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A person with a _______ personality is someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who affects environmental change. counterproductive protractive disruptive proactive


A system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons is called a(n): team coordination group organization


A(n) _____________ organization is one that proactively creates, acquires and transfers knowledge and that changes its behavior on the basis of new knowledge and insights. learning innovation mentoring coaching


A(n) _____________ system organization depends on constant interaction with the environment for survival. crowdsourcing open closed integrated

Emotional Intelligence

Ability to monitor your own emotions and those of others, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions.

Practical intelligence

Ability to solve everyday problems by utilizing knowledge gained from experience in order to purposefully adapt to, shape and select environments


Abstract ideas that guide our thinking and behavior across all situations


According to anonymous surveys, what percentage of high school students admitted to cheating on tests? 90% 51% 25% 75%

no customer interest

According to the book, which of these were not one of the issues large U.S. tech companies sometimes encounter when offering their products overseas? no customer interest massive fines tougher regulations restrictions on what can be sold

3 components of attitudes

Affective Cognitive Behavioral

Job Satisfaction

Affective or emotional response toward various facets of your job


Ajzen and Fishbein consider __________________ as the key link between attitudes and planned behavior.

Attitudes; Behavior

Ajzen and Fishbein consider intentions as the key link between _____________ and planned ______________.

Hollow Structure

Also known as a network structure, is designed around a central core of key functions and out sources other functions to outside companies or individuals who can do them cheaper and faster. (Nike)


Altering jobs to improve employee experience and productivity is called job design rotation crafting satisfaction


An attitude, opinion, feeling or action shared by two or more people that guides behavior.

improved accounting/financial performance

An organization that has high levels of aggregate job satisfaction could expect to experience which of the following? increased perceived stress more instances of counterproductive work behavior higher levels of turnover improved accounting/financial performance

work place attitudes

An outcome of various OB-related processes, including leadership


Any form of socially harmful behavior, such as aggression, bullying, harassment

Job Design

Any set of activities that involve the alteration of specific job activities to improve the quality of employee job experience and motivation is called job design. expectancy theory. equity theory. goal setting.

Implicit Cognition

Any thoughts or belief that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness cognitive dissonance. implicit cognition. encoding and simplification. operant conditioning.

implicit cognition

Any thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness are examples of cognitive dissonance. operant conditioning. encoding and simplification. implicit cognition.

implicit cognition.

Any thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness are examples of operant conditioning. cognitive dissonance. implicit cognition. encoding and simplification.

formal group

Assigned by the managers to accomplish a goal


Associated with success for managers and salespeople and jobs that require social skills.


At its core, what is feedback? information a means to fire someone a waste of time punishment for average work


At which stage of Lewin's three-stage model of planned change does the organization provide employees with a convincing reason to change? feedback unfreezing adaptation refreezing

Proactive Personality

Attribute of someone relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change. Proactive people identify opportunities and act on them, show initiative, take action and persevere until meaningful change occurs.

Internal Locus of control

Belief that you control the events and consequences that affect your life


Beliefs you have that concern something specific, such as a specific person, are known as personal ________.


Beliefs you have that concern something specific, such as a specific person, are known as personal _______________.

External Locus of control

Believe their performance is the product of circumstances beyond their immediate control

Core self evaluations

Broad personality traits made up of four narrow and positive individual traits: 1. generalized self-efficacy 2. self esteem 3. locus of control 4. emotional stability

suspected causes of behavior.

Causal attributions refer to innate personality traits. results of behavior. managers' responses to behavior. suspected causes of behavior.

Judgemental Heuristics

Cognitive shortcuts or biases that are used to simply the process of making decisions

groups; teams

Collections of individuals with low dependency on one another are known as ______, whereas _____ are collectively responsible for their performance. groups; teams teams; organizations groups; followers teams; groups


Combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identities.

Matrix Structure

Combines Vertical structure with an equally strong horizontal overlay

Functional conflict

Commonly referred to as constructive or cooperative conflict, is characterized by consultative interactions, a focus on the issues, mutual respect, and useful give and take.


Companies with an internal focus with a value on flexibility rather than stability and control are said to have a(n) _____ culture. market adhocracy clan hierarchy


Compares a person's behavior on one task with his or her behavior on other tasks. (High distinctiveness means the individual has performed the task in a significantly different manner than he or she has performed other tasks)


Compares an individual's behavior with that of his or her peers. (high consensus when someone acts like the rest of the group, and low when they act differently)

total rewards

Compensation, benefits, and personal growth opportunities are all part of an organization's: total rewards hiring process coaching program application process

Adhocracy culture

External focus and value flexibility (encourage and empower employees to take risks, think outside the box, and experiment with new ways to get things done.

organic Organizations

Flexible networks of multitalented individuals who perform a variety of tasks


Focus on interpersonal skills more than extroverts when evaluating coworkers performance.


Function of both personal traits and genetic factors

Attribution Tendencies

Fundamental attribution bias and self serving bias

self Esteem

General belief about your own self worth

Compromising style

Give and take approach with a moderate concern for both self and other (goals of the parties are mutual, parties are equally powerful)

self managed teams

Groups of workers who have administrative oversight over their work domains.

Functional Structure

Groups people according to the business fountains they perform, for example manufacturing, marketing and finance

counterproductive work behavior

Harms other employees, the organization as a whole, and or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders.

Employee Engagement

Harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles; people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively and emotionally during role performance. (Give their all at work)


Match the elements of psychological empowerment: Sense that you have control over your work and its outcomes Impact at work Meaning Competence Self-determination

Representation and networking

Match the leader behavior to its meaning. Presenting the work group in a positive light to others. Group-oriented decision making Interaction-faciitation Value-based Representation and networking


Match the leader behavior to its meaning. Showing concern for the well-being of employees. Achievement-oriented Path-goal clarifying Supportive Work-facilitation

inspirational appeals

Matching influence tactics: Choice, Appealing to emotions, ideals, or values Appealing to emotions, ideals, or values Rational persuasion Ingratiation Personal appeals Consultation Inspirational appeals


Matching influence tactics: Using praise, flattery, humor, or helpfulness before making a request Rational persuasion Ingratiation Personal appeals Consultation Inspirational appeals


McClelland's theory, developed in the 1940s, proposed that employee behaviors are driven by three __________ needs. physiological acquired fundamental inherent

Virtual Structure

Members are geographically apart, usually working with email and other forms of information technology, but that generally appears to customers as a single, unified organization with a real physical location.

informal group

Members overriding purpose in getting together in friendship or a common interest

agreeable employees

More likely to stay with their job (not quit). tend to be kind and get along with everyone, have a positive relationships and experiences at work

Job rotation

Moving employees form one specialized job to another

blaming others blaming oneself denying blame

Name the 3 blaming styles researchers found in people from a large variety of industries.

all considered undesirable because they negatively affect outcomes.

Narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism are -all clinically considered to be personality disorders. -all associated with extremely high levels of emotional intelligence. -called the Golden Triad because they positively affect outcomes for individuals and groups. -all considered undesirable because they negatively affect outcomes.


Need for reputation, prestige, and recognition from others. also includes need for self confidence and strength

arouse behavior

Needs are defined as physiological or psychological deficiencies that: create competition define personality arouse behavior create work


OB concepts can be applied to the problem-_________________ process to overcome challenges and improve your performance.

Anticipatory Socialization Phase

Occurs before an individual actually joins an organization.

Centralized Decision making

Occurs when key decisions are made by top management


Occurs when one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.

undesired side effects

Of the three potential outcomes from rewards, which one motivates the wrong behaviors? desired outcome nothing undesired side effects anticipated outcomes


One lesson from the competing values framework is that innovation and operational outcomes are linked to characteristics associated with all but which one of the following cultures? market hierarchy clan adhocracy


One of the conclusions of the competing values framework is that organizational culture is related to measures of organizational ______________ design effectiveness value structure


One or more freely interacting individuals who share norms and goals and have a common identity.

interpretive memory

Organizations learn by using all by which one of these independent subprocesses? information distribution information acquisition interpretive memory knowledge integration

Fundamental Attribution Bias

Our tendency to attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics, rather than to situation factors.


Outgoing, Talkative, Sociable, Assertive

Strategic plan

Outlines the organizations long term goals and the actions necessary to achieve them.

Avoiding style

Passive withdrawal from the problem and active suppression of the issue are common (Issue is trivial, cooling off period is needed)

Expectancy Theory

People are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes.

contractual trust

People do what they say they will do and make their expectations clear. competence trust contractual trust communication trust

competence trust

People meet their responsibilities and acknowledge others' skills and experience competence trust contractual trust communication trust

communication trust

People share information and tell the truth. competence trust contractual trust communication trust


People who have a ___________ attitude about work will be more open to working longer hours.

make efforts to change and improve things around them.

People with proactive personalities - decrease the supportiveness of their managers. - rarely have the determination to see long projects through to completion. - tend to keep ideas to themselves unless they are prodded. - make efforts to change and improve things around them.

secondary appraisal

Perceptions of how able you are to deal with a given demand is called: performance appraisal primary appraisal secondary appraisal visual appraisal

Contributes to Employee Engagement

Person Factors- Personality, positive psychological capital, human and social capital Situational factors- Job characteristics, leadership, organizational climate, stressors


Personal values exemplify global beliefs while personal ____________ are more specific to a situation, person, or object.


Personal values exemplify global beliefs while personal ___________________ are more specific to a situation, person, or object.


The combination of stable physical, behavioral and mental characteristics that give individuals their unique identities is called: intelligence IQ personality behavior

Modular Structure

The company assembles product parts, components or modules provided by external contractors.


The competing values framework teaches us that companies with a(n) ____________ tend to have more positive organizational outcomes. hierarchal market clan adhocracy

organziational committment

The extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals is called _________________ _________________.


The first level of organizational culture is __________ artifacts. cultural observable collectable espoused

expert power

The forms of power associated with one's job or position in an organization are referred to as position power and include all of the following EXCEPT: coercive power expert power legitimate power reward power


The fundamental ___________ bias leads people to disregard environmental influences on behavior. - self-serving - causal - attribution - assumption

organizational design

The general idea behind ___________ ____________is that firms are more successful and effective when their structure supports the execution of corporate strategies. organizational design top down management competition alignment hierarchal authority


The idea behind the ______ approach is that change creates additional change. systems coping organizational resistance


The management practice that enhances employee performance, well-being, and positive attitudes is influence empowerment job design performance management

scientific management

The method of job design that draws from observation, experiments, and reasoning is: job crafting scientific management job design bottom up management

situation factors.

The myriad external elements that influence what we do, how we do it, and the outcomes of our actions are called social characteristics. person factors. soft skills. situation factors.


The practice of mindfulness, including ______, has gained significant interest in workplaces everywhere. meditation hypnotism primal screaming memory regression


The psychological mechanisms that guide the direction, intensity, and persistence of one's behaviors or thoughts are known as: activation motivation behaviorism personality


The quantifiability of a goal is known as goal commitment strategy specificity attainment

weaker than

The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational financial performance is ______ the relationship between job satisfaction and individual productivity. equal to stronger than weaker than unassociated with

Organizational culture

The set of shared, taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group hold and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments


The strongest (most positive) effects on job performance and training performance. strong sense of purpose, obligation, and persistence generally perform better than those who don't. higher job satisfaction.


The structure that groups people according to the business functions they perform is called a _________ structure. divisional virtual functional matrix

individual differences

The term ______ is used to collectively describe people's traits and behaviors that are influenced by genetics and environment. emotional intelligence self-esteem individual differences cognitive abilities

organizational behavior (OB)

The term _______________ _______________ describes an interdisciplinary field concerned with understanding and managing people at work.

job satisfaction

The term_______________ _______________ reflects the extent to which a person likes his or her job.


What is the term used to describe a prolonged state of mental and physical exhaustion that cannot be fixed by getting a good night's sleep? tiredness laziness fatigue stress


What theory is based on the idea that managers must interact with employees and monitor their perceptions of fair treatment? Genetic Value Characteristic Equity

broad influence across all situations a global scope

Which of the following characterize personal values? broad influence across all situations targeted to specific objects or persons a global scope affects behavior via intentions

observable artifacts

Which of the following is not likely to determine the development of subcultures? Divisions or departments Products and technologies Observable artifacts Occupational groups

increased counterproductive work behaviors

Which of the following outcomes is not associated with higher levels of emotional stability? increased relaxation increased counterproductive work behaviors higher levels of job performance increased likelihood of doing work beyond required job responsibilities

management buy in to programs

Which of these is not included in the barriers to implementing successful diversity programs? management buy in to programs prejudice ethnocentrism inaccurate stereotypes


Which of these is not one of the Four Functions of Organizational Culture? organizational identity sustainability collective commitment social system stability sense-making


cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings.

Decentralized Decision Making

dDecisions are made by middle and lower lever managers

Perceived organizational Support (POS)

extent to which employees believe their organization values their contributions and genuinely cares about their well-being

Cognitive Component

"I Believe" reflects our beliefs or ideas about an object or situation.

Behavioral Component

"I Intend" the way we intend or expect to act toward someone or something.

Affective Component

"I feel" contains our feelings or emotions about a given object or situation.

Hertzberg's Motivators

-job enlargement -job enrichment/Rotation -job empowerment -appraisal -internal sourcing

Reduce cognitive dissonance in 3 ways

1. Change your attitude or behavior or both 2. Belittle the I'm importance of the inconsistent behavior 3. Find consonant elements that outweigh dissonant ones.

Three C's of effective teams

1. Charters and strategies 2. composition 3. capacity

Kelleys model of Attribution

1. Consensus 2. Distinctiveness 3. Consistency

Seven types of Organizational structure

1. Functional 2. Divisional 3. Matrix 4. Horizontal 5. Hollow 6. Modular 7. Virtual

Process of Organizational Learning

1. Information Acquisition 2. Information Distribution 3. Information Interpretation 4. Knowledge Integration 5. Organizational Memory

Five Models of Job Satisfaction How can management boost job satisfaction

1. Need fulfillment- Understand and meet employees' needs 2. Met expectations- Meet employees' expectations about what they will receive from the job 3. Value attainment- Structure the job and its rewards to match employee values 4. Equity- Monitor employees perceptions of fairness and interact with them so they feel fairly treated. 5. Dispositional/genetic components- Hire employees with an appropriate disposition.

Pros of using Rational Model

1. Quality 2. Transparency 3. Responsibility

Four psychosocial functions

1. Role modeling 2. acceptance and confirmation 3. counseling 4. friendship

Key components to emotional intelligence

1. Self-awareness 2. self management 3. social awareness 4. relationship management

Five career functions that enhanced career development

1. Sponsorship 2. exposure and visibility 3. Coaching 4. protection 5. Challenging assignments

Five Contingency Factors

1. Strategy and Goals 2. Market Uncertainty 3. Decision making processes 4. Technology 5. Size

Five stage model of Group Development

1. forming 2. storming 3. norming 4. performing 5. adjourning

Four stages in rational decision making

1. identify the problem 2. Generate alternative solutions 3. evaluate alternatives and select solution 4. implement and evaluate the solution chosen

Why use personality tests?

1. reduce time and cost of recruiting and hiring 2. reduce biases in the interview process 3. increase the pool of candidates 4 complement candidate information found in the resumes and interviews.

Self Determination Theory

3 needs influence our behavior and well being the needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness


A cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings is called: mythology perception psychology deception


A commonly used political tactic in organizations is blowing your own horn while not recognizing the accomplishments of others. This is known as: building a network of support impression management self-promotion ingratiation


A company's _______ describes a compelling future state. vision agenda mission statement output

strategic plan

A company's long-term goals and the actions needed to achieve those goals is called a strategic plan vision coping mechanism mission statement


A concern with identifying right and wrong behavior is referred to as _________________.

Improvement & Innovation

A focus on existing customers and optimizing existing product/services for them specifically is called: product innovation straight innovation improvement innovation process innovation


A manager who makes sure to treat employees in a manner that they perceive as fair is exhibiting which model of job satisfaction? equity dispositional/genetic components value attainment need fulfillment


Altering jobs to improve employee experience and productivity is called job - construction - design - crafting - satisfaction


As situations change, different styles of leadership become appropriate. This is the basic premise of ___________ theories. situational contingency task-oriented relationship-oriented


Bernard Bass concluded that leaders manage, and managers do what? inspire inform influence lead

Individual level

Choice, Individual pursuit of general self-interests Individual pursuit of general self-interests Coalition level Network level Individual level

the situation

Contingency theories propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on what factor? behavior patterns the leader's personality the situation national or regional culture

Network level

Cooperative pursuit of general self-interests Coalition level Network level Individual level

Coalition level

Cooperative pursuit of group interests in specific issues Coalition level Network level Individual level

Anchoring Bias

Ddecision makers are influenced by the first information they received about a decision, even if it is irrelevant

participation and empowerment

Delegating more authority and responsibility to employees to make their own decisions - giving opportunity for growth and creativity (Maslow's actualisation)


Dependable, responsive, achievement oriented, persistent

Span of control

Describes the number of people reporting directly to a given manager


Describes the psychological process that underlie the direction, intensity and persistence of behavior or thought

Self actualization

Desire for self fulfillment to become the best one is capable of becoming


Desire to be loved and to love. includes the needs for affection and belonging

Need for Achievement

Desire to excel, overcome obstacles, solve problems, and rival and surpass others

Need for power

Desire to influence, coach, teach or encourage others to achieve

Need for affiliation

Desire to maintain social relationships, be liked and join groups

dispositional resistance to change

If people display the personality trait that makes them less likely to make changes and more likely to have negative attitudes toward change, they are exhibiting what? Kotter's third law of change dispositional resistance to change organizational resistance to change a bad attitude

bipolar dimensions.

In Schwartz's value theory, values are organized into two achievement dimensions. similarity categories. bipolar dimensions. context categories.

to attract and retain diverse employees

In order to address changing demographics, firms are changing the work environment and benefits packages: to rival international companies to attract and retain diverse employees to maintain political superiority to add stipulations regarding religious beliefs

democratic, autocratic

In terms of leadership, women use a more ______ style while men use a more ______ style. directive; emotional low-key; in-your-face democratic; autocratic elite; lowbrow

person and situation factors

In the systems model of the organizing framework, what are the initial drivers of all outcomes? individual level processes group/team level processes person and situation factors organizational level processes

intrinsic motivation

Individual is inspired by the positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well


Individual's capacity for constructive thinking, reasoning and problem solving


Individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics or attributes of a group

Psychological contracts

Individuals perception about the reciprocal exchange between him or herself and another party

Task roles

Initiator, information seeker/giver, elaborator, recorder, energizer ect.

Conflict handling styles

Integrating, Obliging, Dominating, Avoiding, Compromising

Openness to experience

Intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad minded

Clan Culture

Internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control (resembles a family type organization)

Hierarchy Culture

Internal focus, which produces a more formalized and structured work environment, and values stability and control over flexibility. (timeliness, quality, Safety, and reliability in producing and delivering products and services)

Affirmative Action

Intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past

Glass ceiling

Invisible but absolute barrier that prevents women from advancing to higher level positions

identify problems while pursuing a goal

It is important to monitor progress toward goal achievement in order to: keep employees satisfied identify problems while pursuing a goal provide incentives such as bonuses match rewards to the achievements of the team

approach to job design in which individuals make physical and cognitive changes in the task or relational boundaries of their work Reason: Job crafting means employees' attempts to shape their work, not the development of jobs by management.

Job crafting is the: - scientific study of jobs by management to make them more productive and less time consuming - scientific study of jobs by management to create an interdependent system - approach to job design in which individuals make physical and cognitive changes in the task or relational boundaries of their work - development of jobs by management that incorporate all of the job characteristics into every job


Judges whether the individuals performance on a given task is consistent over time. (low consistency is unfavorable, high consistency implies a person performs a task the same way with little to no variations)

employee engagement

Kahn described "the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles" as:


Low employee engagement and low performance are examples of ______________________ work behaviors.

Contingency Factors

Managers who take into account strategy and goals, market uncertainty, decision-making processes, size, and technology are considering ______ about organization design. internal alignment organizational culture contingency factors employee attitudes

Path-goal clarifying

Match the leader behavior to its meaning. Clarifying employees' performance goals using positive and negative rewards. Achievement-oriented Path-goal clarifying Supportive Work-facilitation

Group-oriented decision making

Match the leader behavior to its meaning. Encouraging group members to participate in decision making. Group-oriented decision making Interaction-faciitation Value-based Representation and networking


Match the leader behavior to its meaning. Establishing a vision and supporting its accomplishment. Group-oriented decision making Interaction-faciitation Value-based Representation and networking


Match the leader behavior to its meaning. Providing counseling, mentoring, and coaching to assist employee development. Achievement-oriented Path-goal clarifying Supportive Work-facilitation


Match the leader behavior to its meaning. Resolving disputes; facilitating communication. Group-oriented decision making Interaction-faciitation Value-based Representation and networking


Match the leader behavior to its meaning. Setting challenging goals. Achievement-oriented Path-goal clarifying Supportive Work-facilitation


Matching influence tactics: Involving others in planning and making decisions about changes Rational persuasion Ingratiation Personal appeals Consultation Inspirational appeals

personal appeals

Matching influence tactics: Referring to friendship or loyalty when making a request Rational persuasion Ingratiation Personal appeals Consultation Inspirational appeals

rational persuasion

Matching influence tactics: Using logic, reason, or facts to convince another Rational persuasion Ingratiation Personal appeals Consultation Inspirational appeals


McGregor's Theory _______ is a pessimistic view of employees that includes the need to motivate them with carrots and sticks. motivator/hygiene X Y need hierarchy


Most basic need. Entails having enough food, air and water to survive.

Emotional stability

Relaxed, secure, unworried

Cognitive Dissonance

Represents the psychological discomfort a person experiences when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions (ideas, beliefs, values or emotions)

Extrinsic motivation

Results from the potential or actual receipt of external rewards


Skills dealing with human relationships and interactions are referred to as ______ skills.


Skills that are related to technical know-how, such as bookkeeping or financial analysis, are known as ___________ skills.


Solving problems by producing the best solution based on a set of highly desirable conditions

Individual Differences

The many attributes, such as traits and behaviors that describe each of us as a person


To solve problems effectively, it is important to consider necessary ______________, such as people who will provide support.

It improves performance.

Tracking goal achievement and progress toward goals can have which impacts on employees? It causes morale issues. It leads to high turnover. It decreases motivation. It improves performance.

False Reason: A performance appraisal is simply the event of a performance review, while performance management is a process

True or false: Both performance management and performance appraisal are continual processes.


True or false: Intelligence and mental abilities are related to performance.


True or false: Most illegal unethical acts are prosecuted.

True Reason: People recall positive feedback more accurately although negative feedback can be motivational.

True or false: People tend to recall positive feedback more accurately than negative feedback. True False


Trusting, good natured, cooperative, softhearted

trait approach

Trying to identify the personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that can differentiate leaders from followers is called: trait approach transactional leadership contingency theory transformational leadership

Withdrawal Cognitions

Tthought process by representing an individual's overall thought and feelings about quitting

is not an effective perspective for management.

Viewing personality in terms of liking and fit - ensure a team is comprised of the best possible members. - is a highly effective way to choose personnel. - is not an effective perspective for management. - reduces the tension involved in completing project deadlines.

Decision making style

Way an individual perceives and comprehends stimuli and the general manner in which he or she chooses to respond to such information.

Share information only with those who need to know instead of with the whole team.

What among these choices are not a practical way to build trust in interpersonal relationships within an organization? - Keep team members informed by providing information on policies and giving accurate feedback. - Demonstrate good business sense, technical ability, and professionalism. - Be realistic about commitments and deliver quality work on time. - Share information only with those who need to know instead of with the whole team.

distribution criteria for rewards

What are results, behaviors, actions, and nonperformance factors examples of? extrinsic and intrinsic rewards desired outcomes in an organization distribution criteria for rewards feedback and coaching

1. Define the Problem, 2. Identify the Problem, 3. Make Recommendation

What are the 3-steps in the approach to problem solving in (order).

Vertical Dyad

What do behavioral scientists call a leader-member exchange relationship? quality trait vertical dyad boss-follower dyad horizontal plane

a failure to interpret and implement safety measures

What is a key risk of neglecting to integrate subcultures within high-risk industries? a significant overproduction of product geographical hierarchies a failure to interpret and implement safety measures an acceleration of their hiring processes

It is a deliberate mental action.

Which of the following is not true concerning implicit cognition? It is a deliberate mental action. It can lead to biased decisions. It happens without conscious awareness. It comes from people's memory.

-Managers should avoid using a contingency approach to hiring.

Which of the following is not true concerning the search for employees with the right personality type? -Employers should try to find a fit for an employee's personality. -There is no ideal personality profile. -One personality does not fit all jobs. -Managers should avoid using a contingency approach to hiring.

-It results from the interaction of genes and the environment. Reason: Personality characteristics are stable over time and across situations or cultures. Although a personality may change over time by including a different mix of characteristics, the characteristics themselves do not change.

Which of the following is not true of personality? -It combines characteristics that give people unique identities. -It is stable across situations. -It is comprised of constantly changing characteristics. -It results from the interaction of genes and the environment.

strategy map

Which of the following is the visual representation of a company's critical objectives and the crucial relationships among them that drive organizational performance? crucial objectives map visual relationships map strategy map innovation map


Which of the following outcomes is not improved by mindfulness? cognitive evidential physical emotional

- Emotional intelligence helps people with transformational leadership. - Emotional intelligence helps people lead; however, it does not solve all problems.

Which statements are true about emotional intelligence and leadership? - Emotional intelligence predicts which people are best at initiating structure. - Emotional intelligence helps people become better followers. - Emotional intelligence helps people with transformational leadership. - Emotional intelligence helps people lead; however, it does not solve all problems.


Which theory posits that the situation decides the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior? behavioral contingency transformational transactional

Abraham Maslow

Who formulated the theory that motivation is a function of five basic needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization? David McClelland Douglas McGregor Frederick Herzberg Abraham Maslow


Who typically perform functions associated with investigating, organizing, and controlling as well as implementing an organization's vision and strategic plan? Owners Employees Leaders Managers

Internal factors

Within a person (such as ability)

external factors

Within the environment (difficult task)

Virtual teams

Work together over time and distance via electronic media to combine effort and achieve common goals.


Working at jobs that require less education than they have

Name the three the levels that OB distinguishes among.

organizational group/team individual

confirmation bias

How we selectively gather information


Hunger or thirst are examples of physiological deficiencies that arouse behavior known as ______. needs variable factors desired attributes wants


I feel efficacious (feel capable to complete an act, task or goal)


I need to feel independent to influence my environment. (desire to have freedom)


I want to be connected with others (feel part of a group)


Factors that increase job satisfaction and motivation


Factors that produce stress are called: thoughts behaviors stressors worries

hygiene factors

Factors the would de-motiavte an employee if not present but would not, in themselves motivate employees to work harder e.g paying minimum wage, having accessible toilets

internal sourcing

Favouring internal recruitment (Maslow's esteem and actualisation)

compared to a goal

Feedback is only positive or negative when: given by a supervisor or manager given as part of an exit interview compared to a goal workers feel they have been punished

Job involvement

Extent to which an individual is personally engaged in his or her work role


Set of expected behaviors for a particular position

group role

Set of expected behaviors for members of a group


Shalom Schwartz believed that values ______ our behavior across any context.

Obliging Style (smoothing)

Show low concern for yourself and great concern for others (you believe you may be wrong, issue is more important to other party)

Do the departing coworkers have a preference for working collaboratively versus independently?

Sigrid is trying to determine why so many people in her department are transferring to a different department. Which of the following questions would Sigrid ask if she were focusing on person factors to determine the source of the problem? - Have promotion opportunities in the department become less attractive? - Do the departing coworkers have a preference for working collaboratively versus independently? - Has the organization changed ownership? - Have there been any changes to work groups or teams that make the work less satisfying?

Big Five Personality Dimensions

Simplify more complex models of personality. The dimensions are extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience.


Small number of people who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves collectively accountable.

Need Hierarchy Theory

States that motivation is a function of five basic needs: Physiological, safety, Love, Esteem, and Self-actualization

Acquired needs theory

States that three needs: achievement, affiliation and power are key driers of employee behavior


Stress that is associated with positive emotions and outcomes is called: change resistance stress eustress

Market Culture

Strong external focus and value stability and control. (strong desire to deliver results an accomplish goals, competitive)

Causal attributions

Suspected or inferred causes of behavior


System of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons

Horizontal Structure

Teams or work groups, either temporary or permanent, are created to improve collaborations and work on common projects

contingency approach to organizational design

Tend to be more effective when they are structured to fit the demands of the situation, and when the structure is aligned with internal activities and actions of the organization

Social Loafing

Tendency for individual effort to decline as group size increases

Availability bias

Tendency to base decisions on information readily available in memory

Escalation of commitment bias

Tendency to hold an ineffective course of action even when it is unlikely the bad situation can be reversed.

Self Serving Bias

Tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure


The Reina Model is used to restore ___________, when it has been compromised. motivation trust power mindfulness

strategic plan

The SWOT analysis, which determines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, can be used in developing what? a mission statement a coping strategy a strategic plan a model of change

include / exclude

The _____________/______________ option in Thomas' framework has the goal to either increase or decrease the number of diverse people at all levels of the firm.

emotional intelligence

The ability to manage oneself and one's relationships in a mature and constructive way is called ______ _______. communication skills emotional intelligence intelligence quotient interpersonal skills

job crafting

The approach to job design in which individuals make physical and cognitive changes in the task or relational boundaries of their work is known as job design job crafting idiosyncratic (i)-deals telecommuting


The awareness that emerges through purposefully focusing your attention in order to fully experience an interaction is: mindfulness inattention mindlessness lack of focus

Organizational Commitment

Extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals


Complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target, such as a person, information, experience or event. they also change psychological and physiological states.

Integrating Style (problem solving)

Confront the issue and cooperatively identify it, generate and weigh alternatives and select a solution (issues are complex, one can not solve alone)


Consists of the need to be safe form physical any psychological harm

open or closed system

Determining how great a role the environment plays on an organization determines its status as a(n) open or closed system. successful or failing firm. narrow or broad span of control. tall or flat structure.

Met Expectations

Difference between what an individual expects to receive from a job, such as good pay and promotional opportunities, and what she or he actually receives.

dysfunctional conflict

Disagreements that threaten or diminish an organization's interests


Do all or some work from home

Theory X

Douglas McGregor called managers' pessimistic assumptions toward employees: Theory Z Theory X Theory Y Theory N

establish a receptiveness scale

During coaching conversations, which of these are not among the recommended tactics an employee can use to discuss problems with their bosses? establish a receptiveness scale be sensitive speak to specific behaviors and situations offer suggestions in a polite manner

ask-oriented traits and interpersonal attributes

Effective leadership is affected by a combination of interpersonal management styles and emotional intelligence task-oriented traits and interpersonal attributes personality traits and work-related stresses detail-oriented traits and relationships

be associated with increased well-being and satisfaction

Emotional intelligence has been shown to ______. -be linked with weak social relationships -have a strong relationship with cognitive ability -be associated with increased well-being and satisfaction -have a weak relationship with conscientiousness

Encounter phase

Employee come to learn what the organization is really like.

job enlightenment/rotation

Employees a given a larger variety of tasks but not more challenging (Maslow's social).

Divisional Structure

Employees are segregated into organizational groups based on industries, products or services, customers or clients, or geographic regions.

job enrichment

Employees given more complex and challenging tasks to help them feel trusted and valued (Maslow's esteem).


Employees who are psychologically empowered feel a sense of all of the following EXCEPT: self-determination domination competence meaning


Employees' perceptions of formal and informal policies, practices, procedures, and routines at work are called organizational process structure climate equity

Maintenance roles

Encourager, compromiser, follower, gateskeeper

Decision making

Entails identifying and choosing from among alternate solutions that lead to a desired state of affairs


Environmental characteristics that cause stress


Eradicating or getting rid of the situation that is causing the problem is known as _____________ problems.


Expectancy theory can be used to predict ___________ in situations where there is a choice between two or more alternatives. attitudes behavior feedback effort

desired combinations of expected outcomes.

Expectancy theory states that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes. surprising combinations of unexpected outcomes. procedural fairness. interactional fairness.

Non-rational model

Explain how managers make decisions. build on assumptions that decision making is uncertain, decision makers do not possess complete information and mangers struggle to make optimal decisions (texting and driving)

Rational model of decision making

Explains how managers should make decisions

Espoused values

Explicitly stated qualities and norms preferred by an organization

internal / exteral

Heider's attribution theory proposed that behavior can be attributed to either _____________ factors, such as ability, or ___________ factors, such as a difficult task. - person / situation - internal / external - cognitive / organizational - perceived / actual

Dominating Style

High concern for self and low concern for others (issue is important to you, speedy decision is needed, subordinates is less experienced than you)

Emotional stability

High levels of emotional stability tend to be more relaxed, unworried, and less likely to experience negative emotions under pressure

by sharing information

How do virtual teams overcome the ambiguity created by a lack of face-to-face interaction? by reducing accountability by using rational persuasion by sharing information by consulting outside sources

Locus of control

How much personal responsibility we take for our behavior and its consequences


How people feel about their chances of doing something successfully is known as _____. self-respect emotional stability self-esteem self-efficacy

legitimating tactics

Identify which of these choices are not of the core influence tactics are most effective at building commitment. rational persuasion inspirational appeals consultation legitimating tactics

organizational citizenship

Individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and promotes the effective performance of the firm is called: perceived organizational support organizational citizenship cognitive dissonance job satisfaction

Organizational citizenship behavior

Individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization.

idiosyncratic , i, or i-

Job design terms that individuals negotiate for themselves involving schedule flexibility, career development, or other adjustments are known as ___________ deals.


Job satisfaction and employee engagement are two workplace ______________ measured by management.

Hindsight bias

Knowledge of an outcome influences our belief about the probability that we could have predicted the outcome earlier


Leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust with a focus on group members' needs and desires is called: empowerment initiating structure servant-leadership consideration


Learning to use mindfulness takes ______, time, and commitment. practice imagination a partner money

Representativeness bias

Lleads us to look for information that supports previously formed stereotypes


Long term goal that describes what an organization wants to become

Framing bias

Manner in which a question is posed or framed. leads us to change the way we interpret alternatives.


Match the Lewin change state accordingly: Create the motivation to change Unfreezing Changing Refreezing


Match the Lewin change state accordingly: Introduce new information, models, and procedures Unfreezing Changing Refreezing


Match the Lewin change state accordingly: Provide support and reinforcement Unfreezing Changing Refreezing


Match the elements of psychological empowerment: Belief that your goals align with your team and management Impact at work Meaning Competence Self-determination

Impact at work

Match the elements of psychological empowerment: Feeling that your efforts make a difference to your organization Impact at work Meaning Competence Self-determination


Match the elements of psychological empowerment: Personal evaluation of your ability to do your job Impact at work Meaning Competence Self-determination

should be scientifically proven to work for its intended use.

Personality testing at the workplace -requires no training, so it can be administered by anyone at the firm. -is not constrained by legal considerations once a person becomes an employee. -should be scientifically proven to work for its intended use. -should be done without any preconceived goals or intentions in mind.

Self Efficacy

Persons belief about his or her chances of success.

Theory X

Pessimistic view of employees: they dislike work, must be monitored and can be motivated only by rewards and punishments.


Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior.

1. selective attention / comprehension 2. encoding and simplification 3. storage and retention 4. retrieval and response

Place the stages of social perception in order, with the first stage at the top. - encoding and simplification - storage and retention - selective attention / comprehension - retrieval and response

Flex space

Policies enable employees to do their work from different locations besides the office. (coffee shops)

a job within an organization

Position power, which includes legitimate, reward, and coercive power, is power that is connected with what? the use of positive feelings a job within an organization personal goals the perception of organizational politics

Theory Y

Positive set of assumptions about people at work: they are self engaged, committed, responsible, and creative.

Learning Organizations

Proactively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge and changes its behavior on the basis of new knowledge and insights

evidence based decision making

Process of conscientiously using the best available data and evidence when making managerial decisions

Human Capital

Productive potential of an individuals knowledge, skills, and experiences.

Social capital

Productive potential resulting from relationships, goodwill, trust, and cooperative effort.

Competing values Framework

Provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure and change organizational culture


Psychological process that arouses our interest in doing something, and it directs and guides our behavior

Job enlargement

Puts more variety into a workers job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty

1. Categorization 2. Inferences 3. Expectations 4. Maintenance

Rank the four steps in the stereotyping process - Expectations - Inferences - Maintenance -Categorization


Recognizing and praising achievement/agree development needs (Maslow's esteem/actualisation)

Big Data

Reflects the vast quantity of data available for decision making


Represent our feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects and range from positive to negative.

Change and acquisition phase

Requires employees to master important tasks and roles and adjust to have their work group's values and norms


Researchers determine leadership characteristics by using a statistical procedure called -, which computes an average relationship between two variables. trait theory integrated model of leadership trait approach meta-analysis


Restorative justice, compassion, and temperance are global _____________ that are essential to promoting positive organizational behaviors. integration morality values relatedness

Mechanistic organizations

Rigid bureaucracies with strict rules, narrowly defined tasks, tip down communication, and centralized decision making


Satisfaction rests on how "fairly" an individual is treated at work.

Value attainment

Satisfaction results from the perception that a job allows for fulfillment of an individual's important values.

process theories content theories

Select all that apply The general categories of motivation theories include: recognition theories needs driven theories process theories content theories

- Over half of high schoolers report cheating on exams. - Cheating takes many forms, including plagiarism and sharing answers via text messaging.

Select all that apply Which of the following statements about cheating are true? - Most students in private schools cheat, but most students in public schools do not. - Cheating is limited to students. - Over half of high schoolers report cheating on exams. - Cheating takes many forms, including plagiarism and sharing answers via text messaging.

transactional leadership initiating structure

Select all that apply: Select the types of task-oriented leadership. transactional leadership trait theory transformational leadership initiating structure

referent power expert power

Select the two forms of power you possess independent of your job or position in an organization include: reward power coercive power referent power expert power


Self-determination theory assumes that three innate needs—autonomy, ______________, and relatedness—drive our behavior. job satisfaction competence self-actualization safety

process Reason: Content theories focus on identifying the internal factors that motivate employees.

The theories that focus on explaining the process by which internal and situational factors influence employee motivation are known as ______ theories. needs based content job design process

content / process

The theories that focus on identifying internal factors that motivate people are ___________ theories. The more dynamic theories that focus on explaining how internal and external factors motivate people are _____________ theories. intrinsic / extrinsic content / process self-determination / reward motivator / hygiene


The theories that focus on identifying the factors that motivate employees are known as ______ theories. job design engagement content process

expectancy theory

The theory that can be used to predict behavior in any situation where there is a choice between two or more alternatives is: Theory X and Theory Y Two Factor Theory expectancy theory equity theory

expectancy theory

The theory that can be used to predict behavior in any situation where there is a choice between two or more alternatives is: expectancy theory Two Factor Theory Theory X and Theory Y equity theory


The theory which states that leader behaviors are effective when employees view them as a source of satisfaction or as a way to future satisfaction is called ______________-____________ theory. contingency-based path-goal transactional-leadership relationship-oriented

internal and external

The two forms of locus of control are internal and external. public and private. proximal and distal. traditional and modern.

person factors

The various characteristics that make individuals unique are known as ___________ ______________.

job satisfaction

There are four attitude and four behavior components found to correlate with ___________ ______________.

job satisfaction

There are four attitude and four behavior components found to correlate with __________________.


Thorndike's observations that led to the law of effect were that behavior with ______ consequences tends to disappear. positive appreciated favorable unfavorable

Surface level characteristics

Those that are quickly apparent to interactants such as race, gender and age

Deep level Characteristics

Those that take time to emerge in interactions such as attitudes, opinions and values

connecting to the customer

Through innovation, an organization makes money by doing what? connecting to the customer cooperating with its rivals sharing its technological inventions integrating people

match employees' values

To ensure the highest levels of employee motivation, employers should strive to create work environments that: ignore employees' differences match employees' values limit employees' choices define employees' happiness


What is it called when a mentor provides advice to a protege about developing additional skills? role modeling protection sponsorship coaching


What is it called when an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal? diversity management motivation leadership


What is needed across internal characteristics for organizations to achieve higher performance? centralized decision-making organizational culture decentralized decision-making alignment

Establish a sense of urgency

What is the first step in John Kotter's eight-step organizational change process? Communicate the change vision. Generate short-term wins. Establish a sense of urgency. Consolidate gains and produce additional change.

assisting others in achieving their goals as well as the goals of the working group

What is the primary purpose of task-oriented leader behaviors? - downplaying the role of managers and executives assisting others in achieving their goals as well as the - goals of the working group - helping others to maximize their compensation packages - distracting others from achieving their goals as well as the goals of the working group


What is the technology called that tracks current sales data, issues with quality, employee turnover, as well as other forms of aggregated real-time corporate data? a strategy board a measurements board a metrics board a dashboard

Balanced Scorecard

What translates a company's strategy and vision into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provides the framework for a strategic measurement and management system? measurable managerial framework piloted performance system balanced scorecard managerial performance program


What type of company culture resembles family type organizations where collaborations are encouraged with trust and support among employees? clan hierarchy market adhocracy

open office design plan

What type of office design do companies use to improve cooperative behavior and camaraderie as well as achieve cost reductions? traditional-office design open-office design structured-office design closed-office design

general self-interests

What type of political action is pursued at the individual level? group interests general self-interests group interests in specific issues political maneuvering


What type of system acts as a coherent set of interdependent processes and structures that dictates how the company searches for novel problems and solutions? innovation integrated motivational structural

work team

What type of team has a well-defined purpose, is more or less permanent, and requires the complete commitment of its members? a punctuated team a work team a project team a social loafing team

fixed interval

When a teacher bases students' grades on a midterm and a final exam of equal weight, what type of reinforcement schedule is being used? variable interval continuous reinforcement fixed interval semi-continuous reinforcement

The employee will be more open to taking on greater burdens. The employee will be more agreeable to working harder.

When an employee enjoys the work being done and has a positive attitude, which of the following will be true? -The employee will be more open to taking on greater burdens. -The employee will be more agreeable to working harder. -The employee will reject new tasks. -The employee will seek greater compensation.


When employees feel a sense of meaning, competence, and impact at work, it is because they are ____________ empowered. structurally psychologically proportionally legitimately


When employers allow employees to do all or some of their work from home using technology and internet tools to send work electronically from home to office and vise versa, this is called: computational work dissonance telecommuting autonomy

ask them questions about themselves

When meeting people for the first time, how can you project that you are interested? ask them questions about themselves prattle on about yourself fill any silences with talk, no matter how trivial show them pictures of your family and friends

employee engagement

When people express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during a role performance. they are demonstrating ______________ ____________________.


When the receiver reacts to the sender's message, the receiver is at which stage of the communication process? noise encoding decoding feedback


Which activity refers to the lost productivity resulting from the use of the Internet at work for personal tasks? social loafing employee productivity cyberloafing cyber surfing


Which if these selections are not a common source of feedback include: self task bonuses others

behavioral styles Reason: Trait theory attempts to identify personality characteristics that differentiate leaders from followers.

Which of the following approaches tries to find the unique behaviors that effective leaders have? servant path-goal trait theory behavioral styles

Physiological Needs Esteem Needs

Which of the following are included in Maslow's need hierarchy theory? Hygiene Factors Acquired Needs Physiological Needs Esteem Needs

They require close supervision and guidance.

Which of the following are not characteristics of people with proactive personalities? They increase the supportiveness of their supervisors. They require close supervision and guidance. They are more satisfied in their retirement. They are able to take more control of their jobs.

a reconstruction of performance

Which of the following are not found in performance management? a monitoring of performance a reconstruction of performance an evaluation of performance a defining of performance

employees' concerns about losing vacation time

Which of the following are not influenced by promotions and pay raises? employees' perception of fairness employees' intentions of quitting employees' concerns about losing vacation time employees' emotional well-being

Employees feel less inclined to aim higher.

Which of the following are not one of the the potential positive effects of negative feedback? - Employees feel less inclined to aim higher. - Workers feel challenged to pursue higher goals. - Employees are motivated to do better. - Workers might outperform those who receive positive feedback.

identify possible coworkers to help lead

Which of the following are steps are not included in the general strategy of applying contingency leadership theories? identify possible coworkers to help lead identify situational conditions identify important outcomes identify relevant leadership behaviors

- They are generally stable. - They can guide behavior subconsciously.

Which of the following are true about values? - They are generally stable. - They greatly improve cognitive ability - They can guide behavior subconsciously. - They are targeted to a specific situation, person, or object.

Performance feedback is most effective when paired with an abstract, easy-to-achieve goal.

Which of the following statements are not consistent with Locke and Latham's findings about goal setting? - Goals that are specific and difficult lead to higher performance. - Successful goal achievement reinforces employee satisfaction and leads to setting higher goals. - Performance feedback is most effective when paired with an abstract, easy-to-achieve goal. - People need the ability and resources to achieve the goal.

If managers hire people they like, performance will be high.

Which of the following statements are not true of liking and fit? - Most people evaluate a person's personality by whether or not they like them. - They are not precise enough to have real value in management. - If managers hire people they like, performance will be high. - They are not particularly beneficial for managers.

Paying attention is easy even when there are multiple distractions.

Which of the following statements are not true regarding mindfulness? - Paying attention is easy even when there are multiple distractions. - Each person has the ability to be mindful. - Mental chatter detracts from the inner quiet necessary to remain focused. - It takes effort to be mindful.

Motivation and dissatisfaction are based on the same cluster of factors.

Which of the following statements is not reflected in Frederick Herzberg's theory? - Managers can improve motivation by improving both motivators that create satisfaction and hygiene factors that reduce dissatisfaction. - Motivation and dissatisfaction are based on the same cluster of factors. - Job satisfaction is associated with motivating factors. - Job dissatisfaction is associated with hygiene factors

human capital

Which of the following terms refers to a person's productive potential, based on knowledge, skills and experiences? human capital emotional capital social capital market capital

blame a specific person or organization

Which of these are not among the characteristics of an effective apology? expression of regret promise not to repeat the offense acceptance of responsibility blame a specific person or organization acknowledgment of wrongdoing

information technology

Which of these are not an internal force of change. reward systems information technology productivity job dissatisfaction

vision and mission creation

Which of these are not included in the four basic dimensions of organizational structure? division of labor spans of control vision and mission creation line and staff positions hIerarchy of authority

Global Competition

Which of these are not key contingency factors to consider when making decisions about organization design? global competition strategy and goals technology size market uncertainty


Which of these are not one of the 3 innate needs that influence our behavior and well-being, as outlined in the Self-Determination Theory? autonomy relatedness competence power

performance reviews

Which of these are not one of the forms of language that help reinforce characteristics of a desired culture? performance reviews stories about key people myths about company history legends about important events

Creating vision and strategic plans

Which of these behaviors are not associated with Bernard Bass' theory on leaders? - Rallying employees around a common goal - Inspiring others - Creating vision and strategic plans - Implementing the vision and strategic plan

external processes and procedures

Which of these characteristics do not require alignment for an organization to maximize performance? employees' human and social capital external processes and procedures human resource practices and policies strategy and structure

letting the audience ask questions first

Which of these choices are not among the three basic ways to deliver a presentation? reading the presentation from a script memorizing and rehearsing the presentation letting the audience ask questions first using a bulleted list that outlines the presentation

Job performance

Which of these choices are not one of the attitudinal outcomes of job satisfaction? Job performance Perceived stress Job involvement Motivation Withdrawal cognitions

increased turnover

Which of these choices are not one of the benefits of empowerment for organizations? job satisfaction improved performance positive citizenship behavior increased turnover

personal relationships

Which of these choices are not one of the employee factors important for managers to understand in order to create a productive and satisfying person-job fit? abilities potential personality traits personal relationships


Which of these choices do not entail a person's capacity for intelligence? reasoning constructive thinking problem solving repetition

Greatly improved cognitive ability Reason: EI does not have a significant relationship to cognitive ability.

Which of these choices does not benefit of high emotional intelligence? Ability to apply positive emotions to work Greater level of teamwork Increased creativity Greatly improved cognitive ability

perceived stress

Which of these choices is not a behavioral outcome of job satisfaction? Organizational citizenship Perceived stress Job turnover Job performance

political savvy

Which of these choices is not among the 4 basic skills for leaders, (according to your text): interpersonal skills cognitive abilities business skills strategic skills political savvy


Which of these choices is not one of the steps in the process of stereotyping. Expectation Utilization Inferences Maintenance Categorization

Strict implications for failure to change Reason: This is not one of the 12 mechanisms for changing organizational culture.

Which of these is not considered as a mechanism for changing organizational culture? Design of physical workspace Strict implications for failure to change Rewards, status symbols and promotions Role modeling, teaching, coaching Formal Statements

Emphasis on not living in the past Reason: This is not one of the 12 mechanisms for changing organization culture.

Which of these is not one of the mechanisms for changing organizational culture? Slogans, acronyms, sayings Leader reactions to crisis Activities, processes, outcomes Emphasis on not living in the past Reason: This is not one of the 12 mechanisms for changing organization culture. Stories, legends, myths


Which of these is not one of the three components of perception? situation organization perceive target.

strong competitors

Which of these selections is not a resource needed to support innovation? strong competitors required structure and process right culture and climate necessary human capital appropriate resources


Which of this choices are not a career function of mentoring? challenging assignments protection assimilation coaching exposure and visibility sponsorship


Which personality trait has the strongest and most positive effect on performance? conscientiousness agreeableness openness extroversion

equity theory

Which process theory explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships? goal-setting theory expectancy theory job design theory equity theory

an inverted-U

Which shape on a graph best represents the relationship between increasing emotional stability and outcomes? a downward-sloping straight line a horizontal (flat) line an inverted-U an upward-sloping straight line


_______ represent the desired end results or goals of a change. Outputs Opportunities Results Inputs


____________ innovations are more incremental and are less likely to generate significant amounts of new revenue. process improvement product collaborative


_____________ innovations are more incremental and are less likely to generate significant amounts of new revenue. structural improvement process product

Crucial conversations

___________________ are discussions between two or more people where the stakes and emotions are high, and opinions vary. Crucial conversations Contemporary feedback Debates Interpersonal conflict

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