MGT 300 Quiz 2, 3, 4

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The CEO of Moserco is concerned that 70% of Moserco's products are purchased by Walmart. Her concern is defined as:


Which of the following is NOT a non-tariff barrier?

All of these are non-tariff barriers

A person formally designated to guide a change initiative in an organization is referred to as:

Change Agent

Which paradigm for managing diversity focuses primarily on equal opportunity, fair treatment and recruitment of minorities?

Discrimination and fairness paradigm

DHS video tapes beat out Betamax to become the preferred analog video format. Later Blu-ray beat HD-DVD as the preferred digital video format. QWERTY remains more popular than Dvorak keyboard designs. These are all examples of:

Dominant design

Sally is one of four employees assigned to a team to make recommendations regarding new uniforms for the staff. This is an example of a(n):

Employee involvement team

Bob reads the Wall Street Journal every morning before heading to work. This is an example of:

Environmental scanning

Which important trade treaty was first signed shortly after World War II and was replaced in 1995 by the formation of the World Trade Organization?


Volvo is headquartered in Sweden, but its North American headquarters are in Greensboro, NC. This is an example of:

Geographic departmentalization

The process of broadening the types of tasks performed to make the job less repetitive and more interesting is called:

Job enlargement

Winston Salem State University's Center for Design Innovation was built by Samet/SRS Inc., a separate company formed by Samet Corp based in Greensboro, NC, and SRS, Inc. based in Gallatin, TN. This type of arrangement is called a(n):

Joint venture

Employees in Russia are generally much more comfortable having their supervisors give them direct orders than employees in Denmark, who prefer to have more say in decisions that affect them. This cultural dimension is referred to as:

Power distance

Which term describes industries that have periods of relative stability interrupted by periods of rapid, dynamic change, then followed by periods of stability again?

Punctuated Equilibrium

Bob is one of four students assigned to a project team in his Bryan MBA class. The team earned an A on their project, but they estimated that Bob only accounted for about 5% of the work done by the team. Bob is is an example of:

Social loafing

The customers, competitors, suppliers, industry regulations, and advocacy groups that are unique to an industry and directly affect how a company does business is referred to as:

Specific Environment

A theory of corporate responsibility that holds that management's most important responsibility, long-term survival, is achieved by satisfying the interests of persons or groups with a legitimate interest in the company is referred to as

Stakeholder model

A direct tax on an imported good is called a(n):


A cycle that begins with the birth of a new technology and ends when that technology reaches its limits and is replaced by a newer substantially better technology is referred to as:

Technology cycle

The instructor referred to which popular example of Groupthink in the Introduction to Chapter 5 video?

The Abilene paradox

One key to having a strong organizational culture is to have a clear mission.


The first step in managing resistance to change, according to Kurt Lewin, is:


Pornography streaming on a nearby computer, a confederate flag hanging in a peer's office, frequent use of profanity and racial slurs in meetings might be examples of:

a hostile work environment

If a European company buys 100% of the stock of an American company, the Amercian company is referred to as:

a wholly-owned subsidiary

Target was the victim of a security breach in 2013. While they were criticized for their response by some analysts, most agree that Target moved quickly to reassure its customers that the breach had been corrected, offered guests discount incentives to return to the store, and paid for credit monitoring services for affected customers. This represents what type of social responsiveness strategy?

accommodative strategy

In last year's Super Bowl, Bud Light ran an ad in which an order of corn syrup was delivered to their castle which was intended for the Miller Light castle, since Bud Light claims not to use corn syrup in its beer. This is an example of:

an attack

Moserco gives candidates for data entry positions a keyboarding test to see how quickly and accurately they can enter data. This is an example of a(n):

aptitude test

Which of the following is not one of the Big Five Personality Dimensions?

cognitive ability

Michael Porter would say that Walmart uses which of the following positioning strategies?

cost leadership

Differences such as personality and attitudes that are communicated through verbal and non-verbal behaviors and are learned only through extended interaction with others is referred to as:

deep level diversity

A strategy for reducing risk by buying a variety of stocks or businesses so that the failure of one does not doom the entire portfolio is called:


Which theory says that workers will be motivated if they feel they are being treated fairly?

equity theory

Jane volunteers to work overtime, readily assists others when needed and never complains. Jane gets the same pay increase as everyone else, even those who only did the very minimum. Jane decides the extra effort is not worth it and ceases those behaviors. Which theory predicts Jane's change of attitude?

expectancy theory

For several years Moserco gave a safety bonus to employees who completed the year without a lost time accident. Moserco stopped that practice a few years ago because they noticed nearly every employee received the bonus because there were very few workplace accidents. Workplace accidents have been on the rise since the bonus was suspended. This is an example of:


A satisficing solution is one that has been demonstrated to be the best possible solution out of all possible solutions.


Age discrimination claims are on the decline.


An expatriate or expat is an individual who attended university abroad, but returned to his/her native country to live and work.


Cash cow is a term from the Boston Consulting Group matrix model that describes a company with a low market share in a slow growth industry.


Cognitive maps are a visual depiction of how electrons move through the brain during times of heavy emotions.


Diversity initiatives and Affirmative Action are the same thing.


Goal setting has been shown to have little to no effect on motivation.


Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory states that leaders should not change their leadership style, no matter what the situation.


It is illegal for a Presbyterian church to require that its minister be a practicing Presbyterian.


Moserco has decided to give remote managers more authority to make decisions without approval from corporate executives. This is referred to as Centralization of Authority.


Multifunctional teams are work groups made up primarily of engineers.


Normative Decision Theory says that it is best if the leader makes important organizational decisions with limited input from employees.


One of the keys to maintaining a creative work environment is to develop a highly disciplined, hierarchical culture with well-defined rules and accountability.


Plans created and implemented by middle managers that specify how the company will use resources, budgets and people over the next 6 months to 2 years to accomplish specific goals within the mission are called operational plans.


Semi-autonomous work groups manage and control all aspects of their role of producing a product or service without needing approval from management.


Subjective performance measures such as a Graphic Rating Scales are best when the performance of a job is easily quantifiable.


Technological lockout refers to situations where a company has been hacked and no longer has access to its key data.


The dairy industry is an example of an industry with a high degree of environmental complexity.


The feeling of intrinsic motivation in which workers perceive their work to have impact and meaning and perceive themselves to be competent and capable of self-determination is referred to as Sequential Interdependence.


The vast majority of unethical behavior is committed by senior managers.


US Sentencing Commission Guidelines provide companies an incentive to cover up illegal activities rather than disclose them to federal authorities.


Unstructured interviews are much more effective than structured interviews at predicting which job applicant should be hired.


When resource scarcity is high and the external environment is complex, uncertainty by managers is likely to be low.


While diversity and inclusion initiatives are the right thing to do, there is no real business case that they help organizations perform better.


Employees at Moserco get paid every Friday. This is an example of:

fixed interval reinforcement

How does the EEOC determine if an organization's hiring or promotion practices unintentionally discriminate against a group?

four-fifths rule

Which of the following is not part of the basic model for ethical decision making?

get rid of any evidence

Which of the following is NOT one of Porter's Five Industry Forces?

global economic factors

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of utilizing a team?


A strategy that focuses on increasing profits, revenues, market share, or the number of places in which the company does business is called:

growth strategy

The degree to which two companies have overlapping products, services, or customers in multiple markets is called:

market commonality

Jane is a plant controller. She reports to both the plant manager in Richmond, VA where she works, and to the corporate controller at the home office in Chicago. What type of structure does Jane work in?


The set of forces that initiates, directs, and makes people persist in their efforts is called:


A budget is a type of:

operating plan

Stan is relatively happy at work until he finds out that Stewart, who was hired at the same time Stan was and has essentially the same qualifications and experience, makes more money than he does. Now Stan is demotivated. This is an example of

perceived inequity

An ethical principle that holds that you should never take any action that violates the law, for the law represents the minimum moral standard, is referred to as:

principle of government requirements

Jane is getting married later this year. She spends a lot of time on-line during the workday on wedding planning activities. This is an example of:

production deviance

Bob is a welder for Weldcorp. He didn't get the raise he expected and felt he deserved last month. Bob decides to start stealing welding rods from the company and justifies it by telling himself that they owe him anyway. This is an example of:

property deviance

Which of the following is NOT an extrinsic reward?


Milton Friedman felt that it was irresponsible for companies to divert resources from maximizing profits to social causes and charitable organizations. This represents what model of social responsibility?

shareholder model

A cushion of extra resources that can be used with options-based planning to adapt to unanticipated changes, problems, or opportunities is referred to as:

slack resources

Which of the following is the term for having the authority to advise, but not command, employees who are not direct reports.

staff authority

Which of the following gives employees the right to purchase company shares at a predetermined price, even if the value of the stock increases above that price?

stock options

A work team that has been together only a short period is starting to experience conflict as members try to exert their influence on the direction of the team. Which stage of development are they likely in?


A Purpose Statement is usually part of what type of plan?


An assessment of an organization's strengths and weaknesses (internally) and the opportunities and threats in the external environment is called.

swot analysis

_______________ plans are created and implemented by middle managers that direct behavior, efforts and attention over the next six months to two years.


Male CEOs are, on average, taller than the general population of males in the workforce. This is an example of __________ theory at work.


A government's use of trade barriers to shield domestic companies and their workers from foreign competition is called protectionism.


A needs assessment is the process of identifying and prioritizing the learning needs of employees.


According to Jeff Bezos, the ideal size for most teams is between 6 and 9 members.


Bob skips breakfast and then is forced to work through lunch. By mid-afternoon he is quite hungry and his focus on work begins to fade as does his performance. This is an example of Needs theories at work.


Candidates who score high on Individualism on a pre-employment assessment may not work well on teams.


Charismatic leaders can be either ethical or unethical.


Devils advocacy is a type of structured conflict used to combat groupthink.


Disparate treatment is generally intentional discrimination while disparate impact occurs when seemingly neutral policies have the unintended effect of discriminating against a protected group.


Diversity describes the variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among an organization's employees and customers.


Ethics is the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or a group.


General Electric fastworks is a kind of results-driven change approach by quickly experimenting with new ideas to solve customer problems, learning from repeated tests and improvements.


Having a competitive advantage means you can provide better value for customers than your competitors can.


In Contingency Theory, Fiedler assumes that individual leadership styles are consistent and difficult to change.


It is important to maintain flexibility with plans because things change.


Line authority as seen in most companies has its roots in traditional military structure.


Many international firms are hesitant to invest in countries like Venezuela, Egypt and Nicaragua due to political uncertainty.


Masculinity is a term that is used to describe aggressive and competitive cultures, while femininity describes cultures that emphasize nurturing and quality of life.


Modular organizations outsource non-core business functions, such as payroll or advertising.


Moserco has a VP of Finance, who handles all accounting functions, a VP of Operations, who is responsible for all product manufacturing, and a VP of Sales, who is responsible for all sales and marketing activities. This is an example of Functional Departmentalization.


Norms are informally agreed-on standards that regulate team behavior.


Organizational culture is the values, beliefs and attitudes shared by organizational members.


Planning is the process of choosing a goal and developing a strategy to achieve that goal.


Quid Pro Quo harassment occurs when employment outcomes, such as hiring, promotion, etc., are dependent on the individual submitting to sexual harassment.


Reinforcement theory states that behavior is a function of its consequences. Rewarded behaviors are repeated and behaviors followed by negative consequences will occur less frequently.


Situational favorableness describes the degree to which a particular situation permits or denies a leader the chance to influence the behavior of group members.


Skill-based pay programs pay employees for learning additional skills or knowledge.


Surface level dimensions such as age, sex and race should not be treated as more important than deep-level diversity dimensions such as disposition or personality.


The evolution of the iPhone is an example of an innovation stream.


The general environment refers to the economic, technological, sociocultural, and political/legal trends that indirectly affect all organizations.


The invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to top jobs is referred to as the glass ceiling.


Unity of command is a management principle that says a worker should only report to one boss.


Utilizing a Strategic Group is a good way to evaluate an organization's advantages and weaknesses.


While Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not specifically prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, the EEOC has made it clear that it considers such discrimination illegal.


While teams that are too large may have difficulty making decisions, teams that are too small may lack the diversity of skills and knowledge found in larger teams.


Leadership that creates a positive image of the future that motivates organizational members and provides direction for planning and goal setting is often referred to as:

visionary leadership

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