MGMT Test 3

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100. Sailaja manages a department with few standard procedures. Members are located in various parts of the state, but they are well connected electronically. The department performs tasks requiring a great deal of interaction between manager and subordinates. When structuring this department, what should she do to most effectively supervise its activities? A. Use a narrow span of control B. Create a flat organization C. Use a high degree of decentralization D. Use functional departmentalization E. Limit delegation as much as possible


103. Which of the following organization designs is frequently the result of pressure to share resources? A. Matrix B. Hybrid C. Functional (U-form) D. Divisional (M-form) E. Conglomerate (H-form)


105. Which of the following characteristics does NOT describe the matrix form of organization design? A. Lack of opportunity for employees to grow and develop B. Employee uncertainty about reporting relationships C. Increased time required to make decisions D. Managers may feel that they are free to do as they please E. Group may not focus on its primary objectives


108. In theory, delegation from a manager to a subordinate consists of A. assigning responsibility, granting authority, and creating accountability. B. assigning responsibility, creating a position, and creating accountability. C. creating a position, overcoming defiance, and promoting acceptance. D. creating accountability, promoting acceptance, and requiring performance. E. creating accountability, assigning responsibility, and requiring performance.


110. Which of the following approaches to organization design automatically creates lateral relationships? A. Matrix B. Functional (U-form) C. Conglomerate (H-form) D. Hybrid E. Divisional (M-form)


111. Michael wants to become a surgeon. One of his goals is to be assigned to surgeries whenever possible. He wants to perform his job well in the emergency room. He also wants to provide the care that his child needs. He desires to have a satisfying relationship with his wife. He wants to do a good job mentoring a group of residents and interns. He would like to help his sister deal with the loss of her son. Michael is likely to experience stress as a result of ____ demand. A. role B. physical C. task D. interpersonal E. psychological


111. ____ results from maximum delegation throughout the organization. A. Decentralization B. Horizontal work loading C. Specialization D. Job design E. Vertical work loading


112. An organization is ____ when power and control are kept at the top levels of management. A. centralized B. specialized C. decentralized D. departmentalized E. wide


114. Psychological consequences of stress include A. sleep disturbances. B. withdrawal. C. alcoholism. D. appetite disorders. E. smoking.


116. Canine Companions for Independence's puppy raiser volunteers attend monthly classes to learn how to train the puppy. The classes create some A. centralization. B. specialization. C. decentralization. D. departmentalization. E. compartmentalization.


117. ____ is the systematic distribution of power and authority to middle and lower-level managers throughout the organization. A. Decentralization B. Delegation C. Specialization D. Job design E. Centralization


120. The primary reason for coordination in organizations is A. due to the interdependence of work units and groups. B. due to the need to foster more delegation. C. due to the requirement for centralized decision making. D. to keep the organizational structure as flat as possible. E. to break the organization's overall task into its component parts.


121. When departments or units operate with little interaction, and the profits and losses are simply added together, the units operate with ____ interdependence. A. pooled B. mixed C. functional D. hierarchical E. sequential


125. In schools math, English, science and social studies departments operate separately. Student test scores in each area are gathered to evaluate the effectiveness of the school. What level of interdependence does this represent? A. Pooled B. Reciprocal C. Sequential D. Hierarchical E. Functional


127. ____ usually causes an organization to incur costs for replacing individuals. A. Turnover B. Absenteeism C. Workplace behavior D. Performance behavior E. Perceptual attitude


132. With respect to their use as coordinating devices, what is the difference between a task force and an integrating department? A. Task forces are more temporary. B. Task forces are used with more complex forms of interdependence. C. Task forces require the use of more people. D. Task forces are more permanent. E. Task forces require fewer people.


135. Nora is chief legal counsel for Midco Waste. She has ____. A. functional authority B. staff authority C. compulsory advice D. line authority E. advice authority


137. To decrease their administrative intensity, many organizations are A. eliminating staff positions. B. hiring managers who are less intense. C. decreasing the number of middle managers. D. increasing job rotation programs. E. modifying job designs so as to alleviate worker stress.


139. Functional authority is A. formal authority given to staff. B. an effective way to use staff positions. C. related to the expertise of staff. D. used to help maintain the chain of command. E. All of these choices


141. Which of the following is most likely to cause line managers to see staff members as a threat to their authority? A. Functional authority B. Staff authority C. Compulsory advice D. Line authority E. Pooled coordination


143. Administrative intensity is the A. ratio of staff positions to line positions. B. degree to which the staff has functional authority. C. degree to which the staff uses compulsory advice. D. number of line positions divided by the number of staff positions. E. amount of line authority granted to the staff.


25. Which of the following is NOT a part of the organizational structure? A. Decision making B. Designing jobs C. Establishing reporting relationships D. Distributing authority among jobs E. Grouping jobs


27. Organization ____ refers to the manner in which an organization's structural components are arranged to manage the total organization. A. design B. structure C. development D. behavior E. management


29. Salary, working conditions, and business travel are examples of ____ from an organization. A. inducements B. intangibles C. psychological contracts D. contributions E. competencies


29. The idea that organization change may have substantial effects extending far beyond the area in which the change actually takes place relates to one of the integrative management theories presented earlier in the text. What is that theory? A. Systems theory B. Contingency theory C. Scientific management theory D. Theory Z E. Theory Y


31. The starting point for all job design activities is determining the level of desired A. specialization. B. departmentalization. C. delegation. D. authority. E. responsibility.


32. The extent to which the contributions made by an individual match the inducements offered by the organization is referred to as the A. person-job fit. B. individual/task match. C. contribution-competency fit. D. cognitive component. E. contribution component.


32. The mobile device security market is expected to quadruple in five years. Anti-virus company Webroot is expanding its mobile device department. The forecasted market expansion is an example of A. an external force for organization change. B. a change in the general environment. C. a change agent. D. an internal force for organization change. E. None of these choices


32. Which of the following statements describes an advantage of job specialization? A. Employees become experts. B. The development of equipment is facilitated. C. Managers can exercise greater control. D. Managers become experts. E. All of these choices


35. ____ can be used to balance with specialization. A. Job rotation B. Job enlargement C. Work team creation D. Job enrichment E. All of these choices


37. Doreen likes to focus on one thing at a time and hates interruptions. This refers to her A. conscientiousness. B. openness. C. self-efficacy. D. agreeableness. E. positive affectivity.


38. A person's range of interest is captured in the personality trait of A. openness. B. positive affectivity. C. agreeableness. D. self-efficacy. E. low conscientiousness.


39. When Jerre Stead took over as the CEO of Ingram Micro, he was following a CEO who was strongly authoritarian. Stead immediately removed all office doors. This gesture indicated his willingness to consider new ideas and his A. openness. B. positive affectivity. C. agreeableness. D. self-efficacy. E. conscientiousness.


39. Which of the following statements describes a characteristic of job rotation? A. The jobs themselves remain the same. B. As a training device, it reduces flexibility and worker skills. C. The jobs involved are usually difficult and complex. D. It tends to significantly enhance employee motivation. E. It requires no additional training.


42. Juwan seems to like every idea that comes his way. He does not have a core of beliefs. According to the "Big Five" personality traits, he has more A. openness. B. negative emotionality. C. agreeableness. D. self-efficacy. E. conscientiousness.


44. Evelyn gets her energy from others, likes creative tasks, is logical and likes finishing things. Her traits illustrate the ____ dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. A. Extrovert, intuitive, thinking, judge B. Extrovert, intuitive, feeling, perceiver C. Introvert, intuitive, feeling, judge D. Introvert, sensing, thinking, judge E. Introvert, sensing, feeling, perceiver


44. The manager's role as monitor is essential to which step in the comprehensive approach to change? A. Recognizing the need for change B. Understanding how to implement change C. Setting goals for change D. Selecting a change technique E. Planning change implementation


46. Desiree is reluctant to take a promotion because it involves moving. She knows little about the area she would be living in. According to the text, the most likely reason for such employee resistance to change is A. uncertainty. B. threatened self-interests. C. different perceptions. D. feelings of loss. E. facilitation.


46. Lynn has two projects to choose from. She knows the big one takes weeks and is important. The small one, she can finish by the end of the day, but it is not that important. Her decision to work on the small one illustrates her ____ dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. A. judging B. perceiving C. thinking D. feeling E. sensing


46. Which of the following is NOT a factor in the situational view of organization design? A. Control B. Size C. Technology D. The environment E. Organizational life cycle


48. The CEO retired abruptly. Her replacement will not be announced until a thorough search is completed. In the meantime, managers are playing it safe. As a result of ____, the managers are resistant to change. A. uncertainty B. a high level of risk propensity C. threatened self-interests D. different perceptions E. feelings of loss


49. Many high school teachers also coach a sport. They have the same autonomy in coaching that they have in the classroom. This is an example of A. job enlargement. B. job enrichment. C. work teams. D. job specialization. E. job rotation.


49. ____ is the term used to describe an individual's beliefs about his or her capabilities to perform a task. A. Self-efficacy B. Self-esteem C. Self-monitoring D. Confidence E. Machiavellianism


50. Since Jeffrey took over as CEO the stock value has tumbled for more than two years. Jeffrey is doubting his capabilities. In other words, he has had low A. self-efficacy. B. self-esteem. C. self-monitoring. D. risk propensity. E. dogmatism.


55. Annie is excited to move from New York to Texas. She has not been that happy in New York and sees Texas as a new start with great opportunities. She has used A. force-field analysis. B. facilitation. C. education and communication. D. participation. E. institutionalizing the change.


55. Volkswagen makes automobiles. It uses ____ technology. A. large-batch B. continuous-process C. unit D. System 4 E. mass-customization


57. Teachers at South Elementary School are allowed to pair up and teach a class twice as large as others. This allows the teachers to specialize in the subjects they most enjoy. The team teachers now share control over the classroom. The team teaching decreases A. autonomy. B. compensation. C. task significance. D. feedback. E. task identity.


58. Teachers at South Elementary School are allowed to pair up and teach a class twice as large as others. This allows the teachers to specialize in the subjects they most enjoy. This is an example of A. work teams. B. feedback. C. task significance. D. skill variety. E. task identity


59. Which of the following is NOT one of the major areas in which organization change takes place? A. Social responsibility B. Organization structure and design C. Technology and operations D. People E. All of these choices


59. ____ is the extent to which a person believes that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual. A. Self-esteem B. Conformity C. Self-monitoring D. Risk propensity E. Self-image


63. A regional manufacturing operation has the following divisions: manufacturing, finance, human resources, marketing, and shipping/receiving. This is an example of ____ departmentalization. A. functional B. location C. product D. customer E. sequential


63. Discount retailers like Michael's rely on economies of scale. They use ____ technology. A. large-batch B. unit C. continuous-process D. transformation E. small-batch


64. As described by Burns and Stalker, mechanistic organizations are most like A. bureaucracies. B. organizational networks. C. System 4 organizations. D. matrix organizations. E. hybrid organizations.


65. Organization change by means of change in technology and operations occurs when an organization A. implements ERP. B. changes managerial scope. C. trains people to give them new skills and abilities. D. redesigns jobs. E. outsources nonessential functions.


66. Speedo operates in a fairly stable environment, Burns and Stalker would agree that the ____ design would be best for Speedo. A. mechanistic B. organic C. matrix D. System 3 E. hybrid


66. Which of the following exemplifies a people change that would result in an organization change? A. New CEO B. Job redesign C. Financial partnerships D. Change in reporting relationships E. Change from standard assembly line to autonomous work groups


67. Not long ago, there was no such thing as a dot-com company, but because of rapid technological evolution, many dot-com companies have been created, have been briefly successful, and have failed in a relatively short period. Those that have remained have had to be responsive to changes in their ever-changing external environments. As a rule, you would expect dot-com companies to have a(n) ____ design. A. organic B. System 1 C. hybrid D. matrix E. mechanistic


68. After the federal government stepped in to keep some businesses from failing, new attention was focused on executive compensation. Politicians, tax payers and news media called for change. This is an example of an organization change attempt focused on influencing A. people. B. technology. C. operations. D. structure. E. social responsibility.


68. To be successful, Glamour magazine must respond to the latest fads and inform their readers of upcoming trends in fashion. This need for flexibility indicates that a(n) ____ design is appropriate. A. organic B. System 1 C. hybrid D. matrix E. mechanistic


70. Air traffic controllers work shifts in the tower. This is an example of which form of departmentalization? A. Time B. Location C. Divisional D. Sequential E. Customer


71. Reengineering is needed when an organization A. recognizes entropy. B. is dominant in its market. C. is in the early stages of the business life cycle. D. wants to improve employee morale. E. wants to implement a diversity program.


72. The Siemens sectors are industry, energy, healthcare, and infrastructure and cities, which all require strong engineering. Siemens uses related diversification. The divisions are A. integrated. B. relatively stable. C. mechanistic. D. differentiated. E. autonomous.


73. The first step in the reengineering process involves A. developing goals and a strategy for reengineering. B. creating a sense of urgency. C. recreating the organization. D. using top management to play a major role in the effort. E. unfreezing.


74. GM has a division for GMC trucks and one for Buicks, Oldsmobiles, and Cadillacs. This is an example of ____ departmentalization. A. product B. location C. divisional D. sequential E. customer


74. Trump Organization produces beauty pageants and builds commercial real estate. There appears to be little need for ____ between these units. A. integration B. responsibility C. flexibility D. centralization E. technology


75. Dorothy is overweight and smokes, even though she knows that both of these are bad for her health. She is most likely experiencing A. cognitive dissonance. B. low self-esteem. C. an external locus of control. D. low risk propensity. E. burnout.


75. Organization ____ is a planned effort that is organization-wide and managed from the top. It is intended to increase organizational effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the organization's processes using behavioral science knowledge. A. change B. design C. development D. theory E. behavior


76. Corinne observed her company laying people off without notice or explanation. Her ____ will likely decrease. A. organizational commitment B. job satisfaction C. selective perception D. external locus of control E. high authoritarianism


77. Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, hires managers by looking for two qualities¾integrity and passion. According to Schultz, these qualities are as important as experience and abilities because he wants people to become passionate about helping the company succeed while maintaining high ethical standards that promote the organization's responsibility to society. In other words, Schultz values A. organizational commitment. B. job satisfaction. C. selective perception. D. an external locus of control. E. high authoritarianism.


77. Target stores have departments for groceries, clothing, electronics, jewelry, and home goods. This is an example of departmentalization by A. product. B. location. C. division. D. sequence. E. customer.


79. General Motors frequently asks its employees to measure such things as supervisor effectiveness. This is an OD technique known as ____. A. surveys B. team building C. process consultation D. diagnostic activities E. third-party peacemaking


80. Many companies bring together managers from various divisions to have them participate in a weekend of team-building exercises. These exercises are intended to iron out problem areas and to encourage more company-wide communications. Such exercises are one of the interventions used in organization A. development. B. theory. C. behavior. D. evaluation. E. structure.


85. All of the following are reasons to use coaching and counseling as an organization development intervention technique EXCEPT A. to provide an evaluation of current performance. B. to help people see themselves as others see them. C. to teach behaviors that will help people to work with others. D. to help workers focus on how to perform better in the future. E. to provide nonevaluative feedback.


85. Someone who categorizes people based on a single attribute A. is engaged in stereotyping. B. is exhibiting selective perception. C. has an external locus of control. D. believes in authoritarianism. E. is exhibiting burnout.


86. The first stage of the organizational innovation process is A. developing. B. applying. C. launching. D. growing. E. managing.


88. Ingersoll-Rand Company learned that half of the people using wrenches on an auto assembly line were women, and it recognized a need for a wrench that would fit in a wide range of hand sizes. In terms of the innovation process, this is an example of innovation A. development. B. application. C. launch. D. growth. E. maturity.


88. ____ is a mechanism through which we observe behavior and then assign causes to it. A. Attribution B. Stereotyping C. Perception D. Selective perception E. Attitude formation


90. The basic framework around which we form attributions is A. consensus, consistency, and distinctiveness. B. synergy, empathy, and compassion. C. consensus, continuity, and consistency. D. empathy, consensus, and differentiation. E. empathy, distinctiveness, and continuity.


91. A wide span of management produces A. a flat organization. B. multiple layers of management. C. a parallel organization. D. a horizontal organization. E. a vertical organization.


91. Coca-Cola launched a bottle with a new size and shape. The soda pop stayed the same. This is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. A. incremental B. radical C. diversified D. functional E. differentiated


91. Harley-Davidson is known for its motorcycle division, but it also owns a company that makes Holiday Rambler motor homes, another that manufactures parcel delivery vans, and another that makes truck bodies. Each of its businesses is operated by an independent general manager, but its performance is evaluated by the financial staff at the corporate office. This is an example of which organization design? A. Conglomerate (H-form) B. Divisional (M-form) C. Functional (U-form) D. Hybrid E. Matrix


92. Vera Bradley makes fashion accessories. It releases four new patterns four times a year. The new patterns are an example of a(n) ____ innovation. A. incremental B. radical C. diversified D. functional E. differentiated


93. The CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch, Michael Jeffries, is personally in control of the company, to include interviewing ad models and approving every detail of store operations. Normally this is only possible in companies much smaller than A&F. Based on Jeffries' level of control, which of the following organization designs would you expect it to use? A. Functional (U-form) B. Divisional (M-form) C. Conglomerate (H-form) D. Matrix E. High-tech involvement


94. WMC Corporation uses a departmentalized structure based on different product groups set up as profit centers. The general managers of these profit centers report to a central corporate group that serves as a holding company. This is a ____ organization design. A. conglomerate (H-form) B. divisional (M-form) C. functional (U-form) D. matrix E. global


95. Research into the health benefits of eating pomegranates led to many new items with pomegranates in them. This is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. A. product B. managerial C. radical D. application E. process


96. People want to flee or fight in the ____ stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome. A. alarm B. panic C. resistance D. affective E. emotional


97. The average age of Americans is getting older. Baby boomers are starting to turn 65. Morgan Stanley installed lighting that is friendlier to older eyes. This is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. A. process B. product C. radical D. managerial E. instrumental


98. In which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome will an individual do whatever he or she can to cope with the situation? A. Resistance B. Denial C. Exhaustion D. Alarm E. Affective


102. Which of the following statements describes the major differences between Type B and Type A individuals? A. Type B individuals have less patience B. Type B individuals have a more balanced approach to life. C. Type B individuals are usually less healthy. D. Type B individuals are less intelligent. E. Type B individuals are more competitive.


103. Which of the following statements about Type A personalities is FALSE? A. They are extremely competitive. B. They are less likely to experience conflict with other people. C. They are more likely to experience stress. D. They are very work-oriented. E. They have a lot of drive and want to accomplish as much as possible as quickly as possible.


104. Herman believes he needs balance between work and his personal life. He will not work on weekends and frequently asks for deadline extensions. He exhibits A. Type A behavior. B. Type B personality. C. selective perception. D. an internal locus of control. E. cognitive dissonance.


104. When delegating, a supervisor should do all of the following EXCEPT A. assign responsibility. B. develop a control system. C. create accountability. D. grant authority. E. develop subordinates.


106. Which of the following is NOT a strength of the matrix organization design? A. Flexibility B. Lower costs from low requirement for managerial personnel C. Ability to take better advantage of human resources D. Provides a useful vehicle for decentralization E. Provides a vehicle to help personnel grow and develop


108. At work there is a conference room nicknamed "the meat locker." If Royce has a meeting in there, he is too cold to concentrate. This is an example of ____ demands that can lead to stress. A. role B. physical C. task D. interpersonal E. psychological


109. ____ deal with the distribution of authority. A. Centralization and departmentalization B. Decentralization and delegation C. Span of management and departmentalization D. Span of management and delegation E. Departmentalization and coordination


112. Tesla Motors is a California start-up. It keeps units small and flexible, allowing them to quickly adapt to changing environments. Tesla is most likely a ____ organization. A. virtual B. team C. functional (U-form) D. hybrid E. matrix


113. Decentralization is NOT usually pursued A. in a complex environment. B. when the home office wants to maintain control. C. when decisions that must be made on a daily basis are relatively minor. D. when lower-level managers are talented leaders. E. in an uncertain environment.


115. A ____ organization works to facilitate the lifelong learning and personal development of all of its employees while continually transforming itself to respond to changing demands and needs. A. divisional (M-form) B. learning C. team D. virtual E. functional (U-form)


115. Behavioral consequences of organizational stress include A. depression. B. drug abuse. C. turnover. D. absenteeism. E. decreased performance.


121. Latisha loves to read. She reads a lot of business, history, and biography books. She often notices similarities in the situations in the books with what she is managing at work. ____ thinking is a skill that allows her to see similarities between situations, phenomena, and events. A. Congruent B. Convergent C. Digressive D. Divergent E. Constructive


124. The communications department at Ford depends on information provided by other departments to write a press release. The press release is then reviewed by the directors before announcement. What level of interdependence does this represent? A. Pooled B. Reciprocal C. Sequential D. Hierarchical E. Functional


125. ____ is the pattern of action by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences organizational effectiveness. A. Organizational behavior B. Workplace action C. Workplace behavior D. Performance behavior E. Withdrawal behavior


126. If you are a reporter for a newspaper, you are expected to write, edit, and proofread stories by the paper's deadline. These expectations are referred to as A. workplace behaviors. B. performance behaviors. C. withdrawal behaviors. D. job attributes. E. organizational citizenship.


126. The activities of a hotel depend on information sharing between reservations, front-desk, housekeeping, and dining. What level of interdependence is this? A. Pooled B. Reciprocal C. Functional D. Hierarchical E. Sequential =


129. Marcy's work is above average as far as quality and quantity of production goes. However, she refuses to work overtime and won't help newcomers. This is an example of A. cognitive dissonance. B. poor organizational citizenship. C. burnout. D. a Type B personality. E. a person with an external locus of control.


130. Paula works as a safety engineer for a large petroleum-processing company. She is always willing to look at possible dangerous situations, talk to employee groups about developing safety habits, and monitor the organization to make sure it complies with OSHA standards. She never complains if she needs to work overtime on holidays or weekends. Paula is A. experiencing cognitive dissonance. B. a good organizational citizen. C. experiencing burnout. D. a Type B personality. E. a person with an external locus of control.


130. Which of the following coordination techniques is appropriate when interdependence is of the complex reciprocal variety? A. Integrating department B. Task force C. Managerial hierarchy D. Centralization E. Rules and procedures


133. Integrating departments A. are never used for coordination. B. are more permanent than task forces. C. have only permanent members. D. never contain temporary members. E. are used when pooled or simple sequential interdependence exists.


26. You formulate a(n) ____ with your employer when you accept a job. A. inducement B. psychological contract C. organizational commitment D. contributory expectation E. mental picture


27. Ingrid is excited about her new job. She thinks it will be exciting, fulfilling, and rewarding, and will allow her the standard of living she is looking for. She has made a(n) ____ with her new employer. A. inducement B. psychological contract C. organizational commitment D. contributory expectation E. mental picture


28. Which of the following statements is NOT an accurate reflection of the relationship between organizations and organization design? A. Organization design is used to manage the total organization. B. Once an organization is designed, the organization changes little. C. Organization design for large organizations is extremely complex compared to that for smaller organizations. D. Organization design is the overall pattern of the structural components that make up an organization. E. Organization design is influenced by many of the same factors that influence an organization's structure.


28. ____ is the set of expectations that an individual holds about what he or she will contribute to the organization and what it will provide in return. A. Cognitive dissonance B. A psychological contract C. An organizational contract D. Collaboration E. Organizational citizenship


29. Which of the following statements describes specialization? A. Specialization always reduces the amount of available transfer time. B. With specialization, workers are more likely to be absent. C. Employee training is more costly. D. Individual dexterity will be decreased with specialization. E. Automation of production processes is more difficult with specialization.


54. The job characteristics approach to job design is a specific method for taking into account both the work system and employee preferences. It is similar to the more general ____ approach. A. job rotation B. job enrichment C. job enlargement D. work teams E. job specialization


33. Army officers use an expression "not in my lane," which derives from the basic marksmanship function of establishing firing lanes for who fires at which targets. The idea is to spread people over the whole area so you do not miss anything and to prevent everyone from firing at the same target. This is an example of A. delegation. B. job specialization. C. job rotation. D. job enrichment. E. job design.


34. Which of the following personality traits is NOT one of the "Big Five"? A. Agreeableness B. Locus of control C. Extraversion D. Conscientiousness E. Negative emotionality


36. Facebook added a top-story function that highlights the most relevant posts from friends. This is an example of A. reactive change. B. planned change. C. organizational development. D. the innovation process in operation. E. the influence of radical innovation.


36. Workers in a McDonald's are trained to cook, clean, fill drinks, take orders, and fill orders. During a shift they work each job for one hour. This is an example of job A. specialization. B. rotation. C. delegation. D. enlargement. E. enrichment.


37. General Motors launched a contest for independently produced Super Bowl ads for Chevrolet. The contest is an example of a ____ change. A. functional B. planned C. line management D. reactive E. hierarchical


37. Gymnastic athletes train for each event. During competition they compete on each of them in the all-around. They use job ____. A. specialization B. rotation C. delegation D. enlargement E. enrichment


37. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a shortcoming of bureaucratic organizations? A. With bureaucratic organizations, social processes are ignored. B. Organizational efficiency is reduced in a bureaucratic organization. C. There is extensive use of division of labor in a bureaucratic organization. D. With bureaucratic organizations, assumptions about employee loyalty are unrealistic. E. Bureaucratic organizations tend to be rigid and inflexible.


38. In which alternative to specialization does the job itself remain the same, which means satisfaction usually wanes quickly? A. Job characteristics approach B. Job rotation C. Job enrichment D. Job enlargement E. Work teams


38. Mobo Tap created Dolphin Browser to help Apple users navigate in mobile devices easier. This is an example of ____ change. A. functional B. planned C. operational D. managerial E. hierarchical


40. Elyssa says she does not like people. They annoy her easily. According to the "Big Five" personality traits, Elyssa has more A. openness. B. negative emotionality. C. agreeableness. D. self-efficacy. E. conscientiousness.


40. Google launched Google+ for social networking. Google+ is a ____ change. A. functional B. planned C. line management D. reactive E. hierarchical


40. The behavioral model paralleled the emergence of A. the classical management school. B. the human relations movement. C. quantitative management theory. D. the development of contingency theory. E. the development of systems theory.


42. Invacare modified the wheelchair assembly process so that workers assemble the entire wheelchair rather than simply add one or two pieces as is normal on most assembly lines. This is an example of A. job enrichment. B. job enlargement. C. job rotation. D. quality circles. E. work teams.


43. James gets his energy from other people, likes the big picture, makes gut decisions, and completes work before moving on to the next project. His traits illustrate the ____ dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. A. Extrovert, intuitive, thinking, judge B. Extrovert, intuitive, feeling, judge C. Introvert, intuitive, feeling, judge D. Introvert, sensing, thinking, judge E. Introvert, sensing, feeling, perceiver


43. ____, as an alternative to specialization, has the disadvantages of raising training costs, unions arguing for more pay for doing more tasks, and worker boredom setting in. A. Job enrichment B. Job enlargement C. Job rotation D. Work teams approach E. Job characteristics approach


45. Which of the following actions exemplifies the first step in the comprehensive organization change model? A. Setting standards for a new absenteeism control procedure B. Gathering employee complaints and noticing a trend C. Determining the probable causes of a recently detected drop in the level of employee job satisfaction D. Determining different techniques for enhancing employee job satisfaction E. Planning a set of meetings to help employees understand the procedures in the company's new MBO program


45. Which of the following is NOT an alternative to job specialization? A. Job rotation B. Job delegation C. Job enrichment D. Job enlargement E. Work teams


46. Cadets at West Point spend time during the summer learning about the branches in the Army like aviation, infantry, ordnance, finance, etc. In their senior year the cadets select their branch based on this experience. The academy is using job ____ as a training technique. A. specialization B. rotation C. loading D. enlargement E. enrichment


47. Which of the following is NOT a reason why employees are resistant to change? A. Uncertainty B. A high level of risk propensity C. Threatened self-interests D. Different perceptions E. Feelings of loss


48. Remote work areas give employees more control over their job. This is an example of A. job enlargement. B. job enrichment. C. work teams. D. job specialization. E. job rotation.


49. Staples print shop prints whatever the customer requests. What class of technology does it use? A. Downsized B. Unit production C. Mass production D. Continuous process E. Decentralized


51. Although a pay increase would be useful when a change in job design is made, for which of the following would it be expected? A. Job enrichment B. Job enlargement C. Job rotation D. Creation of work teams E. Job specialization


53. Managers should make changes only when they are absolutely necessary, should announce them well in advance, and should implement the changes gradually. This is referred to as A. force-field analysis. B. facilitation. C. education and communication. D. participation. E. institutionalizing the change.


60. The mobile device security market is expected to quadruple in five years. Anti-virus company Webroot is expanding its mobile device department. This organization change was an example of change in A. social responsibility. B. organization structure and design. C. technology and operations. D. people. E. organization mission.


61. ____ is the grouping of jobs into some logical arrangement. A. Specialization B. Departmentalization C. Job rotation D. Delegation E. Job design


62. Hurricane Irene pummeled the pumpkin crop for the Northeast. Wholesalers reached out to growers in the Midwest and Canada as prices more than doubled. Hurricane Irene created change in the area of A. people. B. operations. C. social responsibility. D. culture. E. organization structure and design.


62. Woodward found that successful firms employing small-batch and continuous-process technologies are similar to which of the following organization designs? A. System 1 B. System 4 C. Matrix design D. Mechanistic design E. Bureaucracy


64. Big Y, a supermarket chain, decided to remove self-service checkout lanes because they did not speed up checkout. This was an example of organization change through a change in A. people. B. technology and operations. C. social responsibility. D. culture. E. structure and design.


64. The beliefs and feelings that people have about specific ideas, situations, and people are known as A. personality attributes. B. attitudes. C. perceptions. D. characteristics. E. behaviors.


64. Which of the following is the MOST commonly used basis for departmentalization, especially among small businesses? A. Location B. Function C. Product D. Customer E. Sequence


67. A municipal government has departments for construction, fire, first aid, schools, taxes, public works, and recreation. It uses ____ departmentalization. A. product B. functional C. location D. customer E. sequential


67. The primary change required to convert to making pipe out of plastic rather than steel or copper is in the area of A. information systems. B. work process. C. work sequences. D. control systems. E. enterprise resource planning.


69. Andrew likes the way a political candidate looks and speaks. He knows he agrees with the candidate on important issues. Andrew voted for her. Voting was the ____ component of Andrew's attitude. A. cognitive B. intentional C. dissonance D. affective E. affirmative


69. As it was developed by Burns and Stalker, the ____ design is most like System 4. A. conglomerate B. organic C. matrix D. hybrid E. functional


70. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of organic organizations? A. Open communication B. High level of specialization C. Low level of standardization D. Cooperation E. Unstable external environment


71. Kristen worked in a fast-food restaurant to pay for her college tuition. Kristen vowed never to eat fast food again. But years later her small children love nothing better than a fast-food kid's meal. Kristen's acceptance of the kid's menu choice creates A. a setback. B. cognitive dissonance. C. affective dissonance. D. intentional dissonance. E. behavioral dissonance.


72. The steps in the reengineering process do NOT involve A. developing goals and a strategy for reengineering. B. changing the attitudes of workers. C. creating a sense of urgency. D. recreating the organization. E. using top management to play a major role in the effort.


74. Motorola determined it could better service its customers by implementing a quality initiative called six-sigma. Its first step in this process would be to A. get top management support for the plan. B. develop goals and a strategy for this reengineering. C. create a sense of urgency among its employees. D. optimize the availability of potentially necessary reengineering resources. E. hire a change agent.


74. ____ is an attitude that reflects an individual's identification with and attachment to an organization. A. Job involvement B. Organizational commitment C. Organizational citizenship D. Job satisfaction E. Job identification


78. Stacey complains constantly. The world has never been fair to her. This is known as A. being realistic. B. negative affectivity. C. an external locus of control. D. cognitive dissonance. E. the cognition part of an attitude.


79. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of the organizational life cycle? A. Maturity B. Decline C. Youth D. Birth E. Midlife


80. Tom Evslin knew that using the Internet to make telephone calls was a good idea, but the static you get when you try to talk with a computer and a microphone to someone else with a computer and a microphone is unacceptable. He started a new company to make it possible to use the Internet to make clear telephone calls. He is very excited about his new company's possibility and claims, "I have just barely opened the door for this new technology. We're going to be more successful than AT&T." Which of the following terms best describes Evslin? A. An internal locus of control B. Positive affectivity C. Machiavellian D. Authoritarian E. Negative affectivity


82. A portfolio approach will influence organization design by determining the A. number of SBUs. B. autonomy of the SBUs. C. production quotas of the SBUs. D. human resource policies of the SBUs. E. technology utilized by the SBUs.


82. The focus of the organization development intervention technique known as technostructural activities is on A. the patterns, processes, and methods of conflict resolution in the organization. B. the design of the organization, its transformation processes, and how they interrelate with people. C. helping people to formulate their own goals and integrate them with the goals of the organization. D. enhancing the overall effectiveness of the group through understanding of other people's points of view. E. improving the relationship between two or more groups.


82. ____ is a set of processes by which individuals become aware of and interpret information about their environment. A. Selective attitude B. Perception C. Objective reality D. Stereotyping E. Perceived reality


83. One of the most hated weeks at the college's alumni office was the week in which the alumni newsletters were prepared for mailing. The process of folding, stapling, sorting, and affixing labels was all done by hand and required the assistance of everyone who worked in the alumni office. Then the alumni director purchased a machine that would perform all of the tasks that had once been done manually. The director decided to purchase the machine to improve group relationships and to remove the cause of much of the organization's stress. This is an example of an organization development intervention technique known as A. diagnostic activities. B. technostructural activities. C. third-party peacemaking. D. team building. E. process consultation.


84. Some fast-food restaurants introduced healthier food options in response to lawsuits. This reactor strategy indicates that those fast-food restaurants A. were probably not connected logically to their organization design. B. were likely to have either a System 2 or a System 3 design. C. were likely to have a flat and decentralized organization design. D. were likely to have a tall and centralized organization design. E. were likely to have flexible organization design.


89. Global positioning systems went from military use to hand-held, affordable, individual use. In terms of the innovation process, this is an example of A. innovation development. B. application launch. C. innovation application. D. innovation maturity. E. innovation decline.


90. Graicunas quantified three kinds of interactions with subordinates. They are A. functional, product, and customer. B. direct, cross, and group. C. direct, indirect, and indeterminate. D. delegated, centralized, and decentralized. E. group, individual, and team.


93. Which of the following is an advantage of tall organizations? A. Less expensive to operate than flat organizations B. Less administrative and supervisory responsibility for managers C. Increased worker productivity D. Increased worker morale and job satisfaction E. Fewer communication problems than in flat organizations


94. Kimberly-Clark offers a training program where store managers wear glasses to blur their vision, simulating older shoppers. What kind of innovation is this? A. Mechanical B. Managerial C. Incremental D. Technical E. Process


95. Stressors are defined as A. the result of cognitive dissonance. B. the stimuli that cause stress. C. situations that should be avoided. D. stress on the job. E. anything that decreases performance.


96. Viacom owns Nickelodeon, TV Land, VH1, and Nick at Nite. Viacom's managers of these cable networks are allowed a fairly high degree of autonomy in their operations, yet they coordinate their activities as needed. Purchasing is highly centralized, but many other functions are quite decentralized. Viacom uses a ____ organization design. A. conglomerate (H-form) B. divisional (M-form) C. functional (U-form) D. matrix E. hybrid


97. Levi Strauss launched Denizen denim brand in China and Singapore. What form of organization design is appropriate for Levi Strauss? A. Conglomerate (H-form) B. Divisional (M-form) C. Functional (U-form) D. Matrix E. Hybrid


97. Which of the following factors does NOT influence the effectiveness of the span of management? A. Similarity of tasks being supervised B. Extent of job rotation used C. Physical dispersion of subordinates D. Preferences of supervisors and subordinates E. Degree of required interaction


98. IBM has an internal program called Master Inventor that provides great recognition and reward to potential entrepreneurs from any level of the organization who propose a new product idea. The Master Inventor program supports A. sponsorship. B. intrapreneurship. C. venture capitalists. D. only radical innovation. E. participative innovation.


99. Tammy is trying to decide how many subordinates to assign to a first-line supervisor. The subordinates are well qualified and all working on very similar tasks. Also, they are all located in one small area of the plant. On the other hand, the supervisor in question has a large quantity of paperwork to do each day. What should Tammy do? A. She cannot determine proper span from this information. B. She should use a broad span of control. C. She should use a narrow span of control. D. It is hard to say. Half the factors dictate a broad span and half a narrow span of control. E. It really does not matter which way she chooses to go.


100. A divisional (M-form) organization design is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT A. product departmentalization. B. divisional vice presidents. C. required cooperation between divisions. D. divisional autonomy. E. an opportunity for coordination of activities and shared resources.


104. The existence of which of the following factors would most likely make the implementation of a matrix organization design inadvisable? A. A need to process large amounts of information B. Strong pressure from the environment for more than one structural design C. Several similar businesses owned by one corporation D. A shortage of personnel with strong marketing skills E. A lack of funds to hire adequate staff personnel


109. In Chapter 9 you learned that most decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty. This leads to stress caused by ____ demands. A. role B. physical C. task D. interpersonal E. psychological


110. A surgeon, who is responsible for life and death decisions, would be a likely candidate for stress caused by ____ demand. A. role B. physical C. task D. interpersonal E. psychological


112. Roberto feels a strong need for consensus, but his team member loves to debate everything and play devil's advocate. This is an example of which type of organizational stressor? A. Role demands B. Task demands C. Interpersonal demands D. Physical demands E. Personal demands


114. When managers delegate responsibility and grant authority to their subordinates A. they diminish their own capability to get things done. B. they diminish their own power and authority. C. they are still ultimately responsible for the results. D. good performance by subordinates will be viewed as a threat to the managers' own careers. E. they are using an inefficient training method.


118. What would most likely cause an organization to decentralize? A. The need to make decisions that could cost the company millions of dollars B. A large number of new and untested middle managers C. A dynamic or complex environment D. A corporate culture that believes that all important decisions must be made by top-level managers E. Strong leadership at top levels


119. ____ involves linking together the activities of the various parts of an organization to promote harmonious movement toward organizational goals. A. Decentralization B. Delegation C. Coordination D. Job design E. Centralization


123. Avida Sports developed a sensor system that swimmers wear in the water and get computerized analysis of their stroke. Avida signed an agreement with a swim club to test the product before increasing production. Avida is in the ____ stage of the creative process. A. incubation. B. insight. C. verification. D. delineation. E. preparation.


129. Demetra is head underwriter for Beta Insurance. The administrative section that receives applications from the sales force and gathers other information that the underwriters need works for her. The underwriting department also comes under her supervision. What coordination technique does this represent? A. Integrating department B. Task force C. Managerial hierarchy D. Centralization E. Rules and procedures


140. ____ requires line managers to at least listen to comments and suggestions from staff agencies even if they do not take the advice. A. Functional authority B. Staff authority C. Compulsory advice D. Line authority E. Advice authority


142. According to the text, what is probably the most effective way to use staff positions? A. Give them line authority B. Give them the authority to use compulsory advice C. Give them functional authority D. Put them directly in the chain of command E. Give them staff authority


26. ____ is the determination of an individual's work-related responsibilities. A. Organization structure B. Organization design C. Job design D. Departmentalization E. Delegation


28. ____ is defined as substantive modification of any part of an organization. A. Organization development B. Organizing C. Organization change D. Organization implementation E. Organizational structure


29. The two universal approaches to organization design that represent the foundation of what we know about organization design are A. classical and scientific. B. administrative and classical. C. bureaucratic and behavioral. D. bureaucratic and scientific. E. behavioral and administrative.


30. Toyota added a plug in version of the Prius. This is an example of A. organization development. B. organization evolution. C. organization change. D. organization implementation. E. organizational structure.


31. Big Y, a supermarket chain, decided to remove self-service checkout lanes because they did not speed up checkout. This is an example of A. organization development. B. organization evolution. C. organization change. D. organization implementation. E. organizational structure.


31. Warren is diligent, slow, and thorough. These are examples of his A. competencies. B. psychological contracts. C. contributions. D. tangibles. E. inducements.


33. Subaru added the XV model to its line of automobiles. This was A. reactive change. B. unfreezing. C. planned change. D. refreezing. E. a change agent.


34. Which of the following factors is an internal force for change? A. Increases in the prime lending rate B. Increased attempts by unions to organize new companies C. A change in attitude of workers toward unannounced layoffs D. The development of new technology that makes your factory obsolete E. A foreign competitor introducing a product similar to yours¾but less expensive¾into the U.S. market


35. A person's ability to get along with others in an organization is known as A. extraversion. B. positive affectivity. C. agreeableness. D. self-efficacy. E. conscientiousness.


39. A System 1 organization is most like A. a matrix design. B. an organic design. C. a formal bureaucracy. D. a hybrid design. E. a dictatorship.


40. Actors usually try to get a variety of parts throughout their careers in a variety of genres so that they do not get type case into only action, or comedy, etc. The actors want A. job specialization. B. job rotation. C. job enrichment. D. job enlargement. E. a narrow span of management.


41. When managers let people who will be affected by an impending change know the reasons for the change, the ____ stage of the Lewin model of organization change has been reached. A. implementing B. recognizing C. unfreezing D. transforming E. refreezing


43. During the Lewin model's second step in the change process A. people resist change because of self-interests. B. managers select a change technique. C. the change is implemented. D. those who adapt well to the change are rewarded. E. the organization automates obsolete work practices.


43. Which of the following statements comparing System 4 and Weber's bureaucracy is MOST accurate? A. Both neglect the goal of organizational efficiency. B. Both tend to be flexible and fluid. C. Both are universal approaches to organization design. D. Both developed from the classical school of management thought. E. Both support design based on the current environment.


44. Which of the following statements about Likert's approach is FALSE? A. It holds that the bureaucratic model has numerous drawbacks. B. It advocates a System 4 design. C. It is flexible and varies from one manager to another. D. It characterizes eight processes. E. It paralleled the human relations school of management.


45. Which of the following is NOT a process characterized by Likert? A. Leadership B. Decision making C. Planning D. Controlling E. Communication


47. Dale takes responsibility for everything. When something goes wrong he will trace it backward until he finds his involvement and determine what he could have done to prevent it. He has a(n) A. high-risk propensity. B. dogmatic set of beliefs. C. internal locus of control. D. external locus of control. E. high level of competency.


47. Which of the following BEST describes the situational view of organization design? A. The appropriate organization design should be based on the behaviorist perspective. B. The appropriate organization design uses the bureaucratic model. C. The appropriate organization design depends on the circumstances. D. The appropriate organization design is similar to System 4. E. The appropriate organization design uses the hybrid approach.


52. Studies of the organization change process found that participation A. reduces the need for communication. B. encourages employees to adopt differing perceptions. C. increases productivity and cooperation. D. increases productivity but has no effect on cooperation. E. leads to higher training costs.


52. ____ is the extent to which a person believes that power and status differences are appropriate within organizations. A. Dogmatism B. Locus of control C. Authoritarianism D. Risk propensity E. Self-efficiency


53. If you accept everything your professor says solely because he or she is "the professor," you are highly A. dogmatic. B. self-monitoring. C. authoritarian. D. motivated. E. perceptive.


54. Alan enjoys manipulating others to his own benefit. He sees telling lies as a gray area and is loyal only to himself. He is highly A. authoritative. B. dogmatism. C. Machiavellian. D. effective. E. risk propensity.


54. Many cell phone users are reluctant to change platforms because they do not want to learn a new system. Marketers could overcome this resistance with A. force-field analysis. B. facilitation. C. education and communication. D. participation. E. institutionalizing the change.


56. An individual who has been described as Machiavellian would A. put a high value on friendship. B. get little personal pleasure from manipulating others. C. tend to be rational and unemotional. D. not be willing to lie to get a promotion or a bonus. E. want his or her superiors to be authoritarian.


56. The process by which the manager identifies and then tries to eliminate as many of the negatives¾factors that will make the job of change more difficult¾as possible is called A. facilitation. B. implementation. C. force-field analysis. D. participative development. E. communication and education.


56. Which of the following industries uses large-batch technology? A. The diamond industry B. Fashion designers C. Furniture manufacturers D. Builders of sports arenas E. All of these choices


57. Facebook creates social networks. It uses ____ technology. A. large-batch B. unit C. continuous-process D. transformation E. small-batch


58. Google creates web search results. It uses ____ technology. A. large-batch B. unit C. continuous-process D. transformation E. small-batch


59. When fire fighters go on a call they must focus on the task at hand. They know people's lives are counting on them. They have A. autonomy. B. feedback. C. task significance. D. skill variety. E. task identity.


65. The Hospital for Special Surgery is staffed with over 200 doctors. If a patient has a toe injury she goes to a foot and ankle specialist. Later if she injures her hand, she will see a different doctor. Each doctor has assistants based around the specialty. The HSS uses a ____ basis for departmentalization. A. functional B. location C. product D. customer E. sequential


68. Which of the following methods of departmentalization groups jobs according to their involvement in the same or similar activities? A. Customer B. Product C. Functional D. Divisional E. Location


69. At Haldeman Ford dealership employees specialize in sales, service maintenance, customer service, and accounting. What form of departmentalization does Haldeman use? A. Customer B. Product C. Functional D. Divisional E. Location


69. Which of the following is NOT an example of an organization change produced as a result of changing people? A. Changing skill levels B. Installing a new incentive system C. Changing organizational culture D. Informing and educating the workforce E. Trying to eliminate adversarial relationships


71. Lawrence and Lorsch used what two primary dimensions to characterize organizations? A. Dimension and flexibility B. Stability and uncertainty C. Integration and differentiation D. Autonomy and responsibility E. Organic and mechanistic


71. Product departmentalization has the disadvantages that ____ and administrative cost is increased. A. decision making is slowed B. performance of individual product lines is hard to assess C. managers often fail to focus on what is good for the organization as a whole D. experts are concentrated in one area E. the organization must have skilled specialists to deal with each client group


73. According to the work of Lawrence and Lorsch, in organization design A. the more unstable the environment, the less the firm should differentiate. B. the more differentiated a firm, the greater the requirement for integration. C. each unit of an organization faces its own peculiar environment. D. organic designs are almost invariably more effective, regardless of the environment. E. there is little relationship between the environment and the appropriate organization design.


73. In large organizations you would expect to find ____ departmentalization(s). A. location B. customer C. a combination of two or more D. functional E. product


75. Which of the following statements does NOT describe an advantage of product departmentalization? A. Decision making can be done at the top management levels. B. All similar activities within an organization can be done simultaneously. C. Administrative costs are lower. D. Sales forecasting is easier. E. Performance of individual product lines is easy to assess.


80. An appropriate basis of departmentalization for multinational companies is A. product. B. function. C. location. D. customer. E. sequence.


82. High schools register seniors first, then juniors, sophomores and finally freshmen. What basis of departmentalization does this represent? A. Time B. Function C. Sequence D. Location E. Product


83. The term ____ suggests that there must be a clear and unbroken line of authority and responsibility from the lowest to the highest position. A. autonomy B. delegation C. chain of command D. unity of command E. scalar principle


83. Which of the following strategies would generally follow a bureaucratic design? A. Prospector B. Analyzer C. Defender D. Reactor E. Inspector


84. The intervention technique called ____ has organization development consultants observe the communication patterns and methods of cooperation and conflict resolution in an organization. A. technostructural activities B. team building C. process consultation D. diagnostic activities E. third-party peacemaking


84. ____ is defined as clear and distinct lines of authority among all positions in an organization. A. Autonomy B. Delegation C. Chain of command D. Span of management E. Departmentalization


86. Fred is in the Army. He saw a couple major motion pictures that took place in Iraq. They were so inaccurate, he refuses to see another war movie. He now thinks all Hollywood producers are left-wing zealots. Fred is using A. sexism. B. racism. C. stereotyping. D. attribution. E. selective perception.


86. Ralston Purina is a leader in bringing new consumer goods to market. The organization is also always looking for new markets. The strategy of continuously seeking new customers and/or new markets indicates that Ralston Purina A. uses a strategy that is not logically connected to its organization design. B. is likely to have either a System 2 or a System 3 design. C. is likely to have a flat and decentralized organization design. D. is likely to have a tall and centralized organization design. E. operates in a stable environment.


86. Span of management is the A. extent to which authority is delegated at the individual level. B. extent to which authority is systematically delegated to middle and lower levels of management. C. number of subordinates reporting to a particular manager. D. process of grouping jobs according to some logical pattern. E. number of managers assigned to a department.


87. When Heather learned that two WWF professional wrestlers had written a children's book, she automatically assumed that it would be too violent for her children to read. Heather is exhibiting A. organizational commitment. B. low self-esteem. C. stereotyping. D. selective perception. E. authoritarianism.


89. Charmed by Claire is a gift shop. Employees specialize in a product line like Vera Bradley, Pandora, or Brighton. Clair the CEO oversees coordination of the entire operation. Which form of organization design is appropriate for Charmed by Claire? A. Conglomerate (H-form) B. Divisional (M-form) C. Functional (U-form) D. Hybrid E. Matrix


91. The manager of Abigail's Fabrics is upset because the workers' lounge looks like a pigsty. She has determined that there is no one individual responsible for the mess, and in fact, she is the only one who is bothered by the trash. She has also determined that her employees keep their cars and their lockers just as slovenly. The attribution she forms about her subordinates is BEST described as A. low consensus and low distinctiveness. B. low consistency and high distinctiveness. C. high consensus and high consistency. D. low distinctiveness, high consensus, and low consistency. E. None of these choices


92. Hampton Amusement Rides is a fairly small manufacturer of kiddy rides that can be towed from one site to another. It has marketing, production, finance, shipping, and personnel departments. The owner takes responsibility for coordinating and integrating the efforts of the various departments. Which of the following forms of organization design is most appropriate for this company? A. Conglomerate (H-form) B. Divisional (M-form) C. Functional (U-form) D. Hybrid E. Matrix


92. Stress A. is an attitude. B. has no impact on personality type. C. is an individual's response to a strong stimulus. D. is a consequence of burnout. E. All of these choices


93. Which of the following statements BEST describes the general relationship between stress and performance? A. As stress increases, performance will decrease. B. As performance increases, so does stress. C. As stress increases, performance will increase for a time. D. As stress increases, performance will steadily increase. E. As performance decreases, so does stress.


94. Stress may be defined as A. the result of diminishing capacities. B. an uncommon but serious reaction to too much change. C. a physical or psychological response to strain. D. an environmental force that affects performance. E. pressure on the worker.


95. Which of the following statements comparing the conglomerate (H-form) and the divisional (M-form) approaches to organization design is FALSE? A. Both are based on the product form of departmentalization. B. Divisions in the H-form are unrelated, but in the M-form they are similar kinds of businesses. C. Managers in both forms coordinate extensively with each other. D. H-form managers have more autonomy than M-form managers. E. M-forms can share resources more easily than H-forms.


98. Giovanna is very competent. She works in a relatively predictable environment. All of her subordinates do the same activity with few problems. This situation would tend to call for A. a narrow span of management. B. delegation. C. a wide span of management. D. a tall organization. E. a decentralized organization.


99. With the ____ form of organization design, product departmentalization is combined with a strategic business unit strategy. A. matrix B. organic C. divisional (M-form) D. conglomerate (H-form) E. functional (U-form)


100. The final stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome is A. resistance. B. decline. C. recognition. D. exhaustion. E. acceptance.


102. The primary reason for delegation is to A. increase subordinate motivation. B. make performance appraisals easier to evaluate. C. incorporate the unity of command principle. D. enable managers to get more work done. E. increase the span of management.


107. A matrix design would NOT be effective when A. the organization has a diverse set of products. B. there is pressure for shared resources. C. there is a great deal of information to be processed. D. the environment has a high level of complexity. E. there is an intense external level of competition.


107. Effective delegation incorporates all the following steps EXCEPT A. assigning responsibility to the subordinate. B. granting sufficient authority to do the job. C. making the subordinate accountable for results. D. closely supervising the subordinate following the delegation. E. giving the subordinate the power to accomplish the assigned task.


107. Which of the following is NOT an example of a stressor from the task demand category? A. Having to make decisions quickly B. Making decisions that have serious consequences C. Making decisions without complete information D. Making decisions between job and family responsibilities E. Making a decision that could endanger someone's life


109. Disadvantages of the matrix design include all of the following EXCEPT A. potential conflicts because of multiple bosses. B. coordination difficulties. C. group work takes longer than individual work. D. a reduction in flexibility. E. the potential for managerial anarchy.


111. GM used a new strategy when it designed the Saturn division separately from the previous divisions. GM uses a ____ design. A. Conglomerate (H-form) B. Departmental C. Functional (U-form) D. Hybrid E. Matrix


113. A(n) ____ organization is one that has little or no formal structure. A. team B. hybrid C. nonfunctional D. virtual E. e-created


113. Too little stress can cause a person to A. feel invigorated. B. be healthy and pleased with life. C. develop healthy coping techniques. D. become lethargic. E. become anxious about time pressures.


114. A company that sells names and addresses for direct mail and Internet marketing has subcontracted out the research and development procedures for putting together mailing lists. It has a small sales force, but uses a telemarketing company to locate businesses that are prospects for its mailing lists. Which of the following terms BEST describes its organization design? A. Conglomerate (H-form) B. Team organization C. Functional (U-form) D. Virtual organization E. Divisional (M-form)


119. ____ thinking is a skill that allows people to see differences between situations, phenomena, or events. A. Congruent B. Convergent C. Digressive D. Divergent E. Constructive


120. Earthlink is interested in achieving name recognition with grassroots America. Its marketing department has developed three possible plans, all of which involve the sponsorship of country music concerts. Using ____ thinking, the manager was able to see that while the performers are all country music singers, each appeals to a different segment of the country music market. A. congruent B. convergent C. digressive D. divergent E. constructive


122. ____ thinking is a skill that allows people to see similarities between situations, phenomena, or events. A. Incubation B. Insight C. Verification D. Convergent E. Preparation


123. At BMW the marketing department helps develop sales forecast for the operations managers, who give availability information to dealerships. When dealerships have a specific order, they send it to operations. What level of interdependence does this example represent? A. Pooled B. Mixed C. Functional D. Reciprocal E. Sequential


128. ____ is the behavior of individuals that makes a positive overall contribution to the organization. A. Performance behavior B. Collaboration C. Organizational attitude D. Organizational citizenship E. Turnover


131. Derda, Inc. manufactures equipment used for professional woodworking. It has one department devoted to producing embossing machines, which are used to create wood moldings and panels. It has another department that produces sanding machines. The departments interact very little on a day-to-day basis, and their only responsibility to each other is to see that they both contribute to Derda's success. There is, however, an engineer assigned to the embosser department who stays in contact with people in the sander department to make sure that each is being treated equitably. As the engineer has no formal role, he is likely playing the coordinating role of A. integrator. B. disseminator. C. monitor. D. liaison. E. taskmaster.


136. Jerry is chief ethics officer. He is involved with risk management, stakeholder relationships, whistle-blowing, ethics training, investigations, and preparation of financial statements. Jerry has a(n) ____ position. A. line B. integrating C. hierarchical D. staff E. managerial


27. Job ____ refers to the degree to which the organization's overall task is broken down and divided into smaller component parts. A. delegation B. departmentalization C. organization D. specialization E. decentralization


30. Mary Paule is independent, determined, defiant, and competitive. These are examples of her A. inducements. B. intangibles. C. psychological contracts. D. contributions. E. competencies.


30. Weber viewed the bureaucratic form of organization as all of the following EXCEPT A. logical. B. rational. C. efficient. D. personal. E. the one best way.


32. Weber's guidelines for bureaucratic design include A. functional departmentalization. B. a contingency approach to management. C. a human relations approach to management. D. a clear chain of command. E. All of these choices


33. ____ is the relatively stable set of psychological and behavioral attributes that distinguish one person from another. A. Behavior B. Attitude C. Attribution D. Personality E. Motivation


34. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a characteristic of Weber's bureaucracy? A. It tends to be rigid and inflexible. B. It works better in stable environments. C. It was the starting point for later organization design research. D. It created labor unions. E. It stated employees should be protected from arbitrary dismissal.


36. In a bureaucracy, rules, division of labor, and hierarchies of authority A. affect goal setting. B. restrict the flow of information. C. increase the number of lateral relationships. D. improve organizational efficiency. E. reduce the need to process information.


38. A small-town police force has six patrol officers, two radio dispatch operators, two supervisors, and one police chief. At any time, three patrol officers, one radio operator, and one supervisor are on duty. The police chief works from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Because of the size of the organization, a patrol officer can expect to deal with cases of vandalism, car theft, shoplifting, assault and battery, domestic disputes, broken traffic signals, and auto wrecks during a typical shift. Which of the following statements describes a problem that occurs because the police force does not use a bureaucratic organization design? A. Its organization is rigid and inflexible. B. Appropriate social distances are maintained. C. Assumptions about employee loyalty are unrealistic. D. Its organizational efficiency is much less than it could be. E. Officers must work in a dynamic environment.


39. Hurricane Irene pummeled the pumpkin crop for the Northeast. Wholesalers reached out to growers in the Midwest and Canada as prices more than doubled. Hurricane Irene created ____ change. A. functional B. planned C. line management D. reactive E. hierarchical


41. One of the common complaints of special education teachers is that they are not allowed to teach because of all the paperwork they are required to fill out and keep current. They once only had to teach, but now they have so many other duties that they don't feel they are doing anything well. In this case, ____ did not produce satisfied workers. A. job specialization B. job rotation C. job enrichment D. job enlargement E. a narrow span of management


41. The best-known and most important behavioral approach to organization design is A. Weber's bureaucracy. B. the divisional form. C. Woodward's simple structure. D. Likert's System 4. E. the linking pin approach.


44. With job enrichment, workers can ____. This does not occur with job enlargement. A. periodically move from one job to another B. complete more of the same type of tasks C. experience enhanced pride because they excel at one narrow task D. find their authority and responsibility are increased E. take longer and more frequent breaks


48. Charlie believes "let go and let God." Charlie has a(n) A. high-risk propensity. B. dogmatic set of beliefs. C. internal locus of control. D. external locus of control. E. high level of competency.


48. ____ are internal organizational factors that can influence the organization design selection. A. Organization size and the organizational environment B. Slack resources and technology employed C. Technology employed and the organizational environment D. Organization size and the technology employed E. Slack resources and size


49. Andrea had worked in the marketing department for 27 years. She knows the history and successes of the office better than any other employee. When change is suggested, she is reluctant because she remembers accomplishments related to the current way of doing things. As a result of ____, she is resistant to change. A. uncertainty B. a high level of risk propensity C. threatened self-interests D. different perceptions E. feelings of loss


51. Serena blames everything on someone else. Nothing is ever her fault. She has a(n) A. high-risk propensity. B. dogmatic set of beliefs. C. internal locus of control. D. external locus of control. E. high level of competency.


51. When a board of directors chooses an internal candidate for CEO it reduces resistance to change because employees already know more about the boss. This is a form of A. participation. B. force field analysis. C. repetition. D. education and communication. E. facilitation.


51. With ____ technology, products are produced in small quantities and made to customers' specifications. A. large-batch B. continuous-process C. standardized D. unit E. mass-production


52. Michelle has a low growth-need. She would not like ____. A. job enrichment B. job enlargement C. job rotation D. job characteristics approach E. job specialization


52. Starbucks assembles and serves coffee and snacks. They use ____ technology. A. large-batch B. continuous-process C. standardized D. unit or small-batch E. mass-production


53. Automakers build prototype vehicles first. This requires ____ technology. A. large-batch B. continuous-process C. standardized D. small-batch E. mass-production


54. When Kellogg's makes cereal and cereal bars, it uses ____ technology. A. continuous-process B. unit C. specialization D. large-batch E. niche


56. Managers plan, control, organize, and lead. They need good people abilities as well as analytical abilities. A manager's job has A. autonomy. B. feedback. C. task significance. D. skill variety. E. task identity.


57. A force-field analysis identifies A. management potential in existing employees. B. differing perceptions among future employees. C. differing perceptions among managers regarding structural change. D. factors that facilitate or hinder organization change. E. the appropriate span of management for an organization.


60. The technology that is most effective with a System 4 design is ____ technology. A. small-batch B. large-batch C. continuous-process D. both small-batch and continuous-process E. both large-batch and continuous-process


60. ____ are most alike in terms of the amount of authority and responsibility workers are given with each. A. Job rotation and job enrichment B. Work teams and job enlargement C. Job rotation and work teams D. Job enrichment and work teams E. Job enlargement and job enrichment


61. Bernard Madoff defrauded "friends" and family. He even took money from holocaust survivors and foundations. This indicates a high level of A. authoritarianism. B. risk propensity. C. external locus of control. D. Machiavellianism. E. conformity.


61. In a stable environment organizations tend to be A. bureaucratic. B. mechanistic. C. System 1. D. differentiated E. All of these choices


61. Which of the following represents organization change by means of a change in people? A. A change in the use of computers B. Adopting a new main basis of departmentalization C. Installing a new information system D. Implementing a new performance appraisal system E. Making decisions by team work


65. The ____ component of an attitude reflects feelings and emotions that an individual has toward something. A. cognitive B. intentional C. dissonance D. affective E. affirmative


66. If you perceive that one method of completing a task is the most efficient, but your coworker perceives that her idea is better, the ____ components of your attitudes differ. A. intentional B. intellectual C. affective D. cognitive E. emotional


67. The ____ component of an attitude reflects how a person expects to behave in a situation. A. cognitive B. perceptive C. affective D. intentional E. intellectual


68. Christine "knows" that Paul is independent, a trait she admires. Renee "knows" that Paul is defiant, a trait she does not admire. The ____ components of their attitudes differ. A. intentional B. intellectual C. affective D. cognitive E. behavioral


70. ____ dissonance refers to the conflict that individuals experience among their attitudes. A. Behavioral B. Intentional C. Personal D. Cognitive E. Affective


72. ____ departmentalization has the advantage of reducing the number of skills a manager must possess. A. Location B. Customer C. Sequential D. Functional E. Product


73. Personal factors such as an individual's needs and aspirations, as well as organizational factors such as relationships with coworkers and supervisors, working conditions, work policies, and compensation, all help determine an individual's level of A. intrinsic self-relevance. B. authoritarianism. C. attribution. D. job satisfaction. E. behavior.


75. The Aston studies found that as organization size increases A. centralization increases. B. specialization decreases. C. fewer standing plans are used. D. the link between technology and organization design breaks down. E. there is a tendency to change to process technology.


76. Which of the following statements is NOT a fundamental assumption of organization development? A. Employees have strong social needs. B. Management-employee cooperation/collaboration is needed. C. Organization design affects individual and group behavior. D. Employees normally take an adversarial stance with respect to the organization. E. Employees have strong growth needs.


78. As organizations move through the stages of the organizational life cycle from birth to maturity, they do NOT A. tend to increase in size. B. become more mechanistic. C. devote more attention to planning. D. reduce the size of their staff component. E. become more decentralized.


79. Juan has a tendency to see the good side of each situation. This is known as A. cognitive dissonance. B. self-efficacy. C. an internal locus of control. D. positive affectivity. E. the cognition part of an attitude.


79. Siemens created Siemens One to group employees together that serve the same client. For example people from medical and building technology both serve hospitals, so a Siemens One representative talks to a hospital about all of Siemens products and services. Siemens One uses ____ departmentalization. A. product B. function C. location D. customer E. sequence


81. Pastors at a large church specialize in meeting the needs of different age groups. They are organized on the basis of A. product. B. function. C. location. D. customer. E. time.


81. The members of the various boards of a church annually hold a retreat at which they discuss actual or potential problems as well as various issues of concern to the members. This is an example of an organization development intervention technique known as A. diagnostic activities. B. intergroup activities. C. third-party peacemaking. D. team building. E. process consultation.


81. ____ is the process of screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that contradicts our beliefs. A. Objective reality B. Perceived reality C. Stereotyping D. Selective perception E. Self-relevant observation


85. Which of the following refers to the number of subordinates who report directly to a given manager? A. Responsibility B. Departmentalization C. Delegation D. Span of management E. Authority


85. With the use of ____ strategy, no logical connection between organization design and strategy is required. A. inspector B. analyzer C. defender D. reactor E. prospector


87. Another name for span of management is span of A. delegation. B. authority. C. centralization. D. control. E. influence.


88. If a manager has only a few subordinates, she has a span of management that is A. wide. B. functional. C. delegated. D. narrow. E. direct.


88. The Pizza Place makes only pizza and sells only pizza, drinks, and prepackaged snacks. This is an example of the ____ organization design. A. matrix B. divisional (M-form) C. hybrid D. functional (U-form) E. conglomerate (H-form)


89. Individuals form ____ for behavior by recognizing that the three types of patterns are consensus, consistency, and distinctiveness. A. perceptions B. attitudes C. stereotypes D. attributions E. personalities


89. Yoshiko is the manager of the accounting department. She has an assistant manager who reports to her. Six supervisors also report to her from other divisions. The supervisors have three subordinates each. Yoshiko has a span of management of A. eighteen. B. nineteen. C. ten. D. seven. E. six.


90. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a conglomerate (H-form) organization design? A. It is composed of a set of unrelated businesses. B. It is operated by independent general managers. C. Its business evaluation is conducted by corporate staff. D. Its departmentalization is based on the kind of work being done, such as production, finance, or marketing. E. It is a holding company.


94. In Organization A, three people are assigned to each supervisor. In Organization B, six people are assigned to each supervisor. Assuming that the number of people in both organizations is the same, which of the following relationships exists? A. Organization A is flatter than Organization B. B. Organization A will be more successful than B. C. Organization A is more decentralized than Organization B. D. The span of management in Organization A is narrower than in Organization B. E. More delegation will take place in Organization A than in Organization B.


95. Which of these is associated with a smaller span of management? A. More job rotation B. Tasks that are very similar C. Work that is standardized D. Subordinates who are widely dispersed E. Subordinates who prefer low supervision


97. The first stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome is A. resistance. B. denial. C. exhaustion. D. alarm. E. selective perception.


99. A(n) ____ is usually a middle manager who learns about a new product or service idea and becomes committed to it. This manager helps the inventor overcome resistance to change and convinces others to take the innovation seriously. A. sponsor B. venture capitalist C. informational leader D. product champion E. transformational leader


99. At the death of her husband Bronson Ingram, Martha Ingram unexpectedly became the CEO of Ingram Industries, a billion-dollar conglomerate with holdings in the publishing, music, barge, dredging, computer distribution industries, and others. As she took on the duties of Ingram Industries CEO, Martha Ingram was at which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome? A. Resistance B. Denial C. Exhaustion D. Alarm E. Affective


101. The form of organization design in which the principle of unity of command (i.e., everyone should have one and only one supervisor) is violated in the A. conglomerate (H-form). B. divisional (M-form). C. functional (U-form). D. hybrid. E. matrix.


101. The opposite of micromanaging is A. decentralization. B. span of management. C. unity of command. D. departmentalization. E. delegation.


101. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Type A person? A. Anxiety B. Hostility C. Compulsiveness D. Competitiveness E. Patience


102. Heinrich works for Siemens Corporation. He lives in New York City and reports to both the communications president in Munich and the president in charge of Siemens Americas. He works in a ____ design organization. A. conglomerate (H-form) B. divisional (M-form) C. functional (U-form) D. hybrid E. matrix


103. Delegation enables managers to A. get more work done. B. have experts address specific issues. C. develop subordinates. D. work more efficiently and effectively. E. All of these choices


105. A pastor at a large church shares responsibilities with a student ministries coordinator. This is an example of A. decentralization. B. span of management incrementing. C. unity of command. D. departmentalization. E. delegation.


105. Organizational stressors include A. task demands. B. physical demands. C. role demands. D. interpersonal demands. E. All of these choices


106. The programs in which interns enter an organization and take over some of the workload from the managers in order to learn more about the career is similar to the management practice of A. decentralization. B. span of management incrementing. C. unity of command. D. departmentalization. E. delegation.


106. Work stress can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT A. promotion. B. interpersonal relationships. C. pay increase. D. work demands. E. burnout.


108. Which of the following is an advantage associated with the matrix design? A. It is flexible. B. It facilitates managerial planning. C. It improves motivation. D. It promotes the development of human resources. E. All of these choices


110. Which of the following statements describes a barrier to effective delegation? A. The manager may feel it will be quicker to do it herself. B. The manager may be afraid of looking inferior to the subordinate. C. The manager may feel her communication skills are not strong enough. D. The subordinate may feel that the task is not in her job description. E. All of these choices


115. ____ is the systematic retention of power and decision-making authority by top management. A. Decentralization B. Delegation C. Specialization D. Job design E. Centralization


116. Which of the following is suggested as a way for individuals to manage stress? A. Exercise B. Relaxation C. Support groups D. Time management E. All of these choices


117. Which of the following is part of corporate wellness programs? A. Smoking cessation classes B. Exercise-related activities C. Weight reduction programs D. Stress management workshops E. All of these choices


118. Research suggests that creative people have which of the following personality traits? A. Openness B. Independence C. An attraction to complexity D. Strong self-confidence E. All of these choices


122. To see a doctor a person makes an appointment, signs in and fills out paper work, talks to the technician, talks to the doctor, and if needed arranges a follow up visit. What level of interdependence does this example represent? A. Pooled B. Mixed C. Functional D. Hierarchical E. Sequential


124. The Department of Defense set a goal to develop a prosthetic arm that could pick up and feed a grape to its user. At the same time DOD started the process to fund the project with $100 million. Which period of the creative process is this? A. Incubation B. Insight C. Verification D. Delineation E. Preparation


127. Paul supervises a crew engaged in laying a pipeline from Dallas to Ponca City, Oklahoma. The crew is able to lay about a mile of pipe each day. Supplies of pipe are delivered by truck to various points along the pipeline route. When shipments of pipe are delayed, it results in a work stoppage for Paul's crew. What level of interdependence does this represent? A. Pooled B. Reciprocal C. Functional D. Hierarchical E. Sequential


128. Which of the following methods of coordination is MOST appropriate for pooled or simple sequential interdependence? A. Task forces or integrating departments B. Managerial hierarchy or liaison roles C. Task forces or liaison roles D. Formalized rules or liaison roles E. Managerial hierarchy or rules and procedures


134. Employees in staff positions A. are part of the direct chain of command. B. are given total responsibility for the achievement of organizational goals. C. have more authority than people in line positions. D. have the same organizational purpose as employees in line positions. E. None of these choices


138. The vice president of marketing has ____ to the CEO of a business unit. The vice president of marketing will have to rely on her reputation for excellence to convince the CEO to accept her recommendation. A. functional authority B. staff authority C. compulsory advice D. line authority E. advice authority


24. Organizing A. is the second basic managerial function; it follows planning and decision making. B. involves shaping the organization over time and is never truly finished. C. involves grouping activities and resources. D. can help the organization be flexible. E. All of these choices


28. Some companies now have a chief ethics officer. They usually have a legal background and are responsible for whistle-blowing, ethics training, financial statements review, and investigations. This is an example of ____. A. decentralization B. job autonomy C. delegation D. job enrichment E. job specialization


30. Which of the following statements are accurate about job specialization? A. Workers are more proficient. B. Equipment is more specialized. C. Training is simplified. D. Workers are more likely to be bored. E. All of these choices


31. When a patient in critical condition enters the emergency room, the skills of numerous people are geared toward saving the individual's life. Sometimes this isn't possible, and as a result, the personnel look to each other for emotional support. Subordinates and supervisors are close friends because they understand the emotional traumas that the others have experienced. According to Weber's bureaucratic model A. the ER is operating properly because business social distance is not maintained. B. the division of labor and job specialization would negate the ER's synergy. C. ER employees are more productive due to the caring environment. D. the contingency approach should be applied for each patient's treatment. E. None of these choices


33. Employees at Blackrock had a mustache growing contest. It cost $20 to enter and $20 to be a judge. After a month the winner was announced and the money donated to the winner's choice of charity. Which bureaucratic characteristic does this violate? A. Too many rules B. No specialization of labor C. No clear chain of command D. A narrow span of management E. An appropriate social distance between supervisor and subordinate


34. Chris Johnson is a running back in the National Football League. He does not play other positions. NFL teams use A. job enlargement. B. job enrichment. C. job rotation. D. job characteristics approach. E. job specialization.


35. Employees at Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic met at a minor league baseball game to do an offsite meeting and enjoy a relaxed, friendly environment Which bureaucratic characteristic does this violate? A. Too many rules B. No specialization of labor C. No clear chain of command D. A narrow span of management E. An appropriate social distance between supervisor and subordinate


35. Which of the following is NOT a force in the task environment that requires an organization to change? A. Competitors B. Suppliers C. Unions D. Regulators E. Technology


36. Ellie likes to make new friends. In terms of the "Big Five" personality traits, she has more A. locus of control. B. positive affectivity. C. agreeableness. D. self-efficacy. E. extraversion.


41. ____ refers to a person's comfort level with relationships. A. Conscientiousness B. Openness C. Self-efficacy D. Agreeableness E. Extraversion


42. A System 4 design emphasizes A. open and extensive interaction processes. B. supportive relationships. C. group decision making. D. high-performance goals. E. All of these choices


42. Which of the following statements describes a problem associated with the Lewin model of organization change? A. It is too complicated for many people to comprehend. B. It fails to highlight the importance of planning change. C. It fails to communicate the value of change. D. It does not deal with reinforcing change after it has been made. E. It lacks operational specificity.


45. Antoine likes concrete things. This trait illustrates the ____ dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. A. judging B. intuitive C. thinking D. feeling E. sensing


47. ____ is defined as systematically moving employees from one job to another. A. Job enlargement B. Job enrichment C. Work teams D. Job specialization E. Job rotation


50. Job ____ requires that autonomy be part of the job. A. specialization B. rotation C. delegation D. enlargement E. enrichment


50. Which of the following exemplifies the definition of technology in the text? A. Converting iron ore into steel B. Creating a work of art from paint and canvas C. Creating a website for a business start up D. Transforming lumber into fine furniture E. All of these choices


53. Rose Marie's boss tells her what to do, not how to do it. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Rose Marie must have high growth-need strength. B. Rose Marie is apparently receiving much feedback from some source. C. The job must allow Rose Marie to use many of her skills. D. Rose Marie must view the job as important to the firm's successes. E. Rose Marie apparently has a high degree of autonomy in her job.


55. Laundry is never done. Unless it is done naked, doing laundry creates more work. Laundry lacks ____. A. autonomy B. feedback C. task significance D. skill variety E. task identity


55. Machiavellianism is A. a term used to describe behavior directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior of others. B. a personality trait. C. not consistently present in all people. D. used by individuals who are rational and unemotional. E. All of these choices


57. An employee with high self-esteem is likely to A. seek higher-status jobs. B. be confident in his ability to perform. C. derive intrinsic satisfaction from accomplishments. D. believe she is a worthwhile person. E. All of these choices


58. If you are proud of your accomplishments yet look forward to achieving higher levels of performance and are confident in your abilities, you have high A. conformity. B. risk propensity. C. self-monitoring. D. locus of control. E. self-esteem.


58. ____ is a method for overcoming resistance to organization change. A. Centralization B. Automation C. Management by exception D. Departmentalization E. Force-field analysis


59. According to Woodward's findings relative to technology and organization design, the most successful mass-production firms adopt a(n) A. free-form design. B. System 4 design. C. organic structure. D. matrix structure. E. bureaucratic structure.


60. ____ is the degree to which an individual is willing to take chances and make decisions. A. Self-esteem B. Conformity C. Competency D. Self-monitoring E. Risk propensity


62. All of the following are bases for departmentalization EXCEPT A. function. B. location. C. product. D. customer. E. competition.


62. Martha had parents who were perfectionists. She has been very successful in running her business, but she is overly critical of herself. Martha has low A. conformity. B. risk propensity. C. self-monitoring. D. locus of control. E. self-esteem.


63. A manager who is willing to lose it all on one product has high A. locus of control. B. self-esteem. C. Machiavellianism. D. emotional intelligence. E. risk propensity.


63. Which of the following would be classified under the broad heading of organization change by means of technology and operations? A. A company that makes battery-powered flashlights decides to replace the metal cases with lighter-weight plastic ones. B. A manufacturer change replaces final inspections with periodic inspections. C. An insurance company alters the process of logging and verifying claims. D. A company consolidates its offices to take advantage of PC networking. E. All of these choices


65. Kansas State University operates in a relatively stable environment. According to the work of Burns and Stalker, which form of organization design is most appropriate for the university? A. Organic B. System 4 C. Hybrid D. Matrix E. Mechanistic


66. Which of the following statements describes an advantage of functional departmentalization? A. Organizational decision making is faster. B. Each department is staffed by experts. C. Functional managers can easily control activities within the department. D. Areas of responsibility are clearly defined. E. All of these choices


72. An individual's level of job satisfaction is determined by A. compensation. B. personal needs and aspirations. C. relationships with coworkers and supervisors. D. working conditions. E. All of these choices


76. Procter & Gamble is departmentalized, in part, on the basis of product. Which of the following characteristics would you expect to find at Procter & Gamble? A. High levels of functional specialization B. Narrow range of skills in each department to enhance supervision C. A dual command structure D. Slow and bureaucratic decision making E. More effective evaluation of the performance of individual products or product groups than with functional departmentalization


76. The Aston studies found basic generalizations. Which of the following is NOT one of them? A. Large organizations tend to have more job specialization than smaller organizations B. Large organizations tend to have more SOPs than small organizations C. Large organizations tend to have more regulations than smaller organizations D. Large organizations tend to have more decentralization than small organizations E. Large organizations tend to have more job satisfaction than smaller organizations


77. Which of the following is a type of intervention or activity commonly used in organization development? A. Education B. Survey feedback C. Intergroup activities D. Life and career planning E. All of these choices


77. Which of the following statements about the organizational life cycle is TRUE? A. Life cycle tends to be related to size. B. The final stage for an organization may be one of decline or stability. C. The organization design needed for various stages of an organization's life cycle will be different. D. Life cycle is a situational element that has been found to affect the appropriate organization design. E. All of these choices


78. Which of the following is NOT a type of intervention or activity commonly used in organization development? A. Third-party peacemaking B. Coaching and counseling C. Process consultation D. Technostructural activities E. External recruitment


78. Which of the following is a common disadvantage inherent in product, customer, and location departmentalization? A. Decision making is slowed. B. Managers are unable to delegate as much. C. It is difficult to pinpoint the cause of failures. D. The organization tends to become more centralized. E. Administrative costs tend to rise due to an increase in the size of staff.


80. Microsoft is experiencing gradual growth, with most of it happening internationally. It is an example of an organization in the ____ stage. A. maturity B. decline C. youth D. birth E. midlife


81. A dentist office with one dentist will likely follow A. functional departmentalization. B. mechanistic design. C. single-product strategy. D. related diversification to spur growth. E. All of these choices


83. Some smokers block out negative information about the health effects of smoking because they do not want to change their behavior. They are using A. perceived reality. B. objective reality. C. stereotyping. D. negative affectivity. E. selective perception.


84. One of the reasons Bernard Madoff got away with his Ponzi scheme for so long is that his investors saw him as a friend and used ____ to disregard questionable behavior. A. sexism B. racism C. stereotyping D. attribution E. selective perception


87. During which phase of the organizational innovation process do most organizations have access to an innovation and apply it in the same way? A. Development B. Application C. Launch D. Growth E. Maturity


87. When Hewlett Packard was pursuing a defender strategy it was likely to A. be tall and centralized. B. have narrow spans of management. C. take a functional approach to departmentalization. D. follow the bureaucratic approach to organizational design. E. All of these choices


90. American food companies invested heavily in low-carb foods. Then questions arose about the health consequences of the high-protein diets. The market for low-carbs foods dropped significantly. In terms of the innovation process, low-carb foods are an example of A. innovation development. B. application launch. C. innovation application. D. innovation maturity. E. innovation decline.


92. The advantages of a flat organization include A. greater communication between upper and lower levels of management. B. lower total managerial costs. C. flexibility. D. improved employee productivity. E. All of these choices


93. As Americans get older, more stores are ensuring parking spaces are bigger, closer, and plentiful. What kind of changes are they making? A. Mechanical B. Managerial C. Radical D. Technical E. Process


96. Walgreens plans to install call buttons near heavy items in their stores. This is an example of a(n) ____ innovation. A. mechanical B. managerial C. incremental D. product E. process


96. Which of the following factors influences the effectiveness of the span of management? A. Standardization B. Frequency of new problems C. Physical dispersion D. Competence of the manager E. All of these choices


98. The ____ form of organization design is one in which a set of product groups is superimposed on a functional organization design. A. conglomerate (H-form) B. divisional (M-form) C. hybrid D. functional (U-form) E. matrix


A. business process change. B. potential major gains in service capabilities. C. changing all aspects of a business. D. the expenditure of cost and/or time. E. All of these choices


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