MGMT 4660 Exam 5

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A crucial difference between the US job characteristics model and the European STS approach is a. The US model focuses on core job characteristics, while the European model focuses on tasks. b. The US model focuses on individuals, while the European model focuses on work teams. c. The US model focuses on work teams, while the European model focuses on individuals. d. There are no differences between the US job characteristics model and the European STS approach.


According to the text, those who are underrewarded are likely to a. Return their rewards. b. Reduce their inputs. c. Increase their inputs. d. None of the above


1. The process by which companies choose people to fill vacant position is a. Recruitment b. Compensation. c. Selection. d. Training and development.


According to equity theory, equity conscious people are most likely those a. Who behave consistently with equity theory. b. Who are more likely to tolerate situations where they are underrewarded. c. Are more likely to experience satisfaction if underrewarded. d. None of the above


All of the following statements about Maslow's hierarchy of needs are true EXCEPT a. People have six basic type of needs. b. People have basic needs that follow a hierarchy from lower level to higher level needs. c. People first seek to satisfy lower level needs and then move to higher level needs. d. All of the above are true.


All of the following statements about work in different countries are true EXCEPT a. Regardless of country, money has the highest priority for why people work. b. All people hope to receive certain benefits from work. c. In some societies, work is very central and absorbs more of a person's life. d. People from different countries have different goals for their jobs.


Difficulties that managers face in coming back to their home countries and reconnecting with their home organizations is known as the a. Repatriation problem. b. Reverse culture shock. c. Low home re-adaptation index. d. Expatriation problem.


Employees who are sent on frequent but short-term international assignments are known as a. Flexpatriates. b. Inpatriates. c. Shortpatriates. d. Expatriates.


Evidence on training for international assignments suggests a. Cross-cultural training reduces expatriate failure rates. b. Cross-cultural training makes people feel more comfortable but there are no bottom line effects on performance. c. US firms invest the most in this activity. d. It only beneficial for long term assignments.


Home country nationals are a. Expatriate employees who come from the parent's home country. b. Employees who come from a different country where he/she is working. c. Expatriate employees which come from the parent's home country. d. Employees from foreign country who work in the country where the host company is located.


Host country nationals may have limited career development in a company with a (an) a. Ethnocentric, Regio or polycentric HRM orientation. b. Only an ethnocentric HRM orientation. c. Regiocentric or global HRM orientation. d. Only a polycentric HRM orientation.


Hygiene factors include a. The size of desks and color of offices. b. Interesting tasks in the job. c. Challenges in the job. d. All of the above


International cadre are a. A group of managers who specialize in international careers. b. Managers who are hired on a temporary basis to solve international problems. c. Experts on international operations who work as part of the headquarters staff. d. A group in charge of training managers for expatriate assignments.


People's expectations from work (such as work providing necessary income or work providing satisfactory experiences) refer to a. Functions of work. b. Work centrality. c. Importance of work. d. Work motivation.


Some of the detrimental effects of social loafing can be reduced if a. Individuals are held responsible for performance. b. Groups are held responsible for performance. c. The group leader is held responsible for performance. d. None of the above


Studies of women expatriates suggest that all of the following statements are true about international assignments in traditional cultures EXCEPT a. Women typically do not succeed in expatriate assignments. b. Women have some challenges in international assignments. c. Women have some advantages in international assignments. d. Opportunities for women expatriates are expected to grow in global companies.


The importance of work refers to a. how central work is in an individual's life. b. The degree of obligations to work in the life of an individual. c. The functions that work plays in people's lives. d. People's expectations from work.


The main objective of the balance sheet approach to international compensation is a. To match home and host county purchasing power. b. To make sure you reward international managers for their hardship. c. To save costs in inexpensive countries. d. To provide headquarters' accountants with consistent information on salaries.


The text suggests several strategies that US women may use to succeed in traditional cultures. These include a. Emphasize nationality, not gender. b. Develop close contact with local government officials. c. Not being overly aggressive in negotiation. d. Proving that women can also be successful at international assignments.


The use of worldwide job evaluations, performance appraisals methods, and salary scales to determine pay is the a. The global pay system. b. The balance sheet approach. c. The multi-local pay system. d. The headquarters-based system.


Which of the following theories is NOT considered as one of the needs theories? a. Equity theory b. Achievement motivation theory c. Maslow's hierarchy of needs d. Motivator-hygiene theory


According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the strategies used to allow successful repatriation of expatriates? a. Provide a strategic purpose for the repatriation b. Allow the expatriate to return when he/she is ready to do so c. Provide training and preparation for the return d. Establish a team to aid the expatriate


Adjusting wages to local lifestyles and costs of living refers to which expatriate compensation system? a. The balance-sheet method b. The host-based compensation system c. The global pay system d. The headquarters-based compensation system


All of the following statements about the US job characteristics model are true EXCEPT a. The model suggests that work is more motivating when managers enrich core job characteristics. b. The model suggests that enriching job characteristics is motivating for all types of individuals. c. The model assumes that one critical state for motivation to occur is if the worker believes his/her work to be meaningful. d. The model assumes that only some people will respond well to enriched jobs.


An expatriate finds that one of his subordinates regularly jokes about a minority group in the country. She decides to ignore the jokes hoping that the subordinate will eventually stop such jokes. Which aspect of reinforcement theory is she using? a. Avoidance b. Extinction c. Punishment d. Operant conditioning


Companies with a multi-local strategy are most likely to have a a. A global HRM orientation. b. A polycentric HRM orientation. c. Either a ethnocentric or regiocentric HRM orientation. d. A geocentric orientation.


Companies with ethnocentric HRM orientations a. Use similar pay and benefit packages worldwide. b. Select home country nationals for key positions. c. Emphasize extensive training in the company culture before allowing a manager to go international. d. Often use international experience as a technical qualification for high level management.


Expatriates are a. Local workers who come from the host country where the unit is located. b. Employees who come from a different country from where he or she is working. c. The more talented local managers. d. None of the above


Experts on repatriation suggest a. That managers will experience no problems if they return to their home cultures. b. Reverse culture shock can occur regarding national and organizational culture. c. There are difficult problems with repatriation but few solutions at this time. d. People may feel uncomfortable for a while but work performance will not suffer.


Extra money paid to expatriates for particularly difficult posting due to issues such as high risk or poor living conditions is known as a. Foreign service premiums. b. Hardship allowance. c. Relocation allowances. d. Home-leave allowances.


International Human Resource Management a. Is no different from domestic HRM. b. Is the application of HRM to international settings. c. Is the orientation to hiring international employees. d. Is the selection and compensation of expatriates.


Key expatriate success factors include all of the following EXCEPT a. Professional or technical skill. b. Experience in at least two cultures different from the assignment country. c. Stress tolerance. d. Favorable family situation.


Motivation refers to a. A feeling of deficit or lacking. b. Goal-directed behaviors to satisfy human needs. c. The use of work to satisfy many needs. d. Consequences of a person's behavior that discourages the behavior.


Setting goals for work groups is recommended in a. Individualistic cultures. b. Collectivist cultures. c. High power distance cultures. d. Goal setting for groups works equally well in all cultural settings.


The concept of work centrality refers to a. The reasons why people work. b. The degree of importance of work in the life of an individual. c. The functions that work plays in people's lives. d. Goals that people hope to achieve from working.


The sociotechnical systems approach to job design a. Gives priority to the technical efficiency of workers. b. Attempts to mesh both modern technology and social needs of workers. c. Has no major differences with the US job characteristics model. d. Focuses on designing each worker's task for job enrichment.


Using more local managers to reduce the costs of training expatriate managers is a benefit usually associated with a. A global HRM orientation. b. A polycentric or regiocentric HRM orientation. c. An ethnocentric HRM orientation. d. A geocentric orientation.


When applying need theories in a cross-national context, managers should a. Ignore the differences in needs between nations and apply the models uniformly. b. Take into consideration the particular needs that people seek to satisfy in different countries. c. Give the same magnitude of importance to work needs and apply these motivational tools. d. Understand work centrality and then provide the same rewards to satisfy needs.


Which is NOT one of the four IHRM orientations as covered in the text? a. ethnocentric b. egocentric c. polycentric d. regiocentric


Which of the following is NOT one of the issues that make expatriate performance appraisals difficult? a. Unreliable data b. Refusal of host company to provide performance information regarding expatriate c. Time differences and distance separation d. Complex and volatile environments


Which of the following statements about flexpatriates is FALSE? a. Flexpatriates are those workers who travel on short notice for shorter duration. b. Flexpatriate assignments usually last longer than expatriate assignments. c. Flexpatriates provide flexibility as the company can send someone on numerous and much shorter duration assignments. d. All of the above are true.


A manager gives bonuses to high performing foreign employees hoping that they will continue performing at a high level. This manager is using which motivational principle? a. Extinction b. Goal-directed c. Reinforcement d. Punishment


All of the following are benefits of international assignments EXCEPT a. International assignments help managers acquire skills necessary to develop successful strategies in a global context. b. Expatriate assignments help a company coordinate and control operations dispersed geographically and culturally. c. International assignments provide companies access to preferential quotas and duties. d. Global assignments provide important strategic information.


All of the following are true about the operant-conditioning model EXCEPT a. Behavior is a function of its consequences. b. People will stop behaviors that have unpleasant consequences. c. People will continue behaviors they like irrespective of the nature of consequence. d. People will continue behaviors that have pleasant consequences.


All of the following statements are true EXCEPT a. Equity norms prevail in individualistic cultures. b. Equality norms prevail over equity norms in collectivist cultures. c. Equity norms prevail in collectivist cultures. d. All of the above are true.


All of the following statements are true about hygiene factors EXCEPT a. Hygiene factors bring people to neutral states of motivation. b. Hygiene factors include good benefits and good working conditions. c. Hygiene factors can motivate workers similarly to motivating factors. d. Hygiene factors include those characteristics that allow people to fulfill lower level needs.


Conclusions from the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey on functions of work reveal that a. People across the world assign the same degree of importance to work functions. b. People across the world rate income as the most important work function. c. People from different nations do not assign the same magnitude of importance to work functions. d. Workers saw the most important function of work as providing contact with other people.


Expectancy theory proposes that a. Motivation is solely determined by the satisfaction of needs. b. Motivation is determined by the workers' perceptions of fairness at work. c. Motivation is a result of an individual's preferences and belief that his/her effort will lead to some valued results. d. Motivation is a purely automatic process.


If the cost of of living for a U.S. expatriate is high it might be due to a. the high cost of living in a city such as Tokyo or London. b. living in an area where the cost of living is low but the cost of living to maintain the same lifestyle as the U.S. is high. c. both of the above. d. none of the above.


In a cross-national context, expectancy theory prescribes that managers a. Should specify the hierarchy of needs of workers. b. Identify and eliminate potential sources of inequity at work. c. Identify valued outcomes and convince workers that their efforts will lead to these outcomes. d. Punish workers for not achieving organizational goals.


Reactions to a person's behavior that encourage the person to continue the behavior is a. Goal-directed behavior. b. Punishment. c. Reinforcement. d. Need.


The national context affect motivation through all of the following EXCEPT a. Cultural values and norms. b. Social institutions that lead to different types of organizations. c. The existence of strong organizational cultures. d. National differences in work centrality.


The need to maximize personal achievement refers to which type of need in Maslow's hierarchy of needs a. Physiological needs. b. Self esteem needs. c. Self actualization needs. d. Security needs.


The theory based on the idea that employees compare their inputs and outcomes to other persons in the work setting to determine if they are being fairly treated is a. Needs difference theory. b. Expectancy theory. c. Equity theory. d. Reinforcement theory.


The two aspects to consider when evaluating the possibility of hiring expatriates are the high cost and a. Skills in multinational management. b. High success rate. c. High failure rate. d. None of the above


Third-country nationals are a. Workers who come from the host-country where the unit is located. b. Foreign workers who work in a country where the parent company is located. c. Workers who come from neither the host nor the host-country. d. None of the above


Which is correct regarding home country vs. host country? a. Home country refers to the country home of a given employee and host country refers to wherever the employee serves as a host to others. b. Home country refers to the home of the foreign national and the host country is where that foreign national is actually working. c. Home country is where the firm's headquarters is located and the host country is where an employee from the home country or other country is working. d. None of the above.


Which of the following best describes emotional intelligence, one of the factors key to the success of an expatriate? a. The ability to adapt to new and strange situations b. The motivation to accept international assignments c. The ability to being aware of oneself and to understand and relate to others d. None of the above


Which of the following motivation theory suggests that only some people have the need to win in competitive situation or to exceed excellence standards? a. Expectancy theory b. Motivator-hygiene theory c. Achievement-motivation theory d. Reinforcement theory


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding women expatriates compared to male expatriates? a. Women expatriates have more difficulty being taken seriously early in their careers. b. Women expatriates have more pressures to balance work and family compared to male expatriates. c. Women expatriates have poorer relational and communication skills than male expatriates. d. Women expatriates have more pressures to worry about their spouses than male expatriates.


Which types of motivation theories explain motivation arising from satisfaction of needs and values combined with an individual's beliefs regarding the work environment? a. Needs theories b. Work centrality theories c. Process and reinforcement theories d. Work functions theories


A person with good relational abilities has a. The capacity to adapt to strange situations. b. The flexibility to modify their behavior. c. A sensitivity to cultural norms and values. d. All of the above


All of the following are benefits that companies obtain by using expatriates EXCEPT a. Receiving important strategic information. b. Increased coordination and control of international operations. c. Timely information on the local markets. d. Reduced turnover for key international managers.


All of the following are possible steps that can be taken by multinationals to remove barriers faced by female expatriates EXCEPT a. Provide opportunities for interpersonal networks with other female expatriates. b. Provide mentors. c. Identify and remove sources of barriers. d. Provide more appropriate performance appraisal systems for female expatriates.


All of the following explain why there may be more international assignments for women in the future EXCEPT a. Legal and social pressures for equal opportunity in North America. b. Acute shortage of men willing to take international assignments. c. Globalization creates opportunities to hire skilled women from any country. d. More federal funds to train women for international assignments.


All the following are true about work centrality EXCEPT a. High levels of work centrality may lead to dedicated workers and more effective organizations. b. Higher levels of work centrality closely match average number of hours worked in a country. c. High levels of work centrality in Japan have been physically and psychologically stressing to middle-aged managers. d. It represents the function of work in an organizational culture.


Applying reinforcement at a cross-national level is challenging because a. It is hard to identify the organizational rewards that can be used as reinforcers. b. It is hard to understand how work values influence potential rewards. c. It is hard to know which type of reinforcer is more applicable in different cultures. d. All of the above


Companies with a global HRM orientation a. Usually provide significant extra pay for expatriate assignments. b. Evaluate their managers by headquarters' country standards. c. Focus primarily on language training as preparation for expatriate assignments. d. Use similar pay and benefit packages for all international assignments.


Esteem needs refer to a. Basic survival needs such as food, water and shelter. b. Safety and avoidance of pain and life-threatening situations. c. Being loved and having friendship. d. Focus on respect and feelings of self-worth.


Expatriate workers who come from neither the host nor home country are a. Host country nationals. b. Parent country nationals. c. Neither country nationals. d. Third country nationals.


In individualistic cultures, performance drops off with the use of teamwork because a. Of social loafing. b. Workers believe that the group will make up any slack in their personal efforts. c. Workers do not feel responsible for group outcomes. d. All of the above


Inpatriates are a. Employees who come from a different country where he/she is working. b. Expatriate workers who come from neither the host nor the home country. c. Local workers who come from the host country where the unit is located. d. Employees from foreign country who work in the country where the parent company is located.


Need theories of motivation are based on the assumption that a. Motivation is a function of the individual's beliefs of what happens if one works hard. b. Motivation is a result of the outcomes of one's past behaviors. c. Motivation is a function of why people work. d. People can satisfy basic human needs in the work setting.


One international HR problem involves the performance appraisal of expatriates from the home country who are working in the host country. A reason or reasons for that problem a. is that the employee may be working on long term growth but is being measured on short term results. b. is that the employee has expectations based on the home country environment but must achieve results in a different cultural, legal, and political environment. c. performance appraisals are all biased and unreliable. d. A and B above.


One reason for US expatriate managers failure is a. Personality of the manager. b. Lack of technical proficiency. c. Lack of motivation. d. All of the above choices.


Principles of goal-setting theory include all of the following EXCEPT a. Set clear and specific goals. b. Provide incentives to achieve goals. c. Give feedback on goal attainment. d. Assign do-your-best types of goals.


Social loafing a. Is the social process of sharing. b. Occurs when people prefer to work in groups. c. Means that everyone's work is easier in groups. d. Occurs when people put out less effort when working in groups.


Suggestions to improve expatriate performance appraisals include a. Using the same standards as the home country to improve fairness. b. Giving up on performance appraisal since they often fail in the international setting. c. Evaluation only at the end of the assignment since it takes a long time to learn about another culture. d. Using multiple evaluators with varying periods of evaluation.


Which motivation theory proposes that if a pleasurable consequence follows a behavior, then the behavior will continue and if an unpleasant consequence follows a behavior, the behavior will stop? a. Needs theory b. Expectance theory c. Equity theory d. Reinforcement theory


Which of the following are issues that might affect whether a manager might be successful or unsuccessful in an overseas assignment? a. A dual career family in which the spouse has a different career and employer. b. The spouse's relational skills and adaptability to a different culture. c. The spouse's willingness to live abroad. d. All of the above.


Which of the following factors is not necessarily included in an expatriate's compensation package? a. Local market cost of living b. Housing c. Adjustments for taxes d. All of the above are included in an expatriate's compensation package


Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons discussed to explain why people engage in social loafing in individualistic cultures? a. When working in groups, people in individualistic cultures often feel less pressure to work and less responsible for work outcomes. b. Workers in groups in individualistic cultures often believe that the group will make up any slack in their personal efforts. c. People in individualistic cultures often give priority to their own work over the group. d. All of the above are reasons to explain social loafing in individualistic cultures.


Which of the following is NOT one of the strategies discussed in the text to help repatriation of expatriates? a. Provide a strategic purpose for the repatriation b. Establish a team to help with the repatriation c. Provide support for the expatriate and family on reentry d. Provide vacation to help the expatriate get readjusted at home


Which of the following is NOT true regarding low training rigor? a. Low training rigor usually includes briefings concerning company operations. b. Low training rigor usually lasts for a short period. c. Low training rigor usually includes lectures and videos on the local culture. d. Low training usually lasts over two months.


Which of the following refers to the aspect of a job where the person can complete a whole piece of work from beginning to end? a. Feedback b. Task significance c. Task variety d. Task identity


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