MGMT 5113 Week 8

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Listening Styles

Active- Fully invested Involved - I'm partially invested. Passive - It's not my responsibility to listen Detached - I'm uninterested.


anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows down the transmission of information


are the end point or goal you want to achieve. They drive your behavior.

Non-verbal communication

communication without words. It includes observable behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching and tone of voice, dress, posture and spatial distance.

Implicit Cognition

consists of any thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness.

Organizational Climate

consists of employees' perceptions of formal and informal organizational policies, practices, procedures and routines. It reflects employees' beliefs about what they see going on at work and what is happening to them.

Behavior is the product of:

emotions thoughts beliefs experiences

Positive OB focuses on creating

exceptionally positive inputs, processes, and outcomes at all level in the Org framework.

Postive OB

focus on positive human characteristics that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement.


having the confidence to take on challenging tasks and put in the effort necessary to succeed.

Communication Competence

is a performance based index of an individual's abilities to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context.


is restating what someone else has said or written.


occurs when companies invite non employees to contribute to achieving particular goals and manage the input process via the internet.

Non-Defensive Communication - Defensiveness

occurs when people perceive they are being attacked or threatened.

Prosocial behaviors

positive acts performed without the expectation of anything in return.

Signature Strengths

positive human traits that influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and provide a senes of fulfillment and meaning. they are a subset, of a Larter collection of 24 character strengths.

Psychological capital and signature strengths contribute to

positivity from person factors

Social Media and other forms of technology boost


Optimists are both

realistic and flexible


represents the ability to recognize and understand another person's feelings and thoughts. Requires 2 key actions: mindfulness and to incorporate our understanding of another person's feelings and thoughts into our communications.


represents the extent to which our lives contain PERMA. PERMA is the most important outcome from the process of positivity.


shared belief in showing restraint and control when faced with temptation and provocation. self control, humility and prudence


shared value that drives people to help others who are suffering.


the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmental to the unfolding of experience moment by moment.


the belief that the future will be better than the present and that you have some power to make it happen.


the capacity to consistently bounce back from adversity and to sustain yourself when confronted with challenges.

2 way face to face medium is

the richest form of communication.


the uncontrollable repetitive dwelling on causes, meanings, and implications of negative feelings or events in the past.

4 different generations

traditionalists baby boomers gen x'ers millennials (Gen Y's)


translating thoughts into a form or language the can be understood by others.

Complexity of the situation

1. Low complexity situations are routine and predictable. 2. High complexity situations such as a reorg or merger are ambiguous, hard to analyze and often emotionally charged.

Amplifying Effect

positive practices from one individual result in additional positive practices by others, which spur positivity in others, which generate other positive outcomes. Often conveyed through positive emotions.


often attribute successes to personal, permanent and pervasive causes, and negative events to external, temporary and situation specific ones

Linguistic Style

refers to a person's characteristic speaking pattern. In includes such features a directness or indirectness, pacing and pausing, word choice and the sue of such elements as jokes, figures of speech, stories, questions and apologies.


relatively brief psychological and physiological reactions that have a particular target.

Positive Deviance

successful performance that dramatically exceeds the norm in a positive direction.

Social Support

the amount of perceived helpfulness we derive from social relationships.


the capacity to foster collective abandonment of justified resentment, bitterness, and blame and instead it is the adoption of positive, forward looking approaches in response to harm or damage.


the combined impact of five elements - positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement (PERMA).


the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver, and the inference (perception) of meaning between the individuals involved. It is a circular and dynamic process in which people interpret and make sense of the information they exchange.

Organizational Practices

the procedures, policies, practices, routines, and rules that organizations use to get things done.


the process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages. it requires cognitive attention and information processing.


the sense of belonging to and seeing something that you believe is bigger than the self. Building Meaning in your life 1. Identify activities you love doing. 2. find a way to build your natural strengths into your personal and work life. 3. go out and help someone.


the state of being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. Flow is a positive state because our well being benefits from our deep attention to and engagement with an activity.


using the internet at work for personal use.

Social Media

web based and mobile technologies to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network.

Virtuous Leadership - Virtuousness

what individuals and organizations aspire to be when they are at their very best.


when beset by problems and adversity, sustaining and bouncing back and even beyond to attain success.

The female perspective

women learn conversational skills and habits that focus on rapport and relationships. Women view communication as a network of connections.

Positivity Effect

the attraction of all living systems toward positive energy and away from negative energy, or toward that which is life giving and away from that which is life depleting.

Social Media Blocking Policies Undesirable Results

1. alienate employees 2. can't have it only one way 3. blocking suggests a lack of trust.

4 key sources of nonverbal messages

1. body movements and gestures. 2. touch 3. facial expression 4. eye contact

Improving Communications between the Sexes and Generations

1. Clarify communication expectations and norms. 2. Use a variety of communication skills. 3. Be aware of implicit cognition 4. Make sure people get credit for their ideas and not their gender.

Social Media Benefits for Employers

1. Connect in relationships time over distance. 2. Collaborate within and outside the organization. 3. Expand boundaries.

Antecedents of defensive and non defensive communication

1. Evaluative 2. Controlling 3. Strategizing 4. Neutral 5. Superior 6. Certain 7. Descriptive 8. Problem Solving 9. Straightforward 10. Empathetic 11. Equal 12. Honest and open

How to Develop PsyCap

1. Hope Development - Generate a work related goal that is important to you and attainable, yet challenging. 2. Efficacy development - break your larger goal into smaller subgoals 3. Resilience development - make a list of your personal talents, skills, and social networks; specify how these can help you achieve your goal; identify potential obstacles and decide how to avoid them. 4. Optimism development - identify obstacles and negative expectations.

Benefits of Mindfulness

1. Increased physical, mental and interpersonal effectiveness. 2. More effective communications and decision making. 3. More balanced emotions. 4. Performance and satisfaction.

10 Most Frequent Positive Emotions

1. Joy 2. Gratitude 3. Serenity 4. Interest 5. Hope 6. Pride 7. Amusement 8. Inspiration 9. Awe 10. Love


1. communicate what personal information from mobile devices is accessed by the employers. 2. be sure employees understand what is accessible depending on the operating system used on their device. 3. create and communicate clear and sensible policies regarding potential employer actions regarding information on employee's devices. 4. do all this when employees are setting up their devices, which is when they are most likely thinking about and can do something about such matters. 5. Tell employees that anything on the company's email server is saved for legal purposes. 6. use the available privacy controls.

email tips for managing

1. do not assume email is confidential. 2. Avoid sloppiness 3. don't use email for volatile, complex, or highly personal issues. 4. keep messages brief and clear 5. save readers time 6. be careful with attachments.

Inhibitors of Mindfulness

Attentional deficit -Inability to focus vividly on an object Attentional hyperactivity -Happens when our minds are racing or wandering, resulting in compulsive daydreaming or fantasizing

email benefits and drawbacks

Benefits 1. reduced costs of distributing information 2. Increased teamwork 3. reduced paper costs. 4. increased flexibility Drawbacks 1. Wasted time and effort 2. information overload 3. increased costs to organize, store and monitor. 4. Neglect of other media.

Practicing Mindfulness

Breathing Meditation Walking Meditation

Components of Virtuous Leadership

Forgiveness Greater Good Integrity Trust

Give in order to


Hope = Willpower + Waypower

Hope = need to have a goal and the determination to achieve it Willpower = need to see one or more paths to achieve your goal, Waypower = even when faced with adversity

Employee Productivity

Increased job satisfaction and better work life balance. performance and retention more creativity and collaboration

Doing Good happens at all levels in the Org Framework

Individual Level Team/Unit Level Org Level

Positive Psychological Capital (PsyCap)

Individuals with high level possess considerable hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism (HERO)


Making a positive attribution about succeeding now and in the future.

Benefits of Positive Emotions

Organizational Commitment Creativity Decision Making Intentions to Quit Performance Stress


Perservering toward goals and when necessary, redirecting paths in order to succeed.

Framework of Positive OB

Positive Emotions Mindfulness Psychological Capital and Signautre Strengths Organizational Culture and Climate Positive from Person Factors Positivity from Situation Factors Positive Outcomes

Buffering Effect

Positive practices and resources reduce the impact of negative events and stressors. Social support, or personal resources such as psychological capital.

Positive OB Practices that Foster Employee Positivity

Provide decision making discretion Share information Minimize incivility Provide Feedback

Communication process in action

Sender Message Receiver Receiver (again) Noise

How to be effective when it's crucial: STATE

Share your facts Tell you story Ask for other's facts and stories Talk tentatively Encourage testing

Positive Emotions Build Resources in the Form Of

Social relationships that are supportive, fulfilling and lasting. Psychological well being that leads to personal growth, meaningful goals, and self acceptance, Physical well being in the form of lower stress and a healthy hear.


a component of your core self evaluations (CSEs) and represents your confidence in your ability to achieve

Restorative Justice

a shared belief in the importance of resolving conflict multilaterally through the inclusion of victims, offenders, and all other stakeholders.


a state of reduced attention. It is expressed in behavior that is rigid or thoughtless.

Positive Experiences

activate a supportive orientation, which leads us to be more responsive to positive information.

Negative experiences

activate a survival orientation, which leads us to be more responsive to negative information.

Hope supports

adaptability and change

Mindlessness characterizes the tasks we do


Selecting a Medium

depends on the nature of the message, its intended purpose, type of audience, proximity to the audience, time horizon for disseminating the message, personal preferences, and the complexity of the problem/situation at hand face to face email texting voice mail videoconference social media, etc.

Broaden and Build Theory

positive emotions broaden our attention and make us more open to experience, creating an upward spiral of further positive emotions and even actions.

Applying Strengths at Work

1. Look in the mirror. Get leader support. Begin with leaders learning their own strengths and open up about them. 2. Build strengths into performance management. Strengths need to be supported by expectations, measurement, review and rewards. 3. Know your purpose: leaders need to be clear on why they and the org are focusing on strengths. 4. Coach and develop strengths oriented managers.

Strategies to Increase Your Positivity

1. Make someone the only person in the room. 2. Support 3. Give trust 4. Good off.

4 key communication skills that affect your communication competence:

1. Nonverbal communication 2. Active Listening 3. Non-defensive communications 4. Empathy

Creating a climate that fosters positive organizational behavior

1. Org values Restorative Justice Compassion Temperance 2. Virtuous Leadership Greater Good Trust Integrity Forgiveness 3. Organizational Practices Training Support Programs Human Resource practices, programs and policies. 4. Organizational climate that fosters positive org behavior.

How to manage up

1. Prepare your message 2. plan you delivery and tactics 3. deliver 4. follow up

Managing behavior can improve performance. Some suggestions.

1. Set Intentions 2. Express gratitude 3. Do something helpful or positive for other people. 4. Become more hopeful. 5. Focus on the positive side of life. 6. Be aware of negative thoughts and beliefs.

4 factos affect richness

1. Speed of Feedback 2. Channel. the visual and audio characteristics of a videoconferences vs a written report. 3. Type. Personal media are richer than impersonal media. 4. Language source. Natural body language and speech are richer mediums.

4 types of social support.

1. esteem support - reassurance that a. person is accepted and respected despite any problems or inadequacies. 2. informational support - help defining, understanding, and coping with problems. 3. social companionship - time spend with others in leisure and recreational activities. 4. instrumental support - financial aid, material resources, or needed services.


1. frame your story - think of your presentation as a journey and decide where you want to start and end. 2. plan your delivery * read it from a script? * use bulletproof lists that outline what you will cover? * memorize everything you wish to say and rehearse? 3. develop your stage presence 4. plan your multimedia 5. put it together.

Tips for Effective LIstening

1. show respect 2. listen from the first sentence 3. be mindful 4. keep quiet 5. ask questions 6. paraphrase and summarize 7. remember what was said 8. involve your body

tips for more effective powerpoint presentation

1. write a script 2. show one thing at a time 3. don't paragraph 4. pay attention to design 5. use images sparingly 6. think outside the screen 7. have a hook 8. ask questions 9. modulate 10. break the rules

Media Richness

measures the capacity of a given communication medium to convey information and promote understanding.

Decoding and Creating Meaning

occurs when receivers receive a message. the perceptual model of communication assumes the receiver creates the manning of a message in his or her mind.


occurs when the original receiver expresses a reaction to the senders message.

Social Media Policy

describes The Who, how, when, and for what purposes of social media use, and the consequences for noncompliance.

Crucial conversaionts

discussions between two or more people where (1) the stakes are high, (2) opinions vary, and (3) emotions run strong.

Upward Spirals of Positivity

in which your positive behaviors, feelings, and attitudes generate the same in others in a continually reinforcing process.

PsyCap can improve

job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and well being and decreasing intentions to quit, job stress, anxiety and counterproductive work behaviors.

Mindfulness improves our interpersonal communications because it

keeps us focused on others and what they are saying.

The Male Perspective

males are expected to communicate more aggressively, interrupt others more than women, hide their emotions. Men see conversations as negotiations

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