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The SCAMPER framework offers options to spur creativity using what strategies?

substitute, combine, adapt, modify

To enhance organizational creativity, a manager might consider focusing on

team composition.

Stress is

the body's response to an environmental demand.

Research on workplace stressors indicates

the fragmented fashion in which we work due to information overload impacts mental acuity and creativity.

The bounded rationality model should be used to make decisions when

the minimum criteria are clear.

Peyton just started a new job at a new company. The first day there, she observes whether people eat lunch at their desks, if they take timed breaks, and if they leave right at 5 pm. She is trying to understand

the organizational culture.

Mediation refers to

the process where a third party enters the situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement.

Negotiation refers to

the process whereby two or more parties work toward an agreement.

Unity of command refers to

the situation in which each employee reports to a single manager.

Willie is a manager in a large manufacturing firm. He sets a tight production schedule every day and makes certain each employee knows what job they are performing that day and how to perform it. Willie appears to have a ___________ leadership style.


Situational Leadership Theory indicates that the optimum leadership style is dependent upon

employee readiness.

The premise of Affective Events Theory (AET) is

events on the job cause different emotional reactions in different people.

Research findings of leader behaviors suggest

extremely high levels of leader task-oriented behaviors may lead to burnout in employees.

Research suggests high levels of emotional intelligence lead to which of the following?

higher job satisfaction

Sara's laptop started causing her problems. It was taking a long time to boot up and froze unexpectedly a number of times. Now the laptop has shut down completely and she cannot get it started. One of the group members on her project said to Sara, "You should have gone for help when it started acting up, now you're delaying all of us." This scenario is an example of what type of decision-making trap?

hindsight bias

What can employees do to improve the leader-employee relationship?

Seek feedback to improve their performance.

Within an organization, conflict

can be healthy and necessary.

The degree to which decision-making authority is concentrated at higher levels in an organization refers to


Experts agree that when it comes to influence, it is best to

develop several tactics.

The ability to attract others, win their admiration, and hold them spellbound is


Though no conflict handling style is perfect, which style seems to be the most effective in many different situations?


What describes an effective way to manage organizational conflict?

create a common opposing force

What strategy can help stressed workers achieve psychological detachment?

Avoid checking your work email at home.

When the goal of decision making is to make a generally satisfactory decision within reasonable time constraints, you should probably utilize

The bounded rationality decision-making model.

Someone experiencing role overload

has insufficient time and resources to complete a job.

Which work event is most likely to produce a negative emotion?

having your schedule changed without your consent

Maria is a customer service agent for a large cellular carrier. During her shift, she handles a call from an irate customer who is screaming at her and calling her ugly names. This event would be considered a(n)

interpersonal stressor.

What is more characteristic of a decentralized organization than a centralized organization?

positive emotional climate

Getting a person to enter an employee assistance program for a substance abuse problem as a condition of keeping their job is an example of using the ___________ influence tactic.


Which role stressor has been shown to have the strongest effects on poor performance?

role ambiguity

Facing contradictory demands at work is a form of

role conflict

The incubation step in the creative decision-making process refers to

the step where the decision maker sets the problem aside and does not consciously think of it.

Operational decisions refer to

those things that employees do each day to make the organization run

People-oriented behaviors include

treating employees with respect.

If leader-subordinate relations are poor, position power is low, and task structure is low, the situation would be categorized as


A statement of purpose describing who a company is and what it does is

a mission statement.

Flat structures provide managers with

. a broader span of control.

What is the most effective way to alleviate cognitive dissonance at work?

Change the facts of the situation

After much deliberation among the chancellor and executive staff, your university now requires proof of influenza and COVID vaccinations for admission to in-person classes for all students and educators. This is an example of

a nonprogrammed decision.

Sleep research on stress indicates that

about one-third of U.S. adults report difficulties sleeping

The most negative reaction to a proposed change attempt is

active resistance.

After the planned change is implemented, it is important to

all of the above

What is the final phase in the creative decision-making model?


Escalation of commitment bias often occurs because

decision makers do not want to admit they were wrong.

Negotiating ethically includes

keeping your promises.

What is an effective individual approach to managing stress?

All of the above

Potential causes of conflict in the workplace include

All of the above.

What is the most effective way to control employee behavior in an organization?

strong corporate culture

If you do not have enough relevant expertise to make a decision, you should avoid using

intuitive decision-making model.

The department managers are gathering for a budget meeting. If the marketing manager gets the 10 percent increase he is requesting, the human resource manager cannot get any increase in her department budget. This is an example of what kind of negotiation strategy?

. distributive approach

What is an example of intrapersonal conflict?

. feeling inadequate about a task

What is good advice to offer individuals who want to engage in successful negotiations?

Be comfortable with periods of silence.

Which statement regarding research on emotional contagion is true?

Emotions are especially salient in teams and thus teams can exhibit emotional contagion just as individuals can.

Some cultures find it disrespectful to negotiate prior to establishing a trusting relationship.

Encourage disagreement with no fear of reprisal

What would be an effective means of stimulating conflict?

Encourage disagreement with no fear of reprisal.

If two marketing groups within a firm's marketing department are vying against each other for a larger percentage of the budget, which option could the marketing manager consider that would be MOST effective in managing the conflict?

Focus the attention of the two groups on a common "enemy" such as another firm that that they compete with for business.

An example of a question requiring an operational decision in response is

How often do I go back to the stockroom to get additional products for display?

Which statement regarding leadership and ethics is accurate?

People in positions of authority are influential in driving others to ethical or unethical behaviors.

The organization president spoke to members noting that the organization needed monetary donations immediately to reach its goals. She cited reasons why the money was needed and urged everyone to call their friends and family this week for donations. John dislikes asking anyone for money and decided not to make the calls. John is responding to the president's influence tactics with


An example of a question requiring a strategic decision is

Should we downsize our organization?

Which statement is accurate regarding negotiations around the world?

Some cultures find it disrespectful to negotiate prior to establishing a trusting relationship.

With regard to conflict, which statement is accurate?

The best solution often depends on the situation.

Lyle is a member of a union. His supervisor gave Lyle a three-day suspension for not wearing protective shoes on the manufacturing floor. Lyle appealed the suspension and the plant manager refused to rescind it. The union wants to appeal this decision to a neutral third party for a ruling. What procedure does the union want to utilize?


The United Auto Workers (UAW) and Ford Motor Company were negotiating a new agreement to address industry issues during a severe economic downturn. Ford offered to consider delaying layoffs if the UAW agreed to changes in contractual work rules related to the jobs bank. This negotiation suggests the use of what conflict handling style?


When organizations are getting ready for planned change, it is important to

create a vision for chan

Security, safety, and social equality are all examples of

cultural values.

The new CEO has developed a plan that calls for company reorganization from a functional structure to a matrix one. In a meeting with her subordinates, manager Alecia says, "This will be great. You will still work for this area and me, but you'll have variety and growth opportunities by reporting to a second manager for various projects. This new structure will help grow this company." Alecia shows what reaction to this change?

enthusiastic support

Firms with people-oriented cultures value

fairness, supportiveness, and respecting individual rights.

What does research suggest regarding emotion and culture?

it is more appropriate to express emotions outwardly in individualistic cultures.

Power that comes from one's organizational role or position is

legitimate power.

What is an organizational antecedent of political behavior?

limited resources

Highly formalized and centralized structures similar to bureaucracies are

mechanistic structures.

A unique, nonroutine, important decision requiring conscious thinking, information gathering, and careful consideration of alternatives is a(n)

nonprogrammed decision.

Your posture, hand gestures, and eye contact are all examples of what aspect of impression management?


Leaders who emphasize achievement, results, and action create a(n) ___________ culture in their organizations


Under the path-goal theory framework, leaders who ensure their employees take part in decision making have a(n) ___________ leadership style.


The firm pays above average wages to its employees. Each employee is given at least two weeks of vacation and any time family matters arise, flexible arrangements are made to facilitate the employee. Each Thanksgiving, a turkey is provided to each employee, $100 gift certificates are given for the holidays, and during the summer, the firm pays for each employee and one guest to attend an all-expense-paid day at the local amusement park. This firm seems to be a(n) ___________ company.


What is considered a root cause of conflict in the workplace?

personality differences

Effective time management techniques include


Employee Assistance Programs are offered by organizations in order to

provide help to employees with personal problems.

Managers at a pharmaceutical research and development firm have checkbooks that they carry around with them as they monitor subordinates. If a manager notes outstanding behavior by a subordinate, they can write the high-level performer a check on the spot. This is an example of the manager's ___________ power.


A well-known Fortune 500 CEO dresses up in a different outlandish costume each year for a presentation during the annual stockholder meeting. The presentation is broadcast to all divisions and offices of the firm and employees enthusiastically view the proceedings. This scenario is an example of what visual element of culture?


Anoop is a member of the engineering department and also serves on the Strategy 2025 team, which is crafting an engineering strategy for the firm's future. He has a "Do not miss" meeting in the engineering department scheduled for Wednesday at 8 a.m. and just received an urgent email about a "Can't miss" meeting for the strategy group at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday morning. Anoop is experiencing

role conflict.

Jonathan is experiencing a real dilemma. His boss just informed him he must attend a dinner meeting Wednesday night with some important out-of-town clients. Jonathan's daughter also called and said she will be dancing a solo at her dance recital on Wednesday evening. Jonathan is experiencing

role conflict.

Noah knows that he is flexible, enjoys challenging goals, and is concerned about the security of his job. Noah demonstrates which building block of the emotional intelligence concept?


The degree to which a person is at peace with themselves and has an overall positive assessment of their self worth and capabilities is also known as


The Internal Revenue Service has many rules and regulations regarding the tax code and the filing of returns. The organization is large and bureaucratic. If an individual has issues with the agency, getting it resolved is a laborious process filled with red tape, and takes an extensive amount of time and patience to resolve. The Internal Revenue Service has a(n) ___________ culture.


Davina and Viv are members of the board of directors at Beta Corporation. They are giving very serious consideration to voting to merge their company with Zeta Company for enhanced efficiency, effectiveness, and competitive advantage. Davina and Viv are making a(n)

strategic decision

Deena works at a small brewery. She is the only person trained in changing out the labels on the automatic bottling machine. The brewery has high dependency on Deena because she has low


Nina makes it a point to talk to her subordinates every day about what is going on in their personal lives. She always congratulates them when they share successes and has a kind word and "a shoulder to cry on" if necessary when things are not going well. Nina has a ___________ leadership style.


A decision which centers on how things get done is a(n)

tactical decision.

Marta has been a part-time faculty member at the university for nine years. She teaches two to three writing courses a semester. Last month, the dean announced that next academic year, part-time instructors would be limited to teaching only two classes during the entire year. Marta is upset and tells her husband, "I may look into teaching at the community college next year but don't let anyone at the university know." This is an example of what kind of change reaction?

. passive resistance

What is a positive outcome of conflict in the organization?

. increased creativity

Which statement is accurate regarding culture and perceptions of power?

A country's culture determines how people will attempt to influence each other.

What strategy is suggested for appropriately disagreeing with colleagues?

All of the above.

___________ leaders lead employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals.


When leaders make decisions alone without involving employees in the decision-making process, they are using

autocratic decision making.

Which middle-ground conflict handling style is characterized by an individual's desire to get their way but respect others' goals?


Experts make decisions in the intuitive decision-making models based on


Mindfulness is a stress-reducing concept most closely related to


Walker can control his emotions in multiple situations and always demonstrates empathy for others; he is internally motivated and has many admirable social skills. Walker has

high emotional intelligence.

According to the GLOBE project, what leadership traits appear to be universally desirable?

honesty, trustworthiness and fairness

The creative decision-making process begins with

identifying the problem.

What is a negative outcome of conflict in the organization?

increased stress

Someone who is high in emotional intelligence engages in what practice?

increases their awareness of their own and others' emotions

Research on individual differences in the type of stress experienced by employees indicates that

individuals with Type A personalities are more likely to experience negative organizational outcomes.

Information processing demands that exceed the supply or capacity of time available for such processing are called

information overload.

If both parties involved in a budget negotiation seek to expand the overall budget so that each party gets more, this is an example of which kind of negotiation strategy?

integrative approach

Marisol is a paramedic for the county ambulance service. Yesterday there was a terrible accident when a bus carrying senior citizens to a casino was struck by a small truck. Fifteen of the bus riders were killed and 25 injured. As Marisol arrived on the scene, she quickly made decisions as to which victims needed immediate care and who could wait. Marisol likely used what decision-making model in conducting triage?

intuitive decision-making mode

When the CEO publicly admits a mistake, and takes immediate steps to correct the problem, this demonstrates which aspect of organizational culture change?

role modeling

Malcolm is the manager of his department. After performance evaluations, he gives those who have met their goals for the year a pay raise. He gives his employees their assignments and leaves them to do their work but does monitor them so that if he notices a potential problem, it gets resolved before causing difficulties. What contemporary leadership style is Malcolm demonstrating?

transactional leadership

The key factor in the effectiveness of transformational leadership is


Role ambiguity refers to

vagueness in relation to job responsibilities.

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