MGMT Test 3

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Encodes or creates the messages

Flexspace includes the concept of working from home.


People with high levels of positive psychological capital have high levels of hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism.


Stephen is a new insurance agent with an established company. He is nervous at the idea of making cold calls on the telephone to prospective clients. After thinking through the problem, Stephen decides to ask his supervisor if he can host a small introductory meeting, inviting local business in for coffee and cake to introduce himself. Stephen is exhibiting a high level of hope.


The four factors of media richness include feedback, channel, type, and language source.



unintentional but recurrent memory of long-ago events that are spontaneously triggered

Harry is thinking about meeting Connie. He writes a text message to Connie, inviting her for a drink at the local bar. This is an example of


_______ is the process of translating thoughts into a code or language that can be understood by others.



evident to others affects those who are not bullied has group level implications

There are two competing explanations about the origin of linguistic styles between men and women: ______ and ______.

evolutionary psychology; social role theory

Personality conflicts

interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement

Social companionship

Spending time with others in leisure and recreational activities

The two basic types of negotiation are

distributive and integrative.

Negative emotions

Are limiting Spur you to act in narrow or specific ways

Stratefies to increase positivity

Create high quality connections Cultivate kindness Develop distractions Dispute negative self-talk and thoughts

Effective social media policies should

Create safe channels for employees to air their concerns Clarify what is confidential Outline consequences for violations Identify spokesperson Discuss appropriate ways to engage others Explain what is illegal Align social policy with organizational culture Educate employees

Why is it critical for managers to develop policies and procedures governing the appropriate use of social media?

It can create many legal, financial, and personnel risks.

Plan Your Multimedia

Keep your technology simple and don't let it distract the audience. People respond differently to pictures and videos than they do to words, as they convey emotion better than words. Table 9.8 provides suggestions for avoiding bad PowerPoint.

Sanjay promotes the benefits of little or no conflict within an organization. This, he states, leads to greater productivity. Is this analysis correct?

No. Organizational conflict is inevitable and can have constructive consequences.

Which of the following statements about conflict is true?

Organizations can suffer from too little conflict.

Prosocial behaviors

Positive acts performed without expecting anything in return.


Relationships Positive emotions associated with activities involving others

What causes conflict to escalate

Tactics change Number of issues grows Issues move from specific to general Number of parties grow Goals change

Which of the following is not one of the suggestions coming out of the TED protocol?

Use the latest technology available to appear to be up to date.

Social Media

Uses web based and mobile technologies to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network

Psychologically safe climate

a shared belief held by team members that the team is a safe place for interpersonal risk taking and captures a sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject, or punish someone for speaking up

Informational support

between friends, advice and guidance in solving personal problems

The styles of conflict handling are differentiated along two dimensions:

concern for others and concern for self.

______ is the richest form of communication.

face to face exchanges

Efficacy (E)

having the confidence to take on challenging tasks and put in the effort necessary to succeed

_______ is a give-and-take decision-making process involving two or more parties with different preferences. For example, labor-management negotiations over wages, hours, and working conditions.


Amy receives a note from Carrie, asking her to pick up some materials for a project from Staples. Amy does the shopping, but misses a few items because she can't decipher Carrie's writing. This is an example of


Joseph wants Taylor to pick up some snacks to bring to a meeting. In this case, Joseph is the ______ (the person wanting to communicate information), and Taylor is the _______ (the person, group, or organization for whom the message is intended).

sender; receiver

Conflict processes

the means by which team members work through task and relationship disagreements.


the receivers reaction to the senders message


when one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party It is inevitable and may be cultivated. It can have both positive and negative outcomes. Organizations can have too much or too little conflict. It may be either functional or dysfunctional.

Attentional Hyperactivity

when our minds are racing or wandering, resulting in compulsive daydreaming or fantasizing


when policies enable employees to do their wor kfrom different locations besides the office


when someone feels a sense of belinging and serving something that is bigger than self

Upward Spirals of Positivity

where your positive behaviors, feelings, and attitudes feed your own and those of others in a continual, reinforcing process

Which of the following is not a factor in media richness?

whether a medium involves electronic methods

Hope consists of

willpower and waypower

Conflict resolution

work to eliminate specific negative interactions


responding to conflict by withdrawing from open discussion

Benefits of Virtuous Leadership

- financial performance - customer satisfaction - positive organizational climate - measures of organizational effectiveness

TED five-step protocol

1. Frame your story 2. Plan your delivery 3. Develop your stage presence 4. Plan your multimedia 5. Put it together

Experts estimate that about ________ of every conversation is interpreted through nonverbal communication.

65 to 95 percent


A state of reduced attention, it is expressed in behavior that is rigid or thoughtless

What happens when conflict is managed

Agreement Stronger relationships Learning

Positive emotions

Are resources that fuel individual, group, and organizational success Help build social, psychological, and physical resources Combat negative emotions Broaden your mindset, open you to consider new things Have benefits which endure over long periods of time

Inhibitors of mindfullness

Attentional Deficit Attentional Hyperactivity

Put It Together

Be prepared far enough in advance to practice in front of others so they can give you effective feedback. Use these steps as a guide, but you still need to be yourself and not directly copy someone else.

Develop your stage presence

Beware of how much you move—not too much or too little. An important element of stage presence is eye contact. Self-efficacy is an important part of overcoming nervousness, as is realizing that people expect you to be nervous.

Intergroup conflict

Conflict among work groups, teams, and departments is a common threat to individual and organizational effectiveness.

Emotions in negotiation

Identify your ideal emotions: Match your emotions to your objectives. Manage your emotions: Take steps to promote positive emotions. Know your hot buttons. Keep your balance: Know when to break or redirect. Identify your take-away emotions: Set a goal for emotions.


Decodes message and decides that feedback is needed sends feedback through a medium

Best anti-bullying strategies

Develop a workplace bullying policy. Encourage open and respectful communication. Develop clear procedures. Identify and model appropriate behaviors. System for reporting bullying. Identify and resolve conflicts quickly and fairly—avoid escalation. Determine the situations, policies, and behaviors likely to cause or allow bullying to occur. Provide training to employees regarding how to manage conflict. Clear consequences for engaging in bullying. Monitor and review employee relationships with particular attention to fairness.

Organizational Climate

Employees perceptions of formal andi nformal organizational policies, practices, procedures, and routines


Engagement The extent to which you are physically, cognitively, and emotionally involved with an activity, task, or project

Four types of social support

Esteem Informational Social Compantionship Instrumental support

Male perspective

Expected to communicate more aggressively Hide emotions

Organizations should work to discourage positive deviance in the workplace.


Why do people avoid conflict?

Fear of rejection, harm, damage to or loss of relationships, desire to avoid saying the wrong thing

Female Perspective

Focus on rapport and relationships Seek and give confirmation and support

Positive OB

Focuses on positive human chracteristics that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement.


Having a goal and the determination to achieve it

Which of the following is true about in-group thinking?

In-group members exaggerate the differences between their group and other groups.

Benefits of Mindfullness

Increased physical, mental, and interpersonal effectiveness. More effective communications and decision making. More balanced emotions. Performance and satisfaction.

Five common conflcit handling styles

Integrating Obliging Dominating Avoiding Compromising

Which of the following statements about conflict handling styles is false?

Integrating is always the best style to use.

Causes of conflict

Interdependencies Incompatibilities Overlapping or unclear boundaries Competition over limited resources Unreasonable or unclear organizational polices Organizational complexity

Considerations when choosing a negotiation approach

Know who you are. Manage outcome expectations. Consider the other person's outcome. Adhere to standards of justice. Remember your reputation.

_________ is a set of culturally learned signals by which we communicate what we mean and interpret others' meanings and evaluate one another as people.

Linguistic style

Optimism (O)

Maling a positive attribution about succeeding now and in the future

Peer review

a panel of trustworthy co-workers hears both sides of a dispute in an informal and confidential meeting and may make binding decisions depending on the company.


Means for achieving the goal Need to see alternative paths to achieve the goal


Occurs with acievement is pursued for its own sake


Positive emotions Broaden perspective about how to overcome challenges in your life

Buffering Effect

Positive practices buffer or reduce the impact of negative events and stressors

Linguistic Style

a persons characteristic speaking pattern

Plan your delivery

Presenters can deliver a talk by reading it from a script, using bullet lists that outline what will be covered in each section, or memorizing what they want to say. Reading and memorizing are often ineffective. If you use the bullet list approach, be sure you know not only the content for each point, but also how you want to transition from one to the next.

Instumental support

Providing financial aid, material resources, or needed services.

Esteem support

Providing information that a person is accepted and respected despite any problems or inadequacies.

How to be effective during crucial conversations

Share your facts Tell your story Ask for other's facts and stories Talk tentatively Encourage testing

Contact hypothesis

The idea that stereotypes and prejudice toward a group will diminish as contact with the group increases.

Attentional Deficit

The inability to focus vividly on an object


Someone who works for the organization, and is widely respected and trusted by his or her coworkers, hears grievances on a confidential basis and attempts to arrange a solution

Xavier is creating a social media policy for OCA & Associates. He plans to: Outline consequences for violations. Align the policy with the organization's culture. Stay away from defining what is considered illegal. Clarify what is confidential. Designate a spokesperson for online policies. Which of these is not an element of an effective social media policy?

Stay away from defining what is considered illegal.

Positive deviance

Successful performance that dramatically exceeds the norm in a positive direction

Positivity effect

The attraction of all living systems toward positive energy and away from negative energy, or toward that which is life giving and away from that which is life depleating


The awareness that emerges though paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment


The exchange of information between a sender and a receiver, and the inference (perception) of meaning between the individuals involved.

Crucial conversations

The stakes are high Opinions vary Emotions run strong

Ethics in negotiations

The success of negotiations is influenced by the quality of information exchanged. Telling lies, hiding key facts, and engaging in other potentially unethical tactics erodes trust and goodwill.

Frame your story

Think of your presentation as a journey and decide where you want to start and end. Include only the most relevant details or points and try to bring them to life with examples. Try to plan your journey to end with a solution or conclude with a question to spur audience engagement or give them something to think about afterwards. The 3-Step Problem-Solving Approach can be used as a framework for structuring your presentation.


When a person has a goal and the determination to achieve it, and sees one or more alternative paths to achieve the goal, even when faced with adversity

Resilience (R)

When beset by problems and adversity, sustaining and bouncing back and even beyond to attain success

Positive psychological capital

When people have high levels of Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimisim

Devils advocacy

a decision-making method in which an individual or a subgroup is assigned the role of critic

Integrative negotiation

a host of interests are considered, resulting in an agreement that is satisfactory for both parties


a neutral third party informally acts as a communication conduit between disputing parties.


a state in which employees feel a total immersion in the task at hand, sometimes losing track of how much time has passed


a third party informally urges disputing parties to deal directly with each other in a positive and constructive manner.


a third-party neutral makes final and binding decisions based on legal merits.


a trained, third-party neutral actively guides the disputing parties in exploring innovative solutions to the conflict to help the disputants to reach a mutually acceptable decision.

Eileen is on a five-person team in her business strategy class. The team is responsible for participating in a 10-week simulation of a firm in the airline industry. Eileen contributes frequently in discussions in the twice-weekly team meetings. She is exhibiting the ______ style of listening.


Listening styles

active, involved, passive, detached


any form of socially harmful behavior, such as aggression, interpersonal deviance, social undermining, interactional injustice, harassment, abusive supervision, and bullying


anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows down the transmission of information

Dr. Beswick was writing questions for a test, but found herself listening to reggae music coming from an adjoining office, and thinking about her upcoming trip to the Caribbean. She is experiencing

attentional deficit

The relationship between conflict intensity and performance outcomes can be described as

both high and low conflict intensity are related to lower performance.

Media Richness

capacity of a communication medium to convey information and promote understanding Based on feedback, channel, type of communication, and language source

The first step of added-value negotiation is to

clarify interests.

______ is a circular and dynamic process in which people interpret and make sense of the information they exchange.



competing to win when people's interests conflict

Donna and Kim are both secretaries for the accounting department. Because someone must be present to answer the phones at all times, different times must be scheduled for each of them to go to lunch. Both of them want the time from noon to 1 p.m. Previous unsuccessful discussions have occurred, resulting in their not speaking to each other. Patti, who also works in the department, sits down separately with each of them to try to explore possible solutions, with the idea that if she can find common ground, they will again discuss alternative schedules face-to-face. Patti is acting as a(n)



conflict management by negotiating or bargaining; seeking a middle way

___________ are members' interactions aimed at working through task and interpersonal disagreements.

conflict processes

Programmed conflict

conflict that raises different opinions regardless of the personal feelings of the managers

A study conducted in two prisons showed that the more contact white inmates experienced with African American inmates, the more positive their attitudes toward the African American inmates became. This is an example of the ________ hypothesis.


Which of the following is not a step of the TED protocol for effective presentations?

control your stress

Which of the following is not an example of a crucial conversation?

conveying routine feedback

Negative nonverbal communication skills include avoiding eye contact, ________, and speaking too fast.

crossing your arms

Raj is listening to his parents, who are unhappy about his grades. He is sitting in the chair, with his legs crossed and arms folded. Raj is communicating


_________ occurs when people perceive that they are being attacked or threatened.


Jim is head of the marketing department and must decide how to allocate a fixed amount of funds. There are two top projects that Jim believes hold the most promise. Recently, the majority of funds have been allocated to Project A, but Jim wonders if it is time to provide Project B with a larger share of the money. Jim decides to assign a particular individual, Clara, to thoroughly criticize the proposal for Project B, looking for every possible flaw. Which technique is Jim using to help him make a better decision?

devil's advocacy


employees shared perceptions of policies, practices, and procedures

Younger employees also are more likely to use the Internet and social media to accomplish their tasks. This is an example of the ___________ that represent the key issue when considering communication across generations.

expectations and norms

Forms of ADR

facilitation, conciliation, peer review, ombudsman, mediation, arbitration

Roger manages both Bill and Nancy. They are in an argument about who should handle a particular job. Roger encourages them to deal directly with each other in a positive and constructive manner. Roger is acting as a(n)


Efficacy is a component of a person's core self-evaluation; it influences how we perceive ourselves but does not influence how we perceive the world.


In a POB scenario, an organization measures its success by its accumulation of wealth.


Jamil is a new member of a group that evaluates student activities on campus. He wants to focus on bringing more foreign students into the mainstream activities. The president of the group seems to have her own ideas and virtually everyone supports her. When Jamil opposes one of her suggestions, everyone looks uncomfortable. This is an example of a psychological safety climate.


Linguistic intelligence refers to a person's characteristic speaking pattern.


Listening effectiveness is positively associated with customer satisfaction but negatively related to employee job satisfaction.


Managers wishing to reduce conflict between members and groups should isolate them from each other as much as possible.



flexible scheduling either when work is expected to be completed or during which particuular hours of the day

A state of _____ exists when employees are physically, cognitively, and emotionally engaged in an activity or project.


Dialectic method

fostering a structured debate of opposing viewpoints

Manash pays attention in his management class, where the professor has entertaining, interesting visual aids. At times, he makes good eye contact with the professor, and occasionally raises his hand to ask questions. On other days, he is quiet and his eyes are on his notebook. He is exhibiting the ________ style of listening.


Which of the following statements about the use of e-mail is false?

it hinders effective teamwork

Of the following, ______ is the most frequently experienced emotion.


___________ is defined as belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than yourself.


Neil is attending a job fair. He knows that there is a lot of competition for these positions and wants to stand out. Neil practices his greeting and "elevator" pitch in front of a mirror. He brings copies of his résumé and business cards. On each card, he notes his blog site address. On the blog, he has comments on several recent articles about new technologies in this field. Neil is maximizing

media richness

Reyna is meeting with her supervisor to discuss a project. Someone knocks on the door and walks in, saying, "I have a quick question." The supervisor keeps looking at Reyna and puts her hand up to stop the person who interrupted them. This behavior reflects


Which of the following statements about mindfulness is false?

mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander

Social media benefits for employers include all the following except

minimize cyberloafing

Work family conflict

occurs when teh demands or pressures from work and family domains are mutually incompatable

Theresa is a(n) ______ for Capital Clinic services. She has worked for the company for 20 years and is widely respected and trusted. In this position, she hears grievances on a confidential basis and attempts to arrange a solution.


Positive emotions have desirable effects on

organizational commitment, creativity, decision making, intentions to quit, performance, and stress

Silvio is a member of the student ethics committee. In meetings, he sometimes appears to be paying attention, but at other times does not appear to be tracking the conversations. He rarely contributes to the discussions. He is exhibiting the __________ style of listening.



people show low concern for themselves and a great concern for others.

Communication competence

performance-based index of an individual's abilities to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context

Hope (H)

perserving toward goal, and when necessary, redirecting paths to goals in order to succeed

Otto is convinced that social media offers many benefits for employees and wants to institute a plan at Compass Inc. Which of the following is not a potential benefit for employees?

personal stability


pertaining to the extent ot which you have a self directed life, containing achievement for its own sake

Amplifying effect

positive practices from one individual result in additional positive practices by others, which spur positivity in others, which generate other positive outcomes

Juan finished the special report for the vice president of marketing. He spent many extra hours compiling this report and knows it has excellent quality. _____ is the emotion Juan is most likely experiencing.



problem solving through open discussion; collaborating for a win-win resolution of conflict

Armando has a goal of earning a B in his statistics course, but currently his grade is a C-. Therefore, he decides to study more hours for the next test and even get involved in a study group. Armando is experiencing


Pete and Dana are working on a project together. They disagree on how to present the key concept of equality. Dana complains that Pete is dismissing her "feminist" position without consideration. Pete claims that Dana considers him a chauvinist. Wyatt, their supervisor, knows that both Pete and Dana are committed employees who support equality. He sits both of them down to work through the issues. This reflects _____ justice.


During a class lecture, Mike finds himself thinking about an argument he had last night with his girlfriend. Mike is displaying


Women are more likely to _______ compared to men.

share credit

Conflict states

shared perceptions among team members about the target (i.e., tasks or relationships) and intensity of the conflict.

Which of the following is not an unethical tactic to use in negotiations?

showing emotions

Positive nonverbal actions include all of the following except

speaking very slowly

Which of the following is not a form of social support?

spending time discussing your vision

What is well being?

the combined impact of five elements: P = Positive emotions E = Engagement R = Relationships M = Meaning A = Achievement


transmitted through a medium

As a manager of two employees who are having a personality conflict, one step you should take is to document the conflict.


Attentional deficit can result from lack of sleep, conflicting priorities, or counterfactual thinking.


Communication competence is a performance-based index of an individual's abilities to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context.


Cross-cultural differences and nonverbal communication both can be sources of noise between senders and receivers.


Every management function and activity involves some form of direct or indirect communication.


When we get wrapped up in our own problems, we forget to take care of others. Several years ago, a movement called "Random Acts of Kindness" started. What does this reflect?

upward spirals of positivity

To manage e-mail effectively, an employee should

use a spell checker

Alternate dispute resolution

uses faster, more user-friendly methods of dispute resolution instead of traditional, adversarial approaches such as unilateral decision making or litigation.


using Internet, e-mail, and instant messaging access for their personal enjoyment rather than work duties

distributive negotiation

usually involves a single issue - a "fixed pie" - in which one person gains at the expense of another

______ are abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations.


Sharon has to train several new freelancers on a fairly simple computer system used by XYZ Company. The freelancers are located in different states. Which of the following mediums best serves her purpose?



what individuals and organizations aspire to be when they are at their very best

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