Mgmt Theory Midterm (Chapters 1, 2, and 3)

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human resources perspective: -maintained an interest in worker participation and considerate leadership but shifted the emphasis to? **jobs should be designed so that tasks are not perceived as dehumanizing or demeaning but instead allow workers to use their full potential. **

- considering the daily tasks that people perform.

-advantages of bossless workplace -disadvantages:

- flexibility, greater employee initiative and commitment, and better and faster decision making -training is expensive since there is no boss everyone must be well trained

this illustrates what? -"the things of production" versus a preference toward "the humanity of production.

- management struggle between the desire for efficient production and the desire to meet human needs for greater motivation

Managing the New People-Driven Workplace: 2 responses 1.The Bossless Workplace: -due to a shift in? -due to realization that? **nobody gives orders, and nobody takes them**

- new technology enables many people to work from home or other locations outside a regular office. -When everyone has access to the information they need and the training to make good decisions, having layers of managers just eats up costs and slows down response time -

-define role: 3 types of roles explain each: 1. informational 2.interpersonal 3. decisional

- set of expectations for a manager's behavior 1. managing by information 2 managing through people 3. managing through action

Behavioral Sciences Approach: -scientific methods and draws from -organization development is an specific set of mgmt techniques based on this approach what is this? (This after OD)

- sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, and other disciplines to develop theories about human behavior and interaction in an organizational setting -improve the organization's health and effectiveness through its ability to cope with change, improve internal relationships, and increase problem-solving capabilities

The Historical Struggle: Is Social Business the Answer?: -social business refers to?

- using social media technologies for interacting with and facilitating communication and collaboration among employees, customers, and other stakeholders

-define strategic issues: -what are the 3 strategies managers use to adapt to these?

-"events or forces either inside or outside an organization that are likely to alter its ability to achieve its objectives." intelligence applications 2.attempts to influence the environment 3. mergers or joint ventures

Bureaucratic Organizations: -define -major person associated with this?

-A systematic approach developed in Europe that looks at the organization as a whole; less focus on individual -Max Webber

Whos is accredited with Theories X and Y?

-Douglas McGregor

-a bar graph that measures planned and completed work along each stage of production by time elapsed is called? -who pioneered time and motion study? he also stressed efficiency and was known for his quest for the one best way to do work

-Gantt chart (Henry Gantt) -Frank B. Gilbreth(and wife Lillian M. Gilbreth)

Two early advocates of a more humanistic approach were -Mary Parker Follett -Chester I

-MPF-wrote of the importance of common superordinate goals for reducing conflict in organizations -Chester-significant contributions was the concept of the informal organization(informal relationships are powerful forces that can help the organization if properly manage) -Chester acceptance theory of authority, which states that people have free will and can choose whether to follow management orders.

Manager's shop talk: "the bossless workplace" -what are the key successes?

-Reduce Hierarchies Starting from the Top Down -Develop a Bossless Environment that "Fits" the Organization -Recruit and Hire Employees Who Can Adapt to a Bossless Culture. -Expect Bumps in the Road with a Flat Organizational Structure

Describe: -"Measure" -"Develop people"

-Set targets and standards; apprasie performance -Recognize value of employees and develop this critical organizational asset

The task environment includes: what is it/ function -customers -competitiors -suppliers -labor market

-Those people and organizations in the environment that acquire goods or services from the organization;they determine the organization's success. -Organizations in the same industry or type of business that provide goods or services to the same set of customers ; constantly battling for loyalty from the same group of customers -provide the raw materials that the organization uses to produce its output -represents people in the environment who can be hired to work for the organization

-define humanistic perspective:

-a call for more attention to human and social needs

-define heros -heros function as?

-a figure who exemplifies the deeds, character, and attributes of a strong culture -role models for employees to follow

-define stories -stories function to help?

-a narrative based on true events that is repeated frequently and shared among organizational employees -paint pictures that help symbolize the firm's vision and values and help employees personalize and absorb them

-define slogan -slogans function to

-a phrase or sentence that succinctly expresses a key corporate value -Many companies use slogans or sayings to convey special meaning to employees

An org has external environment that can be divided into 2 tasks: 2. general environment: -describe -consists of?

-affects organizations indirectly -includes social, economic, legal-political, international, natural, and technological factors that influence all organizations about equally

Human Relations Movement: -based on? -changed by?

-based on the idea that truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control -hawthorne studies

the natural dimension is different from other sectors of general environment bc?

-because it has no voice of its own -Influence on managers to meet needs in the natural environment may come from other sectors, such as government regulation, consumer concerns, the media, competitors' actions, or even employees

-The early study of management as we know it today began with what is now called?

-classical perspective

An org has external environment that can be divided into 2 tasks: 1. Task Environment: -describe -generally considered to include?

-closer to the organization and includes the sectors that conduct day-to-day transactions with the organization and directly influence its basic operations and performance -include competitors, suppliers, customers, and the labor market

-define cultural leader -2 important functions of cultural leaders

-defines and uses signals and symbols to influence corporate culture 1. The cultural leader articulates a vision for the organizational culture that employees can believe in 2. The cultural leader heeds the day-to-day activities that reinforce the cultural vision

-define technical skills: -whats included in technical skills? -typically more important at which level of mgmt?

-demonstrated understanding and proficiency in the performance of specific tasks -mastery of the methods, techniques, and equipment involved in specific functions -specialized knowledge, analytical ability, and the competent use of tools and techniques to solve problems in that specific discipline. -lower level mgmt

Functional managers: -responsible for? -staff managers support?

-departments that perform a single functional task and have employees with similar training and skills. -line managers

-Front line manager desription: -titles? -responsible for? -focus on long or short term goals?

-directly responsible for the production of goods and services - primary concern is the application of rules and procedures to achieve efficient production, provide technical assistance, and motivate subordinates -titles as supervisor, line manager, section chief, and office manager. -team and non mgmt positions -short day to day goals

-Frank B. Gilbreth helped do what in relation to the medical field? -his wife Lillian had more of a focus on? what is she referred to as? -lillian is acredited of?

-drastically reducing the time that patients spent on the operating table -human aspect of work; first lady of management - making substantial contributions to human resource management.

-define classical persepective of mgmt: -emerged during which period?

-earliest form of mgmt: the needs of people were often ignored in the interest of higher production efficiency and profit -began looking at management as a set of scientific practices that could be measured, studied, and improved with machinelike precision -during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

Scientific Management: -define -problems associated w/ -focus on org or individual worker? -who proposed workers could be "retooled like machines"; also referred to as the father of scientific management - Taylor suggested that decisions based on rules of thumb and tradition be replaced with?

-emphasizes scientifically determined jobs and management practices as the way to improve efficiency and labor productivity -individual worker -ignores needs of workers which leads to conflict -Frederick Winslow Taylor - precise procedures developed after careful study of individual situations

Describe: -"Set Objectives": -"Organize" -"Motivate and Communicate"

-establish goals for group and decide WHAT must be done to achieve these goals -Divide work into manageable activities and select who will complete them -Create teamwork via decisions on pay, promotions, etc. and through communicating well

-In considering what cultural values are important for the organization, managers consider the?

-external environment, as well as the company's strategy and goals.

Which of 3 Hierarchical levels, based on given primary focus: 1. the main concern is facilitating individual employee performance 2.concerned less with individual performance and more with linking groups of people, such as allocating resources, coordinating teams, or putting top management plans into action across the organization 3.

-first level managers -middle managers -primary focus is monitoring the external environment and determining the best strategy to be competitive.

-who tends to experience the most job burnout and attrition? -raher than simply learning new skills, becoming a manager means a profound transformation in the way people think of themselves, called?

-front line supervisors -personal identity

From Indiviual Identity to Manager Identity: -Specialist" performs specific tasks to? -get things done through own efforts to -an individual actor -works relatively independently

-generalist: coordinates diverse taks -gets things done through others -network builder -highly interdependent manner

-Important sociocultural characteristics are?

-geographical distribution and population density -age -education levels.

-in recent years what is a trend in middle management? -although the above is true, what role do middle managers play in reference to importance **middle managers are the ppl who find the what and the how**

-getting rid of middle managers -play a crucial role in driving innovation and enabling organizations to respond to rapid shifts in the environment.Footnote

-Today's world is constantly changing, but "the more unpredictable the environment, the ________the opportunity—if [managers] have the... skills to capitalize on it." -who is often credited with creating the modern study of management? (summed up management in 5 tasks)

-greater -Peter Drucker

-Among the approaches discussed so far, the _________ perspective has been strongest from the 1950s until today


-define conceptual skills -especially important at which management level?

-include the cognitive ability to see the organization as a whole system and the relationships among its parts -involve knowing where one's team fits into the total organization and how the organization fits into the industry, the community, and the broader business and social environment -**aka: to think strategically—to take the broad, long-term view—and to identify, evaluate, and solve complex problems.** - needed by all managers, but especially for managers at the top

-the external organizational environment includes? ** It does not include those events so far removed from the organization that their impact is not perceived**

-includes all elements existing outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect the organization - includes competitors, resources, technology, and economic conditions that influence the organization

-define human skills: -especially important to which type of managers? -a recent study suggest this type of skill

-involve the manager's ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group member -demonstrated in the way that a manager relates to other people, including the ability to motivate, facilitate, coordinate, lead, communicate, and resolve conflict - essential for frontline managers who work with employees directly on a daily basis - is the single most important factor in whether people feel engaged with their work and committed to the organization

Types of Interpersonal roles: -figurehead role: -leader role: -liason role

-involves handling ceremonial and symbolic activities for the department or organization. -encompasses relationships with subordinates, including motivation, communication, and influence. -pertains to the development of information sources both inside and outside the organization.

Types of Informational roles: -monitor role: -disseminator and spokesperson roles

-involves seeking current information from many sources. -manager transmits current information to others, both inside and outside the organization, who can use it

Types of decisional roles: -entrepreneur role -disturbance handler -reseource allocator

-involves the initiation of change - involves resolving conflicts among subordinates or between the manager's department and other departments -pertains to decisions about how to assign people, time, equipment, money, and other resources to attain desired outcomes

-define symbol:

-is an object, act, or event that conveys meaning to others. -can be considered a rich, nonverbal language that vibrantly conveys the organization's important values concerning how people relate to one another and interact with the environment

-define project manager: (middle manager role escalated due to this)

-is responsible for a temporary work project that involves the participation of people from various functions and levels of the organization, and perhaps from outside the company as well

-define management

-is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources -

-what activities do managers tend to like the most? -what about the least?

-leading others, networking, and leading innovation -controlling subordinates, handling paperwork, and managing time pressures

-define trial by fire -what is the most valuable resource to managers? -define time management

-learning on the job as they go(but managers are beginning to see need for more training) -time -refers to using techniques that enable you to get more done in less time and with better results, be more relaxed, and have more time to enjoy your work and your life.

-distinguished for its application of mathematics, statistics, and other quantitative techniques to management decision making and problem solving -To handle the massive and complicated problems associated with modern global warfare, managerial decision makers needed more sophisticated tools than ever before, what approach help solve these? -this is also called quantitative perspective

-management science

Technology driven Workplace: 2 popular new uses 2. Supply chain management: -refers to? -define supply chain

-managing the sequence of suppliers and purchasers and covers all stages of processing, from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers -a network of multiple businesses and individuals that are connected through the flow of products or services

-define social entity: -define goal directed -define deliberately structured:

-means being made up of two or more people -designed to achieve some outcome -tasks are divided, and responsibility for their performance is assigned to organization members

Managing the New People-Driven Workplace: 2 responses 2.Using Engagement to Manage Millennials: -define engagement -what do millenials want in management? **not afraid to question authority**

-means that people are emotionally involved in their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization and its mission - They want a flexible, collaborative work environment that is challenging and supportive, with access to cutting-edge technology, opportunities to learn and further their careers and personal goals, and the power to make substantive decisions in the workplace.

define function of controlling

-monitoring employees' activities, determining whether the organization is moving toward its goals, and making corrections as necessary.

-Small, offbeat, and nonprofit organizations are _____ numerous than large, visible corporations—and just as important to society. -what are the 2 "E's" Responsibilities of managers:

-more -effectiveness and efficiency

-All managers have to pay attention to costs, but severe cost cutting to improve efficiency can sometimes hurt what? -what is the ultimate responsibility of and efficient and effective manager?

-organizational effectiveness -achieve high performance

-define ceremony -ceremonies function to?

-planned activity at a special event that is conducted for the benefit of an audience -to provide dramatic examples of company values

Technology driven Workplace: 2 popular new uses 1. Big Data Anaytics: -how is it relative to usage and satisfaction? -refers to? -an example? -a direct descendant of?

-relatively low in usage but was ranked No. 1 in satisfaction - to technologies, skills, and processes for searching and examining massive, complex sets of data that traditional data processing applications cannot handle to uncover hidden patterns and correlations -Facebook looks at all your posted info and offers friend suggestions - Frederick Winslow Taylor's scientific management

General Managers: -responsible for?

-several departments that perform different functions

Management practices and perspectives vary in response to what 3 types of changes in the larger society.

-social -political -economic

-define organization -describe the importance of organizations?

-social entity that is goal-directed and deliberately structured -organizations bring together knowledge, people, and raw materials to perform tasks that no individual could do alone.

small and large businesses tend to emphasixe roles differently: -Managers in small companies often see their most important role as that of? -The entrepreneur role is also critical in small businesses because -Small-business managers tend to rate ______ on the leader role and on information-processing roles, compared with their counterparts in large corporations.

-spokesperson: bc they must promot their small business to the world -managers must be innovative and help their organizations develop new ideas to remain competitive. -lower

-is the ability to see both the distinct elements of a system or situation and the complex and changing interaction among those elements -define system -subsystem -what is synergy

-systems thinking -set of interrelated parts that function as a whole -parts of systems that depend on one another -the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

-Contengency View:(variables)

-tells us that what works in one setting might not work in another.

-define environmental uncertainty **characteristics that influence uncertainty are the number of factors that affect the organization and the extent to which those factors change.** -When external factors change rapidly, the organization experiences

-that managers do not have sufficient information about environmental factors to understand and predict environmental needs and changes -high uncertainty

What are Labor market forces affecting organizations right now?

-the growing need for computer-literate knowledge workers -the necessity for continuous investment in human resources through recruitment, education, and training to meet the competitive demands of the borderless world -the effects of international trading blocs, automation, outsourcing, and shifting facility locations on labor dislocations, all of which create unused labor pools in some areas and labor shortages in others

-define culture -culture helps managers do what?

-the set of key values, beliefs, understandings, and norms shared by members of an organization -helps managers understand the hidden, complex aspects of organizational life

Administrative principles approach: -focus on: -who was a major contributor? (14 principles ofmgmt) -"father of African-American management. (outlined 8 fundamental necessities)

-the total organization -Henri Fayol -charles Clinton Spaulding

define the function of leading

-the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals -creating a shared culture and values, communicating goals to people throughout the organization, and infusing employees with the desire to perform at a high level

-was is a primary difference for nonproft businesses compared to profit businesses? -financial resources for non profits tend to come from? -major problem for nonprofits? -Nonprofit managers, committed to serving clients with limited resources, must focus on keeping

-their goal is social impact over profit -come from taxes, appropriations, grants, and donations rather than from the sale of products or services to customers -finding a steady flow of funding -organizational costs as low as possible

For each of the management principles the traditional approach is given, what are the new competencies?(approaches) -Overseeing work: from controller to -Accomplishing Tasks:From supervising individuals to -Managing relationships: from conflict and competition to -Leading: From autocratic to -Designing: From maintaining stability

-to enabler -to leading teams -to collaboration,including the use of social media -to empowering, sometimes bossless -to mobilizing for change

Mergers and joint ventures: -why do them? -whats the trend in recent years? -define merger -define joint venture

-to reduce environmental uncertainty -A frenzy of merger and acquisition activity, both in the United States and internationally, in recent years is an attempt by organizations to cope with the tremendous volatility of the environment -occurs when two or more organizations combine to become one -involves a strategic alliance or program by two or more organizations

-difference between vertical and horizontal differences in mgmt level? -vertical includes -horizontal includes

-top, middle, and front line managers -functional and general managers

Trend change in the function of controlling: -one trend in recent years is for companies to place less emphasis on top-down control and more emphasis on - the ultimate responsibility for control still rests with?

-training employees to monitor and correct themselves -managers

Gneral environment includes these dimensions: -International -technological -sociocultural -economic -legal political -natural

-which includes events originating in foreign countries, as well as new opportunities for U.S. companies in other countries; -includes scientific and technological advancements in a specific industry, as well as in society at large -represents the demographic characteristics, norms, customs, and values of the general population. - represents the general economic health of the country or region in which the organization operates. -includes government regulations at the local, state, and federal levels, as well as political activities designed to influence company behavior. -includes all elements that occur naturally on Earth, including plants, animals, rocks, and resources such as air, water, and climate

Internal environment: -describe: -includes?

-which includes the elements within the organization's boundaries -composed of current employees, management, and especially corporate culture, which defines employee behavior in the internal environment and how well the organization will adapt to the external environment

-define performance

-which is the attainment of organizational goals by using resources in an efficient and effective manner

-what does it mean to represent high-performance culture?

1. Is based on a solid organizational mission or purpose 2. embodies shared adaptive values that guide decisions and business practices 3. encourages individual employee ownership of both bottom-line results and the organization's cultural backbone

The 4 subspecies of classical perspective

1. Scientific management 2. bureaucratic organizations 3. administrative principles science

What are the 5 tasks of managment:

1. Set objectives 2. organize 3. motivate and communicate 4.Measure 5. Develop people

-what are the 3 subsets of management science 1. operations research 2.operations management 3. information technology

1. consists of mathematical model building and other applications of quantitative techniques to managerial problems. 2. to the field of management that specializes in the physical production of goods or services. 3.designed to provide relevant information to managers in a timely and cost-efficient manner

what are the 3 subfields of the humanistic persoective?

1. human relations movement 2. human resources perspective 3. behavior sciences approach

Business Intelligence: 1.describe 2. what is boundary spanning 3. fastest-growing segment of business intelligence is 3. what is competitive intelligence (CI)

1. results from using sophisticated software to search through internal and external data to spot patterns, trends, and relationships that might be significant -refers to searching and examining massive, complex sets of data to uncover hidden patterns and correlations and make better decision 2. Links to and coordinates the organization with key elements in the external environment 3. big data analytics

The 5 tasks fall into 4 fundamental functions of management, which go in each? 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Leading 4. Controlling

1. setting goals and deciding activities 2.organizing activities and people 3. motivating, communicating with, and developing people 4.

-define effectiveness -define efficency

1. the degree to which the organization achieves a stated goal, or succeeds in accomplishing what it tries to do. -aka: means providing a product or service that customers value 2. amount of resources used to achieve an organizational goal -aka: defined as the amount of resources used to produce a product or service

-The 4 types of cultures are based on what factors?

1. the extent to which the external environment requires flexibility or stability 2. the extent to which a company's strategic focus is internal or external.

-Culture can be analyzed at 2 levels: 1. surface level: 2. Deeper Level: **Some values become so deeply embedded in a culture that members are no longer consciously aware of them. **

1. visible artifacts, which include things such as manner of dress, patterns of behavior, physical symbols, organizational ceremonies, and office layout 2. values and beliefs, which are not observable but can be discerned from how people explain and justify what they do

Describe Each manager activity: 1. Adventures in multitasking 2. Life on speed dial 3. Where Does a Manager Find the Time?

1. widespread and voluminous nature of a manager's tasks 2. performs a great deal of work at an unrelenting pace 3. most managers often feel the pressure of too much to do and not enough time to do it

Although its agreed many skills are needed to be an effective and efficient manager they can all be put into 3 categories, what are they?

1.technical skills 2. human skills 3. conceptual skills

Which culture type? -requires fast response and high-risk decision making. -Employees have the autonomy to make decisions and act freely to meet new needs, and responsiveness to customers is highly valued -Managers also actively create change by encouraging and rewarding creativity, experimentation, and risk taking


Influence the environment:

Boundary spanning also includes activities that represent the organization's interest in the environment and attempt to influence elements of the external environment

What is a distinction that sets social media use in business apart from other technological advances?

For the first time, a new technology (thing of production) adds directly to the humanity of production.

-He developed a description of managerial work that included three general characteristics and ten roles

Henry Mintzberg

Describing?: -middle levels of the organization and are responsible for business units and major departments -department head, division head, manager of quality control, and director of the research lab. esponsible for implementing the overall strategies and policies defined by top managers. Middle managers generally are concerned with the near future, rather than with long-range planning.

Middle management

what is this describing: - It was believed that the factor that best explained increased output was human relations. -Most agree Money was not the cause of the increased output -So many factors were changed and so many unforeseen factors uncontrolled that scholars disagree on the factors that truly contributed to the general increase in performance over that time period.

Relay Assembly Test Room (RATR) experiment

-corporate culture -production technology -organization structure -physical facilities.

The Internal Environment

Assumptions of which theory? -The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible. -Because of the human characteristic of dislike for work, most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives. -The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security above all.

Theory X

Assumptions of which Theory? -The expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest. The average human being does not inherently dislike work. -External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means for bringing about effort toward organizational objectives. A person will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives to which he or she is committed. -The average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek responsibility. -The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity, and creativity in the solution of organizational problems is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population. -Under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the average human being are only partially utilized.

Theory Y

what is this describing: -at the top of the hierarchy and are responsible for the entire organization -have titles such as president, chairperson, executive director, CEO, and executive vice president -responsible for setting organizational goals, defining strategies for achieving them, monitoring and interpreting the external environment, and making decisions that affect the entire organization. -Look at long term decisions -responsible for creating and sharing cultural values and nurture to keep company innovative

Top managers

These have all led to? -Technological advances such as social media and mobile apps, -the move to a knowledge/information-based economy, -the rise of virtual work, global market forces, the growing threat of cybercrime, -and shifting employee and customer expectations

a decline in organizational hierarchies and more empowered workers, which calls for a new approach to management that may be quite different from managing in the past

Which culture type: -concerned with serving specific customers in the external environment, but without the intense need for flexibility and rapid change -results-oriented culture values competitiveness, aggressiveness, personal initiative, cost cutting, and willingness to work long and hard to achieve results -An emphasis on winning and achieving specific ambitious goals is the glue that holds the organization together

achievement culture

which culture type? -uses an internal focus and a consistency orientation for a stable environment -Following the rules and being thrifty are valued -the culture supports and rewards a methodical, rational, and orderly way of doing things

consistency culture

Companies that succeed in a turbulent world are those in which managers are evaluated and rewarded for paying careful attention to?

cultural values and business performance

_______ guides how people within the organization interact with one another and how the organization interacts with the external environment; thus culture plays a significant role in organizational success


The function of Planning means identifying goals for future organizational performance and deciding on the tasks and use of resources needed to attain them

defining where they want to be in the future and how to get there

Another problem for many new managers is that they expect to have greater freedom to do what they think is best for the organization but instead?

find themselves hemmed in by interdependencies

which culture type: -emphasizes an internal focus on the participation of employees to adapt rapidly to changing needs from the environment. -a high value on meeting the needs of employees, and the organization may be characterized by a caring, family-like atmosphere -Managers emphasize values such as cooperation, consideration of both employees and customers, and avoiding status differences.

involvement culture

whats this describing? -is a system formed by the interaction among a community of organizations in the environment. -includes organizations in all the sectors of the task and general environments that provide the resource and information transactions, flows, and linkages necessary for an organization to thrive

organizational ecosystem

-Due to the problems arising in classical perspective period and the development of large, complex organizations demanded a new approach to coordination and control....led to???

salaried manager concept was born

What are these? -A new generation of technologically savvy consumers has intimately woven technology into every aspect of their lives -Young people are also leading the trend toward widespread social equality -the most recent U.S. census data show that more than half of all babies born in 2011 were members of minority groups, the first time that has happened in U.S. history.

sociocultural trends that are changing the consumer and business landscape:

What is this describing? -typically follows planning and reflects how the organization tries to accomplish the plan -involves assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating authority, and allocating resources across the organization

the function of organizing

-define future facing

they design the organization and culture to anticipate threats and opportunities from the environment, challenge the status quo, and promote creativity, learning, adaptation, and innovation.

what are these? (READ ALL) 1. ineffective comm skills and practices 2.poor work relationships/ interpersonal skills 3. person job mismatch 4. failure to clarify direction or performance expectations 5.failure to adapt and break old habits 6. breajdown of delegation and empowerment 7.lack of personal integrity and trustworthiness 8. inability to develop cooperation and teamwork 9. inability to lead/ motivate others 10. poor planning practices

top causes of manager failure -all/most have to do with human skills

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