with 50 or more employees if the government subsidizes their employees health care coverage. 2010


intern exchanges his or her service for the opportunity to gain work experience and see whether career is appealing, low to no pay

Nondirective interview

interview asks broad, open-ended questions and permits the applicant to talk freely with minimal interruptions, in an attempt to bring to light information, attitudes, and behavioral characteristics that might be concealed when answering structured questions.


make up a large portion of labor costs in the USA


making hiring and promotion decisions based on criteria that are not job-relevant

On the Job Training (OJT)

most common method of training; an experienced employee is asked to teach new employee how to perform job duties

Halo Effect

occurs when a manager gives an employee the same rating on all dimensions of a job, even though performance may be good on some dimensions and poor on others

Extreme interviewing

offbeat approaches that test job candidates ability to handle problems, cope with change and work well with others

Incentive Pay

pay for performance, means tying at least a portion of compensation to employee's effort and performance


performance evaluation error that occurs when a manager places an employee into a class or category based on one or a few traits or characteristics

Performance appraisal

process of observing and evaluating an employee's performance, recording the assessment and providing feedback.

Vocational Rehabilitation Act

prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disability and requires that employees be informed about affirmation action plans. 1973

Civil Rights Act, Title VII

prohibits discrimination in the workforce based on gender, race, religion, etc. Intentional discrimination brought under Title VII, shifts burden of proof to the employer. 1964

Equal Pay Act

prohibits sex differences in pay for substantially equal work. 1963

Americans with Disabilities Act

reasonable accommodation be provided for the disabled to allow performance of duties. 1990

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

recently filed suit on behalf of an employee who was fired because of a comment she made on a social networking site.


refers to all monetary payments and all nonmonetary goods or benefits used to reward employees.


refers to teaching people broader career skills


refers to teaching people skills needed in their current job

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

requires continued health insurance coverage, paid by employee, following termination. 1985

Affirmative action

requires that employers take positive steps to guarantee equal employment opportunities for people within protected groups.

application form

selection device that collects information about the applicant's education, previous work experience, and other background characteristics.

Employer brand

similar to product brand, except promotes the organization as a great place to work, rather than a specific product or service.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

used to overcome evaluation errors, performance eval technique that relates an employee's performance to specific job related incidents

Assessment Center

used to select individuals with high managerial potential based on their performance on a series of simulated managerial tasks

Structured interview

uses a set of standardized questions that are asked of every applicant so comparisons can be made easily.

360 degree feedback

using multiple raters, including self rating and peers, to appraise performance and guide development.

social learning

using social media tools to network and learn informally


using technology to work from home, use telework enhancement act, 2010, requires all federal agencies to establish telecommuting policies.


Also called downsizing, when a company reduces workforce intentionally, to the point where no# of employees is deemed right for company's current situation

Company strategy related to human resource management is to...

Find the right people, manage those people (talent), maintain an effective workforce.

Contingent workers

People who work for an organization but not on a permanent or full time basis (temps, contractors, part time employees)

Family and Medical Leave Act

Requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks unpaid leave for childbirth, adoption or family emergencies. 1993


activities or practices that define the desired characteristics of applicants for specific jobs (use social media twitter, facebook, linkedIn)

Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPPA)

allows employees to switch health plans when changing jobs and get the new coverage regardless of preexisting conditions, prohibits group plans from dropping a sick employee. 1996

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

amended 1978, 1986, prohibits age discrimination and restricts mandatory retirement. 1967

Corporate University

an in-house training and development facility that offers broad based learning opportunities for employees; McDonanld's Hamburger University is an example. Have one in Shanghai and Sao Paulo.

Human capital

economic value of the combined knowledge, experience, skills, and capabilities of employees. Top three factors cited by CEOs-- human capital 71%, customer relationship 66%, product and service innovation 52%.

Job analysis

systematic process of gathering and interpreting information about the essential duties, tasks and responsibilities of a job

Panel interview

the candidates meet with several interviewers who take turn asking questions.

Human Resource Management (HRM)

the design and application of formal systems in an organization to ensure the efficient and effective use of human talent to reach organizational goals.


the process of assessing the skills, abilities and other attributes of applicants in an attempt to determine the fit between the job and each applicant's characteristics

Job Evaluation

the process of determining the value of jobs within an organization through an examination of job content

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